Home Indoor flowers Extracurricular activity in English. Development of an English language event. Extracurricular activities in a foreign language Activities for children English

Extracurricular activity in English. Development of an English language event. Extracurricular activities in a foreign language Activities for children English

Learning foreign languages ​​in a playful way will help not only broaden your horizons and learn more about culture, but also help you fall in love with the subject and make it easier to study. What is the English language? It's kind of like a lesson, but in a fun and relaxed way. Thanks to these activities, schoolchildren understand the educational material faster and easier.

General statement of lesson goals and objectives. Planning

How are extracurricular activities organized at school? Lesson time is allocated for this. It is best, and even more useful, to conduct such activities in the fresh air. You should definitely show your imagination and diversify the lesson with bright pictures, equipment, think through songs and, of course, a script. Without it, any event will be boring and dull. Choose a fun scenario format and ensure that every student is able to participate.

This pastime serves 3 purposes.

1. Broadening your horizons. Extracurricular activities at school allow you to learn the language in more depth, analyze a specific topic, and develop reading and dialogue skills.

2. General developmental goal. Improves communication skills, develops and allows you to take initiative.

3. Educational process. Acceptance of fresh information, familiarization with the country being studied, development of interest in the language.

You can take any topic as a topic. These are the weather, animals, Christmas, traditions, national cuisine, sports. Younger children should choose simpler ones, such as counting. In this article we will try to think through a scenario for children of primary school age on the topic “Alphabet”.

How to run an extracurricular activity on languages

To increase student motivation, the lesson should be conducted in a relaxed and half-joking manner. The beginning should be such that the children themselves want to develop the topic, that is, inspiring. Talk about the importance of teamwork.

Exercises and tongue twisters

Tongue twisters, or rather their correct pronunciation, will help improve your pronunciation and form the necessary accent. This is how the muscles of the tongue are trained. Tongue twisters should be the easiest. Even if the kids won’t be able to repeat everything, the main thing is that they will hear the correct speech. Fun exercises and jokes will help relieve tension, further dilute the atmosphere, and allow you to relax. Developing an English language event is a very responsible process that can both introduce children to the subject and better unite the school team.

guess a riddle

For older children, you can use rhyming riddles during the event. And little students will happily listen to their teacher. For such kids, you should definitely translate everything you say. And if the lesson is held on the street, conduct it armed with a large number of pictures.

An example of an activity for elementary grades “Funny Alphabet”

Children who are just beginning to learn a foreign language will be interested in a script on the theme of the alphabet. Letters can be used as pictures or as soft toys. You should definitely come up with a light poem for each of them, preferably combining Russian and English phrases.

Tasks, goals, equipment

It is impossible to imagine an extracurricular activity in English without defining such a lesson in advance. It is on them that they rely when developing tasks. When conducting the “Funny Alphabet” scenario, the goals and objectives will be as follows:

1. Studying letters, correct pronunciation of sounds, teaching the alphabet.

2. Games in a relaxed atmosphere.

3. Development of team skills and individuality of each student, self-confidence.

To conduct this event, you will need the following equipment: music, songs in English, alphabet cards, a festively decorated school board.


Distribute all the letters among the students. Have students take turns entering the classroom and also recite the poem they have learned. Letter cards should be distributed in advance for familiarization before conducting an extracurricular English language activity. Examples of poems could be:

There was a knock on the door.

Who's there?

Letter A and autumn autumn.

The letter is B, and the ball is ball,

I put the book on the table.

S. went hunting.

Kitty, take your paws away,

So that our delicious lunch does not go to a soft cat.

Don't come here

What if the letter D bites?

The cat runs as fast as he can

From the angry dog ​​dog.

E came to stay with us for the night,

E starts with egg.

He is hatched by a quonka.

This is the end - the end, period.

I boldly sat down on a water lily,

The letter F will croak loudly,

After all, it is known that the frog frog -

Very loud wah!

Swifts fly high.

Make friends with the letter G too.

Raising my head proudly,

A giraffe looks from above.

H will quickly wipe everyone's noses.

Here is a horse rushing towards us.

There are no obstacles for her

If the rider is wearing a hat.

We are so similar to this letter,

After all, I and I are one and the same.

We laugh and eat

Ice-cream ice cream.

How sweet this J is,

Even sweeter than all the cakes.

This letter is known to everyone

More for those who love jam.

The letter can control any lock.

The key will easily open them.

The kingdom will lead to the castle

And we will be immersed in luxury.

The letter addressed everyone:

Help the lamb,

So that he can lie down in the crib

And he managed to light the lamp.

Oh, what monkeys!

Well, where would we be without monkey!

She wants something sweet

This means she needs melon.

The letter won't get tired of hanging,

Because there is a nest there.

All day long until dawn

We observe oak-tree.

The oak tree is calling everyone to come quickly.

We will tell him: O"Key.

Pirate - warlike pirate -

The parrot is happy.

Just look - here we are

She waved a palm branch.

I'm singing a great song

About the funny letter Q.

This queen is queen

He has a very important rank.

Tip: an extracurricular activity in English will be even more fun if you select a separate song for each letter.

The word is everywhere in the city:

What kind of letter is this R?

Here is my main secret for you:

She looks like a rat.

Twisted letter S

Piques interest.

In the blue sky we will see a star -

This is a bright star.

T called to a distant world.

You need to go visit her.

Will play there with you

Funny toy.

There is a sign: you will meet U -

It may rain on this day.

The letter has become much better -

Gives schoolchildren an umbrella.

Let's catch the ball quickly

After all, V is on the serve again.

The ball went high!

How interesting volleyball is!

W is known to all children,

It’s worth turning M over for us.

In the forest, his eyes sparkling at us,

The wolf howls loudly.

The doctor shouted to us from the door:

Who's next on X-Ray?

Don't be afraid, this is for everyone

So you need to get an x-ray.

Come on, take the oars,

Otherwise Y will catch up.

Calls far into the seas

White sailboat a yacht.

Are you familiar with the letter Z?

After all, we won a ticket,

See fox, goat

At the zoo - the local zoo.

Ending the game

At the end of all the letters, put each one in the correct order and sing any children's song on the theme of the alphabet. You can play the game “Letters Are Confused” and challenge other students who do not have enough elements to build the correct alphabet. All actions should be accompanied by cheerful songs and encouragement of the participants.

English can be taught at any school age, only the older the children, the more complex the program should be. Such classes promote deeper communication, eliminate conflict in the team, teach schoolchildren to take initiative and not be afraid to speak in front of others, and also develop attention, logic, memory and other qualities.

Extracurricular activity in English in grades 7-8

“A story of one tradition, or 5 o’clock tea”

Yulia Nikolaevna Trofimova, English teacher, MKOU "Medvezhyegorsk Secondary School No. 1", Republic of Karelia
Form: educational game
Form of organization: group (teams of 5-6 people)
Equipment: computer and multimedia projector, handouts, audio and video recordings; tea set, napkins and food models.
Target: generalization of linguistic and regional knowledge of students acquired in English lessons and updating of new knowledge.
1. Educational:
1. improvement of skills and practical knowledge of the English language in the following types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading;
2. improvement of lexical and grammatical skills
2. Developmental:
1.Development and training of attention, memory, thinking.
2. Expanding your general horizons
3.Develop the ability to work in a team and make joint decisions.
4.Develop positive personal qualities (responsibility, goodwill, sense of mutual assistance).
3. Educational:
1. Cultivate interest in studying the subject.
2. Fostering respect for the culture of your country and the countries of the language being studied.

Game stages:
1. Introductory stage (history of the tradition)
2. How to prepare real English tea?
3. Proverbs and phraseological units about tea
4. Tea etiquette in England
5. Song about tea
6. Quiz
7. Conclusion (reflection, summing up)

Progress of the event

Stage 1 - Introductory

(1-2 slide) - Hello, boys and girls! Do you like drinking tea? The English really does. Today you will learn some new interesting facts about one of the distinctive English traditions, called afternoon tea, or 5 o"clock tea. Let's watch a video. (Students watch a fragment of the video "Five o"clock tea at Brown"s Hotel London" )
(3 slide) - Do you have any idea why Englishmen drink tea at exactly this time of the day?

(4-6 slide) -This tradition dates back to 1840 and appeared thanks to Anna Maria Stanhope, Duchess of Bedford, who was the maid of honor of Queen Victoria. The fact is that during the 18th century a supper was put off for a later time until the beginning of the 19th century, and it ended up to be served at 7 and 8.30 pm. The additional meal between breakfast and dinner was lunch. But there was no other meal for a long period of time before supper that people felt very hungry.

Duchess of Bedford began to suffer from “bad feeling” in the stomach about 4:00 pm, that’s why she used to order her servants to bring her a tray with tea, bread and butter. Anna appreciated the feeling of comfort, so she began to experience such a “refreshment” every day and it became her habit. She began to invite friends to join her at about 5 o"clock in the afternoon in her chambers in Bivver Castle to share tea with her. Back in London, the Duchess continued the tradition, and soon the other ladies had such tea-drinking as a regular practice.
Thus afternoon tea party was a social event. Ladies of high society had guests in the living room between 4 and 5 o"clock. They exchanged gossip, planned the evening and met new people. Sometimes a lady came just for 10-15 minutes, as she wanted to visit some of these “ teas". Different tea cakes, cookies, sandwiches and fruit were served for tea-time. Besides tea, guests could enjoy coffee, wine, sherry or champagne. (On slides 4-6 there are images of social tea parties)

(7-8 slide) - Modern pace of life has changed the traditions and lifestyles of many Englishmen, but no matter how busy they are, the British are trying to find time for something to drink tea with a slice of pie. The traditional afternoon tea offers a variety of sandwiches (mandatory are thinly sliced ​​cucumber sandwiches (finger sandwiches), and various cakes and buns (scones).

Stage 2 - Drawing up instructions for preparing tea

(9-10 slide) - Do you know how to make traditional English cream tea? Your task is to put the actions in the right order to make a recipe. (Which team is the fastest to create instructions for making tea using the suggested actions)

Stage 3 - Finding correspondences between English phraseological units about tea and their Russian equivalents

(11 slide) - Match the idioms to their meanings in Russian (Who will find the matches faster among the teams)

be not somebody’s cup of tea - not to your liking;
take tea with somebody - do business, have a business relationship with someone
not... for all the tea in China - not for anything in the world (not for any price)
a storm in a teacup - storm in a glass
be as good as a chocolate teapot - to be of little use (like a goat's milk)
read the tea leaves - predict at random (guess on coffee grounds)

Stage 4 - Watching a film about tea etiquette in England

Watch a video about tea etiquette in England. Make notes. After that you will have to show us how to behave at the table while drinking tea using the equipment given. (Students watch the video "English Cream Tea Etiquette". After watching the film, one of the team members is called to demonstrate the rules of etiquette. The correctness of the task is assessed)

Stage 5 - Song about tea

(12-13 slide) - Now you will listen to the song called "English Tea" of a well-known English singer Paul MacCartney. Your task it to complete the lyrics of the song with the missing words given above. (Teams are given the texts of the first verse and chorus of the song with gaps. After listening to the song, it is judged who filled in all the gaps in the text faster and correctly)
Would you care to sit with me
For a cup of English tea?
Very twee, very me
Any sunny morning
What a pleasure it would be
Chatting so delightfully
Nanny bakes fairy cakes
Every Sunday morning
Miles of miles of English garden
Stretching past the willow tree
Lines of hollyhocks and roses
Listen most attentive

Let's sing along! (Everyone sings a song together)

Stage 6 - Quiz

Answer the questions choosing one of the options
(Teams receive sheets with multiple choice questions. The first team to answer receives an extra point for speed. Then each team's correct answers are counted)
1. What time does the tradition date back to?
2 Anna Maria Stanhope was a
A.Duchess of Setford
B. Duchess of Redford
C. Duchess of Bedford
3. During afternoon tea parties in the Victorian times ladies..
A.changed gossip, planned the evening and met people
B.talked with each other, watched TV and had fun
C.drank tea, shared gossips and danced
4. How are thinly sliced ​​sandwiches called?
A.thin sandwiches
B.fine sandwiches
C.finger sandwiches
5. What is a scone?
A.a piece of bread
B.a bun

Extracurricular activity in English

Class: 2

Subject: « FunnyEnglish" (Funny English)

Equipment: computer(presentation), didactic materials

Lesson type: combined (activation of new material with elements of control and generalization)


    Educational: improving students’ lexical, grammatical and auditing skills, developing communication skills through various types of speech activities.

    Test: the event allows the teacher to assess the level of mastery of the material covered in the English language teaching course.

    Educational: nurturing initiative and curiosity in students.


    Organize a psychologically favorable atmosphere for the event.

    Promote team unity.

    Develop creative abilities.

Participants: 2 teams with approximately equal number of people in each. The number of strong and weak participants in each team is approximately the same.

Preparation for the event: Before the event, students had to review the rules of grammar and phonetics of the English language, as well as words acquired recently. The tasks of the event were built in accordance with the knowledge that the students were supposed to acquire. In the process of preparing for the event, the teacher should select the most interesting material.

Conditions for conducting the event and evaluating the results: The event is conducted by the presenter (teacher). It consists of three stages: In the first stage, students will be given phonics tasks. In the second stage, a quiz is held containing lexical and grammatical tasks. Each team answers in turn, for each correct answer intended for a specific team, 1 point is given, in case a team cannot answer its question, and the opposite team knows the answer, the latter receives 2 points. In the third stage, a “super game” is held, allowing the team with the fewest points to catch up with or beat the opposing team.

Move Events :

Hello boys and girls! I am glad to see you at our lesson. How are you? I see your mood is fine. Today we will have a competition. Can you speak English? Do you think you know English very well? We'll see! Are you ready to start? All right! Good luck!

Two teams will take part in our competition, so you have to divide into teams and choose your leader.

Have you finished? That's great!

Now it’s time to start! Take your seats, please. Look at the screen and follow the instructions. Be attentive!

    Phonetic challenge :

Read the following Tongue Twisters:

    Hickety, pickety, my black cat likes to sit in my blue hat.

    Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat.

    A cup of nice coffee in a nice coffee-cup.

    A sailor went to sea

To see what he could see,

And all he could see

Was sea, sea, sea.

    Peter Piper picked

A peck of pickled peppers;

A peck of pickled peppers

Peter Piper picked.

Well done! In this competition stage the team… won. Our congratulation to the team! Good job. And now, let's get down to the lexical challenge. You should choose the right word.

2.1) Lexical challenge:

1. What do you see at this picture?

a) cat

b) dog

c) hat

2. What do you see at this picture?




3. What do you see at this picture?




4. What do you see at this picture?




Answers: (b, a, c, a).

That's great! The winner is team… in this competition. Here comes tha grammar task. At first you should

2.2) Grammar challenge:

Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.

    I ___ a pupil.

    My sister ___ a student.

    Her father ___ an engineer.

    Tom ___ good at school.

(am, is, is, is)

Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.

    Kate and Mike ___ friends.

    I ___ fine.

    You ___ from Moscow.

    Mary ___ a good girl.

(are, am, are, is)

Find the mistakes:

    My table is big.

    Julia am good actress.

    He has 3 books.

    My love you.

(My table IS big. Julia IS good actress. He has 3 BOOKS. I love you.)

Match the pieces of sentences:

My hat

I am a

This table

These books

good pupil

is red

are interesting

is round

(My hat is red. I am a good pupil. This table is round. These books are interesting.)

Good job! All of you are smart and fine. And now we are having the super game which will show us the winner. Look at the task, please. You should make up a story using the pieces of sentences. If you want to add something it will be great.

I have a … (big/small) family. In our family there… (is/are 3/4/5) persons. I have (brothers/sisters). My father… (is a professor/ an engineer). My mother… (is a teacher/ artist). I... (love/respect/appreciate) my family very much.

It is the right time to finish our competition. You took part at every challenge and you did all the tasks in the right way. All of you have done your bests to win! Thank you very much!

:// lizasenglish. ru/ proiznoshenie/ best- skorogovorki. html

Scenario of an extracurricular English language activity for schoolchildren

English Quiz “The Keys to Fort Boyard”

Description of material: This scenario will be useful for English teachers to conduct extracurricular activities. The quiz is held for students in grades 5-9 as part of English language week. By participating in the quiz, children develop and improve their intellectual and creative abilities, learn to win and suffer defeats with dignity.
Basic goals:
increasing students' motivation to learn English,
development of communicative competence.
Teams of 6 participants (from different classes) are selected. Each team chooses a name for itself. Students of grades 10-11 and subject teachers act as the owners of the fort. The game takes place in two rounds.

Progress of the game.

The game begins in the lobby of the 1st floor, where the teams' presentations are heard and the rules of the game are announced; each team is given a route sheet.
Rules of the game.
The task of each team in the first round is to collect as many keys as possible, hidden in different places. In order to get the key, you must complete the task, the result of which is a hint for finding the key.
At each stage of the first round, only the participant chosen by the owner of the fort has the right to complete the task. At the same time, other team members do not have the right to enter the office. If the task is completed incorrectly or the performer does not invest in the allotted time interval, this participant remains a hostage in this place and does not have the right to take part in further play. A team member plays only once. Time during the stage is allotted to complete the task and to find the key.
In the first round, the team with the most keys wins. In case of the same number of keys, teams are invited to play an additional key.
The team that won the first round plays in the second round. The team's task is to guess the keyword. To do this, they collect clues offered by the owners of the fort, performing one or another task of the fort owners according to the same rules as in the first round. To get additional clues, you can sacrifice a team member.
First round - collecting keys
The team that collects more keys moves on to the second round; in the case of the same number of keys, team representatives are invited to play the game “The Last Stone”.
The essence of the game: From a pile of stones, two players take turns taking 1, 2, 3 or 4 stones (each time, as many as you like, but no less than one and no more than four). The one who takes the last stone wins.
First stage(reading room - 3 min):
The presenter explains that the key is hidden in the bookcase in a book on the cover of which there is a drawing of the answer to the proposed riddle. The participant has the right to choose only one book.
1. It is running night and day,
But it never runs away. (a watch)
2. I am yellow, I am made from milk, you eat me with bread. (butter)
Second phase(recreation near the director’s office - 5 min):
The presenter says that evil enemies have safely hidden the key somewhere here and are not opening the treasured place to anyone. However, the most cowardly of the bandits admitted that the key could be found using the coordinate plane. At a point with certain coordinates on the floor there is a piece of paper on which it is written where the key is hidden. In addition to this sheet, there are several more sheets of paper on the floor where incorrect coordinates are indicated.
Path: 1. The participant stands at the point with coordinates (nine; zero). Jump to the point (five; minus three), (one; minus one), (minus one; one), (minus two; four), (two; four), (minus two; eight).

2. The participant stands at the point with coordinates (zero; zero). Jump to the point (one; three), (six; two), (six; minus two), (two; minus one), (minus two; one), (minus five; five).
* A participant, realizing that he made an incorrect move, does not have the right to return.
(The key is hidden under one of the flowers)
Third stage(gym - 2 min):
The physical education teacher, trying to stop the game, hid the key. Participants will have to get the key by completing a sports relay race. The one who gets the key is chosen by lot, only the counting is replaced by a task.
The participant in the game who stands in the line of height under the answer number is trying to get the key.
Exercise: Two numbers seven and three once came to a place where many different things were lying around and began to look for theirs. Help them find her. (four)
H fourth stage(biology classroom – 3 min):
The presenter explains that the biology teacher lost his key somewhere in the office. He remembers only what is needed for this:
Assignment: answer the question in English
1. Marine mammal of the suborder of toothed whales (dolphin)
2. The science of the relationships of plant and animal organisms to each other and to their environment (ecology)
The key is under the lid of the desk, the number of which matches the number of the correct answer. 1-Ecology, 2-Biology. 3-History, 4-crocodile, 5-dolphin, 6-mouse.
The second round is collecting clues.
The team is asked to solve the word "fairy tale" to gain access to the treasure. To do this, they are asked to find clues.
1 hint (2 min) is in the Russian language classroom.
The word is divided into three parts “po – west – vo – nie”, which are glued in different places in the office.
Hint 2 (2 min.) “everyone loves, especially children” is located in the sage (back room of the English classroom). To get it, you need to solve one of his riddles.
Riddles of the Sage:
1. When rain comes falling down from the sky,
Open me up if you want to stay dry. (umbrella)
2. Tick, tick, tick is the sound I make,
Or ring, ring, ring, to help you wake up. (clock)
3. We’re pretty to look at and nice to smell.
If you have a garden, you know us well. (flowers)
Hint 3 (5 min) “folk poetic work”
The hint is in the English classroom. To get it, you need to solve charades.
Do you know these famous people and their professions?
1. Tchaikovsky was a … (composer)
2. Charlie Chaplin was a … (actor)
3. Lewis Carrol was a … (writer)
4. Michelangelo was a … (artist)
5. Gagarin was a... (spaceman)
6. Archimedes was a … (scientist)
7. Cleopatra was a... (Queen)
8. George Washington was a … (President)
9. The Beatles were a... (singers)
10. Ivan IV (the Terrible) was a … (Tsar)
4 hint (4 min)
Letters are written on geometric figures, from which you need to collect the next clue (the word “fiction”). Figures are scattered in the lobby.
* For each of the two remaining clues, the team must sacrifice one of the participants (“magic”, “magic”).
If the team guesses the word, then the participants must write this word on the board in English, after which they gain access to the treasure. They need to take as many balloons as possible out of the biology classroom. 1.5 minutes are allotted for all this (for the treasury - 30 seconds).
Both teams gather in the assembly hall. After the final signal, the winning team members pop their balloons and receive prizes. Next, the losing team is invited and given consolation prizes. The winning team receives the main prize. In addition, individual students are awarded in the following categories:
“The best codebreaker” - an ancient scroll is awarded, on which a congratulation is written in Morse’s hand;
"Best jumper" - certificate;
"Best Detective" - ​​a medal from Sherlock Holmes with the right to be inherited.

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EVENT- EVENT, events, Wed. (book official). An action aimed at accomplishing something, to achieve some goal. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

EVENT- EVENT, I, Wed. A set of actions united by one socially significant task. Conduct important cultural and educational events. M. for show (carried out formally, without interest; colloquial ind.). Dictionary … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Event- an organized action or a set of actions aimed at accomplishing something. goals. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

event- , iya, wed. An organized action or set of actions aimed at achieving specific goals. ◘ For a good dozen years now, an event called “Writers for Workers” has been systematically organized in Kaunas. Sov. Lit., 106.… … Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

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event- noun, p., used compare often Morphology: (no) what? events, why? event, (see) what? event, what? event, about what? about the event; pl. What? events, (no) what? events, why? events, (see) what? Events,… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

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event- renginys statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Tam tikrą programą ir vidinę struktūrą turinti ugdymo forma. Organizuojami didaktiniai, auklėjamieji, meninės saviveiklos, sporto ir kt. renginiai. Šis terminas plačiau vartojamas užklasinės veiklos … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas


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