Home Trees and shrubs What does the name Kaleria mean for a girl? The meaning of the name Kaleria, character and fate. Negative traits of the name Kaleria

What does the name Kaleria mean for a girl? The meaning of the name Kaleria, character and fate. Negative traits of the name Kaleria

The rare but melodious name Kaleria attracted writers with its beautiful sound: Maxim Gorky and Kir Bulychev named their heroines Kaleria. Also, this name was borne by the beautiful ballerinas Fedicheva and Zukki, and now Kaleria-poets Belova, Kaftan, Sokolova post their works on the Internet. Despite the similarity with the name Valeria, the characteristics of these two names are different.

Origin and meaning of the name Kaleria

According to the main version, Kaleria is a form of the name Callirhoe (ancient Greek Καλλιρρόη), often found in the myths of Ancient Greece. It consists of the words κάλλος (kallos) and ροή (rohe): “beauty” and “flow”.

There are theories about the Indian and Latin roots of this name. Doctor of Philological Sciences Superanskaya Alexandra Vasilievna considered the name Kaleria a possible option and assumed that the letter “v” was incorrectly read as “k”.

Callirhoe - daughter of the ancient deities Ocean and Tethys

Transliteration, nicknames, short and diminutive forms

When applying for a foreign passport, ordering goods in an online store or booking a hotel room, you may need to write your name in Latin letters. There are several variants for the name Kaleria: KALERIJA, KALERIYA, CALERIJA.

Diminutive forms of this name:

  • Kalenka;
  • Cripple;
  • Kalyusha;
  • Lerochka;
  • Lerunya;
  • Lerusya;
  • Lerusha;
  • Lerushka;
  • Lerchik.

Shortened versions: Aleri, Ali, Kalera, Kali, Kalya, Lera, Leri.

Photo gallery: name options

Kali is a short form of the name Kaleria, as well as the name of a formidable Indian goddess. The name of the Ukrainian singer Leri Vinna may also be Kaleria's home name Ali - this friendly address to Kaleria is associated with the legendary boxer Mohammed Ali Leroy, Lerochka is called not only Valeria, but also Kaleria

Suitable middle names

The patronymics derived from names of Greek origin go well with the name Kaleria: Anatolyevna, Gennadievna, Denisovna, Konstantinovna.

The first name and patronymic should not be discordant with each other, such as Prokhor Eduardovich or Bella Semyonovna.

Kaleria Nikolaevna, Dmitrievna, Ignatievna are difficult to communicate with.

Patron Saint Kaleria, name day dates

Girls and women with the name Kaleria have one angel day a year: June 20 (7). According to popular belief, if there is a lot of dew on this day, then you should expect a rich hemp harvest.

The Holy Martyr Kaleria of Caesarea lived in the 4th century BC

Table: name Kaleria in other languages

Video: the meaning of the name Kaleria

Impact on fate and character

The philosopher Florensky believed that every name has an upper, middle and lower “pole”. This explains why bearers of the same name can be practically perfect people, immoral individuals or ordinary people.

Description of the characteristics of the name by different researchers

Boris Khigir notes the following: Kaleria's advantages: quick wits, excellent memory, courage, kindness and accuracy. People with this name are fond of sports, drawing and dancing. Girls follow musical fashion and prefer boyish haircuts. They don’t get along with other women, but they easily find a common language with the opposite sex. Kaleri are often called unlucky, but they overcome difficulties with their heads held high and ultimately achieve well-deserved success.

Girls named Kaleria easily make strong friendships with the opposite sex

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima describe the name Kaleria as energetic, firm, with a coldish beauty. The consonance with the name Valery only emphasizes its unusualness. Outwardly, Kaleria tries to appear calm, but strong emotions sometimes break through. She hates deception and attempts to control her life. Relationships with others and a career largely depend on the efforts of the woman herself and the ability to direct her stormy temperament in the right direction.

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name

“K” - mystery, secrecy, ability to keep other people’s secrets, hard work, perseverance, insight.

“A” - strength, power, comfort.

“L” - love for good, beautiful things.

Significant years for Kaleria are those containing the numbers 12, 18, 21, 27, 33, 54, 63, 99.

“E” influences the formation of personality in two ways: it imparts simplicity of soul and ambition. It also awakens hidden talents, sociability and insight, and develops diplomatic inclinations.

“P” - assertiveness, narcissism, integrity.

“I” - subtle spirituality, impressionability, peacefulness.

“I” - pride, self-esteem, the desire to be the center of attention, a tendency to think.

Video: first letter of name


Little Lera prefers to be friends with boys; she makes fun of the company. She has many hobbies and never sits still. Kaleria's facial features are more like her dad's, and her character is more like her mom's. The girl grows up inquisitive, reasonable, polite, punctual, impulsive and proud. It is better for parents to instill discipline in her from childhood so that the baby does not become lazy and lack of initiative.

At school, the girl is popular due to her sociability, friendliness, ability to have fun, energy, inexhaustible imagination and sense of style. Studying comes easy to Kaleria. As a teenager, she resents being treated like a child. Natural intelligence does not allow one to respond to rudeness with rudeness.

Lera does not like to put off homework until later

Youth and adulthood

It is difficult for a girl to communicate with unfamiliar people. Behind a mask of calm or even cold indifference, serious passions are boiling. Relations with female colleagues are often strained; Kaleria flourishes only in the company of men, and they consider her irresistible. She does not forget the insult, but she will never stab her in the back.

Financial situation in youth is unstable: unsuccessful investments and unjustified risks lead to large financial losses. If Kaleria manages to curb her penchant for gambling, then financial affairs go uphill.

This lady will never accept defeat; she will not be broken by the blows of fate. Kaleria's hot temper and sharp tongue often involve her in scandals and even fights.


As a child, Kaleria is not in good health: she gets severe colds, suffers from bronchitis and pneumonia. She is susceptible to heart ailments and diseases of the genital organs. In old age, polyarthritis may develop.

In the shamanic tradition there is a ritual of changing a name. It is carried out when a person is seriously ill.

Often Kaleria’s deterioration in well-being is due to mental factors: unfavorable environment, stress. The best therapy in such cases is good sleep, a fruit and vegetable diet, and jogging in the morning.

The best therapy for illnesses for Kaleria is good sleep, a fruit and vegetable diet, jogging in the morning

Work and hobbies

Kaleria has many hobbies, so it takes her a long time to choose a profession. The main thing is that the activity brings mental satisfaction. The girl is attracted to science, art, and social activities. Kalerias become writers, musicians, ballerinas, actresses, art critics, and photographers. Owners of this name are good at management, working with personnel, organizing and holding various celebrations.

Love and marriage

Kaleria is a passionate, addicted person. It has been popular with the stronger half of humanity since school. For a long time, she was only interested in the sensual side of relationships. Sex without obligations and fleeting romances are quite compatible with a freedom-loving character, but over time she begins to appreciate spiritual intimacy. Kaleria can become attached to a partner for a long time, in whom she sees not only a lover, but also a friend. None of my friends will be surprised if Kaleria herself proposes to a man.

Portrait taken by Kaliningrad photographer Kaleria Petrovskaya

Kaleria strives to maintain her independence in marriage. The husband’s attempts to establish his own rules in the house are met with hostility. This woman will never become a typical housewife. Family squabbles take place amid the clink of dishes, but Kaleria quickly cools down and replaces her anger with mercy. You cannot put pressure on her, the spouse should express wishes gently, unobtrusively, and then peace will reign in the family.

Table: compatibility with male names in love and marriage

The influence of the seasons on the name

Kaleria, born in spring, has a complex character: hot-tempered, straightforward, and can sometimes be rude. The girl seeks knowledge, works hard to achieve what she wants, but does not take other people’s advice and prefers to do everything her own way.

The summer lady is calm, gentle, sincere, vulnerable, romantic, sentimental. Betrayal is hard to bear and he believes in great and pure love. If a loved one is in trouble, he will go to him even to the ends of the earth.

The time of year in which Kaleria was born affects the girl’s character

The autumn young lady is distinguished by her love of freedom and indomitable, bright disposition. Doesn't like to sit still, always on the move. He cannot tolerate gossip and rumors, and never spoils the bones of those around him.

Winter persistently makes dreams come true. She can be capricious, demanding, selfish, and can make fun of anyone. Often quarrels with family and friends. He never changes his decision, even when he realizes that it is wrong.

Name horoscope

In ancient times, people believed that everyone has reflections in the world around them. So, any name corresponds to a certain element, plant, talisman stone, zodiac sign.

Kaleria has a floral namesake native to the tropical regions of Central America

Table: astrological symbolism

Photo gallery: famous Kaleria

Hero of Socialist Labor Kaleria Fedorovna Zaponova made a huge contribution to the development of metallurgy Television director Kaleria Venediktovna Kislova Leonid Brezhnev called “our Miss Television” K. S. Stanislavsky considered the Italian ballerina Kaleria Zucchi a great mimic actress Russian ballerina Kaleria Fedicheva performed the main roles in the ballets “Don Quixote” ", "Spartak" and others. Ballerina Studenikina Kaleria Georgievna starred in the Soviet films "Sibiriyada" and "This Merry Planet" The name Kaleria is borne by the heroine of the series "Ranetki" Actress Yulia Menshova played stewardess Kaleria in the film "Big Love"

Poems and songs

The poet Vitaly Botvinov has a poem called “Kaleria”, and Maxim Gorky has a poem called “Poems of Kaleria”.

How to see you, where to find you...
August evening... Silence...
A strange thing is pouring from the sky: - Sorry...
You can barely hear... She’s outside the window.
Tears and knits, knits, tears again.
And one thing is clear, it’s still waiting...
I'm taking off... Behind me is the Moon...

Vitaly Botvinov


Driven by the breath of autumn,
Slowly from a cold height
Beautiful snowflakes are falling,
Small, dead flowers...
Snowflakes are spinning above the ground,
Dirty, tired and sick,
Gently covering the dirt of the earth
A gentle and clean veil...
Black, thoughtful birds...
Dead trees and bushes...
White silent snowflakes
Falling from a cold height...

Maksim Gorky


The band Homkore composed a beautiful song without words called Kaleria.

Kaleria rhymes with words such as “cavalry”, “series”, “unbelief”.

Video: Kaleria Korsakova (group “White Mandarin”) - “Sounds”

Kaleria's difficult character and explosive temperament become the source of many problems, but this strong girl is not so easily broken by difficulties. Falling, she rises again and challenges fate. We can say with confidence that this bright woman will not remain in the shadows.

Meaning and origin of the name Kaleria: Form of the Ancient Greek name Calleroi, "Beautifully Flowing". In Greek mythology, this was the name of the daughter of Ocean

The secret of the name and character of Kaleria: The energy of the name Kaleria has sufficient mobility, one can feel energy, purposefulness, and all this is combined with a somewhat coldish firmness. However, the most important feature of the name is its unusualness - it is very similar to the name Valeria, more familiar to Russia, and this consonance only emphasizes its rarity, which psychologically begins to be perceived as a certain exclusivity of Kaleria. In much the same way, the Europeanized Russian surname Petroff sounds much more provocative and noticeable in Russia than obvious Western surnames. On top of that, the coldish beauty of the name can significantly warm up the feeling of this unusualness, which will undoubtedly affect Lera’s pride. You should be careful here, because there is a temptation to oppose yourself to others, and therefore ruin your relationship with them.

It is also impossible not to take into account Kaleria's temperament - her emotions have great depth, and although Kaleria usually prefers to hide them behind a mask of restraint, she does not always succeed in this. Sometimes her attitude towards a person is simply written on her face, and besides, no matter how much you hold back your feelings, especially negative ones, dangerous tension will still accumulate in the depths of your soul. In short, it won’t take long to become a very irritable person, and combined with great pride, there will be plenty of reasons for irritation.

On the other hand, if self-esteem is balanced by respect for others or simply kind self-irony, then this will not only make it easier for Kaleria to communicate by providing a sufficient number of friends, but will also free up her powerful energy for activities more interesting than meaningless irritation and confrontation. In short, a lot in her life depends on her own efforts, she has very strong energy, so the main thing is to use it to benefit herself and others.

Secrets of communicating with Kaleria: Often, Kaleria’s impulsive and straightforward character manifests itself precisely in her interactions with close people, where she no longer has to restrain herself. It is impossible to give radical advice here, but sometimes, in order to come to an agreement and gently convince her that she is not entirely right, it can be useful to note her real merits in some other area. In addition, do not forget that she does not tolerate lies, attempts to put pressure on herself and other people's incontinence. At the same time, negative emotions and resentments live in her soul for a very long time.

Astrological correspondence of the name Kaleria

  • Zodiac name correspondence: Aries
  • Patron planet: Mars
  • Character traits: Purposefulness, firmness, self-esteem
  • Name colors: Black, red, light green
  • Lucky colors: Orange, golden
  • Patron saints named: Kaleria Palestinskaya (name day June 20)
  • Talisman stone: Amber, gold

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name: Form of the ancient Greek name Calleroi, "Beautifully Flowing". In Greek mythology, this was the name of the daughter of Ocean

Energy of the name and character: The energy of the name Kaleria has sufficient mobility, one can feel energy, purposefulness, and all this is combined with a somewhat cold firmness. However, the most important feature of the name is its unusualness - it is very similar to the name Valeria, more familiar to Russia, and this consonance only emphasizes its rarity, which psychologically begins to be perceived as a certain exclusivity of Kaleria. In much the same way, the Europeanized Russian surname Petroff sounds much more provocative and noticeable in Russia than obvious Western surnames. On top of that, the coldish beauty of the name can significantly warm up the feeling of this unusualness, which will undoubtedly affect Lera’s pride. You should be careful here, because there is a temptation to oppose yourself to others, and therefore ruin your relationship with them.

It is also impossible not to take into account Kaleria's temperament - her emotions have great depth, and although Kaleria usually prefers to hide them behind a mask of restraint, she does not always succeed in this. Sometimes her attitude towards a person is simply written on her face, and besides, no matter how much you hold back your feelings, especially negative ones, dangerous tension will still accumulate in the depths of your soul. In short, it won’t take long to become a very irritable person, and combined with great pride, there will be plenty of reasons for irritation.

On the other hand, if self-esteem is balanced by respect for others or simply kind self-irony, then this will not only make it easier for Kaleria to communicate by providing a sufficient number of friends, but will also free up her powerful energy for activities more interesting than meaningless irritation and confrontation. In short, a lot in her life depends on her own efforts, she has very strong energy, so the main thing is to use it to benefit herself and others.

Secrets of communication: Kaleria’s often impulsive and straightforward character manifests itself precisely in communication with close people, where she no longer has to restrain herself. It is impossible to give radical advice here, but sometimes, in order to come to an agreement and gently convince her that she is not entirely right, it can be useful to note her real merits in some other area. In addition, do not forget that she does not tolerate lies, attempts to put pressure on herself and other people's incontinence. At the same time, negative emotions and resentments live in her soul for a very long time.

The name's trace in history:

The Legend of Callirhoe

Several very beautiful legends and myths are associated with this name, which sounds slightly different in Greek - Callirhoe - each of which has almost a detective plot. So, according to one of the ancient legends, Callirhoe, a beautiful nymph of rivers, was the wife of Alcmaeon. However, the happiness of the spouses did not last long: it so happened that her husband fell at the hands of Phegeus, and the enraged nymph vowed to take cruel revenge on the murderer at all costs.

Soon an opportunity presented itself: thanks to her beauty, Callirhoe attracted the attention of the supreme god Zeus, the lord of Olympus, and as soon as the god and the nymph became lovers, Callirhoe expressed to Zeus her cherished desire: she would like him to make her little children adults immediately. Zeus gave in to his beloved’s request, and the nymph’s children, who grew up in the blink of an eye, were able to take revenge on their father’s killer, slaughtering his entire family in response.

The second Greek legend tells about Callirhoe, a simple Calydonian girl who dared to reject the love of Kores, a priest of the god Dionysus. The indignant priest, offended to the depths of his soul, began to ask God to help him take revenge, and in response, Dionysus struck all the inhabitants of the country with madness. The frightened inhabitants of Caledonia turned to the oracle for advice and received an answer: the madness would continue until Callirhoe, as punishment for her obstinacy, was sacrificed to the gods. The townspeople reluctantly had to agree, but when on the day of the sacrifice Kores saw the unfortunate girl to whom he himself had brought trouble, passion flared up in him with renewed vigor, and he pierced himself with a dagger instead of his beloved. Callirhoe committed suicide in grief.

According to Higir

The name is of ancient Greek origin. Translated as “calling”, “alluring”.

Little Lerochka adopted many character traits from her mother, although her appearance is similar to her father. She, just like her mother, is emotional and stubborn, and she will retain these qualities as an adult, balancing them with a certain restraint and the acquired ability to drive her impulses inside herself.

Outwardly, these are calm, reasonable, quite self-possessed women, but in the souls of these individuals the flame of unspoken grievances always rages. Therefore, their relationships with colleagues are complex and tense. They are more likely to find a common language with men than with women; they are wary of the latter, considering them capable only of gossip and gossip, and they reciprocate.

Kaleria is vindictive, does not forgive insults and is capable of making a retaliatory move, but she will not do this on the sly. Straightforwardness and inability to show wisdom are what ruin her, at least her career. She knows her shortcomings, she flares up, says rude things, and she herself suffers from this - but she is what she is.

These women are quite educated and well-read, they know Russian classical literature well, and among them you can meet people of creative professions. They make good economists, tour guides, and nurses. “Winter” Kalerias get married late and have sons. They are excellent housewives, cook delicious food and love to spend time with their family.

Nowadays, daughters are not often given this name, but those who bear it are very proud of their name.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Kaleria, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

  • Zodiac of Kaleria – Gemini
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Color Kaleria Kaleria - light yellow
  • Auspicious tree – chestnut
  • The treasured plant of Kaleria is chamomile
  • Patron of the name Kaleria is the horse
  • Kaleria Kaleria talisman stone – chrysoprase

What does the name Kaleria mean?: hot, ardent (the name Kaleria is of Latin origin).

Short meaning of the name Kaleria: Kalya, Kalyusha, Lera, Lerusha.

Kaleria Angel Day: The name Kaleria celebrates name day once a year: June 20 (7) - The Holy Martyr Kaleria died for the faith of Christ (IV century).

Signs of the name Kaleria: If this day is rich in heavy dew, expect a hemp harvest.

Characteristics of the name Kaleria

Positive traits of the name Kaleria: Kaleria is characterized by extreme excitability and emotionality, persistence, often turning into stubbornness, rich imagination, and a flexible mind. She is not prone to quick conclusions, but if she has already come to an opinion, then it is impossible to quickly argue with her. Kaleria usually has a sharp, sarcastic tongue and can make fun of anyone. She does not tolerate even the shadow of betrayal and if she senses deception, she will be able to find out what the matter is and carry out retribution. Kaleria has a brave character: she does not attack first, but, having entered into battle, she no longer thinks about the consequences.

Negative traits of the name Kaleria: In ordinary situations, the strength of Kaleria’s emotions often makes her the ringleader and organizer of all sorts of noisy events, but very often things quickly end in mutual grievances and even a break in relations. The name Kaleria is capable of igniting from the slightest spark, so much so that it is then difficult to extinguish this raging flame.

Character of the name Kaleria: It’s not in vain that one of the rhymes for this word is “cavalry”. Kaleria acts with an onslaught, a swoop; where others struggle with a problem for weeks, months, she wins overnight. She inherited this ability from her father, also a dashing fighter. At school or at work, everyone is afraid of her explosive temperament, but they respect Kaleria for her heightened sense of justice.

Kaleria and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Aristarchus, Artamon, Valery, Vitaly, Leo, Frol is favorable. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Abram, Akaki, Andronik, Varlam, Dorotheus, EVstigney, Emelyan, Kim, Lavrenty, Martyan, Patrikey, Titus.

Love and marriage: a girl named Kaleria can make a man happy, but her jealousy often has no basis.

In her usual manner, she gets herself and a husband, and may even propose herself. But Kaleria will refuse leadership in the family: she has enough of social struggle. Kaleria's husband is a quiet man - although he is the master of the house, in the event of a family quarrel he can be expelled to the sound of breaking tableware. However, he was expelled for an hour or two, no more. The formidable warrior will not only repent before him, but will also cry: Kaleria always knows how to command people.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: It can be difficult for Kaleria to determine her actual inclinations, but if she finds a matter worthy of her attention, she will be persistent and decisive. Whenever a goal is chosen, it attracts Kaleria more than personal gain. Kaleria can most fully demonstrate her talents in art or in social activities related to working with the masses.

Business and career: Kaleria is rarely successful in financial matters, often suffers losses, she is repeatedly deceived, and speculation is detrimental to her. She should avoid speculative ideas and any risky ventures.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Being among people alien to her or in an unfavorable environment, the name Kaleria often falls ill. Sleep, diet, and exercise will cure her better than medications, since Kaleria’s ailments are often mental in nature.

The fate of Kaleria in history

What does the name Kaleria mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. The name Kaleria in history: Kaleria Gordeeva - artist of the Nizhny Novgorod theater troupe at the beginning of the 19th century.

The name is Kaleria, of Greek origin - “calling”, “alluring”. As a rule, she has a rather emotional and stubborn character. This girl inherited her appearance from her father, but her character is maternal. Often she cannot stand comments addressed to her and reacts violently to them.

Although outwardly women with this name look quite - calm, reasonable and self-possessed, but often in their souls the flame of unspoken grievances is always raging. Perhaps that is why they always have complex and tense relationships with the people around them. Quite often, Kaleria find a common language with men than with women; the latter are treated with caution, considering them capable only of gossip and gossip. They are also very straightforward and vindictive, and never forgive insults.

Kaleria is quite emotional

As a rule, women with this name are quite educated and well-read, they know Russian classical literature well, and among them you can meet people of creative professions. They also make good economists, tour guides, and nurses.

Name day of Kaleria

  • Name according to zodiac sign: suitable for Aries.
  • Talisman of Kaleria: amber.
  • Patron saints of Kaleria: Palestinian.
  • Compatibility of the name Kaleria: favorable relationships with names: Alfred, Boris, Varlaam, Gleb, Gordey, Dmitry, Egor, Makar, Nikolai, Robert, Trofim.

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