Home Diseases and pests Bologna. Top things to do in Bologna: things to see Bologna places to see

Bologna. Top things to do in Bologna: things to see Bologna places to see

1. Piazza Maggiore

Admire Piazza Maggiore at sunset or at night. This is something! You can take a leisurely walk, sit in one of the cozy outdoor cafes or on the steps of the Church of St. Petronius. Don't forget to look at the shadow of the statue of Neptune falling on the wall of the City Palace.

2. Piazza Santo Stefano

Spend a romantic evening in Piazza Santo Stefano. It is smaller than Maggiore, but the impressions here are more charming and intimate.

3. Quadrilatero

Wander the streets of Quadrilatero, a medieval market. All kinds of delicacies are sold on the stands and inside the old shops: bolognese, various pasta, mortadella, parmigiano, stew, local wines - Pignoletto, Lambrusco and Sangiovese.

4. Bolognese cuisine

Enjoy Bolognese cuisine! Tortellini, tagliatelle al ragout, mortadella, soft cheese - stracchino and squaquerone. The local white wine Pignoletto goes particularly well with them.

5. San Luca

Burn calories on a walk to the Basilica of San Luca, perched on top of a hill. To do this, you will have to walk 3.8 km.

6. Torre Asinelli

Climb to the top of Torre Asinelli (another great way to burn calories!). The tower, built at the end of the 11th century, is the symbol of Bologna. The view of the city's red roofs and beautiful green hills is well worth the 498 steps to reach your destination.

7. Archiginnasio

Visit the Archiginnasio, the first location of the University of Bologna, the oldest university in Europe, founded in 1088. Before the Archiginnasio was built between 1562 and 1563, lessons were held in rented spaces, most often religious ones. The two-story building was the seat of the university until 1803.

Take a look at the Teatro Anatomico, where corpses were dissected for the first scientific studies of the features of the human body. The local library holds more than 500 thousand books and 12 thousand manuscripts - this is the largest public library in Italy.

8 Galleria Cavour

Shops of the best Italian designers are located on Galleria Cavour. The things that are sold here are by no means affordable for everyone. You can choose model gizmos from Armani, Gucci, Prada, Fendi and other fashion labels.

9. Museum of the History of Bologna

Go to the Museum of the History of Bologna. It is located inside the Palazzo Pepoli, the ancient residence of one of the most important families of medieval Bologna. You will learn everything about the history of the city, from its origins as an Etruscan settlement to the present day.

10. Bars of Bologna

You can relieve fatigue from a busy day in one of the many bars in the city center.


Bologna is a city in northern Italy with a population of 380,000 and the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region. The standard of living in this city is one of the highest in the country. And Bologna is often called the "culinary capital of Italy" (everyone remembers Bolognese sauce). Founded around the 5th century BC, the city was at one time a Roman colony and kept a number of objects of ancient Roman art, none of which has completely survived to this day. However, a number of historical sights are located in Bologna, and I will talk about some of them.

bologna towers

In view of the lack of space and the availability of money, in the 10th century in Bologna, they began to build structures not “in breadth”, but upwards. Quite a lot of towers were built in this century, and at some point the construction was spurred on by competitive interest - whoever has a taller tower is steeper, as they would say today. The most famous competition was between the Asinelli and Garisendi families, who erected their towers a few meters apart. But in the end, no one won, because the towers warped. The Asinelli Tower is still today, its height is 97 meters. Incredible by that standards. Only half of the 48-meter tower remained from the Garisendi tower. Nevertheless, both towers have become symbols of the city and a favorite tourist attraction. These are the gambling inhabitants of Bologna, who built such eminent buildings.

The address: Galleria del Leone, 1

Fountain of Neptune (Neptune Fountain)

The fountain is located on the square of the same name. The fountain composition consists of a bronze statue of Neptune with a trident standing in a square bowl and figurines of marine inhabitants, from which water streams gush. There are many legends and sayings about this beautiful fountain. For example, local students walk around the structure twice counterclockwise before the luck test (because they believe that the fountain sculptor circled the same way, thinking about the statue project, which turned out to be excellent).

How to find: Piazza del Nettuno

Basilica of Saint Petronius

Saint Petronius, the patron saint of Bologna, was a bishop in Bologna in the 5th century, and did many good deeds, for example, he was engaged in the restoration of the town from destruction and organized a Christian community. In his honor, in the 14th century, it was decided to build a cathedral on the main square of Bologna. Construction started but not finished. Until today, moreover. Nevertheless, this late Gothic cathedral is considered one of the main temples of the city, and it is also one of the largest temples in Europe (and it was originally assumed that it would become the largest). From the outside and inside, the basilica looks eclectical and contains the most important relics, in particular, the relics of Petronius himself. Also here you can see a piece of the wood of the Cross of the Lord, the relics of the holy infants killed by Herod, the relics of St. Matthew and others. All these important relics are carefully kept in luxurious reliquaries and are available for visiting only on certain days.

The address: Piazza Maggiore

Theater "Solar Arena" (Arena del Sole)

At 19, an open theater arena was built here, where performances were held from the afternoon until sunset - that is why the theater got such an interesting name. The theater was originally built in neoclassical style. Almost a century later, a facade was “sewn” to the theater, which has not been restored until today. The magnificent three large arches and cornice, as well as the pediment with statues of Apollo, Poetry and Tragedy, are impressive. At the beginning of the last century, films were shown in this theater, and for the last 20 years, after reconstruction, theatrical performances, performances and shows have been held here. The theater has two halls. One of them accommodates 952 spectators, and the other about 300.

The address: Via dell'Indipendenza, 44

Palace of King Enzo

The palace is located in Piazza Maggiore in the heart of the city. It was built at the beginning of the 13th century and was first called the "New Palace". A few years after construction, in the Battle of Fossalta, the city army won the battle and captured the son of Emperor Frederick II of Sardinia, Enzo, who was imprisoned in this palace for 23 years (until his death).

On the left side of the building are the prison quarters and the chapel of Our Lady of the Prisoners on the second floor. Once upon a time there were courtrooms. Weapons and military vehicles were stored in the lower part of the castle. At the beginning of the last century, the palace was restored and it has a Gothic appearance. This place attracts tourists with its mystery and beauty.

The address: Piazza Maggiore 1

Trade Palace (Palazzo della Mercanzia)

This red-brick palace in the Gothic style was built in the 14th century and was the headquarters of the merchants' guild. On the site of the construction there was previously a building that has existed since Roman times. A century after the construction, the palace began to expand, and the last reconstruction took place about 100 years ago. The high arches of the palace are impressive.

The address: Piazza della Mercanzia, 4

Municipal Palace (Palazzo Comunale)

The Municipal Palace (or Accursio Palace - in honor of the first owner of the palace, the lawyer Accursio) is located in the heart of the city. Until 2008, the local council was located in the palace. The building is a complex of structures that have been connected together since the 12th century. In the 15th century, a clock tower was added to the palace. The appearance of the palace is impressive - the facade is decorated with a terracotta Madonna and Child, a bronze statue of Pope Gregory XIII and ornamented Gothic windows. Inside the castle is no less luxurious - the ceilings are completely painted with frescoes, on the walls there are also frescoes depicting city events. By the way, Charles V was crowned in one of the halls of the palace in 1530. Today the palace is open to the public, and inside there is a gallery of works of art from the Middle Ages to the 19th century, as well as a museum with works by Giorgio Morandi, which were presented to the palace by his relatives .

The address: Via IV Novembre, 12

Church of Saints Bartholomew and Gaetano

The temple was built in the Renaissance style. According to legend, the church was built under the leadership of St. Petronius in the 5th century on the ruins of an early Christian church. Global reconstruction began at the end of the 16th century, and now, 70 years later, the temple was completed and received a new name. The bell tower and chapels of the temple, however, were completed a little later, and even later a massive spire was erected on the bell tower.

The address: Strada Maggiore, 4

Helpful answer?

Bologna, in its beauty and the number of world-famous attractions, is absolutely in no way inferior to the famous Rome and the famous Milan. Moreover, the city, according to some indicators, clearly surpasses the above settlements. In addition, Bologna, having on its territory the oldest university in Western Europe, is deservedly recognized as the cultural capital of Europe. So, if you have a unique opportunity to stroll through the fabulous and ancient streets of the city - do not deny yourself such a pleasure!

University of Bologna

You can find this institution of higher education at: Via Zamboni, 33. Unfortunately, no one knows the exact date of the founding of the university, although the first mention of it slips in the city chronicles as early as the 11th century. At the beginning of its existence, this university was modestly called the school of arts, and only two centuries later, they started talking about it in Europe. It owes its popularity to the highly professional teaching staff and, which is also important, to the very liberal laws in force on the territory of the university. Another innovation contributed to the influx of applicants - females were accepted here, which at that time looked very revolutionary! The most famous graduates of the university are the German painter Albrecht Dürer, Nicolaus Copernicus and many others. The university is rightly proud of its unique library (founded in 1605), which has about 250,000 copies of books, some of which are single copies.

Leaning Towers / Torri Pendenti

The Garisenda and Asinelli towers are currently one of the most famous architectural buildings not only in the city, but throughout Italy. You can find them if you go to the address: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana. Incredibly, the fact is the age of these structures (prototypes of skyscrapers) is about a thousand years. Why these towers were built is not clear, many researchers agree that in such an original way, local moneybags showed their wealth and position in society! The higher the tower, the higher the wealth of the owner. Well, God be with them, with the owners - they have been gone for a long time, but these miracle towers still delight the eyes of inquisitive tourists! The tallest tower is the Asinelli Tower, which is 97 meters high. If you wish, by paying 3 euros (regardless of age), you can climb up, just be extremely careful, as very dilapidated steps (498 pieces) cause some (to put it mildly) concerns. If you still decide, you will be rewarded with charming panoramic views of this wonderful city! There will be an opportunity - be sure to listen to the romantic legend about the history of the appearance of the tower.

Basilica of St. Stephen / Basilica di Santo Stefano

Via Santo Stefano, 24, 40125 Bologna - at this address, you will find a whole complex of seven temples, whose age is very venerable. The oldest of them, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, is at least 1500 years old. Naturally, the basilica, for such a long time, was restored more than once, which of course was reflected in the appearance. It is worth going inside the temple to admire the numerous works of art - old paintings, statues made by Italian masters. In one of the churches of this religious complex - in the church of the Holy Sepulcher, built in the XII century, there is a column on which, according to the Bible, Christ was tortured. So, on this very column, there is an inscription saying that any person standing next to the column receives an indulgence (absolution) for the next 200 years. So if someone is seduced by such a prospect, forward to the address.

Basilica of St. Dominic / Basilica di San Domenico

This is the most beautiful temple of all the existing temples of the Dominican Order. At the beginning of the 13th century, the monks of the order, with the permission of the church authorities, moved into the monastery of St. Nicholas, which was later converted into a church. For 700 years, the church was constantly modified, something was completed, and something was removed, and only in 1910, the architect Rafael Faccoli, the final appearance was established. Pilgrims from all over the world come to Bologna to venerate the holy relics of Dominic, kept in the church. In addition to the main shrine, there are several priceless works of art in the temple, including: "St. Thomas Aquinas" by the painter Guercino, "Crucifixion" by the artist Pisano, dating from 1250. In addition to the paintings, the temple has organs, one of which was played by the great Mozart. To admire all the wonders of the church, you need to come to the address: Piazza San Domenico 13, 40124 Bologna, Italia Admission is free.

Archaeological Museum / Museo Civico Archeologico

Bologna, Via dell "Archiginnasio 2 - one of the most interesting museums in the city is located at this address. The price of an entrance ticket for an adult visitor is 5 euros. A child can pass if they pay 3 euros for him. There were always antiques of considerable interest in the city therefore, in 1881, the city authorities allocated the beautiful Galvani Palace for the richest collection of archaeological finds.The age of some of the exhibits is striking in its prescription (700 thousand years).Most of the finds belong to the Etruscan civilization (approximately the 5th century BC): bronzes , including jewelry, ceramics.There are also household items of the Celtic tribes living in this region.And, of course, you can’t do without statues, all kinds of tombstones from the time of the Great Roman Empire.In addition, the museum houses a very extensive collection of ancient Egypt in the era of the pharaohs.

National Pinacoteca / Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna

The building, adapted as a gallery, once belonged to a monastery. The original exhibits of the museum were paintings that were in the altars of the destroyed churches. Thanks to Cardinal Lambertini, these priceless paintings, some of which date back to the 13th century, have been preserved for posterity. In addition to paintings, here you can see very ancient icons that were still in Byzantine churches during the early Christianity. The undoubted pride of the gallery are the paintings of the brilliant Raphael, Pietro Perugino and the incomparable Guido Reni.

The city of Bologna is a well-known university center not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. University of Bologna considered the oldest operating educational institution in the world.

Bologna is distinguished by narrow "medieval" streets, many museums and cozy cafes. It is worth noting that the cuisine in Bologna considered the best in all of Italy. What to see in Bologna?

Medieval Museum

This museum will acquaint guests of the city with the gloomy and at the same time beautiful era of the Middle Ages. Here you can see unique exhibits from around the world.

The museum also has an amazingly beautiful fountain, which was created by an unknown craftsman back in the 13th century, as well as a bust of Mercury. In the Museum of the Middle Ages, tourists can get acquainted with the features of Syrian ceramic products, admire Turkish saddles (there is one gilded saddle), caskets of noble ladies of that time, as well as skillful musical instruments.

The museum is located at: Via Alessandro Manzoni 4, 40121 Bologna, Italia. You can get acquainted with the sights of the museum from Tuesday to Friday, from 9:00 to 15:00. On weekends, the museum is open from 10:00 to 18:30.

Ticket price - five euros, for students and seniors (over 65 years old) - three euros, for minors and disabled people admission is free. You can get to the museum by buses number 11 and 27 (you need to get to the Indipendenza stop).

Bologna map and photos

University of Bologna

The University of Bologna is the oldest university in Europe, founded in 1088. Nicolaus Copernicus, Carlo Goldoni and other famous people were educated in this educational institution.

It is noteworthy that even in the Middle Ages women could study at the university, and this fact is evidence of the incredible progress of that time.

Currently, the University of Bologna is better known as a tourist attraction. Visitors can see here anatomical theater and museum of medicine. The halls of this museum are richly decorated with stucco and skillful paintings.

The university is located at: Via Zamboni 33, 40126 Bologna, Italia. You can get to it by bus number C (you need to get off at the Teatro Comunale stop).

National Pinacoteca

The National Pinakothek of Bologna is an art gallery where visitors can see paintings by medieval and Renaissance artists.

By purchasing a ticket to this museum, you can admire masterpieces by Titian, Lorenzo Costa, Raphael and other great artists.

In addition to the famous paintings, there are icons and sculptures. The Pinakothek also has rooms that display works by contemporary masters, as well as objects of scientific and pedagogical activity.

The National Pinakothek is located at: Via Belle Arti 56, 40126 Bologna, Italy. The museum is open every day (Monday is a day off). Opening hours - from 9:00 to 19:00. The ticket price is four euros, preferential conditions are possible - two euros.

You can get to the Pinakothek by buses No. 19, 20, 14, 25, 27, 37, 187, 211, 188 (you need to get off at the Porta San Donato stop).

Catacombs of the Capuchins in the Italian city of Palermo - many interesting photos from the main "Museum of the Dead".

Bologna Public Theater

The Public Theater is the leading opera stage in Italy. The theater was built in 1755.

The facades of this famous building are decorated with galleries, and the interior decoration combines luxurious decorations and high-quality acoustic characteristics. Luxurious frescoes can be seen on the ceiling of the auditorium. Myself the interior is decorated in golden color.

In the 19th century, operas by Vincenzo Bellini, as well as concerts by Richard Wagner, were performed on the stage of this theater. Currently, theatergoers can purchase a ticket for a classical opera and a concert of symphonic musical works. Performing at the Bologna Theater the world's best performers.

The theater is located at: Largo Respighi 1, 40126 Bologna, Italia. As a rule, performances start at eight o'clock in the evening. Ticket can be buy from tuesday to friday, from 12:00 to 18:00 (on Saturday - from 10:30 to 16:00).

Days off are Monday and Sunday. Ticket prices range from 10 to 150 euros, discounts are possible for students and pensioners. You can get to the theater by bus number C, the building is located at the Teatro Comunale stop.

Please note that children under the age of six can't get to the concert.

Basilica of San Petronio

This Bologna Cathedral was consecrated in honor of the bishop of this city, who was later canonized. The construction of the basilica began in the 14th century. The opening of this cathedral dates back to 1954.

It is worth noting that in the Basilica of San Petronio can fit as many as 28,000 people. At the entrance to the building, the visitor can notice magnificent sculptures.

The interior of the room is distinguished by picturesque stained-glass windows, frescoes and two ancient organs. In addition, the basilica has world's largest sundial(the diameter of their dial is 66 meters).

But The main relic of the cathedral is the relics of St. Petronia, which not so long ago were in another basilica of Bologna - San Stefano.

The basilica is located at: Piazza Galvani 5, 40124 Bologna, Italia. The cathedral is open every day from 7:45 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00.

Free admission. You can get to this place by bus number 29B (get off at the Piazza Galvani stop) or by bus number A (get off at the Piazza Maggiore stop).

Botanical Garden

The Bologna Botanical Garden was founded in 1568. At the moment, its area is two hectares, and the collection of this garden includes five thousand kinds of various plants.

On the territory of this attraction there are zones with famous Italian medicinal plants and large trees (we are talking about oaks and beeches). In certain areas, visitors can see broad-leaved and Mediterranean type forests.

Botanical Garden famous for its luxurious greenhouses. In these greenhouses, tourists can admire the unique collections of orchids, ferns, as well as insectivorous plants. Every year, the employees of this garden arrange special scientific exhibitions of plants.

Bologna Botanical Garden is located at: Via Irnerio 42, 40126 Bologna, Italy. The garden is open from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 15:30 (on Saturday from 8:30 to 13:00). Visitors can visit the garden for free.

You can get to this attraction on the 14th, 19th, 27th, 28th, 188th, 94th, 99th buses (you need to get off at the bus stop Porta San Donato).

If your travel route runs through central or northern Italy, take a look at Bologna at least for a day - the main city of the province and region of the same name.

Among other Italian provinces, perhaps, only Bologna can “boast” of the number of nicknames that, lovingly, the Italians endowed it with. Some, for the abundance of red roofs and brick buildings, call Bologna "red", others, because of the huge number of students - "scientist", and others even called it "fat". After all, the city became famous for its delicacies far beyond the borders of Italy. Parma ham, Parmesan, all kinds of pastas and pale pink mortadella sausage, this is not a complete list of Bolognese culinary masterpieces.

A detailed excursion program in Bologna is available, but we will tell you about those places that you can see in Bologna on your own.

No. 8. Museums of Bologna (Il Museo Archeologico Civico)

Of the museums, the City Archaeological Museum (Via dell'Archigennasio), located in the Galvani Palace in the very center of the city, deserves the most attention.

The collection of the Archaeological Museum of Bologna is rich in ancient finds collected as a result of excavations. Many of them indicate that ancient settlements on the territory of the city have existed since the Paleolithic.

Bologna is the main city of the Emilia-Romagna region

The most ancient in the Archaeological Museum of Bologna is a collection of objects from the Lower Paleolithic era, which is about 700 thousand years old.

The Etruscan collection is very rich, numbering about four thousand exhibits, whose age is more than 2.5 thousand years. Among them are funeral urns, bronze ornaments, pottery, weapons, etc.

The halls of the Archaeological Museum house the Egyptian collection, which is one of the largest and most important in Europe. First of all, these are the death masks of the pharaohs, which are more than 3.5 thousand years old, sculptures, vases, medals, funeral stelae, etc.

The attention of visitors is attracted by Ancient Greek and Roman exhibits, among which you can see portraits of noble families, copies of Roman sculptures, numerous tablets, statues and household items.

Of great interest to connoisseurs of monetary art is the numismatic collection, numbering about one hundred thousand coins, medals and stamps made by Italian, Greek and other mints.

Medieval Museum of Bologna(Museo Civico Medievale) is housed in the Palazzo Gisilardi, built in the 15th century on the ruins of an ancient palace.

History buffs will be interested to see numerous bronze, glass and ivory items made by famous Italian craftsmen.

In the halls of the Museum, you can admire luxurious household items belonging to the Bentivoglio family, ruling in the second half of the 15th century, and its courtiers.

Medieval Museum located near Piazza Maggiore

The exhibits of the Renaissance and Baroque periods also deserve attention.

Among the most interesting are: the model of the statue of Neptune, made by the Florentine Mannerist sculptor Giambologna for the city fountain, the bronze bust of Pope Gregory XV, the work of Lorenzo Bernini, the Triptych “Madonna and Child with Saints” by Jacopo della Quercia and many works of other famous Italian masters.

No. 7. National Pinacoteca

Art connoisseurs will not be disappointed either. Here, on Via Belle Arti 56, in the former building of the Jesuit Order, erected by Alfonso Torreggiani, is National Gallery of Bologna(Pinacoteca Nazionale) is one of the best art museums in Italy.

Its collection was started in the 18th century by Cardinal Prospero Lambertini, the future Pope.

The first exhibits of the National Gallery were altar paintings and Byzantine icons of the 13th century. Later, the collection was replenished with paintings collected from local churches.

National Gallery of Bologna

During the time of Napoleon, the Bologna Pinakothek lost a significant part of its collection, but after his overthrow, most of the paintings taken out by the French were returned back and took their usual place in the Gallery.

Today, the collection of the National Gallery has over two thousand paintings. It is based on the works of representatives of the Bologna art school, as well as the works of Giotto, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Rubens, Vincent van Gogh and others.

The National Pinacoteca of Bologna is considered one of the best art museums in Italy.

No. 6. Bologna University (Universita di Bologna)

Speaking of the sights of the city, one cannot fail to mention the famous University of Bologna– Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, the oldest university in Europe.

Although the exact date of its foundation is not known for certain, in the 19th century a commission of historians led by Giosuè Carducci agreed to consider 1088 as the year of birth of the University of Bologna. This is the year of the founding of the law school, or, as it was called at the time, the "school of liberal arts." Her students, in addition to grammar, logic and rhetoric, paid serious attention to the study of Roman law, which, after graduation, they successfully applied in practice.

From the first years of its existence, the university has become one of the most popular educational institutions not only in Italy, but also in Europe. Today's students of the University of Bologna are proud of their belonging to the student fraternity, because such famous personalities as Giovanni Boccaccio, Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca, Nicolaus Copernicus, Paracelsus and many others "nibbled" the granite of science within its walls.

Among the current graduates there are also many names that have received recognition not only in the scientific world, but also in literature: Carlo Goldoni, Giosue Carducci, Umberto Eco, you can’t count them all. That is why Bologna is called “La Dotta”, which means “scientist”.

Graduates of the University of Bologna were Copernicus, Goldoni and others.

Today, as in ancient times, the main emphasis at the University is on the study of legal sciences. However, in addition to jurisprudence, here you can get a prestigious education in the field of economics, philosophy, medicine, chemistry, architecture, art, etc. As in the era of Dante, Bologna is considered a city of students and youth, and during sessions its population almost doubles .

The university received its own building only in 1563. Up to this point, the function of classrooms was performed by city squares, parks, as well as apartments of the students themselves and their teachers.

Today, the Palazzo dell'Archiginnasio houses a library. If you are curious, go into the courtyard, where under the vaults of the galleries the coats of arms of university rectors, who “ruled” in this temple of science until 1797 (when Napoleon destroyed all signs of social distinction), as well as the coats of arms of noble students, have been preserved.

In the same building is the ancient anatomical theater (Teatro Anatomico), which is a multi-tiered auditorium, where everything is made of wood and decorated with statues, and in the center there is a marble table, on which corpses were dissected in the cold season (for obvious reasons). And anyone could watch the process. It is worth noting that University of Bologna was one of the first educational institutions in which, in order to study medicine, they began to use the anatomical theater for the dissection of corpses.

No. 5. Church of San Giacomo Maggiore

Among the huge number of churches in Bologna, the Church of San Giacomo Maggiore, founded by the Order of the Hermits of St. Augustine in 1267, is especially noteworthy.

It is worth paying attention to the magnificent northern portal of the church, as well as to the interior decoration, which is decorated with frescoes and paintings by famous Italian artists of the 15th century. And today on the walls of the temple you can see the well-preserved works of Francesco Francia, Lorenzo Costa and Amiko Aspertini.

Hello travel lovers! Today we will talk about one of the beautiful cities of Emilia-Romagna, which turned out to be “enchanted” for us. A city through which we passed 4 times and never got out. On this trip, we decided to “break the spell” and live in it for at least a couple of days. Now we have considered all the sights of Bologna and want to tell you about them.

So, Bologna is a city in northern Italy, the region of Emilia-Romagna. In terms of area, it is comparable with our Kaluga (170.5 km²) and with the state of Liechtenstein (160 km²). The area of ​​​​Bologna is 140.73 km², but to be honest, the language does not turn to call it a town. Everything is so grand here.

Bologna is a city of arches, covered galleries, saving from the hot Italian sun, towers and majestic buildings. It is worth planning 2 days to explore the city. For a more detailed one (with visits to museums, galleries, studying frescoes) 3-4 days.

It is worth considering that there are many restaurants and restaurants in Bologna with delicious national cuisine.

Walking along its streets and squares, you have to lift your head all the time - the Italians built the buildings of this city on such a large scale and generously. Not only towers and cathedrals, but also the houses of the nobility, which the center of Bologna is proud of, amaze the imagination and do not fit into the lens.


Each time, setting up her Canon for the next shot, Galya grumbled: "Well, who builds like that." The inhabitants of Bologna did not expect that after only 400 years we would take unimaginable poses and twist our cameras to take a normal picture of the building.

By the beginning of the 20th century, Bologna still retained the appearance of a medieval city.

Now Bologna is a major industrial center and the main transport hub of northern Italy.

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