Home Trees and shrubs Types of roses with photos and descriptions

Types of roses with photos and descriptions

Good afternoon to all readers!

Rose is a very popular flower and new varieties are constantly emerging. I'll try to tell you about different types of roses with photos and descriptions in today's article. The garden forms of this flower are obtained as a result of multiple crosses, selection and long-term work of breeders. From their wild ancestors, they retained the property of evergreen roses - the inability to prepare for winter and a long period of growth and flowering until late autumn.

Roses - a variety of species with a description and photo

Roses are conventionally divided into

  • Tea-hybrid
  • Floribunda
  • Patio
  • Shrubs
  • Park
  • Miniature
  • Climbing
  • Repaired
  • Polyanthus
  • Groundcover

Hybrid tea roses

Hybrid tea rose

This group is the most popular in floriculture. It includes several thousand varieties. Usually these are short shrubs up to 80 cm tall. They bloom for a long time and beautifully. Peduncles are single and inflorescences. The color of flowers is varied, they can be double and strongly double. This type of rose is widely used for cutting and decorative gardening. They are capricious in their care and demanding on growing conditions, they are thermophilic. They are distinguished by flowering "waves" and high quality roses.



This is a younger type of rose. They are similar to tea and multi-flowered (polyanthus) roses and are their descendants. Their flowers are flatter than those of hybrid tea and are not so large, it happens that they do not have a scent. They are distinguished by long and abundant flowering, are less demanding on growing conditions and are less susceptible to disease and damage by pests. They are widely used in landscaping, many varieties are good in cutting, grow quickly. They bloom from early summer to September.


Rose Patio

Roses low up to 50 cm. They can be called domesticated, since they do not hibernate outside at all. It is better to grow them in pots and bring them indoors in winter. But at home they will be hot. You need a temperature of about +10 C - on a loggia or patio - hence the name.

They color wonderfully all summer until late autumn - very beautiful.

Shrub roses

Shrub rose

This species is also called half-leafed or shrabs. They amaze with their volumes. They can be up to 2 meters high and wide. They are somewhat reminiscent of a cultivated rosehip, but the flowers are much larger and more terry. There are also dwarf varieties.

Plants are not very whimsical, they lend themselves well to shearing, but it is better to cover for the winter. Bloom for a very long time.

Park roses

Park rose

It is believed that these are varieties of cultivated rose hips. And some varieties do resemble rose hips. But this is a mistake. These are old varieties and those that can winter without shelter. Decorate parks. They can easily endure our harsh winters in the open field. Bloom profusely in June for a month. Used in hedges, groups, and single plantings.

Miniature rose

Miniature rose

This is a new variety of roses. Bushes 20-25 or 40-50 cm high - it depends on the variety. The evergreen bush is covered with dense shiny leaves. Small roses can grow in inflorescences or one at a time - the color is different. They bloom several times a season until the very frost. They can be grown in pots or containers at home. They are distinguished by resistance to pests and diseases, frost resistance.

Climbing roses

Climbing rose

From the name it is clear that they perfectly decorate pergolas, arches, decorate walls and fences. There are crawling and climbing varieties. Creepers bloom only once per summer and need to be pruned annually. Climbing species bloom several times and do not need to be cut off, they bloom on last year's shoots.

Repair roses

Repair rose

Very beautiful flowers: tall, with large double fragrant flowers. The color is varied. The bush can be up to 2 meters high. The thorns and leaves are also large. During the summer they bloom twice, for the winter they must be covered.

Polyanthus roses

Polyanthus rose

These are small, neat bushes with small buds collected in large inflorescences. There can be up to 100 roses on a bush! They are usually odorless, but bloom constantly from May to late autumn. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. There are simple and terry. They hibernate quite well. It is good to plant them in curbs. Can grow at home.

Ground cover roses

Ground cover rose

These roses do not grow upwards but to the side. They can spread a meter from the root. The shoots are very leafy, the leaves are shiny, they bloom for a long time and in abundance. Can decorate any venue. These roses are resistant to disease and frost.

The description of each species is given very briefly. I want to write in more detail about all types of roses in separate articles.

All types of roses are divided rather conditionally. And in each species, miniature, shrub and other varieties can be present. Breeders are constantly trying to develop new, interesting varieties by crossing different species. But I hope this article will help you better understand the different types of roses with a photo description.

Best regards, Sophia Guseva.

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