Home Berries The times were uncertain and restless. vi. Nativity; circumcision; Candlemas

The times were uncertain and restless. vi. Nativity; circumcision; Candlemas

In truth, Varvara Ardalionovna, in a conversation with her brother, somewhat exaggerated the accuracy of her news about the prince's marriage to Aglaya Yepanchina. Perhaps, as a perspicacious woman, she foresaw what was to happen in the near future; perhaps, grieved because of a dream that had been blown up in smoke (in which she herself, in truth, did not believe), she, as a person, could not deny herself the pleasure of exaggerating the misfortune to pour even more poison into her brother’s heart, however, sincerely and compassionately with her beloved. But in any case, she could not get such accurate news from her friends, the Yepanchins; there were only hints, unspoken words, silences, riddles. Or maybe the Aglaya sisters deliberately blabbed something in order to learn something from Varvara Ardalionovna themselves; it could be, finally, that they also did not want to deny themselves the female pleasure of teasing a friend a little, even if it was from childhood: after all, they could not fail to see at least a small edge of her intentions in such a time. On the other hand, the prince, although he was absolutely right in assuring Lebedev that he could tell him nothing and that absolutely nothing special had happened to him, might also be mistaken. Indeed, it was as if something very strange happened to everyone: nothing happened, and it was as if a lot had happened at the same time. Varvara Ardalionovna guessed the latter with her true female instinct. How it happened, however, that the Yepanchins all at once came to the same and unanimous thought that something fundamental had happened to Aglaya and that her fate was being decided, is very difficult to put in order. But as soon as this thought flashed, all at once, all at once, and all at once stood on the fact that they had already seen everything for a long time and clearly foresaw it all; that everything was clear even from the “poor knight”, even earlier, only then they still did not want to believe in such absurdity. So the sisters said; of course, Lizaveta Prokofievna foresaw everything before anyone else and found out everything, and for a long time her “heart ached”, but - for a long time, wasn’t it - now the thought of the prince suddenly became too much to her liking, actually because it confused her . Here was a question that had to be immediately resolved; but not only was it impossible to solve it, but poor Lizaveta Prokofievna could not even put the question before her in complete clarity, no matter how hard she struggled. It was a difficult matter: “Is the prince good or not? Is this all good or not? If not good (which is undoubtedly), then what exactly is not good? And if, perhaps, it is good (which is also possible), then what, again, is good? The father of the family himself, Ivan Fyodorovich, was, of course, first of all surprised, but then he suddenly made a confession that, after all, “by God, he had been imagining something of the same kind all this time, no, no, and suddenly it seemed and pretend!" He immediately fell silent under the menacing look of his wife, but he fell silent in the morning, and in the evening, alone with his wife and forced to speak again, he suddenly and as if with particular cheerfulness expressed several unexpected thoughts: “After all, in essence, what? ..” . (Default). "Of course, all this is very strange, if only true, and that he does not argue, but ...". (Again default). “But on the other hand, if you look at things directly, then the prince, by God, is a wonderful guy, and ... and, and - well, finally, the name, our generic name, all this will look like, so to speak , supporting a generic name that is in humiliation, in the eyes of the world, that is, looking from this point of view, that is, because ... of course, the light; light is light; but still the prince is not without a fortune, even if only some. He has... and... and... and... (A long silence and a decisive misfire). After listening to her husband, Lizaveta Prokofievna went beyond all boundaries. In her opinion, everything that happened was “unforgivable and even criminal nonsense, a fantastic picture, stupid and ridiculous!”. First of all, the fact that “this little prince is a sick idiot, the second is a fool, he doesn’t know the world, he has no place in the world: to whom will you show him, where will you stick him? Some kind of unacceptable democrat, not even a bureaucrat, and ... and ... what will Belokonskaya say? And is it such, such a husband that we imagined and predicted for Aglaya? The last argument was, of course, the most important. The mother’s heart trembled at this thought, shedding blood and tears, although at the same time something stirred inside this heart, suddenly saying to her: “Why not the prince the way you want?”. Well, it was these objections of one's own heart that were the most troublesome for Lizaveta Prokofievna. For some reason, the Aglaya sisters liked the idea of ​​the prince; even seemed not very strange; in a word, they could suddenly find themselves even completely on his side. But both of them decided to remain silent. Once for all it was noticed in the family that the more stubbornly and insistently Lizaveta Prokofievna’s objections and rebuffs sometimes grew at some general and controversial family point, the more it could serve as a sign for everyone that she might already agree with this item. But Alexandra Ivanovna could not, however, be completely silent. Having long recognized her as her adviser, mother now called on her every minute now and demanded her opinions, and most importantly, her recollections, that is: “How did this all happen? Why hasn't anyone seen this? Why didn't they speak then? What did this nasty "poor knight" mean then? Why is she alone, Lizaveta Prokofievna, condemned to take care of everyone, to notice and predict everything, and all the others to count only crows? etc., etc. Alexandra Ivanovna was cautious at first and only noticed that it seemed to her quite true the idea of ​​her father that, in the eyes of the world, the choice of Prince Myshkin as a husband for one of the Yepanchins might seem very satisfactory. Little by little, getting excited, she even added that the prince was not at all a "fool" and had never been such, but as for the significance - after all, God knows what, in a few years, the importance of a decent person will rely on here in Russia : in the previous obligatory successes in the service or in something else? To all this, the mother immediately rapped out that Alexandra was “a freethinker and that all this is their damned women’s issue.” Then, half an hour later, she went to the city, and from there to Kamenny Island, in order to catch Belokonskaya, who, as if on purpose, happened in Petersburg at that time, but soon, however, was leaving. Belokonskaya was Aglaya's godmother. The “old woman” Belokonskaya listened to all the feverish and desperate confessions of Lizaveta Prokofievna and was not at all moved by the tears of the bewildered mother of the family, she even looked at her mockingly. It was a terrible despot; in friendship, even in the most ancient, she could not tolerate equality, but she looked resolutely at Lizaveta Prokofievna as her protégée, as she had thirty-five years ago, and could not reconcile herself to the harshness and independence of her character. She remarked among other things that “it seems that all of them, according to their usual habit, ran ahead too much and made an elephant out of a fly; that no matter how much she listened, she was not convinced that something serious had really happened to them; wouldn't it be better to wait until something else comes out; that the prince, in her opinion, is a decent young man, although sick, strange and too insignificant. Worst of all, he openly contains a mistress. Lizaveta Prokofievna understood very well that Belokonskaya was a little angry at the failure of Yevgeny Pavlovich, whom she recommended. She returned to her place in Pavlovsk even more irritated than when she went, and immediately everyone got it, most importantly, because they “went crazy,” that no one absolutely does not conduct business like that, only they alone; "What are you in a hurry for? What happened? No matter how much I peer, I can’t conclude that something really happened! Wait for it to come out! You never know what Ivan Fedorovich could imagine, not to make an elephant out of a fly? etc., etc. It turned out, therefore, that it was necessary to calm down, look coolly and wait. But alas, the calm did not last ten minutes. The first blow to composure was inflicted by the news of what happened during the absence of mother on Kamenny Island. (The trip of Lizaveta Prokofievna took place the very next morning after the prince, on the eve, came at one o'clock instead of ten). The sisters answered their mother’s impatient questions in great detail, and, firstly, that “it seems that absolutely nothing happened without her,” that the prince came, that Aglaya did not go out to him for a long time, for half an hour, then she went out and, as she came out, immediately invited the prince to play chess; that the prince does not even know how to play chess, and Aglaya immediately defeated him; she became very cheerful and terribly shamed the prince for his incompetence, laughed terribly at him, so that it became a pity to look at the prince. Then she offered to play cards, fools. But here it turned out quite the opposite: the prince turned out to be such a fool as ... as a professor; played masterfully; already Aglaya cheated, and changed cards, and in his eyes she stole bribes, but still he always left her in the cold; five times in a row. Aglaya became terribly furious, she even completely forgot herself; she uttered such taunts and impudence to the prince that he had already stopped laughing, and turned completely pale when she finally told him that “her foot will not be in this room while he is sitting here, and that it is even shameless of him to go to them , and even at night, in the first hour, after everything that happened" . Then she slammed the door and went out. The prince left as if from a funeral, despite all their consolations. Suddenly, a quarter of an hour after the prince had left, Aglaya ran down to the terrace, and with such haste that she did not even wipe her eyes, and her eyes were weeping; she ran away because Kolya came and brought a hedgehog. They all began to look at the hedgehog; to their questions, Kolya explained that the hedgehog was not his, but that he was now walking along with a friend, another schoolboy, Kostya Lebedev, who had remained on the street and was ashamed to enter because he was carrying an ax; that they just bought a hedgehog and an ax from a peasant they met. The peasant sold the hedgehog and took fifty kopecks for it, and they themselves persuaded him to sell the ax, because, by the way, it’s a very good ax. Then suddenly Aglaya began to pester Kolya terribly, so that he would immediately sell her a hedgehog, she lost her temper, even called Kolya “cute”. Kolya did not agree for a long time, but finally could not stand it and called Kostya Lebedev, who really came in with an ax and was very embarrassed. But then it suddenly turned out that the hedgehog was not theirs at all, but belongs to some third boy, Petrov, who gave them both money so that they could buy Schlosser’s “History” from some fourth boy, which he, needing money, sold profitably ; that they went to buy Schlosser's History, but could not resist and bought a hedgehog, so that, therefore, both the hedgehog and the ax belong to that third boy, to whom they now carry them instead of Schlosser's History. But Aglaya pestered her so much that they finally made up their minds and sold her a hedgehog. As soon as Aglaya received the hedgehog, she immediately put it with Kolya's help in a wicker basket, covered it with a napkin, and began to ask Kolya to immediately, and without going anywhere, take the hedgehog to the prince, on her behalf, with a request to accept it as a "sign of the deepest her respect." Kolya happily agreed and gave his word that he would deliver, but immediately began to pester: "What does a hedgehog and a similar gift mean?" Aglaya answered him that it was none of his business. He replied that he was convinced that this was an allegory. Aglaya got angry and cut him off that he was a boy and nothing more. Kolya immediately objected to her that if he did not respect the woman in her and, moreover, his convictions, he would immediately prove to her that he knew how to respond to such an insult. It ended, however, with Kolya enthusiastically going to carry the hedgehog, and Kostya Lebedev also ran after him; Aglaya could not stand it and, seeing that Kolya was waving the basket too much, she shouted after him from the terrace: “Please, Kolya, don’t drop it, my dear!” - as if she didn’t scold him now; Kolya stopped and, too, as if not scolding, shouted with the greatest readiness: “No, I won’t drop it, Aglaya Ivanovna. Be completely calm!” - and ran again headlong. After that, Aglaya burst out laughing terribly, and ran to her place extremely pleased, and was very cheerful all day afterwards. Such news completely stunned Lizaveta Prokofievna. Seems like what? But such, it is visible, the mood has come. Her anxiety was excited to an extraordinary degree, and most importantly - a hedgehog; what does hedgehog mean? What is stipulated here? What is meant here? What is this sign? What is a telegram? In addition, poor Ivan Fyodorovich, who happened right there during the interrogation, completely ruined the whole thing with his answer. In his opinion, there was no telegram here, and what a hedgehog - "just a hedgehog, and nothing more - does it mean, in addition, friendship, forgetfulness of insults and reconciliation, in a word, all this is a prank, but in any case innocent and forgivable" . In parentheses, we note that he guessed perfectly. The prince, having returned home from Aglaya, ridiculed and driven out by her, had been sitting for half an hour in the most gloomy despair, when Kolya suddenly appeared with a hedgehog. Immediately the sky cleared up; the prince has risen from the dead; he asked Kolya, hung over his every word, asked him ten times, laughed like a child, and continually shook hands with both laughing and clearly looking at him boys. It turned out, therefore, that Aglaya was forgiving, and the prince could again go to her that very evening, and for him this was not only the main thing, but even everything. - What kind of children we are, Kolya! and... and... how good it is that we are children! he finally exclaimed with rapture. “She is simply in love with you, prince, and nothing more! - Kolya answered with authority and impressively. The prince flushed, but this time he did not say a word, and Kolya only laughed and clapped his hands; a minute later, the prince also laughed, and then until evening every five minutes he looked at his watch, how much had passed and how much remained until evening. But the mood got the better of her: Lizaveta Prokofievna finally could not stand it and succumbed to a hysterical moment. In spite of all the objections of her husband and daughters, she immediately sent for Aglaya in order to ask her the last question and get from her the most clear and final answer. “To put an end to all this at once, and off your shoulders, so that you don’t even remember!”. “Otherwise,” she announced, “I won’t live to see the evening!” And then only everyone guessed to what stupidity they brought the matter. Apart from feigned surprise, indignation, laughter and ridicule at the prince and at all those who interrogated, they did not get anything from Aglaya. Lizaveta Prokofievna took to her bed and went out only for tea, by the time the prince was expected. She awaited the prince with trepidation, and when he appeared, she almost became hysterical. And the prince himself entered timidly, almost groping his way, smiling strangely, looking into everyone's eyes and as if asking everyone a question, because again Aglaya was not in the room, which he was immediately frightened of. There were no strangers that evening, only members of the family. Prince Shch. was still in St. Petersburg, about the case of Uncle Yevgeny Pavlovich. “If only he happened and said something,” Lizaveta Prokofievna grieved about him. Ivan Fyodorovich sat with an extremely preoccupied air; the sisters were serious and, as if on purpose, were silent. Lizaveta Prokofievna did not know where to start the conversation. Finally, she suddenly energetically chose the railway and looked at the prince with a decisive challenge. Alas! Aglaya did not come out, and the prince disappeared. Slightly babbling and lost, he expressed the opinion that it would be extremely useful to repair the road, but Adelaide suddenly laughed, and the prince was destroyed again. At that very moment, Aglaya entered calmly and gravely, ceremoniously bowed to the prince, and solemnly took the most prominent place at the round table. She looked inquiringly at the prince. Everyone understood that the solution of all perplexities had come. Did you get my hedgehog? she asked firmly and almost angrily. “Got it,” answered the prince, blushing and dying. - Explain immediately what you think about it? This is necessary for the peace of mother and our entire family. "Listen, Aglaya..." the general suddenly became worried. — This, this from any borders! Lizaveta Prokofievna was suddenly frightened of something. “There are no boundaries here, maman,” the daughter answered sternly and at once. “Today I sent a hedgehog to the prince and I want to know his opinion. What is it, prince? “What is your opinion, Aglaya Ivanovna?”- About a hedgehog. - That is ... I think, Aglaya Ivanovna, that you want to know how I received ... a hedgehog ... or, to put it better, how I looked ... at this parcel ... a hedgehog, that is .. ... in that case, I suppose that... in a word... He gasped and fell silent. "Well, they didn't say much," Aglaya waited five seconds. - Well, I agree to leave the hedgehog; but I am very glad that I can finally put an end to all the accumulated perplexities. Let me finally find out from you and personally: are you wooing me or not? - Oh, Lord! burst out Lizaveta Prokofievna. The prince shuddered and recoiled; Ivan Fyodorovich was dumbfounded; the sisters frowned. Don't lie, prince, tell the truth. Because of you, I'm being haunted by strange interrogations; Do these interrogations have any basis? Well! “I didn’t woo you, Aglaya Ivanovna,” the prince said, suddenly brightening up, “but ... you know yourself how much I love you and believe in you ... even now ... - I asked you: are you asking for my hand or not? “Please,” the prince answered, fading. A general and strong movement followed. “All this is not so, dear friend,” Ivan Fyodorovich said, greatly agitated, “it ... it is almost impossible if it is so, Glasha ... Excuse me, prince, excuse me, my dear! .. Lizaveta Prokofievna! - he turned to his wife for help, - it would be necessary ... to delve into ... I refuse, I refuse! Lizaveta Prokofievna waved her hands. - Allow me, maman, to speak; after all, I myself mean something in such a matter: an extraordinary moment of my fate is being decided (Aglaya expressed it exactly like that), and I want to find out for myself, and, moreover, I am glad that in front of everyone ... Allow me to ask you, prince If you "nourish such intentions", then what exactly do you think will make my happiness? “I really don’t know, Aglaya Ivanovna, how to answer you; here ... here what to answer? Yes, and ... is it necessary? “You seem to be embarrassed and out of breath; rest a little and gather with new forces; drink a glass of water; however, they will give you tea now. “I love you, Aglaya Ivanovna, I love you very much; I love you alone and ... don't joke, please, I love you very much. “But, nevertheless, this is an important matter; we are not children, and we must look positively ... Now take the trouble to explain what your condition is? “Well, well, well, Aglaya. What you! It’s not like that, it’s not like that…” Ivan Fyodorovich muttered in fright. — Shame! whispered Lizaveta Prokofievna loudly. - I've lost my mind! Alexandra whispered loudly as well. - A fortune ... that is, money? the prince was surprised.— Exactly. “I have ... I now have a hundred and thirty-five thousand,” the prince muttered, blushing. — Just something? said Aglaya loudly and frankly, without blushing at all. — However, nothing; especially if with savings ... Do you intend to serve? I wanted to take the home teacher exam... — Very handy; of course, this will increase our funds. Do you suppose to be a chamber junker? - Chamber junker? I never imagined it, but... But then both sisters could not stand it and burst out laughing. Adelaide had long ago noticed in Aglaya's twitching features signs of rapid and uncontrollable laughter, which for the time being she held back with all her might. Aglaya looked menacingly at the laughing sisters, but she herself could not stand a second and burst into the most crazy, almost hysterical laughter; finally jumped up and ran out of the room. - I knew that only laughter, and nothing more! cried Adelaide, “from the very beginning, from the hedgehog. “No, I won’t allow this, I won’t allow it!” Lizaveta Prokofyevna suddenly boiled up with anger and quickly rushed after Aglaya. Her sisters immediately ran after her. Only the prince and the father of the family remained in the room. "This, this ... could you imagine something like that, Lev Nikolaitch?" - the general exclaimed sharply, apparently not understanding what he wanted to say, - no, seriously, seriously speaking? “I see that Aglaya Ivanovna was laughing at me,” the prince replied sadly. — Wait, brother; I'll go, and you wait... therefore... explain to me, Lev Nikolaitch, even you: how it all happened and what does it all mean, in everything, so to speak, in its entirety? Agree, brother, yourself - I'm a father; after all, it’s my father, so I don’t understand anything; so please explain! — I love Aglaya Ivanovna; she knows it and... for a long time, it seems, she knows. The general shrugged. - Strange, strange ... and you love very much?- I love it very much. It's strange, it's strange to me. That is, such a surprise and blow that ... You see, dear, I'm not talking about the state (although I expected you to have more), but ... my daughter's happiness ... finally ... are you capable, so to say, to compose it ... happiness, then? And... and... what is it: a joke or the truth on her part? That is, not from your side, but from her side? From behind the door came the voice of Alexandra Ivanovna: they were calling dad. “Wait, brother, wait!” Wait and think it over, but I'll just…" he said in a hurry and almost frightened rushed to the call of Alexandra. He found his wife and daughter in the arms of one another and pouring tears on each other. These were tears of happiness, tenderness and reconciliation. Aglaya kissed her mother's hands, cheeks, lips; both hugged each other warmly. "Well, look at her, Ivan Fedorych, she's all over now!" said Lizaveta Prokofievna. Aglaya turned her happy and tear-stained face away from her mother's chest, looked at her father, laughed out loud, jumped up to him, hugged him tightly and kissed him several times. Then she again rushed to her mother and completely hid her face on her chest so that no one would see, and immediately began to cry again. Lizaveta Prokofyevna covered her with the end of her shawl. - Well, what are you doing with us, you cruel girl after that, that's what! she said, but already joyfully, as if her breathing had suddenly become easier. - Cruel! yes, cruel! Aglaya suddenly picked up. - Dirty! Spoiled! Tell that to papa. Ah, yes, he is here. Dad, are you there? Hear! she laughed through her tears. - Dear friend, you are my idol! the whole general, beaming with happiness, kissed her hand. (Aglaya did not take her hands away). "So you, then, love this... young man?" — No-no-no! I can't stand... your young man, I can't stand it! Aglaya suddenly boiled up and raised her head. “And if you, papa, once again dare ... I tell you seriously; Listen, I'm being serious! And she really spoke seriously: she even blushed all over and her eyes shone. Papa broke off and was frightened, but Lizaveta Prokofievna made a sign to him because of Aglaya, and he understood in him: "Do not ask." - If so, my angel, then after all, as you wish, your will, he is waiting there alone; Shouldn't he hint delicately at him to leave? The general, in turn, winked at Lizaveta Prokofievna. — No, no, that's too much; especially if "delicate"; go out to him yourself; I'll leave later, now. I want to apologize to this ... young man, because I offended him. "And I offended you very much," Ivan Fyodorovich confirmed seriously. - Well, then ... it’s better to stay here, all of you, and I’ll go alone at first, you’ll follow me right now, come at the same second; that's better. She had already reached the door, but suddenly returned. - I'll laugh! I will die laughing! she said sadly. But at the same moment she turned and ran to the prince. - Well, what is it? How do you think? Ivan Fyodorovich said hastily. "I'm afraid to utter it," Lizaveta Prokofievna answered just as hastily, "but, in my opinion, it's clear." - And I think it's clear. Clear as day. Loves. Not only does she love, she's in love! Alexandra Ivanovna replied. - Only in whom, it seems? “God bless her, if that is her fate!” Lizaveta Prokofievna crossed herself devoutly. “Fate, then,” the general confirmed, “and you can’t escape fate!” And everyone went into the living room, and there again a surprise awaited. Aglaya not only did not burst out laughing when she went up to the prince, as she had feared, but even said to him almost with timidity: - Forgive the stupid, bad, spoiled girl (she took his hand) and be sure that we all respect you immensely. And if I dared to turn your beautiful ... kind innocence into a mockery, then forgive me as a child for a prank; Forgive me for insisting on an absurdity, which, of course, cannot have the slightest consequences ... Aglaya uttered the last words with particular emphasis. Father, mother, and sisters all rushed into the drawing room to see and listen to all this, and everyone was struck by "an absurdity that cannot have the slightest consequences," and the even more serious mood of Aglaya, with which she spoke about this absurdity. Everyone looked at each other inquiringly; but the prince, it seems, did not understand these words and was in the highest degree of happiness. “Why do you say that,” he muttered, “why do you ... ask ... forgiveness ... He even wanted to say that he was not worthy to be asked for forgiveness. Who knows, maybe he noticed the meaning of the words about "an absurdity that cannot have the slightest consequences," but, as a strange person, perhaps he even rejoiced at these words. Undoubtedly, the mere fact that he would again come to Aglaya without hindrance, that he would be allowed to talk with her, sit with her, walk with her, and, who knows, maybe with this alone he would be satisfied on all ones life! (It seems that Lizaveta Prokofievna was afraid of this contentment in her mind; she guessed it; she was afraid of many things in her mind, which she herself could not utter). It is hard to imagine to what extent the prince perked up and cheered up that evening. He was so cheerful that just looking at him became cheerful, - so the Aglaya sisters later expressed themselves. He began to talk, and this had not happened to him since that very morning, when, six months ago, he made his first acquaintance with the Yepanchins; on his return to St. Petersburg, he was noticeably and deliberately silent, and very recently, in front of everyone, he let slip to Prince Shch. that he had to restrain himself and be silent, because he had no right to humiliate an idea by expressing it himself. He was almost alone and talked all that evening, told a lot; answered questions clearly, cheerfully and in detail. But nothing, however, resembling an amiable conversation could be seen in his words. All these were such serious, sometimes even tricky thoughts. The prince even stated a few of his views, his own hidden observations, so that all this would even be funny if it were not so "well presented", as everyone who listened later agreed. Although the general liked serious conversational topics, both he and Lizaveta Prokofievna found in themselves that there was too much learning, so that at the end of the evening they even became sad. However, the prince went so far in the end that he told several ridiculous anecdotes, which the first one himself laughed at, so that others laughed more at his joyful laughter than at the anecdotes themselves. As for Aglaya, she hardly even spoke all evening; on the other hand, without stopping, she listened to Lev Nikolaevich, and even not so much listened to him as looked at him. “He looks like that, he doesn’t take his eyes off; hangs over every word of his; so it catches, so it catches! Lizaveta Prokofievna later said to her husband. - And tell her that she loves, and carry the saints out! - What to do - fate! the general threw up his shoulders, and for a long time he repeated this favorite word to him. Let us add that, as a businessman, he also greatly disliked a lot in the present state of all these things, and most importantly, the vagueness of the matter; but for the time being he also decided to be silent and look ... into the eyes of Lizaveta Prokofievna. The joyful mood of the family did not last long. The very next day, Aglaya again quarreled with the prince, and so it continued uninterruptedly, all the following days. For whole hours she made the prince laugh and turned him almost into a jester. True, they sometimes sat for an hour or two in their home garden, in the gazebo, but they noticed that at this time the prince almost always reads newspapers to Aglaya or some book. “Do you know,” Aglaya once said to him, interrupting the newspaper, “I noticed that you are terribly uneducated; you don’t know anything well if you ask you: not who exactly, not in which year, not according to any treatise? You are very pathetic. “I told you that I am of little learning,” the prince answered. - What do you have after that? How can I respect you after this? Read on; But don't, stop reading. And again that same evening something very mysterious flashed by on her part. Prince Shch returned. Aglaya was very kind to him, asking a lot about Yevgeny Pavlovich. (Prince Lev Nikolaevich had not yet come) Suddenly, Prince Shch. somehow allowed himself to hint at "an imminent and new revolution in the family," a few words that slipped through Lizaveta Prokofievna's, that, perhaps, it might be necessary to postpone Adelaide's wedding again, so that both weddings came together. It was impossible to imagine how Aglaya flared up at "all these stupid assumptions", and, among other things, the words escaped from her that "she does not yet intend to replace anyone's mistresses." These words struck everyone, but mostly the parents. Lizaveta Prokofievna insisted on having a secret council with her husband in order to have a decisive explanation with the prince about Nastasya Filippovna. Ivan Fyodorovich swore that all this was just a "trick" and came from Aglaya's "shame"; that if Prince Shch. hadn’t started talking about the wedding, then there wouldn’t have been a trick, because Aglaya herself knows, knows for sure that all this is one slander of unkind people and that Nastasya Filippovna is marrying Rogozhin; that the prince has nothing to do with it, not only in connections; and even never was, if we speak the whole truth, the truth. But the prince, nevertheless, was not embarrassed by anything and continued to be blissful. Oh, of course, and he sometimes noticed something, as it were, gloomy and impatient in Aglaya's eyes; but he believed more in something else, and the darkness disappeared by itself. Once he believed, he could no longer be shaken by anything. Maybe he was already too calm; so, at least, it seemed to Hippolytus, who once met him by chance in the park. “Well, didn’t I tell you the truth then that you were in love,” he began, going up to the prince himself and stopping him. He held out his hand to him and congratulated him on his "good appearance." The patient himself seemed to be encouraged, which is so characteristic of consumptives. With that, he went up to the prince to tell him something caustic about his happy appearance, but immediately lost his head and started talking about himself. He began to complain, complained a lot and for a long time and rather incoherently. “You won’t believe,” he concluded, “to what extent they are all there irritable, petty, selfish, vain, ordinary; Do you believe that they took me only on the condition that I die as soon as possible, and now everyone is furious that I am not dying and that, on the contrary, it is easier for me. Comedy! I bet you don't believe me? The prince did not want to object. “Sometimes I even think of moving in with you again,” Hippolyte added casually. - So you, however, do not consider them capable of accepting a person so that he will die without fail and as soon as possible? — I thought they invited you in some other way. - Ege! Yes, you are not at all as simple as you are recommended! Now is not the time, otherwise I would have revealed something to you about this Ganechka and about his hopes. They dig under you, prince, they ruthlessly dig under you, and ... it’s even a pity that you are so calm. But alas, you can't help it! - That's what you regret! the prince laughed. "Well, do you think I'd be happier if I were more restless?" It's better to be miserable, but know than happy and live ... in the cold. You don't seem to believe at all that you are being competed with... from the other side? “Your words about rivalry are somewhat cynical, Hippolyte; I'm sorry that I don't have the right to answer you. As for Gavrila Ardalionovich, then, you yourself will agree, can he remain calm after everything that he has lost, if you only know his affairs at least in part? It seems to me that from this point of view it is better to look. He still has time to change; he has a lot to live, and life is rich ... but by the way ... however, - the prince was suddenly lost, - about digging ... I don’t even understand what you are talking about; Let's leave this conversation, Hippolyte. - Let's leave until the time; besides, it is impossible without nobility on your part. Yes, prince, you have to feel it with your own finger, so as not to believe it again, ha ha! And you despise me very much now, what do you think? — For what? Because you have suffered and are suffering more than us? No, but for not being worthy of your suffering. “Who could suffer more, therefore, deserves to suffer more. Aglaya Ivanovna, when she read your confession, wanted to see you, but... "She's putting it off... she can't, I understand, I understand..." Hippolyte interrupted, as if trying to deflect the conversation as quickly as possible. “By the way, they say you yourself read all this nonsense aloud to her; truly delirium written and ... done. And I don’t understand to what extent one must be—I won’t say cruel (this is humiliating for me), but childishly vain and vengeful, to reproach me with this confession and use it against me as a weapon! Don't worry, I'm not talking about you... “But I am sorry that you refuse this notebook, Ippolit, it is sincere, and, you know what, even its most ridiculous sides, and there are many of them (Ippolit frowned heavily), were redeemed by suffering, because admitting to them was also suffering and. .. maybe a lot of courage. The thought that moved you must have had a noble foundation, no matter what it might seem. The further, the more clearly I see it, I swear to you. I'm not judging you, I'm talking to speak out, and I'm sorry that I was silent then ... Hippolyte flared up. The thought flashed through his mind that the prince was pretending and catching him; but, looking into his face, he could not but believe his sincerity; his face brightened. - But still die! he said, almost adding, "to a man like me!" “And imagine how your Ganechka is pestering me; he invented, in the form of an objection, that, perhaps, of those who then listened to my notebook, three or four would die, perhaps, before me! What! He thinks it's a consolation, haha! First, they haven't died yet; Yes, even if these people died, then what a consolation in this, you will agree yourself! He judges by himself; however, he went even further, he now simply swears, says that a decent person dies in silence in such a case and that in all this there was only selfishness on my part! What! No, what selfishness on his part! What refinement or, better to say, what at the same time is the rudeness of their egoism, which they still cannot notice in themselves! .. Have you read, prince, about one death, one Stepan Glebov, in the eighteenth century? I accidentally read yesterday... — Which Stepan Glebov? - He was impaled under Peter. - Oh, my God, I know! Sat for fifteen hours on a stake, in the cold, in a fur coat, and died with extraordinary generosity; how, read ... but what? “God gives such deaths to people, but we still don’t!” Perhaps you think that I am not capable of dying like Glebov? “Oh, not at all,” the prince was embarrassed, “I only wanted to say that you ... that is, not that you would not resemble Glebov, but ... that you ... that you would rather be then. .. - I guess: Osterman, not Glebov - is that what you want to say? - What Osterman? the prince was surprised. “Osterman, diplomat Osterman, Petrine Osterman,” muttered Ippolit, suddenly somewhat confused. Some confusion ensued. — Oh, n-n-no! That’s not what I wanted to say,” the prince suddenly drew out after a certain silence, “you, it seems to me ... you would never have been Osterman ... Hippolyte frowned. “However, why am I saying this so,” the prince suddenly picked up, apparently wanting to get better, “because the people of that time (I swear to you, it always amazed me) quite definitely weren’t the same people as we are now, the wrong tribe was, what is right now, in our age, as if the breed is different ... Then people were somehow about one idea, but now they are more nervous, developed, more sensitive, somehow about two, about three ideas at once ... the present person is wider, - and I swear, this is what prevents him from being such a one-component person, as in those centuries ... I ... I only said this to that, and not ... - I understand; for the naivety with which you did not agree with me, now you are trying to console me, ha ha! You are a perfect child, prince. However, I notice that you keep treating me like... like a china cup... Nothing, nothing, I'm not angry. In any case, we had a very funny conversation; you are sometimes a perfect child, prince. Know, however, that perhaps I wished better to be something than Osterman; for Osterman it would not be worth resurrecting from the dead ... But, by the way, I see that I need to die as soon as possible, otherwise I myself ... Leave me alone. Goodbye! Well, well, well, tell me yourself, well, how do you think: what is the best way for me to die? Well, speak! - Pass us by and forgive us our happiness! The prince spoke in a low voice. — Ha-ha-ha! That's what I thought! Definitely looking forward to something like this! However, you ... however, you ... Well, well! Eloquent people! Goodbye, goodbye!

Sections: Russian language

The purpose of the lesson-seminar:

  • To bring into the system the theoretical information, practical skills and abilities received by students during the school year.
  • Teach children to independently summarize the knowledge gained.

Equipment: "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" (edited by Ozhegov), multimedia projector, screen, table cards with materials on punctuation in a simple sentence, grammatical analysis schemes.

Seminar Plan Recording:

I. Opening remarks.

Vocabulary work.

II. Seminar session.

1. Dash in a simple sentence.

2. A comma with homogeneous members, introductory words, appeal, with direct speech.

3. Comma with isolated members of the sentence.

4. Colon in a simple sentence.

III. Lesson conclusion.

5. In the pockets for dictionary work, the words "seminar", "seminar".

Leading tasks: collect material and make a presentation or a table-table on a computer (cases of punctuation, examples from a work of art) on the topics:

  • "Dash in a Simple Sentence"
  • "Comma in a simple sentence" (except when setting a comma with separate members of the sentence)
  • "Colon in a simple sentence"
  • "Cases of separation of definitions"
  • "Standalone Applications"
  • "Comma in Special Circumstances"
  • "Clarifying sentence members"

The course of the lesson-seminar

I. Introduction by the teacher. Organizational moment.

Guys, we have finished studying the syntax of a simple sentence. Today we have the last, final lesson of the Russian language in this academic year, in which we will have to remember, restore in memory the basic rules for punctuation in a simple sentence.

Pay attention to the words of K. G. Paustovsky, written on the board. Who would like to read them?

"Pushkin also spoke about punctuation marks: they exist to highlight a thought, bring words into the correct ratio and give the phrase lightness and correct sound"

"Punctuation marks are like music marks. They hold the text firmly and do not allow it to crumble"

How do you understand these words? What is the main conclusion you can draw from what you read?

(In written speech, various punctuation marks are used to accurately convey the meaning. They, in the words of the writer, "firmly hold the text, do not allow it to crumble." Therefore, you need to know the rules for punctuation marks and use them skillfully)

Our lesson today will be held as a lesson-seminar, lesson-workshop.

What is a seminar? The word is, guys, of Latin origin. Write down: seminar, seminary. Open explanatory dictionaries, find the interpretation of the word.

(One of the students reads the dictionary entry aloud)

Tasks for students:

1) to make a word-formation analysis of the word "seminar",

2) make up different types of phrases

(seminar< семинар (суффиксальный способ); семинарское занятие(согласование), провести семинар(управление), его семинар (примыкание)

In what sense do we use this word today - a lesson-seminar?

That's right, the first one.

II. Work on the topic.

1. -Pay attention, guys, to the plan of the seminar.

Let's start by repeating all the cases of setting dash in a simple sentence.

A) The student introduces the class to the table compiled at home on this topic. Then the guys analyze the answer: is this question fully reflected in the table, are the examples well chosen.

B) - Now let's write down the sentences, explain to which item in the table each of them corresponds:

Modesty is one of the greatest traits of the Russian people. (K. Paustovsky)

Evening Dawns - morning I never see- covered in gold horizon. (Goncharov)

Tasks for proposals:

In the course of work - an explanation of the spelling of the underlined words.

Does the number of sounds and letters in the word match? "evening"? (letters 8, sounds 9)

Name the soft consonants in the word. ([v`, h`, p`, n`, d`])

2. And now let's recall the cases of staging comma in simple sentence(except for the comma with separate members).

a) The student speaks according to the table.

B) Let's write a sentence for syntactic analysis:

I love the sandy slope, in front of the hut there are two mountain ash, a gate, a broken fence, gray clouds in the sky: (A.S. Pushkin)

Tasks for the proposal:

  • syntactic analysis of the sentence; understands from the spot by the method of commented reading by one student, the rest, if necessary, correct, supplement his answer;
  • spelling explanation "sandy", "broken"
  • derivational analysis of the word "slope"

C) Two students work at the board on cards (prepare for answers)

Card 1.

Card 2.

Write the words by opening the brackets.

D) Assignment to the rest of the students:

Remember the role played by appeals in poetic speech? (Appeals expressed by inanimate nouns serve as one of the methods of personification)

Recall from famous works 2 appeals - personifications, write down these sentences. (For example: Wind, wind! You are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds: (Pushkin). Do not make noise, rye, with a ripe ear (A. Koltsov)

While the class is doing this task, students' answers are heard at the blackboard, then examples of impersonation appeals are read.

3. It's your turn to listen to your classmates about the cases isolation of definitions, applications, circumstances, clarifying the members of the proposal.

A) Prepared students present their messages. Answers are commented.

B) Explanatory dictation

It was May, glorious, merry May, fresh, bright green foliage, born of him, passed. Already crawled high into the mountains and lay down there in a damp gorge, curled up in a knot and looking at the sea. (M. Gorky)

Tasks for the dictation:

Explanation of the spelling of words "bright green", "born"

At the blackboard, the student makes a morphological analysis of the word " in the gorge"

Orally identify parts of speech in 2 sentences.

Underline the words with a zero ending in the 2nd sentence ( crawled, Already, lay down, knot).

The answer is heard - morphological analysis of the noun " in the gorge"

C) Working with a multimedia projector (orally).

Task: find and correct errors in the use of adverbial and participial constructions.

Reading the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", we are faced with a vivid image of the leader of the popular uprising E. Pugachev. Having left for the open steppe, Grinev and Savelich were caught by a snowstorm. Representatives of many countries that came to Moscow took part in the conference. The sown grain did not sprout in dry land for a long time.

4. -Now let's listen to the last group of students who will tell us about the cases of staging colons in a simple sentence.

A) Listening and commenting on student responses

B) Write a miniature essay, if possible using sentences with a colon, on one of the topics:

"I love the storm in early May"

"Thunder Rumbles"

"The sky is clear:"

Topics are projected through a computer onto a screen.

For example,

The sky is clear:

May morning. The sun shines brightly. I shout to him: "Hello, sun!" The sky is clear. Dewdrop pearls are everywhere: on the grass, on the flowers, and on the leaves of the trees.

2-3 works are heard.

Guys, now it's time to test your knowledge in practice on your own. You will be doing a test.

Test sheets are distributed to students.

1 option.

After completing this task,

a) Pay attention to the following.

B) move on to the next one.

C) you need to be careful.

D) homework is over.

A) The greatest wealth of a people is its language. (M.A. Sholokhov)

B) The heart is not a stone.

C) The climate in this area is mild and extremely beneficial for the human body.

D) Snow outside the window is like a duvet.

Ahead (1) behind the road (2) glittering small ants (3) thick rye (4) leaned in the bright evening light (5) glittered against the sun (6) going into the sky. (I.A. Bunin.)

Option 2.

1. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Returning home from vacation

A) I was upset.

b) I was sad.

C) I remembered the trip to the mountains and felt sad.

D) Wonderful memories came flooding back.

2. Indicate the sentence in which a dash must be placed at the gap.

A) The time is now _ unclear and restless.

B) The trees outside the window are like mysterious strangers.

C) He is a skilled performer of folk songs.

D) Green's father is a participant in the Polish uprising.

3. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentence?

There is nothing more beautiful than (1) an endless wide sea (2) flooded with light (3) and (4) a blue sky (5) full of quiet shining stars. (V.K. Arseniev)

Students work for several minutes, the teacher walks through the rows, monitors their work.

The correct answers are shown on the screen. Mutual verification. Students exchange notebooks, check each other's work and give points.

III. Lesson conclusion. Grades for students for preparing homework, work in the classroom.

a). Many sounds flow into the night bird choir.
b). I was already starting to worry.
in). I was ready to agree.
G). He would be glad to leave.
a). He stood up and immediately sat down.
b). And three palm trees began to grumble at God.
in). Soon it began to rain heavily.
G). Lisa decided to do it.
a). Word is silver, silence is gold.
b). Peter decided to help his brother.
in). Andrei was ready to dispose of even Kyiv.
G). He stopped and thought a little.
a). His face was sour (compound nominal).
b). Silence is gold (compound nominal).
in). We would like to compete (compound verb)
G). He sat down and wrote down the old woman's story (compound verb/
a). The approaches to the barriers and trenches are mined. (A. Ananiev)
b). Krutikov heatedly began to explain what had happened. (N.Gorbachev)
in). Liverovsky's assumptions turned out to be correct. (A.N. Tolstoy)
G). The air smelled of tar. (V. Bykov)
a). Before the snowfall, the tree began to drop its leaves. (E.Nosov)
b). Squirrels will have many worries in the summer. (I.Sokolov-Mikitov)
in). The car had to pass half a meter behind Serezha. (V.Tokareva)
G). The whole village was visible from the hill. (A. Kuprin)
a). The city is stretched out in a long strip along the railroad on one side of it. (B.Vetokhin)
b). After yesterday's small storm, the water was especially muddy today. (G. Golubev)
in). Pausing, Pinchuk decided to mend a hole in his tunic. (M. Alekseev)
G). Landing on that site was in danger of being disfigured. (D. Medve
a). Let the enemy discover the crossing as late as possible! (E.Vorobiev)
b). The boat station was clearly visible from here. (A. Rybakov)
in). After dinner, Anfisa silently began to clear the table. (A. Ivanov)
G). At the edge of the moss swamp, I ordered everyone to stop. (I.Sokolov-Mikitov)
a). Every talent is inexplicable.
b). Since then, I stopped interfering in his economic orders.
in). Dim, sun of Austerlitz! Blaze, great Moscow!
G). The feeling of recovery is one of the sweetest.
a). Chichikov had to close his eyes for a minute.
b). Our generals became cheerful, loose, well-fed, white.
in). I'm afraid it's too late for me to dream of happiness.
G). I won't be young anymore.

c I was ready to agree.
D/ He would be glad to leave.

2. Specify a sentence with a compound verb predicate.
a/He stood up and immediately sat down.

d/ Lisa decided on this.

3. Specify a sentence with a compound nominal predicate.
b/ Peter decided to help his brother.
d/ He stopped and thought a little
4. Indicate an example with an error in determining the type of predicate.

5. Indicate the sentence with a simple verb predicate:

6. Indicate a sentence with a compound nominal predicate:

7. Indicate the sentence with a simple verb predicate:

8. Indicate a sentence with a compound nominal predicate:

9. Indicate sentences with a simple verb predicate.
a) Every talent is inexplicable.

10. Indicate a sentence with a compound verb predicate.

d/ I won't be young anymore.

1. Specify a sentence with a simple verb predicate. T a \ A lot of sounds flow into the night bird choir.

b/ I was already starting to worry.
c I was ready to agree.
D/ He would be glad to leave.
2. Specify a sentence with a compound verb predicate.
a/He stood up and immediately sat down.
b/ And three palm trees began to grumble at God.
B / Soon it began to rain heavily.
d/ Lisa decided on this.
3. Specify a sentence with a compound nominal predicate.
a/ Word is silver, silence is gold.
b/ Peter decided to help his brother.
c/ Andrei was ready to dispose of even Kyiv.
d/ He stopped and thought a little.
4. Indicate an example with an error in determining the type of predicate.
a/ His face was sour (compound nominal).
b / Silence is gold (compound nominal).
c/ We would like to compete (compound verb)
d/ He sat down and wrote down the story of the old woman (compound verb/
5. Indicate the sentence with a simple verb predicate:
a) Approaches to barriers and trenches are mined. (A. Ananiev)
b) Krutikov excitedly began to explain what had happened. (N.Gorbachev)
c) Liverovsky's assumptions turned out to be correct. (A.N. Tolstoy)
d) There was a strong smell of tar in the air. (V. Bykov)
6. Indicate a sentence with a compound nominal predicate:
a) Before the snowfall, the tree began to drop its leaves. (E.Nosov)
b) Squirrels will have many worries in the summer. (I.Sokolov-Mikitov)
c) The car had to pass half a meter behind Serezha. (V.Tokareva)
d) The whole village was visible from the hillock. (A. Kuprin)
7. Indicate the sentence with a simple verb predicate:
a) The city is stretched out in a long strip along the railway on one side of it. (B.Vetokhin)
b) After yesterday's small storm, the water was especially muddy today. (G. Golubev)
c) Silenced, Pinchuk decided to mend a hole in his tunic. (M. Alekseev)
d) Landing on that site was in danger of being disfigured. (D. Medve
8. Indicate a sentence with a compound nominal predicate:
a) Let the enemy discover the crossing as late as possible! (E.Vorobiev)
b) The boat station was clearly visible from here. (A. Rybakov)
c) After dinner, Anfisa silently began to clear the table. (A. Ivanov)
d) At the edge of the moss swamp, I ordered everyone to stop. (I.Sokolov-Mikitov)
9. Indicate sentences with a simple verb predicate.
a) Every talent is inexplicable.
b) Since then, I have ceased to interfere in his economic orders.
c) Dim, the sun of Austerlitz! Blaze, great Moscow!
d) The feeling of recovery is one of the sweetest.
10. Indicate a sentence with a compound verb predicate.
a / Chichikov had to close his eyes for a minute.
b / Our generals have become cheerful, loose, well-fed, white.
c / I'm afraid that it was too late for me to dream of happiness.
d/ I won't be young anymore.

1. mark the sentence with a simple verb predicate. a) At the beginning of May, the recruitment of groups begins. b) Children are happy with the first snow. c) This cat was

everyone's favorite. d) We need to redo the main part of the report. 2. mark the sentence with a compound verbal predicate. a) Every drop of rain reflects the cold sky. b) The son has become an adult. c) A person must be responsible for his actions. d) I will compete. 3. Indicate the sentences in which a dash is required at the release point. a) Kalinich is a kind man, diligent and helpful husband. b) Pushkin is an extraordinary phenomenon and perhaps the only manifestation of the Russian spirit. c) Needless to say_ only harm the cause. d) Flowers in the clearing_ like little sparkling stars. e) I am a beginner athlete, so I need daily training.

Indicate the sentences: with a simple verb predicate a) The guys continued to argue about the match. b) Every person has

c) I will play football.

d) remember our warning.

e) Simplicity is a necessary condition for beauty.

with a compound verb predicate

a) She turned out to be an interesting person.

b) The night is dark.
c) We had to cross the meadow island.

d) The time was unclear and restless.

e) We could not imagine such a denouement of events.

with a compound predicate

a) It is useful to engage in visual culture.

b) The air is transparent, fresh and warm.

c) To generalize means to single out the most essential.

d) We look forward to meeting you.

e Learning is light, ignorance is darkness.

The union of all peoples under the rule of Rome was at that time a special sign from the Providence of God. If the rulers of these peoples could not all, like Cyrus, confess that the kingdoms of the earth were given to them by the Lord God of Heaven, and even less understand that this amazing union of peoples into one kingdom was a preparation and transition to the formation of a “one flock” in the spiritual kingdom of the world and love, “even if it does not crumble forever,” they nevertheless clearly saw that events were leading the world to some kind of unity and that the greatness of Rome was arranged according to the determination of the inscrutable destinies of God. The unity of command of Augustus - according to the remark of the Holy Church - all the more contributed to the abolition of the polytheism of idols and to the establishment of the unified dominion of the Deity.

In vain did the man-pleasing sages and flatterers try to apply the traditions and prophecies about the appearance of the Redeemer to various kings and nobles of Rome; the eyes of all were turned to Judea, whence they expected the King who had to take possession of the world. In Rome itself, a certain Marath, shortly before the birth of Christ, said that "nature gives rise to a king, to whom the people of Rome must submit." The Roman Senate, horrified by this announcement, forbade the education of all children born that year.

Even in ancient times, it was impossible to determine the year of the Nativity of Christ in a completely accurate way, due to various changes in the calculation of time. At present, the year 1904 is considered from the birth of Christ. This chronology, accepted by all Christian nations, owes its origin to the Roman monk of the 6th century, Dionysius the Small. He calculated that the Nativity of Christ took place in 754. from the founding of Rome. But in later times, according to the most thorough study of the German astronomer Ideler († 1846), it is believed that the Nativity of Christ took place in 747 from the building of Rome. Thus, in order to correct Dionisiev's account, one would have to add seven years to the current year and now count not 1904 AD, but 1911.

The month and date of the Nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ are determined by the following considerations. Evangelist Luke says that when the Savior was baptized, He was about 30 years old. An ancient tradition says that His baptism took place on January 6 [in the 2nd century, the baptism of the Lord was celebrated on January 6]. So, if Jesus Christ had 30 years in January, at baptism, then His birthday could not be far from this number. This day can be determined even closer from another indication of the Evangelist Luke, and which shows that Jesus Christ was 6 months younger in humanity than John the Baptist; and the time of the birth of John stands in connection with the time of the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel Zacharias in the temple. Exact calculations show that Zechariah's line in the temple was between October 2 and 9, 746 from the building of Rome; On October 10, Saint Zacharias could already return to his home. If from this time we consider the non-idleness of Elizabeth: then the time of conception by the Most Holy Virgin Mary of the Lord, which took place in the sixth month after this event, must be assumed after March 10, namely, on the basis of an ancient tradition, March 25, 747. from the building of Rome. If we continue the calculation of this day forward, then December 25, 747. From the building of Rome is the day of the Nativity of Christ. And according to Jewish tradition, the Messiah should be born in the month of Kislev, the ninth year in the Jewish reckoning, and according to ours - in December.

Bethlehem, get ready for the meeting of the Virgin Mary and the Mother of God: behold, it is coming to you, the baby of us Christ, who has no beginning with the Father and the Spirit, everlasting: he will give birth to the nativity scene and after Christmas the Virgin will appear again.(December service 21 sedals on the second kathisma)

The gospel narrative of St. Luke says that before the Nativity of Christ, an imperial decree was issued on a nationwide census and that this census was the first under Augustus, during the reign of Quirinius in Syria. Without a doubt, the ruler of Rome was guided in this case by motives based on political calculations, financial needs, and so on; but one cannot help wondering how these impulses contributed to the fact that the ancient prophecy about the birth of the Savior in Bethlehem was fulfilled in all its strength, without the slightest violation of human freedom. Reverent before the inscrutable ways of God's Providence, it is impossible, at the same time, not to recognize the great self-abasement of the incarnated Redeemer, to which He had to undergo as a result of this census. The name of Jesus, the sweetest and most venerable name, before whose majesty, according to the Apostle, every knee in heaven, earth and hell bows, from birth should have been inscribed in the number of subjects of the pagan ruler, along with the names of the last of the sons of Israel.

Proud Caesar, who involuntarily contributed to the fulfillment of God-inspired prophecy and did not know that, having entered the number of his subjects, had to inscribe all believers in the book of eternal life, perhaps he did not even deign to look at the lists of names sent from Judea; but those who were entrusted with the work of the census, of course, more than once read among the names of the descendants of David the glorious name of Jesus. This is the first title of “servant and slave”, which God was pleased to take upon Himself, by birth, the Son of God in order to make us, slaves of sin, free!

Since it was the custom of the Jews to conduct national censuses according to tribes, tribes and clans, and each tribe, tribe and clan had its own specific cities and ancestral places: then the command of Caesar set all Judea in motion: "ideahu" says the Evangelist "all write, each to your own city". Bethlehem, which was in the tribe of Judah, and therefore called (unlike Zebulun) Judah, was the birthplace of David, and was revered as the family city of his descendants: Joseph was supposed to go here for the census, as a descendant of David. Maria, as a woman who was not subject to the national census, could, apparently, stay at home, which was required even by her position. But She, according to legend, was the only one of her kind and had neither brothers nor sisters, and such women, as the heirs of the name and all family property, were subject to census on an equal basis with men. And therefore, the grace-filled Virgin, as also descended from the lineage of David, despite the last days of gestation, had to leave a peaceful home shelter and go to Her ancestral Bethlehem in order to enter Her name on the list of Caesar's subjects. “Joseph ascended from Galilee from the city of Nazareth to Judea, to the city of David, who is called Bethlehem, for he was not from the house and fatherland of David, write with Mary, his betrothed wife, who is not idle”.

With these last words, the Evangelist, as it were, says that the Most Holy Mary, although she was “not idle” (why it would be better for Her to stay at home, especially since traveling to Bethlehem, for several days, could be fraught with extreme inconvenience and difficulties for Her) , but She went, obeying the decree of the Roman ruler, for "there is no power, but not from God." The holy betrothed probably consoled himself with the thought that their stay in Bethlehem would not continue, and that he, having rendered "Caesar's to Caesar," would still have time to return to the house to recompense the "God of God." But how soon could the turn reach the poor woodworker of Nazareth, who, although, together with his betrothed wife, descended in a straight line from King David, now had no other differences, except for senile hair, whitened with gray hair and inner purity of the soul, known only to God ?

More than three days is also required for the ordinary journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem; and under the indicated circumstances of the holy couple, she could make this path much more slowly. And therefore, it is not surprising that at the end of such a long journey through mountainous terrain, and in the position in which the Holy Virgin was, She got tired and, approaching Bethlehem, felt the need for rest. Tradition says that not far from Bethlehem, weary of the road, the Most Blessed One descended from the donkey, on which she sat only in extreme fatigue, and, seeing a large stone on the side of the road, lay down on it and rested, and after resting again walked to Bethlehem [Travelers notice that this stone is still preserved in its original form, although it lies at a crossroads; and this is one of the proofs of the respect that the inhabitants of Palestine have for objects with which sacred traditions are at least somewhat connected].

“Be, when there was a tamo, the days of giving birth to Her were fulfilled”. As soon as the holy couple reached the city, the time came for Mary to give birth; Joseph carefully searched the city for a convenient place and could not find any shelter. The city was small; and the multitude of people who came for the census filled all the houses to such an extent that there was no free corner in them for holy travelers. All public hotels, no matter how noisy and restless the premises in them, were also bypassed by the holy elder: but in none of them was a shelter found. And who of the city dwellers, under such circumstances, could cordially take under the roof of his poor old man and the Virgin? “There is no place for them in the monastery”. There was only one thing left: to look for some kind of shelter in the urban environs. Not far from the gates of Bethlehem, east of the city, near the spring of David, there was a cave in a rocky mountain. Cattle were driven into this cave during a storm, and shepherds, during the hours of heat and bad weather, could find refuge in it; fields adjoined it; and inside it, in the wall, a depression was cut, which served instead of a manger for animals. The Holy Virgin and Joseph were compelled, out of necessity, to use this cave and there to seek shelter and refuge from the winter cold for themselves and the expected Baby.

But the providence of the Heavenly Father was visible over the fate of His beloved Son, because if for the holy couple, before the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, some free place was found in one of the monasteries of Bethlehem; then, in return for this benefit, how many troubles would there be from the noise of the people, from the curiosity of idle people, from rumors and spying! Meanwhile, here, in this den, outside the city, the Holy Virgin and Joseph were alone, in the midst of complete silence and freedom, far from the fussy community of people and only in the invisible presence of God and holy angels.

In this cave, on December 25, the Blessed Ever-Virgin, alone, without outside help and painlessly, gave birth to the Incarnate Word - our Lord Jesus Christ. The saint testifies about the painless birth of the Most Holy Virgin of the Lord in this way: “The mother did not know the birth diseases inherent in those who give birth ... The Virgin, having given birth to the seedless conceived, remained an immaculate Virgin and kept the keys of virginity intact.” In accordance with this, the saint also remarks: “Christ is born at an ordinary time, after the completion of nine months, at the beginning of the tenth, according to the ordinary law of natural gestation, but painlessly, above the law of birth ... and no illnesses followed the birth.” Our saint also speaks beautifully about the Most Pure Mother: “Even if you conceive without a husband and sweetness, she will give birth without illness and without damage to her virginal purity ... Christ was born from Her, like a fruit from a tree, ... Christ passes from Her, like a ray of solar glass or a crystal passes; the passing ray does not crush or defile the glass and crystal, but rather it enlightens it purely: Christ the Sun of Truth did not harm the virginity of His Most Pure Mother ... but rather aggravated Her purity, illuminating You with His passage.. [Lives of the Saints, February 2]. At the birth of the Savior, as well as before His birth, the Most Holy Mother of God remained a Virgin, why the Saint confesses Her Everlasting

The Evangelist says that the Blessed Virgin "beget thy firstborn Son, and give him a drink, and lay him in the manger". This means that the Holy Virgin herself received the Divine Infant into Her pure hands. She herself wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, and She herself, without a doubt, was the first to kneel before Him Who honored Her to be His Mother. The saint, discussing the above words of the Evangelist, says: “Look how mysteriously the Virgin gives birth: She gives birth herself - She swaddles it herself! Ordinary wives do it differently: they give birth with the help of others and their babies are swaddled by others; not so with the Blessed Virgin: She is the Mother - without labor and without torment; She is a grandmother to herself, taught by no one; She did not allow anyone to touch with unclean hands the Most Pure Infant born by Her, but She Herself serves the One born of Her and who surpasses Her; She swaddles Him and puts Him in the manger.

The church hymn, recalling the event in the den, expresses the feelings of the Mother of God in this way: “Holding the incarnated and clothed in the human image of the Lord in her arms and kissing Him like a Mother, She said to Him: Sweetest child! how I hold you in my hands, you who hold all creation with your hand.”? With trembling and reverent silence, Joseph bowed before the Most Pure Mother and Her Divine Son, and contemplating the supernatural miracle in sweet amazement, he knew immutably that what had been born was truly from the Holy Spirit. “I see a strange sacrament and glorious! The sky is a den; the cherubic throne - the Virgin; the manger is a receptacle, in them the incongruous Christ God is reclining": such are the reverent thoughts of a believing soul, at the sight of the Bethlehem event! “Joseph still imperfectly knew the Most Holy Virgin,” remarks St. Athanasius, “until She gave birth to Her Firstborn Son. When She gave birth, then Joseph knew what She was and what she was worthy to be. He knew when he saw the Virgin, nourishing with milk, and at the same time preserving the color of her virginity incorruptible: he saw the Virgin who gave birth, but did not experience ordinary birth diseases. Then he understood that it was about this Virgin that Isaiah wrote: "behold the Virgin in the womb will receive"!

"Angels- sings the Saint - they surrounded the manger, like a cherubic throne, and, looking at the Lord lying in them, they saw the sky in the den.. Explaining the thought of the Holy Church, the saint says: “The one who fulfilled in all accuracy the sacred Divine advice laid down in heaven, lay down in the den, in the mother's couch and in the manger; hosts of angels surrounded Him... He sat in heaven at the right hand of the Father and at the same time rested in the manger, as it were, above the cherubim... one, glorious on earth, the most holy throne, because Christ our God rested on it..

But what did the rest of the earth, radiant with the glory of God, do at that time? What did the rest of the children of Israel, Jerusalem and the Gentile world do? All of them were immersed in a deep sleep - in the moral and physical. No one knew that the greatest and most joyful event had taken place, no one was in a hurry to bow to the born Savior! The Jews, with their scribes and Pharisees, resting on the law, were waiting for the Messiah surrounded by glory; and the pagan world was buried in vices at the foot of their imaginary gods.

In Bethlehem and its environs, they also slept, but not everyone slept: in the Bethlehem valley, surrounded on all sides by mountains and located at a distance of half an hour's walk from the cave, there was a pillar where, as was the custom of that time, shepherds stopped for the night with their flocks. Here at this time the shepherds kept watch over their flocks by night.

"And behold the angel of the Lord was a hundred in them, and the glory of the Lord was their axis". The appearance of an Angel shining with radiant light, amid the midnight darkness that covers the neighborhood of Bethlehem, should have presented the most majestic spectacle. At the sight of such a wondrous event, the shepherds "be afraid" says the Evangelist "great fear". They had long been accustomed to earthly, noisy natural phenomena and even to dangers: but what presented itself to them now clearly went beyond the limits of everything earthly; Their simple soul was close to heavenly things, but their feeble flesh trembled, and therefore their fear had to be destroyed before the glad tidings. “And the angel said to them: Do not be afraid! Behold, I proclaim to you great joy, even if it will be for all the people ”. Do not be afraid! I am not a messenger of anger and sorrow, but of gladness and joy, such joy, which is now proclaimed only to you alone, and in time should fill everyone and everyone with joy. “For you have been born today the Savior, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David”: That promised Messiah, whom everyone was waiting for, and whose name alone is able to calm and rejoice every true Israelite, has already been born in Bethlehem, so glorious in the memory of David. “But where can we find one who is born and has given birth in a city filled with many people”? thought the astonished and overjoyed shepherds. An angel warned them, saying: “And this is a sign for you: you will find a baby, wrapped, lying in a manger!” As soon as the heavenly messenger finished his gospel, “Suddenly, there was a multitude of heavenly howls with the Angel, praising God and saying: glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men!”

An amazing spectacle! Thanksgiving song! But why are they before the shepherds? Why such a multitude of heavenly armies, when even one peaceful herald was enough? The celestials appeared here, because even the sky itself could not contain the delight about what had happened. They saw the Head of the world descending to earth to establish peace. Before Him, there was no peace on earth either inside or outside of man, neither on the surface of the earth, nor in its relationship to heaven, everywhere there was only one enmity, and the human race was alienated from God. Clouds of God's wrath hung over him, and what then? , so much offended by people, suddenly he himself comes to them, bringing them peace and pouring out on them a stream of love and mercy! Angels see all this, marvel, rejoice - and exclaim with reverence: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men!”

Thus, again, not to the teachers of the law and wise men, not to the nobles and mighty ones of Israel, the Lord revealed His saving secret: they were sleeping; but only simple shepherds kept watch. Shepherds become the first heralds of the Nativity of the Savior; and not in the temple of Jerusalem, not in the walls of the synagogues, this Christmas is celebrated, but under the open sky, as a sign that not only for the Jews, but for the whole universe, the joy of salvation has shone.

After the departure of the angels, the shepherds went to Bethlehem: “I came, hastening, and found Miriam and Joseph, and the Child lying in the manger”. As there, at the appearance of the angels, everything was majestic: so here, on the contrary, the shepherds met only simplicity and squalor. But after the vision and the gospel of the angel, the divine Otrocha, in the midst of the squalor that surrounded Him, seemed to them even holier and more venerable.

Bowing to their Savior and His Most Blessed Mother, the shepherds, as if to reward what the newborn King of Israel lacked in appearance, hastened to tell everything they had seen and heard from the Angels. These stories were a joy to the unmarried Mary and the holy elder, who at such important moments for them, apparently, were all left to chance. “Mariam,” the Evangelist remarks, “keeping all these words, composing in her heart,” i.e., she considered what she heard from the Angel during the annunciation with what happened now, and seeing that events confirm his words, she spiritually rejoiced. But even with this joy, She did not change her humility, and when listening to the stories of the shepherds, Her purest delight was imbued with the former deep feeling of Her devotion to the will of God.

Our travelers report enough information, both about the road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, and about the most sacred place of the Nativity of Christ.

Rising from Jerusalem on the road to Bethlehem, the traveler sees before him the plain of Rephaim and in front of it - the heights of St. Elijah. In biblical times, the Rephaim valley was covered with terebinth trees, which is why it was also called terebinth; but now it is abandoned. Here and there along the way one can see the ancient ruins of fences, watchtowers, or pillars that belonged to the vineyards; the ruins of one of them are called the house of Simeon the God-bearer. Not far from the road, they show a sprout of a terebinth tree, under which, according to legend, the Most Holy Theotokos rested on her way from Bethlehem to Jerusalem.

Not far from the heights of St. Elijah, at their soles, on the right side of the road, a round well of ancient construction and a watering hole are visible. It is called the well of the "three wise men"; they say that the good-faith star that brought the magi to Jerusalem shone again for them at this place when they were going to Bethlehem. Judging by the debris that is visible around this source, it must be assumed that it was decorated with architecture, and they even say that it was here. Arabs always stop at this spring to drink the sacred water.

From the height of the mountain, in the distance, one can already see the monastery of St. Elijah; and behind the monastery there is a view of Bethlehem, spreading along a mountain range that slopes south into the valley. A large building, fortified with buttresses (supports) and dominating the surrounding area, covers that sacred point of the globe, over which the evangelical star of our redemption has stopped. Behind Bethlehem, a mountain is drawn on the horizon, having the form of a truncated cone; it is called the "mountain of the Franks" because the crusaders built a fortification here, which served them as a defense against the Muslims. To the left, behind a deep valley, the mountains of the Dead Sea are visible; to the right, Mount Bethlehem merges with the chain of mountains of Judea. When descending into the valley, there is a Muslim chapel that covers the tomb of Rachel, and immediately nearby they show the remains of the ruins of the house of Patriarch Jacob; behind the ravine you can see the ruins of ancient Rama, the birthplace and burial place of the Prophet Samuel.

The Temple of Bethlehem, erected over the den of the Nativity of Christ, is believed to belong to the time of Justinian. The first Christians had a small temple on this site; the first such monument is even attributed to the three wise men who came to bow to the Divine Infant. It is known that the Roman Emperor Hadrian built a temple here and forbade the Jews to live in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. But the holy Empress Helen overthrew the idols and erected them over the place of the Nativity of Christ.

The temple, erected over the den of the Nativity of Christ, is dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos and built with a cross; the facade has narrow doors, converted from large ones, for more convenient protection from the attack of the Arabs and to prevent the introduction of animals into the temple by infidels. What, unfortunately, were examples. At the entrance to the temple, a vast porch opens, connected to a long gallery, on both sides of which marble columns rise in two rows. These columns were subsequently painted like our ancient cathedrals, and on some images of saints are still visible. The ceiling is made up of huge beams of cedar and cypress trees, from the peaks of Lebanon. The walls were first covered with marble and mosaics, the remains of which are still visible; but most of the marble was removed for the palaces of the caliphs in Cairo and for the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem. The marble platform has been preserved in some places, but in some places it has been replaced by flagstone. The main altar, dedicated to the Nativity of Christ and belonging to the Greeks, forms the upper part of the cross, with rounded ends, and is elevated by several steps; on both sides of it, opposite the descents into the nativity scene, two thrones are arranged: the Circumcision of the Savior and the three wise men. The mosaics on the walls of this altar are still well preserved in many places, although they have existed for about 700 years.

From both sides of the main altar descend 15 marble steps to the underground, to the Nativity of Christ den. There, in a semicircular recess, in a marble platform, there is a silver star, illuminated by lamps, which means the birthplace of the Redeemer. Around it is the Latin inscription "Hic de Vergine Maria Christus natus est" - that is, "Christ was born from the Virgin Mary here." The platform of the den of the Nativity, also forming a semicircle, is hung with sixteen rich lamps, over which a marble plaque serves as an altar where the liturgy is performed. In the recess, which is above the throne, the Greeks put the image of the Nativity of Christ.

A few steps from the place of the Nativity of the Savior on its right side, there is a special cave "manger" in which the Pre-Eternal Infant rested, and where the shepherds bowed to Him for the first time; one descends here by two or three steps. The manger is carved in natural stone and, looking like an oblong box, lined with white marble. This holy place is consecrated in the same way as the Nativity scene, with precious lamps. Against the lullaby of the Savior's manger, an altar was set up in the same den, at the place where the Most Holy Theotokos, with the Infant Jesus in Her bosom, received the worship of peaceful shepherds. All the walls of the den, both here and at the sanctuaries of the Nativity, are covered with fabrics, and many silver and gilded lamps hang along the natural vault and on the sides. Previously, all the walls were decorated with Byzantine mosaics. The entire nativity scene is five fathoms long and one and a half fathoms wide.

According to the tradition of the Holy Fathers, the Blessed Virgin with the Divine Infant and Joseph spent 40 days in the Bethlehem cave; here, by virtue of the ancient covenant that God once concluded with Abraham, over the Infant, as descended in the flesh from the tribe of Abraham, on the eighth day after His birth, circumcision was performed, and He was called "Jesus" - the name about which the Archangel preached to the Blessed Virgin and which he announced to Joseph in a dream, while clarifying his anxious doubts.

This sacred rite consisted of circumcision with a stone, or a stone knife, of the foreskin of an infant, which was a sign of God's eternal covenant with the offspring of Abraham, similar to baptism in the Christian Church. According to its high significance, circumcision was made a duty for all those who entered the society of the people of God, not excluding slaves and household members. Every Jew could commit it, but mostly the head of the family; in case of need, even women. For non-compliance with it, it was threatened with deprivation of life. Circumcision was the hallmark of God's chosen people, separating them from all other nations, and was deeply respected by the Jews as a sign of national superiority. At the same time, this rite had a different, moral meaning, pointing to the inner need for spiritual purity and holiness, which should distinguish the chosen people from others. Having received its beginning in the person of Abraham, the law of circumcision was confirmed at Sinai; and Moses himself knew the need for him, because God threatened him too for the uncircumcision of his son.

The name taken by the Divine Infant at circumcision meant that the born one is the Savior or Redeemer of the sinful human race, as the Angel explained. Thus - as the Holy One sings - “The all-good God will not be ashamed to be circumcised by the flesh, but will give Himself an image and a mark to all for salvation: for the lawful Creator fulfills the law” and “The Lord endures circumcision of all, and circumcise human sins, as if they are good”.

At the onset of the fortieth day, the Blessed Virgin, accompanied by Joseph, set off with Her Divine Son from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, in order to fulfill everything prescribed by law in the temple. According to the law of Moses, a mother who was relieved of her burden by a male baby was considered unclean for 7 days and, in addition, for 33 days she could not come to the temple, participate in public worship and touch anything sacred; after the forty-day period of purification, she appeared in the temple and offered a cleansing sacrifice: a fairly wealthy woman - a one-year-old lamb for a burnt offering and a young dove or turtledove for a sin offering; and the poor woman two turtledoves or two pigeons. If the baby was a newborn, then, in addition to this rite of purification over the mother, the rite of presenting him to God was also performed on the baby. This commandment about the firstborn was given to the people of Judah in memory of the blessings of God revealed to them when they were brought out of Egypt, when the angel, having destroyed all the Egyptian firstborn in one night, did not touch the Jewish ones.

Consecrated in this way, the firstborn were assigned to God to serve Him in the temple, becoming, as it were, His property. But just as the Levites were intended to serve the tabernacle and the temple, whom the Lord received from the sons of Israel instead of the firstborn, then for the latter, brought from all other tribes, a ransom was determined, consisting of five sacred shekels of silver.

To perform these rituals, the Mother of God came to the Temple in Jerusalem, although, as an unsophisticated and Most Pure Virgin, according to the saint, “she was not guilty of the law of purification.” As the Lord Himself said that He did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill and lead to a better understanding: so His Most Pure Mother deigned to submit Herself to the ritual prescriptions out of respect for the law. Not puffed up by Her purity, She, out of a feeling of high humility, included Herself among the ordinary wives and, having come to the gates of the temple, stood at the place appointed for those who gave birth. She brought with Her a sacrifice, but not such as was offered by rich people; Her sacrifice was that of the poor; and what was lacking in value for this humble sacrifice was rewarded in abundance by the feelings of the purest soul of the Mother of God. The Saint represents Her, on this occasion, addressing God the Father with the following words: “Behold, Thy Son, Holy Father! Behold your Son, whom you sent to be incarnated from me for the salvation of men! You gave birth to Him before the ages without a mother; and I, according to Your good pleasure, gave birth to Him without a husband! This is My only fruit, conceived in Me by Your Holy Spirit, and You alone know how He came from Me! He is my firstborn; He is your first, consubstantial and co-eternal with you, descended from you, but not departed from your divinity! Receive, then, Thy Firstborn, with whom Thou created the ages and commanded the light to shine! Receive Thy Word incarnate from Me, by which You established the heavens, set up the earth and gathered the waters of the seas! Accept Your Son from Me, His earthly Mother! Organize Him and Me according to Your will, Holy One, and may the whole human race be redeemed by His flesh and blood.!

At the time when the Most Pure Virgin Mother appeared in the temple to fulfill what followed according to the law of purification and redemption of the first-born, the gray-haired elder Simeon also came here, as if representing in his face, so ardently awaiting the coming of the Messiah.

The Gospel does not show what rank Simeon belonged to; but, based on the fact that he received the baby Jesus in his arms in the temple, and in doing so praised God and blessed Mary and Joseph, some believe that he was one of the priests of the Jerusalem temple. In church hymns, he is called "clergyman", "priest", and even "hierarch", "bringing legal sacrifices and purifying the people of Israel with blood sacrifices." But the Gospel, silent about the title of Simeon, depicts his moral qualities, saying that he was a “just and pious” person, fulfilled all duties in relation to God and neighbor, and had a living faith in the coming Savior, impatiently awaiting the day of His coming; why he became the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit: "The Spirit be Holy in him". Like other Old Testament righteous people, Simeon prepared to die with faith in the immutable fulfillment of God's promises; but the Holy Spirit announced to him that he would receive a better lot and would not die without seeing the Lord's Christ. After such a revelation, he lived in the hope of seeing the Savior and joyfully contemplated the continuation of his long days.

On the day the Eternal Infant was brought to the temple, the Holy Spirit commanded Simeon to go there and made him understand the meaning of everything that was happening. Approaching the Blessed One, Simeon took the Newborn from Her hands and, having blessed God, exclaimed in sacred delight: “Now let your servant go, Master, according to your word in peace!” " For a long time I have been waiting for You - as if he said so - wanting to see Your coming; and now that blessed hour has come, about which You predicted to me, Lord of life and death! Now there is no more reason to keep me on earth; just as for me there are no more goals of life from now on, for the most important thing has already been achieved by me: I saw You, and now I can calm down! Overjoyed, I go to preach joy to the forefathers and my fathers, “For my eyes have seen your salvation!” I saw the One whom our patriarchs and kings so ardently desired to see, I saw - not an image and not a canopy, but Your very salvation, “Hedgehog prepared before the face of all people!” Your salvation is not for the Jews alone, but for the whole human race. Oh, all-good Father of Lights! Before the darkness of death that is coming to me, I see Your saving light: It has shone here, but it will spread throughout the world and will shine on all nations; this is “a light in the revelation of tongues”, having to disperse their pernicious darkness: he will reveal to them You, the true God and Savior, and, coming from the midst of the people You guarded, having served “for the glory of Your people - Israel!” From the east of the sun to the west, the peoples of all countries and tribes, from now on and forever, will please our patriarchs who believed in the coming Redeemer; glorify the Prophets who foretold of His coming; glorify and bless Your Most Holy Mother; Godly honor also Thy, O Father, Divine eternal glory! So, Lord God, I now see and feel the life and light of the whole world, the glory of Israel and the joy of all believers. I feel that, having applied this treasure to my heart, I have united with Him in spirit, and therefore there is no more earthly life for me, but a new, infinite life is open! Let go, Lord, Thy servant, according to Thy word, in peace!”

After that, Simeon, returning the Infant to the hands of the Mother and blessing Her and Joseph, foreseeing, by the power of the same all-illuminating Spirit of God, the sufferings of the God-man on the Cross and the tears, and the sorrow of His Most Pure Mother, predicted to Her the future, which closely touches Her: “Behold this lies for the fall and the rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is rebuked[subject of contention]; and a weapon will pierce through your very soul, as if the thoughts of many hearts will be opened”. “Not everyone will benefit from the salvation brought to earth by Thy Divine Son: for those who believe in Him and follow Him, He will be the rising from the fall; but for those who, out of stubbornness in evil, reject Him, He will serve as an occasion for their final fall and destruction. Throughout his life He will be the subject of controversy. Some will say about Him: “there are good things”; others "neither, but flatters the nations"(); others will object: "Food who from the prince of faith in Him, or from the Pharisees"?(). The unbelief of the latter will reach such a point that they put their Savior to death; You will be a mourning witness to this “and weapons will pierce your very soul”. The thorns of His crown, the nails, the spear that pierces Him, His wounds, His painful cry and dying gaze - will pierce Your motherly heart deeply. The countless and joyless thoughts that quickly change in the soul, dejected by grief, will hurt You no less strongly. “Simeon prophesies,” says the saint, “about Mary standing at the cross, seeing and hearing what is happening: after the words of Gabriel, after comprehending the mystery of the Divine Conception, after many miracles, some doubt will visit your soul.” "By a weapon or a sword passing through the soul- says Saint Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium - countless and joyless thoughts are named here, cutting and striking the soul and heart, and changed into joy and fun after the Resurrection..

At that time, when Righteous Simeon was conversing with the Most Pure Virgin in this way, Saint Anna approached them and also began, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to proclaim praise to the Infant and give thanks to God for Him on behalf of all those who were expecting His coming. The Evangelist says about her: Anna the Prophetess... "at that hour, standing up, confessing to the Lord and speaking about Him to all who expect deliverance in Jerusalem." Anna - according to the testimony of Holy Scripture - was the daughter of Phanuel, from the tribe of Asher, which was distinguished by wealth, strength and, at the same time, meekness and peacefulness. After seven years of marriage, having lost her husband, she devoted herself entirely to the service of God in the temple of Jerusalem and spent all her time there in fasting, prayer and work. Among these feats of piety, she reached the age of 84, and the Lord granted her great happiness to see and glorify His Divine incarnation.

Distant China, like other countries, also did not escape the general movement of minds, excited by the expectation of the coming of the Savior; they say that the then Chinese emperor Ming-Ti sent to India on purpose to find out if that Saint who, according to ancient legends, should appear in the West, had come.

The Nativity of Christ took place at night; at night the Lord loved to retire for a prayer conversation with God the Fathers; at night also took place the main resurrection of His from the dead. All this is not so that He wants to hide from us the works of His goodness; but on the contrary, in order to thereby show us that boundless love, which even in the night does not know rest for its beloved children, is awake over them, like a tender mother over the cradle of her child.

Some think that circumcision was borrowed by the Jews from the Egyptians; but this opinion has no basis. Jewish and Egyptian circumcision have nothing in common, like two rites of different religions. Among the Jews, circumcision was obligatory for all: among the Egyptians, it was intended for priests and for soldiers; among the Jews it took place on the eighth day after birth, while among the Egyptians much later. On this basis, it is more correct to assume that the Egyptian circumcision came from the Israelites, the descendants of Abraham. Jesus Christ about the beginning of circumcision among the Jews says that it is "from the father."

The Jewish sacred shekel (so-called in contrast to the civil one) included 20 copper coins or two drachmas and was equal to 35 kopecks. or even 50 kopecks. our coin.

It is believed that Simeon was the son of the famous Hillel and the father of Gamaliel, the teacher of the holy Apostle Paul. They say that he, being one of the most learned people of his time, was among the 72 interpreters, when translating the holy books, at the request of the Egyptian king Ptolemy, from Hebrew into Greek. About this time, in fact, it is narrated that Simeon, translating the book of the prophet Isaiah, stopped at the well-known prophecy "behold the Virgin in the womb will receive" and wanted to correct this place, because it seemed to him incredible and impossible the birth of a son from a virgin; but the Angel who appeared forbade correcting the prophecy and said that he himself would see the fulfillment of these prophetic words and until then he would not die. According to this tradition, Saint Simeon is given more than 300 years at the time of the Nativity of Christ. The name Simeon means hearing.

In January 2017, a new meme appeared on the Russian Internet, which gained immense popularity: Zhdun. The basis of the meme was the sculpture of Homunculus loxodontus, created by the Dutch sculptor Margriet van Breefort in the spring of 2016. According to the artist, she was inspired by people sitting in waiting rooms and queues for doctors. However, when looking at Zhdun, it becomes clear that she was inspired not only by people. Zhdun's face is most similar to an animal that has no less strange appearance than himself: a sea elephant.

The elephant seal got its name from the thick trunk that adult males have. Females do not have a trunk, and in young males it initially resembles just a thick nose. With age, however, this nose gradually grows so much that it falls into the mouth when the male throws back his head. With this trunk, males emit a deafening roar, especially during the breeding season. It also serves as a kind of rebreather used in gas masks and diving equipment. Since during the breeding season, males spend several months on land, not going down into the water and not hunting, it is important for them to maintain moisture. The trunk, riddled with cavities, re-absorbs water that is released during respiration.

Elephant seals are huge: males of the largest of the two species, the southern elephant seal, reach 6 meters in length and weigh up to 4 tons. The males of the second species, the northern elephant seal, are slightly smaller, but still gigantic: up to 4–5 meters in length. Elephant seals are not only the largest seals, but also the largest predatory animals: they weigh several times more than the largest land predators: the polar bear and the kodiak.

Female elephant seals are several times smaller than males: they weigh only 400 to 900 kilograms. Such a huge difference in size leads to appalling gender inequality. During the breeding season, alpha males gather harems for themselves, which can consist of several dozen (up to a hundred!) Females. Reproduction takes place on land, on huge rookeries formed by hundreds of animals. This is a very difficult and turbulent time for both males and females. Males spend all their time and energy on forming harems and protecting them from competitors. This occupation absorbs them so much that there is no time left for food, and all three months, while the breeding season lasts, the males are starving. Often they do not even have enough time to mate without haste with a female from their harem: they have to constantly jump up and drive away competitors. Between the males, fights continuously break out, reminiscent of the wrestling of sumo wrestlers. Males try to crush each other with their huge weight, make a deafening roar with their trunks, and also use impressive fangs. Although fatal fights are quite rare, males often get seriously injured, and adult males who have had time to participate in many fights are easily distinguished by a pink, scarred "bib" formed by scar tissue.

If the life of alpha males - the owners of harems - is hectic, then for young males it is also rather unhappy. Although males can and want to mate from about the age of five or six, they manage to win alpha status at the age of eight years (and even then not all). Until then, they have to stay on the periphery of the colonies, where they can secretly mate with gaping females. However, they do not always succeed in this: alpha males jealously drive away low-ranking competitors from all females, and most of the males in the colony do not get a single female at all.

It is not easy for females either. Arriving at the rookery, they give birth to cubs conceived in the previous year (pregnancy lasts about 11 months), then they feed them for a month, after which they start mating again. Of course, they don’t talk about any freedom of choice: the males simply crush them with their weight, preventing them from escaping, and at best, the females can drive away only young, not yet very huge males. In addition, during the entire time of feeding and breeding, females, like males, starve and often lose almost half their weight. Large reserves of subcutaneous fat help them survive this time.

Even the cubs have a bad time: males very often crush them to death during fights and chasing females - or when they simply stop to lie down without noticing the children that have fallen under them. Mothers, having finished feeding, abandon their offspring and swim away to the sea. Abandoned cubs gather in groups and stay on the shore for several more months until they change their black baby skin, not adapted for life in water, to adult fur and learn to swim and hunt.

A normal quiet life begins with elephant seals only in the sea. But there they spend most of the year: apart from the breeding season, they go to rookeries, only to molt. In the sea, males and females live separately and even hunt differently. Males mainly prey on benthic (bottom) animals near the coasts, while females swim further into the open sea and hunt animals in the water column. Elephant seals like to eat squid, octopus, rays and big fish the most.

In search of prey, elephant seals dive very deep (the record is more than two kilometers) and for a long time, often remaining under water for several hours. They float to the surface for a very short time, and therefore it is quite difficult to see them at sea. Elephant seals can afford such a life due to a very large volume of blood (and, accordingly, a large volume of oxygen), which is additionally "stored" in the expansions of the veins in the abdominal region. Their blood has a very high content of red blood cells (oxygen-carrying cells), and their muscles have an increased concentration of the oxygen-binding protein myoglobin. In addition, the spleen of elephant seals stores oxygenated red blood cells, which are released into the bloodstream in small portions through a special sphincter shortly after the start of the dive.

Since elephant seals live in cold waters (southern ones in the Antarctic and Subantarctic, and northern ones in the eastern Pacific), they are also well adapted to the cold. They have a very thick layer of subcutaneous fat and dense fur, and all superficial arteries, especially in flippers, are braided with a layer of thin veins that prevent heat transfer.

It is because of this fat (or rather, the blubber that was rendered from it) that elephant seals almost died out recently. In the 19th century, they were hunted so recklessly, killing hundreds and thousands on rookeries, that just half a century after the start of large-scale commercial hunting, only a few dozen remained of several million northern elephant seals (the southern elephant seal was a little more fortunate, but it also almost disappeared) . In 1884, the northern elephant seal was declared extinct, and no one saw a single elephant until 1892, when a scientific expedition of the American Smithsonian Institution found 8 animals on an island off the Mexican coast. The expedition members immediately killed 7 out of 8 animals found to replenish the museum collections.

However, elephant seals still managed to survive due to the fact that they spend most of their lives in the open sea and not all return to their rookeries at the same time. Since the beginning of the 20th century, elephant seals have gradually acquired an increasingly protected status, and by 2010 their number has increased to 210-240 thousand. Today, the population continues to grow, and the rookeries of northern elephant seals can be viewed immediately on

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