Home Berries There are strong fights over food and rivalry. How to forever quarrel between your husband and his rival. On my husband's shirt

There are strong fights over food and rivalry. How to forever quarrel between your husband and his rival. On my husband's shirt

After reading the spell on salt, you can quickly eliminate your rival without the name of your rival and without her photograph using magic and conspiracy. Do your own magic ritual and read conspiracy against a rival Unfortunately, your rival in love or your lover will quarrel with the person you love and the power of magic will return him to you. On the Internet on forums you can read many positive reviews from those who have done conspiracy to cool off from a rival . This CONSPIRACY very quickly will allow forever eliminate your rival and bring your loved one back to you . A very simple ritual to perform, if necessary, can be performed by any unprepared person whose love has been encroached upon by another woman, and all that is needed for this is a handful of coarse salt and words of a conspiracy to quarrel with a rival :

How people love salt and cannot live without it,
So that my beloved loves me the same way

And he couldn’t live without me,
Not a day to pass, not an hour to pass,

Not a minute to pass.

I always quarreled with my rival,
Everyone would follow me and admire me.

Having said plot to quarrel with a rival throw salt to the wind and return home. Very soon (from 1 to 3 days) the spell will work on your rival and she will quarrel with your loved one, and he, under the influence of the spell, will return to you and will never again look the other way.

© Copyright: Magician

  • To make the husband hate his rival, read the plot to quarrel, turn the husband away from his mistress for thirteen new needles. The ritual is very strong and can once and for all quarrel between a husband and a rival by returning the unfaithful man to his wife and into the family. Read a powerful spell over each needle once a day and take the needle to your opponent’s door, throwing it under the threshold. The conspiracy takes 13 days, and if the husband quarrels with his mistress before the end of the ritual, be sure to complete the quarrel until the last needle. A lapel to forever quarrel between a loved one and his mistress and make him hate his mistress is read independently on any day of the week and at any time convenient for you:

  • A love spell - a prayer read independently in church on a candle - will help bring your husband back to the family. Immediately after reading the plot to return your spouse, he will return to his wife becoming a loving and caring man. The plot allows you to forget your mistress and even return your loved one to his wife after a divorce. If you decide to return your husband to your family using magic, this method of returning your loved one is the most suitable. Memorize the words of a love spell spell that will return feelings and love and make him come back

  • An old conspiracy will help you drive your rival away and make your mistress stop loving your husband and quarrel with him. You can do this simple ritual to break up a quarrel between your husband and your mistress yourself using love magic and reading a strong conspiracy to cool down the love feelings of your rival and your beloved man. When your spouse is not present at home, walk around your house (apartment) from the front door clockwise, completing a full circle and reading the plot once:

  • If a husband is bewitched by a rival or simply has a mistress, the wife can independently make the lapel of her beloved husband forever from another woman who has appeared with him. You can make a strong turning away of your husband from his rival, which will once and for all push him away from his mistress and tie him to his wife, and now the conspiracies will not tell you how to do this. Go to the cemetery during the day and break any dry branch on the cemetery ground, bring the branch home and place it under the threshold or rug (outside). When the spouse returns from his mistress, he will step over this branch. Now you need to leave the house and take this branch and take it back to the cemetery, reading a strong disclaimer from your mistress on it.

A fight against a rival is a type of special magical rituals that help you maintain a relationship with your loved one. These methods will allow you to get rid of your rival on your own or push your mistress away from her husband.

When your husband or boyfriend has another passion, your heart breaks into pieces. Many people give up in such a situation, not suspecting that magic can provide recipes for correcting this problem. There is such a method as an independent fight against a rival at home. This is a whole series of special magical manipulations suitable for various life situations.

However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. To begin with, you need to know some of the features of such magical rituals. As you know, the magical effect has two sides - black and white. A quarrel with a rival can appear in both forms, no matter how offensive it may be.

Before using conspiracies to break up your rival, try to determine why your sweetheart has another one. If this is a natural process and he is destined for another woman, then your ritual will turn out to be black. Indeed, in this particular case, you are going against the Higher Powers.

However, if your loved one has been bewitched, then a quarrel with a rival will not contradict the Higher powers. In this case, the magical ritual will neutralize the negative impact and return the situation to its original state.

It is important to remember these bright rules so as not to bring even greater trouble to your head. If you suddenly make a mistake, the Higher Powers will only scold you slightly and will not give you a serious lesson.

Sometimes girls or deceived wives deliberately seek black magic rituals to punish the traitor. Using black magic in love affairs is very dangerous, as there is a high probability of ruining your future destiny.

Fighting a rival at home is a simple, independent ritual. When you begin to choose a method of influence, be guided by the circumstances in which you will have to act.

There are two types of fighting against an opponent:

  • contact spacing
  • quarrel at a distance

The first type of quarrel is practiced when there is an immediate opportunity to transfer a carrier of magical influence to the traitor.

It is more effective than the second one. But if communication is interrupted, then nothing can be done; you will have to fight at a distance.

Choose exactly the method of influence that is most realistic for you. You shouldn’t sneak to a couple’s door in secret to drop a magic item into their house.

It will be enough to carry out a ritual of fighting at a distance, which will affect not only your rival, but will also protect your aura from the appearance of karmic knots.

How to recognize and identify your husband’s infidelity

Before you think about how to turn away from your rival and move on to the stage of choosing one or another magical ritual, you should at least figure out whether there is any reason for concern at all. Maybe the husband really stays late at work, wanting to get overtime or complete another project. Several magical methods will help you find out the truth.

Question for a candle

To perform this magical ritual you will need two church candles.

On Sunday, after the service, you need to buy two candles from the church - one thin and the other large, thick. At home, you need to remove the wick from a thin candle.

Exactly at midnight, place this candle (or rather, what is left of it after disassembly) in a regular tablespoon and begin to heat its contents over a large candle.

During the ritual, the following words must be said:

“The church candle melts and melts, the wax from it spills out.
Wax, wax, don’t be silent, hurry up and tell me the truth.
Was my dear one bewitched, was he enchanted, was his heart taken away by force?!”

As soon as the wax becomes liquid, you need to pour it into a previously prepared container with milk.

Observe the effect carefully:

  • if the wax crumbles and falls apart, it means that the beloved has been bewitched by another woman,
  • if the wax remains intact, then nothing threatens the marriage.

There is another way to find out about your husband’s infidelity using church candles.

Conspiracy on two candles

This ritual is slightly different from the previous one.

To complete this you will need two identical church candles. You can take any, thin or thick, it doesn’t matter.

On Sunday, go to church and buy a pair of identical candles. Be sure to take those candles that lie next to each other.

As soon as it gets dark, place each candle in a separate vessel (glass, glass, cup). Afterwards, draw a circle around this composition with chalk.

Light the candles while saying the following words:

“Church wax, sacred fire, do not hide sin, do not conceal it, report the whole truth about your loved one.
Let my candle go out before my husband’s candle, if he has a lover!”

The meaning of placing candles is symbolic; they represent spouses. Therefore, you need to mentally assign one of them to yourself, one to your husband, and then wait until one of them goes out. If your candle stops burning first, write it gone: your husband has a mistress.

How to discourage your rival from your loved one

If during the verification rituals it turned out that there is a fact of the husband’s infidelity or, even worse, there is reliable information about the mistress, then there is no need to hesitate, it is better to try to minimize its impact on the loved one. There are a variety of methods for this, but it is recommended to choose less aggressive ones, because who knows what will be best for everyone... So, here are a few rituals for this case.

To discourage your husband from going to the left, experts recommend a very effective technique based on the effect of a magical analogy.

This is typical separation quarrel, which, however, must take place under certain conditions.

To make a spell for separation and falling out, you need to sculpt two human figures from dough (for example, the children's mukasolka technique is suitable): one male, one female (the husband and his passion, respectively).

Each doll figurine is placed in a different corner of the house so that they are located as far from each other as possible.
Early in the morning, while the whole family is sleeping, you need to bring the dolls a piece of bread and a cup of water, while saying the following spell:

“You won’t be together, you won’t drink water, you won’t eat bread.
You can’t live together, you can’t raise children, you can’t count the years. The truth is this. Amen!".

This magical ritual must be repeated every morning until people grow cold towards each other.

This ritual should be carried out discreetly so that no one sees the ritual or stumbles upon the dolls, otherwise all efforts will go to waste.

Oddly enough, you can get rid of your hated rival with the help of vegetables.

Let's look at the example of the ritual of getting rid of a rival with a radish.

To enlist the help of higher powers in the fight against adultery, you need to plant the simplest radish next to your house. This is the technique.

A radish is planted not far from the entrance to your own house, in the garden, on the balcony or in the local area.
When planting radishes, the following words are said:

“I plant radishes in the earth for separation. As long as the radish grows, everything will pass. And when she blooms, sings like a nightingale, and smells of sweet honey, then the servant of God (name of the husband) and the servant of God (name of the rival) will go down the aisle. As I said, my word became a stone. Amen!".

Now you need to provide the plant with good care, because the further it grows, the faster the husband’s love on the side will dry up.
Water the radish and take care of it, and when it grows, serve it to the table, feeding your husband well with it.

Unbloomed, like a rose, unsung, like a nightingale, and unsmelling of honey, according to the spell, she will turn her husband away from his love interest and will almost certainly return him back to his own and close family.

To perform the ceremony, you must buy a pack of salt in advance. Don't take change. And when you touch the pack, say to yourself this:

“Salt is not for food, but (names of lovers) for misfortune!”

Also, to perform this ritual you will need a photo of your rival and a photo of your loved one.

You will also need a knife with a black handle (can be painted), black thread, and, of course, a bow.

Plan the ritual for witching time (from midnight to three in the morning).

Dress in dark clothes in advance, take off your jewelry, and let your hair down.

Windows should be closed tightly. Cut the onion in half.

Salt both parts well, while saying the following words:

“The onion juice will hit your temple, will seep into your eyes, making tears flow.
The souls of the Lord will separate the slaves (names) and turn love into squabbles.
Just as the onion rots, love will pass. Amen!".

Wait until the juice comes out on the halves. Attach a photo to each photo with your face in the salt. Connect the halves so that the images are jack to each other. Tie the bulbs with thread and place in a plastic bag. And it should be placed in the most humid place. The onion peeler will work when the contents of the bag begin to rot.

There may be a situation when it is not possible to get a photo of your homewrecker. But it's not a problem!

If you don’t have a photo of your opponent, but you know her name, then you can perform a magical ritual with water.

By the way, it is recommended to deceived wives. Just keep in mind that this is not a single ritual. It should be carried out for twelve days on the waning moon. For the ritual you need a saucepan and regular tap water. Pour it into a container and put it on fire. As it begins to boil, say the following words:

“As the water boils, so does trouble enter from the heart of the Lord, servant (name) forever.
His soul is torn, he tries to be with two at once.
A fire is burning in it, heat comes from the dark fire.
I share the pain between two, I will cure the Lord’s darling servant (name) with my love.
He will forget the black witch, full of malice.
The Lord's servant (name of his mistress) will not be happy with his beloved,
From that moment on, there were scandals between them, swearing and misfortunes. Amen!".

You need to say the formula six times. Immediately take the pan outside and pour boiling water onto the bare ground (where nothing grows). Repeat for twelve days.

It also happens that homewreckers appear in the life of a married couple not at all as secret lovers, content to meet with a man once a week, “while the wife does not know.”

Some women simply do not tolerate second roles and try with all their might to take their husband away from his lawful wife, using the entire arsenal of far from harmless means to do this.

Taking this fact into account, magical practice has created and accumulated many protective techniques that help a defenseless and innocent wife protect herself from the evil sent by rivals laying claim to someone else’s hearth. A striking example of protective techniques is the following practice.

Sunrise spell

To start the ritual, you need to choose a special time - wait until the moment when the moon begins to wane.
In the morning, after the first of these nights, you need to go out to a deserted place and at the beginning of dawn, stand facing the rising sun and say:

“My angel, my guardian, protect me from the machinations of my rival,
hide (say the name of your loved one) from her words, her power,
protect the sumy from all sides: from the left and right, from the front and back, from the top and bottom.
Don’t let the family collapse, save our love. Amen!".

You need to repeat the text three times.
It is not recommended to talk to anyone all day.

A spell for sunset

In the evening, you need to wait until before sunset and return to the same place, but you should speak not to the east, but to the west, where the heavenly body sets. The text is already a slander against a rival and is said three times:

“My angel, my guardian, save my soul, my heart.
And you (say the name of the homewrecker) do not harbor evil, do not commit sin, retreat from (say the name of your loved one).
There will be no place for you in his soul, in his heart. Amen!".

However, no matter how the relationship between the spouses develops, no matter how many problems and omissions there are between them, no matter how often they cheat on each other, one should always remember that the ways of the Lord are inscrutable. After all, no one, in fact, knows how to make everyone feel good.

Fight for your family and marriage, show your husband your love, not contempt, but remember that one day you may have to let him go. Don’t give free rein to your selfishness and think about how to make the people you love happy!

Everyone knows that a classic quarrel with a rival belongs to the category of black magic. Although it brings the desired result, it necessarily has a negative impact on the person who used it.

In this case, the universal law of the Universe applies: everyone receives what they themselves give outside. Therefore, every time someone wishes evil to another person (even if justice is on the side of the indignant), a mechanism is put into operation designed to return this evil a hundredfold, that is, to present it to the one who sent it.

That is why conspiracies to prevent infidelity or rituals to neutralize the influence of a mistress on her husband should be chosen with the utmost care and caution, preferring, say, some neutral or positive love spell. Aggressive and strong techniques will certainly work immediately and for sure, but in the end they will do more harm than good.

A spell from a rival is a powerful ritual of love magic with which you can get rid of a homewrecker and save your family. Provided that the rules of the ritual are strictly followed, it will be effective even if the identity of the competitor is unknown.


Rules for reading conspiracies and performing rituals

The basic rules for reading prayers and ritual spells include:

  • accuracy of text pronunciation;
  • clear formulation of your goal;
  • extreme calm at the time of the ceremony;
  • absence of anything distracting;
  • focus on how to do good for yourself and not bad for others;
  • use of all necessary items;
  • the presence in the house of at least one icon, and church candles of different colors.

You cannot perform rituals from a rival as entertainment, and also:

  • while intoxicated;
  • during menstruation;
  • during pregnancy.

Who should you pray to?

You should pray:

  1. God, because prayers to him are effective and safe. They help get rid of negative emotions and protect yourself and your family from the harmful influence of your mistress.
  2. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa - patroness of the hearth. When a woman performs a prayer service, completely concentrating on her love for a man, the saint will hear and help.

Prayers to God

Prayers to God:

  • read in the morning and evening at home, if desired, combined with rituals;
  • they do it to cleanse themselves of bad thoughts and feelings;
  • help you forgive your husband’s betrayal, forget about the past and start living again.

Lord, have mercy on them, they do not know what they are doing.

Prayer to God for an evil person:

Lord, bless Your servant (name) with Your grace.

Prayer for reconciliation of people:

Lord, Lover of Mankind, King of the ages and Giver of good things, who destroyed the hostilities of the mediastinum and gave peace to the human race, grant now peace to Thy servants (names), root Thy fear in them, and establish love for each other: quench all strife, remove all discord and temptations. For You are our peace, and to You we send glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer to God for deliverance from a rival:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Do not be angry at my request, but do not remain silent either. Help me get rid of my rival who is divorcing me from my beloved man. Forgive her all her sins and do not punish her harshly. If you allowed separation, give me the strength to get well soon. If he is my man, return him with your bright mercy back to his family. Thy will be done. Amen.

Appeal to Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

You should contact Paraskeva Pyatnitsa like this:

Most Holy Blessed Martyr Paraskeva Friday, guardian of the Christian faith, image of purity! Hear me, sinful servant of God (name) and do not leave me in my sorrows! Do not be angry at my request, but give me your great mercy and help. Take away my rival, who is leading my husband away from my love, drawing him to herself, tempting him to sin. Help him overcome temptation, enlighten him with the light of grace and do not let him wallow in sin. Turn him to me again, for my feelings are strong and sincere, and our union is honest. With your holy prayers, be a helper to me, a sinner, for I am weak in spirit and in the face of this misfortune. Let the rival not touch our life, may God forgive her for her sins and not punish her ardently. I trust in your help, I believe in the boundless mercy and justice of God. Amen.

Conspiracies for the lapel of a homewrecker and the return of a loved one

The most effective conspiracies for turning away a homewrecker and returning a loved one are:

  • for salt;
  • on the picture;
  • held on a full moon.

Salt spell

The salt spell is used only at the beginning of the relationship between husband and mistress. Helps to remove a rival forever, cooling her feelings and causing a quarrel with a man.

To carry out the ritual, salt should be spoken as follows:

I conspire salt against my homewrecker rival (her name). Let the servant of God (his name) not look in her direction and not reciprocate. Just as this salt is salty, so let it not be pleasant to him. Amen.

Salt is added to a man's food every day, and the more he eats, the faster his rival cools off towards him.

Conspiracy in the photo

The conspiracy from the rival in the photo is intended to cool a man’s feelings for another woman, to arouse in him hostility and disgust towards her. A ritual is performed with a church candle over a photograph of the husband.

The candle is lit and the following text is said:

I will light a candle in the night, I will take my beloved away from trouble, I will take away my beloved’s passion for the evil homewrecker (my name). I will remove the witchcraft spell, I will put a seal on your love. Let his heart freeze, let the soul of his beloved (name) leave her (name) forever. Let the heat of the heart cool down, and the flesh of pleasures leave it. As soon as the candle light goes out, it will take your love with it into the night. There is salt in the eyes, a stone in the heart, the road to it is a needle. Take a step and there will be pain; take a glance and there will be salt in your eyes. As I said, Let everything be so!

While the candle is burning, repeat the spell 40 times. Then hide the photo and not tell anyone about it.

Full moon spell

For a full moon spell, you will need natural wax and a black candle.

Before starting the ceremony you should say:

Kastanami Abu Kastanami Takasa Fami Abu Ravi Kastanami.

Then, on the full moon, a figurine is sculpted from wax, and the name of the rival is written on a black candle. After the black candle, the figure is melted while saying magic words.

As I melt this wax, the influence of (rival’s name) on (lover’s name) melts.

At the end, the candle is left to burn out, and the melted wax is poured onto the street, saying:

As I throw away this wax, I throw her out of his life.

White magic

The use of white magic is an effective method to eliminate a rival from a distance. In this case, the effect comes quickly - the husband returns to the family and leaves thoughts of betrayal.

The most powerful rituals are:

  • with my husband's shirt;
  • to return to the family;
  • on the waning moon.

Conspiracy with a shirt

Take your husband's worn shirt, place it on the marital bed and cover it with a pillow.

Then whisper:

I will take the heart of God’s servant (name), and carry it to the ice kingdom, to the cold state. So that the servant of God (name) does not love the servant of God (name), he cools his heart, he does not carry her in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice stove. The devil and the devil are fighting, pinching, bleeding, not thinking, and not giving advice. So the servant of God (name) would fight and pinch the servant of God (name), get angry and swear, do not think twice, do not give advice. Century after century from now on. Amen.

Afterwards, you need to take a shower and rub your body with a pillowcase taken from the pillow that covered your shirt. The ritual will not only cool the feelings of the rival and the husband, but will also make the latter experience the same attraction to his wife.

Fortune telling for the return of a husband to the family

A fortune-telling for the return of a husband to the family is done as follows:

  1. Walking down the street and accidentally stumbling upon animal excrement, they pronounce a spell.
  2. Then they spit over the shoulder three times.
  3. They walk away without looking back.

You can get rid of your rival with these words:

The husband walked and walked, got into shit and regained his sight. (name)’s rival is as old as a grandmother, scary as death, stupid as a cork, nauseous as shit. It's disgusting to see her. It's disgusting to sleep with her. There's only one thing left to do - go home.

Ritual for the waning moon

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  1. Christina


    Fortune teller Anastasia

  2. Fortune teller Anastasia


  3. Valentina

  4. The most powerful and effective quarrel between lovers is done independently . Only in this case conspiracy against a rival will work instantly and will be able to make sure that the lovers quickly quarrel and the loved one repents of what he has done and returns to you. Rassorka is done with salt in windy weather. To spend ritual for a quarrel between a mistress and her husband You will need coarse salt - not a large handful and bad weather in the form of wind. In calm weather, reading the plot is pointless and it will not give the desired result.

    If you are looking for the right one way to get rid of your rival And eliminate the mistress having quarreled with her husband, spend ritual of falling out, after which your husband will definitely return to you and love you even more. Quarrel - cool down on lovers This is a very common ritual that is used by deceived wives to cool down the love fervor of lovers and they quickly quarrel and break up. After a quarrel, a strong conspiracy forces the husband to repent and experience a great feeling of love and need for his wife (without a wife, the world is not nice and he doesn’t need anyone else except his wife).

    How to make a plot to quarrel with salt and wind

    In windy weather, take a little salt in your left hand and when you go outside, throw the salt into the wind and say 1 time slander - words of quarrel between lovers to drive a rival away from her husband:

    Help the wind, bring the salt to your rival.

    Salt in the eyes is a bitter tear for a lover.

    Salt in the heart - there is no place for a rival for my husband.

    Let it be so. Amen.

    I think many people know what a love triangle is. And some are familiar with this situation firsthand. The appearance of a rival may well be considered a sudden event, which destroys not only romantic relationships, but even happy marriages. However, such problems are being resolved. Magic can help with this and, in particular, a quarrel between a loved one and a rival will eliminate the “interference”, returning happiness to the family. And how these magical techniques are used, read below.

    Desperate women whose marriage is in danger of falling apart are ready to do a lot. And if your loved one was subjected to outside magical interference, quarrels and cold spells help get rid of it.

    First of all, the use of quarrels is aimed at restoring injustice and neutralizing the influence of love. Therefore, this method of interfering with fate does not belong to the dark side of magic.

    You can only cool down your rival’s feelings towards your lover if you are absolutely sure of the outside influence. The same can be said about holding ceremonies for falling out. A quarrel is used when there is a need to break off the relationship of a loved one with a potential mistress or rival.

    Using similar techniques you can achieve:

    • bring discord into the relationship that has arisen on the other side, which will lead to the separation of lovers;
    • return to the family a husband who was lured by another woman using magic.

    And if you need this kind of techniques, you must be absolutely sure that a stranger is using love magic against your loved one.

    Below are both options that will tell you how fighting/cooling down on your opponent works.

    How to cool another woman's feelings?

    It is immediately worth noting that the guarantee of success and a positive result of the ritual will be sincere faith and confidentiality. If you are ready to believe in a miracle and return harmony to your family, we offer 2 options to cool down.

    To make your rival lose interest in your lover

    With the help of this ritual, you can once and for all break the connection that keeps your loved one close to your rival. However, only those who live under the same roof with their spouse (boyfriend) can apply this method. Otherwise, the cold will not have an effect on your opponent and you will need to do another ritual.

    In order for this cooler to help remove another woman from her husband, you will need to get a bucket of spring water in advance. As a last resort, water from a well will do.

    This liquid needs to be poured into a saucepan to boil it. When bubbles appear, indicating boiling, you need to read the magic cool text over the steam. His words look like this:

    “The fire is burning, the flame is burning, and the water in the pan is boiling and boiling. As hot water boils, so let the love of the servant of God (name of the beloved) splash for the servant of God (proper name). Let his heart turn to me, and turn away from his rival (her name). Let him turn her away from my dear one. Let my dear (his name) only think about me, miss me, yearn for me, and cannot imagine life without me. Let it be like this from now on!”

    You need to say these words 12 times in a row. After the ritual, pour the water over the threshold of your house. Only in this case will the cold have an effect. Signs that the ritual was successful can be seen within 1-2 weeks. If the connection established by your rival with your spouse/boyfriend is strong and there is no result for a long time, you can repeat the ritual again.

    How to cool another woman's feelings through a photo?

    There is another option on how to get rid of, eliminate another woman who is destroying the family. In this case, a cool down from your photo rival will come in handy. To carry out the ritual, you will need a joint photo of your man next to your rival. However, if this is not the case, do not be discouraged; cooling can be done in another way.

    Taking in your hands a card with the people depicted on it (or a blank sheet with the written names of your rival and your loved one), tear it up. This must be done in such a way that it is possible to separate the images of people (names on paper) in the picture. Tear the part with the image of the woman into small, small pieces. At the same time, repeat the words:

    “You, servant of God (woman’s name), will not be happy with my beloved. He will never be with you. He won't love you, he won't want you. Your feelings will cool down, the connection between you will be broken, the paths of your lives will no longer walk side by side. From now on, let my words work."

    Burn the pieces of the torn photo. Collect the ashes. You need to blow it out of the open window when the moon is waning.

    How to quarrel between a lover and his mistress?

    A quarrel can be caused by those whose husband is on the left, but does not dare to leave the family and cannot leave his mistress on his own. To turn your loved one away from his mistress and eliminate his rival through quarrels, you will need ordinary table salt. Take a handful of seasoning and bring it to your lips. Whisper the words over the salt three times in a row:

    “As salt is unpleasant, cloying and salty, so let the servant of God (the name of the spouse) become disgusted with the servant of God (the other name). Quarrel, swear, meet less often and, as a result, break up.”

    Then place the charmed salt in a vessel and from now on add it little by little to all dishes. The spouse must eat the entire portion assigned to him in order for the quarrel to have an effect on his rival. Therefore, do not overdo the seasoning.

    Don’t forget – the main thing is to believe in the success of each ritual. If you want the coolness or quarrel to affect the victim, just think about it. And don’t tell anyone what you decided to do. These recommendations will help you get your loved one back and neutralize love magic.

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