Home Vegetables How to weave braids from onions and garlic

How to weave braids from onions and garlic

It is possible in boxes, stockings, bags. And let's try to weave braids from a bow. They will become a stylish decoration of your kitchen and will help to preserve the harvest grown with such difficulty.

5 reasons to store onions in braids

What are the advantages of storing onions in braids:

  1. no need to spend money on storage containers
  2. hanging onions are best stored
  3. easier to control when signs of spoilage appear
  4. takes up less storage space
  5. it's just beautiful, if you show imagination, a kitchen decoration is obtained from onion braids

Beautiful bow braids

Garlic wreath

How to braid a bow

To store onions in braids, it must first be prepared:

  • select beautiful bulbs of the same size
  • clean from dirt, remove the layer of husk
  • we cut the roots, the roots of the onion can be burned, thereby preventing its germination
  • the key to a beautiful onion braid is tops. It should be elastic, in no case wet (rot), but not overdried. This state of the tops occurs 3-4 days after the onion is dug up.

Method 1

How to braid a bow

For weaving a braid from a bow, the base is also useful. For the base, take a cord, ribbon, rope.

We have everything ready, let's start weaving a braid from a bow.

  1. we take a strong onion, with a long and strong tops. Fold the rope in half and tie the base of the bulb.
  2. we got three ends for weaving - tops and two ropes along the edges
  3. we begin to weave a braid, alternately, then on the right, then on the left, adding onions.
  4. braid the bulbs in the braid tightly, for this weave the bulb as close to the head as possible.
  5. if a braid from a bow hangs in a conspicuous place, it must be decorated. As decorations, use dry herbs, flowers (lavender, dried flowers).

We tie the onion with a rope. We begin to weave the bulbs into the braid from the onion. We continue to weave the braid from the onion.

Method 2

We take the prepared bow base (rope, cord) and begin to weave. The weaving technique resembles weaving a wreath of flowers.

  1. choose a beautiful onion, tie it at the base with a rope
  2. we braid the rope with the second onion
  3. we continue to weave a braid of onions, gradually adding onions

Method 3

We twist the prepared, dried onions in pairs and fix them on the base.

Video "How to braid a bow in a braid for storage"

Method 4

If you do not know how to weave braids, do not despair. Just tie onion and garlic in bunches and hang up. This is the same good way to store onions and

How to store onions in braids

Optimal storage conditions for onions

  • temperature from +18°С to +22°С
  • humidity within 65-70%

Inspect the bow from time to time, remove the damaged immediately.

In the old days, it was not in vain that onions were kept in braids, as a talisman. Onions release phytoncides with bactericidal properties. In winter, with influenza epidemics, extra protection does not hurt.

As you can see, there are many ways to weave braids from onions and garlic, choose the most convenient for you.

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