Home Berries How to make a Christmas tree from tulle. DIY tulle Christmas tree. How to decorate Czech shoes for the New Year with your own hands

How to make a Christmas tree from tulle. DIY tulle Christmas tree. How to decorate Czech shoes for the New Year with your own hands

The Christmas tree is one of the most common crafts in the winter season. School teachers and kindergarten teachers make Christmas trees with children from a variety of materials. Also, many children take part in winter craft exhibitions, so we have to constantly look for new ideas. If previously the Christmas tree was made mainly from paper, today it can be made from almost any material. We invite you to try make a Christmas tree from tulle with your own hands.


- a sheet of cardboard;

- glue gun;

- scissors;

- a tulle square with a side of 1.5 m;

- compass;

- green fabric;

- sewing machine;

- ruler;

- pencil;

- decorative ribbons.

DIY tulle Christmas tree, master class

Now you can start making needles for the Christmas tree. To do this, cut the tulle into strips. Make one 80 m wide, two 100 mm wide and two 120 mm wide. Now you need to make the assemblies of these ribbons using a sewing machine or by hand. Sew them together to make a ruffle about 2 meters long. The line should go exactly in the middle.

Give the Christmas tree volume. To do this, cut off the protruding edges and start making small cuts on the tulle. After this, trim the needles again and decorate your Christmas tree. Try to come up with original decorations for the Christmas tree or make it pink or white instead of green. If you sew white glass beads or cotton balls onto the tulle, you will get a beautiful snow-covered Christmas tree from the winter forest.

A tulle Christmas tree is a great way to decorate your interior beautifully and inexpensively. To make such a craft, you will need very little time, and the Christmas tree will look much more luxurious than one made from paper. Try making a Christmas tree on a cone with your children. For example, let them cut everything out, and you sew the ruffle on a sewing machine. Joint creativity is an important process in education; in addition, you can spend your leisure time with your child in a fun and useful way.


Hello, dear residents of the Country of Masters! I bring to your attention a small master class on creating a bright original Christmas tree from yarn with a fluffy skirt. This “New Year's beauty” will undoubtedly decorate any interior.

Necessary materials:
. sheet of cardboard;
. red organza;
. white yarn;
. a piece of wire;
. 2 colored pencils;
. a little sisal;
. decorative elements for decorating a Christmas tree (beads, snowflakes, etc.);
. Double-sided tape;
. glue gun;
. scissors;
. stapler
You also need to be patient and have the desire to create your own unique miracle.

We roll a cone from a sheet of cardboard and securely fix it. Then, we insert a wire into the top of the head and stuff our cone with crumpled newspaper and glue. Now we take the resulting blank and cover it with double-sided tape. We wrap the yarn tightly around the tape (so that there are no gaps).

For the skirt, we cut 8*8 cm squares from organza. Fold the square in half, and then roll it into a bag and secure it with a stapler (the number of such bags depends on the desired fullness of the skirt). From these little bags we form a fluffy skirt for our Christmas tree. I glued three rows of bags with hot glue.

Cover the colored pencil with double-sided tape and wrap it with yarn. Then we insert the resulting legs with one end into the Christmas tree and the other into felt boots. Cover the bottom of the tree with sisal. And now, the most interesting part - the decor. It all depends on your imagination! I wish you creative success. Thank you for your attention.

Master class on making a Christmas tree from tulle

We will need:1) tulle (mesh) for the Christmas tree: 125 cm, for a star 10 cm wide2) wire approximately 1m3) a jar or pot for the base4) plasticine or plaster5) acrylic paint (or color) white6) beads for decoration7) gift ribbon approximately 3m long8) needle and thread9) PVA glue

It is better to buy hard tulle for the Christmas tree (80 rubles per unit of Oktyabrsky), and softer for the star. Tulle length 180cm.We cut the tulle into ribbons in width in the following order:17cm - 2 pcs15cm - 2 pcs13cm - 2 pcs11cm - 1 piece9cm - 1 piece (cut in half)7cm - 1 piece (cut in half)5cm - 1 piece (cut in half)3cm - 1 piece (cut into 3 strips of 40cm each, cut the remaining 60cm in half and leave the strip width 2cm, i.e. cut another 1cm in width)We cut into strips only after painting! By the way, you can do without painting)))

We paint the edges of the strips. It is better to apply with the tape folded in half, as in the photo. We dry it on a piece of newspaper, unfolded. I used water-based paint, which was left over from painting the ceiling))) It dries quickly.Now, from the opposite edge, we sew each tape with large stitches, and at the end we tighten it, leaving a small hole in the middle for the barrel (wire). It’s better not to do them end to end, otherwise our ribbons will sag later.

Let's start with the barrel))) I bought a 6mm aluminum wire on the market, 4 are possible - it was simply not available. Costs 14 rubles per meter. The husband pulled out the wire. At one end you need to roll it into rings perpendicular to the main length. And thus lower it into our pot or jar. It is better to take a wider base for stability. Since I had an “emergency”, I only had this jar on hand.

We fix the base with plasticine, plaster, etc. For beauty, I quickly sewed a cover for the jar.

We string our collected ribbons. We decided to fix the lowest one higher from the base. Only a couple of matches were at hand. The cross was attached to the base using tape. And then we string the remaining rings. At the end, in the same way, we assemble a star made of red tulle, 10 cm wide, approximately 80 cm long, and fix it on the top. But we put it on like a flower and secure it with threads. We cut off the excess length of the wire with pliers.

All that remains is to decorate the Christmas tree)))

The first snow has fallen, which means it’s time to think about the most magical, most beautiful and beloved holiday by many - the New Year. My children and I always prepare for the New Year in advance; We are thinking about how to decorate our home, how to make it more comfortable and festive, what to give to family and friends, what to celebrate the New Year in, what to cook for the New Year’s table, etc.

Today I will tell you how to make a Christmas tree from tulle.

What we need:

  • A3 cardboard;
  • newspapers or old magazines;
  • glue gun, glue moment;
  • blue and white tulle;
  • lace (3 cm) or braid;
  • silver ribbons;
  • compass or plate;
  • scissors;
  • beads, buttons, stars

We take A3 cardboard and roll it into a long cone - this will be the basis for our Christmas tree. We should have such a big bag for seeds. We glue the joints with a glue gun; Personally, I glue it with “moment” glue and cut off the excess.

While the cone is drying, take old magazines or newspapers and crumple them. To make our Christmas tree stable, we stuff the cone tightly with crumpled up magazines.

Now we will need to make the bottom of our cone. To do this, we outline the cone and use a compass to make a large circle 2-3 cm larger than the outlined circle. Personally, I don’t have a compass, I took an ordinary plate, placed it on the circled circle and circled the plate on top of the circle. Cut out a large circle, make noodles up to a small circle and glue the bottom with the noodles facing up. This is how we got a stable base for our Christmas tree.

While the base dries, we take tulle and cut out squares of about 5 * 5 cm from it (or rectangles; depending on your choice). We fold them into 2 triangles, then again into 2 triangles, take the blue tulle by the corner and glue it to the base of the tree with a glue gun. Triangles intersect. This is done for splendor so that the Christmas tree does not turn out bald. We glue the blanks quite low, since we need to close the edges. Now we retreat 1 cm and also glue triangles of white tulle.

We have a row of blue tulle, a row of white, a row of blue tulle, lace or braid, and again a row of blue tulle, a row of white, a row of blue, braid or lace, and so on until the end.

We make the entire top from lace or tulle and decorate it with an asterisk, bead, and bow; who has any imagination?

Now we are making decorations for our Christmas tree. To do this, take silver ribbons and make bows out of them. Glue them to the tree, attach pearl beads and stars with a glue gun.

Our Christmas tree is ready! Good luck to everyone and creative success!

What costume should you make for your daughter for the New Year? Where can I get everything I need for it so that it doesn’t go out of fashion and is always in trend?

The Christmas tree costume, like snowflakes, due to constant demand, will not go out of fashion or cease to be relevant.

This means you have a lot of options on how to make a Christmas tree costume for a girl with your own hands at home.

We will analyze from the simplest costumes, which are easy to make in 2-3 hours, to more complex ones. From the most affordable, requiring minimal investment, to more sophisticated ones that require sewing skills.

Just imagine how much nerves, time and money you will be able to save by making a chic suit once. What will happen to those who see your exclusive costume on a child?

Therefore, now you will need a pen and a piece of paper to quickly write down all the necessary ideas and source materials.

Let's get started!

  1. Dress or sundress.
  2. A skirt with a T-shirt or other blouse.
  3. Trousers or breeches.
  4. Overalls.

When thinking about a Christmas tree costume, always keep backup options, for example, it will be useful to find out quickly and easily.

Hairstyle - which one to choose for a New Year's suit? You will find how to decorate it so that your baby is irresistible at the New Year's party and it matches perfectly with the suit.

We’ll tell you about the snowflake costume that wise and smart mothers always have in stock, but here’s how to make it with your own hands at home quickly and beautifully in detail with photos and video master classes.

Suit colors

If you are convinced that a dress should only be in green tones, then you are mistaken. After all, the Christmas tree can be covered in snow, a white dress trimmed with green rain.

Look at the photo, there are several options when the top is light in color, the skirt is green and tinsel (rain) is in unusual colors.

Tinsel costume

Let's look at the simplest version of a dress costume using tinsel.

The dress from the last matinee, how to make a Christmas tree out of it?

We trim the dress left over from the last matinee with tinsel in contrasting colors, for a Christmas tree in a green dress - white, golden, light blue with white tips... Does your Christmas tree have a white dress? We choose rain – green or light green.

Tulle suit (tu-tu skirt)

Tutu skirt + T-shirt or jacket

  1. We make a tutu skirt without sewing from tulle, described in detail in this video tutorial and photos.
  2. Video tutorial on creating a tulle skirt

  3. Then we decorate the skirt with New Year's toys and plastic snowflakes.
  4. We sew tinsel or any other green material onto a T-shirt in the shape of a triangle, a Christmas tree.

    We decorate the Christmas tree on the blouse with toys and a star on the top of the head.

  5. Video about making a Christmas tree from a narrow ribbon and beads to decorate a T-shirt
    The T-shirt is replaced with a turtleneck or any other suitable sweater.

A shiny mesh skirt for decorating flowers (organza) using a stapler and other secrets of this costume

  1. Prepare the necessary materials: organza in 2 colors, stapler, fabric scraps to match or cut, ribbons, Christmas tree decorations, hoop, T-shirt, tinsel, beads.
  2. Cut the organza into squares. Fold into a triangle and assemble with an accordion, securing the place where the feather is collected with a stapler. Your feathers should alternate colors.
  3. We fold the sections into 2 layers so that the skirt is not transparent and attach the feathers to the sections, alternating colors with a stapler.
  4. We sew a belt using a machine from scraps of green fabric. Sew to the semi-finished skirt, leaving long ties to secure the skirt at the waist.
  5. Let's make a bow. We take a nylon ribbon, collect it with thread into an accordion and tie it with a ribbon and sew a Christmas tree toy to it.
  6. Sew the finished bows to the hem of the skirt under the feathers.
  7. If your skirt is see-through, sew a petticoat from an old dress or piece of fabric.
  8. We make the top of the suit. Take a white T-shirt, if there is a pattern on it, cut out a Christmas tree from the white fabric.
  9. We cut out a Christmas tree from the mesh and make strips of different sizes from tinsel, laying out the Christmas tree. We sew everything onto the T-shirt, adding bead decorations to the Christmas tree.
  10. Make a batik topper for a Christmas tree on a T-shirt.
  11. Headdress. Choose a hoop that is hollow or mesh and insert a mesh cut into a square shape through the holes. Then decorate with Christmas tree decorations. Attach the mesh slightly obliquely so that there is a veil and a feather.
  12. A DIY Christmas tree costume for a 3-year-old girl is ready.

We sew a beautiful light blouse and cape for the Christmas tree with our own hands

We cut 2 parts from satin or silk. Measurements and shape in the photo. We cut and sew, the straps and neckline are made of velcro. We decorate it with swan down or similar, rain will do.

What to do if you only have a white T-shirt or blouse?

Buy: a sheet of felt and multi-colored small balls at any store, and also a star embroidered with sequins.

You will need: scissors, thread and needles.

We draw a Christmas tree on felt, cut it out and try it on clothes. You can lightly baste it, and then remove it and use it for another costume next year.

We sew or glue small multi-colored balls onto the Christmas tree, and a star on the top; we recommend choosing a red one.

This simple trick will allow you to turn any costume into a Christmas tree, all that remains is to add greenery to the skirt and decoration on the head.

And if you want to get ready in advance and make your daughter wear a mega exclusive dress at the matinee, then take the hook in your hands.

Crochet Christmas tree dress

A spectacular crocheted dress is also suitable for a matinee in the garden, if the threads chosen are cotton, and in a palace of culture, but then you will need a cape or a white turtleneck underneath.

What to wear on your head? or Headdress, Christmas tree crown

Hats, caps, crowns, hoops. What will decorate the beautiful head of your Christmas tree? Picture her in different headdresses from a crown to a headband. Choose a cap like a wizard’s or a hoop with a Christmas tree, and your hairstyle can also become a good decoration and addition.

There is a star on the top of the head, and the hat is my mother’s beach hat or kokoshnik trimmed with tinsel, as in the photo; another option is a star on a headband or hoop.

How to make a Christmas tree on a hoop?

Video on making a Christmas tree on a hoop

Herringbone hairstyle

Braid across the head and you have a Christmas tree, and for those with hair below the shoulders, we recommend taking a look at the hairstyle with a “skeleton” braid, beautifully decorated with Christmas tree decorations, you get a real Christmas tree.

A variant of several tall bagels with a backcomb will turn your hair into a Christmas tree.

Braids and ribbons will make both horizontal and vertical ribbons. Red and green contrast and help achieve the desired effect.

Video on how to create a herringbone hairstyle

Video on how to do a herringbone hairstyle on medium length hair?

Video on creating a Christmas tree on short hair with a ribbon

Training video on how to make a lace-up Christmas tree with 2 braids for medium-length and long hair

Hair ornaments

For short hair, a kanzashi-style hairpin decoration - a herringbone - is suitable.

A detailed master class on creating a Christmas tree hairpin in video format.

How to decorate Czech shoes for the New Year with your own hands?

We decorate shoes or any other shoes with tinsel, fluff or leftover fabric. Sew mini shoe covers without soles with elastic bands and add decorations, like on a dress, skirt or hat.

The second option for decorating shoes is to attach stencils cut from leather or fabric to the front.

A bow in red and green tones is an ideal combination, which we play up both in the hairstyle by weaving ribbons or a hoop and on the dress itself, choosing red Christmas tree decorations for decoration.

A chic option is to glue half beads in a circle and add an organza flower. Glue the half beads using glue second and a pencil.

Cape for a forest beauty

Do you know what will be cool in the hall? Then the cape will save the day and decorate the suit. Make sure that it fits harmoniously into the upper part of the suit and does not hide all the beauty of the dress.

A chiffon or organza cape will turn your snowflake into a Christmas tree. Pay attention to the photo. Here you see light capes in green tones and crowns in the shape of Christmas trees. This option is ideal when your child plays 2 roles at once.

Tights, socks, knee socks

White tights or knee socks or socks look very festive, but if you don’t have them, try using those that are available. Supplement them with tinsel or figure out how to divert attention from them, for example, slightly lengthen the dress.

The ruffles in a herringbone dress are a great focal point to make the dress as long as you like.

If you want to add more sparkle, add rhinestones to your tights or knee socks.

Video on how to decorate tights with rhinestones

Makeup for a Christmas tree costume or Ideas for face painting

Do you want your daughter to wear makeup? Draw a Christmas tree on the cheek, just a green twig. The makeup is restrained and only slightly emphasizes childish beauty and naturalness.

These are the simple and easy methods that mothers make for Christmas tree costumes. We wish you good luck and inspiration, so that your Christmas tree glows with happiness, like a New Year's beauty with garlands.

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