Home Berries Flexible hoses for water. How to choose and install a water hose with your own hands. Features of flexible plumbing

Flexible hoses for water. How to choose and install a water hose with your own hands. Features of flexible plumbing

Until relatively recently, in apartments one could observe complex interchanges from standard steel water pipes, to which washbasins, showers, special household appliances, and toilet bowls were connected. With the advent of hoses in a protective metal sheath on the plumbing market, plumbing communications began to look more accurate.

Features of flexible plumbing

At present, when creating household plumbing communications, all kinds of convenient devices are increasingly being used. So, for example, to connect household appliances that require water, and various plumbing fixtures, there is no longer a need to connect metal pipes to each other and, as a result, create rather bulky structures. Now you can use quite convenient and protected hoses that simplify the creation of a home plumbing system. In addition, flexible pipes are reliable in operation and quite easy to connect to various household plumbing fixtures.

The water supply is a flexible tube made of non-toxic rubber in a protective sheath made of a metal or polymer thread, as well as stainless steel. The length can vary from 300 to 5000 mm. At both ends of the flexible water supply, it is possible to connect on the principle of fitting-fitting, nut-nut and fitting-nut to pipes with a diameter of 1, 1/2, 3/4 and 3/8 inches.

Benefits, requirements and classification

Water hoses in a protective metal sheath have many advantages over conventional steel pipes:

  • the main advantage is compactness, which saves space;
  • design flexibility - connection to household appliances allows you to freely move it to another place;
  • the ability to do without welding when connecting plumbing fixtures. Tighten the nut with a silicone or rubber seal tightly;
  • the possibility of independent connection of plumbing fixtures;
  • practicality and aesthetic appearance;
  • reliability in use;
  • tolerance of hydrological shocks;
  • duration of operation;
  • vibration resistance;
  • low cost.

Flexible hoses are made from polymers with an aluminum or stainless steel braid. They must provide a tight connection and not let water through. Gaskets for flexible hoses must be made of high quality material, and the connecting thread must not be damaged in any way.

Water hoses in a metal braid are divided into:

  • reinforced;
  • bellows;
  • stainless steel products.

Flexible bellows type plumbing

Bellows eyeliner is made of stainless steel and has a diameter of 12 to 34 mm and a length of up to 2000 mm. During installation, the steel corrugated hose can be stretched to the required length. The brass nut has a high melting point gasket. It should be noted that low-quality brass can oxidize under the influence of moisture, which is not the best way to affect the duration of operation, so you should purchase hoses from trusted manufacturers.

Bellows-type water hoses with sheath are able to withstand temperatures from -50˚C to +250˚C, which is why they are most often used for connection to a centralized heating system. Such a hose is not cheap and the price depends on its size. Bellows water supply has a service life of up to 25 years or more.


  • made of high quality steel;
  • resistance to water hammer;
  • long service life;
  • possibility of use in a wide temperature range;
  • hygiene and safety for health;
  • incombustibility.
  • high price.

Reinforced eyeliner

The water reinforced hose is made of rubber enclosed in a stainless steel braid. Such a product can pass water with temperatures up to + 90˚C. Reinforced piping is great for connecting washing machines, toilet bowls and boilers, but is not recommended for use in heating systems.

The rubber hose of various lengths is enclosed in a protective casing made of blue or red veined stainless steel wire (depending on the connection of cold or hot water) and has threaded fittings or nuts with rubber or silicone seals at both ends. The cost of such an eyeliner is much lower than a bellows-type hose, however, it also has a higher wear rate.

The guaranteed service life of a reinforced water supply is about two years, but with proper operation, this period can be longer.

The advantages are as follows:

  • speed and convenience of connection;
  • flexibility;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durable materials are used in the manufacture.


  • strong wear of the braid in case of frequent kinks in the hose;
  • rapid wear of the rubber hose due to contact with liquid.

Attention ! A flexible hose with a braid made of steel wire (AISI 304 GOST 5632-72) is much better, since it is able to withstand pressure up to 10 atm. and prevents the formation of condensation. Due to this, the service life is about 10 years, while the aluminum version is not so reliable and can be used for a maximum of 5 years.

Flexible stainless steel hose

The plumbing connection for connecting plumbing fixtures should be made of stainless materials that are not subject to the destructive effects of corrosion, which allows to extend the service life and ensure normal operation. The cost of a stainless steel hose may seem high, but it is quite acceptable, as a result of which this type of eyeliner is very popular. Flexible eyeliner "Zubr" made of stainless steel is produced in length from 500 to 1000 mm.

Advantages of stainless steel flexible hose:

  • use of material resistant to corrosion;
  • incombustibility;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • ease of connection;
  • low cost.
  • in case of poor fastening, poor-quality gasket, a flexible stainless steel hose used to connect hot water may leak at the junction.

Connection Features

Connecting the Zubr flexible water supply is quite simple and, if you follow the recommendations, you can easily do it yourself.

  1. Before connecting metal-braided hoses to plumbing fixtures and plumbing systems, they should be carefully inspected for defects, since the slightest malfunctions can later cause more serious damage.
  2. To exclude the occurrence of electrochemical corrosion, it is necessary to strictly observe the connecting pairs (steel-steel, brass-brass, copper-brass).
  3. Do not twist or force the hose before and during connection.
  4. It is undesirable to overtighten the connecting nuts or threaded fittings in order to prevent damage to them.
  5. During installation, the bending radius should be 5-6 times the outside diameter.
  6. After connecting the flexible eyeliner, it is necessary to observe it for at least half an hour. Tighten union nuts or fittings if necessary.
  7. Professionals recommend at least once every six months to inspect the hoses and the tightness of the connections, and also every 5-7 years, without waiting for an emergency, to carry out a complete replacement.
  8. Provide free access to the water supply.
  9. It is recommended to purchase hoses only from trusted manufacturers.

For each specific case, a certain type of eyeliner is required. In principle, each of the above types is suitable for use in a domestic plumbing system. A flexible water supply can last a long time only if it is made of high quality materials, which actually determines the cost of the product.

For a better understanding of how to choose a high-quality flexible water supply, you should watch the proposed video.

Flexible water connection, you will be very useful for connecting toilets, faucets, installations for toilets and showers. Perhaps these are the most common places where it is quite difficult to do without it.

Of course, the mixer and the toilet can be connected with other pipes, for example, with the same metal-plastic, but this is less convenient and far from the fact that such a connection will be more reliable, provided that a high-quality flexible connection is used.

In this article, I will help you figure out how eyeliners differ from each other and how to choose a good eyeliner.


The flexible hose consists of a rubber hose, a metal braid, fittings, captive nuts and gaskets.
To put it simply, in fact, it is just a rubber hose in a metal braid.

The photo above shows an inlet with a cut-off braid. Its type is an extension. Nut on one side, thread on the other. There is also a nut-nut for mixers.

When buying a faucet, pay attention to these eyeliners, the thread in them may not be the usual ¹⁄₂ inch, but ³/ 8 inch. Then you may need an additional adapter.


Good hoses use a hose made of some kind of special rubber that can be used in the food industry. Simply put, made of non-toxic and elastic rubber.
Cheap eyeliners use rubber of unknown origin. It is usually fragile and brittle. For example, without a braid, I bent the hose once:

Braid and fittings

The braid can be aluminum, stainless steel or nylon.
At the time of this writing, I could not find a nylon braided eyeliner for sale, so here's a photo from the Internet

Consider braids made of aluminum, stainless steel and a little touch on galvanized steel.

As practice shows, eyeliners with aluminum braid serve less than their counterparts. On average, 3-4 years and they are designed for a pressure of about 5 atm.

Such an eyeliner is afraid of becoming overgrown with condensate, as a result of which oxidation and weakening of the aluminum reinforcement are inevitable.

But there are instances and even weaker ones. This is a reinforcement made of ordinary galvanized iron wire, which can rust. The service life of such an eyeliner is very small, and it can be used purely as a temporary one.

A standard hose in a stainless braid lasts more than 8 years, but usually after such a period they change the faucets to new ones, where new hoses are included in the kit.
Liners with stainless braid are designed for pressure up to 10 atmospheres and temperatures up to 95 degrees. These figures refer to operating pressure, short term pressures and temperatures may be higher.

We look at the eyeliners, where the numbering is from top to bottom and from left to right:

1,2,5 aluminum braid.
3 and 4 stainless mesh.
The fitting on the first eyeliner is made of stainless steel, 2 are made of aluminum, 3 are made of brass, 4 and the fifth are made of nickel-plated brass

This is what the fittings look like. A little wrinkled because I did not uproot them neatly.

Aluminum - from the mixer and nickel-plated brass - from the extension.

There are also reinforced liners in nylon or stainless braid with working pressure up to 20 atmospheres and temperatures up to 110°C. Here, the service life can reach more than 15 years. The burst pressure of such liners is close to 80 atm.

Here are two cut eyeliners, a cheap one (from the shit-mixer kit) and a regular one:

Outwardly, they seem to be no different, but during operation it will greatly affect.

Before buying a hose, you need to know the working pressure and temperature in your system and, based on these parameters, choose a flexible hose.

Purchase Inspection:

1. First of all, we look at the label and find out its composition and performance
2. Eyeliner should not be suspiciously light
If the eyeliner is too light, then most likely the braid is made of aluminum, and the fittings are made of brittle metal silumin link to wikipedia
Such fittings and nuts break off and crumble over time:

Plastic fittings are generally out of the question:

3. Eyeliner should not be "oak". The inelasticity of the eyeliner may indicate a poor-quality hose, which may crack and burst during operation.
4. All fittings must be well pressed, the tubes must be fully inserted, and the compression sleeves must be stainless steel. An example of an unpressed sleeve:

As a result of installing such or poorly pressed sleeve, the eyeliner will simply disappear:

5. Union nuts should not be thin and very light. Light end parts indicate that either the union nut is made of thin unreliable metal, or the fitting is plastic.
In both cases, leaks are possible. In order to understand what the nuts are made of, from silumin or nickel-plated brass, it is enough to scratch the nut.
If a yellow color is visible under the scratch, it is brass. If the color is dark or the same, then do not take this eyeliner. She is third in the photo.

6. Eyeliner should not have a strong smell of rubber. The pungent smell of rubber is a guarantee of the presence of a hose and gaskets made of technical, toxic rubber. Such eyeliners are usually equipped with the cheapest mixers. In principle, I do not recommend either such eyeliners or cheap mixers. Here's how easily the "rubber" hoses of these eyeliners break:

Rubber seals of such eyeliners will also crack:

What can not be said about better products:

7. Pay attention to the purpose of the eyeliner. There are for hot water, for cold and universal. For this, blue or red ribbons are included in the braid.

In the case of a universal eyeliner, there are both threads on the braid.

Well, in cheap ones there are no marks:


1. The flexible connection nut does not require thread sealing! There is rubber pad. Everything. You don't have to put anything in there.

2. In no case should the piping be mounted in an interference fit. None
If you look at the photo above, then it's not done very well. Or it was necessary to leave not water sockets, but simply finigs that would look up; or use 90° angles to direct the elbows upwards; or use eyeliner b about longer.

3. Eyeliner should not be overtightened. If you over-tighten the union nut, the rubber seal may be dented/cut. And the connection will leak.

4. It should not be bent into a kink, such as in the photo in the first paragraph. In this case, it is better to take a longer eyeliner and make an additional smooth loop. :


At the beginning of the article, I listed the places where eyeliners are used most often. Additionally, they can be used to connect:

They are also called vibration hoses and are used in places of constant vibration. For example, in pumping stations:

Absolutely, such hoses cannot be replaced when connecting shower stalls, which are planned to be pushed back someday.

Eyeliners are indispensable in the presence of vibration and when connecting a booth.
But toilet bowls can be connected with other more reliable flexible tubes. For example corrugated stainless steel pipe.
Come to the store and ask that you need such a tube of such and such length. It will be made for you within 10 minutes.

They don't have a fitting.

Consists of pipe, union nuts and gaskets. The edges of the pipe are simply flared.

If it is not possible to purchase a high-quality liner, and the existing one is in doubt, then install a safety valve before the liner.
We will talk about its advantages and disadvantages another time.

That's all, thanks for your attention.

Many people are familiar with the situation - the flexible hose to the mixer or toilet tank burst, all the lower floors are flooded.
Unfortunately, the problem is quite frequent, so today I want to touch on this topic in detail.

Let's remember how it started.
The need for flexible piping has always been there. Many minds were haunted by the thought of how to facilitate the work of the installer and speed it up, and as always, the “foreign” manufacturers were the first to think about this, while the domestic ones stubbornly produced the “herringbone” mixer, which can be safely described as: - “well try to connect!

Eyeliners, which is in the photo,

such familiar to us today, in fact, appeared literally in the last decade, having previously undergone a number of changes - at first, a copper tube with union nuts, flared at the ends, was produced. For me, this is an ideal, reliable option, but from the point of view - to achieve maximum flexibility, it left much to be desired.

The "minds" tensed up and developed plastic ones, the principle is the same, but they also equipped them with plastic nuts, they proved to be disgusting - they burst along the body. As a result, they completed with brass nuts, and the material was improved.

As a rule, such eyeliners were used during state construction, and only when cold water was connected to the flush cisterns of the toilet bowl, our craftsmen, having obtained this miracle by “blat” (it was not possible to find it in stores), easily installed it on hot water, and since the material was not designed for performance at high temperatures, accidents often occurred.

Having realized, the "craftsmen" went further - they began to use oxygen hoses, squeezing them with clamps on brass fittings. Fittings were sharpened on the machines of factories, quietly from the authorities. The case can be said to be put on stream, on the market it was possible to purchase this fitting with the necessary thread (external, internal, proper diameter). At the same time, another type of flexible piping appeared - a high-pressure hose used in hydraulic installations, do not believe it, people managed to assemble all the wiring around the apartment (house) from such hoses, although there were difficulties with connecting union nuts with pipe threads.

The fact is that the thread here was metric, and it was necessary to make connections through specially machined adapters. This material was highly durable, and the minus was technical rubber, respectively, the water coming from the tap had an unpleasant smell.
The next step as a flexible liner was the use of metal-plastic pipes. I note that this material was very widely used until the complete replacement of water supply with it, annulling ferrous metal, but this is not what we are talking about today.

Conditions and rules for the installation of flexible piping.

So, we have come to the eyeliner that we see everywhere today. It is universal, that is, it is used both in cold and hot water supply. It consists of a rubber hose inside, and a metal braid outside, it is produced in various lengths - from 15 centimeters to 2 meters. It ends with union nuts or male threaded fittings of various diameters.
1. Initially, this device was conceived as a connection of water pipes with plumbing fixtures, nothing more, but inventive guys, in order to save money and not be especially overworked, make almost all the wiring, but it’s a sin to hide it - all! … have seen enough.

Make no mistake!

Assurances about the performance of 5 or even 10 years are a marketing move by manufacturers, and the indicated figure on the tag is just a figment of a wild imagination. There is also an assurance of eyeliner insurance! Honestly? “I haven’t heard of any damages!

2. The material used in the production of eyeliners is absolutely identical, respectively, the service life for cold and hot water is drastically different.
3. The service life depends solely on the characteristics of the line, that is, as indicated above, on the temperature, plus the pressure in the system. We understand, right? There is a system with pressure not exceeding 2.5 - 3 points, and there are 7 and above.
4. The wall thickness of the hose is no more than 1 mm.
5. In addition to the above, it is very important to follow the installation rules:
a) installation of tension is not allowed;
b) when tightening the nut, it is not permissible to twist the hose after it;
c) if it is necessary to loop, then the ring should be as large as possible in diameter.
With the mixer there is an instruction indicating the rules for connecting a flexible hose, there is also a diagram in it.

The next picture is an emergency:

This is the trend in our construction. "Foreign" manufacturers with a bang supply their plumbing fixtures with these eyeliners, while they themselves, during installation, often use only such a connection:

Flexible eyeliner on the verge of failure.

This begs the question: - What, do not put?
Bet! Just do not be lazy to monitor the water supply system, periodically pay attention to the condition, visually and feeling.
1. If protruding “hairs” of wire appear on the flexible eyeliner, then this is a harbinger of an accident, because if it sticks out, then the same thing happens inside the braid.
2. If brown spots have become noticeable, then microcracks have appeared in the rubber hose, which means that a rush will occur further.
Pay attention to the water supply of your home and avoid a lot of trouble.
3. When leaving housing for a long time, turn off the water supply, use the taps at the input for this. If you trust any of the neighbors, leave the keys to your apartment in case of an accident.

Video: Actual service life of a wire braided hose

Perhaps these articles will be useful to you:

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A flexible stainless steel hose is used to connect a faucet, toilet bowl and other devices to. When choosing a suitable product, you need to be guided by the main parameters, which are discussed in detail in this article.

The main parameters for choosing an eyeliner

The selection of a flexible hose should be based on the following basic parameters:

  • type of eyeliner;
  • scope of the device;
  • hose dimensions;
  • ways to connect the product.

Types of flexible piping

The following types of flexible water pipes are currently produced:

  • bellows. The corrugated eyeliner is made of stainless steel and has higher operating parameters.

Which is better eyeliner bellows or reinforced? Comparative characteristics are given in the table.

Any eyeliner can be:

The choice of eyeliner depending on the application

The piping can be used to connect cold and hot water. The assignment is defined as follows:

  • flexible hot water piping is distinguished by the presence of a red thread in the braid;

  • the flexible cold water supply is marked with a blue braided thread.

To avoid misunderstandings when using eyeliner, experts recommend purchasing universal flexible hoses that are suitable for connecting water of any temperature. Universal eyeliners are distinguished by the presence of threads of both colors in the braid.

Selection of optimal sizes

How to choose eyeliner size? When determining the overall characteristics of the eyeliner, it is necessary to take into account:

  • hose diameter. You can determine the indicator based on the water consumption of a particular plumbing equipment. It is considered optimal: for connecting a toilet bowl - 8 mm, for supplying water to a sink (kitchen sink) - 10 mm, for a bath - 15 mm;
  • hose length. The hose must be connected in such a way that the hose is not too tight and does not form unnecessary kinks. Any defect when connecting the eyeliner leads to a decrease in the service life of the product.

Giant flexible eyeliner deserves special attention. It differs from standard products in an increased diameter, as well as increased resistance to mechanical stress and stress. The Giant also has thickened walls, which further increase its reliability.

Possible connection methods

When buying a hose, it is important to consider how to connect the piping to plumbing equipment and pipes. The flexible hose can be equipped with:

  • union nut, which is installed on the outer;
  • thread for internal connection;

  • fitting that is connected to the mixer.

When selecting connecting elements, it is important to take into account not only their type, but also the dimensions of the fitting or thread. Otherwise, an adapter is required to connect the device.

About the varieties of eyeliners, the history of occurrence, areas of application are described in detail in the video.

  1. rubber (reinforced) eyeliner must be made of high quality rubber. Only in this case it can be used to connect drinking water. It is possible to distinguish high-quality rubber from low-quality by smell. Poor-quality rubber has a sharp unpleasant odor;
  2. the braid of the reinforced eyeliner must be integral. The presence of burrs, kinks and other deformations will reduce the service life of the product;
  3. hose flexibility. The parameter is checked in the following way. It is necessary to take the eyeliner by one end and hold it in a vertical position. If the eyeliner bends smoothly, then the hose has sufficient flexibility and integrity. A sharp drop (kink) in the eyeliner indicates the use of a low-quality hose or the presence of a hidden defect;
  4. tip crimping. Weak compression of the tip is a negative characteristic of the eyeliner and leads to a decrease in the period of operation of the product;
  5. connection material. Nuts and fittings can be made of aluminum, steel or brass. Aluminum is highly susceptible to mechanical stress. Steel is subject to corrosion. Therefore, the best option is connecting elements made of brass;

You can check the connection material for weight. Aluminum, unlike brass, is a lightweight material.

  1. manufacturer. It is more advisable to purchase eyeliners from well-known companies that guarantee the quality of their products. The following companies can be distinguished:
  • "Monolith" (Russia). Flexible eyeliners are produced under the Monoflex brand;
  • Neva LLC (Russia). Eyeliners with Aqualine logo;
  • Grohe (Germany);
  • Lavita (Korea);
  • Altstream (Turkey).

A properly selected and installed water supply, subject to all the operating conditions of the product indicated on the package, can last a long period of time. Poor-quality eyeliner can fail already on the 3rd - 5th day of use.

In the era of modern building and plumbing materials, you no longer have to puzzle over how and where to place a convenient and discreet plumbing. The standard rigid pipes have been replaced by soft flexible hoses enclosed in a durable housing. These parts will last for many years if properly selected and used.


Flexible eyeliner has a number of features, among which positive ones stand out easily. But the negative nuances should also be mentioned in order to avoid an unpleasant aftertaste, waste of time, effort and money.

Advantages of this flexible eyeliner:

  • full tightness and protection against leaks;
  • saving space, allowing you to install additional interior items or equipment without regard to bulky pipes;

  • ease of changing the location of an object connected with a flexible eyeliner;
  • refusal to use a welding machine;
  • protection of the hose from water hammer (in case a pressure surge occurs in the water supply, a high-quality flexible hose is protected from rupture and water leakage);
  • ease of installation and operation (all basic work can be done independently).

Flexible piping, as a rule, is used for various plumbing connections. Most often it is used in bathrooms (connection to the water of a toilet bowl, faucet, boiler) and in kitchens.

As for the negative ratings of the flexible hose, most often users complain about problems resulting from improper hose installation. To avoid this, experts advise to purchase goods only from a well-known manufacturer. Also, a thorough inspection of the product in the store (before you purchased it) will become a guarantee of a good quality purchase.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to several important points.

  • The weight of the eyeliner should not be lighter than a feather. If you picked up just such a product, immediately put it in its place. At best, this hose will last you a couple of weeks after installation.
  • Flexible eyeliner should easily bend in different directions. If you have to make an effort to change the shape of the hose, you can safely put it aside and take on another one, as this one is made of low-quality technical rubber, which can simply crumble from bends.

Another significant drawback is the short service life of the plastic fitting. To accurately choose exactly the right eyeliner, consider the main characteristics of this product.


Today, there are two categories of flexible water pipes: extensions and adapters. The second are standard hoses that connect the necessary devices to the water supply: sinks, toilets, showers and boilers. Usually they have a length of up to 60 cm. Extensions are an auxiliary hose that connects to an adapter to provide water to the most remote areas.

The service life of any supply hose depends both on the starting quality of the product, and on the correct installation and operation of it.

When purchasing a flexible bathroom liner, pay attention to the presence of colored stripes on the reinforced surface:

  • red indicates the possibility of using only hot water;
  • blue can only be used in cold water conditions;
  • both stripes immediately indicate that the hose can be installed to supply both hot and cold water.

Thus, when connecting a tap or toilet to places where only cold water is always used, all three types of flexible piping can be used. If we are talking about a mixer with two temperature modes, a boiler or a radiator, the use of hoses with a blue stripe is strictly prohibited here.

On sale there are also flexible eyeliners with a yellow stripe along the entire length of the hose. They are intended only for connecting users to the gas supply and have special impregnations and lubricants inside that are unacceptable for use with water, especially drinking or washing. The water that has passed through this hose is considered technical and contains impurities that are hazardous to human health.

It is worth dwelling on the main types of flexible connections that exist today in the construction market.


Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of connecting water pipes. They are classified according to the type of braid, internal filler (main tube), type, quality and size of fittings. Let's dwell on the most common division, based on the type of braid.

According to the indicated feature, flexible piping is:

  • reinforced;
  • bellows.

The first is a rubber base (quality products are made of durable rubber), covered with a steel braid. In this case, the casing of such a hose can be made of different materials. For example, galvanized steel and aluminum occupy a leading position among analogues. This is due to the low price - and nothing more. Such a braid is absolutely short-lived, it practically cannot withstand the average pressure of water in the water supply system and fails very quickly. This should not be, because the top skin of the rubber hose is designed to strengthen it and prevent water from escaping.

In terms of quality and durability, a braid made of durable stainless steel wire is considered the best. It provides reliable protection to the inner rubber hose. According to manufacturers, the operational period of such eyeliners reaches ten years or more.

Nylon braid is a reinforced water hose treatment that can withstand even the maximum pressure in the system.

By choosing a reinforced braid for flexible piping, you automatically receive the following benefits:

  • installation speed;
  • environmentally friendly manufacturing materials;
  • high strength;
  • flexibility.

The second type is an elastic stainless steel corrugation. Bellows hoses last longer and have better specifications.

There are two modifications of corrugated elements:

  • with a fixed length;
  • with variable dimensions.

For the first, manufacturers immediately determine standard sizes, ranging from 20 cm to 80 cm. The step in the length of the product is 10 cm. The second has a floating range over which it can be stretched. For example, on sale you can find bellows eyeliners with a variable length of 150-250 mm, 200-350 mm and others. It is worth considering the fact that the maximum stretch is indicated for reference - it is undesirable to stretch the eyeliner by that much.

Quality, strength and durability are evidenced by the use of bellows hoses in industrial applications. Very often, this type of eyeliner is used when connecting sprinklers - ceiling fire extinguishing devices. The main nuance is the plumbing system. A sprinkler system is a network of pipes that constantly hold pressurized water. Therefore, the choice of a particularly high-quality eyeliner material becomes most welcome.

Among the disadvantages of a bellows flexible liner, its noisy operation at high pressure in the water supply system is distinguished. Despite the fact that this does not happen often in modern apartment buildings, some users recommend using it as little as possible in private properties.

Fittings are usually supplied with flexible piping. Often these are brass fittings or nuts that have various shapes and sizes. To choose the right mount, it is necessary to measure the diameters of the pipes in the room where the installation will be carried out.

Plumbing wiring used to be an ornate intricacies of pipes, tubules and adapters. But today, thanks to flexible piping, it has become possible to install devices that use water supply in the smallest rooms. Angled flexible hose ensures installation even in hard-to-reach places. Due to the peculiarity of its fastening, it can be located close to the wall and thus increase the usable area of ​​​​the room.


The main parameters of flexible hoses are the diameter of the hose and its length. At the same time, the caliber is important not only in the tube, but also in fittings. For example, modern flexible hoses are produced with a maximum diameter of 1-2 inches. And the most commonly used ones have parameters in 1/2, 3/4 and 3/8.

As for the length of the reinforced or corrugated hose, each manufacturer has its own. In addition, it is almost individual for each individual case. If we consider a stationary eyeliner, then the maximum length is 60 cm. In corrugated sliding models, this indicator can only start at 500 mm and finish within 5000 mm. The latter are extremely rare, mainly on an industrial scale.

Manufacturers: review and reviews

The most popular today are flexible eyeliners made in Italy. They have proven themselves in the construction market, and many users are happy to note their advantages.

One of the most popular Italian trough brands today is Parigi. According to customer reviews, the products of this brand have high strength. The manufacturer guarantees the service life of reinforced flexible hoses from 3 to 5 years, while bellows products can last more than 7 years. Italians pay special attention to details: fittings and nuts are made of high quality nickel and have a service life of more than 10-15 years. Prices for products are high, which about 60% of users consider the main drawback.

Mateu- a Spanish manufacturing company that has established itself as a quality manufacturer of the middle price segment. In kitchen or bathroom faucet sets, you can often find flexible hoses with a metal braid from this particular company. They also produce large quantities of their own brand products for large construction hypermarkets.

Another feature of the Spanish manufacturer is the production of reinforced hoses using PEX hoses. According to the descriptions of professionals, this type of hose has a maximum service life, since they are made of cross-linked polyethylene. The operation of such material in some cases reaches 50 years. Another feature of the PEX hose is its versatility: flexible connections with such a base can be used to connect both complex devices (for example, heating systems) and simpler ones (cold and hot water supply).

The domestic plumbing industry also does not stand still. A large number of high-quality, but more affordable products are produced by manufacturers such as "Giant", "Monolith", "Aquatechnics". Users note a large number of advantages of these eyeliners. But still, approximately 50% of respondents insist on the inconsistency of some of the technical characteristics specified in the product passport, but in general they are satisfied with the purchase.

In order for each part to function correctly and for as long as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for connecting and installing elements. Despite the fact that even a high school student can cope with this process, some expert advice should be taken into account during installation.

Connection rules

Plumbing systems are connected to each other by means of special mounting fasteners. As mentioned earlier, these are fittings and nuts. The hose must be fastened freely, slightly sagging, therefore, when choosing a length, they rely on a large number. As for the fittings themselves, they come in different diameters (0.5-1.5 inches) and different shapes. If the water pipe and the liner have different diameters, a special adapter comes to the rescue, which can be easily found in all plumbing stores.

Consider the basic rules for installing a flexible water supply.

  • Before installation, and even better before buying, make a complete inspection of the tips of the fittings (fasteners). Check if the gasket is in place, in what condition the thread and braid are.
  • After installation, it is necessary to connect the water supply to the system and within 30-40 minutes check the operation of the piping for leakage. If there is still a leak, try tightening the nuts a little tighter. But with this, too, you need not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the mount.
  • Bending of the hose is allowed in a ratio of not more than 5-6 diameters of the outer tube.

  • The hose is very afraid of high temperatures, so try to avoid using the product in unfavorable conditions for it.
  • Twice a year, it is imperative to check the tightness of the installation and inspect the external condition of the flexible piping.
  • In case of a shortage of hose length, you can purchase a special extension cord. Pairs of the same material must be used to avoid metal corrosion due to electromechanical reaction.
  • Despite the service life specified by the manufacturer, it is recommended to replace flexible hoses at least once every 3-5 years.

Among the prohibitions there are three immutable rules:

  • do not use in continuous flow mode;
  • do not install without gaskets or with visible defects;
  • do not operate at low negative temperatures.

The scope of flexible hoses is quite wide. One of the main rules here will be the appropriateness of their use in this particular situation. There are cases when such products were used to connect fan coil units - elements of the air conditioning and ventilation system. Any flexible reinforced or bellows fitting for water has a wide variety of attachments. In the language of professionals, they are called: “mother” - “mother”, “dad” - “mother”, “dad” - “dad”. "Mom" here is expressed with a union nut, and "dad" with a long fitting.

In the process of installing a flexible water supply, one cannot do without the recommendations and advice of specialists, especially if the installation is done by you yourself and for the first time.

Having decided on a flexible water supply, you risk, unfortunately, being faced with the purchase of a low-quality fake.

To prevent this from happening, here is a list of basic recommendations for acquiring a good product.

  • Buy only from trusted retail outlets and from reputable manufacturers.
  • Reliable products are always equipped with a passport describing the technical characteristics (for example, the maximum pressure and temperature in the system that this hose can withstand), the period and rules of operation. Quality models usually have a designated shelf life of up to 10 years.
  • In addition to the accompanying documents, each product has special markings indicating the same technical characteristics, manufacturer, diameter, and other things.
  • All official brands put only certified positions on the sanitary goods market.

  • Due to their design, bellows liners are usually noisy. But this can be avoided by purchasing such hoses with a special plastic coating.
  • Nickel-plated brass is the best material for union nuts and fittings, while aluminum or hybrid steel-aluminum components last three times less - no more than 3 years.
  • Sometimes, in the process of screwing the eyeliner, it may be twisted, unnecessary bending. Such moments should be avoided and the condition of the hose should be carefully monitored. Otherwise, this can lead to early abrasion of the rubber component and its rapid replacement.
  • When visually assessing the quality of a flexible hose, pay attention to the braid, which must be uniform, without burrs, protruding tails and other shortcomings, and the fittings must be well pressed.
  • The rubber gaskets included in the kit, as a rule, rarely serve their owner for a long time. Perhaps there is a need to purchase more durable silicone or paronite products.

How to make your own

Craftsmen easily share recipes for making flexible eyeliner with reinforced braid with their own hands.

One of the parts includes:

  • flexible stainless steel pipe;
  • device for cutting pipes;
  • roller;
  • nuts;
  • rubber or silicone gaskets.

The technology consists in cutting off the necessary piece of pipe, rolling both of its edges, fixing them with a retaining ring, stringing nuts and installing gaskets.

There is nothing difficult in the process of installing a flexible water supply, but there are a number of nuances in choosing the necessary details. Therefore, carefully pay attention to all the little things even before making a payment for the product, so that you do not have to go back and buy a new eyeliner.

For the features of a flexible water supply, see the following video.

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