Home Vegetables What to tell children about strawberries. Ecology lesson in the senior group using multimedia “Berries are a means of healing the body. Why is it important to give children berries?

What to tell children about strawberries. Ecology lesson in the senior group using multimedia “Berries are a means of healing the body. Why is it important to give children berries?


The visual didactic guide “Tell children about garden berries” is intended for group and individual lessons with children aged 3-7 years in kindergarten and at home. The manual can be successfully used in classes on familiarization with the outside world, for the development of speech and thinking, in speech therapy games, for the development of logical thinking, when teaching preschool and primary school children a foreign language.

E. Emelyanova








E. Emelyanova

Tell children about garden berries


People have been growing grapes for several millennia. Back in the 5th millennium BC, it was known in Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine. Then it began to be cultivated in the states of Mesopotamia, Assyria and Babylon, as well as Egypt.

In the wild, grape stems twine around trees like vines. This property of grapes is still used today. Wild grape bushes are used to make decorative hedges.

Wild grapes have small, sour berries. To keep the grapes large and sweet, winegrowers trim off excess branches. Nutrients are not wasted on new stems and leaves, but are supplied to ripening berries. Cultivated grapes were obtained as a result of numerous crossings of wild grapes growing in Central and Southern Europe, as well as in Asia Minor.

A special role was given to grapes in Ancient Greece. Already at that time, people learned to extract juice and wine from grapes.

Grapes are eaten fresh, compotes and juices are prepared from them. The properties of the berries are also preserved in dried fruits. In ancient times, dried grapes (raisins) were taken with them on military campaigns.

Depending on the variety, grape berries can be round or elongated, as well as red, dark blue or white-green. In total, more than 5 thousand varieties of grapes are known in the world.

Even the temperature at which it grows affects the taste of grapes. If it is dry and warm, the berries turn out sweet and juicy, and if it is cold, the grapes become sour.

The best grape varieties are grown on the slopes of hills and mountains. It is especially good to plant these berries on the eastern slopes, which are warmed by the sun's rays in the morning. The most famous vineyards are located in France, Italy, Spain and Crimea. RIDDLE

On a string-stalk

Pile of sweet berries-

On a large platter.

(Grape) FOLK SIGNS Frequent and cold rains - no bees, no grapes.


I was walking in the forest, carrying strawberries

I looked for it, collected it.

I'll bring it to kindergarten -

I'll treat all the guys.

(A. Brodsky)

Strawberry bushes grow in forests, forest ravines, thickets of bushes, and in river and stream valleys. The stems with bright red berries droop all the way to the ground - hence the name of the plant. Strawberries are an incredibly aromatic and tasty berry. Its scientific name is “fragaria”, which means “fragrant”.

Strawberries are often called strawberries. In fact, strawberries, although similar to wild strawberries, are a different type of plant. Strawberries have small berries, so they are not used for breeding.

To collect wild strawberries, you will have to work hard. The berries hid under green leaves. You need to bend down to the ground, lift the leaves - then you will notice the strawberries.

Garden strawberries were developed in the 18th century. The French officer A. Frezier brought five strawberry bushes from Chile to Europe. They were planted next to a Virginia strawberry bush from North America. This is how garden strawberries appeared. Currently, about two thousand of its varieties are known; more than a million tons of berries are harvested every year in the world.

People nicknamed strawberries the “queen of berries” for a reason. It contains many useful substances and vitamins. Medicinal decoctions of dried berries and strawberry leaves are drunk for sore throats and colds.

Peasants in Rus' associated July 9 with the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. It was as if she had appeared after long wanderings in the strawberry fields, where the city of Tikhvin now stands. If you eat a glass of strawberries on this day, you will recharge yourself with energy for the whole year. RIDDLES

Like on a stitch, on a path

I see scarlet earrings.

I found this earring.

I bent down for one,

And I came across ten!

(Strawberry) FOLK SIGNS

Strawberries are red - don’t waste oats in vain.When they mow, they bring strawberries home.


Full cart

Raspberry berries

I'll bring it home.

I'll make some jam,

There will be a treat

For friends in winter!

(T. Shorygina)

In the temperate zone of Eurasia, in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East, common raspberries are found. Raspberry bushes reach a height of two meters.

Raspberry thickets can be seen in forest clearings and edges. Berries, like red lanterns, strewn the branches. The berries on the upper branches, closer to the sun, ripen earlier than others.

In the first year of life, raspberries have grassy shoots with thin thorns. There are no flowers or fruits yet. In the second year, the stems become woody and white flowers form on them, and then small green berries appear. They sing and turn red.

Raspberry fruits are collected from small drupes that are pressed tightly together. Each small drupe contains a hard seed. Forest animals and birds eat raspberries with pleasure. The bear especially loves her.

On August 17, Avdotya Day, peasants went into the forest to pick raspberries. On this day, guys do not choose brides - they are all as beautiful as a red raspberry. A guy in a raspberry patch will be lost in thought, and then a girl will appear to him; he will rush to hug her, and instead of the beautiful maiden there will be a raspberry bush, or even a bear feasting on raspberries.

Peasants determined the date of sowing rye based on the degree of ripening of raspberries. Raspberries were collected for future use, dried, and prepared into jam and juices. RIDDLE

Red beads hang, they look at us from the bushes,

These children, birds and bears love beads very much.


Avdotya Malinovka – forest raspberries are ripening.If you didn’t put a raspberry in your mouth, you never saw life.


The berry tastes good

But go ahead and rip it off

A bush with thorns, like a hedgehog -

So it's called blackberry.

Blackberries are similar to raspberries - black with a bluish bloom, sweet and sour. But with raspberries, ripe fruits are easily torn from the receptacle, leaving the berry in your hands, hollow inside. A blackberry is not so easy to pick from a bush - the fruit is separated from the branch along with the receptacle.

I think that all the guys have tried this fragrant, delicious wild berry. Juicy, black with a bluish tint, blueberries are smaller than a pea, their flesh is reddish-purple.

“The berry is black, small, sweet, cute for the kids,” that’s what they say about blueberries.

But few people collected blueberries in baskets and baskets. After all, it grows most often in coniferous forests of the European part of Russia and Siberia. Blueberries especially love pine and spruce forests. That’s what they are called – pine-blueberry forests and spruce-blueberry forests. Blueberries also grow in peat bogs. Ripens in July-August. Peasants have long noticed: “When the blueberries are ripe, then the rye in the field is ripe.”

Blueberry is a small green shrub 20 - 40 cm high.

Young blueberry branches are silvery-green, covered with small leaves. Thin, smooth, with small serrated edges, the leaves are held on short petioles.

At the end of May - beginning of June, small flowers on short stalks appear on blueberry bushes. The corollas of the flowers are greenish-white with a pink tint, drooping down.

Blueberries are an excellent honey plant that attracts bumblebees, bees and other insects, which pollinate its flowers.

Blueberries are a miracle berry! It contains sugar and vitamin C. No wonder they say: “Put blueberries in your mouth, you will get rid of illness for a whole year.”

The fruits of this berry also contain tannins, citric and malic acids.

The berries of this plant stop bleeding, cure inflammatory processes and improve vision. People use dried blueberries, shoots and leaves as medicine. They are collected, dried and tea is brewed with them or a fragrant infusion is prepared.

Blueberries are used to make jam, jams and marmalade. The berries can also be stored fresh, generously sprinkled with sugar.

In the food and confectionery industry, blueberries are used to make juices and syrups.

In the old days, blueberry juice was used to dye fabric blue, purple or lilac. Nowadays, confectioners use blueberries as food coloring. The coloring properties of these berries are explained by the fact that they contain a special pigment - anthocin.

Listen to the poem.

Blueberry compote

I asked Vasya:

-What did you use to paint your lips?

Your mouth is purple

And a lilac mustache,

And the purple juice flows

For a new shirt.

And Vasya answered:

— I didn’t paint my lips,

I drank blueberry compote

So the mouth turned purple!

Answer the questions

What do blueberries look like?

What does a blueberry plant look like?

What beneficial substances are contained in its berries?

What healing properties do blueberry berries, leaves and shoots have?

What is made from it?

The story “Wild berries” about the world around us (grades 1-4)

Noskova Natalya Yurievna
Position and place of work: primary school teacher MBOU – Verkh-Tulinskaya secondary school No. 14, Novosibirsk region
Description: I bring to your attention stories about wild berries. This material is intended for primary school teachers. Stories will help the teacher diversify both the lesson and extracurricular activities and expand children's knowledge about forest berries.
Purpose: material for replenishing the piggy bank of primary school teachers.
Target: familiarization with wild berries and their significance.
Tasks:- expand children’s knowledge about wild berries;
- develop memory and attention:
- cultivate curiosity and respect for nature.


What does it look like
Blueberry is a highly branched shrub, of medium height, with straight branches and brownish or dark gray bark.
Young branches are green. The leaves are small, obtuse at the top, less often pointed, with slightly curved edges and sparse purple glands, hard, bluish-green above, lighter below. The leaves fall off for the winter.

The flowers are drooping, arranged in groups of 2-3, rarely one at a time, on the tops of last year’s branches. The fruits are berries, spherical, pear-shaped or oblong. They are blue, with a bluish coating, inside there is greenish pulp, the berries taste sweet and sour.
Blueberries contain many light brown seeds.
Where and how they grow
Grows in swamps in damp coniferous and deciduous forests.
But the marsh blueberry is not the only representative of the genus on the globe. According to various authors, this genus contains from 150 to 200 species.

Twenty-six of them are native to North America. It blooms in June-July, the fruits ripen in August-September.
Benefits and Applications
Blueberries have long been valued in folk medicine. Fresh berries are used to prepare vitamin drinks and fruit drinks for patients with high fever.
Not only the berries, but also the leaves, young stems and bark of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. Berries are collected in late summer - early autumn, in dry weather. Care must be taken when picking, as the berries are easily crushed, so the fruits are collected by hand.

What does it look like
Lingonberry is an evergreen shrub 5-25 cm high with erect branched stems. The branches are round, annual, green, turning brown later. The leaves are evergreen, leathery, thick, oblong, on short pubescent petioles, with numerous, very small black glandular dots. These are tiny pits containing special cells, the purpose of which is to catch rainwater falling on the leaf. Thus, lingonberries are able to absorb water not only with their roots, but also with their leaves.

Lingonberries bloom in late spring - early summer, almost simultaneously with lily of the valley. First, a short shoot with buds appears at the top of the overwintered stem, and then the flowers bloom - small, graceful, snow-white, like porcelain, with a pinkish tint, with a faint pleasant smell. The flowers are slightly reminiscent of lily of the valley flowers in appearance, but their internal structure is completely different.

The fruit is a spherical berry, greenish-white at first, and bright red towards the end of ripening. The seeds are reddish-brown and crescent-shaped. The fruits are sweet and sour with an astringent tart flavor.
Where and how they grow
Lingonberry is a widespread plant. It grows throughout the forest zone, in the tundra, and reaches the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Lives up to 300 years. The best quality lingonberry, which grows in dry places in pine forests. Blooms in May – June. The fruits ripen in late August - early September.
Benefits and Applications
Harvesting lingonberry leaves begins immediately after the snow melts and stops before flowering begins. Harvesting continues in the fall, after the berries are harvested.
The leaves are collected by hand, tearing them off the stems with a hand movement from bottom to top. Blackened and browned leaves are thrown away. Preparations made from lingonberry leaves are used in the treatment of many diseases. Lingonberry leaves and fruits are used for vitamin deficiency in the body. Lingonberry juice quenches thirst well, so it is prescribed to patients with high fever.
The berries, due to the benzoic acid they contain, are stored for a long time; they can be soaked and pickled without adding sugar. “Lingonberry tea” is prepared from lingonberry leaves. Lingonberry jam and juice can be a good side dish for meat dishes.
Lingonberries can be grown in garden plots, for landscaping borders and paths.

What does it look like
Blueberry is a perennial, low (up to 4 cm) subshrub. The plant is highly branched, with silvery stems and greenish bark. Young branches are green, with sharp ribs. The leaves are light green, thin. The flowers are small, pink, located one at a time on short stalks in the axils of the leaves. The fruits are spherical berries 5-8 mm in size, the outside is blue-black, the juice of blueberries is red. Lots of small seeds.
Where and how does it grow
It grows in coniferous and mixed forests, in the tundra, on mountain slopes and near swamps. Blueberries especially love pine forests. In places where the forest has burned out, continuous blueberry thickets often form.
The leaves fall off in winter. The plant blooms in May-June. The fruits ripen in July-August.
Despite the fact that the areas where blueberries grow in Russia are quite large, they are rapidly shrinking. Therefore, measures are taken to protect plants, the correct collection of berries and leaves is organized (so that the pickers do not damage the stems and roots of plants during harvesting and certainly leave some of the full-fledged fruit-bearing plants for annual renewal).
Benefits and Applications
There is a belief that in a house where blueberries are eaten, the doctor has nothing to do. The berries are collected after waiting for them to be fully ripe, in dry weather, in the morning, when the dew has disappeared.

It is better to collect berries in a bucket or small baskets. The collected fruits are cleaned of needles, twigs and other impurities. Berries cannot be washed. They are dried or made into jam.
In addition to berries, blueberry leaves are sometimes used. They are collected by hand during flowering (May–June), carefully picking off the middle leaves.
Blueberries improve vision and memory. Berries are often used in confectionery and food production, for making cakes, pastries, jelly, marmalade, etc.
Blueberries are an excellent honey plant. In blueberry thickets, bees can collect up to 2.5 kg of honey per colony per day. Honey collected from blueberry flowers has a light reddish hue, a delicate aroma and a very pleasant taste.

What does it look like
Cranberry is an evergreen subshrub with creeping, thin stems. The stems are flexible, dark brown, with rising branches on which flowers appear and berries ripen. The leaves are leathery, shiny, dark green, bluish below with a waxy coating, in places with small glandular hairs. The leaves are oblong, sharp at the top, with curled edges.

The flowers are pink-red, drooping, arranged singly or most often collected in 2-4, less often in 6 buds on last year's branches.
Where and how does it grow
Cranberries form thickets in peat bogs. It also grows in damp forests, clearings, and near stumps.
It blooms in May-June, the fruits ripen in late August and September.
Benefits and Applications
In terms of the content of nutrients, cranberries are one of the healthiest berries. The fruits are widely used in the treatment of many diseases, as they enhance the effect of drugs. Syrup, juice, fruit drink quench thirst, help lower temperature, improve sleep, and reduce headaches. In addition, they relieve fatigue, give vigor, and improve general condition.
Cranberry juice cleanses wounds and burns and speeds up their healing.
The juice in combination with honey is drunk for coughs, sore throats, colds, and acute respiratory diseases. For treatment, ripe cranberries are used, from which sour drinks are prepared.

Cranberries are harvested in autumn in three periods. In September the berry is hard, but during storage it ripens and softens; It can be stored all winter by filling it with cold water. When frost occurs, the water is drained, the berries are frozen and stored in the cold in barrels, boxes, baskets. Snow cranberries, collected after the snow melts in early spring, are sweeter, but do not last long.
Berries collected in late autumn, when frost sets in, are more tasty, juicy, and sour. They are also stored frozen: when thawed, they quickly deteriorate.
It is necessary to treat the plant with care, pick the berries only with your hands.

Crow's eye (poisonous berry)
What does it look like
Crow's eye is a perennial herbaceous plant. The stem is straight, smooth, 15-45 cm high. Four (less often 5-6) leaves are ovoid, pointed, bare, collected in the upper part of the stem, arranged crosswise. The flower is single, raised above the base of the leaves. Consists of 4-5 outer green leaves and 4-5 narrower and shorter, yellowish-green inner non-falling leaves. The flower develops into a fruit - a bluish-black shiny berry.
Where and how does it grow
Grows in shady deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests in moist soil, along shady ravines, in thickets of bushes, along the slopes of ravines and on the edges.

Blooms from May to June. The fruits ripen in July and August.
Benefits and Applications
In ancient times, it was believed that “bewitched” people could be “disenchanted” with the help of a raven’s eye. The berries were worn on the body or sewn into clothes to protect themselves from the plague and other infectious diseases, for which they were collected from August 15 to September 8. But in other cases, the raven eye was feared, so it was rarely used. In one ancient text you can read: “Some say that these berries can make you sleep if you eat them. I wouldn’t want to try them: you might not wake up.”

Both scientific and traditional medicine make little use of the raven's eye.
In folk medicine, a tincture of the plant is used in the form of drops for headaches, sore throats, and also as an appetite improver.
Fresh plant juice is used for eye diseases, headaches, loss of consciousness, and increased drowsiness. A decoction of dried berries was given to horses, healing and protecting them from foot-and-mouth disease.
The use of raven's eye requires special caution, as it causes poisoning in large doses.

Wolf's Bast (poisonous berry)
What does it look like
Wolf's bast is a low shrub with gray-brown bark, consisting of 2-3 branches, if the plant grows in the forest. But in favorable conditions - in gardens or parks - it can become more extensive. The bark is moist, very durable; It was she who gave the name “bast”. This bark makes it very difficult to break a branch. Leaves grow mainly at the ends of branches. Bast blooms before the leaves bloom. The flowers are pink (occasionally white), with a strong pleasant scent. An interesting feature of the wolf's bast is the so-called “stem flowering,” when flowers appear directly on the stem of the plant. This phenomenon is more typical of tropical plants (probably the most famous example is cocoa). In Russian conditions, stem flowering is much less common (for example, in sea buckthorn).

Zamina Nasibova
Ecology lesson in the senior group using multimedia “Berries - a means of healing the body”

Integrated lesson on ecology in the senior group on the topic:

« Berries - means of healing the body» .

Target: To develop children’s cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about berries; on the rules for their collection, storage and applications. Develop ecological thinking in the process of research activities, creative imagination. Develop speech and expand your vocabulary.

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about berries and the benefits of berries to the human body. View a presentation about edible and inedible berries. Learning poems.

Didactic games: "Find out what berry» , "WHICH? WHICH? WHICH?", "WHAT JAM?"

Target: Develop ecological thinking in the process of mental activity, creative imagination.

Material: Presentation with picture berries: gooseberries, raspberries, viburnum, blueberries, wild strawberries, lingonberries, cloudberries, cranberries, and poisonous berries.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you go to the kingdom berries(makes riddles, after guessing which the children will find out what they are berries)

Red beads hanging

They're looking at us from the bushes,

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears.


The stumps have a lot of thin stems in the sun,

Each thin stem holds a scarlet light,

We rake the stems and collect the lights.


Under a leaf on every branch

Little children are sitting.

The one who gathers the children

He'll stain his hands and his mouth.


And red and sour

She grew up in a swamp.


Leaves are glossy

Berries - with blush,

And the bushes themselves -

Not higher than a hummock.



What are these called? berries? Why do people need them? Let's find out more about the benefits berries. People have long noticed that animals, when sick, go in search of some kind of grass or berries, eating which they will be able to recover. So the man began to seek help from different berries. Look at these berries. These berries can be found in the forest, in gardens (slide useful berries) .

Utility berries


This one is delicious berry is a good helper in the prevention of colds. All this is thanks to vitamin C. Experts say that daily consumption of strawberries can protect a person from many diseases. Strawberries also promote brain function and improve memory.

Raspberries are antipyretic means. Raspberries are good for those who are in a bad mood. Raspberries also relieve swelling and improve kidney function.

These berries appear in forests at the end of June. Many people know that blueberries are very good for vision, and in addition, they have a positive effect on digestion.

Berries Blackberries contain vitamin C. Blackberry jam has an amazing taste. It is good to use for bronchitis, sore throat, and colds. Due to the high content of vitamin C, blackberries strengthen the human immune system and fight harmful microorganisms.

Educator: Let's remember what poems we know about berries(children tell).

Lingonberries have a special taste:

Either sour or not.

No matter how much you try it,

You won't find the answer to that.

And the green leaves

They do not turn yellow in winter either.

We brought it from the forest

This berry home.

A. Bagdarin


I'm a drop of summer

On a thin leg.

Weave for me

Bodies and baskets.

Who loves me

He is glad to bend over,

And she gave me a name

Native land.

Like powdered sugar

In fine snow

Find you in the tundra

I won't be able to right away.

Do you like to pamper yourself?

Bide your time...

Jump, snowdrop,

In my little room.

I collected in the forest


I won't bring it home

Full cart.

Berry by berry,

Berry by berry -

Things are progressing

Berries are decreasing...

The sun is warming hot,

The road is long.

Should I try some more?

A few berries.

Pick blueberries carefully:

Colors your hands like ink;

It is impossible to wash them right away,

And even soap won't help.

But blueberries make us happy -

It is good for the eyes.

Educator: Let's look at berries again and think about it, why were they called that? (Listen to the children’s guesses)

Educator: The name strawberry comes from the word "Earth", because when collecting it, I had to bend down to the ground. The blackberry was named so because it pricks like a hedgehog. What do you think, without which all living things on earth cannot grow? That's right, without water. Let's play a game “Rain, pour more cheerfully”.

Physical education minute “Rain, rain more cheerfully!”

Rain, rain more fun!

Don’t regret the warm drops

For forests, for fields,

And for little children,

For both moms and dads.

Drip-drip! Drip-drip!


Let's see others berries. In addition to useful berries grow in nature and are poisonous berries. Collecting berries, do not confuse edible and healthy with poisonous! Poisonous a few berries. They are worth remembering so as not to harm either yourself or your comrades. (slide of poisonous berries)

Wolf's bast - small bush, blooms in spring with lilac, pretty small fragrant flowers on branches without leaves. In autumn, red-orange oblong flowers ripen on the plant. berries, very seductive. But not only are they eaten, it is not recommended to touch them - the plant is poisonous!

Belladonna produces a poisonous black with a purple tint in the fall berry that ripens on a dirty purple (or green) stem Grows in mountain beech forests in the Caucasus, Crimea, and Carpathians. Also found in central Russia. Blooms with bell-shaped brown-purple flowers.

May lily of the valley is our royal forest flower. Who among us has not admired the delicately scented white bell flowers? But not everyone knows that the bright red flowers that appear in the fall berries- Lily of the valley fruits are poisonous! They affect the central nervous system.

Crow's eye has a black fruit - berry, resembling a large blueberry, this fruit is only growing - berry alone - in the middle of the wide(not small ones like blueberries) leaves.

White snowberry - with fruits ripened at the end of summer, stands all winter. White round berries its very tempting, but inedible.

The fruits of Euonymus warty are original (they cannot be confused with edibles). These are orange berries with black dot hanging on a long grassy thread. They are like wolves berries, How berries elderberries and buckthorns are inedible and poisonous!

Hemlock, or poisonous wech, is an umbrella plant with white-greenish inflorescences of small flowers. The stem is tubular, the rhizome is thickened, hollow. This plant is all the more dangerous because it is very easy to confuse it with others. umbrella: valerian, anise, bear's pipe, etc. All these berries grow in many areas of our region.

Guys, let's remember the correct name for compote, a pie made from different berries(a word game is played).


Cherry jelly, what kind? - Cherry.

Raspberry pie? - Raspberry.

Currant juice? - Currant.

Strawberry compote? - Strawberry.

Cranberry juice? - Cranberry.


Raspberry – raspberry jam

Blueberry – blueberry jam

Strawberry – strawberry jam

Cranberry – cranberry jam

Lingonberry - lingonberry jam, etc.

Educator: What do you think, where and when is it collected? berries? How to store it correctly berries? (children's answers) Right berries collected in dry weather, dried under a canopy. Cannot be collected berries near the road. That's right, from berries boiled jam, compote, freeze and dry them (slide).

Blueberry compote

I asked Vasya:

– What did you use to paint your lips?

-Your mouth is purple

- And a lilac mustache,

– And purple juice flows

- For a new shirt.

- And Vasya answered:

– – I didn’t paint my lips,

- I drank blueberry compote,

- So the mouth turned purple!

Educator: Here is our journey to the kingdom I'm out of berries. Well done guys, I really enjoyed traveling with you. Did you like it? Which you remember the berries? And what benefits do they bring?

And now I invite you to the table to try healthy berries.

After classes The teacher offers to play in the hospital. Since Doctor Aibolit busy on calls, then you will treat the animals with the help of medicinal berries.


People have been growing grapes for several millennia. Back in the 5th millennium BC, it was known in Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine. Then it began to be cultivated in the states of Mesopotamia, Assyria and Babylon, as well as Egypt.
In the wild, grape stems twine around trees like vines. This property of grapes is still used today. Wild grape bushes are used to make decorative hedges.
Wild grapes have small, sour berries. To keep the grapes large and sweet, winegrowers trim off excess branches. Nutrients are not wasted on new stems and leaves, but are supplied to ripening berries. Cultivated grapes were obtained as a result of numerous crossings of wild grapes growing in Central and Southern Europe, as well as in Asia Minor.
A special role was given to grapes in Ancient Greece. Already at that time, people learned to extract juice and wine from grapes.
Grapes spread throughout Europe further and further north. It came to Russia at the end of the 16th century. The first vineyard was founded at the monastery in Astrakhan. Peter I issued a decree on the cultivation of grapes in the villages of the Don Cossacks.
Grapes are eaten fresh, compotes and juices are prepared from them. The properties of the berries are also preserved in dried fruits. In ancient times, dried grapes (raisins) were taken with them on military campaigns.
Depending on the variety, grape berries can be round or elongated, as well as red, dark blue or white-green. In total, more than 5 thousand varieties of grapes are known in the world.
Even the temperature at which it grows affects the taste of grapes. If it is dry and warm, the berries turn out sweet and juicy, and if it is cold, the grapes become sour.
The best grape varieties are grown on the slopes of hills and mountains. It is especially good to plant these berries on the eastern slopes, which are warmed by the sun's rays in the morning. The most famous vineyards are located in France, Italy, Spain and Crimea.
On a string-stalk
A pile of sweet berries -
On a large platter.
(Grapes) FOLK SIGNS Frequent and cold rains - no bees, no grapes.


I was walking in the forest, carrying strawberries
I looked for it, collected it.
I'll bring it to kindergarten -
I'll treat all the guys.
(A. Brodsky)
Strawberry bushes grow in forests, forest ravines, thickets of bushes, and in river and stream valleys. The stems with bright red berries droop all the way to the ground - hence the name of the plant. Strawberries are an incredibly aromatic and tasty berry. Its scientific name is “fragaria”, which means “fragrant”.
Strawberries are often called strawberries. In fact, strawberries, although similar to wild strawberries, are a different type of plant. Strawberries have small berries, so they are not used for breeding.
To collect wild strawberries, you will have to work hard. The berries hid under green leaves. You need to bend down to the ground, lift the leaves - then you will notice the strawberries.
Garden strawberries were developed in the 18th century. The French officer A. Frezier brought five strawberry bushes from Chile to Europe. They were planted next to a Virginia strawberry bush from North America. This is how garden strawberries appeared. Currently, about two thousand of its varieties are known; more than a million tons of berries are harvested every year in the world.
People nicknamed strawberries the “queen of berries” for a reason. It contains many useful substances and vitamins. Medicinal decoctions of dried berries and strawberry leaves are drunk for sore throats and colds.
Peasants in Rus' associated July 9 with the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. It was as if she had appeared after long wanderings in the strawberry fields, where the city of Tikhvin now stands. If you eat a glass of strawberries on this day, you will recharge yourself with energy for the whole year.
Like on a stitch, on a path
I see scarlet earrings.
I found this earring.
I bent down for one,
And I came across ten!
(Strawberry) FOLK SIGNS
Strawberries are red - don’t waste oats in vain.
When they mow, they bring strawberries home.


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Raspberry berries
I'll bring it home.
I'll make some jam,
There will be a treat
For friends in winter!
(T. Shorygina)
In the temperate zone of Eurasia, in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East, common raspberries are found. Raspberry bushes reach a height of two meters.
Raspberry thickets can be seen in forest clearings and edges. Berries, like red lanterns, strewn the branches. The berries on the upper branches, closer to the sun, ripen earlier than others.
In the first year of life, raspberries have grassy shoots with thin thorns. There are no flowers or fruits yet. In the second year, the stems become woody and white flowers form on them, and then small green berries appear. They sing and turn red.
Raspberry fruits are collected from small drupes that are pressed tightly together. Each small drupe contains a hard seed. Forest animals and birds eat raspberries with pleasure. The bear especially loves her.
Raspberries contain sugars, vitamins, organic acids, pectin and tannins. Tea made from dried fruits is a diaphoretic and antipyretic. An infusion is brewed from the leaves - “raspberry tea”, which is used to gargle for sore throat and inflammation of the larynx. Raspberry jam is very useful for colds.
On August 17, Avdotya Day, peasants went into the forest to pick raspberries. On this day, guys do not choose brides - they are all as beautiful as a red raspberry. A guy in a raspberry patch will be lost in thought, and then a girl will appear to him; he will rush to hug her, and instead of the beautiful maiden there will be a raspberry bush, or even a bear feasting on raspberries.
Peasants determined the date of sowing rye based on the degree of ripening of raspberries. Raspberries were collected for future use, dried, and prepared into jam and juices.
Red beads hang, they look at us from the bushes,
These children, birds and bears love beads very much.
Avdotya Malinovka – forest raspberries are ripening.
If you didn’t put a raspberry in your mouth, you never saw life.

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