Home On the windowsill Everything about opening a canteen from scratch: how to organize it and how much does it cost? Canteen business: what you need to open a canteen. Dining room business plan: documents and necessary equipment Dining room business plan for 50 seats

Everything about opening a canteen from scratch: how to organize it and how much does it cost? Canteen business: what you need to open a canteen. Dining room business plan: documents and necessary equipment Dining room business plan for 50 seats

Twenty years ago, most canteens worked inside large industrial facilities, government agencies, schools or universities. These were secure facilities that no outsider could get into. Now the situation has changed - canteens are becoming more "folk". This is a popular and inexpensive way to have a normal lunch or hold some kind of event for the whole team. And it is also quite an interesting business, which is becoming more and more relevant due to the outbreak of the crisis.

Types of canteens

Dining room opening is a difficult but profitable business, which, with the right approach, fully pays for itself in a year and a half.

Canteen is a profitable and profitable white business

Canteens are divided into two types:

  1. Closed.
  2. Open.

Closed canteens work to provide food for a certain team. The option is interesting, but it is not easy to launch such an institution. Open dining rooms serve a large number of incoming visitors. This is the most dynamic way of working.

Also, catering establishments are classified according to:

  • location (office, school, hospital, freestanding);
  • principle of operation (closed type, on semi-finished products, pre-cooking kitchen);
  • type of customer service (waiters, self-service, distribution line);
  • payment type (non-cash, cash, credit cards).

Note:in most cities there is an acute shortage of quality canteens. Many people would not mind having a full lunch or breakfast in a cozy place at an affordable price.

Bankers almost always positively consider the decision to provide a loan to open a canteen, since this is a completely transparent, legal and profitable business.

Dining room pros and cons

The canteen operates on a simple principle - to provide a large flow of people with quality food in the shortest possible time. On average, a person spends no more than 15 minutes in the dining room, while the average bill is 200 rubles.

This speed is achieved through a set menu: visitors are offered a choice of several first, second and third courses, already prepared by the chef. This solution has certain advantages:

  1. High throughput, no queues.
  2. The minimum number of staff (savings in salaries and taxes).
  3. Predictability and “planning” of cooking.
  4. An easy way to pay visitors.
  5. Practical use of free space and equipment.

A small dining room requires a minimum of staff and investments

It also has one serious drawback: the lack of a wide range of dishes. The visitor can order only what is available - they will not cook separately, as in a cafe.

The most suitable job

The most convenient type of dining room is considered to be the classic free-flow with the acceptance of bank cards and cash. Free flow is self service. Ready-made dishes are displayed in showcases, and the visitor, passing by them, chooses the ones he likes and goes to the checkout. At the checkout, he literally pays off in a few seconds and goes to the hall to have lunch. This is a very practical mode - no one imposes a choice of dishes on the client, waiters are not needed for such work, the calculation is instantaneous. No queues, delays or misunderstandings.

Note:the dining room differs from cafes and restaurants in its format. People come here to eat, not to rest.

Step-by-step instruction

So, how to open a dining room: where to start? First of all, a business plan is drawn up, a suitable premises, employees are searched for, and a market analysis is carried out. Canteens are recommended to be opened near office buildings, business centers, large enterprises, near key public transport stops and in other crowded places. After that, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Concept development. Think about how much space the dining room should occupy, in what style you will decorate it, draw yourself a portrait of the average visitor to study his needs and opportunities.
  2. Find a supplier of canteen equipment. Often, large suppliers also offer the service of designing premises.
  3. Develop a design project according to your concept. Clearly define the purpose of the various premises, the location of the kitchen, equipment, bathroom.
  4. Based on the design project, it is necessary to create a working project, which includes all engineering systems.
  5. Based on the completed projects, a general estimate is made.
  6. Find a good contractor to take on your project.
  7. Coordinate the available documentation with the relevant authorities. You will have to obtain permission from the SES, UGPS, Technical Supervision, Property Management Committee.
  8. After agreement, you can start repairing the premises and connecting engineering systems.
  9. While the repair is underway, you need to purchase everything you need to work. You will need a cash register, accounting and warehouse accounting systems.
  10. After the completion of the repair, the premises are rented to various commissions.
  11. Supply of equipment and furniture for the dining room. It is most practical to buy it in one place and on a turnkey basis. This will solve the problem with the warranty and maintenance of the equipment, as well as reduce the overall estimate.
  12. Buy crockery and cutlery.
  13. Hire staff.
  14. Open up.

The set menu is not very varied, but nutritious and tasty

Some nuances

Before opening, you should develop a work scheme: how many cooks work, how many employees serve food on the distribution line, what time your establishment works. In parallel with this, you should do advertising - you will need a sign, banners, flyers, streamers and other outdoor advertising. Also, be sure to provide the cashier with a terminal for paying with cards - now more than 80% of the active population use them, and not cash.

It should be understood that this is only general information about how to open a canteen from scratch. In the process, you will have to do many more small tasks: train staff, obtain permits for cash registers, coordinate the menu. But all this is a routine that is done once - you will not return to this again.

Equipment selection

The equipment in the dining room plays a key role - it determines the cost of opening and the number of customers served. For a small dining room for 10-20 people at the same time, you can get by with a classic cafe kitchen. If you are visited by 30-50 or more people at the same time, then you will need a good kitchenette with showcases. If there are more than a hundred customers, then you need a full-fledged kitchen and a distribution line that allows you to serve ready-made meals to people.

Of the mandatory equipment in a catering establishment, there must be:

  1. Tilting boilers of suitable size.
  2. Refrigerated tables.
  3. Electric stoves.
  4. Powerful grinders.
  5. Convection ovens.
  6. Vegetable cutters.
  7. Several refrigerators.
  8. Good dishwasher.
  9. Scales.
  10. Production tables.

Kitchen utensils are purchased separately: you will need a set of frying pans, pots, pots, knives, graters, rolling pins, bowls and other small items.

Your dining room should be cozy and beautiful - keep order and cleanliness

Business plan

Now let's look at the indicative canteen business plan Of course, everything strongly depends on its location and other factors, but we use average figures for megacities (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk) for a canteen with a capacity of up to 40 people at a time.

Expenditure part:

  1. Room rent and utilities will cost you about 1.5 million a year.
  2. A complete set of equipment, utensils, furniture - 1 million rubles.
  3. Staff salaries, taxes - 2 million a year.
  4. Other expenses - 500,000 per year.

In total, you will need about 2.5 million to open, the cost for the year will be 5 million rubles.

The niche of food and products never loses demand even in times of crisis for the country. In any case, people need to eat, and if they do not have money, then they switch to cheaper products and restaurants, but do not refuse to eat food, unlike entertainment. In this article, we want to consider a business plan in which we will tell you how to open a dining room for 20, 50 and 100 seats. We will give all the calculations and you will find out how much you can earn in this niche.

Positive aspects of the niche

The advantages include the following:

  • Ability to quickly serve all visitors
  • Ability to accurately calculate business strategy due to a limited set of dishes on the menu
  • No need for a large staff
  • Clear calculation of the amount for each visitor
  • No need for a lot of equipment

As for the minuses, they include the limited number of dishes on the menu.

Today, the most popular dining format is free-low. This option is chosen by many entrepreneurs who decide to figure out how to open a canteen from scratch. The equipment is divided into several blocks - the so-called "islands". The visitor can move from one block to another and choose the dishes he likes. This saves time and reduces the need for additional staff.

Due to the convenience and prospects, the same format is often chosen by other entrepreneurs - owners of cafes and even restaurants. But they can not be considered as direct competitors - if people come to the restaurant to relax, then to the dining room - just eat.

Canteen format

There are several basic dining room formats. Let's look at them below:

  • At the enterprise- operate on the territory of the enterprise, are intended for catering for employees of a company or factory. The main emphasis is on diet food.
  • dietary- a public institution specializing in dietary dishes. The optimal location is near large offices, shopping centers, in large residential areas.
  • In schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions- there are only home-cooked dietary dishes on the menu. It is particularly rigid in terms of documentation and undergoes a special check by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • franchise- these catering establishments usually have their own network and are located in shopping centers, places of entertainment, near residential buildings. The list of products allowed for sale is determined by the franchisor.
  • Public- these are public canteens, which are located in places where people concentrate - near factories and enterprises, business centers, educational institutions, offices, etc.

Closed canteens are usually tied to the organization to which they belong, so opening them is not an easy task. To understand how to open a canteen at an enterprise, it is important to conduct successful negotiations with management. This is the first and most important step. But it is better to make a choice in favor of open-type establishments. This provides more room for maneuver and more opportunities in terms of business management. In addition, it allows you to get additional profit by organizing various events, weddings, banquets, large wholesale orders.

As for the theme of the establishment, “homemade” dishes are the most successful option. This subconsciously disposes people, even if the set of dishes on the menu is not very large: several first courses, several second courses, 3-4 salads, several types of bread, drinks. You can also add several seasonal dishes: fresh fruits and vegetables in summer, pumpkin in autumn, etc. For large festivities, you can develop an additional menu with a wider range.

It is better to choose a standard working mode: from 9 to 18 on weekdays, from 10 to 15 on Saturday, Sunday is a day off. But if you know the working hours of enterprises and institutions located nearby, then it is better to adapt to them. So, if the canteen is located near the university, where couples start at 8.30, then it is better to start work at 7.30 - perhaps one of the guys will want to have breakfast before the start of the school day. If there are offices nearby that are open until 19.00, it is better to extend the opening hours until 20.00, etc.

About clients

The main visitors of the canteens are office workers, students, employees, therefore the main load falls on the lunch break - from about 12 to 14 hours. But there is another category of people who are not tied to such a tough schedule - workers, drivers and taxi drivers. But still, it is better to focus primarily on the first segment and look for premises near large business centers, institutions, and government departments. And if you want to open a canteen from scratch, the business plan must include this item.

Do you need permits to open a canteen?

Now let's answer the question: what is needed to open a canteen (in terms of documents)? Opening canteens does not require any specialized licenses. Only standard permits are needed: from Rospotrebnadzor, sanitary and epidemiological station, fire service. You also need to have quality certificates for all products that are used to prepare the food presented in the assortment.


Renting a space is one of the most important issues faced by aspiring entrepreneurs. Its cost depends on many factors: location, area, condition, etc. If we talk about where to open a dining room, then it is better to choose a specialized room for this purpose, where there were already similar establishments before (catering places or cafes). Refurbishment and refurbishment of a non-food premises can result in significant costs. So, in a complete repair from scratch, you will have to include engineering design. But technological design, design development, corporate identity and outdoor advertising cannot be dispensed with even if the premises are specialized.

Engineering design

Engineering design includes the creation of a communications plan: water supply, sewerage, electrical wiring, ventilation systems, a general project. It will cost at least 60-70 thousand rubles. If you chose a room that was previously used for the food industry, then you can save money on this item.

Technological design

Technological design includes drawing up a list of the necessary equipment, as well as developing a plan for its placement and docking with engineering networks. The cost of this type of work is approximately 200-300 rubles. per 1 sq.m.

Design development

Although the design of dining rooms is usually quite simple, it still needs to be developed in advance, create a computer model of the room, select all the necessary finishing materials, visualize the facade and provide architectural supervision. A complete package of such projects from a designer will cost about 200 thousand rubles, a compressed one - 140-160 thousand rubles.

Creating a corporate identity

The creation of a general visual concept of the institution occurs when developing a corporate identity. Especially if you plan to create a network of institutions in the future. It is necessary to create a logo, choose corporate colors, fonts, recognizable elements, etc. In a word, it is necessary to develop a full-fledged brand book. It will cost about 40-50 thousand rubles. It will also be possible to immediately engage in online advertising: creating your own website, its SEO optimization, creating a page on social networks, launching advertising, etc.

Outdoor advertising

Advertising creates visitors - this is one of the main laws of doing business. Therefore, it is necessary to place the advertisement of the institution on billboards, create a bright, memorable sign, put in passing. The cost here is calculated on an individual basis, depending on the type of advertising and the customer's specifications.

Necessary equipment

The set of necessary equipment largely depends on the format of the institution. If this is a closed institution for a small enterprise, then it will be enough to buy the most basic equipment without a distribution line. If it is assumed that there will be more than a hundred seats, then a complete set of equipment is required, including a distribution line.

We decided to choose the golden mean and show you what you need to buy in order to open a canteen with 50 seats.

As for canteens for 20 and 100 seats, the investments in these cases will be different. Also, if you buy used equipment, you can save 30%, but keep in mind that it can suddenly fail.

Below you can see a comparison table of equipment costs.


When the premises are found, permits are obtained, and equipment is purchased, you can move on to hiring staff. This is another important step to consider before opening a dining room. They start recruiting with the vacancy of the chief cook-technologist, as well as the head of production. This is best done before the menu is created. The entire staff must be recruited in full no later than a week before the expected opening date.

As a result, the figures will be as follows, the monthly salary costs of the canteen employees:

For 20 seats— 130.000r
For 50 seats— 260.000r
For 100 seats— 520.000r

Dining room business plan for 20 people

Opening a canteen with 20 seats will be an excellent option for start-up entrepreneurs who are not ready to invest a huge amount of millions of rubles in their first business. Let's calculate how much money we need to open a business and how much we have to spend monthly to keep it running.

Name Sum
Initial Costs
Equipment 670.000r
Business registration 5.000r
Premises renovation 300.000r
other expenses 50.000r
Total: 1.025.000r
Monthly expenses
Staff salary 130.000r
Premises for rent 40.000r
Communal expenses 20.000r
other expenses 10.000r
Total: 200.000r

Suppose that the average check in your canteen is 200 rubles, 40% of this will go to food expenses. So from each order you will earn 120 rubles. The dining room will work for 8 hours and every hour the dining room will be half filled. Income excluding monthly expenses for the month will be 297,600 rubles. From here we subtract the monthly expenses and it turns out that the net profit will be 97,600 rubles, and the payback of the business will be 11 months.

Dining room business plan for 50 seats

A canteen with 50 seats is already a more serious business, it is much larger than the previous one, which means that the initial investment and subsequent net profit will be higher. Let's do the calculations.

Name Sum
Initial Costs
Equipment 1.340.000r
Business registration 5.000r
Premises renovation 400.000r
other expenses 50.000r
Total: 1.795.000r
Monthly expenses
Staff salary 260.000r
Premises for rent 70.000r
Communal expenses 30.000r
other expenses 10.000r
Total: 370.000r

Despite the fact that this is a canteen more, it still remains an institution with cheap food. Therefore, we cannot increase the average check in any way. Such a business will bring 150,000 net profit without any problems and will pay off in 12 months.

Dining room business plan for 100 seats

If you are absolutely sure that by opening a canteen with 100 seats it will not be empty, then you can make good money. Such large establishments usually open near large office centers or factories that employ a huge number of people.

Name Sum
Initial Costs
Equipment 2.680.000r
Business registration 5.000r
Premises renovation 900.000r
other expenses 100.000r
Total: 3.685.000r
Monthly expenses
Staff salary 520.000r
Premises for rent 170.000r
Communal expenses 50.000r
other expenses 40.000r
Total: 780.000r

The net profit of such an institution will reach 250,000 rubles, and the payback will be 15 months. Be careful opening such a big business. Many entrepreneurs do not analyze the situation in detail enough on the ground and open a canteen in a place where people simply do not go.

The modern catering market is a rather complex business area. Today there is a return to Soviet self-service formats. On the one hand, people refuse American-style fast food, and on the other hand, cafes with a higher level of service cannot always satisfy their needs. An intermediate link between these two lines of business is occupied by self-service canteens.

This business plan was developed for a cafe-dining room, which is developing on the basis of a former factory canteen. All calculations are carried out in Microsoft Excel, the data are common to this business area, so they can be easily adapted to the conditions of your business.


The purpose of the project: opening a canteen providing catering services.

The objectives of the business plan: to show the possibility of payback and return on investment in the field of catering using the example of a canteen.

Initiator of the project

An entrepreneur with experience in the catering industry who wants to invest in a catering business (canteen).

Investment costs

Capital investments: 2396.1 thousand rubles.

  • documents and registration: 30 thousand rubles.
  • rental fee: 70 thousand rubles.
  • preparation of the premises: 656 thousand rubles.
  • production equipment and furniture: 1233.1 thousand rubles.
  • purchase of raw materials and products to start production: 120 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising: 37 thousand rubles.
  • Additional expenses not included in the general list: 250 thousand rubles.

Working premises: the building of the former canteen at the factory with an area of ​​120 m 2, next to the suburban railway station.

Project financing

The total investment will amount to 2.65 million rubles, of which:

Bank loan - 2 million, taken from 14% per annum with a deferred payment for 2 months. Annuity payment. Monthly interest payments - 68.7 thousand rubles. A bank loan is secured by a dacha owned by the initiator of the business.

The investor's personal funds - 650 thousand rubles, are paid within 1.5 years after the repayment of the bank loan.

Project payback

  • The planned payback period will be 17 months, taking into account the discount period of 18 months, i.e. 1.5 years.
  • At the time of payback NPV IRR 189% per annum

Suppliers and contractors

The preparation of the premises is carried out by a team of builders under a contract for the performance of construction work.

Equipment for the hot shop is supplied by the manufacturer. Refrigeration equipment is purchased through an intermediary company, which is the official dealer of the manufacturer.

Furniture and equipment for the trading floor is made to order by a local manufacturing company.

Procurement of food products, as well as consumables, is carried out from the warehouses of distribution centers of manufacturing companies.

Deliveries of soft drinks, ice cream are carried out under an agreement with a dealer of the manufacturer's company. What is a special contract for? Under the terms of the contract, exhibition refrigeration equipment (open refrigerators and chests) is provided to the company producing ice cream and soft drinks.

A license to sell beer will be obtained. A license for the sale of strong alcoholic beverages will not be obtained.


Canteen products:

  • Cold appetizers and salads
  • Hot appetizers
  • Complex breakfasts
  • Complex lunches (business lunches)
  • First meal
  • Main courses
  • side dishes
  • cooking
  • Soft drinks

When ordering a complex lunch, in agreement with the administration of the plant, beer is not sold.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

Initial organizational and capital investments in the amount of 2.4 million rubles. (2,396.1 thousand rubles):

Name of expense items




Documents and registration

Founding documents LLC

fire protection

Providing rent for 2 months.

Room preparation

Building and finishing materials


Expenses for repair and finishing works

Ventilation equipment and hood

Air conditioner

entrance sign

Production equipment and furniture

1 233 100

Industrial mixer

Drum potato peeler

Industrial vegetable peeler universal



Heating frying surface

Container set

Industrial meat grinder

Cutting table

Food Plank Packer

Electric stove for 8 units. heating elements



Racks for dishes and products

Countertop with steam heating

coffee machine

Draft beer stand

Kitchen appliances (knives, cutting boards, ladles, etc.)

Checkpoint with the possibility of accepting bank cards

Dining tables

Chairs for visitors

Sofa for visitors

TV wall

Music center

Cutlery for visitors (in assortment)

Tableware for visitors (in assortment)

Purchase of raw materials and products to start production

Additional costs not included in the general list

Investment total

2 396 100

Investment work plan

Preparation of the dining room for the start of work will take 2 months. All work is carried out according to the schedule starting from the 7th month.


Premises for 100 sq.m. located on the first floor of the building belonging to the plant. Previously, the premises housed the canteen of the factory, the size of the sales area was 60 sq.m, including the plumbing unit, the size of the kitchen and utility rooms was 40 sq.m. The room is located on the first floor and has an entrance from the street from the territory of the plant. Utility rooms have access to the courtyard of the plant.

Below are floor plans:


The equipment is supplied under a supply contract from a manufacturing equipment dealer company for public catering establishments. Installation included in the purchase price.

Installation of exhaust equipment and air conditioners is carried out by a team of installers of the supplier.

Furniture for the sales area and production equipment for hot and cold shops will be received from the manufacturing company under a sales contract with the conclusion of a contract for the subsequent maintenance of production equipment. The possibility of obtaining equipment under a leasing agreement is being considered in agreement with the creditor bank or through a specialized leasing company.

The supply of food products for the canteen is carried out from the distribution center (base) of the company, which works directly with food manufacturers. The distribution center works with products of both domestic and foreign food manufacturers. The city specializes in working in the HoReCa segment and partly in wholesale deliveries to retail trade.

For the sale of ice cream, soft drinks and beer, a supply contract is concluded with the manufacturer. The manufacturer also guarantees the delivery of its products, the installation of exhibition refrigeration equipment and the transfer of POST materials.

Working hours

Schedule: 9.00-21.00. Breaks and days off are not included.

Process of production and provision of services

Planned number of seats in the hall: 70.


  • analysis of the availability of products in stock;
  • ordering products and raw materials;
  • receipt and unloading of delivered products;
  • primary processing of raw materials for production;
  • preparation of products for production;
  • production of semi-finished products for the subsequent production of dishes;
  • cooling of semi-finished products for subsequent production;
  • production of dishes according to the recipe.
  • preparation of the sales area for the reception of customers
  • pouring, laying out and packing dishes according to the requirements of the client;
  • servicing and receiving payment from the client;
  • cleaning the trading floor in the process of customer service: wiping tables, cleaning the remaining dishes.
  • cleaning the bathroom according to the cleaning schedule;
  • washing dirty dishes coming from the trading floor;

At the end of the working day:

  • withdrawal of the cash register and verification of the correspondence of the received money and released trading positions;
  • packaging of the remaining products of semi-finished products and ready meals and placing them in refrigeration equipment;
  • shop floor cleaning
  • cleaning hot surfaces, cutting tables and the production hall as a whole.

Production cost

The cost of production includes:

  • the cost of products for the production of dishes;
  • equipment depreciation.

Salary, rent, expenses for accounting and legal support, advertising expenses are shown separately and are included in selling expenses and management expenses.

Marketing plan

Since the canteen is focused on serving the workers of the plant and "external" visitors, there will be no special mass advertising campaign. The main advertising channel will be: distribution of leaflets near the location of the canteen and outdoor advertising inviting people "from the street" to visit the canteen.

The target audience

People aged 30 and over who have an average income or below the average for a city that focuses on inexpensive home-style food, and who also want to purchase ready-made meals and takeaway food.

Competition and location

The dining room is located in the area of ​​the old outskirts of the city. There are a number of (3) industrial enterprises nearby and there is a busy road, on the other side of which there are a suburban bus station and a railway station.

The main competitors in this area are stalls with traditional fast food: selling pies and shawarma. There are no "American" fast food outlets nearby. There are also two cafes with a full cycle of service (waiter service and sale of spirits).

Product range

Features of the business model allows you to take into account the dynamics of sales on weekdays and weekends. Why a special table was developed:

The monthly sales structure (in financial terms) is presented taking into account the dynamics of the structure on working (22 days) and weekends (8 days) days, taking into account the sales schedule during the day:

Price policy

The prices of the dishes sold are guided by the prices of competitors. They should be higher than the price of similar dishes at fast food outlets at the station, but cheaper than the prices of similar dishes in a row of nearby cafes. The company has set a strict condition that the price of complex meals for employees of the enterprise should not exceed 180, and for complex breakfasts 100 rubles.

Volume of sales

Sales are significantly affected by seasonality, in summer sales partially fall due to the fact that most of the staff goes on vacation and the departure of some "external" visitors out of town.

Below is a graph of reaching 100% sales volume:

SWOT analysis

Let's analyze the solution based on the SWOT matrix


  • there is a client base (plant workers)
  • located in a walk-through place (near the bus station)
  • own food production
  • a wide range of

Weak sides:

  • dependence on the plant (rental and customer base)
  • seasonal factor
  • product vendor dependency


  • takeaway sale
  • expansion of the culinary range
  • use of space for events
  • introduce as a mandatory service
  • sale of packaged culinary products
  • Holding the New Year, February 23 and other holidays for the children of employees and those who wish. Invitation of animators
  • search for new suppliers. Identify opportunities to reach out to local agricultural enterprises
  • Seasonal discounts
  • Granting preferences to factory workers


  • Attracting "new external" customers;
  • low income and rising prices decrease in the purchasing power of the population
  • Restriction on the use of advertising
  • Participation in charitable programs of the City Government (PR)
  • Discounts on individual items
  • The impossibility of using Internet advertising, reduces the advertising budget
  • Use discounts

Advertising strategy

Restriction on the ability to use advertising. The target audience does not use the Internet as a source of information. The main direction of advertising (advertising posters / outdoor advertising) on ​​the territory of the enterprise and next to the building in the canteen. Distribution of leaflets about the opening and work in the canteen, as well as promotions held at this or the near future. It is possible to advertise in the city newspaper.

organizational plan

Business form

Canteen is an object of small business legal form of doing business limited liability company.

Beginning of the investment period July. During July-August, repairs are carried out in the canteen, equipment is installed, during the last 2 weeks of August, an advertising campaign begins, which takes place at the factory and next to the building in the canteen.

Personnel and staff structure

The structure of the canteen staff is presented in the table:

Job title


(thousand roubles.)






from income


from salary

from salary

Hot shop workers

from salary

Hall worker (issue)

from salary

from salary

Technician (dishwasher)

from salary


223 000,00

361 000,00

The CEO has no set work schedule. Main responsibilities include:

  • work with contracts (suppliers, contractors, contractors, etc.);
  • control of accounting reports;
  • sighting of accounting documents;
  • transfer of primary accounting documents to an invited accountant for verification and reporting;
  • receiving information from the chef and cook about the presence of leftover products for the production of dishes,
  • obtaining information from the cashier about cash;
  • collection and control of financial resources at the end of the work shift;
  • monitoring the results of the canteen;
  • auditing the balance of products in the warehouse;
  • participation in the inventory.

The rest of the employees work according to schedule 2 in 2 days.

Functional duties of the chef and cook:

  • production load planning during the working day;
  • control of the availability of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products;
  • transfer of information on the availability of raw materials and semi-finished products to the General Director;
  • transfer of information about the cooking time and the number of ready-made dishes for delivery;
  • organization of the production process, production of dishes, control of compliance with the recipe;
  • control of hot and cold shops for compliance with sanitary standards;
  • control of the state of dishes on issue;
  • conducting a daily inventory of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished product residues at the end of the working day;

Extras for the chef:

  • preparation of a menu for a certain period of work (week, month)
  • coordination of the menu for events;
  • preparation of technological maps for the production of dishes;
  • development of a costing sheet for calculating the cost of selling prices;
  • transfer and coordination of information on the production of dishes for the current future period with the General Director;
  • training of production workers;
  • drawing up a work schedule for a substitute cook.

Requirements for a chef and cook: special (secondary special) education, knowledge of 1C programs (warehouse, accounting, restaurant) and MS Office, work experience for a cook from 1 year, for a chef from 3 years.

Functional responsibilities of a hot shop employee:

  • assistance in unloading products;
  • receiving products from storage and transferring them to production;
  • notifying the chef / chef about the presence or absence of products in stock;
  • work with products, semi-finished products according to the technological map for the production of dishes;
  • used containers, cooking utensils and industrial utensils for sanitization;
  • cleaning of the workplace;
  • if necessary, participation in the sanitation and commercial production facilities.

Functional responsibilities of the employee of the trading floor at the issue:

  • receiving ready-made dishes from storage or a hot shop;
  • arrangement of ready meals according to requirements;
  • placing price tags on dishes;
  • customer service (consultation on dishes, the formation of standard portions, the issuance of dishes by the client);
  • control of the availability of dishes on delivery;
  • transfer of information about the availability of dishes to the chef or cook;
  • at the end of the working day, packing the leftovers of ready-made dishes and transferring them to storage;
  • cleaning the ready-made food counter and your workplace.
  • Participation in the sanitization of production facilities and the trading floor.

Functional duties of the cashier:

  • receiving information from the chef / chef about today's menu and pricing for the current day;
  • printing of the menu for the current day in 2 copies (one copy is placed on the counter in front of the distribution rack, the second remains at the checkout);
  • customer service acceptance of payment for selected dishes;
  • control over the sale of beer to customers (has the right to single-handedly refuse to sell beer);
  • before the start of the working day acceptance of the cash desk;
  • at the end of the working day, the delivery of the cash desk;
  • participation in the calculation of menu dishes together with the chef;
  • Clean up your work area at the end of the working day.

Functional duties of a technical worker:

  • cleaning (industrial, retail, warehouse and technical) premises according to the schedule and as needed;
  • sanitization of (industrial, retail, warehouse and technical) premises together with employees of the hot shop and sales area;
  • washing dishes;
  • assistance in receiving the goods;
  • cleaning and removal of garbage and food waste.

Financial plan

Project financing

The total investment will amount to 2.65 million rubles, of which 2 million is a bank loan taken from 14% per annum with a deferred payment for 2 months, annuity payment, monthly interest payments - 68.7 thousand rubles. A bank loan is given on the security of a dacha owned by the initiator of the business.

The entire amount goes to capital expenditures and the purchase of raw materials to start production. Since the landlord (factory) orients the work of the canteen "for himself", the canteen has a significant initial clientele. This makes it possible to reduce the amount of additional working capital to 10% of the total capital investment of 250 thousand rubles, which is contributed by the project initiator.

The loan will be repaid 44 months from the start of the project implementation period.

Project payback indicators

Accounting is kept according to the general system of taxation.

  • The planned payback period will be 17 months, taking into account the discount period of 18 months, i.e. 1.5 years.
  • At the time of payback, NPV is planned in the amount of 22.5 million rubles, IRR 189% per annum

Risk Analysis

Main risks:

  1. Link to the landlord. The plant is the owner of the area and is the supplier of the bulk of the clientele. Any violations in relations with the management of the enterprise will translate to the fact that the canteen may have organizational and financial problems, compensation, which will be impossible.
  2. The target audience. Most of the employees are over the age of 30. The demographic social indicators of this audience allow us to say that it does not actively use Internet communications as a source of information about self-service catering outlets, i.e. they can actively look for a cafe or restaurant, places where they can relax, but they will not always look for exactly the place where they can eat quickly, inexpensively and comfortably.
  3. Low purchasing power. The target audience seeks to save on everything, including everyday nutrition.
  4. Legislative and other risks associated with the activities of state authorities. This type of risk refers to sanitary and epidemiological standards, compliance with fire requirements, and so on. In this case, the management of the dining room should have a certain amount of funds necessary to carry out relevant activities to quickly meet the changing requirements of government agencies.
  5. Advertising. Taking into account the specifics of the business, the management of canteens cannot conduct active forms of advertising campaigns. On the one hand, this is a positive fact because it dramatically reduces the amount of advertising costs. On the other hand, it does not allow to increase the sales of canteen services. An option to expand the service promotion system in the canteen is to provide the possibility of organizing evening hours or weekend events on the territory of canteens, which can be reported using current advertising channels: outdoor advertising and distribution of leaflets. One of the options for expanding the advertising channel is to participate in volunteer events that are held under the auspices of the city administration. For example, catering for children from orphanages during sightseeing trips around the city or catering for the poor in the morning, which are partially paid by the budget.


The analysis carried out allows us to say that the implementation of the project in the canteen is working. The business plan proved the possibility of paying back this project in an acceptable time from all funds to the Bank within 3 years and full repayment of investments to the project initiator. The minus of the project is the relationship with the administration of the enterprise.

Cafe, pizzeria, sushi bar, restaurant are very popular business areas. They can bring in considerable profits, but with the current decline in demand for their services, competition will have to be faced fiercely. The dining room will require less investment, and the demand for such an institution can currently be very high.

The main thing is to choose the right format

If you are thinking about how to open a canteen from scratch, then you should first carefully plan the format of your enterprise. The dining room is where people come to eat. In this case, visitors do not have the task of "having time". Potential customers want to get delicious food quickly and inexpensively. Fast, because the lunch break is limited, and inexpensive, since for most, lunch in the canteen is a regular event that has a lot of influence on the personal budget. It is from this that one must proceed when developing a business model for a canteen.

Canteens can be conditionally divided into closed and open. In the first case, we are talking about a public catering establishment that is accessible to employees of any one enterprise and operates on the territory of this enterprise. The obvious drawback of this business model is the dependence on relationships with the management of a particular company. For those who do not plan to organize a network of canteens, it is wiser to think about opening an open-type canteen.

In the dining room menu, emphasis should be placed on "home" cuisine. 2-3 first courses, 3-4 second courses and 3-4 salads will be quite enough. It is important that during the week the set of dishes offered changes somewhat. Keep in mind that most of the dining room's customers will visit regularly, and monotony will greatly reduce the attractiveness of the establishment.

The usual opening hours of the dining room are 5 days a week, from 8:00 to 17:00. You can increase the occupancy of the institution by offering your customers budget banquets, weddings, commemorations. This will require some expansion of the menu, but such a problem can be solved.

By the way, it is advisable to involve a professional to develop the menu. The services of this specialist will be inexpensive. In the provinces, a qualified technologist will train your cooks in 2-3 days, asking for no more than 5,000 rubles. Once every six months, it is worth making adjustments to the weekly menu.

The right choice of location is something without which success is impossible

If you are going to open a dining room and are thinking where to start, then it would be most reasonable to complete the documents necessary for work at the same time as finding a room. Please note that you will need a hall that can simultaneously accommodate about 50 people.

The ideal place is an industrial area or a zone next to the educational buildings of universities. If you decide to open near office centers, then you need to pay attention to the design of the premises. In times of crisis, clerks are ready to leave expensive sushi bars, but neither in the interior nor in the name of your establishment should anything remind you of canteens of the Soviet era. For white-collar workers, this is unacceptable in terms of their view of "lifestyle".

Once you have found a suitable location, study the work of your potential competitors located within a 15-20 minute radius on foot. At the same time, you can not pay much attention to restaurants. You should be concerned about inexpensive cafes, other eateries, street food outlets and shops selling reheated convenience foods. It is important to find what will become your competitive advantage. Better food, faster service, and even just clean tables and a tidy room can all win you loyal customers.

When thinking about how to open a canteen from scratch and attract customers, you don't have to worry about advertising. All you need is a good sign and 2-3 hundred leaflets pasted in the area. If the entrance to the premises is in the yard, a sign may also be required.

Equipment and personnel

The staff of a small dining room should include:

  • manager,
  • two chefs,
  • dishwasher
  • auxiliary worker,
  • two kitchen workers capable of performing the functions of waiters if necessary,
  • cleaning lady.

You will also need the services of an accountant.

The minimum set of equipment for the dining room consists of:

  • plates for cooking hot dishes,
  • desktops,
  • sinks,
  • ovens and cookers,
  • refrigerator compartment,
  • the necessary set of dishes for serving dishes,
  • tables and chairs for customers
  • distribution lines,
  • cash register.

In the initial costs, you also need to take into account the initial purchase of products.

Thinking about what you need to open a dining room, do not forget the possible costs for cosmetic repairs and the minimum design of the hall itself, as well as the annual prepayment for renting the premises.

The cost of rent depends on the region, and the listed equipment will cost about 1.5 million rubles. Please note that in the first two months of work, your revenue may not even cover the current costs of wages for staff. Because of this, a working capital reserve will have to be laid down. It is better to start work in the fall, in the summer the demand for canteen services falls, and it is somewhat more difficult to start.

The format of the dining room assumes that the dishes are prepared in advance, and then heated and laid out on plates. For this reason, at first, some of your products will remain unclaimed, which means additional costs.

Thus, the correct answer to the question of how much it costs to open a canteen may sound like 2.5-3.5 million rubles.

Your staff may not be the bearer of the best habits of the old Soviet canteens. It is possible that at the initial stages you will have to control the consumption of products and strictly suppress theft or incorrect behavior towards customers. It will be very good if in the first year of the canteen you personally begin to perform the functions of a manager.

The average payback period for such projects is 2 years. In the future, a small canteen can generate a profit of about 1.5 million rubles a year.

What documents are needed to open a canteen

To organize the work of a small dining room, the optimal organizational and legal form is. A larger enterprise may require the registration of a legal entity ().

The organization of the work of the dining room will require the execution of such documents:

  • a program for organizing and implementing control over compliance with sanitary standards when working with food products (to be agreed with Rospotrebnadzor),
  • product quality certificates,
  • Rospotrebnadzor’s permission to place a dining room and its sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of the premises with the necessary standards,
  • contract for the disinfection of the ventilation system,
  • contract for the disposal and removal of solid waste.

We develop business

The most popular way to expand such a business is the delivery of hot meals. This will require an increase in staff, the purchase of vehicles and obtaining additional permits related to the delivery procedure itself.

Another promising event is the organization of a mini-bakery. It will be difficult to compete with bread producers, but pies, pies and pizzas may be in demand. Their production can really be established in the evening, and the sale should be carried out through grocery stores operating in the convenience store format.

The success of this approach may be based on the fact that these additional types of business will not require the cost of renting a room, which will increase their profitability.

After registration IP or OOO you need to get all the necessary documents. First of all - permission for retail trade from Rospotrebnadzor.

After that, contact the local authorities to obtain permission to work in the area.

In order to be able to sell alcohol, the company needs an authorized capital of at least 15-16 thousand dollars.

In addition, to open a public institution in the field of food, you will need the following documents:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. A list of sanitary requirements for the dining room can be found in SanPiN To prepare for all inspections, it is also worth studying the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights";
  • Product quality certificates. In the dining room, all dishes must strictly comply with state standards. You can order such a service at private certification centers that certify that products comply with all requirements and standards;
  • A developed program of production control, which must be agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Permission from Rospozharnadzor. To obtain it, it is necessary to install a fire alarm, purchase fire extinguishers, develop an evacuation plan and provide two emergency exits;
  • Agreement on disinfection for air conditioning and ventilation systems;
  • Waste management agreement.

If you are in a big city, then you will also need coordination with law enforcement agencies regarding the placement of the dining room. Also, the institution must be equipped with a "panic button".

dining room requirements

You should start by choosing a place and premises. Since the dining room usually does not advertise itself in any way, choose a busy place in a city with good traffic.

Most often, the dining room is located in a separate building or on the ground floor of a residential building. In the latter case, the premises are first transferred to a non-residential fund.

Best of all, this is in a building that already housed an institution of this type.

The most important requirement for the dining room is that production facilities (kitchen, warehouse) must be separated from the dining room.

For a small dining room you will need approximately 200 square meters. Of these, 100 sq. m. - this is a kitchen and household premises, about 70 - a dining room, the remaining 30 square meters are occupied by a bathroom and a corridor.

Also, any catering must meet the following requirements:

  1. Availability of ventilation, air conditioning and fire extinguishing systems;
  2. Ceiling height from two meters;
  3. Compliance with building codes. The requirements can be found in the Construction Norms and Rules SNiP 31-06-2009 "Public Buildings and Structures";
  4. Two emergency exits.

Equipment (prices)

Where to start equipping the dining room? With the arrangement of the kitchen and the distribution line.

You will need:

  • Tables for cutting and cooking (from $ 50 apiece);
  • Refrigerators and freezers (from $450);
  • Cabinets for cooking and frying (from $ 300);
  • Electric stoves (from $500);
  • Dishwasher (from $3000);
  • Equipment for cutting, cutting products, meat grinders, mixers (such a kit will cost about $ 2,000);
  • Cookware and crockery for visitors ($800-1000);
  • Cupboards for dishes ($250-400);
  • Counters for dishes - a distribution line (from $ 2,000);
  • Showcase for dirty dishes ($200-300).

Also in the hall for visitors you can put a refrigerator with drinks. Add tables and chairs here (4 chairs per table). Every table should have napkins, pepper, salt.

You can find out in advance how much inexpensive dining room furniture costs on the website of any furniture supplier for cafes and restaurants.

On average, for the purchase and decoration of 10-12 tables with chairs, you need to invest in the amount of 1000-1500 dollars.

Equipment (brands)

The best manufacturers of equipment for canteens:

  1. "North";
  2. Smeg;
  3. Azora;
  4. Airhot (China);
  5. Alto Shaam;
  6. Amika;
  8. UNOX;
  9. Electrolux;
  10. polarair;
  11. Carboma;
  12. "Pole";
  13. "Ariada";
  14. Mariholodmash.


A small, self-service enterprise requires a minimum number of employees. It is necessary to hire two cooks, a manager, a dishwasher, an assistant in the kitchen and an auxiliary worker, as well as a cashier and a cleaner. Bookkeeping is best outsourced.

Costs and profits

Let's analyze in detail the costs of everything you need to open a dining room.

Registration and obtaining permits and certificates - about $ 1000. Renting, repairing the premises, installing the necessary systems and communications will require investments in the amount of 3-4 thousand dollars.

For furniture, taking into account the choice of the most inexpensive manufacturers, 13-15 thousand dollars will be needed. In the initial costs, we also include the salary of employees for the first month and the purchase of products. That's about $4,500 more.

In total, it will take at least 22 thousand dollars to open a canteen from scratch. At the same time, monthly expenses reach 6-7 thousand dollars. The net profit of such an institution starts at 4000 $ per month.

As you can see, a public dining room is not the easiest thing to do. But definitely profitable, and with the possibility of expansion.

The popularity of a good canteen "among the people" is growing rapidly, so every month you can count on an increase in the influx of visitors.

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