Home Trees and shrubs Lilac: description, varieties, cultivation

Lilac: description, varieties, cultivation

Most gardeners and summer residents cannot imagine their site without these beautiful and unpretentious bushes. Her large brushes are able to enliven any area, and the smell of lilac (especially on warm spring evenings) delights with its sophistication.

Lilac is popular and loved almost all over the world. Under natural conditions, it is common in Europe and Asia (mainly in China).

Lilac: description

These are rather tall shrubs (from 2 to 10 meters), blooming in May or early June. In an adult plant, the trunk diameter reaches 30 cm. The leaves are falling for the winter, opposite, pinnatipartite or whole.

The inflorescence is a panicle with small bisexual flowers (no more than 10 mm). The color can be varied: from snow-white to dark purple. The flower has two stamens. The smell of lilac is pleasant and quite strong.

The fruit is a small dense brown bivalve box containing two oblong seeds in each leaf. The lilac bush actively blooms up to 60 years.


Experts say that even beginners in gardening can grow lilacs on their plot. The description of the plant in special editions suggests that it is very unpretentious and does not require complex care.

Neutral soil is most suitable for these fragrant bushes. If it is acidic, then it should be treated with dolomite flour or lime. This procedure is carried out once every three years. It is better to plant lilacs in the garden on a site where groundwater passes no higher than 1.5 meters from the soil surface.

The plant prefers the sun, but also tolerates partial shade, besides, it blooms in this case much more abundantly than in the sun. It is undesirable to choose for planting areas blown by the wind. The lilac bush is also attractive to many because it does not need to be covered for the winter, since the plant has a high winter hardiness. But even such a strong and hardy plant has limitations when planting. Raw and marshy soil does not tolerate lilac. The description in the specialized literature indicates that clay soils are not suitable for it either.


Garden varietal species reproduce in several ways - layering, grafting, cuttings. If you propagate the plant by layering, by the fall you will already have a lilac bush (annual) ready for transplanting. To do this, it is necessary to make horizontal furrows near an adult plant, bend the branches to the ground and fix them in this position. Layers will appear quite quickly from the shoot buds. At the same time, the mother plant completely retains its decorative properties. Most gardeners find this method the easiest, unlike, for example, green cuttings. However, not everyone can reproduce this way.

For propagation of the bush by cuttings, well-developed shoots are needed. Work is carried out in the summer (June-July). For cuttings, the middle part of the shoot is used.

Lilac care: pruning

As we have already said, lilac, the description of which can be found in all publications on floriculture, does not require complex care. However, special attention should be paid to pruning the plant. Immediately after flowering, all faded brushes must be removed. This is due to the fact that flower buds appear on summer shoots. If you cut off faded inflorescences in the fall, then next year, in the spring, your lilac will not bloom.

If an adult bush needs to be updated from old branches to new ones, then this should be done gradually - one or two branches are cut out a year in the spring. Today, many gardeners prefer cultivated lilac pruning. In this case, they leave 6-8 main branches located at a small distance from each other, giving the bush a sprawling appearance, and the rest are removed. In addition, the branches directed inside the bush are also cut out. Thus, the bush acquires a very attractive appearance, especially during flowering.

Species, varieties, hybrids

Until now, botanists have not come to a consensus on the number of lilac species. Some claim that there are 13 of them, others have more than 30 species. This is due to the presence of natural hybrids in lilacs that appear during crossing in the natural environment, as well as during selection. Their number is not constant and increases rapidly.

In addition, sometimes science does not know all the "participants" of interspecific crossings. The most famous and popular lilac hybrids include:

  • hyacinth color;
  • Chinese;
  • Persian;
  • "Henry".

Popular varieties

The varietal variety of lilac is much wider. Today, there are several thousand varieties, which are mainly derived from the common lilac. Today, an international classification has been adopted, according to which varieties are described depending on:

  • flower shape (double or simple);
  • colors.

Common lilac

A small tree or shrub from 2 to 7 m high. It has a branched root system. The trunk and branches are covered with gray bark. On young branches, it is colored yellowish or olive. Thanks to its powerful root system, this type of lilac is successfully used to strengthen slopes that are prone to erosion.

Leaves are oval. At the very base, they are heart-shaped, with pointed ends. They are smooth and matte. The length reaches 10 cm with a width of 5 cm. They are attached to 15 cm petioles.

Lilac broadleaf

It is very similar to its ordinary "relative", but it blooms more. At the same time, the leaves are larger, and flowering begins a little earlier.

Lilac Hungarian

This is a more compact plant, the shrub of this species does not exceed 4 meters in height. The leaves are of medium size (8 cm), oval in shape, with a small petiole - only 2 cm. This lilac has erect branches. In a young plant, they are pubescent. The flowers are collected in many-flowered panicles, usually painted in dark purple. They have a strong aroma. Under natural conditions, it is found in the forests of Romania, Ukraine, Hungary.

Amur lilac

This plant is more like a tree than a shrub. Its height reaches 10 meters. In nature, it is often found in the Far East. Blooms at the end of June. The inflorescences are fluffy, with a delicate cream shade.

Persian lilac

And this magnificent plant is not found in the wild. Persian lilac seedlings were obtained by breeding, as a result of crossing finely cut lilac with Afghan. A small beautiful tree does not grow more than two meters in height, the branches are sprawling, drooping.

The inflorescences are not very large - 10 cm long and 8 cm wide. Flowers can be white or white-lilac. They have a strong and pleasant smell. Persian lilac blooms for quite a long time - from early May to June. It is used in single plantings and in groups of several bushes.

Terry lilac

Many types of lilacs have varieties with double flowers. As a rule, they are double: from one tube with four petals, a second grows, the same. If there are fewer petals in the second tube, the lilac is called semi-double.

Lilac "P. Konchalovsky"

One of the brightest representatives of terry varieties, which is rightfully considered one of the best in the world. A flower measuring 3 cm has 4 corollas. Very large inflorescences reach a length of 30 cm. Under their weight, the branches often droop.

White lilac "memory of Kolesnikov"

Another magnificent terry lilac. Its flowers look like roses. Inflorescences are large. Spreading bushes, average height - 4 meters. Named after the famous Russian breeder.

Monique Lemoine

Very effective white terry lilac. It belongs to the best varieties. The flowers are large (4 cm), the inflorescences are large, under the weight of their branches droop. Bushes of medium size, ideal for a small area.

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