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Platonov yushka read a summary. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Year: 1935 Genre: story

Main characters: Yushka is an old man, Dasha is a doctor.

1935 Andrei Platonov writes the story "Yushka". The essence of the plot of the classic text is that Yushka, the main character, works as a blacksmith's assistant. He is ill with consumption. He sheltered the orphan Dasha. One fine day, Yushka was pushed in the chest, and he died. Dasha wanted to cure Yushka of the disease, but she didn’t have time - he died.

the main idea immortal work "Yushka" that Andrey Platonov draws the reader's attention to the inner content of the text, namely the problem of kindness, disinterestedness. Platonov focuses the reader's attention on the fact that kindness is blind in the souls of people. And when time passes, it becomes too late. Remember the proverb: "What we have we do not store - having lost weeping."

Read the summary of Yushka Platonova

The reader gets acquainted with the hero of the text - an old man of advanced age. This old man "worked" as an assistant to a blacksmith. He was practically blind, exhausted, and also suffered from tuberculosis. His real name was Yefim, but everyone in the neighborhood called him Yushka.

Platonov gives a portrait of the hero: he describes his gray hair, a sparse beard, white eyes, like those of a blind man. The author also talks about the short stature of Yushka and his thinness. It also tells about the life of Yushka with the owner, that he was fed for the work done, that they paid him a salary of 7 rubles 60 kopecks. The author also draws attention to the fact that Yushka did not need anything superfluous, and his clothes were inherited from his father.

It is told that the neighbors took an example from Yushka, that is, in the morning, like him, they went to work, and in the evening they went to bed early. Platonov draws the reader's attention that Yushka was offended, they threw pebbles and earth at him. This was done mainly by children and teenagers. And these same people were amazed at the good-naturedness and patience of Yushka. This calmness of Yushka angered those around him, and then they teased the old man even more. He was unperturbed.

Efim's inner experiences are described. Namely, that he liked the attacks of his "tormentors". He believed that since such signs of attention towards him, it means that they love him, they just do not know how to correctly express their feelings. The parents of the children frightened their children with the fact that if they did not study, they would become the same as Yefim. Adults also enjoyed beating Yushka. Yushka did not rebuff anyone. When he was severely beaten, he lay on the ground for a long time until Dasha, the blacksmith's daughter, came for him.

Yushka was lying down after the beatings, but he did not dare to die, because there would be no assistant in the smithy. When summer came, Yushka left for about a month to "breathe the air", because he was tormented by tuberculosis from a little. He was forgetful and told everyone different things about trips: either he goes to his sister, then to his niece, then to Moscow, then to the village, then generally where his eyes look.

People in the corners whispered that Dasha, the daughter of a blacksmith, was a hermit, like Yushka. Yushka, during his departure, "bloomed with his soul", he breathed easily. He knew how to enjoy the beauty of nature and life. He remembered his real age. He was only 40 years old. Unfortunately, the disease crippled his condition.

Like a month. Yushka was returning from a trip. He was teased and insulted again. Yushka felt that every time he was getting worse ... One day, a man offered to help Yushka die faster. Yushka was outraged by such a statement. This indignation of Yushka gave rise to the anger of a man, and he pushed Yushka in the chest with all his urine. Yushka fell face down to the ground.

A man was walking and saw that Yushka was bleeding. He leaned over to him, wanted to help, and realized that Yefim had died. Yushka was buried. All the villagers rejoiced at first, and then they realized that they had no one to vent their resentment, pain and anger on. After some time, a girl came to the village and began to inquire about Yushka. They explained to her that Yushka was resting in peace. Then she said that Yushka once sheltered her and helped her study. She is escorted to Yushka's grave.

Dasha weeps bitterly at Yushka's grave, because she learned to be a doctor only in order to heal Yefim. Then she decides to stay in the village and disinterestedly heal the suffering. People are proud that Yushka was able to raise such a daughter. Everyone has already forgotten about the fact that Dasha is an orphan not Yushka's own.

Picture or drawing Yushka

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There lived a very decrepit old man in the village. He helped in the nearest forge, was an auxiliary worker at the local blacksmith. He could not see very well and had almost no strength. He brought some water from the well, as much sand as he could carry, coal, well, he supported the forge, he kept hot iron objects on the anvil and in every possible way helped to do various work. His name was Yefim, but the inhabitants called him "Yushka".

Yefim was small and thin, his hair was gray and his beard was sparse, and his eyes were already as white as a blind man's. The old man lived with his master, went to work with him, and went home in the evening. He was fed for his work, and was given 7 rubles. 60kop. per month. He did not need luxury, since he wore clothes inherited from his father, and he did not want sweets either.

Neighbors, looking at him, got up and went to work, and in the evening, as Yushka came home from work, everyone began to get ready for bed. All the children and teenagers were surprised at the calmness of Yushka, because when he passed, they threw earth and stones at him, and he continued to go his own way, not paying attention to anyone. As a result, the children began to get angry at the old man. They were bored that he did not show his displeasure in any way. After all, if he had ever answered them, they would have fled in fear and, rejoicing, again continued to tease him. But he never took any action.

Yefim was glad that the children were torturing him, because, as he believed, if they care about him, it means that they love him, but they still don’t know how to show their love. Parents threatened their children that if they did not study, they would become like Yefim. Adult citizens also did not like him, and in every possible way looked for an excuse to beat him. And since Yushka was meek, the adults became hardened and beat him even harder. Usually, after such beatings, the old man lay alone on the ground for a long time, until the blacksmith's daughter came and took him away. She said that it would be better if he died, that he had no reason to live.

But Yushka did not dare to die, since his parents gave birth to him so that he would live, and there would be no one to help in the forge. The old man left his master in the summer for only one month, since he had problems with his chest since childhood. He kept forgetting where he was going: one summer he said he was going to the countryside, another to Moscow. Now he said that he was going to his sister, in another year to his niece.

And in the meantime, people whispered that somewhere there lived his daughter, the same hermit as he was. Somewhere in the middle of summer he was leaving, and, enjoying the smells of herbs, looked at the floating clouds and forgot about consumption. When he went far away from people, he began to show love for all living beings. Birds sang, grasshoppers chirped, and Yushka felt very well and calm. Yushka was not at all old, he was only 40 years old. But the disease, which greatly crippled his health, aged him ahead of time.

About a month later, Yushka came and continued to work, where he was again teased by children and beaten by adults. But every year he got worse. Somehow he met a neighbor who offered him to die faster. Yushka got angry and asked why he did not please everyone. But the neighbor got even angrier and pushed Yushka in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground.

A passer-by saw Yushka and realized that he was bleeding. And I realized that Yushka had died. Yefim was buried. And everyone rejoiced at this until they realized that Yushka endured their anger, and now they have no one to take it out on. One fine day, a girl approached the blacksmith's house, the blacksmith asked who the girl was to him, and she told that once upon a time he found her an orphan and arranged for her family. Every year he came and gave money for her education and life. The owner closed the house and took her to the cemetery.

She cried very much at his grave, because she began to study as a doctor only in order to cure him. The girl didn't leave. She started working in the village as a doctor and treated people for free. Everyone forgot that the girl was not Yushka's own daughter. But they continued to remember Yushka and were proud that he was able to raise such a daughter.

The story "Yushka" Platonov wrote in the 30s of the twentieth century. In literature, the author's works are usually considered within the framework of Russian cosmism - a philosophical trend, the central ideas of which were the theses about the integral nature of the universe, the cosmic destiny of man, the harmony of existence.

In the story "Yushka" Platonov touches on the themes of universal love and compassion. The protagonist of the work, the holy fool Yushka, becomes the embodiment of human kindness and mercy.

main characters

Yushka (Efim Dmitrievich)- “forty years old”, “illness has long tormented him and made him old before his time”; for twenty-five years he worked as an assistant to a blacksmith; he was bullied by both children and adults.

Yushka's daughter- an orphan girl whom Yushka helped to learn; became a doctor.

Blacksmith- Yushka worked for him as an assistant.

"For a long time, in ancient times, an old-looking man lived on our street." He worked in the forge as an assistant, as he could not see well and "he had little strength in his hands." The man helped carry sand, coal, water to the forge, fanned the forge and did other auxiliary work.

The man's name was Yefim, but all the people called him Yushka. “He was short and thin; on his wrinkled face” “sparse gray hair grew singly; his eyes were as white as a blind man's.

For work, the blacksmith fed him, and also gave him a salary - seven rubles sixty kopecks a month. However, Yushka almost did not spend money - he did not drink tea with sugar, but “he wore the same clothes for many years.”

When Yushka went to work early in the morning, everyone understood that it was time to get up. And when he returned in the evening - that it was time to have dinner and go to bed.

Everyone in the city offended Yushka. As the man walked down the street, the children threw stones and branches at him. Yushka did not swear, did not take offense at them, and did not even cover his face. The children "rejoiced that you can do whatever you want with him." Yushka did not understand why they were torturing him. “He believed that children love him”, “only they do not know how to love, and therefore they torment him”.

Parents, scolding the children, said: “Here you will be the same as Yushka!” .

Sometimes even drunken adults began to scold and beat Yushka hard. He endured everything in silence and "then lay for a long time in the dust on the road." Then the blacksmith's daughter came for him and, raising him, asked Yushka why he lives - it would be better if he had already died. But the man was surprised every time: “why should he die when he was born to live.” Yushka was sure that although the people beat him, they loved him: "the heart in people is sometimes blind."

From childhood, Yushka “suffered from breastfeeding”, because of consumption, he looked much older than his years. Every summer, in July or August, he went to the countryside. Why - no one knew, they only guessed that his daughter lived somewhere there.

Leaving the city, Yushka "breathed the fragrance of herbs and forests", here he did not feel the consumption that tormented him. Having gone far, he “bent down to the ground and kissed the flowers”, “picked up butterflies and beetles that had fallen dead from the path”, “feeling orphaned without them”.

A month later, he returned and again " worked from morning to evening in the forge" and again people "tormented" him. And again he waited for the summer, took with him the accumulated "hundred rubles" and left.

However, the illness tormented Yushka more and more, so he stayed in the city one summer. Once, when a man was walking down the street, a “jolly passer-by” began to hurt him, asking when Yushka would die. Always meekly silent, Yushka suddenly became angry and said that since he was "born according to the law", then without him, as well as without a passerby, "the whole world is impossible."

The passer-by was immediately indignant that Yushka dared to equalize him with himself, and hit the man hard in the chest. Yushka fell, "turned face down and did not move or rise again." Dead Yushka was found by a carpenter: “Farewell, Yushka, and forgive us all. People rejected you, and who is your judge! .. ”All the people who tormented him during his lifetime came to Yushka’s funeral.

"Yushka was buried and forgotten." But people began to live worse without him - now all the anger and mockery that they took out on Yushka “remained among people and wasted among them”.

In late autumn, a girl came to the blacksmith and asked where to find Yefim Dmitrievich. She said that she was an orphan, and Yushka placed her little “in a family in Moscow, then sent her to a boarding school.” Every year he came to visit her, bringing money so that she could live and study. Now she had already graduated from the university, trained as a doctor, and came herself, since this summer Efim Dmitrievich did not come to visit her.

The girl stayed in the city and began working in a hospital for consumptives, helping sick people for free. “And everyone knows her, calling the daughter of the good Yushka, having long forgotten Yushka himself and the fact that she was not his daughter.”


In Platonov's story "Yushka", the holy fool Efim is depicted as a kind and warm-hearted person. Despite the fact that everyone in the city offends him, taking out all his anger on him, the man endures all the bullying. Yushka understands that without him the world would be worse, that he has his own special purpose in life. After the death of the holy fool, his kindness is embodied in his adopted daughter. Taking care of the little orphan, Yushka teaches her to love the world and people just as he loves. And the girl adopts his science, then helping the whole city.

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Retelling rating

Average rating: 4.3. Total ratings received: 1914.

Title of the work: Yushka

Year of writing: 1935

Genre: story

Main characters: Yushka- old man Dasha- doctor.

A heartfelt and sad story does not fit into the summary of the story "Yushka" for a reader's diary, but it shows its essence well.


Yushka is a small and frail peasant with a gray head. He can barely see and suffers from tuberculosis. The old man works in the smithy as an assistant and earns his living, he does not need more. Every day in the village, he is laughed at and mocked because he never answers or fights back. Children and adults love to make fun of Yushka, and sometimes even beat him or tease him. The old man patiently endures insults and sees goodness in fellow villagers - they say, they really love him, but they do not know how to express feelings. Once a year, Yushka goes on vacation to get some air. On vacation, he recalls his youth. In fact, he is 40 years old, but tuberculosis has aged him. Returning to the village, he dies. Dasha comes to the village - Yushka raised her. She trained as a doctor to cure him. Dasha mourns her mentor and stays in the village to help the sick and needy.

Conclusion (my opinion)

You can't hurt the weak who can't defend themselves. Helpless people have a strong and high spirit, they are not as primitive as solving problems by force. Yushka was rich in soul and deserved respect and attention, but only one person knew about it - his student Dasha. These people need to be protected, not destroyed.

Answer from Polina Myshelova[expert]
He is so small. Yushka, a weak man in his forties, worked at a mill. People constantly took out their anger on him: for example, children beat him with sticks, threw stones, but Yushka did nothing to them. He thought that people love him, they just don't know how to express their love. Yushka received little: seven rubles and sixty kopecks. Every summer he left his master at the mill and took this money to an orphan girl. Yushka placed her with a family in Moscow, then sent her to a boarding school. At the end of the story, Yushka dies. They bury him unnoticed. But people missed him. They had no one else to take their anger out on. The girl graduated from a doctor's apprenticeship and began working in a hospital; she did not pay a single fee for a license.

Answer from Victoria[active]
better read the original!

Answer from VLAD CIUHLEI[newbie]
gygygy lol yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Answer from Cutie[newbie]

Answer from Angry IT guy[master]

Answer from Ivan Polyakov[newbie]

Answer from Yergey Tyurkin[newbie]
Efim, who is popularly called Yushka, works as a blacksmith's assistant. This weak, old-looking man was only forty years old. He looks like an old man because of consumption, which he has been ill for a long time. Yushka has been working in the smithy for so long that the locals compare their watches with him: adults, seeing how he goes to work, wake up the young ones, and when he returns home, they say that it's time to have dinner and sleep.
Very often, children and adults offend Yushka, beat him, throw stones, sand and earth at him, but he endures everything, does not take offense and is not angry with them. Sometimes children try to make Yushka angry, but nothing comes of it, and sometimes they don't even believe that Yushka is alive. Yushka himself believes that those around him show “blind love” for him in this way.
Yushka does not spend the money she earns, she only drinks empty water. Every summer he goes somewhere, but no one knows where exactly, and Yushka does not admit, he names different places. People think that he goes to his daughter, who is just like him, simple and useless.
Every year Yushka becomes weaker from consumption. One summer, instead of leaving, Yushka stays at home. That evening, as usual, he returns from the forge and meets a passerby who begins to make fun of him. For the first time, Yushka does not tolerate ridicule in silence, but answers the passerby that if he was born, then the white world needs him. These words are not to the taste of the passer-by. He pushes Yushka in the sore chest, he falls and dies.
A passing master finds Yushka and realizes that he is dead. All the neighbors from his street come to Yushkin's funeral, even those who offended him. Now they had no one to take their anger out on, and people began to swear more often.
One day, an unfamiliar girl appears in the city, frail and pale, and begins to look for Yefim Dmitrievich. The blacksmith does not immediately remember that that was the name of Yushka.
At first, everyone considers the girl Yushka's daughter, but she turns out to be an orphan. Yushka took care of her, placed her first in a Moscow family, then in a boarding school with training. Every summer he went to the girl and gave all the money he earned to her. Knowing about Yushka's illness, the girl trained as a doctor and wanted to cure him. She did not know that Yushka had died - he simply did not come to her, and the girl went to look for him. The blacksmith takes her to the cemetery.
The girl remains to work in that city, selflessly helps people, and everyone calls her "Yushka's daughter", no longer remembering who Yushka is, and that she is not his daughter.

Answer from sergey shabashny[newbie]
Efim, who is popularly called Yushka, works as a blacksmith's assistant. This weak, old-looking man was only forty years old. He looks like an old man because of consumption, which he has been ill for a long time. Yushka has been working in the smithy for so long that the locals compare their watches with him: adults, seeing how he goes to work, wake up the young ones, and when he returns home, they say that it's time to have dinner and sleep.
Very often, children and adults offend Yushka, beat him, throw stones, sand and earth at him, but he endures everything, does not take offense and is not angry with them. Sometimes children try to make Yushka angry, but nothing comes of it, and sometimes they don't even believe that Yushka is alive. Yushka himself believes that those around him show “blind love” for him in this way.
Yushka does not spend the money she earns, she only drinks empty water. Every summer he goes somewhere, but no one knows where exactly, and Yushka does not admit, he names different places. People think that he goes to his daughter, who is just like him, simple and useless.
Every year Yushka becomes weaker from consumption. One summer, instead of leaving, Yushka stays at home. That evening, as usual, he returns from the forge and meets a passerby who begins to make fun of him. For the first time, Yushka does not tolerate ridicule in silence, but answers the passerby that if he was born, then the white world needs him. These words are not to the taste of the passer-by. He pushes Yushka in the sore chest, he falls and dies.
A passing master finds Yushka and realizes that he is dead. All the neighbors from his street come to Yushkin's funeral, even those who offended him. Now they had no one to take their anger out on, and people began to swear more often.
One day, an unfamiliar girl appears in the city, frail and pale, and begins to look for Yefim Dmitrievich. The blacksmith does not immediately remember that that was the name of Yushka.
At first, everyone considers the girl Yushka's daughter, but she turns out to be an orphan. Yushka took care of her, placed her first in a Moscow family, then in a boarding school with training. Every summer he went to the girl and gave all the money he earned to her. Knowing about Yushka's illness, the girl trained as a doctor and wanted to cure him. She did not know that Yushka had died - he simply did not come to her, and the girl went to look for him. The blacksmith takes her to the cemetery.
The girl remains to work in that city, selflessly helps people, and everyone calls her "Yushka's daughter", no longer remembering who Yushka is, and that she is not his daughter.

Answer from Alexander Jouravlev[expert]
He is so small. Yushka, a weak man in his forties, worked at a mill. People constantly took out their anger on him: for example, children beat him with sticks, threw stones, but Yushka did nothing to them. He thought that people love him, they just don't know how to express their love. Yushka received little: seven rubles and sixty kopecks. Every summer he left his master at the mill and took this money to an orphan girl. Yushka placed her with a family in Moscow, then sent her to a boarding school. At the end of the story, Yushka dies. They bury him unnoticed. But people missed him. They had no one else to take their anger out on. The girl graduated from a doctor's apprenticeship and began working in a hospital; she did not pay a single fee for a license. аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа Он и так малельний. Yushka, a weak man in his forties, worked at a mill. People constantly took out their anger on him: for example, children beat him with sticks, threw stones, but Yushka did nothing to them. He thought that people love him, they just don't know how to express their love. Yushka received little: seven rubles and sixty kopecks. Every summer he left his master at the mill and took this money to an orphan girl. Yushka placed her with a family in Moscow, then sent her to a boarding school. At the end of the story, Yushka dies. They bury him unnoticed. But people missed him. They had no one else to take their anger out on. The girl graduated from a doctor's apprenticeship and began working in a hospital; she did not pay a single fee for a license. He is so small. Yushka, a weak man in his forties, worked at a mill. People constantly took out their anger on him: for example, children beat him with sticks, threw stones, but Yushka did nothing to them. He thought that people love him, they just don't know how to express their love. Yushka received little: seven rubles and sixty kopecks. Every summer he left his master at the mill and took this money to an orphan girl. Yushka placed her with a family in Moscow, then sent her to a boarding school. At the end of the story, Yushka dies. They bury him unnoticed. But people missed him. They had no one else to take their anger out on. The girl graduated from a doctor's apprenticeship and began working in a hospital; she did not pay a single fee for a license. mon and so small. Yushka, a weak man in his forties, worked at a mill. People constantly took out their anger on him: for example, children beat him with sticks, threw stones, but Yushka did nothing to them. He thought that people love him, they just don't know how to express their love. Yushka received little: seven rubles and sixty kopecks. Every summer he left his master at the mill and took this money to an orphan girl. Yushka placed her with a family in Moscow, then sent her to a boarding school. At the end of the story, Yushka dies. They bury him unnoticed. But people missed him. They had no one else to take their anger out on. The girl graduated from a doctor's apprenticeship and began working in a hospital; she did not pay a single fee for a license. He is so small. Yushka, a weak man in his forties, worked at a mill. People constantly took out their anger on him: for example, children beat him with sticks, threw stones, but Yushka did nothing to them. He thought that people love him, they just don't know how to express their love. Yushka received little: seven rubles and sixty kopecks. Every summer he left his master at the mill and took this money to an orphan girl. Yushka placed her with a family in Moscow, then sent her to a boarding school. At the end of the story, Yushka dies. They bury him unnoticed. But people missed him. They are no longer

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