Home Diseases and pests Firmware MIUI on HTC One X. Firmware HTC One X Htc one x firmware w3bsit3-dns.com

Firmware MIUI on HTC One X. Firmware HTC One X Htc one x firmware w3bsit3-dns.com

But I still want to start with general points. What is MIUI and why shouldn't it be confused with shells, as it sometimes happens? The shell offers some functionality, often very good and deep, in the sense that it affects many parts of the operating system, but it does not go beyond certain areas, and the shell simply cannot cover many things. Take, for example, the now very popular Go Launcher - an excellent shell for Android with a bunch of features, convenient desktops, its own program menu, and so on. However, as soon as you want more, you need to install additional programs, albeit also from these developers, in our case, the GO Dev Team. First you need to install their program for working with contacts, then for SMS messages, keyboards, task manager, widgets and much more. As a result, the “bare” Android device, “freshly hard-dressed”, after installing all the utilities and widgets, turns out to be stuffed with software. Sometimes it’s not bad, sometimes the smartphone just doesn’t start working so quickly and smoothly, and some just don’t like installing dozens of programs.

With MIUI, everything is different - this is a firmware, and it is installed instead of the standard Android firmware of your device, bringing with it all the basic functionality, but not the standard one, but from the MIUI set. This firmware has a proprietary lock window, its own notification panel, contacts, dialer, messaging menu, desktops, settings window, and so on. Little is reminiscent of Android here, except perhaps the general principles of working with firmware on the touch screen, and MIUI, if desired, can easily be mistaken for both Android and iOS, with due diligence of a certain user to make it look like these systems.

What do I like about MIUI in the first place?

Possibility to select hundreds of themes and customize each of them in detail. There is a flexibility here that no modern system dreamed of and that was not even on the S60 in the heyday of this OS. You can take a design style from one theme, “screw” program icons from another, take a picture and styles for individual elements from a third, and transition effects and lockscreen from a fourth.

A lot of small settings and developers' attention to details that you can’t even dream of in basic firmware for smartphones: battery percentage in the status bar, displaying the current Internet connection speed in the same place, the ability to change the type of grid for placing icons on desktops, you can choose 4x4 or 4x5.

And now about how to install MIUI on HTC One X and how interesting the device with the new firmware turns out.

Preparing HTC One X for MIUI installation

I must say right away that when looking at the instructions, the links to which I will give below, it may seem to you that all this is very difficult and will take three days without sleep and food, so you decide not to even try. In fact, preparing a smartphone for installing custom firmware is easy and simple, if you strictly follow the step-by-step instructions and read them carefully, it takes no more than 30-40 minutes, a maximum of an hour.

In order to be able to install the official MIUI or one of the assemblies of this firmware on your HTC One X, you first need to unlock BootLoader in your smartphone, this is done using the official HTC website for developers. Then you will need to flash the recovery menu with a custom one and use it to install the selected firmware for installation. Below I provide a link to a detailed description of how all this is done, you just have to carefully follow the instructions, and everything will be fine.

Important! When you unlock the Bootloader of your smartphone through the official site htcdev.com, you will automatically lose the warranty on the device. If some mechanical problem occurs in the device or a defect that does not depend on the software in any way, it will be repaired at the service center, but with problems like “does not catch the network”, “does not see the SIM card”, and so on, contact the service center for there is no free repair.

After unlocking and installing custom recovery, it remains to select the MIUI firmware option for the device that you will install. You can take the firmware from the official website miui.com, from the Russian-language miui.su with Russian language support and high-quality translation, or you can take the assembly from KOJAN on the website w3bsit3-dns.com.

Installing firmware on an unlocked device is very simple - you need to reboot CWM recovery and select the installation item from the zip archive, and then specify your firmware in this archive, pre-loaded into the smartphone's memory. The installation process takes less than 5 minutes, after which the device reboots, and now you are already working with HTC One X on MIUI.

MIUI on HTC One X. Impressions

First of all, it must be said that MIUI is very different in appearance, from the device on this firmware you can literally blind anything. Want an HTC One X with an Apple iPhone 4S skin or lock screen. How in Windows Phone? You are welcome. Or a theme from the Samsung Galaxy S III? Or the native Sense interface for HTC One X? All this can be done with the help of themes, of which there are a lot for every taste. In case nothing fits, you can mold your theme from different components.

Of the shortcomings, I want to note one important, in my opinion, point - the inability to change the set of shortcuts on the lock screen. Yes, you can choose a design theme, where there will be six labels, not four, but this does not solve the problem.

But, of course, there are many more positive moments. I like attention to detail. Here, for example, what the lock window looks like while charging a smartphone, you can clearly see the charge level.

And in the notification panel at the top, you can customize the type of display of the charge level by making it a green bar along the screen at the top or by selecting percentages.

In general, for such an area as the notification panel in MIUI, there are a lot of settings. Up to the fact that you can choose which programs to allow to leave information here, which ones to prohibit.

Everything related to calls and dialing is also done at the highest level in MIUI. Firstly, there is a convenient and at the same time beautiful address book. Secondly, there is a function to quickly search for contacts using the numeric keypad (smartdial). Thirdly, here are full-screen photos of subscribers, if you assign them again to all necessary contacts. It looks great.

If a stranger calls you, the picture from the lock screen is displayed. And if a subscriber calls, to whom a low-quality picture is assigned, the system will not stretch it to full screen, which Android usually does, but will show the photo as a mini-picture to the left of the caller's name. This is what I call attention to detail.

Well, and most importantly, as I said above, the system becomes very beautiful. This applies not only to themes and icons, but in general to everything. The quality of drawing all the buttons and details of the interface, the effects, the smoothness of the system - all this makes MIUI very high quality. In my opinion, MIUI is the most beautiful thing that exists for Android now, the graphics in it, again, for my taste, are even better than in Sense, except for a similar weather widget.

In short, I am "happy with installing MIUI on my HTC One X like an elephant." Of course, I like the standard HTC Sense, and the latest Jelly Bean update that I recently watched on the Galaxy Nexus leaves a pleasant impression. But now, after almost a year, I returned to MIUI and again I feel that this is exactly the version of Android that is closest to me.

As for stability, I have been using MIUI on HTC One X for only two days, and so far I have not had any glitches. Of course, the period is very short, but even during this period I can say that the device did not start to land faster, work slower or catch the network worse, everything is still in order with it. Well, if after two weeks of operation I gain a lot of impressions (glitches, crashes, bugs, or, on the contrary, HTC One X suddenly starts working for two days), then I will definitely share it with you, dear readers.

Is it worth switching to MIUI?

It is generally accepted that custom firmware is unreliable and problems constantly happen with them. It seems to me that this opinion has gone from ancient times and flourished when many different customizations for Windows Mobile devices came out, because now I see a different picture. According to surveys of acquaintances who put themselves custom, they are doing well, Evgeny Vildyaev, our author, also does not complain, while often changing firmware. I myself dabble in installing new firmware rarely, but when it happens, I also have no problems. I by no means urge everyone to rush to install MIUI or other popular custom firmware, because if absolutely everything suits you in your device, then why look for good from good?

It’s another matter if you use a smartphone for almost 30,000 rubles and you don’t like some of its features, I’m not talking about short battery life now. If some features in the device do not suit you, why not try changing the firmware and look for exactly the one that you like and will delight you? And the MIUI project is a very high-quality firmware for Android, which, in my opinion, every self-respecting fan of this system should try at least once, at least for review.

Artem Lutfullin ()

Every smartphone owner wants to make their device better, turn it into a more functional and modern solution. If the user cannot do anything with the hardware, then everyone can improve the software. The HTC One X is a high-end phone with great specs. How to reinstall or replace system software on this device will be discussed in the article.

Considering the NTS One X in terms of firmware capabilities, it should be noted that the device in every possible way "resists" interference in its software part. This state of affairs is due to the manufacturer's policy, therefore, before flashing, you should pay special attention to the study of concepts and instructions, and only after fully understanding the essence of the processes, proceed to direct manipulations with the device.

Each action carries a potential danger to the device! The responsibility for the results of manipulations with the smartphone lies entirely with the user who performs them!

As is the case with other Android devices, the success of HTC One X firmware procedures is largely determined by proper preparation. We perform the following preparatory operations, and before carrying out actions with the device, we study the proposed instructions to the end, download the necessary files, and prepare the tools that are supposed to be used.


The easiest way to add components to the system for the interaction of software tools with One X memory sections is to install HTC Sync Manager, the manufacturer's proprietary program for working with your smartphones.

Information backup

The use of the methods described below for installing system software in the device in question involves erasing user data contained in the smartphone. After installing the OS, you will have to restore information, which is not feasible without a previously created backup. The official way to save data is as follows.


For operations with memory partitions of HTC One X, in addition to drivers, you will need to have functional and convenient software tools in your PC as a whole. Without fail, download and unpack to the root of drive C: package with and . Below, in the description of the methods, we will not dwell on this issue, implying that Fastboot is present in the user's system.

Running in different modes

To install various system software, you will need to switch the phone to special operating modes - boot loader and Recovery.

Bootloader unlock

The instructions for installing modified firmware below assume that the device's bootloader is unlocked. It is recommended to carry out the procedure in advance, and this is done using the official method offered by HTC. And it also assumes that before doing the following, the user's computer has Sync Manager and Fastboot installed and the phone is fully charged.

  1. Follow the link to the official website of the HTC Developer Center and press the button Register.
  2. Fill in the form fields and press the green button Register.
  3. We go to the mail, open the letter from the HTCDev team and click on the link to activate the account.
  4. After activating your account, enter your username and password in the appropriate fields on the HTC Developer Center web page and click Login.
  5. In area "Unlock bootloader" click "Get Started".
  6. In the list "Supported Devices" need to select all supported models and then use the button Begin Unlock Bootloader to move on to the next steps.
  7. We confirm awareness of the potential danger of the procedure by pressing Yes in the request box.
  8. Next, set the marks in both checkboxes and press the button to go to the instructions for unlocking.
  9. In the instructions that open, skip all the steps

    and scroll through the instructions to the very end. We only need a field to insert an identifier.

  10. We put the phone in mode "Bootloader". In the command list that opens, select FASTBOOT, then connect the device to the PC with a USB cable.
  11. Open the command line and write the following:

    cd C:\ADB_Fastboot

  12. The next step is to find out the value of the device ID needed to get permission to unlock from the developer. To get information, you need to enter the following in the console:

    fastboot oem get_identifier_token

    and start executing the command by pressing "Input".

  13. The resulting set of characters is selected using the arrow buttons on the keyboard or with the mouse,

    and copy the information (using a combination "Ctrl" + "WITH") to the appropriate field on the HTCDev web page. It should turn out like this:

    To go to the next step, press Submit.

  14. If the above steps are completed successfully, we receive an email from HTCDev containing Unlock_code.bin– a special file to be transferred to the device. We download the file from the letter and place the downloaded file in the directory with Fastboot.
  15. We send the command through the console:

    fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin

  16. Executing the command above will result in a prompt appearing on the device screen: "Unlock bootloader?". Set a checkmark next to Yes and confirm readiness to start the process using the button "Inclusion" on the device.
  17. As a result, the procedure will continue and the bootloader will be unlocked.
  18. Successful unlocking is confirmed by the inscription "***UNLOCKED***" at the top of the main mode screen Bootloader.

Installing custom recovery

Any major manipulation of the HTC One X system software will require a modified recovery environment (custom recovery). Provides a lot of opportunities for the model in question. Let's install one of the ported versions of this recovery environment into the device.


In order to bring certain improvements to the software part of the device in question, to upgrade the version of Android to a more or less up-to-date one, and also to diversify the functionality, one should resort to using unofficial firmware.

To install custom and ports, you will need a modified environment, which you can install according to the instructions above in the article, but for starters, you can simply update the version of the official software.

Method 1: Android application "Software Updates"

The only method of working with the system software of a smartphone, officially allowed by the manufacturer, is to use the tool built into the official firmware "Software updates". During the life cycle of the device, that is, while system updates were being released from the manufacturer, this feature regularly reminded of itself with persistent notifications on the device screen.

To date, in order to update the official version of the OS or make sure that the latter is up to date, you need to do the following.

Method 2: Android 4.4.4 (MIUI)

Third party software can breathe new life into your device. The choice of a modified solution lies entirely with the user, the available set of different packages for installation is quite wide. As an example, below is the firmware ported by the MIUI Russia team for HTC One X, which is based on Android 4.4.4.

  1. Install the modified recovery in the manner described above in the preparatory procedures.
  2. Download the software package from the official website of the MIUI Russia team:
  3. We place the zip-package in the internal memory of the device.
  4. Additionally. If the smartphone does not boot into Android, which makes it impossible to copy packages to memory for further installation, you can use the OTG capabilities. That is, copy the package from the OS to a USB flash drive, connect it through an adapter to the device, and with further manipulations in the recovery, indicate the path to "OTG-Flash".

  5. Loading the phone into Bootloader, further to RECOVERY. And MANDATORY make a backup by selecting the corresponding items in CWM one by one.
  6. We do wipes (cleaning) of the main system partitions. For this you need a point "wipe data/factory reset".
  7. We go to "install zip" on the main screen of CWM, we indicate to the system the path to the zip package with the software, after selecting "choose zip from storage/sdcard" and start installing MIUI by clicking "Yes - Install...".
  8. We are waiting for the appearance of the inscription-confirmation of success - "Install from sd card complete", return to the main screen of the environment and select "advanced", and then reboot the device into the bootloader.
  9. Unpack the firmware with an archiver and copy boot.img to the directory with Fastboot.
  10. Putting the device into mode FASTBOOT from the bootloader, connect it to the PC, if disconnected. Run the Fastboot command line and flash the image boot.img:
    fastboot flash boot boot.img

  11. We reboot into the updated Android using the item REBOOT on the menu "Bootloader".
  12. You will have to wait a bit for the initialization of the MIUI 7 components, and then carry out the initial system setup.

    It is worth noting that MIUI on HTC One X works very well.

Method 3: Android 5.1 (CyanogenMod)

In the world of Android devices, there are not many smartphones that have been successfully performing their functions for more than 5 years and at the same time are popular with enthusiastic developers who successfully continue to create and port firmware based on Android new versions.

Probably, HTC One X owners will be pleasantly surprised that a fully functional Android 5.1 can be installed on the device, but by doing the following, we get just that.

Step 1: Install TWRP and new partition

Among other things, Android 5.1 carries the need to re-partition the device's memory, that is, resize partitions to achieve better results in terms of stability and the ability to perform functions added by developers to the new version of the system. You can re-partition and install custom based on Android 5 only using a special version of .

Step 2: Custom Installation

So, the new markup is already installed on the phone, you can proceed to install custom firmware with Android 5.1 as the basis. Install CyanogenMod 12.1, an unofficial firmware port from a team that needs no introduction.

  • platform - ARM;
  • Android"5.1";
  • Variants - "nano".

To start downloading, press the round button with the image of an arrow pointing down.

  • We place packages with firmware and Gapps in the internal memory of the device and disconnect the smartphone from the computer.
  • Install the firmware via TWRP, following the path: Install"cm-12.1-20160905-UNOFFICIAL-endeavoru.zip"Swipe to Confirm Flash.
  • After the appearance of the inscription "Successful" press Home and install Google services. Install"open_gapps-arm-5.1-nano-20170812.zip"- confirm the start of the installation by moving the switch to the right.
  • Press again Home and reboot into the bootloader. Chapter Reboot- function Bootloader.
  • Unpacking the package cm-12.1-20160905-UNOFFICIAL-endeavoru.zip and move boot.img from it to the directory with Fastboot.

  • After that we flash "boot" by starting Fastboot and sending the following in the console:

    Fastboot flash boot boot.img

    Then we clear the cache by sending the command:

    fastboot erase cache

  • Disconnect the device from the USB port and reboot into the updated Android from the screen fastboot by selecting REBOOT.
  • The first boot will take about 10 minutes. This is due to the need to initialize reinstalled components and applications.
  • We carry out the initial setup of the system,

    and we enjoy the work of the new version of Android, modified for the smartphone in question.

  • Method 4: Official firmware

    If there is a desire or need to return to the official firmware from HTC after installing custom, you need to turn again to the capabilities of the modified recovery and Fastboot.

    1. We download the version of TWRP for the "old markup" and place the image in the Fastboot folder.
    2. Download the package with the official firmware. The link below is the OS for the European region version 4.18.401.3.
    3. Downloading the HTC Factory Recovery Environment Image.
    4. Unpack the archive with the official firmware and copy boot.img from the resulting directory to the folder with Fastboot.

      We put the file there. recovery_4.18.401.3.img.img, containing stock recovery.

    5. We flash boot.img from the official firmware via Fastboot.
      fastboot flash boot boot.img
    6. Next, install TWRP for the old markup.

      fastboot flash recovery twrp2810.img

    7. We disconnect the device from the PC and reboot into the modified recovery environment. Then we go the next way. Wipe - "Advanced Wipe"- mark the section "sdcard" - "Repair or Change File System". We confirm the start of the process of changing the file system with the button "Change File System".
    8. Next, press the button FAT and move the switch "Swipe to Change", and then wait for the formatting to finish and return to the main TWRP screen using the button Home.
    9. Choose an item Mount, and on the next screen - "Enable MTP".
    10. Mounting performed in the previous step will allow the smartphone to be defined in the system as a removable drive. We connect One X to the USB port and copy the zip package with the official firmware to the internal memory of the device.
    11. After copying the package, click "Disable MTP" and return to the main recovery screen.
    12. We clean up all partitions except for "sdcard" by going through the steps: Wipe - "Advanced Wipe"- section selection - "Swipe to Wipe".
    13. Everything is ready to install the official firmware. Choose Install, specify the path to the package and start the installation by moving the switch Swipe to Confirm Flash.
    14. Button Reboot System, which will appear upon completion of the firmware, will reboot the smartphone into the official version of the OS, you just need to wait for the latter to initialize.
    15. If you wish, you can restore the factory recovery with the standard Fastboot command:

      fastboot flash recovery recovery_4.18.401.3.img

      And also block the bootloader:

      fastboot oem lock

    16. Thus, we get a completely reinstalled official version of the software from HTC.

    In conclusion, I would like to once again note the importance of carefully following the instructions when installing the system software in HTC One X. Perform the firmware carefully, evaluating each step before its implementation, and the achievement of the desired result is guaranteed!

    Today we will install custom firmware on one of the best phones of the company - HTC One X review which can be read on our website. In this manual, I will provide you with the most popular firmware for this smartphone, as well as give a link so that, all of a sudden, you can choose the right one for yourself. Go.

    HTC One X firmware- step-by-step instruction

    7. The next step is to select Install zip from sdcard -> Choose zip from sdcard -> look for where we put the downloaded firmware, select and press (do not hold!) the power button on the smartphone.

    8. Patience. Waiting for it to install firmware for HTC One X.

    9. When the installation is completed, something like "blah blah blah completed" will appear.

    11. You need to reboot the phone: go to the bootloader menu: Advanced Power Menu -> Reboot into bootloader

    12. Using a USB cable, connect One X to a PC, then open a command prompt (CMD) and write

    press "Enter".

    13. Then we write in the same place:

    and again "Enter".

    14. That's it, the reboot remains, in the bootloader, select the "REBOOT" item.

    Zhovten 27, 2014

    Since the MIUI firmware is not stock for HTC smartphones, installing it is fraught with some difficulties. This can lead to data loss on the HTC smartphone and other unpredictable consequences. Neither Xiaomi nor our website miui.com.ua is responsible for the consequences of your actions. Therefore, be careful and make a full backup of your data, write down the IMEI of your smartphone and find out the address of the nearest service center 🙂

    But, let's hope everything goes well, because. there is nothing complicated in the firmware, you just need time, attentiveness and perseverance.

    The HTC company installs its own add-on over the Android system called HTC Sense on its smartphones, and is very negative about trying to get root rights, unlock the bootloader and change the shell to something else. Therefore, there will be no easy way.

    You must understand that the procedure will take you at least half an hour, so set aside an hour in advance so as not to rush and do everything consistently and correctly.

    Let's start. First, unlock the bootloader. We will need a computer with internet access and an HTC One X smartphone.

    First of all, download and install HTC Sync if it is not installed on your computer.

    Write a real email address, because. you will receive confirmation of registration. In the email you received, click the link and confirm that you are a human and want to get an HTC account.

    2. We do not unpack it, but put it in the root of the internal memory of the HTC One X smartphone.

    3. Boot into Bootloader (Volume- and Power button)

    4. Select the Recovery item, after downloading the recovery, select the item Install zip from sd card

    5. Point to the downloaded archive and confirm the choice.

    6. After installation, select Reboot system now.

    Now you are a super user! And there are only a few steps left before the MIUI firmware on HTC One X.

    Now we flash the firmware itself.

    1. Download the current one for HTC One X

    2. Without unpacking the archive, put it in the root of the internal memory of the smartphone.

    3. Boot into recovery (points 3-4 above)

    5. Destroy the data (first you need to copy the files to the computer, and the contacts to Google or NTS, or to the computer using HTC Sync)

    wipe data\factory reset

    wipe Cache

    wipe davlic cache

    6. We start the firmware from scratch. Choose an item Install zip from sd card

    7. Specify the archive with the firmware and confirm the choice. Installation may take some time. After the installation is completed, an inscription about this will appear: Install from sd card successfully completed.

    If you had another smartphone, that would be the end of it. But the owners of NTS are not looking for easy ways.

    We return to the computer again. Extract the file from the archive with the firmware boot.img and put it in a folder c:/Android

    In the recovery menu, select Advanced Power Menu and beyond Reboot into bootloader

    You must also have a Windows console open. If not, open it again (Start-Run-cmd-Enter-CD C:\Android)

    Dial a team fastboot flash boot boot.img and press Enter

    Select the Reboot option on your smartphone, and if it boots up successfully, then MIUI should already be running on it.

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