Home Trees and shrubs Nordic walking technology. Nordic walking how to walk and how much. Choosing the right equipment: shoes, clothes, sticks

Nordic walking technology. Nordic walking how to walk and how much. Choosing the right equipment: shoes, clothes, sticks

Sport has long occupied an important place in the life of almost every person. But someone does not like grueling workouts, and someone, for health reasons, cannot decide on the direction.

An excellent solution to the problem in this case will be Nordic walking. Today we will tell you what it is, how to do Nordic walking with sticks and how to start training Nordic walking.

Nordic walking - advantages and rules

Nordic walking is gaining more and more popularity among amateur athletes. Its essence lies in the correct and coordinated movements of the arms and legs when walking with sticks.

What is the peculiarity of Nordic walking with sticks and what is its methodology?

But, despite the large number of positive aspects, Nordic walking has some contraindications.

You can get acquainted with a more detailed list of advantages and contraindications by reading the article "Nordic walking - benefits and harms."

If you have chosen Nordic walking with sticks for weight loss, it is important to follow some rules:

There are no requirements for clothes and shoes for Nordic walking - they must be comfortable for you. The main and only equipment for training are Nordic walking sticks. They determine the future effect of training and the level of stress on the body.

You can find Nordic walking poles in the article "How to choose Nordic walking poles".

Warming up is also an important part of any exercise. Nordic walking is no exception.

Warm-up before Nordic walking - exercises

In the complex, we have included exercises that are used in many sports, as well as exercises that you can perform with sticks. Perform all exercises slowly to avoid injury. Each exercise is repeated up to 10 times.

Exercise 1

We stretch the neck with circular movements of the head, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Exercise 2

Stretch the shoulder girdle. Put your hands to the side at the level of the collarbone. Move your arms back and forth in circles.

Exercise 3

We stretch the elbow joint and brushes. Bend your arms in front of you. Perform movements with your hands in a circle towards you and away from you alternately, simultaneously working out both joints.

Exercise 4

We stretch the muscles of the back. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides and slightly back, gathering the shoulder blades together. The arms can be bent at the elbows. From this position, turn the body to the left and right. It is important that the pelvis remains in place while doing this.

Exercise 5

Stretch the hip joint. Raise your leg, bent at the knee, in front of you and perform circular movements clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Exercise 6

We stretch the knee joints. Starting position, as in the 5th exercise. Perform circular movements only with the lower leg.

Exercise 7

Working on the ankle joint. Raise one leg.

Perform circular motions with the foot in both directions. Change your leg and do the same.

Exercise 8

Place a Nordic Walking pole with your outstretched arm in front of you. Lower your body, creating a 90-degree angle at the hip joint. Bend slightly at the waist. You should feel the stretch in your lower back and hamstrings.

Exercise 9

Here, put the stick closer to you. Rest your hands on the sticks, sit down on one leg, then straighten up.

Change your leg. 5-10 repetitions for each leg.

Exercise 10

Raise the stick with outstretched arms above your head.

We tilt the body alternately to the sides, fixing the pelvis in place.

When you warm up, you don't have to use all the exercises.

You can choose the ones that you like and that will help to work out all muscle groups.

But do not forget that the duration of the warm-up should be at least 15 minutes.

Nordic walking with sticks - walking technique with photo

The walking technique is simple, it is important to work out the movement of the legs and arms. The step should start from the heel with the transition to the toe. During the skid of the leg forward, the opposite hand with a stick leaves. The stick, when resting on the ground, takes a position almost parallel to the corresponding leg.

For example, if the right leg goes forward, then the stick will be parallel to the left leg. It is important to work not with the hand, but with the entire forearm to properly distribute the load. You can set the pace of movement yourself, taking into account your physical fitness. The main thing is that during the classes you feel comfortable.

Breathing during Nordic walking with sticks is also arbitrary. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. It is recommended to take two steps - inhale, three steps - exhale. It is important that during training there is no shortness of breath.

All these conditions and benefits make Nordic Walking an optimal sport for the elderly. The exceptions are people with diseases in the acute phase and with severe chronic diseases.

Therefore, older people are strongly advised to consult with their doctor before starting classes. The main rule of Nordic walking with sticks for the elderly is to enjoy the walk, and not to over-exertion.

Despite the simplicity of the technique, there are a number of mistakes that novice athletes make, reducing the effectiveness of Nordic walking to zero.

Nordic walking - common mistakes

  • Wrong stick grip. The stick must be held between the thumb and forefinger.
  • Small range of motion of the hand. The swing of the hand should be light and not stop at the level of the hip.
  • Weak handwork. When relying on a stick, try to transfer your body weight to it.
  • Weak brush. The brush should not be bent, but should be straight all the time.
  • The arm is bent at the elbow. All movements are performed from the shoulder. When bringing the arm forward and pushing away, the arm remains straight. In this position, the upper shoulder girdle works.

How to end a workout

After the end of the workout, it is worth doing a little hitch. Take a few deep breaths in and out. It is important to relax the muscles after the received load.

To do this, you can do stretching exercises. It is also not superfluous to take a warm bath after a walk or visit the sauna.

Many people of all ages have already experienced the amazing effect of Nordic walking. You can read the detailed reviews of some of them, as well as the comments of a specialist, by reading the article “Nordic Walking for Weight Loss - Reviews”.

Nordic walking technique with sticks - instruction on video

You can get acquainted with a large number of lessons for mastering Nordic walking in the article "Nordic walking with sticks - video lessons".

Nordic walking is gaining more and more popularity in the world. The undoubted advantages of this sport allow people who, for one reason or another, cannot train intensively, lead a healthy lifestyle and simply enjoy their activities.

Have you already experienced all the benefits of Nordic walking? What was positive for you? What were the difficulties? Share your plans, impressions and results in the comments.

Dear readers, this is my first article, which is devoted to such a type of physical activity as Nordic walking (Northern, Finnish). Hopefully not the last. In the article we looked at the benefits of regular walking for our health. We will continue to talk about the benefits of walking and talk about such an exotic variety as Nordic walking with sticks. Let's consider what is .

What "Nordic walking" Or Nordic Walking? This type of sports walking appeared in Finland (which is why it is also called “Finnish walking”) several decades ago, more precisely in the 40s of the twentieth century, and now millions of people are doing it around the world. In recent years, the number of adherents of this type of fitness has been growing in Russia as well. Clubs of lovers of this type of walking are being created, shops have appeared that sell equipment for it.

Nordic walking is walking with special poles, similar to ski poles, and, in other words, it is skiing, but ... without skis. Like this!

This sport walking is available to everyone, regardless of gender, age and state of physical fitness. There are no contraindications. It is especially useful for older people, and it will allow young people to maintain a slender figure. Classes can be held outdoors at any time of the year in the yard, on the streets, parks, forests, etc. In a word, everywhere. It is considered optimal to conduct 2-3 walks a week for at least 30 minutes. Nordic walking with sticks does not require a lot of time and money.

The effectiveness of this aerobic workout is extremely high. Benefits of Nordic Walking is that it:

  • According to doctors, it is considered the best sports exercise. It allows you to burn about 46% more calories than normal walking. Energy expenditure for one hour of walking is approximately 400 kcal;
  • activates about 90% of all muscles our body, stimulates the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, legs;

  • improves the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the level;
  • simultaneously maintains the tone of the muscles of the upper and lower body, trains endurance;
  • reduces pressure on the knees and joints, increases bone density, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, reduces the risk of fractures;
  • very well suited for correcting posture and solving problems of the neck and shoulders;
  • helps to move with sticks at a faster pace without much effort;
  • returns to a full life of people with problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • allows you to maintain athletic shape, vitality and appearance;
  • more affordable and safer for the elderly than running.

Includes special sticks (Nordics), comfortable clothes and shoes. You choose clothes and shoes according to your taste, but you need to buy sticks in a sports store.

There are two types of sticks: fixed length and telescopic, that is, with several retractable knees. Poles are made from various materials: aluminum, aluminum with carbon, 100% carbon poles, carbon fiber with carbon. They have hand grips.

The height of the sticks depends on your height. They are selected by multiplying your height by a factor of 0.68 (± 5 cm). For example, with a height of 175 cm, the length of the sticks should be about 119 cm (± 5 cm). It must be borne in mind that the higher the length of the sticks, the greater the load on certain muscles of the body. You can read more about the selection of sticks in the article. .

simple enough.

You must move in the same way as normal walking. In this case, the movements of the hands should be from the shoulder, and not from the elbows. Proper execution of Nordic walking technique guarantees its greatest benefits. What is the technique of Nordic walking?

  • tilt your upper body slightly forward, relax your shoulders and lower them;
  • arms and legs move alternately as in normal walking, i.e. with the right foot, the left hand is carried forward, and then vice versa;
  • roll your feet from heel to toe;
  • make the stride length wider than usual;
  • keep the sticks close to the body;
  • repulsion by the support stick from the ground occurs from the moment it is placed on the ground at the level of the body and up to the moment of separation from the ground in the rearmost position. In this case, the hand with the stick should be in one straight line.
  • do not forget to open your hand when it is in the rearmost position;
  • the support stick, after repulsion from the ground, is carried forward by the handle at an angle of 45 degrees. When the stick is brought forward, the hand closes;
  • the arm in front is slightly bent at the elbow;
  • Then comes the repetition of movements.

Having chosen equipment and having studied the technique of movements, you can start walking, which can be divided into three stages : warm-up, walking itself, relaxation after walking.

Warm up

As before any serious workout, you need to spend a few minutes warming up the muscles and joints to prepare the body for stress. To do this, you can do the following exercises.

  1. Take one stick by the ends with your hands and raise it above your head.
  2. Do tilts to the left and right several times.

Second exercise

  1. Put your right foot forward and swing back and forth.
  2. In this case, both hands move in the direction opposite to the movement of the body.
  3. Repeat the exercise several times, changing legs.

Third exercise

  1. Take the sticks in your hands and place them slightly behind your back.
  2. Do at least 15 squats.
  1. Stand up straight, hold on to a stick for support.
  2. Gently bend one knee and lift your ankle up.
  3. Take your ankle with your hand, bring it to the gluteal muscles and hold for 15 seconds, then change legs.
  1. Place both sticks in front of you shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place a straight leg forward, heel on the ground, toe up.
  3. Carefully, bend the other knee, lean forward with a straight back. Hold for 15 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.
  1. Take both sticks behind your back, arms slightly wider than shoulder width.
  2. Raise the sticks behind your back until you feel a stretch in your muscles.
  1. Place sticks in front of you.
  2. Bend your body down at the waist.
  3. Lean on sticks with straight arms and bend over several times.
  1. Grab the upper part of the stick behind your back with one hand, the lower part with the other.
  2. Raise the stick up until you feel a stretch in the muscles of the hand holding the bottom of the stick. Drop the stick.
  3. Change hands and do the exercise.

In the future, you yourself can come up with warm-up exercises for yourself.


Before you start walking, adjust the length of the straps that will hold the poles in your hands. While walking with sticks, slightly bend your knees, stretch your right arm forward and slightly bend at the elbow. Hold the stick at an angle. Keep your left hand loosely at the level of the pelvis and pull back. During each step, you must first stand on the heel, and then on the toe.

How to breathe correctly?

There is no particular way of breathing. At the beginning of the walk, you can breathe through your nose. As the pace of movement increases, you need more air than the amount that enters through the nose. So start breathing through your mouth. This will happen naturally. The main thing is that breathing should be calm and even. And, of course, you should be comfortable. You can also chat with the person walking next to you. Try to keep the ratio of inhalation and exhalation 1:1.5-2, that is, if you take two steps inhale, then exhale three or four steps.

A few years ago in Russia they started talking about a new sport or weight loss - walking with ski poles in the summer. This idea seems absurd, but nordic walking- This is a kind of method of physical therapy, which is used during recovery after surgery or to improve health. Doctors willingly recommend their patients exercise for weight loss. In particular, the presented method is useful for those who have an extremely high degree of obesity, which is already dangerous to health and needs a quick solution to the problem.

Nordic walking has a second name Nordic Walking. Race walking was invented in Finland in 1940 by skiers who had to practice their skills and keep themselves in shape in the summer. For sports walking in order to lose weight and better results, special sticks began to be used, which today are called Nordic walking sticks. Due to the rapid popularity of walking with sticks has received several names - Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish.

The benefits of Nordic walking are determined by the use of up to 90% of the muscles, when only 70% are involved in a standard workout or run. The use of sticks helps to reduce the load on the joints of the legs and hips, which suffer the most when moving or running with a lot of weight.

Despite the many positive aspects, walking with sticks has contraindications. They must be studied exactly and consult a doctor before classes. Further, the features and recommendations for Nordic walking will be presented in more detail.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

A fairly simple, affordable, but at the same time extremely effective type of physical activity. Many people go in for Nordic walking out of a sporting interest, to keep fit. And some include it in the rehabilitation program. For example, as the author of the article pointed out, after hip arthroplasty.

As for the use of Nordic walking for weight loss, I am of two minds here. On the one hand, it is very effective. On the other hand, it is impossible to lose weight with the help of Nordic walking alone. Especially having an "extremely high degree of obesity." In this case, you need a comprehensive weight loss program that includes diet and exercise. Moreover, the diet should be selected by a specialist, based on the results of a thorough examination.

In case of health problems, Nordic walking should be done with extreme caution, taking into account contraindications. And before you start exercising, you should consult with your doctor.

In some cases, Nordic walking can be dangerous. For example, in a person with angina pectoris, they can cause another attack. And in a patient with osteoporosis - even provoke a fracture of the femoral neck.

Indications for Finnish Nordic Walking

Indications are different - from weight loss to recovery after hip arthroplasty, where rehabilitation is only a month after surgery.

Doctors advise doing Finnish walking if you have the following health problems:

  • being obese or overweight;
  • respiratory diseases - during walks, the body will be saturated with oxygen;
  • various diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • depression, insomnia;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • recovery after surgery - if the musculoskeletal system and joints were affected.

Walking with sticks does not always help in recovery after surgery or in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Going out on such walks should be only with the permission and recommendations of the attending physician.

Benefits of walking with sticks

Nordic walking is beneficial for people, which is determined by the following factors:

  • blood and internal organs are saturated with oxygen, which has a positive effect on their work, improving brain activity;
  • the benefit lies in strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle - walks with sticks are recommended for people with heart disease, which are dangerous for the onset of a heart attack;
  • oxygen saturation helps to speed up metabolism - is an excellent prevention of weight gain;
  • digestion is noticeably improved, the ability to remove toxins from the human body improves;
  • elimination of toxins helps to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of developing plaques (blood clots);
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • improves muscle tone;
  • Nordic Walking improves coordination and balance.

About Nordic Walking Contraindications

We should not forget about the contraindications to the presented technique.

Here are the following diseases and health problems:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • joint diseases, osteoporosis - with such pathologies, intensive movements are prohibited, rest is indicated;
  • diagnosis of severe angina pectoris;
  • problems with severe blood pressure;
  • the initial stage of recovery after a complex operation - until the permission of the doctor.

It is noted that Nordic walking has a significant disadvantage - these are weather conditions, which in Russia can change abruptly and unexpectedly. Gusts of wind, rain or heat can only harm a person who is seriously involved in Nordic Walking. Going to the gym is problematic, because the athletes do not have enough space for a quality workout.

How to choose equipment

The beginner's guide begins with advice on choosing equipment. And rightly so, since most make serious mistakes when going for a walk with sticks. First of all, novice athletes pay attention to the choice of clothing, which is wrong. For a walk, you can put on a comfortable tracksuit or ski overalls, which will perfectly warm you from the winds in winter. Pay attention to the choice of shoes and the sticks themselves for movement.

In this case, you need to be guided by the following recommendations:

  • on your feet you should wear sneakers that will fit tightly on the foot;
  • the sole of the shoe should be dense, but well bending;
  • it is recommended to wear two pairs of cotton socks to protect yourself from rubbing corns;
  • the choice of the length of the sticks is treated with great attention - the height of a person must be multiplied by a factor of 0.7 to get the length of the inventory;
  • if the length is intermediate, then the value is rounded up or down - a shorter length is suitable for beginners and people with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, a longer length is preferable for professionals in Nordic Walking;
  • sticks are monolithic or telescopic - special retractable ones that increase in length as the child grows (Nordic walking is also useful for children);
  • it is important to pay attention to the material of the sticks - it is better to choose carbon, but in the absence of material possibilities, the choice is given to aluminum alloys.

Please note: High-quality equipment for Nordic walking costs from 3 thousand rubles or more - these are just sticks. Therefore, it is not recommended to take them with you for a walk in the absence of classes and transfer them to third parties in order to avoid damage.

In order to engage in the presented sport correctly, the Nordic walking technique with sticks must be observed.

What appears in the following factors:

  • the whole lesson is steps that should not be done sweepingly, but you should not slow down to walking;
  • in work, they adhere to the counter-move - when the left leg is lunged, the right hand goes forward, and vice versa;
  • the stick is held on the side, near the leg, at an angle;
  • as soon as they touch the ground with a stick, they take a step - put the foot on the heel, and then roll it onto the toe;
  • it is important to bend your knees a little;
  • it is important to work with your hands correctly - one hand is raised forward to a level of 45 degrees, and the other is pushed back, stretching it along the leg;
  • you can not rely heavily on sticks - this will provoke increased pressure on the musculoskeletal system.

It is recommended to follow the rules for holding sticks. They are held on their own with the help of special loops. They should not be squeezed in the hands with force - this gives an additional load on the hands and the entire musculoskeletal system as a whole, which negatively affects the state of health.

About effective classes

Walking correctly with Scandinavian sticks is not the main task of an athlete or a person who wants to improve their health with Nordic Walking. If walking with little effort can still be useful for strengthening the musculoskeletal system, then for weight loss such exercises will lead to an extra waste of time.

Instructions for effective classes are presented as follows:

  • eating should occur 1-1.5 hours before class;
  • movements should be fast, but you can’t go on a run - a person should feel comfortable walking, and not face shortness of breath problems;
  • gradually there is an increase in the load - in this case, increase the time of walking with sticks;
  • you can’t lower your head down while walking - it’s important to keep your posture, since violations in the position of the human body can provoke the problem of improper load distribution;
  • it is recommended to go out into nature for Nordic walking - you can limit yourself to the city park, where there is a large amount of greenery and trees;
  • at first, it is enough to train for 40 minutes, but gradually increase the exercise time to 1.5 hours;
  • you should drink water during training - this rule is especially true in warm and hot times when a person begins to sweat;
  • at the end of the workout, you should inhale deeply and slowly several times, you can do several stretching exercises.

Nordic Walking gives excellent results if you listen to the tips presented and follow them in full accordance. You can learn more about technique and training from the video.

About mistakes during training

It is noteworthy that beginners make numerous mistakes, which makes their training ineffective. In order not to waste time in vain, it is recommended to carefully analyze your workouts and eliminate possible errors.

The most common:

  • do not use real ski poles and other homemade parts;
  • it is important to pay attention to the position of the sticks - it is forbidden to cross them behind your back when moving;
  • it is forbidden to turn the body during the necessary repulsion;
  • a typical mistake is to use the strength of the hand, but not the elbow;
  • it is recommended to pay attention to the choice of the right shoes - sneakers that are comfortable for a regular walk and other similar models in this case will provoke the shifting of the load on the feet (the person will quickly get tired and will not continue training).

The benefits of this type of training are invaluable for human health and weight loss if necessary. For 1 minute of training, 10 kilocalories are burned, it turns out that in 1.5 hours you can lose half of the diet consumed per day. In addition, the technique perfectly strengthens the muscles, which has a positive effect on the relief and beautiful body. There are several tricks to improve the results - when moving, slightly tighten the abdominal muscles, as well as tighten the buttocks and mentally try to keep a coin between them. Thus, you can burn fat in these problem areas.

Nordic walking is a method for healing with special sticks, available to people of any age.

Today, no one is surprised by people walking with walking sticks, which we often meet in parks, on embankments, forest walking paths or just on the street.

These are, as a rule, positive, smiling pensioners who decided to go for race walking for their health. Or people for whom Nordic walking for weight loss has become a necessary part of life.

Finnish or Scandinavian Nordic walking was born from the necessity of Finnish skiers' summer training. The summer break in training was too long for the athletes.

Training without skis, only with poles, and exercising outdoors under the warm summer sun helped them keep fit.

Moreover, you can walk with a wide step, you can run, or you can just walk in an acceptable rhythm for yourself. That is why Nordic walking with sticks quickly gained popularity not only among athletes and not only among Scandinavians. Europeans of all ages have joined this trend in sports.

Nordic walking with sticks acquired the status of an independent sport in the 90s of the last century. Now this movement is popular all over the world, including in Russia.

Indications and contraindications

Swedish walking with sticks, as it is also called, is no different from Scandinavian, spreading across Europe, even received the name Nordic walking.

Optimists share their health outcomes with other people. Indeed, it turned out that walking with sticks for weight loss is an affordable and effective remedy.

The benefits of Nordic walking are as follows:

  • Filling the lungs with oxygen enriches the blood, makes the body turn on all systems in an intensive mode, get rid of toxins and fats. Burns 50% more calories than normal walking.
  • The level of endorphins rises, because you get a lot of positive emotions from fresh air and a smile, from landscapes that open up along the way, from allies walking with you, and most importantly, from a small victory over yourself.
  • The work of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system is noticeably activated, which leads to the strengthening of the myocardium.
  • The affordable Nordic Walking technique corrects posture, strengthens the muscular corset, builds muscle mass, or simply revitalizes flabby muscles.
  • It has invaluable benefits in the prevention of stress, depression, insomnia.
  • Improves coordination of movements, which is especially important during the recovery period after illness or surgery.
  • The mobility of the joints is restored.
  • There is a strong surge of energy.
  • The proven Nordic walking technique for weight loss leads to weight loss.

And all this does not require complex specialized training, it is shown to people of all ages, including children. Nordic walking during pregnancy will also benefit, because the intensity of the loads is regulated independently.

Of course, there are limitations. A person's well-being and an objective assessment of one's own strengths and capabilities are the most significant factor in deciding whether to start Finnish walking.

It will not be superfluous to get the advice of a specialist, but rather an experienced doctor, because for each person, contraindications to training in Nordic walking with sticks can be different, for example:

  • a long break in training;
  • complex injuries of the arms and shoulder girdle;
  • longitudinal or transverse flat feet;
  • acute heart failure;
  • high blood pressure, hypertensive crisis;
  • recent abdominal surgery;
  • acute pain syndrome;
  • infectious diseases with fever,
  • asthma;
  • degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system and deformation changes in the joints;
  • glaucoma and retinal detachment;
  • general weakness and poor health.

Outfit and equipment for classes

The main principle of choosing equipment is comfort. Sportswear for the season, in which you can easily do Nordic walking for weight loss, should not tire and interfere with free movements.

Shoes should also be comfortable. Special walking shoes are recommended, half a size larger than usual, so that you can put on a tight sock. This fixes the foot well, does not exert pressure when walking and insures against injuries of the ankle joint.

Well, and most importantly - walking sticks, which were invented by the Scandinavians. They are selected individually according to a simple formula: a person's height multiplied by 0.68. For example: 172 cm * 0.68 \u003d 117 cm. This will be the height of the sticks needed by a person with such height. You need to choose the length of the sticks from the size range as close as possible to the figure obtained. In our case, 115 cm, since the sticks are sold in increments of 5 cm.

Practice shows that it is more reasonable to use not telescopic poles that can be folded when walking and from a load, but sticks of a fixed length, matched to your height.

Benefit and harm

There are three factors that must be taken into account in training so that the benefits of Nordic walking are real and tangible, these are:

  • knowledge of walking technique;
  • suitable, comfortable clothing, shoes and properly selected sticks;
  • adequate assessment of physical capabilities.

Then the spine and joints of the legs are unloaded, pain disappears, confidence of movements appears and, of course, the mood rises. The heart rate and blood circulation are normalized, metabolic processes are accelerated. The muscular corset is strengthened, which is very important for age-related changes in the spine, joints of the arms and legs.

Regular Nordic walking also restores metabolic processes - for example, calcium in osteoporosis, which reduces the risk of bone fractures.

The accessibility of Nordic walking with sticks inspires and increases self-esteem and desire to enjoy life. The level of endorphins increases five times. As a rule, people find like-minded people in this sport, unite for classes. Friendly communication is always a joy, which means that there is no depression and there is an opportunity to get away from stress.


The technique of Swedish walking with poles is simple. Before walking, it is necessary to do several warm-up exercises, warm up the body, muscles and ligamentous apparatus, gradually increasing the range of motion from smooth to working.

Warm-up exercises, each repeated 10-15 times:

  • rolls from heel to toe, leaning hands on sticks;
  • swing each leg back and forth;
  • lunge forward with sticks;
  • torso to the left and right, holding a stick behind the head with both hands;
  • exercise "skier" - alternating swings with arms back and forth with a slight squat on the supporting leg;
  • pulling the body up with sticks.

While walking, the elbows do not press against the body, the back is straight with a slight forward inclination. Alternates: left hand forward - right foot forward, left hand forward with right foot. The foot rolls from heel to toe. The legs are placed in parallel, toes forward.

The sticks are loose. Loops on poles for Finnish walking conveniently protect the hand from incorrect movements. The sticks themselves help push off the surface to move forward. The pace should be comfortable for you.

While walking, you need to drink water. Today it is a proven necessity for all training.

How to walk for weight loss

Nordic walking with sticks - an assistant in losing weight. From the rhythmic work of the muscles, adrenaline is produced, and it burns excess fat, and much more efficiently than with normal running or cycling.

Running is more active than Finnish walking with sticks, it starts the process of burning muscle tissue, and when the supply of glycogen in the muscles is already exhausted, the body has not yet reached fat.

To lose weight while running, you need to monitor your heart rate so that it does not exceed 120-135 beats per minute. This is the optimal heart rate for burning fat. The Nordic walking technique for weight loss is designed for an intensity at which the heart rate is almost always in the fat burning range. At the same time, the pace at which you walk should allow you to breathe easily and even talk.

All parts of the body and systems are included in the work, it harmonizes the whole organism. It is this process that benefits and results in weight loss.

Nordic walking during pregnancy

The expediency of playing sports during pregnancy is obvious. It relieves tension in the back and helps fight fatigue. Outdoor activities are very beneficial. Breathing and relaxation skills are acquired in dynamics. They will help the expectant mother at the right time.

The endurance of all muscle groups increases, and this is a healthy spine that can carry loads without consequences. This is the process of relieving stress, burning excess weight, getting rid of excess fluid in the body.

The main thing is that the Nordic walking technique for pregnant women allows classes until almost the fortieth week and starting from the fifth day after childbirth, subject to good health. These are the doctors' recommendations.

There are also contraindications for pregnant women:

  • pathology of the heart, liver, kidneys;
  • miscarriage and history;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • pathology of uteroplacental blood flow;

These pathologies occur in 10% of pregnant women. All other mothers can practice walking. The load is always determined by the doctor, instructor and well-being.

Common Mistakes

Mistakes in walking technique turn into personal discomfort, and sometimes exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Therefore, it is worth considering the following:

  • Hands should not be thrown out far in front of the body. It is necessary that the handle of the stick does not rise above the navel.
  • The elbows do not need to be pressed against the body, otherwise the cervical and shoulder sections are clamped, this provokes the appearance of pain.
  • Fatigue comes from the direct and tense position of the body in motion. It is better to walk with a slight natural inclination forward.
  • Pulling sticks behind you is also a mistake. With sticks, you need to push off the ground and at the same time receive doubled energy for your own movement. Having received it, you will include your whole body in the process of movement.

The Scandinavians gave the world excellent walking technique. Its popularity in all countries proves this. Now each of us has the opportunity to choose the most beautiful places in parks and suburbs for walking, or simply walk with sticks on the asphalt around the house.

Who can do what, because the benefits of Nordic walking have long been proven, manifested and undeniable. Follow your health and mood with friends and children. Norwegian walking with sticks will also become your friend.

Useful video about Nordic walking

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Nordic Walking is an unusual exercise: suitable for both amateurs and athletes, young and old, it engages and strengthens almost all muscle groups. At the same time, it is important to know how to walk Nordic walking correctly so as not to harm your health.

The sport instantly gained popularity not only in the Nordic countries, but throughout Europe. At the end of the last century, such physical activity, which requires the use of special long sticks when moving, gained recognition around the world. But in Russia, athletes are just mastering this direction, and therefore beginners often suffer from a lack of information. A hunched back, a short step, a lowered head - these are the mistakes that every third beginner has.

In this article, we will figure out how to perform this exercise correctly and get the maximum result from each workout.

History of creation and features of Nordic Walking

Since ancient times, a person has been using a support when moving, but only in 1940 this technique took the form of an independent physical activity. Finnish skiers practiced with poles to strengthen their muscles and keep fit. Then a new type of training grew into an independent direction. Athletes wrote detailed instructions on how to properly start Nordic walking, but Mark Kantan brought the new movement to a finished look. He not only prepared the first full-fledged manual, but also filed a patent for its name - Nordic Walking.

The result interested not only the Finns, but also representatives of other countries. As a result, sport exists both as a competitive sport and as a full-fledged physical exercise. Performing the technique two to three times a week strengthens up to 90% of muscle groups, reduces the load on the spine and joints. Doctors recommend such training to solve the following problems:

  • Health promotion. Classes improve blood circulation and strengthen the heart muscle, give tension to the back muscles and the upper shoulder girdle - departments that are “idle” in everyday life, a general tone is acquired.
  • Recovery after serious illness. For patients who have undergone surgery or have a strict rehabilitation period, about 80% of the types of physical exercises are not available. Active walks with sticks are recommended by doctors for various pathologies, including the respiratory system.
  • Slimming. Weight loss methods approved by experts provide for a weight loss of no more than 4-7 kg per month. Nordic Walking burns over 350 calories per hour without overwork, fatigue or risk of injury.
  • Posture correction. Stoop develops due to weakening of the muscular corset. The pressure on the spinal column increases and the curvature leads to chronic lower back pain. The only restriction on training is sharp, intense pain.
With the correct execution of the exercise technique, you do not load the foot and do not erase the kneecaps, so there is no time limit for walking. This direction differs from running: you do not need to dose the course, it does not carry a potential danger to the body.

How to practice Nordic walking with sticks

You can start exercising on an ongoing basis without first consulting a doctor. An exception should be made in the following situations:
  • Acute phases of diseases.
  • Osteoporosis and other joint pathologies.
  • Chronic problems with tone in severe form (hyper- and hypotension).
  • Conditions in which bed rest is indicated.
If nothing from the list above applies to you, you can proceed to the selection of equipment. The equipment must match the situation.

Equipment and inventory

  1. Cloth. Athletic uniform should be appropriate for the season and not restrict movement. In the summer, a full suit is optional - breathable shorts and a T-shirt are enough. In winter, you should take care of both comfort and keeping warm. The best choice would be ski overalls in combination with thermal underwear of minimal thickness. Prevention of hypothermia is a necessary condition for exercising for a long time. You will not be able to both move correctly with Nordic walking, and you will not be able to breathe if your clothes prevent you from walking with full amplitude. A good option is Stayer overalls and jackets. The brand offers a wide range of equipment. Each product is distinguished by its bright design, wear resistance and thermal insulation.
  2. Shoes. Suitable running shoes for the season or demi-season boots - your choice. The main thing is to be comfortable: Nordic Walking is a pleasure when no external factors distract from training. The sole should be sufficiently dense, but at the same time elastic: to absorb impact energy, minimizing the load on the foot. A clear fixation of the leg is mandatory: if it “dangles”, you can get a sprain or a more serious injury.
  3. Sticks. The manufacturer is not as important as maintaining the optimal height ratio. Multiply your height by 0.7 and you get the perfect length. The equipment is available in various sizes with a universal "step" of 5 cm.
Choose equipment according to your fitness level. The more centimeters in the product, the more intense the load. If this sport is new to you, it is better to take a shorter option: it is easier to learn on it, which means that the return on training will be greater. It is more convenient to use telescopic sticks - they fold and move apart, which allows you to adjust the size at your discretion and even involve children in the event. Carbon fiber equipment will last the longest, but beginners can stop at an aluminum fixture - it is an order of magnitude cheaper.

You don't have to buy any other equipment for Nordic Walking. But this does not mean that the exercise can be treated as a simple walk. Watch for a comfortable position of the foot and the load on the muscles. And don't try to train in pouring rain or snow, it's dangerous as you could get hurt.

Movement mechanics - how to walk correctly with Nordic walking poles

Features of physical activity:
  • Movement requires the participation of 90% of the muscles - almost all tissues are involved in training.
  • Several complexes are being developed: knees, ankle, hip joint.
  • The load on the skeleton is minimal, the spinal column is not overloaded.
  • The move consists of alternating phases of transfer and support, which are a classical closed kinetic chain.
The main part of the exercise falls on the legs; the body maintains a relatively static position and regulates balance. The chain looks like this:
  1. The starting position is the reference phase. The foot is completely on the ground.
  2. The leg lifts off the surface and moves forward. At the same time, the quadriceps is actively working.
  3. Return to the support stage - from heels to toes. In this case, the body moves forward, and the leg is behind. The muscles of the lower leg and the inner surface of the thigh are included in the work.
  4. Cycle repetition.
Movement pattern:

The effectiveness of classes depends on the mechanics, so you should not neglect it.

Basic Mistakes

Before proceeding, watch the video on how to do Nordic walking correctly. At the end of the article, we offer a video that describes the technique for performing the exercises. If you do not know it, you may encounter common problems. The most difficult moment is the correct sliding of the stick handle in the palm of your hand. Movements must follow the diagram below. That is, you need to loosen your grip when the hand is behind.

Don't make the following mistakes:
  • Incorrect tip placement. They must be parallel to each other.
  • Lack of support. It is necessary to use inventory and push off the surface with effort.
  • Ski step. This is especially true for winter sports professionals who turn to Nordic Walking for muscle building out of season. Such techniques will not only not give the desired load, but also harm the shoulder complex.
  • Strongly bent arms. You are not running, so keep your elbows extended even when pushing. Only then will all the muscles be able to join in the work.
  • Attempts to stick tips into the ground or “lazy” carrying equipment in hands.
  • Handle grip too strong. Place the top between the index and thumb, and only lightly squeeze it in a fist.
  • Short hand movements. Your sticks should make pendulum movements. This is possible only if you do not break off the swing in half and bring the action to the end.
It takes one to three workouts to master the dynamics and get used to it.

Technique - how to walk and breathe correctly with Nordic walking

There are many varieties of Nordic Walking, hence the difference in approaches. If you are just starting out, it is better to focus on the classical technique. You can see what the standard step looks like in the diagram below.

A few tips:
  1. The foot is placed on the heel, then it rests completely on the ground and pushes off from the toe.
  2. Control your posture: the back is relaxed and straightened, the body tends forward.
  3. Pull your shoulders back a little.
  4. Do not try to make the walk difficult or pretentious. Avoid load distortions in any direction.
  5. Alternating limbs - as with a simple walk: alternately push each leg forward, combining this with the supporting movements of opposite hands. Elbows slightly bent.
  6. The step is slightly wider than usual, otherwise you will not feel the load.
  7. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The cycle should be completed in 5-6 leg changes.
  8. Release the stick when the hand refuses from behind: slightly open the palm, minimizing tension in the hand.
  9. Control the width and amplitude of the swing. The maximum allowed angle is 45 degrees.

Result from classes

Nordic Walking workouts are versatile:
  • they strengthen the respiratory system, develop the lungs;
  • contribute to the growth of muscle mass and the burning of body fat;
  • have a rejuvenating effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • develop joints.
After a month of practice, the back straightens, posture improves. Start taking care of your health today! For classes in the winter season, choose warm and comfortable clothing from the Stayer brand, it will allow you to make the right movements, strengthen your health with pleasure.

Video: how to walk with Nordic walking poles

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