Home Berries Diet menu 4 for a child. Diet "4 table" - features, nutritional recommendations, menu. Daily norm of BZHU in figures

Diet menu 4 for a child. Diet "4 table" - features, nutritional recommendations, menu. Daily norm of BZHU in figures

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be comprehensive. In the first place in the treatment of these diseases comes special dietary food, which was developed by professor-gastroenterologist Manuil Pevzner in the twentieth century. Each of his 15 diets is still successfully used and is designed to help patients recover faster from various pathologies. Such diets are called "tables" and have their own serial numbers.

For acute bowel diseases and digestive disorders, a fourth diet is prescribed. This power supply system is divided into several options, each of which corresponds to a specific condition of the patient. Let's take a closer look at each item: how to properly observe them, what you can eat, and what delicious to cook, if possible.

Treatment table No. 4

Diet No. 4 is prescribed for bowel diseases, accompanied by frequent and loose stools, acute pain and flatulence. In addition, it is used for colitis and exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, dysphagia). In such conditions, the patient develops dyspepsia, which is characterized by upset stools, abdominal pain, nausea, and cramps. Therefore, nutritional therapy should fully provide the patient during this period not only with nutrients, but also help reduce inflammatory reactions from the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Also, the diet is aimed at restoring microflora, relaxing muscles, improving intestinal motility. The purpose of the therapeutic diet is to provide maximum relief from the digestion process, and then the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract. To this end, Manuil Pevzner created a healing diet that includes special foods and dishes, as well as food processing methods (sparing). Table number 4 provides for the observance of a special menu with strict control of consumed food products. But, in the first place, in such a diet, it is important to take into account the methods of sparing the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. We'll talk about them below.

Mechanical - grinding food, food is used in a shabby, liquid form. This is necessary in order to restore the mucous membrane of the digestive system and speed up recovery. Eating food in a mashed, mushy and liquid form does not irritate the walls of the organs and the lining of the tract. In other words, the food should be like baby food.

Chemical. This means eating food that does not increase the secretion of gastric juice, bile and enzymes, does not cause putrefaction or fermentation in the intestines. To better understand the chemical composition, below we will consider in detail the list of products. Table 4 is considered inferior, since the quantity and need to be reduced. The basis of the diet should be. The quantity and should be minimal.

Thermal sparing - provides for maintaining a certain temperature of the served dish. Foods (and drinks) that are too cold or very hot irritate the mucous membranes. Patients who observe table number 4 are shown exclusively warm drinks and meals. The optimum temperature is from 15 degrees to 45. Everything that is consumed by the patient should not irritate the oral cavity in any way. The food should be pleasant, soft and free to swallow. The same rule applies to the composition of food: spicy, spicy, sour, salty and pickled are excluded from the diet.

The basic rules of the diet: you need to eat in small portions and often, 4-6 times a day, it is strictly forbidden to starve and overeat. Fried and baked with a crust is completely excluded from heat treatment. Food can be boiled, steamed, baked in foil, stewed. These rules apply to all diet options: No. 4, 4a, 4b, 4c.

When drawing up a medical menu, exclude:

  • rich broths, first courses with pasta and whole grain cereals;
  • flour products (only white bread rusks are allowed);
  • fatty meat, fish;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs in any form;
  • all legumes;
  • vegetables (only possible for decoctions);
  • fresh and dried berries and fruits (it is allowed to use a small amount of such products in jelly);
  • sparkling water, strong;
  • sauces and spices, marinades and canned food.

You can add to the menu:

  • soups from lean fish, meat and vegetables;
  • wheat crackers (100-200 g per day);
  • steamed and baked meat, chicken fillet, lean and;
  • , and (talking about pureed cereals);
  • cocoa without, herbal decoctions;
  • (5 g per meal).

For an illustrative example, consider a sample menu and diet recipes. The menu for the week can be independently compiled by choosing from the presented lists.

Menu for table number 4

It is difficult to follow such a strict diet. The duration of the treatment course is established by the doctor. As a rule, this is a short-lived diet, so you will have to endure a little. After you feel better, the doctor prescribes a different diet. Let's look at some recipes that will help diversify your daily menu.

Rice cocoa recipe

  • 100 g of rice;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 50 g cocoa;
  • a little sugar.

The washed rice should be completely boiled over low heat. Strain the resulting mass through cheesecloth. Grind cocoa with sugar until smooth. Pour cocoa into the rice broth and strain everything again. Serve the resulting drink warm. The recipe is suitable for all diet options and table number 10.

Meat dumplings recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • 100 g of cottage cheese;
  • 200 g of beef (fillet without tendons and fascia);
  • 10 g butter.

Chop the beef and mince it twice. Rub the curd thoroughly through cheesecloth. Mix the minced meat and cottage cheese, add a little salt, beat in an egg, then add soft butter. Mix everything well and form dumplings. Steam for 20 minutes. The recipe is suitable for tables: 4, 4a, 4b, 4c.

Treatment table 4a

Diet 4a is prescribed for any disorders of the intestines, which are caused by increased gas production, as well as for chronic colitis. To restore the digestive process, products that cause oxidation are completely excluded from the medical menu. This is the entire list of dishes and ingredients for the 4th table. You should also limit the amount of fresh dairy products, completely exclude raw vegetables and fruits, coffee, any sweets, carbonated drinks.

The diet consists mainly of protein foods. Fats and carbohydrates are present in the diet in minimal amounts. As a rule, such a diet is prescribed for the first time of treatment, then the patient is transferred to another diet according to Pevzner. Also, all three types of sparing should be strictly observed. The rules for the diet are the same as in # 4.

You can eat pureed, soft food warm. From flour products, noodles from soft varieties and white crackers are allowed. From dairy products, you can eat low-fat and calcined cottage cheese, and at night. Whole grain cereals are completely excluded, only chopped from which it is easy to prepare slimy decoctions are allowed. Soups can be prepared using second fish and meat broths. A complete list of products for colitis is best made with a gastroenterologist, based on the patient's condition.

Sample menu for the day for table 4a

For breakfast: calcined cottage cheese, soft-boiled egg, tea.

For lunch: meat cream soup, chopped noodles.

Afternoon snack: baked ripe apples.

A couple of hours before bedtime: 250 ml of kefir.

Calcined Curd Recipe

To prepare dietary cottage cheese, you need calcium chloride or calcium lactic acid powder. For 0.5 liters of milk, you need one and a half tablespoons of solution or 3 g of powder. Milk should be heated over low heat to about 400, pouring powder or solution from the heat. As the cottage cheese appears, it must be placed on cheesecloth to stack.

It is better to choose homemade milk, since it may not work at all from the store cottage cheese, or it may turn out, but too little. This kind of curd is suitable for all four diet options.

Treatment table 4b

If intestinal diseases are accompanied by disturbances in the work of the pancreas, liver, stomach, a therapeutic diet is prescribed 4b. Basically, it is used for non-severe inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Compared to previous options, this diet is more balanced.

The list of prohibited foods remains much the same, but less severe. Allowed bread of the first and highest grade, soups with well-boiled cereals (except, and), boiled cereals, mild cheese, boiled sausage. You can add a little to the dishes, and milk. Butter should be no more than 10 g per day. Natural desserts are allowed: meringues, jelly, marmalade, marshmallows. Some vegetables are also allowed:,. The rest of the patient will have to adhere to the same framework as in diet 4. You need to eat fractionally, the food should be warm and soft.

The menu for the week can be compiled from a sample list.

For breakfast:

  • steam omelet from 2 eggs with herbs, fruit jelly;
  • liquid semolina porridge with sweet jam;
  • a sandwich of toasted bread and grated cheese, a baked apple;
  • oatmeal on the water, mashed apple.
  • fish broth with potatoes and boiled rice;
  • weak beef soup with herbs and sour cream, mashed potatoes, steam cutlets;
  • soup with barley and grated carrots, buckwheat porridge and meatballs;
  • vegetable broth with breadcrumbs and sour cream, boiled veal.


  • apple jelly, tea;
  • jelly or currant;
  • cocoa in water with breadcrumbs or dry cookies (100 g);
  • baked pears, homemade;
  • calcined cottage cheese.

For dinners:

  • pike perch in foil, steamed cauliflower;
  • boiled beef puree, dried bread, compote;
  • boiled tongue, mashed mashed boiled carrots;
  • fish meatballs in sour cream, boiled rice;
  • buckwheat soft porridge, steam rabbit cutlets.

You should try to consume at least 2500 kcal per day, the food should be balanced and complete. That is, you need to eat enough, not starve, cereals, soups, and meat, and boiled mashed vegetables should be present in the diet. They adhere to such a nutritional system for 2-4 weeks, after which they prescribe 4v or another diet. The recipes for rice cocoa and meat dumplings discussed above are also suitable for this table.

Treatment table 4c

Diet 4c is prescribed during the period of recovery after suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or after their exacerbation. The purpose of this diet is to gradually return the patient to a normal diet. This is a physiologically complete diet. Mechanical sparing is not so strict - it is not necessary to grind food strongly. Meat, vegetables and fruits are finely chopped, porridge is well boiled. Thermal sparing remains the same: food and drinks should be warm. Chemical sparing is significantly reduced.

It is forbidden, until the patient is fully recovered, to eat: fried, too sour, too salty, fatty, pickled, smoked and canned. Also, raw unprocessed vegetables, fruits, berries are limited (up to 200 g per day). Exclude legumes, cabbage in any form. Coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks are also prohibited.

You can enter more dairy products (if tolerated) and fruit juices diluted with water 1: 1. The weekly menu for table 4b is also suitable for this diet, but the diet can be varied even more. Milk can be added to cereals, some fresh sweet fruits can be added to oatmeal and semolina. More finely chopped vegetables are allowed in soups. Meat and fish are allowed to be eaten not chopped. For snacks, you can make sandwiches with toasted bread, pate, cheese and sausage. Mashed potatoes, compotes, puddings, jellies are made from berries and fruits. Recipes will be more varied and easier to prepare.

The diet is followed until the patient's health is restored. Such a diet is periodically recommended to be used by healthy people for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases.

The whole cycle of the fourth diets according to Pevzner is aimed at restoring the complex process of digestion. Strict adherence to the rules will be the key to a speedy recovery and return to the usual menu. In order to avoid digestive problems in the future, the basic rules of the diet should become a way of life. Fractional nutrition, healthy and high-quality food, a minimum of fried and fatty foods, soups for lunch. Minimum requirements for the prevention of complex and extremely unpleasant diseases.

For the stomach and intestines - mechanically, thermally, and chemically. "Table 4" effectively reduces inflammatory processes in the body, eliminates rotting and fermentation in the intestines. Surprisingly, despite the rather strict restrictions, it is quite possible to create a varied and tasty diet within the framework of this diet ...

Features of the "Table 4" diet

Indications: treatment and prevention of chronic colitis; with acute intestinal diseases, with exacerbations of enterocolitis, with acute gastroenterocolitis, with dysentery;

Duration: as prescribed by a doctor;

Peculiarities: lowering the energy value of food by reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and fats; reduced consumption of salt and sugar; thermal, mechanical and chemical irritants are temporarily excluded from the diet (that is, refusal from hot and cold, spicy, fatty and solid foods;

Energy value: about 2000 kK per day;

Fluid volume per day: about 1.5 l;

Best type of preparation: food should be boiled, steamed, mashed or mashed;

Power frequency: type of food with a diet Table 4 - fractional, 5-6 times a day;

Diet "Table 4": what is possible, what is not

Meat, poultry, fish. Only low-fat varieties are allowed to be consumed. For example: veal, beef, turkey, chicken, fish such as pike perch, perch. You should steam or boil, then wipe or grind in a blender. Soups based on strong, fatty broth are prohibited.

Eggs. Limit - no more than one egg per day, preferably only protein. It is advisable to cook in the form of a steam omelet or cook "in a bag". Raw, fried and hard-boiled eggs are excluded from the diet.

Bread and flour. You can: some wheat bread (or bread soaked in broth). You can make uncooked biscuits from flour. In addition, from time to time you can use wheat flour in cooking - for example, for manna. Prohibition - on fresh baked goods, pancakes and pancakes, bran, rye bread, as well as bread made from wholemeal flour with the addition of seeds, cereals, etc. (these additives mechanically irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines). In addition, pasta is prohibited, with the exception of thin noodles.

Dairy products. Table 4 - the diet is extremely "meager" for dairy products. Even the "milk" allowed here should be consumed in small quantities and relatively rarely. Cottage cheese, acidophilus are allowed in the diet. Banned - kefir, sour cream, cream, cheese. A small amount of butter is acceptable. Whole milk and yoghurts can be used in cereals and puddings, but cannot be drunk or eaten "directly."

Vegetables. Can be used only boiled and mashed.

Cereals. Allowed: semolina, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. But one should refrain from such cereals as millet, pearl barley, barley groats.

Beverages. You can: green and black tea, herbal tea, juices of non-acidic berries (diluted with water 1: 1), pure still water. Do not: fruit juices, coffee and cocoa, milk, kvass, carbonated drinks.

Additional prohibitions. Diet Table 4 categorically excludes from the diet spicy, fatty and fried foods, any semi-finished products, smoked meats, sausage-ham, canned food. You can not use sauces and marinades, fast food. Food should be warm - any temperature extremes, such as a glass of cold water or hot soup, can instantly provoke a painful attack.

Sample menu for the day

Eating on the Table 4 diet should be fractional - 5-6 times a day at intervals of 2-3 hours. And little by little! For clarity: on average, the volume of one serving should be equal to the volume of your hand. A sample menu of the day on the "Table 4" diet may look like this:

  • Mannik with yogurt;
  • Skim cheese;
  • Vegetable puree soup, veal meatballs, herbal tea or jelly;
  • Steam omelet;
  • Steam cutlets from fish, buckwheat porridge, unsweetened tea;
  • Blueberry jelly, rice pudding.

Several recipes for the "Table 4" diet will help you partly diversify your medical menu:

Mannik with yogurt

Ingredients: 200 g of natural yogurt, 125 g of semolina, 300 g of sugar, 1 glass of wheat flour, 3 eggs, half a pack of butter, 2 tsp. baking powder, a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  • 2 Mix the flour with baking powder, separate the whites from the yolks and put in the refrigerator.
  • 3 Beat the softened butter with sugar, add 1 yolk.
  • 4 Continuously stir the mixture, add half of the yogurt, one more yolk to it, and gently add flour. Add a pinch of salt.
  • 5 Continuing to stir the mixture, pour in the remaining yoghurt and add the last yolk. Finally, add semolina.
  • 6 Beat the cooled egg whites until they become firm and add to the resulting mass.
  • 7 Grease a baking dish with a piece of butter, put the mixture in it and bake in the oven for 35 minutes. Serve with blueberry jelly.

Steam fish cutlets in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 450 g fillet of lean fish, 2 slices of yesterday's roll, 150 ml of low-fat milk, 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Grind the fish fillet in a blender or meat grinder.
  • 2 Soak the rolls in the milk.
  • 3 Peel the onion and pepper and cut into medium-sized pieces. Then grind in a blender.
  • 4 Mix the minced fish, chopped vegetables and roll crumb into a single mass. Form cutlets and put in a slow cooker.
  • 5 Cook for 20 minutes. Serve with vegetable puree.

Vegetable puree soup

Ingredients: 2 medium potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 squash, 2 bell peppers, 2-3 bunches of fresh or frozen broccoli, frozen peas, a pinch of salt and herbs for flavor.

Cooking method:

  • 1 Cook the peeled and diced vegetables in salted water until tender (about 15-20 minutes over low heat).
  • 2 Turn off the heat, drain the vegetable broth halfway. Use a blender to grind the boiled vegetables into puree.
  • 3 Put frozen peas in a saucepan or small high frying pan, add 2 tsp. butter and 2 tbsp. soft fat-free cottage cheese.
  • 4 Simmer the peas over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  • 5 Add the peas to the vegetable puree. Serve with slices of wheat bread and butter.

Diet 4 for bowel diseases has several interpretation options - depending on the specific disease, the gastroenterologist will necessarily adjust both the list of permitted foods and the list of strictly prohibited ones.

Here is a more or less average version of the Table 4 diet, which illustrates that even within the framework of the medical menu, there is always room for delicacies and culinary creativity. Be healthy!

Detailed diet Table 4 with a table of products: do's and don'ts. The menu for the week, the table (what is possible, what is not) of the diet Table 4 will help you to improve your well-being and maintain your health during the period of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system!

The essence of the diet Table 4

A healthy body, well-being, ideal forms are a pipe dream of any woman. It is the 4 table diet that will help, even if not completely implement it, it will come very close to its goal. And do not be afraid of the scary word "diet", because it is rather a recipe that will help get rid of such stomach problems as acute or chronic intestinal diseases in the stage of a sharp exacerbation.

Often, the fourth table diet is prescribed by the doctor in order to regulate and stabilize digestion, reduce inflammatory and fermentative processes in the intestines, help normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and ensure the mandatory intake of nutrients into the body. The purpose of this diet is, of course, not weight loss, but you will be amazed at how well you feel and your body fat loss.

Is this diet safe?

The author of the 4 table diet is the therapist and professor M.I. Pevzner. Back in the XX century, he founded a whole system of therapeutic diets, which is popular even now, since the dietary rules are designed for all types of diseases, taking into account useful and harmful products for a particular disease. Dr. Pevzner offers separate tables for such diseases as: gastritis, pancreatitis, for recuperation after operations on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. And this is not a complete list of health problems that can be solved thanks to Dr. Pevzner's system. Diet tables according to Pevzner are prescribed when a person is in a hospital and for outpatient treatment, and they are also practiced in sanatoriums.

Fundamental rules

This diet cannot be called simple and easy in terms of adherence to the rules and regimen. After all, portions should be fractional, and meals should be frequent, you need to eat 5-6 times a day, in the modern world this can be very problematic. But the restoration of the body, getting rid of chronic intestinal diseases, is much more important than useless household chores.

The basic rules of the Table 4 diet can be summarized in the following table:

  • Food temperature 15 - 65 degrees;
  • Food must be liquid or semi-liquid in consistency;
  • Fractional meals: 5-6 meals a day;
  • Meals according to the table of permitted products;

You can eat only permitted products (according to the list), it is also necessary to bring all food to a pasty, shabby state. Thus, we will not injure the already inflamed mucous membrane of the intestinal walls. All dishes on your table should be liquid or semi-liquid consistency, even steamed food is brought to a pasty state. Thanks to the modern miracles of technology, it won't be difficult to do this. It is important to remember about the temperature of the food and there are only warm dishes, very cold and hot ones will have to be excluded.

Pros and cons of diet

  • Complete recovery of the body, because the 4 table diet is very often recommended by nutritionists, it will allow you to get rid of extra pounds and chronic problems with the digestive tract without harm to health.
  • All permitted food items are very affordable, diet will not affect your budget in any way.
  • Quite boring diet and strict rules to follow.

Nutrition specifics

A feature of the 4 table diet is the restriction of fats and carbohydrates (70 grams of fat and 250 grams of carbohydrates per day, of which only 45 grams of sugar). But you will not feel an acute feeling of hunger and discomfort, because you will have to eat about six times a day and the amount of protein consumed will be in a standard form - 90 grams per day. Salt intake is approximately 10 grams per day. But the rate of drinking clean drinking water, which we so often forget (after all, it is she who is the secret of youth and freshness of our skin) is equal to the usual rate of an adult - about two liters per day. You should forget about alcohol, because it provokes an increased secretion of gastric juice. This pathological condition disrupts the normal breakdown of the received nutrients and prevents their absorption.

A variety of fried, fatty, thick, smoked foods that are heavy for the intestines are prohibited. Since these products in unlimited quantities will be harmful to the body of even a healthy person.

So, the total caloric content of the diet is 1900-2000 kcal per day. This rate practically corresponds to the standard rate of calorie intake per day for women (2000-2500 kcal). This fact confirms the absence of a terrible feeling of hunger, loss of vitality and drowsiness, which is very often an unpleasant bonus in many diets.

What you can eat: table

Product Description
Soups The first dishes in the diet of every person are soups, they are allowed to be cooked in low-fat broth. It is necessary to bring the dishes to a pasty state, so it is allowed to add rice, meatballs, vegetables or mashed meat to the soup.
Meat The main source of protein and vitality is meat. You only need low-fat varieties, these include dietary rabbit meat, lean veal, beef. Poultry meat - turkey and chicken, from which you first need to remove the skin.
A fish Lean fish, because it contains at least 14% protein, it is the best source of phosphorus, iodine and calcium. You can cook fish whole or as minced meat steamed and water. Low-fat varieties include cod, pike perch, flounder and many others.
Chicken eggs It is very important to eat chicken eggs, but not more than one or two per day. A steam omelet will be a wonderful breakfast.
Dairy products Low-fat cottage cheese cooked with your own hands.
Porridge on the water The staple of your diet because they are quick and easy to prepare -

buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, semolina porridge.

Vegetables and fruits Zucchini, potatoes, carrots, beets. But fruits are best used in the form of compotes and jelly. You can eat baked apples or pears.
Flour products Only wheat croutons.

What shouldn't be eaten?

  • Butter and flour - everyone's favorite buns, puffs and muffins will have to be excluded from the diet, the same applies to bread. This item also includes pasta.
  • Lemonade and sodas that harm your stomach.
  • Loose porridge, such as pearl barley, barley.
  • Fatty cheeses and other fermented milk products;
  • Fatty salted fish, canned food, caviar;
  • Fresh fruits and berries;
  • Honey, jam and other sweets.

Observing the above rules, and following the table of permitted and prohibited foods, you will improve your health and the functioning of the digestive system!

Menu for every day

Eat right and be healthy! We hope our article will help you with this!

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For what diseases a similar diet is indicated. List of prohibited and permitted products. Diet modifications - 4a, 4b, 4ag.

Diet 4 (4th therapeutic dietary table) is a food prescribed for acute or chronic intestinal pathologies with a symptom of severe diarrhea. This menu is recommended for digestive disorders and in the postoperative period. The impact is achieved by choosing products that do not require mechanical processing by the stomach, by giving them a semi-liquid form.

Table 4 Objective: Reduce GI Stress while Conserving Nutrient Intake:

  • Protect mucous membranes from temperature, chemical and mechanical influences of food to relieve inflammation.
  • Eliminate fermentation processes.
  • Calm down peristalsis.

Treatment table parameters

Diet 4 for the intestines provides a full amount of macronutrients:

  • proteins 90 g, which is the minimum for an adult weighing up to 90 kg;
  • fat 70 g- almost 1 g per kilogram of weight, which will help maintain health;
  • 250 g carbohydrates- This is almost 2.5-3 g per kilogram of weight for energy supply.

Macronutrients are invested in the norms, give the body strength to recover from complex diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, without overloading it. However, the diet will be inadequate, as it is limited in vitamins, minerals and fiber due to the lack of vegetables and fruits, dairy products.

Additional daily rules for a therapeutic diet:

  • up to 1.5 liters of water and permitted drinks;
  • salt dishes moderately - up to 7 g of salt;
  • eat 5-6 times.

The plan must be adhered to only five days with transfer to other tables.

What can you do? What is not allowed?

Any treatment table is based on restricting meals that can cause a deterioration in the condition. The table shows how prohibited foods affect the digestive tract:

The product's nameReason for cancellation
Fresh bread, baked goods, muffinsSugar and yeast ferment
Soups based on broths, milk, fats, with the addition of vegetables, cereals and pastaFatty, strong broths have a high enzymatic activity, vegetables and cereals irritate the intestinal walls with fiber. Pasta provokes fermentation
Fatty pork, beef, chicken with skin. Semi-finished meat products (sausages, sausages, canned pates, stew). Large chunks of meatProtein fibers are difficult to digest, fats require the production of enzymes. Additives that enhance peristalsis are used in meat products
Fatty and fried fish, canned food, salted and dried fish, as well as caviarFats are difficult to process. Salt absorbs water that the body loses during diarrhea. Canned food contains fats and heavy proteins
Milk, kefir, yogurt, cheeseMilk casein is absorbed for a long time. Lactose makes diarrhea worse
Vegetable and butter, nuts, seedsOverload the digestive tract with fats
Hard-boiled and scrambled eggsFried and fatty enhances the secretion of enzymes
VegetablesIrritant effect on the intestines
Barley and wheat groats, pearl barley, legumesFiber, which is contained in the shell of the grains, injures the mucous membranes. Vegetable proteins of legumes are broken down for a long time
Fruits, honey, jam, juices, compotes, kvass, candies, cookies, sweets, dried fruitsSugar is the main source of fermentation, decay, bloating
Cocoa and coffee with milk, latte, soda, hot chocolateSuch sugary drinks with powdered or fresh milk will cause fermentation
Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, spicy condimentsOverload of the digestive tract with fats, spicy additives, milk proteins, chemical components

Diet 4 for bowel disease is based on limited foods:

  • Rusks (200 g fresh), yesterday's white bread.
  • Soups based on non-concentrated broths with boiled and grated cereals (semolina, rice). For satiety, you can add grated boiled lean meat, meatballs, drive in and stir an egg.
  • Beef and veal without large veins or in the form of cutlets baked without oil. Meat and poultry casseroles, light pates without eggs and vegetables.
  • Low-fat boiled or stewed fish. Fish cakes or meatballs in soups.
  • Cottage cheese, grated on a sieve or prepared on the basis of today's kefir.
  • Fresh butter is added to cereals and soups.
  • Light steamed omelets, no more than two soft-boiled eggs.
  • Rice, oatmeal and buckwheat are thoroughly boiled and wiped in water.
  • Vegetable broths are allowed.
  • Green and black tea, unsweetened coffee without milk, jelly, broth of wild rose, blueberry, currant. Diluted with water 1 to 2 apple juice.
  • Fine apple puree. Oven baked apples.

According to the diet, the menu for the week includes three meals and three snacks.

Breakfast options:

  • oatmeal (either grated or instant) in water with butter, soft-boiled egg;
  • semolina on water with butter, croutons (stale bread);
  • oatmeal and boiled chicken in the form of a pate with a little oil, a piece of stale bread;
  • buckwheat casserole and fresh (home) cottage cheese in breadcrumbs with egg;
  • casserole (soufflé) of rice without milk with eggs and butter, croutons;
  • steamed chicken cutlets with butter and egg, rice on water.


  • low-fat chicken broth with semolina, grated buckwheat in water, steamed chicken cutlets;
  • soup with meatballs and rice, boiled and grated buckwheat with steamed cutlets;
  • light broth with rice and chicken soufflé with eggs and butter in the oven, dried bread;
  • steamed fish cutlets, grated buckwheat porridge, light vegetable broth with semolina;
  • steamed turkey cutlets, grated rice in water, turkey fillet broth with breadcrumbs;
  • soup in a light broth with grated beef and buckwheat, rice with a steamed cutlet.


  • steamed omelet, semolina porridge;
  • buckwheat and cottage cheese casserole with egg;
  • rice, egg and chicken soufflé;
  • baked fish fillet and rice porridge;
  • steamed turkey (or fish) cutlets, buckwheat porridge;
  • buckwheat porridge and two soft-boiled eggs.


  • biscuit biscuits without sugar;
  • white bread crackers;
  • jelly or jelly without sugar;
  • grated cottage cheese with a baked apple;
  • grated fresh apple.

Jelly is prepared on the basis of dogwood, quince, and jelly is cooked from pears and blueberries without adding sugar. Green tea, coffee, decoctions of wild rose, currant, quince and bird cherry diversify the drinking regime and the vitamin composition of the diet.

Specialized diet options number 4

Fermentative dyspepsia occurs against the background of digestive disorders caused by a lack of enzymes, malfunctioning diet, an excess of coarse fiber and simple carbohydrates, and problems with peristalsis. A modified diet 4a.

Its purpose: to limit the intake of substances that irritate the intestines and provoke fermentation into the body. Calorie content of the "sedative" diet - 1600 kcal due to the predominance of protein and a reduced amount of carbohydrates, to which the basic requirements are imposed. You need to stick to the table no more than five days due to the monotony and scarcity of the food set.

  1. Steamed omelet, water-based semolina porridge and tea.
  2. Calcined curd.
  3. Meat puree soup, steamed meatballs and jelly.
  4. A glass of rosehip broth.
  5. Jellied fish, boiled noodles and tea.
  6. A glass of kefir.
  7. White bread rusks, about 10 g of butter in porridge and no more than 30 g of sugar are permissible during the day.

Chronic mild inflammation makes adjustments to recipes for every day. Diet 4b does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, namely, it prevents fermentation, increased secretion of bile and gastric juice. The menu recommended for complex diseases of the intestines, pancreas, liver and stomach consists of an expanded list of products:

  • about 200 g of yesterday's or dry bread;
  • soups on light (second) meat or fish broths with grated cereals, meatballs and finely chopped vegetables;
  • boiled lean fish and meat or steamed cutlets;
  • boiled and grated starchy vegetables: cauliflower, potatoes and carrots;
  • sweet berries and ripe fruits;
  • fresh tomatoes with a good reaction to them;
  • dairy products in dishes, fresh cottage cheese and kefir;
  • within 15 g of butter without salt per meal;
  • no more than two soft-boiled eggs per day or in omelets, casseroles;
  • cinnamon, fruit sauces, cheeses, pates and aspic in small quantities, homemade sauces with broths and parsley;
  • up to 100 g of fresh berries per day, baked apples, jelly and jelly from fruits, except for melons, plums, apricots and watermelons;
  • green and black tea, coffee and cocoa in milk, fruit juices diluted with water up to 150 ml;
  • less than 50 g of sugar per day, including in prepared meals.

Diet recipes 4b exclude fatty meat, poultry, fish, fresh fruit, baked goods, fatty broths and heavy cereals (millet, barley), soda and chilled drinks, sweets and cappuccino:

  1. For breakfast, mashed potatoes with boiled fish and rice pudding.
  2. Fresh cottage cheese for a snack.
  3. For lunch, rice soup with mashed carrots, meat and buckwheat casserole, apple or quince jelly.
  4. For an afternoon snack, an omelet of proteins and a rosehip decoction.
  5. For dinner, carrot puree with lean beef cutlets.
  6. Before going to bed, cottage cheese or kefir.

Diet 4 for bowel disease in remission

The extended menu for a week involves a transition to a nutritious diet based on boiled, steamed or baked dishes. Restrictions apply to food that enhances fermentation and flatulence:

  • fried and fatty meat;
  • saturated broths;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals with a high fiber content;
  • legumes;
  • soda;
  • fresh bread and baked goods.

You can pamper yourself with marshmallows, marshmallows, or Turkish delight.

Gluten-free menu (diet number 4ag)

Celiac disease, or the absence of a certain protein in the intestinal mucosa, imposes a ban on cereals containing vegetable protein - gluten. Nutrition is developed with a predominance of animal protein and dairy food, and the requirements depend on the stage of treatment. With complete exhaustion, intravenous glucose and fructose are indicated. After the cessation of vomiting and diarrhea, a strict diet is introduced for 8-10 months, and then foods with gluten are gradually included in the diet.

  • stew, cook and grind;
  • peel vegetables and fruits;
  • completely abandon grapes;
  • exclude coarse fibers (apples, legumes, raw cabbage);
  • do not give mushrooms;
  • exclude store milk;
  • you can homemade dairy products in the absence of lactose intolerance;
  • sweets to increase the calorie content of the diet.

List of available foods on the 4Ag diet:

  • rice, corn, soybeans, hazelnuts;
  • vegetables, including potatoes;
  • fruits other than dates and bananas;
  • corn and rice flour;
  • meat and fish, caviar;
  • buckwheat in small quantities;
  • vegetable oils;
  • homemade sour cream, cream and butter, cottage cheese and cheeses;
  • sugar, honey, homemade jam;
  • tea and ground coffee;
  • homemade pates, shop seaweed, canned corn.

Wheat, oats and barley are dangerous for people with celiac disease, as well as foods containing them:

  • flour, bakery products;
  • canned food and sauces;
  • beer and vodka;
  • carbonated and packaged drinks;
  • instant coffee 3 in 1;
  • gum, chips;
  • industrial dairy products.

Bowel diseases almost always disrupt the work of adjacent organs of the digestive system. Following the principles of good nutrition, as a rule, helps to keep symptoms under control and not lead to complications.

Diet table 4 - a specially designed special diet recommended for exacerbation of intestinal diseases (colitis, enterocolitis, gastroenterocolitis) during prolonged diarrhea, it is also recommended for dysentery, intestinal tuberculosis, typhoid fever. The diet contributes to the elimination of inflammatory, putrefactive and fermentative processes in the intestine, the restoration of its functions.

Interesting! The famous nutritionist, one of the founders of dietetics as a science, the author of a whole system of dietary nutrition, consisting of 15 tables, MI Pevzner, created a diet table number 4 in the 30s of the 20th century. For more than 80 years, it has been successfully used in hospitals, sanatoriums and for home treatment of the digestive system.

Diet table 4 characterized by the content of proteins, in accordance with the daily intake, and a reduced content of carbohydrates and fats, the imposition of a ban on the use of sour, spicy, hot, cold and solid foods that irritate the intestinal wall.

Vra advice h a! If this diet is followed, 5-6 meals a day are prescribed, consisting of steam or boiled, liquid, semi-liquid mashed and puréed dishes.

The chemical composition of the diet is presented:

  • proteins - up to 80 g, of which up to 65% of animal origin;
  • fats - up to 70 g;
  • carbohydrates - 250 g, of which up to 45 g of sugar;
  • salt - up to 10 g;
  • water and other drinks - up to 2 liters;

Energy value - 1800-2000 kcal.

List of products allowed for consumption:

  • wheat crackers, dry biscuits;
  • puree soup and slimy soups with the addition of mashed boiled meat or steamed meatballs, dumplings;
  • steam cutlets or soufflés made from lean, non-stringy meat or poultry;
  • lean river fish, including steamed fish cakes;
  • pureed low-fat cheese;
  • 2 soft-boiled eggs or steamed omelet
  • cereals made from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, boiled in water;
  • vegetable broths;
  • fruit and berry jelly, pureed apples;
  • butter;
  • dill, bay leaf
  • tea, black coffee, rosehip broth.

Important! If you follow this diet, you must abandon solid, dry, smoked, spicy or fatty foods and foods with a significant content of insoluble fiber. Limiting salt and sugar intake is recommended.

List of prohibited products:

  • canned food, pickles, convenience foods and fast food;
  • fresh baked goods;
  • flour products: pancakes, pancakes, dumplings;
  • cereal and milk soups;
  • vegetable borscht and pasta soups;
  • strong, rich broths;
  • fatty meats;
  • sausage, other ham and meat products;
  • oily, salted fish;
  • fish caviar and canned food;
  • milk, sour cream, kefir;
  • hard-boiled or fried eggs;
  • dishes from beans, pasta, cereals: millet, pearl barley, barley
  • vegetables and mushrooms;
  • fresh fruits, dried fruits, honey, various sweets;
  • spices, seasonings and sauces;
  • cocoa, coffee with milk, carbonated water.

Diet table 4: menu for every day

Important! This diet is characterized by a rigid diet with a limited list of permitted foods, so it is recommended to stick to it for 7-10 days, no more.

Approximate diet for the day:

  • 1st breakfast: mashed rice, fish steamed cutlet, natural coffee.
  • 2nd breakfast: a portion of grated cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: soup with semolina, cooked in fat-free broth, mashed buckwheat with a steamed meat cutlet, berry jelly.
  • An afternoon snack consists of warm berry broth, such as black currant and soft-boiled eggs.
  • For dinner, we recommend oatmeal made from cereals crushed on a blender, steam omelet, tea.
  • Before bedtime: pear jelly or rosehip decoction.
  • As a snack throughout the day, you can use not toasted, wheat rusks.

Using this example menu and a list of permitted foods, you can easily create a fairly varied diet for every day that meets the requirements that apply. diet number 4.

In addition to the table 4 described above, there are several other options for this therapeutic diet:

Table 4 A- a gluten-free diet prescribed for celiac disease, steatorrhea, colitis with the presence of fermentation processes. It is distinguished by a higher amount of proteins and calcium contained, with the exception of cereal products from the diet: bread, cereals, flour products and products that have a negative effect on liver function.

Table 4 B It is prescribed for a mild exacerbation of intestinal diseases (colitis, enterocolitis), during the period of the onset of recovery with an acute form of enterocolitis and when these conditions are accompanied by diseases of the pancreas, biliary tract, liver and stomach.

It is very similar to Diet 4, but allows for:

  • dry biscuits, buns and pies;
  • black caviar, boiled pasta, mild cheese;
  • boiled mashed vegetables: zucchini, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower and fresh tomatoes;
  • marshmallow, marshmallow, marmalade, jam;
  • aromatic herbs: dill and parsley;
  • seasonings: bay leaf, vanilla, cinnamon;
  • fruits: strawberries, pears, tangerines and apples.

Table 4 B- a special diet that promotes a smooth transition from a 4B diet to a regular diet is prescribed during the period of remission and recovery in chronic or acute forms of enterocolitis, infectious and other intestinal diseases.

The characteristic feature of the 4B diet:

  • eating food in an unmilled state;
  • limiting fried foods;
  • expanding the list of consumed products: buns with cottage cheese, doctor's or milk sausage, sausages, soaked herring, kefir, fermented baked milk, refined vegetable oil, ripe fruits, beets, tomato juice, compotes.

Table 4: diet for children- it is used in case of exacerbation of intestinal diseases in children, is distinguished by the use of a large amount of mineral water, herbal teas, compotes. Otherwise, the same recommendations are used as for adults.

Compliance with the diet table 4 gives positive results, reducing the inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, the manifestation of painful symptoms, contributing to a speedy recovery.

This diet is distinguished by the absence of contraindications, while it is not recommended for weight loss, due to the limited range of products.

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