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5 extra pounds. I know how to lose weight. BBW revelation (Sasha the Bold). The importance of a healthy diet for weight loss

Ice shows on TV channels have become real competitors of the Let's Get Married! Tatyana Navka met here Marat Basharov, Nikita Dzhigurd - Marina Anisina, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Peter Chernyshev ... In the fall we planned to tell the readers of 7D about another love story that originated on such a project, namely about actor Dmitry Maryanov and figure skater Irina Lobacheva ... An interesting reason was outlined: not so long ago they starred together in the comedy "My Obnoxious Grandfather", and we wanted to talk about a new round of relations between the athlete and the actor. It is curious that Irina made her film debut thanks to the patronage of Dmitry. Lobacheva became his teacher on the ice, and Maryanov "in revenge" brought her to the set.

To do this, they even had to redo the script. Initially, a famous singer was supposed to star in the film in the role of herself, but Maryanov convinced the director that the role of a celebrity would be played by a famous athlete, of course Lobacheva. Irina coped with her task brilliantly. Unfortunately, this shooting was the final episode in their love story. We learned about the breakup of Lobacheva and Maryanov from the film crew of the film "My Obnoxious Grandfather".

Recall that in 2007, Irina Lobacheva experienced a difficult divorce from Ilya Averbukh. They have been married for 12 years and have been a couple on the ice for a long time. After leaving the big sport, Ilya found a use for his ebullient energy: he put on amazing shows, earned decent money, he was admired, he felt like a star, stepped onto a new stage of his career.

On this wave, he once invited his wife to leave. Irina suffered, cried, broke down on her son Martina, who became an involuntary participant in parents' quarrels. Pulling herself together, she decided to be the first to file for divorce. But before that, she and Ilya once again tried to return everything to square one. For the sake of their son, they got back together, but held out together for only two weeks. A little later, Irina realized that she was pregnant again. She really wanted a child, but Ilya did not. Irina lost her baby due to nervous exhaustion. This was another blow. Knockout ... “I only blame myself for everything that happened,” Irina admitted. - When I found out that I was pregnant, I had to run as far as possible - from Moscow, from Ilya - just to keep the child. As a result, I lost everything - both the marriage and the unborn baby. "

Irina's son helped her survive the divorce, she had to take care of him, get up early every morning, cook breakfast, dress her, lead her to the garden. This drama took away a lot of health and strength from Irina, but psychologically she became stronger. Those close to her sincerely empathized. When it became known about her affair with actor Dmitry Maryanov, Ira did not see condemnation from their side, there was only joy for her. They first met Maryanov at the Ice Age rehearsals. It happened in that very difficult 2007 for her. Dmitry, as a professional, immediately felt the state of his partner and not only diligently performed jumps and supports, but also tried to distract her from black thoughts as best he could, encouraged, soothed, empathized. In 2008, Irina Lobacheva skated together with Vladimir Shevelkov.

Dmitry did not participate in the project, but regularly came to Irina's rehearsals. He explained this to journalists by nostalgia for ice. In 2009, Maryanov returned to the ice - and again as a partner of Lobacheva. Other options were not discussed! It was then that Irina began to thaw. A little less than a year ago, she said frankly: “My personal life has improved. I responded to the feelings of a very good and dignified person, relaxed and finally allowed myself to be happy ... I met him soon after the divorce. We can say that he was a witness to this whole sad story. For a long time we were just friends. And he, as a friend, knew about my connections with other men, which I had right after the divorce. And then I saw him, I realized - he is more than just a friend. " The skater was glad that Dmitry found a common language with her son Martin, who in turn became friends with Danya, the son of Maryanov and Olga Anosova.

They did not shout at every corner about their happiness, did not throw words to the wind ahead of time, but more and more often photos of Irina and Dmitry hugging and kissing appeared in the media.

No one dared to condemn this couple, because after the divorce from Averbukh, Lobacheva was free of obligations. And Maryanov by that time parted with his common-law wife - dancer Olga Silaenkova. However, the predicted wedding was hastily avoided by Dmitry, and especially Irina. “In my first marriage, I was badly burned and do not intend to run down the aisle in the near future. But with childbirth, you need to hurry. I would like to give birth to my second child in the near future, I am ready to become a mother without a stamp in my passport. "

By the way, the fact that Irina is expecting a child - of course from Dmitry - has also been repeatedly written. Not confirmed. It was another newspaper duck. The only fact that is true today: they loved each other, were together, but still broke up.

Today, in 2017-2018, they remembered about the personal life and biography of Irina Lobacheva in connection with the death of Dmitry Maryanov. In the process of working on the preparation of the Ice Age show, the artist and the figure skater allowed themselves a closer relationship than is customary with ice dance partners.

The biography and personal life of Irina Lobacheva today, in 2017-2018, as always, is rich and diverse. In addition, the new relationship did the trick - according to the Olympic champion, Fate finally gave her a companion who became a reliable support in everyday life and a great advisor in working with children - now the woman devotes all her time to young talents from low-income families, not forgetting own difficult childhood ...

The future Honored Trainer of the RSFSR was born in a small village near Moscow Ivanteevka in the family of a gynecologist and an electrician. Irina began to practice figure skating at the age of 6 - on the advice of doctors, her parents began to temper the girl with walks in the fresh air and, so that the baby would not be bored, bought her skates. This captivated Irina so much that just a few months later she begged her mother to send her to a sports school.

In Soviet times, not everyone could afford such a luxury - there was no trace of artificial ice at that time, so Lobacheva had to go to trainings by train. After classes on the ice, the child returned home and went to school, then went to the rink again. Lessons had to be done on the go and wherever they had to: on the train, during recess, in the locker room of the sports palace ...

Such determination could not be ignored by the girl's coach, Natalia Dubinskaya, and soon she sent the young student to Czechoslovakia for the first international competitions. An excellent assessment by the jury allowed the coach to arrange his promising ward in a dormitory for gifted athletes at the Dynamo society and the need for everyday trips home and for training disappeared.

As Irina Lobacheva recalls, in addition to the girl, a younger brother grew up in the family, a disabled child with a terrible diagnosis - cerebral palsy. The father, unable to bear the responsibility for the growing children and the sick son, left the family, leaving his mother practically without a livelihood. Therefore, the woman had to work three shifts a day so that her family did not need anything. At first, Irina helped to look after the boy in the rare moments of being at home, and the rest of the time, the grandmother on her mother's side helped her grandson.

It was a completely hopeless time of total deficit; only Georgian tea and salt could be bought in empty stores. Rare supplies of meat or doctor's sausages were collected at the doors of trade establishments of unthinkable lengths of lines. To support the family, the girl collected food stamps for athletes in the capital's restaurants. And at the end of the week she exchanged them for scarce products: butter, smoked sausage or buckwheat.

Pair skating and first love

By the age of 15, Irina, due to chronic fatigue and injuries, had problems with her kneecaps, and doctors forbade the skater to work solo. The coach decides to pair up with the girl Oleg Onishchenko.

Fact: this was the first man in the life of the future Olympic champion, and she longed for the young man who left for Odessa to enter the Institute of Physical Education.

In order to prevent downtime in the career of a young athlete, Natalya Dubinskaya puts Alexei Pospelov in a pair with the girl. This time love did not arise, however, working with a young man allowed Lobacheva to declare herself as a promising international athlete. Unfortunately, the duet did not last long - the partner was lured to Switzerland by excellent prospects in coaching.

Fruitful cooperation and family

When Ilya Averbukh became Irina Lobacheva's partner in sports in 1992, she could not even imagine how her personal life and biography would change thanks to the young skater. Remembering the past today, in 2017-2018, the woman says that it was thanks to her ex-spouse that she achieved such tremendous success on the ice:

  1. Trophée de France - 1st place.
  2. Russian Championships - multiple championships.
  3. European and World Championships - 1-3 places.
  4. All stages of the Grand Prix, held in different countries, are first places.
  5. In 2003, the athletes decided to leave the big sport and go to coaching. At the same time, Irina wanted to give her beloved son.

Interesting fact! The mother-in-law did not like the skater, believing that such a wife was not suitable for her son. According to colleagues and former companions of the skater, Averbukh is a typical mother's son, who always lives only by his own interests and listens only to his mother's words.

After a difficult birth, Irina went to her mother to recover after a cesarean section, and her husband seemed to have forgotten about the existence of Martin and his wife. Gradually, the young parents moved away from each other so much that they began to talk about divorce, the end in the relationship of the skaters was put by a miscarriage at Lobacheva and Ilya's infidelity. In 2014, the athletes announced the official separation procedure. This is how a beautiful family fell apart, having existed for neither more nor less than 16 years.

Personal life without Averbukh

In show business, they gradually began to call Irina a "black widow" - several of her men, one after another, passed away under mysterious circumstances:

  1. Dmitry Maryanov died in a clinic for the rehabilitation of addicted patients.
  2. Ivan, the brother of a close friend, did not live to see the wedding for just a few days and died at the entrance of a heart attack.
  3. Alexander Shumakov fell out of a window while washing glass on the 14th floor.
  4. The skater herself decided to put an end to her personal life and went headlong into work. In addition, the grown-up son Martin brought a lot of problems to the athlete - the boy began a transitional age and he stopped obeying his mother. Averbukh, if his schedule of studies on projects allowed, tried to pay as much attention to his son as possible, however, this was extremely rare.

Irina's new elect for more than 2 years worked as a second coach together with the Olympic champion. At first, he did not evoke any romantic feelings in Lobacheva. In addition, the guy was 16 years younger than the celebrity, so Irina did not pay special attention to the guy.

The ice melted at the training camp, when during the evening gatherings the couple got into a conversation, and it turned out that the skaters have a lot in common. After returning home, the relationship flared up like a fire, Ivan moved to his chosen one. At the same time, he was not frightened by either Lobacheva's age or the gloomy fame due to several deaths of her lovers. Both souls do not like pets, they are fond of fashion design.

According to Irina Lobacheva, Ivan was sent to her by heaven as a reward for the patience and perseverance with which she endured all the ordeal that fell to her lot. The young man turned out to be so independent that at first the skater did not cease to be amazed at his adult attitude towards his common-law wife and her son.

In the registry office, the couple is in no hurry, but they are thinking about the birth of a joint child. At the same time, Ivan more than anything else wants to have a daughter. Now, under the patronage of his wife, he works with Ilya Averbukh.

Olympic champion in figure skating Irina Lobacheva remembered how she was in love with Dmitry Maryanov. The athlete became a guest of the program "Let them talk." She spoke frankly about their relationship. However, at some point, the artist cheated on her.

“It was Gosha Kutsenko's birthday. I went there alone and saw a photo with Ksenia Bik in the press. I asked what it was. He said that he was getting married and, it turned out, he had a child. Two years ago, as Xenia later said, she became pregnant. A fleeting relationship - they renewed ... I can't stand treason. I contacted Dima after my divorce from Ilya, ”said Irina.

The 45-year-old figure skater still insists that the actor's daughter Anfisa has a different father. According to her, she saw a video proving this fact. In a clip from another program, they showed how happy Maryanov was with Ksenia and their child.

“I know a lot, but I can't say,” Lobacheva said.

Irina claims that Maryanov wanted to part with Bik. According to her, he was tired of such a relationship. Lobacheva noted that a few months before his sudden death, the actor began to look very bad. Throughout his life, he abused alcohol.

“It used to be, and I drank with him. After filming at Mosfilm, we went to a chic cafe. He was being treated for alcoholism. I spent 2 million, ”the skater shared.

Lobacheva also tried to stop drinking. She was undergoing treatment in a special center. “And everything seemed to be gone,” says Irina.

The man who stayed with Maryanov in the same rehabilitation institution told how the actor was treated. Dmitry had an epileptic seizure, they tried to calm him down. Gradually he fell into a delirium tremens. Then the experts were seriously worried and began to inject him with medicines.

Tatyana Skorokhodova, the first common-law wife of Maryanov, also became a guest of the studio. Sometimes she talked with him after breaking up.

Actress Ekaterina Parfenova starred with Dmitry Maryanov in the film "Above the Rainbow". She came to answer all the questions. “The Phoenix Center is the place that his friends advised him. He went there to recover. He had a breakdown, ”said Ekaterina.

She believes that because of thrombophlebitis, Maryanov could have died anywhere. Ksenia did not know about the details of what was happening in this center. She called this center every day. He had to be rehabilitated. On the morning of his death, Ksenia called the center, and she was told that Maryanov had asked for a chiropractor. A serious investigation is underway, ”said Katya.

Upon arrival in Moscow after Maryanov's death, Parfenova decided to support Bik. According to her, when she came to visit her friend, her house was covered with pictures of Dmitry, so it seemed that he was still alive.

“Ksenia tried to stop him. She fought, sounded the alarm. Dima was a stubborn person, ”said the actress.

Irina Lobacheva was bombarded with questions about her recent wedding with a young man who is 16 years younger than her. Ivan came to the studio to explain how he relates to the story with Maryanov.

“I am not at all offended that my wife, in good memory, speaks of important people who played an important role ... If a person has a difficult situation, then the main thing is help from a dear, close person. She had to be next to him, ”said Lobacheva's chosen one.

Ivan admitted that he and Irina himself were not because of her property. According to him, he has good living conditions. At the end of the program, Dmitry Borisov advised Lobacheva to meet with Ksenia Bik and talk.

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