Home Helpful Hints Cool riddles for teachers. Various riddles about teachers

Cool riddles for teachers. Various riddles about teachers

Riddles about those people who work at school: riddles about teachers, about a nurse, head teacher, director. Riddles for children from 9 to 12 years old.

He gives us knowledge

Gives marks,

Recognition from us in response

Receives all the time.

mentor, leader,

Our beloved ... (teacher)

The teacher will solve any problem

And a circle can be easily distinguished from a square,

A long example will count in the mind.

What kind of teacher is he, tell me? (Mathematic teacher)

He will instantly hear an error in speech,

He reads a lot and writes well,

He would have written any dictation on "five".

What kind of teacher is he, try to say? (Teacher of Russian language)

His main thing at school is not,

He has his own office.

He knows all the students

Help and punish ready. (Director)

There are a lot of brushes in the teacher's closet,

Albums, easels and different paints.

He could have been an artist himself.

What kind of teacher is he, you tell me? (Drawing teacher)

This teacher plays the flute

He composes music with songs himself,

He sings wonderfully, I will say, not melting.

What kind of teacher is he, answer, friends? (Music teacher)

This teacher owns a computer,

Work on it, he knows how to calculate.

Compose the program, burn the floppy disk.

What kind of teacher is he, do you know, children? (IT-teacher)

With a teacher, we are always interested in:

He will tell about the rivers and all the cities,

On the map will find any continent.

Did you recognize him, tell me, student? (Teacher of the world around)

The teacher does not write - the teacher creates,

He glues and masters the whole lesson.

The piece came out beautifully.

What kind of teacher is he? (Labor teacher)

He easily scores balls in the basket,

He always plays volleyball, basketball,

You won't find him faster in relay races.

What kind of teacher is he? Please reply soon. (Physical education teacher)

He recites poetry by heart

He knows everything about the life of writers,

Anyone compose us a story.

What kind of teacher is this, class? (reading teacher)

If someone gets sick,

He will help immediately.

There is syrup, brilliant green, iodine.

My head hurts? Stomach?

Do you want a thermometer? Injections?

No, you shouldn't get sick at school...

Still got sick? Do not Cry!

Instantly help you ... (doctor)

Drills hear the sound -

Someone is fixing a tooth again.

Although the healing process is long,

Pain will ease ... (dentist)

Late on duty and early

Our school ... (security)

They cook for us in the dining room,

Compotes are cooked, pearl barley soup ...

Who is at work at six in the morning?

Of course, our ... (cooks)

Scratched your hand a lot?


Quickly moisten the bandage with brilliant green,

Give a pill ... (nurse)

Responsible for documents

Knows something about every class

He leads the study

Oversees all classes.

He will find the "keys" for everyone.

I'm talking about ... (dean)

Get all the books for us

She will give us any story.

Where each book stands

She will show and explain.

Of course, this is not a pharmacist,

And our school ... (librarian)


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Good holiday, school, glorious -
We praise all teachers.
Let's bring gifts to them
And we'll give you a bouquet of flowers.
We praise teachers.
What a day, tell me soon?
Teacher's Day

For praise and criticism
And school grades
Is in the portfolio among the books
Girls have boys
Someone doesn't look big.
What is his name? …
A diary

The bell rang loudly
The lesson started in the class.
Knows the student and the parent -
Conduct a lesson...

Who will help the tongue to put correctly
And send an air stream along it,
Distinguish sound from letters
Answer without hesitation?
Speech therapist

We repeated, taught,
Let's start answering
We haven't forgotten anything
Let the teacher put "five".
Here's the ticket I got
I prepare in silence.
What children! So smart!
And gave up everything...

In strict order
Forty names
In a thick notebook.
To their right
lined cells,
To not run away
Your marks.
Cool magazine

As soon as the bell rings
How does he come to class?
He will tell us about the earth,
About peace, happiness, about goodness.
About letters, numbers and words,
About rivers, oceans and seas.
About sentences, cases,
Lakes, waterfalls, cities.

Chalk writes and draws
And fights with mistakes
Teaches to think, to reflect.
What is his name guys?

If you study it, you will gain a lot of knowledge.

Bored on holidays
Quiet and calm in it,
After - meets schoolchildren
Open door day.

He teaches children at school.
Strict, but forgiving.
Helps in learning
Explains everything to us.

What kind of specialists always get in the way of change?
School teachers

The teacher will solve any problem,
And a circle can be easily distinguished from a square,
A long example will count in the mind.
What kind of teacher is he, tell me?
Mathematic teacher

Lunch in kindergarten
The cook samples the dishes.
But mom is not around
Who sets the table there?
Nanny, teacher assistant

We sat down at the desks together,
The mouths were locked.
In change we clamored
And now we have...

He has a lot of knowledge
He gives them to the children.
City of Knowledge permanent resident -
Bears a proud name...

With white chalk and a pointer
He teaches us a lesson!
And he speaks well
Our beloved…

This teacher owns a computer,
Work on it, he knows how to calculate.
Compose the program, burn the floppy disk.
What kind of teacher is he, do you know, children?

He is the head of the faculty
All students know this.
If you go to university to study,
Then you will find it there.

These days we rest
We don't study, we walk.
Autumn, winter, spring
We have them with you.
Yes, and in the summer, I do not hide
I'm taking a break from school.
Please name the period
When I don't go to school.

He will instantly hear an error in speech,
He reads a lot and writes well,
He would have written any dictation on "five".
What kind of teacher is he, try to say?
Teacher of Russian language

In the book sea it is endless
The real captain.
Find any book
Help us quickly!
School librarian

Who, when you come to the kindergarten,
Will he pat you on the head?
Who will you spend your day with?
If mom is at work?
Who will read poems and fairy tales,
Will give you plasticine and paints,
Draw, teach to sculpt,
Spoons handing out instruct?

In this establishment
Everyone has been through.
Doubles, geniuses
Marks received.
Artists studied here
Singers, gunners.
I go here too
And you, my friends.

After all, the class is his abode,
In it, he is the leader,
And we call him...

Representatives of what profession constantly ask young people questions to which they themselves know the answers?
school teachers

Teaches us politeness
Reads a story aloud.
Not a teacher, not a writer.
This is a nanny...

Children like it when learning takes place in a playful way. Logical questions that need to be answered will help organize a developmental activity that will cause exceptionally positive emotions in boys and girls. Schoolchildren will definitely like riddles about teachers, because teachers are like second mothers. The main thing is to pre-prepare for a developmental event and pick up interesting, diverse logical questions.

Why are riddles important for children?

For children who are developing, logic questions are not just an exciting game. Riddles about teachers and other topics will help not only to have an interesting time, but also to develop such qualities:

  • The ability to concentrate.
  • Ability to quickly find answers to questions.
  • It also develops logical thinking.
  • Improves brain activity.
  • Perseverance is developed.

These are some facts indicating that riddles about teachers and other topics are useful for boys and girls. In addition, such a pastime brings together and allows you to better know the inner world of your beloved child.

Riddles about teachers

Children spend a lot of time at school. Therefore, riddles about teachers with answers will surely please them. For example, you can take the following questions:

He is with a pointer and glasses,

As soon as the bell rings

He immediately rushes to you.

He is always ready for the lesson

Tell about cats, elephants.

And listen carefully in class.

It will help you become educated and literate.

You never get bored with him

After all, he can tell a lot of interesting things.

Who is this, answer, someone knows, children?

He has a pointer and chalk in his hands.

Everything that is interesting in the world, he managed to tell in the lesson.

He will tell the secrets of nature,

About the weather.

It will also explain how to solve examples,

Such riddles about teachers will definitely be solved in an instant. They will not only help the child develop and have fun. Also, logic questions will let boys and girls understand how important teachers are in their lives. It is worth taking into account such riddles for a developing game lesson.

Riddles about subject teachers

Even in the lower grades, there are subjects that are taught not by the class teacher, but by other teachers. Therefore, riddles about teachers broadcasting about different sciences will be relevant for schoolchildren:

He will tell the secrets of the perimeter,

Gives a diagram of how to solve examples,

And also the conditions of the task will dictate,

And you write them down in your notebook.

(Math teacher)

How trees grow, how flowers appear.

From this teacher you will know for sure.

(Biology teacher)

He is a professor in sports affairs.

His lessons are interesting.

Here you can run and jump,

The main thing is to be careful.

About all the poems and stories in the world

This teacher will answer your questions.

(Literature teacher)

Tell you how to turn on the computer,

And also how to write a document.

For every question about the computer

For schoolchildren, this teacher will find an argument.

(Informatics teacher)

Such riddles will appeal to students of all ages. Therefore, you can safely include them in the program of developing classes. The main thing is that the parents who organize the event should be in a good mood and pass it on to their daughters and sons.

Preliminary work:
The guys are preparing a musical number from each class (preferably cheerful, humorous).

The course of the holiday

The song of M. Dunaevsky "School years" sounds. A group of students meets each teacher at the entrance to the hall and presents holiday cards with congratulations.
Teachers are seated in places of honor in a festively decorated hall.
An elementary school student enters the stage with a holiday bell (rings).
The roles of facilitator and facilitator are performed by the students.

The school waltz sounds, the presenters take the stage.

1st host:

Good afternoon, dear children and dear teachers! We all know that today is a professional holiday for all teachers. Let me, on behalf of all those present, congratulate you, our dear mentors, and sincerely wish you success in your hard work, patience, happiness, and health.

2nd leader:

What kind of trials does a restless life prepare for a teacher! Lack of money, excess work, joy from the success of students, tears from undeserved resentment, fatigue from endless fuss and a “second wind” from a kind word spoken in time. And today we want to tell you a lot of kind, sincere words of love, respect, gratitude, because most often we forget to do this every day.

Song All Together

I couplet.

Let me see the Milky Way

There somewhere and my star ...

How hard it is to move forward

A chick from its nest.

Who will support his flight?

Will it fall like a stone from the sky?

Maybe a good hand

Will not let you fall, for sure!


The teacher is the most important keeper of the sciences,

And like our second parent.

He has been leading his life since childhood.

Teacher - teach us the main thing in life,

Tell the truth and lies.

And what awaits in distant wanderings.

II couplet.

Everyone comes to class for the first time

School is the whole world

As each of us needs

A cherished guide to dreams.

As to the goal, as if to a lighthouse,

Come through storms and thunder

How to go through the darkness into the light

For ten years - one answer!


III couplet.

And even after many years

We will need your advice

To remember the light of school windows

Take us a ticket to childhood!


Outside the Indian summer

This day brings us to tears.

Your holiday - in a sea of ​​yellow

Sleepy aspens and birches.

2- Leading.

Teacher's Day is a special holiday:

No garlands, no sparklers.

You bring knowledge to

The world has not collapsed into an abyss of shadows.


Sigh at times: “Teaching Councils,

Reckless students…”

Your everyday life, alas, is not sung,

But things are so big!


How beautiful sometimes the transformation

Yellow-mouthed naive chicks

In young educated geniuses,

In engineers, doctors, salesmen.


Drawing curricula,

Don't be sad, don't grumble!

Can you imagine how desirable

Those fruits that you can give!


You will not be led off the beaten track

Not words, not a dream, not a ruble.

Happy Teacher's Day, teachers!

We love you! We won't let you down!

For you, dear teachers, the students of our school have prepared their congratulations, somewhat touching and funny. We hope that they will delight you on this autumn day and create a wonderful mood for you.


1st presenter

Today at our school

Big and important holiday!

Shut up Vani, Kolya

And Mishenka is a prankster.


smartly serious

Everyone in our class has become.

For various questions

We responded in unison!


Did not jump on the desks,

Don't run around the class

Read clearly and distinctly.

Still would! Celebration at school!


What a day, tell me

Such a mysterious one?


Not someone but a teacher

Hero on holiday!


For all for us as mothers

And dads, some!

We will become like you

As soon as we grow up!


For knowledge of the world

For the school bright world,

Thanks for the kindness

Today we are talking!


Stay like that

Health, happiness to you!

And smile more often

To family, friends and us!

And you. our dear teachers are already in a hurry to congratulate a 10th grade student

Congratulations from grade 10 Kamnev.V

Teacher, the days of your life, as one,

You dedicate to the school family.

You are all who came to study to you,

You call your children.

But the children grow up, from the school bench

Walking the paths of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And keep you in your heart.

Beloved teacher, dear person,

Be the happiest in the world

Even though it's hard sometimes to get you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge.

Accept our thanks!

We remember how you led us into people

From timid funny first-graders.

Scene "Cheerful change"

1st leader. For you, dear teachers, the bell will now ring for a fun break. We invite you to take part in fun competitions.

Competition "Get and guess"

Blindfolded, the teacher guesses objects: chalk, pen, pencil, ruler, magnifying glass, compass, eraser, clock, etc.

2nd host The competition is called "Like Malakhov"

To conduct this competition, we need ... tongue twisters. For example:
- The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull has a white lip blunt.
- From the clatter of hooves dust flies across the field, dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.
“Even your neck, even your ears, you stained with black ink. Get in the shower soon. Rinse mascara off your ears under the shower. Rinse the mascara off your neck under the shower. Dry off after shower. Dry neck, dry ears, and do not dirty your ears anymore.
- A goat walks with a scythe goat, a goat walks with a barefoot goat, a goat walks with a slanting goat, a goat walks with a barefoot goat.
The crab made a rake to the crab. The crab gave the rake to the crab: hay, rob the crab with a rake.
The winner is the participant who pronounces tongue twisters faster and more clearly than the others.

Prize for the winner (the winner is chosen by applause in the hall)

1st presenter "Tasks for an inquisitive mind"

For this competition we need 3 teachers (preferably mathematics)

At the beginning of the competition, give each participant a sheet of paper in a box and a pen. Next, distribute to each “control work in two versions”: sheets on which three tasks are written. Give some participants the first option, and others the second option. Everything is like in school. For one correctly solved problem, the participant receives a triple, for two - a four, for all problems - a five. Those who become fivers become the winners of the competition. Here are some examples of tasks:
1.) Merchants and potters.
In one city, all the people were merchants or potters. Merchants have always told lies, and potters have always told the truth. When all the people gathered in the square, each of those gathered said to the others: “You are all merchants!” How many potters were there in this city?
Answer: The potter was alone, because:
1. If there were no potters, then the merchants would have to tell the truth that all other merchants, and this contradicts the conditions of the problem.
2. If there were more than one potters, then each potter would have to lie that the rest of the merchants.
2.) Five pieces of chain.
There are five pieces of chain with three rings each. What is the smallest number of rings that will have to be forged and forged in order to connect these pieces into one chain?
Answer: The least number is three. It is necessary to completely unforge one piece of the chain and use the three rings obtained to connect the remaining four pieces.
3.) A difficult puzzle.
If the puzzle you solved before you solved this one was harder than the puzzle you solved after you solved the puzzle you solved before you solved this one, was the puzzle you solved before they figured this one out, harder than this one?
Answer: Yes, it was.

While teachers solve problems, congratulations from the 6th grade



2nd Host let's sum up and award the winner

IN 1. We all learned a little
Something and somehow.

And everyone chose a path
And everyone chose their own path.

And those who were next to us

Who taught and instructed us,

Today we honor you
Thank you teachers!

IN 2. We hasten to congratulate all those gathered in this hall on a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day. Our dear teachers, on this day we have prepared for you the warmest words of congratulations and wishes.


IN 1. And now we would like to invite here the head of our friendly team of teachers - the principal of the school ... ..

(Message from the director)

IN 2. We thank you on behalf of all those present, and, of course, we have not forgotten that this is your holiday. (give flowers). We sincerely congratulate you on him and wish, no matter what, to continue to proudly carry the high title of Teacher.

1ST B It's time to relax and solve riddles 2 willing teachers

Contest-mystery "Vovochka"

Here is a little riddle for teachers that will make even the most brilliant teachers scratch their heads a little.
Imagine that Vovochka is a good boy coming home from school. Mom asks:
- Are there triplets?
- Not.
- Do you have two?
- Not.
- Are there any comments?
- Not.
- Let me see the diary!
After Little Johnny gave his mother a diary, she got angry and gave him a slap on the back of the head. What made mom furious if the reason for this was precisely in the diary, and Vovochka answered all questions with true statements?

The answer is simple: there was a stake in the diary.

2nd Presenter Let's clap for our teachers, they tried

IN 1. And again, it's time to evaluate the creativity of your students.

Nxs Meet: …… GRADE 9


C-2 Dear teachers, it is time to hear congratulations from those for whom this year at school will be the last. In a year, having met your former students, you will be proud of their successes, worry about them and rejoice in their victories as if they were your own. Until then, meet.

Nxs grade 11


Presenter:1 Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - they are already there, you leave school - they are still there. But each of them has a family, their own children, finally. And how do they even manage to educate them?

Presenter:2 What a huge heart you need to have in order to spend it so generously on us day after day, year after year!

Accept congratulations from the 7th grade


Lead 2. All good things come to an end sooner or later. Our concert has also imperceptibly come to an end.

Lead 1. We want to once again congratulate you and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - knowledge. With your hard work, you make us smart people, ready to embark on the path of life. Happy holiday, our dear teachers!

Song All Together

Oh, and who is smiling at us from the audience
For whom does our song begin
For whom the whole hall was decorated here today
First-graders are surprised in the morning.
Oh leave, the questions are different
Today the school is celebrating Teacher's Day.
so dance and sing merrily
We congratulate our teachers.

We learn from them all the interesting
After all, everything around is unknown
If you want to know more
So you have to break
And hurry up to our class

Prepare various questions
The teachers here are just amazing.
And our two hundred thousand why
Be sure to answer what's what

As early as childhood, we come to understand
How nice and expensive attention
Thank you for your patience and strength
Today we are to our teachers

Chorus (2 times):
Congratulations again on the holiday

For us, you are the best and simply wonderful
even if you get angry sometimes
You are always the best for us!

Welcome everyone to the quiz dedicated to Teacher's Day. The teacher is our everything. The teacher's work is honorable and grateful. There is always a special attitude towards the teacher - he is trusted, he is appreciated.

The Teacher's Day quiz consists of three blocks. The first block consists of serious questions, the second - of comic ones. The third block is devoted to questions about the school as a whole.
All questions have been answered.

1. At the beginning of our quiz, I want to give you a riddle. Who are we talking about?

He comes to school early
He has big plans:
Teaching children to write
Think, calculate, decide.
Answer: it's about the teacher

2. What great teachers do you know?
Answer: L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, A. V. Lunacharsky, A. M. Gorky, S. Ya. Marshak

3. What movies, stories, novels dedicated to teachers do you know?
Answer:"French Lessons" - a story by Valentin Rasputin, "The First Teacher" - a story by the writer Chingiz Aitmatov, the film "Big Break"

4. Do you think World Teacher's Day is celebrated?
Answer: Yes, this holiday was established under the auspices of UNESCO in 1994. This day is October 5, Teacher's Day is celebrated in more than a hundred countries around the world.

5. Which student is the teacher's favorite?
Answer: several answers are possible. One of the bottoms might be: “A student who studies well does his homework on time. Student with diligent behavior.

II. The second block of the quiz is comic

1. In what case does the student say: “What am I, Pushkin?”
Answer: so it is said in the case when the respondent does not know the answer to the question. Most likely, it is believed that Pushkin (he is a genius!) Knew everything

2. How does the student respond to a question that, in his opinion, was not previously explained by the teacher?
Answer:"we didn't go through"

3. In what case do they say: “Play school?”
Answer: we are talking about a childish game that takes place outside the school walls. Both teachers and students in such a school are game characters

4. What rhyme does the elementary school teacher say when the children make a lot of noise?
Answer:"Chok-chok, hooked teeth"

5. Name five characters in children's stories, cartoons, counting rhymes, fairy tales, whose names (names) begin with the letter "H"?
Answer: Chipollino, Chip (and Dale), Chizhik-Pyzhik, Chuk (and Gek), Chapaev, "Scarecrow" and others

III. The third block of the quiz - questions about the school

1. What does the expression: "Ready for the lesson" mean?
Answer: this means that the homework has been completed, and the rules, theorems have been learned, the paragraph has been studied

2. Who is a good player and who is a drummer? How do they differ from each other?
Answer: practically nothing, this is a student who studies without triples. Grades for the quarters and for the year he has only good and excellent

3. The spur is one of the elements that serve to control the horse. What does this word have to do with school?
Answer: so in colloquial language means the word "cheat sheet"

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