Home Indoor flowers Royal Navy. Review of the flagships of Sweden - Evgeny Sizov. Swedish naval forces Swedish submarine fleet

Royal Navy. Review of the flagships of Sweden - Evgeny Sizov. Swedish naval forces Swedish submarine fleet

Sweden is carrying out a planned modernization of its naval forces, replacing ships built in the 1980s. One of them is the 62-meter reconnaissance ship A201 Orion, which entered the Royal Navy in 1984.

Obsolete Orion

The main task of the vessel was to track Soviet warships. American designers took an active part in the development of Orion. The ship was equipped with the most modern reconnaissance equipment at that time.

Outwardly, the Swedish ship resembles a boat with a hangar that occupies two-thirds of the deck. In professional terms, this is a fairing that protects antennas and other devices necessary for collecting intelligence from the weather.

There is one curious incident associated with Orion. In 1985, during a Soviet naval exercise in the Gdansk Bay, a Swedish reconnaissance ship collided with a Soviet minesweeper.

The circumstances of the incident are still unknown. Obviously, "Orion" was monitoring the progress of maneuvers off the northwestern coast of Poland and the Kaliningrad region. Western media believe that the Soviet ship went to intercept and could have rammed the Swedish ship.

Eight years ago, Orion made a noble gesture towards Russia. In May 2009, a Swedish ship rescued two Russian fishermen in distress in the Baltic Sea.

In April 2010, the Swedish government declared Orion obsolete: the equipment installed in the 1980s could not fully meet modern requirements.

Stealth technology

The Swedish Ministry of Defense does not specify the name of the vessel, which should replace Orion. A press release from the department indicates that the new ship will be larger and heavier. The length of the steel hull will be 71 meters (Orion's - 62 meters), and the displacement - 2300 tons (Orion's - 1400 tons).

The ship will be built at Saab AB's Kockums AB shipyard in Malmö. It is possible that the corporation will implement a fundamentally new project. At the moment, the Swedish fleet does not have a single ship with the characteristics declared by the Ministry of Defense.

Before the revolutionary development of Saab AB were considered corvettes of the Visby type ("Visby"). This is the world's first project of multipurpose ships built using Stealth technology. Its essence is to reduce the visibility of radars. An effect that is important from a military point of view is achieved with the help of special geometric shapes and radio-absorbing materials.

Visby is 73 meters long with a displacement of 640 tons. It was possible to reduce the weight of the ship due to the use of multilayer plastic and reinforced carbon fiber in the structure. The corvette is capable of conducting reconnaissance, hitting enemy aircraft, surface and underwater targets. All weapons are contained inside the side.

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Surrounded by NATO

Apart from patrol boats, the Swedish Navy includes five Visby ships, four Göteborg ships, two Stockholm ships, seven minesweepers (Landsort and Koster projects) and five submarines (Gotland and Östergötland projects). In total, the Swedish fleet includes 63 warships.

The largest vessel in the Swedish fleet is the 105-meter patrol ship Carlskrona (P04). 10 years ago, the Swedish Ministry of Defense planned to turn Carlskrona into a reconnaissance ship, but later it was decided to retain its combat specialization.

Carlskrona is the only vessel in the country capable of participating in long sea voyages. The tasks facing the Royal Navy are limited to the Baltic Sea. The Swedish naval forces include three flotillas and one amphibious regiment (analogous to the Marine Corps).

Sweden is surrounded by NATO member countries (with the exception of Finland), and therefore the only potential enemy of the kingdom is Russia. The events in Ukraine in 2014 in Stockholm were perceived as an act of aggression on the part of Moscow. The kingdom joined the anti-Russian sanctions, thought about strengthening the Armed Forces and joining NATO.

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  • Shi Tiansheng

The tough anti-Russian course pursued by Norway has an impact on the political elite in Sweden. In recent years, the neighboring kingdom has been building up its strike and reconnaissance capabilities with the support of the United States. Oslo does not exclude that the country will join the missile defense system, which is being formed by the Pentagon.

Features of Swedish neutrality

Judging by the statements of Swedish politicians and publications in the local press, the degree of Russophobia in the kingdom is not as high as in Norway. Since the beginning of the 20th century, Sweden has been pursuing a policy of neutrality, trying not to get involved in the showdown of the great powers.

Nevertheless, during the Cold War, Stockholm clearly played on the side of NATO and paid great attention to the combat readiness of the army, spending five times more funds for its maintenance than today (5% of GDP).

At the moment, there has been no fundamental turn towards the alliance in Sweden. In articles about Russia, the national media often ask readers the question: "Why would a peaceful, neutral Sweden again enter into confrontation with Moscow?"

At the end of March 2017, the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper published an article stating that the Swedes' fear of Russia's military power was inspired mainly by historical events, in particular the wars of the 18th century. The material also speaks of the groundlessness of the alarmist sentiments associated with the ubiquitous "Russian submarines".

"Too serious consequences"

Sweden occupies an advantageous geographical position to oppose first the Soviet and then the Russian fleet. The most strategically important is the island of Gotland, located at the crossroads of sea routes. The Visby naval base is stationed in Gotland.

After the collapse of the USSR, the Baltic Fleet was divided into two parts: the first group is based in the Gulf of Finland, and the second - more numerous - in Kaliningrad, which is an enclave.

From open data it follows that the Baltic Fleet includes 44 warships and two submarines, and the Swedish Navy has 58 ships and five submarines on its balance sheet.

Dmitry Sheremetsky, editor-in-chief of the Army and Flot magazine, believes that the activities of the Swedish Navy pose a certain danger to the Baltic Fleet, but it should not be exaggerated.

  • Patrol ship Carlskrona (P04)
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“The Swedes do not have large ships and powerful strike weapons. In this component, they are much inferior to us. Yes, Sweden is a high-tech country. I mean the Visby project, but it is still impossible to say for sure what these corvettes are capable of, what their radar protection system and strike systems are worth, "Sheremetsky explained to RT.

“The Swedes have not fought for about 200 years. All their military knowledge comes from textbooks and the results of NATO exercises. I also very much doubt the high motivation of the Swedish military. I don’t think they are ready to challenge us, let alone arrange any provocation. The consequences will be too serious for them, ”says Sheremetsky.

The expert recalled that Sweden has not had a powerful fleet for almost 100 years, since it abandoned its great-power ambitions back in the 19th century. “Nothing has fundamentally changed since then, and it is unlikely that anything will change. Sweden has found its niche as a semi-neutral state, and this niche, as far as I can tell, suits everyone in the kingdom. "

I was often asked - why did Russia start the construction of the Baltic Fleet in the Northern War? Indeed, without its own sea trade, the fleet is essentially not needed, they say, there is no one to protect it, and the funds are frenzied. With a light hand, even such a caste appeared - "flotophobes of the Mesozoic Petrine period." The short slogan of these people is that the fleet is evil, the senseless drank the dough, and Peter is the main drinker of Russia, senseless in his tyranny and merciless.
I have already written quite a lot about the appearance of the fleets of England, Holland, France, and now I would like to suggest ... Sweden. Yes, you heard right, that very Sweden. After all, if the Swedish kings built a fleet without having their own significant maritime trade, then perhaps they are also drunkards, senseless and merciless?
In general, the fleet on a privatized basis appeared in Sweden in 1522 - it was then that the rebels of the Danish provinces hired 10 ships from the Hanseatic Lubeck to defend against the Danes' raids. By the way, Gustav Vasa paid quite a tidy sum for this mercenary detachment - 42,000 marks, which is equivalent to 10 barrels of silver. Where did such money come from in the half-impoverished province of Denmark - history is silent. Nevertheless, it was with this mercenary detachment that the history of the Swedish Navy began. Having become king, Vasa continued to take care of the fleet, and after his death (1560), the Swedish fleet consisted of up to 30 ships. Already here we see that the main task of the Swedish fleet is to protect its own coast from the attacks of the Danes. True, Denmark, torn apart by civil strife and religious unrest, did not have the strength for any landings, but who cared? By the way, this accusation is very often applied to Peter - they say, Sweden did not have the strength to land in the Baltic States, but here this crazy fleet is building. Let us then recognize Gkstava Vazu as a madman. He also built, proceeding from the assumption that such an option is possible.
Oh, by the way, about the Swedish sea trade for 1522. It simply does not exist. Of course, the dozen of transport and trade lighters that ply between Lubeck, Stralsund and Stockholm, someone will consider a fairly large trade association, but to build about 30 warships for the sake of us ??? .. Hmm ...
The trade of Sweden at that time was quite reminiscent of the trade of Russia during the time of Peter I - they sailed to Sweden for goods, most often - for iron and copper.
Eric XIV , who ascended the throne, sharply accelerated the construction of the fleet, but at least used it for its intended purpose. Landings in Finland, the war with Estonia, the capture of Tallinn, that is, the fleet was used as an instrument of expansion. In 1566, the fleet consisted of 60 ships, with 2,000 cannons and 7,000 sailors. However, after Eric's death from Peter's fleet? horns and legs remained. He deigned supremely to rot.
Nevertheless, the Swedes began the real riveting of ships under the famous Gustav-Adolf, continued to Queen Christina, and Karl X ... True, this fleet either transported troops, or sat in bases, it did not work at all to fight. Well, or almost at all, since a couple of victories over the Danes can still be remembered, but if you understand these battles, the fault of the Danes is no more than the inability of the Swedes. So, the composition of the fleet for 1644: 40 large ships, 40 galleys, 150 small ships (the so-called island or archipelagic fleet); moreover, in 1678 Peter I Charles XI begins the construction of Pieterburch Karlskona, that is, the main fleet base, being built exclusively for the fleet. Composition for 1697 - 37 ships of the line and 8 frigates.
Oh yeah, we forgot about Swedish trade. She exists. But ... how to put it mildly ... it is concentrated in the perimeters of Sweden and the eastern part of the Baltic Sea, that is, Sweden trades with its conquered lands - Pomerania, the Baltic States, Finland, etc. Again, the main turnover of the country is made by merchants who swim to Sweden by themselves... By the way, the size of the Swedish merchant fleet in 1697 is downright staggering - 147 ships over 200 tons. For comparison, England in the same period had about 5,000 merchant ships. France has about 2,000 merchant ships. But all of them are just dwarfs compared to Holland - up to 20,000 merchant ships.
Everyone knows the outcome of the Great Northern War - Sweden lost on all counts. Oh yes, some will say, it was Russia that lost, because Peter paid Sweden compensation for the Baltic states. By the way, where did the Swedes let this money go? After all, the country was shaken by inflation, and almost a default. And ... they put this money into the fleet. First of all, in 1726, a new stone dock was created in Pietersburg in Karlskon, where all ships were timbered. With increased energy, the galley fleet began to be built (in 1756 it was separated from the naval command and given to the generals, became known as the "army fleet"), 9 ships were purchased abroad.
By the way - with the sea trade of Sweden it is still sad - they are sailing to them, not they. Well, here some will remember the Swedish East India Company - and I just suggest looking at the date of its creation - 1731. And also remember that the Scots, not the Swedes, stood at its origins. Swedish West India Company - 1745 If we talk about the sad history of the Swedish African Company (1649) with all its 17 ships, it will be a sad and short story. The British, Danes, Dutch quickly slammed this shop. Whoever wants to read it himself.

Swedish Navy

After the end of the First World War, Sweden unexpectedly turned out to be the strongest maritime power in the Baltic. This circumstance led to the fact that the parliament of the country, which did not believe in the possibility of a new world conflict, adopted in 1925 a decision to cut the military budget by 50%. The consequence of the reduction in funding was the refusal to build the planned series of battleships of the "Sverige" class - at first their number was reduced from five to one, but in the end it was decided to send funds to modernize the ships in service.

Nevertheless, in comparison with its closest neighbors - Denmark and Norway, Sweden paid much more attention to the fleet. Between 1925 and 1936, the Navy was reinforced by the Gotland aircraft carrier, which made a lot of noise in naval circles, and several modern destroyers, submarines and patrol ships.

By the mid-1930s. the international situation has changed markedly and even in the pacifist Swedish parliament they finally came to understand the need to increase military spending. In 1936, a new law on defense was adopted, according to which funds for the purchase of weapons were significantly increased. The Navy finally got the opportunity to order new coastal defense battleships (for a number of reasons, their construction was postponed several times and in the end was canceled) and to accelerate the modernization of light forces, consisting mostly of morally and physically obsolete ships. Yet the renewal of the fleet by 1939 was far from complete.

The outbreak of World War II and the Soviet invasion of Finland raised serious concerns in Sweden for its future. The subsequent occupation of Norway and Denmark by Germany in April 1940 did not add to the calm. To prevent a hypothetical German invasion, Sweden began to urgently build up its forces - coastal submarines were built under the "emergency program", and a light cruiser project was ordered in Italy. With the same Italy at the beginning of 1940 it was possible to agree on the sale of two destroyers, two destroyers and four torpedo boats.

The possibility of an invasion by German troops, according to the Swedes, existed until mid-1943. In order not to be drawn into the war and remain neutral, Sweden had to arm itself to the teeth. As a result, after the end of World War II, for some time it again found itself in the role of the strongest Baltic sea power.

Coastal defense battleships

"Sverige" class coastal defense battleships - 3 units

"Sverige" GvS 12.12.1912 3.5.1915 6.1917 Deleted 1953

"Drottning Victoria" GvS 7.1915 9/15/1917 3.1921 Deleted 1957

"Gustaf V" KS 12.1914 31.1.1918 12.1922 Deleted 1957

7160 ("Gustaf V"), 7010 ("Drottning Victoria") and 6970 ("Sverige") / 7800 - 8000 t; 119.7 ("Sverige") or 120.9 (ow) / 121.6 (others) x18.6x6.8 m. 2 TZA, 8 PCs ("Gustaf V" and "Drottning Victoria") or 4 vocational schools, 4 PK ("Sverige"), 20,000 - 22,000 hp, 22.5 - 23.2 knots, "Gustaf V" and "Drottning Victoria" - 360 tons (coal) + 273 tons (oil). Reservations: side 200 - 60 mm, deck 30 - 45 mm, turret GK 200 mm, barbets GK 150 mm, turret of medium caliber 125 mm, barbets of medium caliber 100 mm, wheelhouse 175 mm. Eq. 557 ("Sverige") or 590 (others) people. 2x2 - 283 mm / 45, 1 x 2 and 6 x 1 ("Drottning Victoria") or 1 x 2 and 4 x 1 ("Sverige") or 6 x 1 ("Gustaf V") - 152 mm / 50, 2x2 - 75 mm / 53, 2x2 - 40 mm / 60 ("Sverige" and "Gustaf V"), 2x2 ("Sverige"), 2 x 2 and 4 x 1 ("Gustaf V") or 3 x 1 ("Drottning Victoria") - 25 mm.

The world's last classic coastal defense battleships and the only ships of this class equipped with a steam turbine power plant.

The history of the design of these ships dates back to 1906, when the leadership of the Swedish Navy came to the conclusion that the size and armament of the existing coastal defense battleships no longer corresponded to their time. According to experts, it was required to bring the displacement to 7 - 7.5 thousand tons, which would make it possible to switch to the 283-mm artillery of the main battery and adequate protection to it. In accordance with the new requirements, a draft battleship was prepared, which received the letter designation "F". Structurally, it was a greatly enlarged "Oscar II" with four 283-mm guns in two end towers and a speed of 22.5 knots. (in the early stages of design, the silhouette of the ship remained very similar to the prototype, since, like the Oscar II, it had three chimneys).

After lengthy discussions on the project and the introduction of some changes, the construction of a new battleship, named "Sverige", was approved by parliament in 1911.

In parallel with the design of the ship, the Bofors company began to create a 283-mm artillery system, which was adopted by the Swedish fleet in 1912 and was rightfully considered one of the best in the world for its time. The composition of the medium caliber in comparison with the prototype did not change, but it was located in a new way - one two-gun turret was placed in a linearly elevated position behind the forward main turret, and the remaining six guns were placed in single turrets, three per side, as on earlier ships of the "Agap" type. ... The armament was completed by four anti-mine, two anti-aircraft 75-mm cannons and two submarine TA.

The belt along the waterline with a height of 2 m extended almost the entire length of the hull - 112 m. In the middle part, over 51 m, it had a thickness of 200 mm, thinning at the bow and stern, first to 150, and then to 60 mm. Above the main one, a second belt 100 mm thick stretched - from the barbette of the nose 152-mm turret to the barbette of the aft tower of the main battery.

Since to achieve 22.5 knots. speed when using a traditional steam engine installation was not possible, the ship was equipped with a steam turbine power plant, consisting of four direct drive turbines.

In order to increase seaworthiness, the hull of the ship was equipped with a small forecastle with a sloping deck (as on early destroyers), which extended to the bow turret of the main ship.

Standard displacement "Sverige" was 6852 tons, full - 7688 tons.

An interesting story is connected with the construction of "Sverige". Only a third of the required amount was included in the budget for the construction of this ship (4 million crowns instead of 11.7!) The fact is that the Swedish parliamentarians simply did not expect that the new battleship would be more than three times more expensive than its predecessor - Oscar II (3.4 million kroons). The missing funds had to be collected by subscription among the population.

In 1914, the country's parliament decided to build two more battleships of the "Sverige" class with minor changes in the design. In appearance, the most noticeable were the rejection of the ramming stem formation (due to some lengthening of the nasal tip) and a different form of the forecastle. The changes in the power plant stuffing turned out to be more serious - instead of turbines with direct transmission with a contractual capacity of 20,000 hp. on the lead ship "Gustaf V" and "Drottning Victoria" were equipped with a two-shaft TZA with a capacity of 22,000 hp. More power with improved hull contours led to a speed increase of 0.7 knots. (from 22.5 to 23.2 knots), and the TZA, even with a lower total fuel capacity (761 against 776 tons), made it possible to increase the cruising range to 3280 miles (against 2720 miles for "Sverige").

At the same time, the displacement slightly decreased: standard - up to 6842 tons, full - up to 7663 tons.

During their more than thirty years of service, ships of this type have consistently gone through two or three upgrades. Sverige was the first to arrive at the shipyard in 1926 - it received a new tripod foremast with main gun fire control posts. The next year, 1927, similar work was carried out at the "Drottning Victoria". He completed the first wave of modernizations of the "Gustaf V" in 1930, but the volume of work performed on it turned out to be much larger - in addition to the new tripod foremast, the ship combined the chimneys of both pipes into one common (to reduce the smoke-filled ™ bow superstructure), the mainmast moved closer to the midsection and reduced its height, and 2x2 75-mm anti-aircraft guns were installed in the vacant space along the diagonal (at the same time, all previously standing 75-mm guns were dismantled).

The second wave of modernization in 1933 was reopened by Sverige - this time the list of works for the most part repeated those carried out shortly before on the Gustaf V. The difference was in a different solution to the problem of smoke - the first chimney was bent back, giving it an S -shaped shape. In addition, both TA were dismantled. In 1935 he started the modernization of the "Drottning Victoria". In addition to rearranging the mainmast, reinforcing anti-aircraft armament (2x2 75-mm guns and 3 x 1 25-mm machine guns), dismantling the TA and installing new rangefinders on the ship, the power plant was overhauled - the turbines were sorted out, and half of the boilers with mixed heating were replaced with two clean oil type Penet, from the mid-1930s. accepted in the Swedish Navy as standard. In 1938, the power plant was repaired in the same way on the "Gustaf V". At the same time, the ship's air defense was significantly strengthened - in place of the removed bow twin 152-mm turret of the second caliber, two paired 40-mm assault rifles were mounted

"Bofors", on the stern superstructure next to the 75-mm guns were placed two paired 25-mm machine guns, four more similar machine guns appeared on the roofs of the bow and stern pair of single-gun 152-mm turrets.

In 1939 "Sverige" underwent the third modernization. Instead of 12 old PCs with mixed heating, four pure oil Penet types were installed. The turbines were not changed, limited to their repair. Unlike the "Gustaf V", 40-mm twin "bofors" were placed in the middle part of the hull in place of the middle pair of dismantled 152-mm turrets on the left and right sides, while the two-gun 152-mm turret remained. In addition, on the Sverige, the number of 25-mm assault rifles was initially limited to 2 x 2 on the stern superstructure.

In 1941, the "Drottning Victoria" underwent a strengthening of its air defense, which in composition and location basically repeated that adopted on the "Sverige" (all the differences were reduced to the installation of 25-mm single-barreled machine guns on the roofs of 152-mm towers, as on the "Gustaf V" - initially on the bow pair, and later on the stern pair).

In 1942, the Sverige, and soon the rest of the ships, installed a third twin 40-mm Beofors installation - in the stern, on the deck of the quarter-deck. Single-barreled 25-mm assault rifles of the 1932 model were replaced with more advanced 20-mm models of 1940.

In 1943, the Drottning Victoria received a Swedish-made radar.

In 1940, a steam boiler exploded on the Gustaf V.

"Sverige" was damaged as a result of a collision with the submarine "Svardfisken" on 01.18.1942, the elimination of the damage took two months.

"Sverige" and "Drottning Victoria" were put into reserve in 1947, "Gustaf V" - in 1948, scrapped in 1958, 1959 and 1970. respectively.

Coastal defense battleship "Oscar II" - 1 unit

"Oscar II" LS 29.3.1903 6.6.1905 4.1907 Deleted 1950

4250/4850 tons, 95.6x15.4x5.5 m.2 PMU, 10 PCs, 9400 hp, 18.5 knots, 500 tons of coal, 3550 (11) miles. Reservations: side 150 - 100 mm, deck 37 - 50 mm, GK turrets 190-130 mm, GK barbets 175 mm, medium caliber turrets 125 mm, wheelhouse 157 mm. Eq. 338 people 2 x 1 - 210 mm / 44, 4 x 2 - 152 mm / 50, 2x2 - 57 mm, 1 X 2 - 25 mm.

The world's only three-pipe coastal defense battleship. Initial plans envisaged that "Oscar II" would be built according to the drawings of ships of the "Agap" type with minor changes, however, during the parliamentary hearings in 1901, dedicated to the allocation of funds for the construction of a new ship, wishes were expressed to revise the project in the direction of increasing the number of barrels auxiliary artillery, enhancing armor and increasing travel speed. Preparation of a new project and subsequent approval lasted almost two years - only in May 1903, King Oscar II of Sweden approved the drawings of a new battleship named in his honor.

Structurally, "Oscar M" was a development of the "Agap" type. Due to a slightly increased size and a slight decrease in the thickness of the side armor, the power of the propulsion system was almost doubled, which made it possible to raise the travel speed to 18.5 knots. The ease of booking was partly offset by the extension of the belt in the bow and stern (the thickness at the extremities was reduced to 100 mm). A short (only 23 m) 100-mm second armor belt on top of the main one covered the supply of 152-mm and 57-mm guns, as well as the PC chimneys.

In terms of armament, the main difference between the new battleship was the increase in the number of 152-mm guns to eight and the transition to two-gun auxiliary caliber turrets (similar

installed on the armored cruiser "Fylgia" under construction at the same time).

During its service "Oscar II" underwent repairs and upgrades three times. In the course of the first (1911), fire control devices of the main battery were mounted on the foremast, which had become a tripod. Somewhat later, in 1916, two of the 57-mm anti-mine guns were converted into anti-aircraft guns and installed on the roofs of the main battery turrets. During the second renovation (1929), the mainmast was shortened and some redevelopment of the superstructures was made. In 1938 - 1939. the ship underwent the third, most extensive modernization, during which the old PCs were replaced with new ones, of which two had pure oil heating, the mainmast was removed, torpedo tubes and old 57-mm guns were dismantled, anti-aircraft armament was reinforced, additionally installing four 57-mm guns in the stern of the superstructure, 1 x 2 25-mm machine gun and 2 x 2 8-mm machine guns. The total displacement increased from 4584 to 4850 tons.

After exclusion in 1950, she was converted into a non-self-propelled training vessel. It was handed over for scrap only in 1974.

"Aran" class coastal defense battleships - 4 units

"Aran" LS 1899 8/14/1901 9.1902 Deleted 1947

"Wasa" FS 1899 19.5.1901 12.1902 Deleted 1940

"Tapperheten" KS 1899 11/7/1901 1903 Deleted 1947

"Manligheten" KS 12.1901 1.12.1903 12.1904 Deleted 1950

450 / about 3800 t ("Manligheten") or about 3300/3735 t (the rest ); 89.7 ("Manligheten" - 90 m) x15x5.3 m; 2 PMU, 8 PCs, 5500 l. s., 16.5 knots, 370 tons of coal, 3000 (12) miles. Reservations: side 175 mm, deck 48 mm, turret GK 180 - 140 mm, barbets GK 190 mm, turrets of medium caliber 125 - 60 mm, barbets of medium caliber 100 mm. Eq. 285 people 2x1 - 210 mm / 44, 6x1 - 152 mm / 44, 10x1 - 57 mm, 2x1 - 37 mm, 2x1 457 mm TA (underwater).

Battleships of the "Agap" type became a repetition of the extremely successful, in the opinion of the Swedes themselves, of the "Dristigheten" type, built in 1898 - 1901. The main difference was the placement of 152mm guns (in the turrets instead of the casemates) and some changes in the armor. The 175-mm Krupp belt along the waterline extended to a length of 50.4 m. Although the thickness in comparison with the prototype ("Dristigheten") was reduced by an inch (from 200 to 175 mm), due to this it was possible to increase the height of the belt from 1.48 to 1 , 78 m (i.e. 1 foot).

"Tapperheten" was the fastest of the four, exceeding the contract speed by more than a knot (17.7 knots versus 16.5 knots).

The construction of the first three ships of the series was approved by the country's parliament in 1899 (the order was issued on 10/12/1899), the fourth - "Manligheten" - in 1901. It differed from its brethren in much more comfortable living conditions. Due to the installation of additional equipment (a refrigerator vehicle, a more developed ventilation system), the displacement slightly increased.

In 1906 - 1910 All four ships underwent limited modernization, during which a tripod foremast with a main fire control post was installed on them.

"Tapperheten" ran aground in January 1914, rescue work continued until July and cost almost a third of its original cost.

Wasa put into reserve in 1924, Tapperheten in 1927 and Agap in 1933.

In the mid-1930s. Manligheten, the only one of the four, underwent a limited upgrade, in which two of the eight PCs were converted from coal to oil heating.

In September 1939, in connection with the outbreak of World War II, it was decided to re-commission the Agap and Tapperheten. "Wasa", which had spent the longest time in reserve practically without a crew and therefore was in a deplorable state, it was decided to use it as a floating battery in Malmo, but soon this idea was abandoned, the ship was excluded from the lists of the fleet and for some time was used as a stand for the preparation of ship repair parties. In 1942 he was "made up" to resemble the battleship "Drottning Victoria". It is curious that the practical Swedes used the armor belt removed from the battleship in the manufacture of armor for two Tre Kronor-class light cruisers under construction.

With regard to the Agap and Tapperheten, the plans of the Swedish Admiralty provided for their return to the fleet as full-fledged warships. Inspection of the hulls showed that they were in excellent condition, which could not be said about the various ship systems. This was especially true of "Agap" - during the tests it broke the anchor chain, steam boilers could not withstand the shocks that occur when firing their own guns. Work on putting the ships in order continued until the end of 1939 - early 1940.

Simultaneously with the repair work on the vehicle and ship systems "Agap" and "Tapperheten" equipped with modern anti-aircraft artillery. At the same time, all the old 57-mm guns were removed, as well as underwater torpedo tubes. In place of the cut mainmast, the Agap equipped a platform on which 4x1 57-mm anti-aircraft guns were placed. The mainmast was also cut off on the Tapperheten, but only two 57-mm guns were placed in the vacant space - the other two were moved forward, along the edges of the first chimney. On both battleships on the roofs of the main battery turrets, one 25-mm machine gun was installed.

A year later, the Agap air defense was reinforced again by adding 2 40-mm Bofors and 2 x 2 8-mm machine guns. At about the same time or a little later, the bow superstructure of the ship, together with the foremast, was moved to the stern side by several meters. At the same time, the platform with 57 mm guns was lowered to one tier.

In the fall of 1939, the Manligheten was damaged by an explosion from a German mine defender, killing six people. Despite this, the ship was still in service for almost a year, and only at the end of 1940 it got up for repairs, combined with modernization. The battleship received a new main battery fire control system, 210-mm guns were overhauled at the Bofors plant. As with the Tapperheten and Agap, the Manligheten dismantled the mainmast and strengthened the air defenses by mounting 4x1 57-mm guns and four 40-mm and two 25-mm assault rifles. The bow superstructure acquired a more modern shape, like on the Agap, it was moved several meters aft.

Old PCs were replaced with new ones, visors appeared on the chimneys.

Since the nose damaged during the explosion in 1939 still required serious repairs, these works were combined with the lengthening of the hull to improve seaworthiness. Now upwards from the extreme point of the ram, a new, gracefully curved stem rose, and the camber of the frames in the area of ​​the tank was increased. Waterline length increased to 90.2 m.

Since 1942 "Agap" has been used as a floating barracks. After the exclusion of "Agap" and "Tapperheten" from the lists of the fleet in 1947, the corps of the first served as a barge for a long time. Sank 11/01/1968 while being towed for scrap. The Manligheten was dropped from the fleet in 1950 and sold for scrap in the same year.


Cruisers of the "Tre Kronor" class - 0 + 2 units

"Gota Lejon" EvG 27.9.1943 17.11.1945 12.1947 Sold to Chile in 1971

"Tre Kroner" GvS 27.9.1943 16.12.1944 10.1947 Deleted 1964

7650/9238 t; 180.2 x 16.7 x 5.7 m; 2 TZA, 4 PCs, 90,000 hp, 33 knots, 4350 (14) miles. Reservations: belt 70 + 20 mm, deck 30 + 30 mm, turrets 50 -125 mm, wheelhouse 20 mm. Eq. 783 people 1 x 3 and 2 x 2 - 152 mm / 53.10x2 - 40 mm / 60, 9 - 20 mm, 2x3 - 533 mm TA, 120 min, 4 BS.

Until the end of the 1930s. coastal defense battleships were considered the backbone of the Swedish fleet, but the experience of the first months of World War II led to a revision of their role in the structure of Swedish defense policy. The construction of two improved ships of the "Sverige" class with 254-mm guns, provided for by the fleet development program, was abandoned in favor of two light cruisers. The new ships were supposed to become the flagships of two formations, consisting of four EVs and four large mm each - it was they who, under the new conditions, were entrusted with the defense of the Swedish coast from the hypothetical invasion fleet.

The cruisers were supposed to be armed with 152-mm guns, originally ordered by the Netherlands for the Eendracht-class cruisers under construction. After the occupation of Holland by the Germans, in May 1940, the guns manufactured at the Bofors company were found to be ownerless.

The design assignment was decided by the Maritime Council to be located in Italy, with which Sweden already had extensive experience of cooperation. In 1940 - 1941. firm "Kantieri Riuniti della Adriatico" has prepared a project of a new cruiser based on the drawings of the cruisers "Taksin" and "Naresuan" under construction for the Thai fleet. Due to the increase in displacement from 5,000 to 7,000 tons, the booking was increased and the power of the propulsion unit was more than doubled (from 40,000 to 100,000 hp). In the early stages of the design, it was supposed to place all the main battery artillery in three-gun turrets, but this led to a further increase in displacement, and in the final version only the bow tower remained three-gun, and the aft ones, as on the prototype, were two-gun.

The documentation arrived in Sweden in 1941, but construction began only two years later - the delay was caused by many changes made at the request of the Naval Council. The order for the construction of "Tre Kronor" was issued on 5.2.1943, and for the "Gota Lejon" on February 12th. Until the end of the war, the ships never entered service, and there was no need for a rush - the German invasion became less and less real, and Sweden received certain guarantees from the Soviet Union.

Vertical waterline booking consisted of a 70 mm belt. Its upper and lower edges were adjoined by two flat armored decks with a thickness of 30 mm, in addition, there was additional armor with a thickness of 20-50 mm above vital places. The upper deck was made of 20 mm steel, which played the role of additional protection.

Gota Lejon was sold to Chile in 1971 and renamed Almirante Latorre, scrapped in 1985. Tre Kronor was excluded from the fleet in January 1961, scrapped in 1970.

Aircraft carrier "Gotland" - 1 unit

"Gotland" GvS 1930 9/14/1933 12.1934 Deleted 1960

4750/5550 t; 130 (VP) / 134.8 x 15.4 x 4.5 m; 2 TZA, 4 PCs, 33,000 hp, 27.5 knots, 800 tons of oil, 4,000 (12) miles. Reservations: belt 15 - 24 mm, deck 25 mm, turret 25 mm, wheelhouse 19 mm. Eq. 467 - 480 people 2 x 2 and 2 x 1 - 152 mm / 55, 1 x 2 and 2 x 1 - 76 mm / 60, 1 x 2 and 4 x 1 - 25 mm, 2x3 - 533 mm TA, 100 min, 6 seaplanes and 1 catapult.

The leadership of the Swedish fleet came to the idea of ​​creating a specialized aircraft-carrying ship after carrying out naval maneuvers in 1925. The first step in this direction was the restructuring of the old coastal defense battleship "Dristigheten" into air transport. Simultaneously with this, the design of an aircraft-carrying cruiser began, according to the first studies - a 4500-ton ship with 27 knots. course, armed with six 152-mm single-gun mounts and carrying 12 seaplanes, for the storage of which a hangar was provided. In January 1927, the requirements of the Naval Council changed somewhat towards the "universalization" of the new ship - now 152-mm guns had to be placed in two-gun turrets, to strengthen air defense systems and find a place for 2x3 533-mm TA. To compensate for the new requirements, it was allowed to abandon the hangar and keep the aircraft openly on the deck. Changes were made to the project, after which the displacement increased to 4800 tons.

The order for the construction of "Gotland" was issued on 7.6.1930.

The universal purpose of the ship left an imprint on its appearance: the aft third of the hull was assigned to aircraft weapons - a platform for storing seaplanes raised above the upper deck, a rotary catapult (originally it was supposed to install two, but ultimately it was limited to one) and a crane for lifting machines from the water ... The crane was placed in the stern itself, and the catapult was located closer to the middle of the hull, directly behind the aft main turret. To transport aircraft from the crane to the catapult, special rail tracks were laid along the platform. The staff of the air group for the project consisted of 12 units, but by the time the cruiser was ready, it was reduced to eight, and in fact there were never more than six on board.

Under the hinged aircraft platform, rails ran along the upper deck, on which, depending on the type, could be up to 100 minutes.

Artillery and torpedo armament was concentrated in the middle of the corps. The number of two-gun 152-mm turret installations, compared with the original project, was reduced from three to two - mainly for financial reasons, since in this case the length of the hull and, as a result, its price increased. To preserve the total number of main guns, the "Gotland" returned to the archaic casemate arrangement of artillery - 152-mm guns from the liquidated third tower were moved to the casemates equipped on the sides of the bow superstructure. These guns had half the elevation angle compared to turret guns (30 ° versus 60 °), and, naturally, a shorter firing range.

In the middle part of the body there were also three-pipe TA (in the area of ​​the second chimney).

The "Gotland" power plant was, as far as possible, unified with the one adopted on the "Goteborg" type EM, the main difference was the increased number of PCs to four and, accordingly, higher steam capacity. The MO and KO were located in echelon, while, due to the 152-mm stern turret strongly shifted to the bow (which had to be done for more convenient placement of aviation equipment), its cellars were sandwiched between KO No. 2 and MO No. 2. The consequence was an extremely large difference in the length of the shafting of the right and left sides.

The limited size of "Gotland" and an extensive range of weapons did not allow the ship to provide any serious booking; I had to confine myself to anti-fragmentation - the thickness of the armor did not exceed 25 mm anywhere.

In 1937 - 1938. on the roof of the main turret, a platform with a twinned 25-mm machine gun was equipped.

By 1943, the Hauker Osprey seaplanes, delivered in 1934-1935, had lost all combat significance. Any replacement would require a significant alteration of the catapult and other aviation equipment due to the increased weight of the new seaplanes. Taking this into account, as well as the increased capabilities of coastal aviation with "Gotland", it was decided to dismantle all aircraft weapons, while strengthening its air defense. For this, four paired 40-mm "bofors" and two paired 20-mm assault rifles were placed in the vacated aft part of the hull. The modernization ended in April 1944.

The most notable event associated with the "Gotland" during the war years was the discovery by him in May 1941 of a germ going out into the Atlantic. LC "Bismarck". This message, transmitted by the Swedish cruiser, marked the beginning of one of the most dramatic operations at sea - the hunt for "Bismarck".

Excluded from the lists of the fleet on 1.7.1960 and 1.5.1963 sold for scrap.

Training cruiser "Fylgia" - 1 unit

"Fylgia" FS 10.1903 12.21.1905 6.1907 Deleted 1953

4240/4980 t; 117.3x14.8x6.1 m; 2 PMU, 4 PC, 12,000 hp, 22.8 knots, 5,770 (10) miles. Reservations: belt 100 mm, deck 22 - 35 mm (on bevels - 50 mm), towers 50 - 125 mm, wheelhouse 100 mm. Crew 322 people. 4x2 - 152 mm / 50, 4x1 - 57 mm, 2x2 - 40 mm / 60 zen., 1 x2 - 25 mm zen., 1 x1 -20 mmzen., 2 x 1 - 533 mm TA, 2 BS.

"Fylgia" became the first full-fledged cruiser of the Swedish fleet. According to the plans of the leadership, this ship was supposed to act as a scout for the main forces, as well as lead the destroyer flotilla when entering a torpedo attack. When creating "Fylgia", the Swedish designers did not follow the path of borrowing foreign experience, as in the case of destroyers and destroyers, but prepared their own project, which was quite original for its time. Its main feature was the location of all main battery artillery in two-gun turrets and the presence of an armored belt in the area of ​​boiler rooms and engine rooms. The latter circumstance turned "Fylgia" into the world's smallest armored cruiser.

The building order was issued on 10/14/1902.

In general, the Swedes themselves rated the ship as successful, despite the mediocre 21.5-knot. speed (on tests it was able to develop 22.8 knots at 12 440 hp)

In 1939, the cruiser underwent a large-scale reconstruction at the Oskarshamn shipyard, during which it was rebuilt into a training ship. Eight coal-fired PSs were replaced by four oil ones with a slightly higher total steam capacity, which made it possible to increase the power by 1000 hp. -up to 13,000 hp The bow boiler room was eliminated, and the freed up space was used to accommodate cadets. The nasal chimney was removed, and the height of the remaining two was reduced and equipped with small caps. The old superstructure was dismantled, replacing the compact, similar to the EM "Goteborg".

In addition, the nasal extremity was enlarged, which lost its ram shape as a result. The greatest length has increased from 115.5 to 117.3 m.

The artillery of the main battery remained unchanged, the entire old 57-mm anti-mine was removed, and its casemates were repaired. On the upper deck in the area of ​​the bow and stern superstructures, platforms for four 57-mm anti-aircraft guns were equipped, on the stern superstructure - for two paired 40-mm "bofors" (according to some reports, later the 57-mm guns were also replaced with 40-mm assault rifles) ... On the roof of the bow turret of the Main Committee, a platform with a paired 25-mm machine gun was mounted, and a single 20-mm machine gun was installed in the quarter-deck area. Instead of the removed underwater 457-mm TA, two rotary 533-mm TA were placed on the upper deck on the side.

The cruiser was excluded from the lists of the fleet on 1.1.1953, was used for some time when testing various types of weapons, and was scrapped in 1957.

Minelayer cruiser "Alvsnabben" - 1 unit

"Alvsnabben" EvG n / a 1/19/1943 4.1943 Deleted 1982

4207 (std.) T; 98.8 (vl) / 102x13.6x5.8 m; 1 diesel, 3000 hp, 14 knots, 12 400 (13) miles. Eq. 255 people 4x1 - 152 mm / 44, 4x2 - 40 mm / 60, 6x1 - 20 mm, mines, 4 BS.

Laid down as a civil ship, purchased by the fleet after the laying and completed as a minelayer. Officially listed as a minelayer cruiser.

Excluded 1982, scrapped 1984

Minelayer cruiser "Clas Fleming" - 1 unit

"Clas Fleming" FS 191114.12.1912 5.1914 Deleted 1959

1640/1850 t; 86 x 10.4 x 4.3 m; 2 GGU, 2 PCs, 7200 HP, 20.3 knots Reservations: deck 25 mm, wheelhouse 75 mm. Eq. 160 people 4x1 - 120 mm / 45, 3x1 - 40 mm / 60, 3 - 25 mm, about 200 min, 2 BS.

The original ship, officially listed as a minelayer cruiser. Despite its small size, it had pronounced cruising features - an armored deck, a turbine power plant and a high speed. The main drawback of the project is the excessive tightness of the boiler rooms under the armored deck, which hindered the work of the engine crew. In 1939 - 1940. radically rebuilt - the body was lengthened by 5 m, the Parsons steam turbines were replaced by the experimental power plant of the Getaverken company (which were essentially the world's first gas turbines), consisting of two De Laval turbo-gear units, two Yarrow PK and four diesel engines used as gas generators.

After the restructuring, it had two far-apart chimneys, and soon a slightly smaller third chimney was added to them.

Excluded from the lists of the fleet in 1959, sold for scrap on 9/11/1960.

Destroyers and torpedo boats

Destroyers "Uppland" - 0 + 2 units

"Uland" (KS, 1943 / 15.11.1946 / 1.1949 - deleted in 1978),

"Uppland" (К, 1943 / 15.12.1945 / 12.1947 - excluded in 1979)

1880/2250 t; 107 / 112x11.2x3.4 m; 2 TZA, 2 PC, 44,000 hp, 35 knots, 300 tons of oil, 2,500 (20) miles. Eq. 210 people 2x2 - 120 mm / 45, 3x2 - 40 mm / 60, 8x1 - 25 mm, 2x3 - 533 mm TA, 60 min.

After the construction of 14 ships of the "standard" type in the early 1940s. Before the Swedish naval leadership was faced with the question of choosing a new type of EM - the changed conditions of war at sea required the introduction of universal artillery main guns on ships and an increase in the number and caliber of anti-aircraft guns, which, in turn, led to an increase in displacement. The new project was ready in 1942. Compared to its predecessors, the displacement almost doubled - this made it possible to place two completely enclosed turrets equipped with two 120-mm universal semi-automatic guns with an elevation angle of 80 °. Main guns were supplemented by six 40-mm and eight 25-mm machine guns. For the first time, superstructures and the engine room received light anti-fragmentation armor. Due to the use of new, more advanced PCs, their number with an increase in power by a third was reduced to two. This made it possible to dispense with one chimney and thus free up space on the upper deck. In general, the project turned out to be very successful, but with the construction of the ships, the Swedes were somewhat late - the war was coming to an end, and for a neutral country there was no point in straining the shipyards with overtime work.

Destroyers of the "Visby" class - 4 units

"Sundsvall" (EvG, 1942 / 20.10.1942 / 9.1943 - excluded in 1982),

"Visby" (GvS, 29.4.1942 / 16.10.1942 / 8.1943 - deleted in 1982),

"Halsingborg" (GvS, 1942 / 23.3.1943 / 11.1943 - deleted in 1982),

"Kalmar" (EvG 16.11.1942 / 20.7.1943 / 2.1944 - deleted in 1978)

1135/1320 t; 95 / 98x9x3.8 m; 2 TZA, 3 PCs, 32,000 hp, 39 knots, 170 tons of oil, 1600 (20) miles. Eq. 155 people 3x1 - 120-mm / 46, 1 x 2 and 2 x 1 -40-mm, 4x1 - 20-mm, 2 x 3 - 533-mm TA, 20 min, 4 BS.

The last series of destroyers of the so-called "standard" type and the first, in the design of which really noticeable changes were made, in comparison with the "Ehrenskold" type. Cannon 2, previously placed between the chimneys, was moved to the aft superstructure. Anti-aircraft armament was also noticeably strengthened by placing on relatively small ships a powerful battery of 40-mm and 20-mm machine guns (four barrels of each caliber).

The order for the first two units was issued in 1941 in accordance with the usual practice of building ships in pairs. After the death in September 1941, "Klas Uggla" and "Klas Horn", to replace them, issued an order for the construction of two more EVs.

Destroyers of the "Goteborg" class - 6 units

"Goteborg" (GvS, 1934 / 14.10.1935 / 10.1936 - excluded in 1958), "Stockholm" (K, 1934 / 24.3.1936 / 11.1937 - excluded in 1964), "Karlskrona" (K, 1937 / 19.6.1939 / 9.1940 - deleted in 1974), "Malmo" (EvG, 1937 / 22.8.1938 / 8.1939 - deleted in 1967), "Norrkoping" (EvG, 1939 / 5.8.1940 / 4.1941 - deleted in 1965), "Gavle" (GvS , 1939 / 25.8.1940 / 6.1941 - deleted in 1968)

1024/1184 t; 93 / 94.6x9x3.8 m; 2 TZA, 3 PCs, 32,000 hp, 39 knots, 150 tons of oil, 1200 (20) miles. Eq. 155 people 3x1 - 120 mm / 46, 3x2 - 25 mm, 2 bullets, 2x3 - 533 mm TA, 20 min, 4 BS.

Development of the "Klas Horn" type, orders for construction were issued in 1933 ("Goteborg" and "Stockholm"), 1936 ("Karlskrona" and "Malmo") and 1939 ("Norrkoping" and "Gavle") ... They differed from their predecessors in a slightly higher power plant and a slightly increased body length. The bow superstructure acquired large dimensions and was crowned with a new control tower. Anti-aircraft armament initially consisted of 25-mm machine guns - 2 x 2 on "Goteborg" and "Stockholm" and 3 x 2 on the others.

All ships of the series turned out to be excellent walkers. The best result was shown by "Malmo" - on tests it was able to reach 42 knots. speed, and this is at full displacement!

"Goteborg" died on September 17, 1941 at the Haarsfärden base near Stockholm in the explosion of a nearby Klas Uggla electric vehicle. Subsequently, "Goteborg" was raised and repaired, after which it entered service in September 1943.

Destroyers of the "Klas Horn" class - 2 units

"Klas Horn" (KS, 1929 / 13.6.1931 / 9.1932 - deleted in 1958),

"Klas Uggla" (GvS, 1929 / 18.6.1931 / 8.1932 - died 17.9.1941)

1004 / about 1190 t; 91 / 92.4x8.9x3.7 m; 2 TZA, 3 PCs, 26,000 hp, 37 knots, 170 tons of oil, 1600 (20) miles. Eq. 119 people 3 x 1 - 120 mm / 46, 2x2 - 25 mm, 2x3 - 533 mm TA, 20 min, 4 BS.

Development of the "Ehrenskold" type, the order for construction was issued in 1928. They were distinguished by a slightly higher power plant, a slightly increased hull length and a new TA model. Like their predecessors, they initially carried two 40mm Vickers assault rifles, soon replaced by the same number of Beofors. In 1940, the latter, in turn, were removed from the ships, and in their place there were 2x2 25-mm assault rifles.

Both ships on September 17, 1941 died at the Haarsfärden base near Stockholm as a result of an explosion on the "Klas Uggla" and the subsequent fire. The Klas Horn was subsequently raised and, after repairs in December 1943, was re-commissioned. During the repair, the aft rangefinder was removed from the ship, and a third twin 25-mm machine gun was placed in its place. The Klas Horn was dropped from the fleet in 1958.

Ehrenskold-class destroyers - 2 units

"Ehrenskold" (KS, 1924 / 25.9.1926 / 9.1927 - deleted in 1963),

"Nordenskjold" (GvS, 1924 / 19.6.1926 / 9.1927 - deleted in 1963)

974 / about 1160 t; 89 / 91.4x8.8x3.8 m; 2 TZA, 3 PCs, 24,000 hp, 36 knots, 170 tons of oil, 1600 (20) miles. Eq. 119 people 3x1 - 120 mm / 46, 2x2 - 25 mm, 2 bullets, 2x3 - 533 mm TA, 20 min, 4 BS.

Having built only two of the four planned EVs of the "Wrangel" type, the leadership of the Swedish fleet canceled the order for the second pair, giving the designers the task of creating a new project that meets modern requirements. The design was carried out from 1919 to 1924 and was crowned with complete success - for the first time the Swedish fleet received a competitive destroyer (all previous projects repeated foreign models and became outdated even on the drawing board), which is not inferior, and in some ways superior to its Baltic contemporaries - at the time of entry only two Polish destroyers of French construction could compete with the "Ehrenskold" and "Nordenskjold", and even then mainly on paper, since the Swedish ships were armed with a much faster-firing cannon, moreover, they were distinguished by excellent seaworthiness, not inferior even to the recognized leaders in this area - to the British. Perhaps the project had only two flaws - the unfortunate location of the main gun # 2 gun, sandwiched between the chimneys and having limited firing angles, and the British 40-mm Vickers anti-aircraft guns, which were notable for their low reliability and low fire performance. In the mid-1930s. both Vickers were replaced with new Bofors of the same caliber.

In general, the "Ehrenskold" type was rated very highly in the Swedish navy and served as the basis for the construction of a whole family of so-called "standard" EMs of 14 ships over a decade and a half - a huge series for Sweden.

In 1939, "Ehrenskold" and "Nordenskjold" underwent repairs, during which new PCs were installed and the nose superstructure was redesigned, at the same time the 40-mm "beofors" were replaced with 2x2 25-mm assault rifles.

Destroyers of the "Puke" type - 2 units

"Psilander" (b ... "Giovanni Nicotera", PN, 1925 / 24.6.1926 / 1.1927 (3.1940) - excluded in 1947),

"Puke" (b ... "Bettino Ricasoli", PN, 1925 / 29.1.1926 / 10.1926 (3.1940) - excluded in 1947)

1140/1480 t; 82.5 / 84.9x8.6x3.6 m; 2 TZA, 3 PC, 36,000 hp, 35 knots, 259 tons of oil, 1,800 (14) miles. Eq. 125 people 2x2 - 120 mm / 45, 2x1 - 40 mm / 39, 2x2 - 13 mm, 2x2 - 533 mm TA, 32 mines, 2 BM.

Former Italian "Sella" electric vehicles, purchased by Sweden on 03/27/1940. Already on April 18, the ships left Naples, but the advance was very slow, and by the time Italy entered the war, they were still in the Faroe Islands. The British immediately captured the destroyers and for two months diplomatic agreements were held between Italy, Sweden and England, after which the Swedes finally received the acquired ships.

In the Swedish navy, these EMs were not modernized, only 40-mm assault rifles were replaced with "bofors" of the same caliber.

Mode-class escort destroyers - 4 units

"Magne" (GvS, 9.1941 / 25.4.1942 / 11.1942 - deleted in 1966),

"Mjolner" (EvG, 9.1941 / 9.4.1942/12.1942 - deleted in 1966),

"Mode" (GvS, 9.1941 / 11.4.1942 / 11.1942 - deleted in 1970),

"Munin" (O, 9.1941 / 27.5.1942 / 1.1943 - deleted 1968)

750/960 t; 78x8.1x2.3 m; 2 TZA, 2 PC, 16 000 hp, 31 knots, 190 tons of oil, 1200 (20) miles. Eq. 100 people 3x1 - 105 mm / 41; 1 x 2 - 40 mm / 60, 2x1 - 20.1 x 3 - 533 mm TA, 42 mines, 2 BM.

The project was developed on the basis of the "Spica" mm type purchased in March 1940 in Italy. The changes were mainly reduced to the replacement of Italian equipment and weapons with domestic ones, as well as to a slight increase in the width of the hull to improve seaworthiness.

Torpedo boats of the "Spica" class - 2 units

"Remus" (b. "Astore", BS, 1933 / 22.4.1934 / 1935 (3.1940) - deleted in 1958),

"Romulus" (b. "Spica", BS, 1933 / 11.3.1934 / 5.1935 (3.1940) - deleted 1958)

780/995 t; 78 / 80.4x7.9x3.2 m; 2 TZA, 2 PC, 19,000 hp, 34 knots, 207 tons of oil, 1900 (15) miles. Eq. 94 people 3 x 1 - 100 mm / 47, 4x2 - 13.2 mm, 2x2 - 450 mm TA, 20 min, 2 BM.

Former Italian MMs of the "Spica" type, purchased by Sweden on 03/27/1940. After arriving late in Sweden (see type "Puke"), they underwent extensive testing and made a good impression on the Swedish naval leadership. Served as a prototype for the development of the "Mode" type.

Destroyers of the "Wrangel" class - 2 units

"Wachtmeister" (LS, 1916 / 19.12.1917 / 10.1918 - deleted in 1947), "Wrangel" (LS, 1916 / 24.9.1917 / 5.1918 - deleted in 1947)

460 / about 570 t; 70.9x6.7x2.8 m; 2 TZA, 4 PCs, 11,500 HP, 34 knots, 104 tons of oil, 1300 (18) miles. Eq. 81 people 4x1- 75mm / 53, 1x1- 25mm, 2 bullets, 2x2 - 457mm TA, 2 BS.

The Wrangei-class destroyers completed the development line of the Swedish 30-knot fighters, which originated with the Wale. Unlike the ships of the previous series, they received a forecastle, which significantly increased seaworthiness, and their steam turbines were equipped with reduction gears - for the first time in the Swedish fleet. The armament repeated its predecessors, only under the forecastle they installed two single-tube TA, which fired through the cutouts in the sides, which were covered with hinged shields.

It was planned to build a series of four ships, but they refused to order a second pair of obsolete destroyers.

In the mid-1920s. both ships underwent limited upgrades - the boilers were converted from coal to oil. In the late 1930s. the TA that turned out to be impractical from under the forecastle were dismantled, and the cutouts for them in the sides were sealed. At the same time, 1 x 1 25-mm machine gun was installed on the destroyers.

During the war, the number of 25 mm machine guns increased to four.

Destroyers of the "Wale" class - 6 units

"Munin" (KS, n / a / 5.12.1911 / 1.1913 - deleted in 1940),

"Hugin" (GvS, n / a / 10.12.1910 / 6.1911 - excluded in 1947),

"Vidar" (KS, n / a / 6.9.1909 / 4.1910 - deleted in 1947),

"Ragnar" (KS, n / a / ZO.5.1908 / 1.1909 - excluded in 1947),

"Sigurd" (LS, n / a / 19.9.1908 / 4.1909 - deleted in 1947),

"Wale" (KS, N.D. / 9.21.1907 / 4.1908 - deleted in 1940)

355/460 t; 66.1 - 66.3x6.3 - 6.5x2.6 - 2.8 m; 2 PMU, 4 PCs, 7200 hp (2 PTUs, 4 PCs, 10,000 hp for "Hugin" and "Munin"), 31 - 33 knots, 84 tons of coal, 1200 (16) miles for "Hugin" and "Munin", 1500 (16 ) miles - the rest. Eq. 69 people 2 ("Wale") or 3 (others) x 1 - 75-mm / 53, 4 x 1 - 57-mm / 55 (only "Wale"), 2 bullets, 2x2 - 457-mm TA, 2 BS ( all but "Wale").

The "Wale" type EM project was an almost exact copy of the "Magne" fighter, built in 1905 for the Swedish fleet at the English shipyard "Thornycroft". The only difference from the prototype was the more powerful armament of two 75-mm and four 57-mm (instead of six 57-mm) guns. A total of six units were built, of which the last pair - "Hugin" and "Munin" - were equipped with steam turbines, and the number of 75-mm guns, due to the removal of 57-mm, increased to four. On trials "Munin" developed a speed of 33.16 knots. at 10 330 hp

Initially, all were equipped with single-tube torpedo tubes, but in 1916 they were replaced by two-tube torpedo tubes. Around the same time, the 57mm guns from the Vidar, Ragnar and Sigurd were replaced with an additional pair of 75mm guns, like the Hugin and Munin.

In 1940, from all EMs of this type, except for the head "Wale", one of the 75-mm guns was replaced with two 25-mm assault rifles, in addition, the ships were equipped with two BSs.


Submarines type U -1 - 9 units

U -1 (KS, 1940 / 14.6.1941 / 5.1942 - excluded in 1960),

U -2 (К, 1940 / 16.5.1942 / 3.1943 - excluded in 1961),

U -3 (К, 1940 / 11.6.1942 / 11.1943 - excluded in 1964),

U -4 (KS, 1943 / 5.6.1943 / 4.1944 - excluded in 1970),

U -5 (KS, 1943 / 8.7.1943 / 6.1944 - excluded in 1976),

U -6 (KS, 1943 / 18.8.1943 / 7.1944 - excluded in 1974),

U -7 (KS, 1943 / 23.11.1943 / 9.1943 - excluded in 1973),

U -8 (К, 1943 / 25.4.1944 / 10.1944 - excluded in 1976),

U -9 (К, 1943 / 23.5.1944 / 11.1944 - excluded in 1976)

Surface - 367 (std.) T, underwater - 450 t; 49.6x4.7x3.8 m; 1 diesel generator / 2 ED, 1350 / n.d. hp, 13.8 / 7.5 knots Eq. 23 people 4 x 1 (3 bow and 1 stern) - 533 mm TA, 1 x 1 - 20 mm.

Submarines of reduced displacement compared to their predecessors. The decision to build them was made immediately after the outbreak of World War II. First of all, they were intended for the defense of the coast in the event of a landing by one of the belligerent parties. The design is simplified as much as possible to speed up and reduce the cost of construction. The only Swedish single-hull submarines (the rest had a double-hull design). Another difference between these submarines was the so-called "American" transmission scheme - the diesel engine was powered by a generator, which, in turn, either charged the battery or supplied current to two propeller motors.

Underwater minelayers of the "Najad" type - 3 units

"Nacken" (KS, 1942 / 9/26/1942 / 8.1943 - deleted in 1963),

"Najad" (KS, 1942 / 9.26.1942 / 7.1943 - excluded in 1963),

"Neptun" (KS, 1942 / 17.11.1942 / 8.1943 - deleted in 1963)

Surface - 550 (std.) T, underwater - 730 t; 62.6x6.4x3.4 m; 2 diesel / 2 ED, 1800/1000 hp, 15/10 knots Eq. 38 people 5x1 - 533 mm TA, 1 x 1 - 40 mm / 56.1x1 - 20 mm, 20 min.

Underwater minelayers created using the structural solutions used in the design of submarines of the "Sjolejonet" and "Delfinen" types. The Norman-Funo system was used for storing and laying mines.

Submarines of the "Sjolejonet" type - 9 units

"Sjolejonet" (KS, 1935 / 25.7.1936 / 9.1938 - deleted in 1959),

"Sjobjornen" (KS, 1936 / 15.01.1937 / 3.1939 - deleted in 1964),

"Sjohunden" (KS, 1937 / 11/26/1938 / 12.1939 - deleted in 1960),

"Svardfisken" (KS, 1939 / 18.5.1940 / 4.1941 - deleted in 1959),

"Tumlaren" (KS, 1940 / 7.9.1940 / 7.1941 - excluded in 1964),

"Dykaren" (KS, 1940 / 7.12.1940 / 10.1941 - deleted in 1959),

"Sjohasten" (KS, 1940 / 19.10.1940 / 7.1941 - deleted in 1963),

"Sjoormen" (KS, 1940 / 5.4.1941 / 12.1941 - deleted in 1964),

"Sjoborren" (KS, 1941 / 14.6.1941 / 5.1942 - deleted 1959)

Surface - 580 (std.) T, underwater - 760 t; 64.2x6.4x3.4 m; 2 diesel / 2 ED, 2100/1000 HP, 16.2 / 10 knots Eq. 38 people 5x1i1x2 (3 bows, 2 aft and 1 twin swivel) - 533 mm TA, 2 x 1 - 40 mm / 56.

The first submarines of the Swedish fleet are completely of their own design (when creating several previous types, the technical assistance of the German company "Weser" was used). At the same time, the project of the "Sjolejonet" type submarine had two design solutions, the appearance of which can only be explained by foreign influence. We are talking, firstly, about the aft rotary twin TA with a power drive - such devices were widespread in the French fleet in the 1930s; secondly, about 40-mm anti-aircraft guns, retracted underwater to reduce resistance in special sealed mines. Cleaning of guns under the upper deck was used on boats from different countries back in the First World War, but in this case, the design was almost exactly the same as that used on the gull. Submarine type O-12.

"Svardfisken" on 18 January 1942 was heavily damaged in a collision with the coastal defense battleship "Sverige" and returned to service after repairs only in 1949.

"Sjoborren" sank in a collision on 4/9/1942, but was soon recovered and re-commissioned after repairs.

Submarines of "Draken" type - 3 units

"Draken" (К, 1925 / 20.10.1926 / 2.1929 - excluded in 1948),

"Gripen" (К, 1926 / 21.8.1928 / 3.1929 - deleted in 1947),

"Ulven" (K, 1928 / 6.3.1930 / 2.1931 - died 04.16.1943)

Surface - 667 (full) tons, underwater - 850 tons; 66.2x6.4x3.3 m; 2 diesel / 2 ED, 1920/1000 hp, 13.8 / 8.3 knots, 5600 (10) miles. Eq. 35 people 4 x 1 (2 bow and 2 stern) - 533 mm TA, 1 x 1 - 105 mm / 41, 1 x 1 - 25 mm.

Enlarged version of the Bavern-class submarine. On these submarines, there was a transition to a new 533-mm torpedo caliber. In contrast to the world practice that developed in the interwar years to arm submarines with artillery of a possibly larger caliber, Sweden limited itself to installing guns with a caliber of no more than 75 mm on its submarines. The only exception to this rule was the "Draken" type boats, which carried 105-mm guns, which were heavy enough for their displacement. Depth of immersion - 60 m. "Ulven" died in a herm, minefield on 04/16/1943.

Underwater minelayers of the "Delfinen" type - 3 units

"Delfinen" (KS, 1933 / 20.12.1934 / 4.1936 - deleted in 1953),

"Nordkaparen" (KS, 1933 / 9.2.1935 / 10.1936 - deleted in 1953),

"Springaren" (KS, 1933 / 27.4.1935 / 8.1937 - deleted 1953)

Surface - 540 (full) tons, underwater - 720 tons; 63.1x6.4x3.4 m; 2 diesel / 2 ED, 1200/800 HP, 15/9 knots Eq. 34 people 4 x 1 (3 bow and 1 stern) - 533 mm TA, 1 x 1 - 57 mm, 1x1 - 25 mm, 20 min.

Underwater minelayers created using the structural solutions used in the design of submarines of the "Draken" and "Valen" types. The Norman-Funo system was used for storing and laying mines.

Underwater minelayer "Valen" - 1 unit

"Valen" (К, 1923 / 5.5.1925 / 9.1925 - deleted in 1944)

Surface - 501/548 t, underwater - 730 t; 57.1x7.7x3.1 m; 2 diesel / 2 ED, 1340/700 HP, 14.8 / 7.4 knots, 3000 (15) / 54 (6) miles. Eq. 31 people 4 x 1 (bow) - 457 mm TA, 1x1 - 75 mm / 43, 1 x 1 - 25 mm, 20 min.

The first underwater minelayer of the Swedish fleet. The project is based on the drawings of the Bavern submarine. For the storage and laying of mines, the French Norman-Funo system was used, consisting of 10 vertical mines, in each of which two mines were placed. The shafts themselves were located in external ballast tanks between the durable and lightweight hulls.

Excluded from the lists of the fleet on 10/06/1944.

Submarines "Bavern" type - 3 units

"Illern" (K, 1917 / 31.1.1918 / 6.1920 - died on 12.8.1943),

"Uttern" (К, 1917 / 16.4.1918 / 6.1920 - deleted in 1943),

"Bavern" (KS, n / a / 5.3.1921 / 6.1921 - deleted in 1944)

Surface - 429/472 t, underwater - 640 t; 57x5.7x3 m; 2 diesel / 2 ED, 2000/700 hp, 15.2 / 8.2 knots, 3000 (15) / 54 (6) miles. Eq. 28 people 4 x 1 (bow) - 457 mm TA, 1x1 - 57 mm.

The improved type "Hajen", in which, due to slightly increased dimensions, the fuel reserve and cruising range on the surface are increased. By the beginning of World War II, they were outdated.

"Illern" died on 08/12/1943 as a result of a collision in the Kalmar Strait, raised on 09/09/1943, but was not commissioned and scrapped in 1944, "Bavern" and "Uttern" were excluded from the lists of the fleet on 10/06/1944 and 03/19/1943 respectively.

Submarines "Hajen" type - 3 units

"Hajen" (KS, 1917 / 8.11.1917 / 5.1920 - deleted in 1943),

"Salen" (KS, 1917 / 31.1.1918 / 6.1920 - deleted in 1942),

"Valrossen" (KS, 1917 / 16.4.1918 / 8.1920 - deleted in 1943)

Surface - 392/422 t, underwater - 600 t; 54x5.2x3.5 m; 2 diesel / 2 ED, 2000/700 HP, 15.5 / 9 knots 3300 (10) / 54 (6) miles. Eq. 30 people 4 x 1 (bow) - 457 mm TA, 1x1 - 57 mm.

The oldest Swedish boats from the Second World War. An enlarged version of the submarine "Svardfisken", built at the same shipyard a little earlier under the project of "Fiat-Laurenti".

In the early 1930s. the previously existing 75-mm gun was replaced with the 57-mm anti-aircraft gun. "Salen" was excluded from the lists of the fleet on 7/24/1942, "Valrossen" and "Hajen" - on 3/19/1943


Minesweepers of the "Arholma" type - 14 units

"Arholma" (К, 1936 / 27.4.1937 / 4.1939 - deleted in 1960),

"Landsort" (K, n.d. / 26.11.1937 / 6.1939 - excluded in 1964),

"Bremen" (EvG, n / a / 18.6.1940 / 10.1940 - excluded in 1966),

"Holmon" (EvG, n / a / 5.9.1940 / 12.1940 - excluded in 1964),

"Koster" (O, n.d. Л 10.10.1940 / 12.1940 - excluded in 1964),

"Vinga" (GvS, n / a / 7.10.1940 / 12.1940 - excluded in 1964),

"Ven" (GvS, N.D. / 7.10.1940 / 4.1941 - deleted in 1959),

"Ramskar" (LS, n / a / 28.10.1940 / 4.1941 - excluded in 1966),

"Bredskar" (EvG, 1940 / 12.12.1940 / 4.1941 - deleted in 1966),

"Kullen" (O, n.d. 729.10.1940 / 4.1941 - deleted in 1966),

"Sandon" (Os, n / a / 15.8.1940 / 5.1941 - deleted in 1966),

"Gronskar" (FS, n / a / 30.10.1940 / 5.1941 - excluded in 1963),

"Orskar" (LS, 27.4.1940 / 31.3.1941 / 7.1941 - deleted in 1966),

"Ulvon" (Os, 1940 / 29.4.1941 / 7.1941 - deleted 1964)

365/442 t; 56.7x7.6x2.1 m; 2 TZA, 2 PC, 3200 hp, 18 knots, 60 tons of oil. Eq. 37 people 2x1 - 105-mm / 41, 2x1 - 25-mm ("Arholma" and "Landsort") or 2 - 40-mm / 60 (others), 2 BM, mines.

Universal mine-sweeping ships, the project was developed by the state-owned shipyard in Karlskrona (K), the order for the construction of the first two ships was issued in 1935. Initially, it was planned to install two 75-mm guns, but the ships entered service with already much more powerful 105-mm guns ...

With the outbreak of World War II, the country's parliament allocated funds to strengthen the fleet. Under these appropriations, 12 more minesweepers were laid down at several shipyards at once under the Arholma project - the only change was to strengthen the anti-aircraft armament by replacing 25-mm assault rifles with 40-mm "bofors".

Minesweepers of the "Sprangaren" type - 3 units

"Sokaren" (M, 08.16.1917 - died 03.10.1953),

"Sveparen" (M, 19.2.1918 - excluded in 1964),

"Sprangaren" (12/6/1918 - deleted in 1961).

185 t; 27.8x6.8x3 m; 1 PMU, 1 PC, 465 HP, 10 knots Eq. 17 people 1 - 57 mm zen., 1 bullet., Mines.

Built on the basis of the tug design. During the service they were used not only as minesweepers, but also as tenders and tugs.

Harbor minesweepers type M-1 - 2 units

M-1 (08/12/1937 - excluded in 1952),

M-2 (3.10.1937 - excluded 1953)

61/64 t; 30x4.3x1 m; 3 diz. (М-2), 630 hp, 17 knots, 3 tons of diesel fuel. 11 people 1x1-20mm.

Raid minesweepers with steel hulls. Built at the Eriksbergs varv shipyard in Stockholm. Ordered in 1935, laid down in 1937, entered service in 1938.

Harbor minesweepers of the M-3 type - 12 units

М-3 - М-14 (launched in 1940 - excluded in 1955 - 1960)

50 (std.) T; 25x5.1x1.4 m; 2 diesel, 400 hp, 13 knots 1 x 1 - 20 mm.

Raid minesweepers with mahogany hulls. A simplified version of the M-1 type, adapted for mass construction. Built in small shipyards. They were laid down in 1939 - 1940, entered service in 1940 - 1941.

Harbor minesweepers of the M-15 type - 12 units

M-15 - M-26 (launched in 1941 - excluded in 1965-1989)

70 (std.) T; 27.7x5x1.5 m; 2 diesel, 410 HP, 13 knots 1 x 1 - 20 mm.

Raid minesweepers with wooden hulls. A simplified version of the M-1 type, adapted for mass construction. Manufactured in a variety of small shipyards. Laid down in 1940 - 1941, entered service in 1941.

Torpedo boats

MTV-3 type: MTV-3 and MTV-4. Launched in 1925, 2 units.

12.5 t; 16.2 x 3.4 x 1.1 m; 2 petrol, 750 HP, 40 knots Eq. 7 people 2x1 - 450 mm TA, 1 bullet.

Built in England at the Thornycroft shipyard, they were 55 feet. Excluded from the lists of the fleet on 1.8.1940.

Type T-3: T-3 and T-4. Launched in 1940, 2 units.

20 (std.) T; 18.3 x 4.7 x 1.5 m; 2 petrol, 2300 HP, 40 knots Eq. 8 people 2x1- 450 mm TA, 2 bullets.

Built by the British shipyard "Vosper", the hull is wooden.

Type T -11: T-11 (b. MAS -506), T-12 (b. MAS -508), T-13 (b. MAS -511) and T-14 (b. MAS -524). Launched in 1936, 4 units.

21.5 (std.) T; 17x4.4x1.3 m; 2 gasoline, 2000 hp, 44 knots, 1.25 tons of gasoline, 350 (39) miles. Eq. 10 people 2x1 - 450 mm TA, 1 х 1 - 13 mm bullet., 6 GB.

Former Italian TKA "Baglietto" class 500, series 1. Wooden body. Purchased by Sweden on 02/29/1940. Served as samples for two series of Swedish TKA.

Type T-15: T-15 - T-18. Launched in 1941, 4 units.

22.5 (std.) T; 18.7x4.6x1.5 m; 2 petrol, 2300 HP, 45 knots Eq. 11 people 2x1 - 450 mm TA, 1x1 - 20 mm.

Built at the "Kockums" shipyard, the project was prepared on the basis of TKA, purchased from Italy (type T-11).

Type T-21: T-21 - T-31. Launched in 1942 - 1943, 11 units.

27 (std.) T; 20x5x1.5 m; 2 petrol, 3000 hp, 49 knots Eq. 11 people 2x1 - 533 mm TA, 1x1 - 20 mm.

Built at the shipyard "Kockums", an improved design of the T-15 type, but with heavier TA.

Note: ordered on the eve of the war in England TKA T-1 and T-2 at the "British Pover Boat Co" shipyard (type 60-foot) were confiscated by the British government and included in the Royal Navy.

Other combat and support ships

Patrol ships "Jagaren" - 4 units

"Jagaren" (К, 1.12.1932 - excluded in 1959),

"Karagep" (К, 3.3.1933 - excluded in 1959),

"Snapphanen" (К, 2.11.1934 - excluded in 1959),

"Vaktaren" (К, 25/04/1934 - excluded in 1959)

250/310 t; 52x6x2.8 m; 1 TZA, 2 PC, 3600 hp, 23 knots, 50 tons of oil. Eq. 41 people 2 x 1 75 mm, 2 x 1 - 25 mm, 2 BM.

The only specially built patrol ships in the Swedish fleet. The starting point for the design was the "Wrangel" type EM, the dimensions of which were significantly reduced. The order for the construction was issued in 1927, entered service in 1934 -1936.

Patrol ships type V -27 - 6 units

V -27 (К, 26.7.1898 - excluded in 1947),

V -30 (K, 04.24.1900 - excluded in 1947),

V -33 (К, 9.9.1902 - excluded in 1941),

V -34 (К, 26.4.1902 - excluded in 1943),

V -35 (FS, 5.09.1903 - excluded in 1947),

V -36 (FS, 12.9.1903 - excluded in 1942)

85/94 t, 39.8x4.8x2.8 m. 1 PM, 2 PCs, 1300 HP, 23 knots, 17 tons of coal. Eq. 18 people 2 - 37 mm.

Former destroyers, built according to the project of the German company "Shikhau". In total, in 1896 - 1904. 12 units were built, of which six survived to the Second World War. In 1921, they were reclassified into patrol ships, the 380-mm TA was removed from them (according to some reports, only the deck swivel was removed, and the bow was left). We received sweeping equipment. By the beginning of World War II, they had a speed of about 18 knots.

Patrol ships type V -39 - 15 units

V -39 (GvS, 31.10.1908 - excluded in 1947),

V -40 (GvS, 19.9.1908 - excluded in 1947),

V -41 (FS, 10.22.1908 - excluded in 1947),

V -42 (GvS, 1.10.1908 - excluded in 1947),

V -43 (GvS, 06/11/1909 - excluded in 1947),

V -45 (FS, 5.6.1909 - excluded in 1947),

V -46 (FS, 19.6.1909 - excluded in 1940),

V -47 (FS, 1.12.1909 - excluded in 1947),

V -48 (FS, 6.4.1910 - excluded 1947),

V -49 (FS, 05/20/1910 - excluded in 1944),

V -50 (FS, 10.06.1910 - excluded in 1944),

V -51 (К, 24.4.1909 - excluded in 1940),

V -52 (К, 3.5.1909 - excluded in 1940),

V -53 (K, 11/17/1910 - excluded in 1941),

V -54 (К, 24.11.1910 - excluded in 1941)

97/120 t; 40.2x4.4x2.6 m; 1 PM, 2 PCs, 2000 hp, 25.5 knots, 20 tons of coal. Eq. 25 people 2x1 - 57 mm.

Former destroyers of the 1st class, built according to the project of the French. firm "Norman". In total in 1905 - 1910. 17 units were built, of which 15 survived until the beginning of World War II. In 1928 they were reclassified as patrol ships, the 457-mm TA was removed from them (according to some reports, only the deck turntable was removed, and the bow was left).

Ornen-class torpedo gunboats - 2 units

"Jacob Bagge" (KS, 1896 / 30.4.1898 / 11.1898 - deleted 13.6.1947),

"Ornen" (LS, 1895 / 6.8.1896 / 5.1897 - deleted on 13.6.1947)

800/846 t; 67.7 (vl) / 69.2х8.2хЗ, 3 m; 2 PM, 4 PCs, 4000 hp, 19 knots, 105 tons of coal, 1200 (12) miles. Reservations: deck 12 - 19 mm, wheelhouse 40 mm. Eq. 104 - 112 people 2x1 - 120 mm / 45, 4 - 57 mm / 55, 1x1 - 380 mm TA, 12 min.

Fast gunboats armed with underwater bow TA. In 1896 - 1900 for the Swedish fleet, five units were built, outwardly somewhat different from each other. They had some semblance of armor protection - a carapace deck with a thickness of 12 - 19 mm.

"Jacob Bagge" and "Ornen" survived to the Second World War, from the late 1920s. used as training ships.

In 1942, 57-mm guns were removed from both ships, replacing them with 2x2 25-mm / 64 anti-aircraft guns. Towards the end of the war, the "Jacob Bagge" was completely disarmed, with only one 20-mm machine gun left.

Air transport "Dristigheten" - 1 unit

"Dristigheten" LS 10.1898 4/28/1900 1901 Deleted 1947

3218/3600 t, 89x14.8x5.2 m; 2 PMU, 8 PCs, 5600 hp, 16.8 knots, 310 tons of coal, 3000 (10) miles. Reservations: belt 200 - 140 mm, deck 50 mm, wheelhouse 247 mm. Eq. 275 people 4x1 - 75 mm, 2x1 - 25 mm, 4 bullets, 3 seaplanes.

Former coastal defense battleship. To a certain extent, a landmark ship for the Swedish fleet, since it was from there that the armament of all battleships of this country consisted exclusively of rapid-fire artillery.

In 1927 - 1928. rebuilt into seaplane transport. In the course of work, both main battery towers and casemates were dismantled from it. In the aft part, a platform is built up, which serves for storage and pre-flight preparation of vehicles. There was no catapult - the launch was carried out from the water.

Excluded from the lists of the fleet on 13/06/1947 and turned into a floating target, in 1961 it was scrapped.

In addition, the Swedish fleet included the old battleship "Svea" (1885, 2840/3300 tons), which was converted into a submarine floating base in 1915. Excluded from the lists of the fleet in 1941

Icebreaker "Ymer" - 1 unit

"Ymer" (KS, launched 1932 - dropped 1976)

3465/4545 t; 75 (vl) / 78.6x19.3 (by VP - 18.6) x6.4 m; 2 DE (+ 1 DE in the nose), 9000 hp, 15.9 knots, 830 tons of oil. Eq. 44 people

The world's first diesel-electric icebreaker. Intended for service in the Gulf of Bothnia. Three propellers (2 propellers in the stern and one in the bow to erode ice) were driven by electric motors, the current for which was generated by 6 diesel generators. To carry out ice reconnaissance on the ship, a place was provided for basing the seaplane - on the superstructure behind the chimney.

In addition to the main task, "Ymer" could be used as a floating base for submarines.

Ymer served as a model for the design of the Finnish icebreaker Sisu.

The project provided for the installation of weapons, and with the beginning of the war, the ship was equipped with four 75-mm anti-aircraft guns, 1x2 40-mm and 2 x 2 25-mm machine guns. The mainmast, interfering with the placement of air defense weapons, was dismantled. After that, "Ymer" lost the ability to carry a seaplane.

Icebreaker "Atle" - 1 unit

"Atle" (LS, launched 1925 - dropped 1966)

1725/2630 t; 63x17x6.3 m; 1 PMU (+ 1 PMU in the nose), 6000 hp, 14 knots Eq. 44 people

Medium-sized icebreaker for service in the Gulf of Bothnia. It had two propellers - one sustainer in the stern and one more in the bow - to erode the ice.

Since the beginning of the war, armed with four 57-mm anti-aircraft guns and 4 bullets.

Here is a list of submarines that are or were part of the Swedish Navy Type Representatives Appearance Main characteristics Years of service Note HMS Hajen ... Wikipedia

Svenska marinen Swedish Navy Emblem of the Swedish Navy Country ... Wikipedia

All flags of the naval forces of the independent states of Europe are presented in the gallery of flags of the European navies. The only European country to have a Navy but not to have a Navy flag is Malta. Contents 1 Albania 2 Belgium 3 Bulgaria ... Wikipedia

The final phase of the Cold War saw multiple violations of Swedish territorial waters by foreign submarines. In recent years, this topic has become relevant again, thanks to new documents. Contents 1 Foreign ... ... Wikipedia

Sweden in 1900 History of Sweden ... Wikipedia

Flag of the Kingdom of Sweden Sweden ... Wikipedia

Positions of Polish submarines in accordance with the plan to defend against a German attack Submarines in the Polish Naval Forces appeared in the early 1930s, when three torpedo tubes entered service ... Wikipedia

This page is an informational list. See also main article: Danish Submarine ... Wikipedia

Rise of the stern part of the corvette "Cheonan" Corvette of the South Korean Navy PCC 772 "Cheonan" sank on March 26, 2010 near Pennyeondo Island in ... Wikipedia

Korvett typ Visby ... Wikipedia


  • Sweden is under attack. From the history of modern Scandinavian mythology, Boris Grigoriev. The book describes in detail the events associated with the navigation accident of the Soviet submarine S-363 in October 1981 in the area of ​​the main base of the Swedish Navy - Karlskrona. The effect produced by ...

Captain 1st Rank V. Aksenov

Geopolitical changes in the world, Europe, the Baltic countries and the Northern European region determine the gradual departure of the military-political leadership of Sweden from the traditional (officially proclaimed back in 1834) orientation to the principles of neutrality. According to former Defense Minister Leni Bjorklund, “Sweden, which has signed the documents obliging to follow the new European Union security strategy, must be ready for a timely, quick, and, if necessary, massive response to threats to the security of the country and the EU. are the country's Royal Navy. " The Commander of the Navy, Counter-Admiral Anders Grenstad, sees this branch of the armed forces as "an instrument of active international security policy."

Historically, the Swedish Navy, which included the fleet and coastal defense units, was intended to protect the country's territory, conduct mainly defensive operations in internal and coastal waters (the coastline is about 2,700 km long), and also ensure freedom of navigation (up to 95% of the country's foreign trade is carried out through sea). The fleet did not possess large warships capable of operating for a sufficiently long time at a distance from bases; the main efforts were directed to the development of fortifications. In particular, the coastal artillery consisted of over 50 batteries, which were served by a third of the naval personnel.

At present, the military-political leadership of the country is implementing the concept of "accelerated transformation of the Armed Forces", put into effect by the directive of the Supreme Command of General Hokan Suren in 2004. In the part related to the Navy, construction and combat training activities are aimed at ensuring the country's security from the sea in the so-called distant coastal zone, as well as close cooperation, cooperation and coordination with the relevant military structures of the EU and NATO. Priority is given to the tasks of creating and jointly working out international standards for operational formations of the rapid reaction forces (RRF). The naval component of the RRF should be ready to carry out, within the framework of multinational formations, the tasks of organizing a naval blockade in crisis areas, conducting reconnaissance, combating mine threats, as well as taking part in peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. The typical composition of the operational groups of the Swedish Navy's SBR includes two missile boats (RCA) of the "Gothenburg" or "Stockholm" type, two mine-sweeping ships of the "Landsort" type with control and support vessels, a submarine of the "Gotland" type, as well as an amphibious an amphibious group of up to 400 people.

The activities of the Swedish Navy in the far coastal zone, which, according to local military experts, include archipelagos, bays, straits, shallow water areas, as well as harbors and coastlines with their transport infrastructure, is significantly complicated by the high intensity of shipping, difficult hydrographic and hydroacoustic conditions. Therefore, all operational formations of the fleet and marines should be, according to the calculations of the command, "light, mobile, unobtrusive and possess great destructive power and flexibility in combat use."

The ship composition of the Navy. The fleet includes five diesel submarines (DPL), an ultra-small submarine, five corvettes, six missile and 12 patrol boats, five minelayers and nine anti-mine ships, more than 250 boats, including five catamaran-type minesweepers with remote control, four boats - director of sonar buoys, two boats - minelayers and transport and landing boats. In addition, there are about 100 small (with a displacement of up to 2 tons) auxiliary boats of the G type (Gruppbat). The auxiliary fleet consists of more than 20 vessels for various purposes (including three floating bases, two transports, a reconnaissance ship, a submarine rescue vessel, three to support diving operations and two to support missile test launches and an ocean tug). The performance characteristics of ships, boats and vessels are given in the table.

The numerical strength of the Navy is about 5 thousand people, including more than 2 thousand officers (of which about 90 are women).

The basing system. A characteristic feature of the Swedish Navy's basing system is the presence of fortified or rocky shelters for ships, command posts, warehouses, workshops, as well as a network of anchorages and equipped berths in numerous ports in the skerry areas of the coast.

The national navies use the Karlskrona naval base and the Muskyo base. PB Hernosand, Gothenburg, Malmö and Vorosund are in conservation.

Naval base Karlskrona(in the depths of the skerry area, next to the large shipyard "Karlskronavarvet" and test sites) has a berthing front of 4 km, depths at the walls up to 10 m.

PB Muskyo(on the island of the same name in Khorsfjord, 40 km south of Stockholm) has a berthing front length of more than 5 km, depths at the walls up to 12 m and is equipped with a system of underground (up to 30 m) rock shelters with three dry docks, slipways, tunnels connecting it with the mainland. There are also office, warehouse and living quarters here.

PB Hernosand is located on the coast of the Gulf of Bothnia, has a shipyard, a mooring front up to 1 km, depth at the walls is about 7 m.

PB Gothenburg (at the mouth of the Göta-Elv River in the Kattegat Strait), at the same time is the country's largest oil, container and ferry hub, shipbuilding and repair center. There are 12 harbors, about 100 berths, with a total length of over 20 km with depths at the walls of up to 20 m, allowing to receive ships of all classes, up to aircraft carriers.

PB Malmo is located on the southwest coast of Sweden in the Skagerrak Strait, south of the port of Landskrona.

In the northeastern part of the island. Gotland is the PB Foresund, which provides for the parking and maintenance of warships with a displacement of up to a URO corvette, as well as missile and patrol boats.

The largest ports suitable for anchorage and repair of warships and boats are Landskrona, Norköping, Helsingborg, Oskarshamn, Sundsvall and others.

The organizational structure of the Navy. In 1998, with the implementation of the reorganization of the country's top military command and control system, a number of official duties of the commanders of the Armed Forces were abolished, which were transferred to the chief inspectors. In particular, the Navy inspector is responsible for the development and verification of the implementation of regulatory documents on combat training, the organization of control over the testing and adoption of new types of weapons and military equipment.

The management of the naval forces is carried out: operational - by the commander of the tactical command of the Navy, administrative - by the inspector of the Navy (subordinate to the head of the training and daily activities of the troops of the command of the Swedish Armed Forces).

The fleet consists of a flotilla of submarines and two flotillas of surface ships.

Submarine forces have in the flotilla (headquarters in the Karlskrona naval base) three Gotland-class submarines with an air-independent propulsion system (VNDU) and two Södermanland type submarines (the former Westergötland type, equipped with VNDU during modernization). For the first time, such an installation ("Tillma Sterling", operating on liquid oxygen), which makes it possible to increase the time spent in a submerged position by 5 times compared to a conventional submarine, was equipped with the submarine "Nekken" in 1988, and in 1996, 1997 and 1998 - serial submarines of the "Gotland" type ("Gotland", "Uppland" and "Halland"). The emergence in this regard of new opportunities for long-term reconnaissance and the implementation of special operations meets the intentions of the Swedish Armed Forces command to reorient from traditional combat operations for this type of armed forces to "participation in international operations, for example, the landing and return of reconnaissance and sabotage groups."

Submarine "Gotland" is currently leased by the US Navy and since June 2005 has been located in the San Diego naval base, where it provides training in tactics for combating American anti-submarine forces with such submarines, including in coastal and shallow-water areas.

The plans for the development of the submarine forces include: the construction by 2012 of two submarines with VNDU under the joint Viking project with Denmark and Norway, as well as the development of more effective missile and mine-torpedo weapons, equipping submarines with autonomous or remotely controlled underwater vehicles for various purposes , and in the future - the creation of a multifunctional submarine of modular design (with replaceable sections-compartments containing, for example, fuel tanks, blocks with surface-to-surface missiles, etc.).

The surface forces of the fleet include two flotillas of surface ships - the 3rd (Karskrona naval base) and the 4th (PB Muskyo), which consist of corvette and minesweeper divisions. The 32nd corvettes division includes Visby-class corvettes entering the fleet (currently two - Visby and Helsingborg). Missile boats (corvettes according to the Swedish classification) of the Stockholm (two) and Gothenburg (four) types have been merged into 31st (Stockholm, Malmo and Kalmar) and 41st (Gothenburg, " Gavle and Sundsvall) divisions.

The 33rd and 42nd divisions of mine-sweeping ships include a minelayer "Karlskrona" (33 days), minesweepers - mine seekers of the "Landsort" type (seven) and minesweepers of the "Sturso" type (four), as well as boats : four directors of Eidern-type hydroacoustic buoys and five SAM catamaran-type minesweepers with remote control. Each division has a group of submariners.

In addition, the flotillas include the floating bases "Trosso" (3rd flotilla) and "Visborg" (4th).

Modern URO corvettes of the "Visby" type are intended mainly for operations in coastal areas and are the most efficient in the composition of the surface forces of the fleet. They can solve a whole range of combat missions: countering submarines and surface ships, mine threat, launching missile strikes against enemy coastal targets, protecting sea communications, as well as participating in blockade operations from the sea and peacekeeping operations. Currently, two corvettes of this type ("Hernosand" and "Nykoping") are at different stages of sea trials, and in 2007 they will be joined by the last in the series, the fifth ship ("Karlstad").

When developing a project of this type of ship using the stealth technology (totaling $ 1.2 billion), the experience of building and operating minesweepers of the Sturso and Landsort types, as well as the experimental skeg-type air-cushion missile boat Smyuge was used. During 10 years of design and construction, Karlskronavarvet used the latest technologies to reduce acoustic, visual, infrared and radar signature, as well as to reduce the possibility of detecting the ship's own physical fields, including with the help of laser devices, by wake and hydrostatic pressure.

The plans for the development of this kind of naval forces provide for the creation of ships of the next generation to replace (in 2010-2020) the RCA of the Stockholm and Gothenburg types. These will be corvette-class ships with a displacement of up to 2,000 tons, capable of performing missions not only in coastal waters, but also in ocean areas as part of a multinational force.

Anti-mine ships of the Landsort and Sturso types were built at the end of the last century using modern technologies, are equipped and continue to be equipped with the latest equipment for detecting, determining the exact location, identifying, classifying and neutralizing various types of sea mines. On board the ships there are groups of submarine miners who are previously undergoing comprehensive training at their base in Gullmarsfjorden, as well as towed and / or autonomous equipment for remote detection of mines.

Landing ships. Three landing ships (Bore, Heimdal and Grim) were built in the 1960s and decommissioned in 2002. They are planned to be replaced with modern ships capable of providing for the landing of a reinforced Swedish Marine Corps battalion during an amphibious assault operation. Landing craft are used as landing craft, of which there are up to 250 units in the fleet (mainly of the Strb SV 90H / HS / E, Tpbs 200 and Trossbat types).

With the creation by 2014 of a full-fledged MP grouping and equipping it with armored vehicles, it will be necessary to purchase larger landing ships and new air-cushion landing vehicles. To practice actions in modern conditions, in particular, joint exercises with NATO of the Swedish marines of the Strong Risolv-2002 type (with the landing from the American landing ship Tortuga, later from the Dutch Rotterdam) are directed, and regular participation in maneuvers "Baltops" and "Cooperative banners", as well as the creation in 2006 of the Swedish-Finnish operational amphibious group.

Increased attention is paid to the formation of groups of vessels supporting surface, submarine and amphibious forces at sea when they perform combat missions in distant coastal zones.

The formations of missile and mine-sweeping boats in the near future are likely to retain their traditional mission and combat strength.

The amphibious forces, previously intended primarily for coastal defense of 2,700 km of coastline and over 25,000 islands of nationality, are currently undergoing a period of formation for solving other tasks, including conducting reconnaissance and sabotage operations deep in enemy defenses using high-speed sea transport - landing equipment.

They represent an amphibious regiment, on the basis of which an amphibious brigade of three battalions can be formed. Each battalion is intended for operations both independently and in cooperation with units of other branches of the naval forces, units of the ground forces, aviation and some civilian departments.
Organizationally, the amphibious battalion of the marines (the total number of personnel is about 800 people) includes four companies (headquarters, amphibious and two coastal rangers), a mortar battery and a command and control group.

The headquarters company (175 people, three platoons: headquarters, reconnaissance, support) solves the tasks of conducting reconnaissance in the interests of the battalion (three divisions of reconnaissance divers), as well as various types of support.

The amphibious company (145 people, three platoons: headquarters, support, mine countermeasures, and a missile battery) is equipped with remotely controlled underwater surveillance and mine detection systems, as well as short-range missiles. The 50-man rocket battery has 24 RBS-17 Hellfire short-range anti-ship missiles in ammunition.

A company of coastal rangers (180 people, four platoons: headquarters and three rangers of 50 people each) is intended mainly to fight the enemy landing force. Jaeger platoon organizationally includes five departments: three rifle, machine-gun (four 12.7-mm machine guns) and anti-tank (four 84-mm RPG "Karl Gustav"). To solve specific problems from the composition of the ranger platoons, groups of rangers of six to eight people are formed.

The mortar battery (100 people, three platoons: headquarters and two mortar) is armed with eight 81-mm M84 mortars of national production and is the main fire support unit of the battalion.

The combat control group (up to 20 people), maintaining contact with the command, coordinates the actions of all units of the Marine Corps battalion.

In addition, the amphibious forces include a battalion of patrol boats consisting of 12 Tupper-class boats and two former minelayers (Arkesund and Grundzund) serving as command ships. In the interests of the amphibious forces, patrol boats of the Caparen type and a former minesweeper of the Viksten type, which are in reserve, may also be involved.

Aviation of the Navy. In 1998, as a result of the reorganization of the helicopter squadrons available in the country's Armed Forces, one wing of combat and auxiliary helicopters was formed (headquarters in Linkoping), in which helicopters deployed at the Berga airbases (in the Stockholm region), Seve (Gothenburg) perform tasks in the interests of the Navy. and Ronneby: 11 AS.332 Super Puma (Swedish designation Nkr-10), 14 Boeing Vertol / Kawasaki-107 (Hkp-4C / D), eight Agusta-109M (Nkr-15) and 10 NH -90 (Nkr-14). It is planned to bring the number of Agusta-109M helicopters to 20 by 2008 (including eight will be designed to be based on Visby-class corvettes), and by 2009 to complete the purchase of medium-sized NH-90 transport and landing helicopters (18 in total) with modern onboard aviation equipment and weapons, including torpedo. At the same time, by 2009, all Nkr-4 helicopters will be decommissioned.

Recruitment and combat training. The Navy is recruited in accordance with the 1994 Law on Compulsory Participation in Total Defense, according to which male Swedish citizens aged 18 to 47 can be called up for active military service.

The duration of military service, depending on the military specialty, is 10-18 months. In addition to conscription, recruitment can be carried out on a voluntary basis by male and female citizens from 18 to 24 years old.

Active conscript service in the Navy generally includes three stages: initial training, special training, and service in combat units.

Special training of the rank and file provides for the mastery of the military specialty and is carried out for 10-15 weeks in the appropriate schools or training centers. NCO candidates and reserve officers are trained in their specialty for 20-30 weeks.

Service on ships or in coastal defense units for up to 10 weeks (for the first category) and 20-25 weeks (for the second and third) is the final stage of active military service.

Combat coordination of subunits and tactical groups of the naval arms is carried out in the course of exercises and practical exercises of various scales.

After the end of their active military service, those liable for military service are credited to the reserve (reserve) and are assigned to a specific military unit. During their stay in the reserve (the maximum age of a reservist is 47 years), those liable for military service, as a rule, once every two to three years are called up for training (for 20-30 days) for retraining.

The selection of candidates for officers in the course of military service is carried out on the basis of the results of tests in theoretical and physical training developed by the research center of the Ministry of Defense, the recruitment center and the headquarters of the Navy.

The training of career officers is carried out at the Naval Academy (Karlskrona). The term of training for regular officers is two years, for reserve officers - one year, upon graduation, graduates receive the primary officer rank of fenrik (junior lieutenant) and are sent to combat units, where they must serve for at least a year. After three to five years of service, future "career officers" can enter the Higher School of the Navy in Stockholm, after completing a 12-month course in which they receive the rank of lieutenant. The course program includes mastering weapons systems, studying the basics of staff work and other related disciplines.

After another three to five years of service in units, officers have the right to study at a military college, also in Stockholm, with the subsequent assignment of the military rank of captain.

The training of senior officers to captain 3/2 rank (command-dor-captain / erlogs-captain) and major / lieutenant colonel of the Marine Corps is carried out in one of two special courses of the National College of the Armed Forces in. Stockholm. Here, for two years, students study and practically work out a wide range of disciplines, in particular, operational art and military strategy. At the end of the first of the special courses, officers are appointed to the positions of the commander of a 3rd rank ship or a company (amphibious forces). Officers who have successfully completed the second special course can be appointed to the positions of commanders of rank 2 ships, coastal facilities, or to the headquarters position corresponding to the military rank.

Along with such a four-stage officer career, servicemen have the opportunity to consistently improve their qualifications in their chosen specialty in a particular field of military activity.

According to the leadership of the Swedish Navy, the existing procedure for the passage of service by privates and officers makes it possible to effectively recruit combat and reserve units and subunits, and to the command to identify candidates for further career advancement.

Internationally, Swedish marine units took an active part in UN peacekeeping operations (Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Liberia), and representatives of the country's military-industrial complex - in the implementation of the defense programs of the Baltic countries, in particular the supply of weapons and military equipment, the creation of a consolidated minesweeper division (BALTRON ) etc.

The main directions of improving the Navy and the capabilities of the military-industrial complex. In connection with the accession to the EU in 1995, to date, almost all large companies in the Swedish military-industrial complex have passed into the ownership of European and American corporations. As a member country of the Six-Party Agreement (along with Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), Sweden is participating in the process of restructuring the military-industrial complex of European countries.

The Swedish Navy command intends to improve this type of armed forces in six priority areas: bringing the command information and control system to NATO standards, creating, modernizing or acquiring modern surface, mine-sweeping, amphibious ships, submarines and helicopters.

The first line of work is being carried out by SAAB systems, modernizing the CETRIS system already installed on three URO corvettes, which includes a number of interfaces (digital data transmission, identification "friend or foe", infrared detection / tracking, communications and electronic warfare). It is planned to install equipment for digital data transmission systems "Link-11/16/22".

Shipbuilding programs is mainly sold by the country's largest company "Kokums" (headquarters in Karlskrona, shipyards in the cities of Karlskrona and Malmö), founded in 1679. Corvettes URO type "Visby" with a fiber-carbon hull, multipurpose mine-sweeping ships of the types "Landsort" and "Sturso", submarines of the "Gotland" type and the new project A26 - all were built and are being built at the factories of this company. Now it is part of the ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems group (Hamburg), which also unites the German firms Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft (Kiel), Nobiskrug (Rendsburg), Blom und Foss "(Hamburg)," Nordseeerke "(Emden) and" Hellenic Shipyards "(Scaramanga, Greece).

Landing boats of the Strb-90H type (Stridsbat-90H, export designation SV 90H - Combat Boat 90H) were built in large series at the Dokstavarvet and Gottsvarvet shipyards, including for export to Norway, Greece, Malaysia and Mexico. Preparations are underway for serial production of the SV 2010 amphibious assault boat.

Missile and artillery weapons for the Navy are created at the factories of the Bo-Force Defense company, which is owned by the American United Defense. Modern samples: anti-ship missiles RBS-15 Mk3, gun mounts of 40 and 57 mm calibers enter service with both Swedish and foreign warships and boats.

The latest torpedo weapons (light torpedoes of type 45 and heavy torpedoes of type 62) are supplied to the fleet by SAAB Underwater Systems.

The plan to improve helicopter aviation provides for the purchase of light helicopters of the Agusta 109 type LUHS (Light Utility Helicopter Sweden), both shipborne and coastal, as well as medium multipurpose helicopters of the NH-90 type. Sweden participates in a joint project for the development of NH-90 under the Nordic Standard Helicopter Program.

Thus, the mid-term plans for the development of the Navy provide for the continuation of work on the joint Viking project to create by 2012 the newest submarine with an air-independent propulsion system, the commissioning of another Visby-type URO corvette into the fleet in 2007, completion by 2014 the formation of amphibious battalions with their retrofitting with landing boats of the SV 90N and SV 2010 types, the development of the latest weapons and military equipment complexes, the introduction of command and control information systems, as well as a number of other measures.

Like the defense departments of other European countries, the command of the Swedish Navy is faced with the need to reduce military spending, in particular the conservation and / or conversion of high-cost coastal infrastructure (numerous fortifications, rock shelters and slipways, fortified missile and artillery positions, command posts and communication centers , objects of the ship repair industry, warehouses, etc.). Taking into account the experience of a number of European states (for example, Albania, on whose territory about 750 thousand long-term reinforced concrete firing positions were built in 1950-1970), Swedish specialists expect to effectively use the funds and opportunities saved due to this, which arose due to the end of the Cold War. ...

Along with equipping the fleet with the latest models of weapons and military equipment, the command of the Swedish Navy plans in the coming years to consistently reduce the number of personnel, the number of coastal defense facilities, remove obsolete submarines, surface ships and boats from the fleet, while pursuing the goals of optimizing the ship composition. , the aviation fleet and the structure of the Marine Corps primarily in the interests of ensuring the country's security from sea areas in the distant coastal zone.

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