Home Vegetables Tomatoes: the best varieties for open ground

Tomatoes: the best varieties for open ground

Better earlier, but more - so you can say about any vegetables or fruits from your garden. And the tomato takes one of the first places in the vegetable rating. Each experienced summer resident has his own favorite varieties of tomatoes for open ground and the subtleties of growing them.

Characteristics of tomato varieties

Not every vegetable crop can boast of such a variety of varieties. The summer resident chooses tomatoes at his own discretion: easy care, cold-resistant or heat-resistant, with fleshy pulp, or vice versa - more juicy. That's really really - how many summer residents, so many opinions.

Depending on the height of the bushes, the varieties are divided into the following:

  • undersized (determinant);
  • tall (indeterminate).

Stems of undersized tomato species grow by 50-120 cm. Pinching is not required (removal of excess lateral processes). Early ripening helps to avoid the disease, since the bulk of the vegetables ripens before mass infection with rot.

Indeterminate tomato varieties can grow over two meters. They require additional maintenance and special formation of the aboveground part.
A prerequisite for growing these species is the arrangement of supports for tying the stems.

Description of tomato varieties by ripening time

The ripening period of vegetables is determined by the time from seedling germination to fruit ripening.

There are varieties of tomatoes:

  • early ripening - ripening period up to 100 days;
  • mid-season - ripen after 105-115 days;
  • late ripening - ripen after 117-130 days.

Review of the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground.

Early varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Sanka is a quickly ripening tomato, therefore one of the most common. It ripens 90 days after germination. Tomatoes are rounded, gaining weight on average up to 100 grams. The yield reaches about three kilograms per bush. Since the stems do not grow more than 60 cm, the plant is not tied up and do not use pinching. Not susceptible to most diseases. Pleases summer residents with a harvest up to frost. If expectations are met, save the seeds for future harvests.

Ranetochka is a super early ripe and fertile tomato. Harvested 90 days after growth. On one bush, it is capable of tying and ripening up to 100 pieces. Standard type, stems do not grow more than 50 cm.

Michurinsky - ripe tomatoes are spherical, gaining weight on average up to 100 grams. The yield can be 9 kg per square meter. 3-4 bushes are planted on one square meter.

Sweetheart - tomato - cherry. They ripen 90 days after growth. The plant is a standard plant, the bush does not grow above 40 cm. Approximately 100 tomatoes can be removed from one bush. Ripe vegetables of a pleasant rounded shape, with a smooth surface, weighing up to 30 grams. Stealing is not applied.

Tayana is a rapidly ripening large-fruited vegetable. The bushes are characterized by a low, spreading shape. Ripe tomatoes with a pleasant rounded shape. Differs in high yields and good taste.

Super Racer is a quality super early ripe look. It is well grown in regions with cool and rainy summer climates. Bushes are compact, do not grow taller than 50 cm. Ripe vegetables with a pleasant rounded shape. The harvest is stable.

Pink Pearl - Delicious pink tomatoes. Low bushes have medium branching. The plant is resistant to late blight. Differs in early and high yield.

Seagull is an early ripe species with a vegetation period of 95-100 days. Standard bushes, compact in shape. Feature - flawlessly round fruits weighing 70-90 grams. Overripe and cracking are not typical. Exceptional taste.

Glutton - early ripening tomato. The shape of the fruit is similar to a large plum, ripening with a weight of about 70 grams. Collected in 82-94 days. It is characterized by super high yield. The taste is sweetish, with a subtle sourness. Wonderfully transported.

Mid-season varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Riviera - stems grow up to about 2.5 m. Pink fruits of a tomato are similar to a medium-sized plum, weighing 65-80 gr. In a brush, 6-7 pieces are sung. The structure of the pulp is dense.

French bunchy is a plant with medium-length stems. Tomatoes have an oblong shape, 5-6 pieces per brush. They are characterized by super productivity.

Giant Orange Cream - Tall Tomato. The shape is similar to a large red plum with a golden sheen. They ripen gradually, have a real tomato smell. The pulp is firm, of exceptional taste.

A profitable business - the bushes grow tall, strong. Tomatoes are medium in size, sweetish taste (with subtle sourness), dense structure. The variety is resistant to short-term drops in temperature, easily tolerates a lack of light and transportation.

Perseus - characterized by a strong undersized trunk. Fruits begin to ripen 100-105 days after growth, have exceptional taste, and tolerate transportation well.

Maryushka - trunk height - 31-46 cm. Tomato fruits are reddish, oblong in shape. In a brush, 5-6 pieces ripen at a time, do not burst. The variety easily tolerates bad weather. The plant is resistant to the main tomato diseases - bacteriosis, alternaria, therefore it does not need additional treatments with special preparations.

Leah - trunk height - 82-91 cm. Tomato ripens on 110-115 days, can weigh 100-130 grams, has an interesting taste.

Gloria - trunk height - 75-95 cm. The aerial part forms a powerful form. Tomato fruits ripen on day 110-120, they get a little elongated shape, they can weigh 65-105 grams.

Late varieties of tomatoes for open ground

De Barao - has a powerful stem 2.6-3 m high, shade-tolerant. Vegetables are ripe for 110-127 days. The species is resistant to late blight. Fruiting well, characterized by a significant number of subspecies.

Bovine heart - trunk height - 1.6-2 m. Fruit weight - 450-700 gr., Varied color - from pinkish to crimson. The structure of the pulp is juicy, fleshy.

Giraffe - trunk height - 1.7-2 m. The high-yielding, ripe roundish-flat fruit weighs about 100 grams, has a peculiar color. One bush brings up to 4.4 kg of harvest. The main feature of the tomato is its unique "keeping quality".

Snowfall - tolerates spring temperature drops, ripens for 130 days, is able to ripen until December. Lined tomatoes have a glossy surface. One bush brings up to 4 kg of harvest.

It is difficult to decide on the choice of tomatoes with such a variety of varieties. Do not be afraid to experiment - plant a few new species of bushes every year, collect the seeds of your favorite crops - and you will definitely form your favorite "collection".

How to grow tomato seedlings

Tomato seeds - a brief introduction

Tomato seeds

Sometimes tomato seedlings are planted in open ground. Tomato seeds are usually medium in size, round in shape, slightly pointed on one side. The seeds are mostly yellowish in color (some shades may be present).

It is noteworthy that even green tomato seedlings are mature. It is allowed to store seedlings for 6-8 years, throughout this period they retain the quality of germination.

If you maintain the required temperature regime, maintain a suitable humidity, then the sprouts appear on the surface of the soil in 3-4 days. Plants bloom after 50-70 days, and ripe fruits can be harvested after 43-60 days.

Consider these nuances, and if there is a healthy desire to harvest as soon as possible, it is better to plant ready-made seedlings in the ground.

Take care of preparing the appropriate piece of land in advance, even in the fall. After harvesting the previous crops, the soil must be plowed and fertilized (and mineral fertilizers). In the spring, it is advisable to re-dig up and harrow the soil.

Be sure to pay attention after which tomatoes are planned to be planted. It is better to plant this vegetable crop after cabbage, onions.

It is not advised to plant tomatoes after potatoes, peppers, eggplants, since these crops are affected by similar diseases.

Warmth is respected very much, and 22-25 ºC is the most suitable temperature for good growth. As soon as the temperature drops (less than 10 ºC), there is a risk that the pollen will not ripen and the ovaries will fall off. However, an increase in degrees (above 30-35 ºC) will also have a detrimental effect on plants: pollen will lose vitality, and fruits may not set.

Adequate lighting is an important factor for the stable growth of tomato seedlings. Lack of sufficient light can negatively affect productivity: seedlings will grow vigorously and the leaves may become pale; fruits will slow down the rate of development and ripening.

Adequate hydration is necessary due to the rapid establishment of a strong root system and aboveground mass, as well as for yields.

Tomatoes during the period of setting and ripening of fruits are especially in need of abundant watering.

At the same time, it is important to observe the rule - the leaves must remain dry, in order to avoid an increase in air humidity and the development of diseases. To properly combine these requirements, it is recommended to tie up the stems, and carefully remove the lower leaves.

Taken together, these steps will promote better ventilation and lighting, and as a result - accelerated maturation.

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