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Secret dating for married. Quick acquaintances and meetings with real people online without registration. Rules of communication on our portal ONEINMOSCOW

Guess which word acts like an aphrodisiac on a person? Sends him the message "I only think of you and no one else"? What does a man just need to hear regularly, because this cherished word indulges his instinct to compete and win?

Answer: his own name.

"Bunnies" and "Suns" also do useful work: no one will call him that but you. But completely supplanting the name of a husband / partner with affectionate nicknames (and even more so - remembering him only in a moment of anger: "Vasily! You couldn't take the trash out again!") Is a big mistake.

Here are a couple of tricks involving a name:

  • Do you suddenly feel a rush of desire? Hint to him about this, in the middle of the phrase, call him by name, but before and after pause for a second or two: "I just thought ... Vasya ... that we still have half an hour before the guests arrive!"
  • Blow his name when you want him to focus on you. “Sometimes during caresses I notice that Dima has withdrawn into himself. Then I start moaning his name, and he seems to return to reality, to what is happening between us. "

2. Do you have a key in your pocket? Or…

Do not underestimate the power of unexpected touch, psychologists say. By stimulating the nerve endings at the moment when your man least expects it, you create a positive physical connection that makes him want more. And even better: he "sits down" on such moments and begins to dream about them when you are not around.

Don't miss the right moment to “accidentally” touch it. Need the keys he carries in his front pants pocket? Slide your hand over there and slowly pull it out. Do not ask to pass the salt - reach out yourself, touching your chest to his shoulder. Don't walk past him in a room full of guests - cuddle and squeeze.

3. Save information

Funny masculine quality: the less you talk, the more interesting you are. Are you tempted to pour out on him all the details of office life or your emotions about the plot twist in your favorite TV series? Do not rush. The harsh truth is that men hate too many details. Therefore, they do not often like to give a step-by-step report about themselves.

  • “If, in response to the question“ How was your day, ”I wave it off:“ Yes, nothing special. Day as day. I worked, then we ran into the cafe with the girls, “- then my husband expresses a desire to hear everything in detail. And since he himself asked, he listens much more attentively. " - S., 27.

To grab his attention, first make it clear what it will be about, and then wait a few seconds until he has a question, what's next. For example: "I met the Petrovs at the store ..." (pause)... If you start bathing him in a sea of ​​information, he will quickly lose the thread, so “Barsik ran out of food, I had to go and buy, and at the same time I took onions and potatoes, then I stood in line at the cashier, I see that the Petrovs are standing in front of me”, Is a bad option.

4. Give him the right compliments.

Men are not susceptible to obvious flattery (a rare guy will ask: "Darling, doesn't this shirt make me slim?"). But who of them does not like it when the beloved woman appreciates what and how he does? Therefore, the right compliment for a man is praise for his skills and efforts.

  • “When I say: 'Wow, how great you cut the stove! Now I want to cook! "- he always shrugs off and says that this is nothing, but I can see how pleased he is." - M., 31.

5. Recall all

Think about the times when you just fell in love with each other. What reminds you both of that era? Calculate this, and you will find a recipe that will add fuel to the fire of love.

  • “The smell of sunscreen and seafood makes me want my wife. This combination brings me back to my youth, when we met during a vacation at sea, sunbathing all day and catching rapana. " - P., 38.

Do you want to achieve this effect? Buy the same perfume, invite him to travel to places from your shared past, or put a pot of geraniums on the window that smells like flowers on the balcony of his grandmother, where you first kissed. This should do the trick.

Everyone knows what an ideal husband should be - this is a blind-deaf-mute captain of a long voyage. And what should be a woman so that a man does not even think to leave her?

Of course, becoming the only one for a man is not an easy task, but this does not mean at all that you can sit back, complain ... and do nothing. No one can stop you from taking even one step towards the ideal.

1. Be different

At one time, Coco Chanel said that a woman, in order to become irreplaceable, must constantly change. This rule also works with an individual man, especially if it is not only about a regular change of image. Be different - a little girl who you want to pat on the head and sit on your knees, a mistress obsessed with sex pleasures, a zealous hostess who is responsible for family life, a proud and unapproachable princess, for whose one smile a man is not sorry to give half his kingdom. The most important thing is not to "get stuck" in any one hypostasis for a long time, change them! Predictability is your main enemy, there is nothing worse than a woman whose husband knows her "like a flaky one" and can predict how she will behave and what she will say tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a year ...

2. Accept a man as he is

Remember that the first kiss or the purple stamp in your passport is not an indulgence, which gives you the right to make any transformations of the object. Would you like it yourself if a man would endlessly make comments to you, just because he knows that you should or should not, or he wanted to play Pygmalion? Don't saw! Do not ask your loved one to be in full compliance with your ideal. Do not focus on its shortcomings, do not notice them, but gently and tactfully suggest other options. And praise every time he makes you happy (in the same way, you can bring up not only men, but also children).

3. Be reliable

Behave in such a way that a man knows that he can rely on you in difficult times, and you are next to him not only in joy, but also in sorrow. And instead of raining down on him a hail of reproaches at the moment when he himself realizes that he is guilty, you will find words of encouragement for him. As practice shows, point # 3 cannot be effective without point # 2.

4. Love yourself

A woman who does not love herself is certainly of interest to a man - but purely utilitarian. It is comfortable with her, but hardly the feelings that she has for a free housekeeper, cook, nanny, etc. second half can be called love. Pamper yourself and cherish (no, we are not talking about the fifth piece of cake and another box of chocolates, but about regular self-care and spiritual growth and development). If everyone inside you protests at the thought that you need to "tear off" a piece of time that you spend with your loved one and / or children and spend on yourself, then at your leisure think about this:

1) What happens if you actually take the risk of doing this?

2) Who and when told you that you are nothing? And finally, the third reason for reflection - analyze your family history - what were your grandmothers and great-grandmothers like? What was their purpose in the family, what character traits did they have, how was their fate? Did they have to save someone (in the broadest sense of the word)? Do you have a dire need to continue to maintain family traditions and continue to “save” the man and / or children?

5. Don't be afraid to quarrel

Oddly enough, conflicts are a source of energy for a couple. So any idea that in an ideal family there is always "peace and quiet" and no one ever clarifies the relationship with anyone, are not only greatly exaggerated, but also frankly harm your relationship. You can and should argue, the main thing at this moment is to forget the words “always” and “never” and discuss a specific case, and not remember everything that your man did “wrong” from the moment of the first meeting.

6. Don't be a man's friend

About a year after the beginning of the relationship, the "chemical" revolution, which sparked passion in both of you, ends peacefully. There is a great temptation for a man to become a real friend, a loyal comrade, a dear little man, to be interested only in what he is also interested in. At first glance, harmless desire can become a source of problems. First, people who always do everything together find themselves in a world of identical sensations: they will soon exhaust all topics for conversation, they will have nothing to talk about with each other. And secondly, how do you like the prospect of becoming so dear and close that having sex with you will seem like incest (as if you are brother and sister, not husband and wife)?

7. Don't forget about sex

The basic instincts in marriage have not been canceled. Sex is just as important as sleep and food. Get creative with the process. Remember that the rescue of drowning people is the work of the hands (lips, and other parts of the body) of the drowning people themselves. If you don't have your own ideas on how to do this, use one of ours. Let there be a place in your life for both planned (why not, a man needs an "anchor") and spontaneous sex (its presence will not allow turning intimate relationships into a conveyor belt).

8. Store the hearth

“You must remember that you need to prepare for the arrival of your husband from service every day.

1) Prepare the children, wash them, comb their hair and change into clean, smart clothes. They should line up and greet their father when he walks through the door.

2) For such a case, put on a clean apron yourself and try to decorate yourself - for example, tie a bow in your hair. " “Have dinner ready. Plan ahead (preferably the previous evening) to prepare delicious meals for his arrival. This will demonstrate that you are thinking about him and worried about his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home, and the prospect of a good dinner (especially if it’s his favorite dish) is a necessary part of the warmth of home comfort, ”echoes the Australian authors behind the home economics guide, American magazine Household. To some, these principles of the middle of the last century will seem ridiculous, but there is a rational grain in them. God bless him, with a bow, but a man is pleased to return to a clean house, where they are waiting for him, where he smells of pies, comfort and tranquility reign, regardless of the socio-political situation in the country, the dollar exchange rate and the cost of a barrel of oil.

9. Have a conversation

“In the evening, do not enter into conversations with your husband, remember how tired he is, and what he has to do every day in the service for you. Silently feed him, and only after he reads the newspaper, you can try to talk to him, "- this is another excerpt from the same textbook to which we referred in paragraph 8. Indeed, you should not "dump" everything that happened in your day on your husband from the doorway, however, it is also not necessary to hush up burning problems, sighing meaningfully. Talk to your loved one (just do not confuse him with a girlfriend) about what worries you, but never, never start a conversation with the words: "Honey, we need to talk!".

10. Strike a balance between give and take

If you give all the time without demanding anything in return, it seems to you that it is you who “should” all the time, and you should be sorry, and you are the victim. In fact, this is just an illusion, and the other half remains in debt. If you keep playing self-sacrifice, debt eventually becomes a yoke around your partner's neck. The moment it becomes so heavy that there is no longer any strength to carry it, the man usually leaves. If, on the contrary, you are constantly in the position of "taking", the strength of your beloved one day will end: there are no resources, there is only anger - that he endured for so long. And then the relationship collapses like a house of cards. So take it and don't forget to return it. Give and allow yourself to take.

Male opinion

From the point of view of men, a woman who will never be abandoned should ...

To be smart, beautiful, cook well, talk a little so that her head does not hurt, and critical days were once a year - during the opening of the fishing season.

To be able to inspire, and to do it so that a man is always sure that he is the most successful, intelligent and beautiful. And at the same time he did not forget that all this was thanks to his beloved.

It should be dominated by the feminine principle and such qualities as kindness, purity, tolerance.

Text: Sasha Gluvein

I want to answer the most important question that some of these women came to me with:
- why am I one more?
- why can't I meet my man?

Here's what we ran into, and now these women in marriage, in relationships, are happy with their men:

1. The reason why many of these women could not meet their beloved man is unresolved birth trauma. We often argue with our nature, it is hard for us to accept that first we solve the problems of the race, and then we begin to live our own life. Only then do we have a choice, an opportunity to follow our own path. Moreover, I have noticed many times that a woman does a lot to resolve her issue (reads, attends trainings, communicates with married people), but all the same, all actions are unsuccessful. She copies the fate of her mother, grandmother…. Some people notice this and despair - they just live this moment with acceptance. The situation rarely changes from this. Someone starts working with charms, feminine energy. It is worse when a woman begins to delve into the behavior of men and simply goes into accusation and denial, such as: "Yes, and here I am, When the age of Kozlov and Alfonsov" similar statements of an acutely offended nature. Moreover, when I started my female developmental path, I didn’t start from the clan at all. I, too, delved into the consequence of my problem, and not into the cause - a birth trauma that was transmitted to all the women in our family. But when I realized that the situation was not changing at all, I plucked up courage and began to work with the family.

How to work through birth injuries or where to start:

Draw up a generic book, a generic map for 10 generations.
- Track recurring trends (after 40 years, everyone becomes widowed; up to 30 years old, no one in the family gets married; and so on, each will have their own).
- To work out negative emotions for the race (I have meditations to work out grievances, do them and the condition will improve significantly).
- Do the practice of gratitude and respect for the family (get up every morning and, turning to the family, talk about gratitude and your respect for it. This is how acceptance of the situation comes, and resistance and fears go away.

2. reason 2 and one of the main ones is karma.

In general, not everyone knows what karma is, that it generally plays a role in building relationships, and that it can cause some problems. Immediately I want to stipulate one point - karma is not monitored for all women in relationships, such as, for example, generic scenarios. Attention! Only if you have karmic problems will something in you respond. I just intuitively felt it at one time.
Karma is the universal law of cause and effect. Everything we do today comes back to us, be it a bad action or a good one. If a woman has unworked karmic debts, then it is more difficult for a woman to build a relationship. A woman can meet her karmic man. There are 2 types of karmic relationships between a man and a woman:
- Positive karmic union (soulmates).
- An instructive karmic union (where both partners teach each other. The main thing is to perceive the partner there as a teacher, and then this path will be more successful).
- Karmic relationships - when in past incarnations we invested heavily emotionally in a relationship with a man, we invested part of our soul in the partner. And, accordingly, this part of the soul then wants to return, and in future incarnations we get a partner and work on karma with him. Roughly speaking, it is difficult with such a partner, but even without him it is impossible! As soon as you work through the karma in the relationship (those wounds, traumas, negative emotions that bind you) - it becomes easy for you and your partner! And you have a choice - to stay with him or not.

How to work through a karmic connection:
- Perceive a partner as a teacher.
- Write out all his dissatisfaction with you and think how much it really prevents you from living.

Until you work through your debts in this relationship, your partner will hardly let you go, or you will find someone who will show you your debts in a more severe form.

3. codependency, counterdependence.

These phenomena are very richly described by my beloved Barry and Janet Winehold:

“People with counterdependent behaviors appear to be strong, confident and successful people around them. But inside they are weak, have fear and need to participate. others and resist establishing close, trusting bonds. Their skills are scarce in sincere relationships. They are afraid of getting close to others and avoid situations of intimacy as much as possible. No one realizes their secret weakness and vulnerability. vulnerability from anyone! Such people are always busy with something, and from the outside it seems that everything is OK with them, that they do not need anything from anyone. Is this really so?
Counterdependent behavior in adults is expressed in dosed control and severe limitation of the amount of love, intimacy and warmth that they can give and receive in their lives. This behavior isolates them from the rest of the world, puts them under the "Glass Hood" and leaves them alone, alienated and "quiet despair." If you've ever done this, then counterdependent behavior is familiar to you.

Have you ever done the following:

They tended to hide normal and natural fears, anxiety, or insecurities from those around them.
- Felt unable to identify and / or express feelings that were important to them.
- Always strive to "Look Good" and be "correct".
- Experienced distrust of others and their needs.
- Feel like victims of the actions of others.
- Experienced anxiety when building close, trusting relationships.
- Were not able to ask for help from others when they needed it.
- They preferred to work alone.
- Were in constant fear of making a mistake.
- When faced with a frustrating situation, we experienced characteristic bouts of anger, anger and irritation.
- We were not able to relax and felt a constant need to occupy themselves with something.
- Experienced fear of becoming addicted to the desires of other people.
- Experienced fear of the needs and feelings of others.
- They tend to give a sexy touch to any touch and affection.
- Been addicted to work, sex, excessive activity, or exercise.

It should be understood that counterdependent behaviors are different from codependent behaviors and that they originate from different experiences in early childhood. Behavioral patterns illustrate these differences:

Codependent behavior.

  • - Merging with others.
  • - Vulnerability and vulnerability.
  • - Overwhelmed by your feelings.
  • - Focus on others.
  • - Dependence on others.
  • - Easily influenced by others.
  • - Low sense of self-esteem.
  • - Incompetence.
  • - Suppressed energy.
  • - Doubts and uncertain.
  • - Weak.
  • - Feelings of guilt.
  • - Requires closeness.
  • - Keeps in the shadows.
  • - The behavior of the victim.
  • - Satisfies the desires of others.

Counterdependent behavior.

  • - Experienced neglect as a child.
  • - Repulsion of others.
  • - Strength and hardness.
  • - Cut off from your feelings.
  • - Self-focus.
  • - Dependence on any activity or substance.
  • - Defends against attempts by others to approach.
  • - Unjustifiably inflated self-esteem.
  • - Compliance.
  • - Manic energy.
  • - Safe and secure.
  • - Strong.
  • - Blames others.
  • - Avoids intimacy.
  • - Demonstrative.
  • - First makes victims of others.
  • - Controls the needs and behavior of others.
  • - Experienced abuse as a child.

People with dominant codependent behaviors often build their relationships with people with counterdependent behaviors. This translates into conflicts and misunderstandings. Adults with counterdependent patterns often have a series of failed relationships in their past. Often such relationships are superficial, and cease to be maintained as soon as the threat of "Independence" arises. Barry and Janet Winehold:

The elaboration here goes more often through the genus, for there dependence is laid as such. Here it is important to at least notice it! When you begin to see and feel this, the solution can be found through the practice of sapper with parents and meditation on the restoration of developmental processes in early childhood: connection and separation.

4. the lack of an image of the man with whom we want to be.

Often a woman is so keen on the problem of a man's absence that she completely forgets what kind of man she wants at all. As soon as she begins to concentrate her energy on a clear image of her man, the very men she imagined begin to appear around. After working through birth trauma and painting the image of a man, a woman often meets her man in a very short time.
How to compose an image?
- Retire.
- To enter a state of harmony and comfort (this is important in order to adequately and in accordance with your image make up the image of your man), as a rule, it is enough to take 5 - deep breaths and exhalations.
- Take a pen and paper to write 50 points about what kind of man I want to see next to me.

5. forgetting the true nature of sexes.

We change roles, forgetting that responsibility and hunting are masculine characteristics. Forgetting that solving financial issues of family, power, control is not a woman's nature. Not because I said so, but because your body and soul are resisting it themselves. Check it yourself, when you take on men's tasks, you start to get sick, you still feel that you are doing something wrong!
When a woman listens to her emotions, sensations, body, desires - she is in her natural! When she is worried not about money, but about happiness, she is in her own. When she is open, loves and loved, accepts, cares, warms - she feels like a woman, she gets everything she wants! And whoever he wants.

6. Realization of its purpose.

Our destiny is what we bring into the world and can leave behind. This is the good thing that illuminates the way for others. The help that comes from the heart improves both karma and generic scenarios, and helps our future generations and us to realize ourselves. Be not just important, but givers to the universe. A woman blooms when she realizes her destiny.
How to find your destination:
You can find "Your" only by being with yourself and recognizing yourself! This takes time and patience.
- Spend at least 5 hours a day for yourself personally.
- Realize your desires.
- Ask and accept.
- Be creative every day.
- Talk about your emotions, feelings, desires and sensations.
Do this for a month and you will find "Your"!

7. negative experiences in this life.

Many negative emotions are removed by simply acknowledging them in yourself. Stop resisting them and accept them as a full-fledged part of yourself. You need to work with the rest of the negative emotions, working through them and removing them from yourself. This is easy to do. There is meditation on YouTube and in all our groups (healing of femininity. Zina shamoyan. After doing this meditation, you will get rid of negative emotions that have come to you during your life.

8. female environment.

We forget very often what our environment is doing us. If you communicate with women who do not have men who perceive a man with condemnation or do not recognize his nature at all, then you create just such energy around you. Take a closer look, what resonates with this environment? Work on whatever comes out. Take a closer look at what emotions, states, qualities you lack to be with women who are happy, free, harmonious in relationships. Begin at least to notice such women and they will begin to be attracted, because you are already sending a request. I sincerely wish you to meet your man and be in harmony with yourself! Z. shamoyan.

The period of waiting for the baby and the first months of life often becomes a happy time in the life of most married couples. And yet, during these months, many spouses are forced to face some restrictions in their intimate life. Not every husband has an understanding of patience with this situation, which generates conflicts in the family and repels the woman even more.
Note that abstinence from sex during pregnancy is not a woman's whim, but a serious doctor's recommendation! You can prove as much as you like that a colleague with his wife did not change the quality of intimate life with the onset of pregnancy, but do not forget that each organism is individual, and in contrast to your story, the wife can tell how her friend ended up in a hospital bed after sexual contact with husband. Sometimes, a woman can really refuse intimacy with her husband even without the guidance of a gynecologist. Perhaps she intuitively feels that this will not affect the pregnancy in the best way and be afraid for the child (forgive her this suspiciousness, she wants it to be the best), or her libido has decreased, and she really just does not want sex to disgust. The second option, indeed, is common among many pregnant women, and they cannot do anything about it.

Why a woman can't get pregnant: causes and treatment of infertility

The diagnosis of infertility is confirmed in women who cannot become pregnant for more than 2 years on condition of regular sexual activity. It can be absolute or relative. In the first case, serious pathological disorders lead to it, as a result of which pregnancy is impossible for a number of irreversible physiological reasons. In the second, the condition can be corrected by performing certain therapeutic manipulations, after which pregnancy still occurs.

If a woman or a married couple cannot get pregnant for a long time, then this negatively affects mental health, since it is a severe mental trauma, especially if they are both physiologically healthy. Leading obstetricians and gynecologists regularly introduce new methods of treating female infertility. In most cases, therapy is effective.

Why do people condemn ladies who do not want to continue their family? Historically, nature has endowed women with the ability to continue the human race. Why does a woman want to have a baby? To leave your mark on the earth, leave a piece of yourself and continue your endeavor in children. It just so happened that it is thanks to women that humanity develops and progresses. People are an important part of evolution. Every famous writer, scientist, philosopher or engineer had a mother. Men have ruled society for centuries. But they worshiped women and idolized them. All people understand that if women refuse to give birth, humanity will die out.

Why does a woman want to have a baby? Is it only instinct that pushes her to conceive? No. Any lady needs warmth, affection and protection. All this can be given to a woman by a man. But keeping a strong and attractive member of the opposite sex next to you can be difficult. Therefore, women give birth to a defenseless child who needs to be looked after and who needs to be brought up. Thus, a man has a responsibility not only to his wife, but also to the heir. But it also happens that the family already has a baby. Why does a woman want a second? A child is happiness, a ray of light, joy and hope, it is a part of yourself. In addition, as you know, if there is one baby in a family, he most often grows up to be an egoist. Many mothers simply do not want this. It's more fun together, and who will help you in difficult times, if not a brother or sister. The larger the genus, the better.

Why do men want children from a woman? Any guy wants to continue his family. This is inherent in him by nature. Moreover, loyalty to your chosen one is not a priority. If we recall the recent past, then we can understand that men impregnated many women. Education for the stronger sex is not considered a priority. They want to pass on their genotype to a larger number of heirs in order to be sure that the genus will not die out. Why do men want children from a woman? Children are the result of love. Nowadays, a family with no children is considered inferior. Society insists that men have children, raise them and be role models for the younger generation.

Why a woman does not want a man with menopause

At least 50% of menopausal women report that their sex drive has not decreased, less than 20% report any minor decreases. Sex drive has been shown to be unrelated to estrogen levels and therefore should not automatically decline with menopause. Androgens are hormones associated with libido. Many menopausal patients who ended unsuccessful marriages and remarried with more suitable partners are enjoying a much better sex life than before. A very indicative example of one woman of 75 years old, who always came strictly dressed, in tightly buttoned blouses with a high collar. She had problems with vaginal dryness and was afraid that she would have to end her sex life. She remarried and could have up to seven orgasms during intercourse. Before that, with her first husband, she had no orgasm at all for 40 years. She told me that she had no idea how wonderful sex life can be. All she needed was some estrogen ointment and the certainty that she was fine.

The custom of letting a woman go forward goes back to primitive men who, when leaving the cave,

at first they missed their "half", and if it was not eaten by a wild beast, -
went out on their own. " Whether it was so, I don't know, but doubts about the significance and value of a woman who modern men have erected on a pedestal, and who have made equal to themselves, are expressed by very, very many thinkers and sages.

Remember what the famous Greek philosopher Socrates said? “Three things can be considered happiness: that you are not a wild animal,
that you are a Greek and not a barbarian, and that you are a man and not a woman. "

The philosopher Aristotle, the teacher of Alexander the Great, believed that “a woman is a woman due to the absence of masculine properties,
therefore, we must see in a woman a creature suffering from natural
inferiority ".

And Hippocrates from Ephesus believed that “only twice rejoices in you
wife: on the day of the wedding and on the day of the funeral. "

"In childhood
a woman must obey her father, in her youth - to her husband, after the death of her husband - to her sons ...
A woman should never be free from obedience, ”read the Indian Laws of Manu.

“Thank you, Lord,
that you did not make me a woman! " - repeats in prayer
Orthodox Jew. The Jews, by the way, treated women as property, which
enshrined in the Bible. Remember the famous commandment "do not covet": "Do not covet your neighbor's house; do not covet your neighbor's wife
yours, neither his servant, nor his handmaid, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nothing that is with your neighbor "- we read in
the book of Exodus in chapter 20, verse 17. It is clear from the text that a woman is equated
to an ox, a slave and other household utensils that are the property of a man.

“Husbands stand over wives because Allah has given one advantage over others” - exhorts the Qur'an (Sura 4, ayah 38).

The biblical story about the creation of Eve from the "rib" of a man served as the basis for attacks on women.
After all, the Bible says that after the creation of Adam, God "breathed" an immortal soul into him. Concerning the same
Eve - there are no such indications. The fate of many women largely depended on whether God breathed soul into Eve or not, paradoxically.

After all, if not, then the woman is an unspiritual being. Many even began to doubt
whether a woman is a person at all. In 585 Christian priests
at the Macon Ecumenical Council, this issue was specially discussed and after long
discussions by the majority of only one voice formally admitted that even though a woman has a "chilling soul", she still has it.

This recognition was made possible thanks to
that saving place of Holy Scripture, where it is indicated that the Son of God
Jesus Christ was at the same time the son of man, since his mother Mary
was human.

However, contemporaries exposed
questioned this decision of the Council and for many centuries returned again and again
to this problem. So, in 1690 a book was published in Frankfurt entitled:
"A woman is not a man", and in 1750 a book appeared in Leipzig:
“Curious proof that a woman does not belong to a human
family "….

In the draft constitution of one of the leaders
the movement of the Decembrists - Nikita Muravyov-Apostol - you can find an important
disclaimer: "A woman is not only not a subject
political rights, but she is even prohibited from attending public meetings
the highest legislative body ".

Centuries have passed, but opinion has not changed.
Auguste Comte, famous scientist, philosopher, who is considered to be
the founder of sociology wrote that the unequal position of women in
society is determined by "natural weakness
the female body, social equality between a man and a woman cannot
be, and the exclusive vocation of a woman is family responsibilities. " A
this is how the role of women was defined in The Book of Marriage, which was published
published in 1943 in Europe: “A woman's debt is
attitude towards her husband is to serve him with humility, to be humble
in speeches and clothes, to keep order in the house and to manage the household. " And this

for many centuries in all countries we see a woman as a "second-rate" man,
enslaved by the family and the state. Domostroy existed in Russia, and when
the girl got married, then the father passed the whip to her husband, a hundred symbolized
transfer of power.

And you know, people lived .. lived happily ... gave birth to children, loved each other, created stable families and lived in them for many years.

What now???

I do not find any other name for the current state of affairs as "The War of the Sexes." So far, this is a cold war. But it's still a war.

And it's not funny.

Aren't we too clever with equality? Didn't they put an unbearable burden on the shoulders of women, endowing them with the rights and duties of men ???

Are they able to withstand this burden, not break, not fall, and thereby not drop all of humanity ???

Why do some women literally bathe in male attention, while others can sit on dating sites for months without ever going on a real date? Answering this question, psychologists have established that all problems are exclusively in our head. You don't have to be a beauty with model parameters to drive the opposite sex crazy. In order to find the man of your dreams, it is enough to follow six simple rules.

Let go of the past

The model of relations between a man and a woman is laid in the girl's family, and if you saw before your eyes a not very good example of your parents, then the chance to simulate the same painful situation again and again, but already in your relationship, increases dramatically. Try to let go of the past and forget about old grudges. Each man is a certain experience that may not have made you happier, but it certainly added wisdom to you.

Decide on a set of qualities that an ideal man should have. For some, it will be a sense of humor, generosity and the ability to meet you halfway in conflict situations. And someone loves men of an athletic physique and dreams that he could cook as well as Jamie Oliver. Try to represent your future partner as thoroughly as possible. If you like a certain type of appearance, then it will not be shameful to put your favorite actor or performer on the screensaver on your phone. Visualize your dreams, often imagine how you would like to be courted or where your ideal first date might go. The more clearly you articulate your desires, the sooner the universe will respond to your request.

Love yourself

Before uttering the phrase "I love you", learn to say the word "I" - this approach to life really works, because people who do not respect their own individuality and consider themselves mediocre are unlikely to be able to attract the attention of a worthy man who can build a healthy relationship ... Learn to accept yourself for who you are. And if even because of a couple of extra pounds you still can't do it, try at least to start fighting your complexes and shortcomings. The flaws that you see in yourself are most likely those only in your subjective opinion. Do not forget: there is a buyer for every product. Many men, by the way, find feminine forms much more attractive than athletic figures.

Imagine what kind of woman might be interested in the man of your dreams, and just become her. If you want your future husband to be a top manager of an oil company, while your wardrobe does not have a single dress, not to mention high-heeled shoes, then count on the fact that a potential prince on a white horse, seeing you on the street , will hardly see the woman of his dreams behind a girl in a sports sweatshirt and hastily tied hair in a ponytail. Be objective: if you want to meet the perfect man, make sure that he cannot pass you by.

Start changing the space around you

Stop living as a "hermit crab", get things that involve a man in your life. For example, buy a pair of men's slippers and put them in the hallway just in case. Or swap out the narrow sofa for a full double bed. All this will help create the right energy around you. Allow yourself to think that very soon a person will appear in your life who will need all these things.

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