Home Diseases and pests What did Jeanne Friske have? Zhanna Friske: last photos before her death. Zhanna Friske died

What did Jeanne Friske have? Zhanna Friske: last photos before her death. Zhanna Friske died

The singer and actress, who in half a month could have turned only 41 years old.

Jeanne for two years: the singer was diagnosed with brain cancer almost immediately after her son Plato was born. The boy recently turned 2 years old.

They tried to treat the actress in the best clinics in Germany and the USA. At some point it seemed that the disease had receded, but it only lurked. The singer's father - after she died - admitted that over the past three months Jeanne was in a coma.

In recent days, in medical circles, "in a half-whisper", doctors discussed the cause that provoked brain cancer in a young and seemingly healthy woman (moreover, in its rare form - glioblastoma).

Director of the Center on Kashirskoye Highway in Moscow (where Zhanna has been treated recently) - the chief oncologist of Russia Mikhail Davydov in an interview with MK admitted: Zhanna, alas, had no chance to survive. According to him, the maximum that a person with such a disease can live is one and a half years.

When asked by the correspondent whether Jeanne's pregnancy (in particular, IVF) could provoke this terrible disease, Davydov replied: “IVF only accelerated the growth of a tumor already in the brain. In general, any pregnancy acts as a provocateur of many diseases, to which a person has a predisposition. And even more so IVF, when there is a powerful hormonal attack on the body. And even more so if a person has a tumor (Friske could already have it). "

"Perhaps this tumor was very small. IVF and provoked its growth. After all, her headaches began immediately after the birth of the child," - explained the chief oncologist of Russia.

Other doctors partly agree with his opinion. So, in an interview with "Interlocutor" oncologist Olga Fadeeva noted: "A malignant tumor does not appear in a week or two - it usually" matures "for years. - Yes".

Gynecologist-reproductologist Ivan Barinov, for his part, reports that extensive examinations of patients who have resorted to in vitro fertilization (IVF) have been carried out in the USA and Europe. According to him, "the same data were obtained everywhere - in vitro conception does not increase the risk of developing oncology."

However, Barinov notes, not every woman who has had cancer in the past is allowed to do IVF - the oncologist decides on this.

“However, if a healthy girl, who became a mother through artificial insemination, is diagnosed with cancer soon after giving birth, then it is likely that this disease was missed even before pregnancy,” says gynecologist-reproductologist Ivan Barinov. examination by specialists of different profiles ".

In a commentary on this topic to "Komsomolskaya Pravda" obstetrician-gynecologist Vera Balan explained: "Cancer" matures "for 15-20 years. And just like that after the IVF procedure, it cannot appear! complaints, then during pregnancy she could begin to grow. After all, pregnancy is a serious hormonal and immune restructuring, everything in the body changes. "

At the same time, the doctor noted that during the IVF procedure, the existing tumor might not have been noticed. According to her, "IVF and pregnancy cannot be the CAUSE of brain cancer, but any hormonal" storm "can accelerate the development.

The day before with Zhanna Friske at the Moscow concert hall "Crocus City Hall". With the singer ... June 18 her in the suburbs.

Which celebrity faced a terrible disease

Which celebrity faced a terrible disease

Today the family of Zhanna FRISKE confirmed the terrible news, which has been haunted by all the singer's fans for several days. On the official website of the star, her common-law husband Dmitry SHEPELEV made a statement: Jeanne has cancer (). Surrounded by the singer, they say that she has an inoperable brain tumor. As medical statistics show, brain tumors are relatively rare - about 1.5% of all types of tumors. Nevertheless, there are many celebrities who have faced a terrible diagnosis.

Although a brain tumor is by no means always malignant (that is, growing and leading, as a rule, fatal), nevertheless, even a benign one is a rather serious pathology, in most cases leading to disturbances in the normal functioning of the brain. There are not many ways to get rid of a brain tumor. The main one is surgical intervention. But it can be used only if the tumor is resectable and if its removal does not affect the main parts of the brain. In order to stop its growth, radiation therapy is used. And with the help of chemotherapy, you can remove tumor cells left after surgery or radiation therapy.

The most malignant type of tumor is glioblastoma (according to some reports, this is the diagnosis that doctors made Jeanne Friske). It is the most common and most aggressive form of brain tumor. Even complete surgical removal of the tumor and further use of drugs does not significantly increase the patient's life expectancy.

At the famous actor and artistic director of the Taganka Theater Valeria Zolotukhina in 2012, doctors discovered glioblastoma. On March 5, 2013, the actor was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Russian Scientific Center for Roentgenoradiology. On March 14, it became known that doctors introduced him to an artificial (medication) coma. On the morning of March 30, 2013, the artist died from complications caused by a tumor.

According to doctors, the artist, who was put into a drug-induced coma, had practically no chance of recovery. Cancer was discovered at a late stage, and at that age, doctors did not dare to undergo surgery. His loved ones had no choice but to pray for his health.

Valery did not know that he had cancer, - the first wife of the actor told "EG" after the death of Zolotukhin. - We could not tell him about it.

In March 2010 Valentina Tolkunov She was urgently hospitalized in the therapeutic department of the Botkin Hospital after she became ill at a concert in Mogilev. The artist had cancer of the fourth degree, tumors in the breast and brain with metastases to the liver and lungs. In recent weeks, the doctors had hope - the singer said that she felt much better and even refused chemotherapy. The doctors did everything possible to alleviate the torment of their star patient, however, feeling a deterioration, she asked to bring a priest to her for unction.

Prior to that, Valentina Vasilievna was last hospitalized in August 2009 - she underwent a serious operation to remove a brain tumor. The singer spent almost a week in the Burdenko military hospital, and then she was transferred to the Blokhin Cancer Center. In 2006, doctors diagnosed Tolkunova with a terrible diagnosis - breast cancer - and performed an operation on the artist. All this time, Valentina Vasilievna courageously fought the disease and even managed to return to the stage.

Konstantin Khabensky's wife Anastasia

In December 2008, after a long illness in an American clinic, the wife of a famous actor died. Konstantin Khabensky 35-year-old Anastasia. Anastasia was diagnosed with a brain tumor during her pregnancy. But the woman refused to undergo treatment, fearing to harm the baby. The first operation was performed immediately after childbirth at the Burdenko Research Institute. After that, the patient was prescribed chemotherapy. But the tumor continued to grow, and neurosurgeons insisted on a second operation. But this did not stop the disease either.

I turned to the specialists of the best private clinic in Los Angeles "Sinai Cedars" for help. Over the course of several months of treatment, the doctors applied different techniques. Radiation therapy was also used, and even the so-called backup method "Killer of cells". The treatment was very expensive: one day of hospital stay cost Khabensky $ 1,500. The total amount of services rendered by American doctors exceeded one and a half million dollars.

Many friends and colleagues provided all possible assistance to Konstantin. In particular, the general director of Channel One transferred $ 300,000 to the actor, and gave most of the royalties for the film "Tales of the XXI" to a friend. Konstantin himself spent the entire fee for the films "The Irony of Fate - 2" and "The Admiral" on the treatment of his beloved wife. Despite this, there was still not enough money, Nastya was even discharged a couple of times, and she only went to the clinic for procedures. At the same time, she attended a rehabilitation center, where psychologists worked with her. Mother and friend Olga, wife of Mikhail Porechenkov, were constantly next to her. Konstantin also tried to spend all his free minutes with his beloved.

In early November, it became known that the patient had a sharp deterioration. She was again placed in the Sinai Cedars. There, in my mother's arms, the unfortunate woman died. Nastya has a son, Vanya.

A former heavyweight boxer, world champion title holder, and now a State Duma deputy, at one time he went through a difficult operation, due to which he had to end his career as a professional athlete. Valuev was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

- After the fight with David Haye, I wanted to have at least one more fight. The next step was, but he chose his rivals for so long that I decided in the meantime to go to the doctors. It turned out not in vain. During the next examination, the doctors discovered in my head a benign tumor the size of an acorn. On this note, I decided to end my performances in the ring. The operation lasted five hours, but the craniotomy, as you can see, was successful, ”he said in an interview with the Sport Express newspaper.

Ivan Shapovalov

10 years ago, the recording of the second album "t.A.T.u." But due to disagreement Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova with producer Ivan Shapovalov the group fell apart, and the second album was not released ... And in 2012, fundraising for the operation of the producer with brain cancer began. In the face of a fatal illness, Ivan did not give up.

- Ivan, what helps you fight a terrible disease?- we asked Shapovalov.

This is my chance to start from scratch, - he shared, - I rarely visit Moscow, only if I need to record songs. He moved to the Tver region, to Konakovo, where he became interested in horse riding, stood at the origins of the equestrian club. I learned to ride on a par with children and now I feel confident on a horse. Horses are not just a hobby, like music, they are life. They helped me become kinder, less scandalous. I used to be able to yell at someone and give up a multi-million contract. Animals distract from the hustle and bustle and even illness.

How Ivan Shapovalov struggled with a fatal illness immediately after he was diagnosed, his close friend - producer told "Express Gazeta":

He is terribly thinner. Looked just like nothing. Moreover, he also did not want to be treated.

The doctors said they had to go to Germany or Israel - they could help there. Vanya refused. Now he is doing well.

- Is there any hope that Ivan will cope with the disease?

Doctors say that there are no metastases yet. We all pray ... Lena Kiper told me that Vanya is better, after the "chemotherapy" the tumor goes away literally before our eyes. The doctors encouraged us - there is a chance. God grant.

Cheryl Crow

Brain tumor in an American singer Cheryl Crow, a nine-time Grammy Award winner, was discovered in November 2011. Since then, the artist has been living with a terrible diagnosis. The 51-year-old singer told her fans about her serious illness during one of the concerts, and then gave several detailed interviews on this topic to the largest American media outlets. According to Crowe, she began to suffer from partial memory loss.

I started having serious memory problems and went to the doctor to do my best before the disease started to progress. I didn't think that everything was so serious until I heard the diagnosis. I was told that I had a brain tumor, - said the singer, adding that she once forgot the words to her song Soak Up the Sun right during a concert.

The singer said that the tumor is benign, and so far she does not even think about surgery. The star is going to be regularly examined to monitor the development of the disease. Representatives of the performer said that Crowe suffers from a meningioma - a tumor growing from the cells of the tissue surrounding the brain. According to them, "there is nothing wrong with that." Several years ago, Sherrill Crow managed to successfully cope with breast cancer.

Julie Chen

American TV star Julie Chen is learning to see again after doctors removed her brain tumor. The Los Angeles-based presenter of the popular KTTV channel was considered one of the most glamorous stars of the television company, but now this woman is not at all up to glamor. In September 2013, doctors diagnosed her with a brain tumor using computed tomography. The ghastly discovery was made by accident, as Julie came to the hospital after falling while surfing. Chen hit her face hard on the board. After that, she lost sight in one eye. Doctors carried out detailed scans and found that the cause of the problems was not so much a stroke as a growing brain tumor. Fortunately, it turned out to be operable.

Day 5 after brain surgery, Chen tweeted on November 25. “Still very weak in body, but strong in spirit. I am amazed at all the support you give me.

Deteriorated vision has become one of the main problems on the path to recovery, - said the host of the Good Day LA program. Maria Sanson, Julie's colleague. “But it gets better every day. Of course, it cannot be said that Julie sees as well as she did before the operation. But trust me, I don't pull her by the handle. She herself is already perfectly oriented in space. And she can't wait until she can return to work.

Fans of the work of the wonderful singer and actress Zhanna Friske were shocked by the terrible news in January 2014. Doctors diagnosed her with brain cancer. In June 2015, the artist died -.

It all started with an ordinary headache, which began to prevail over the show business star in mid-2013, shortly after she gave birth to her son Plato.

Jeanne did not pay attention to this "trifle" for a long time. I thought it might be some kind of postpartum syndrome. The pain was soothed with pills. But my head began to hurt more and more. And her mother began to notice that something was wrong: her daughter more and more often closed the windows tightly and slept all day long. Such a long and deep sleep could no longer be explained by fatigue alone. Then Jeanne's legs began to literally give way. And one day she passed out in broad daylight while going shopping.

Jeanne was taken to the hospital. They took tests and diagnosed:. Moreover, inoperable. The doctors admitted that they did not want to tell the truth to relatives, because, according to their forecasts, Jeanne should have died in the first month.

The singer herself, having heard the terrible diagnosis, took it with her usual perseverance. Friske, to the last, tried not to upset her parents with the unpleasant news of her illness.

Zhanna is generally a strong person, - said her father Vladimir Borisovich. “That’s why she didn’t say anything to anyone. I didn't want to upset. She is very strong and will never say that she is sick. She's the kind of person she is.

And soon the artist's website appeared: "What for many months remained exclusively the business of our family, unfortunately, a few days ago became public domain. At the same time, we want to stop any speculation and believe that fans and people who are not indifferent to Jeanne have the right to know the truth. Our family has had an ordeal. Jeanne is sick with cancer. We continue to fight for her and never stop believing. We turn to everyone with a single request to support us with a kind word and prayer. "

On the same day, all people who were not indifferent to the fate of the actress gathered in the program of the First Channel "Let them talk." Zhanna's friend, singer Olga Orlova, assured viewers:

Zhanna is a fighter, very strong. All forces are now directed to ensure that Jeanne overcomes the disease. It's hard to say where Zhanna got this ailment from ... It's some kind of plague of our time. You need to check your health, of course, in order to notice this disease in time.

Supported by a colleague and another friend of Zhanna, stylist and TV presenter Vlad Lisovets, who has known her for more than 17 years:

It is difficult to say where this disease came from. Zhanna has always been very careful about her health - she did yoga, followed detox diets on vacation. I don't know, maybe the Lord sends such tests to his beloved children. And I am sure that Zhanna will cope with this test, because she is very strong.

The family of Zhanna Friske officially announced the singer's illness.

Doubts and fears of doctors

Doctors tried to understand the causes of the star's severe illness.

Zhanna Friske was diagnosed with glioblastoma, - explained candidate of medical sciences, neurosurgeon Igor Borshchenko... - This is the most common of the primary brain tumors. The signs depend on which areas are affected. If the formation has arisen closer to the cerebral cortex and affects the centers responsible for speech or movement, then the symptoms appear almost immediately. These can be fainting, sudden disturbances in speech or coordination of movements. In such situations, people, as a rule, quickly seek help from doctors, and the disease can be detected at an early stage - its presence is shown by an MRI of the brain. And then it is possible to prescribe treatment on time. But if the tumor is located in the deep structures of the brain, it can grow without acute symptoms. Often, a sign of a tumor can be olfactory hallucinations, for example, it seems to a person that there is a smell of garbage everywhere, habitual products change taste and smell.

Chronic headaches, which are almost not relieved by analgesics, nausea and vomiting in the morning should always alert.
This is not to say what exactly could provoke the development of brain cancer. On the Internet, they are discussing that this could be due to Jeanne's pregnancy, taking some kind of hormonal drugs. I can say that there is no reliable data on the relationship of glioblastoma with hormones, this is not a hormone-dependent tumor. According to statistics, both men and women suffer from this type of cancer.

We can say something else - primary glioblastoma practically does not give metastases. This can be encouraging. And amenable to surgical and radiation treatment. There are cases when such a tumor was completely recovered. The main thing is not to let the disease take its course, not to despair and obey doctors, not “well-wishers”.

Another opinion was expressed by the oncologist of branch No. 1 of the City Polyclinic No. 68 of the Moscow Health Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Oncology Department Yekaterina Prikhodko:

Glioblastoma of the fourth degree is one of the most dangerous fast-growing tumors in the body, with active invasion of the surrounding brain tissue. According to the Central Registry of Brain Tumors in the United States, the 1-2-year survival rate for patients over 60 years of age ranges from 13 to 2 percent. It occurs more often at the age of 50–70 years and more often in men. To date, the cause of this disease has not been established. There is no convincing data on the harmful effects of magnetic fields - phones, smartphones, household appliances. A possible cause could be a genetic predisposition.

Modern diagnostic methods allow the detection of the disease in the presence of appropriate symptoms, even at its initial stages. With the help of computed tomography of the brain, MRI of the brain with contrast, SPEKT and PET examinations. But, unfortunately, the absence of early symptoms of tumor development does not allow timely diagnosis of glioblastoma.
And the effectiveness of treatment depends on various factors: localization of the tumor in the brain; high resistance to conventional therapy; anatomical and physiological features of the brain (reduced regeneration of brain tissue); penetration of the tumor into the surrounding tissue; a decrease in the blood circulation of the tumor, which prevents the delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs to the tumor focus; a large number of side effects from the therapy.

At different stages of glioblastoma, all stages of treatment used in oncology are carried out: neurosurgical - surgical removal of the tumor; combined - radiation therapy with chemotherapy drugs; maintenance chemotherapy.

Since this is one of the most dangerous and unpredictable tumors in oncology, doctors set the average life expectancy of such patients about a year. However, each clinical case has its own individual treatment program, the result of which depends on the condition of the patient's body, on the response of the tumor to treatment and the doctor's experience. After all, each patient reacts differently to the same treatment.

But why a tumor could arise is a mystery. But it is known for sure that pregnancy cannot be considered a risk factor for glioblastoma.

Treatment of a patient diagnosed with glioblastoma in Russia is carried out according to state programs free of charge. The neurosurgical school of Russia represented by the N.N. N.N.Burdenko is one of the most recognized and respected in the whole world. All patients in Russia receive a phased, adequate treatment that meets all international standards. The work of Russian doctors is no different from the work of American doctors. The fact is that at present oncology has gone beyond the borders of any countries, states, continents. Today, this is the world community of doctors, which thinks the same way, has the same approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of such patients. In a professional case, there is no difference - America or Russia. This is the patient's choice.

Another doctor shared his concern - obstetrician-gynecologist Semyon Tsinker who gave birth to a stellar patient:

The last time Zhanna came to me for a routine postnatal examination was about six months ago (the book was published in 2014 - ed.). Then I did not see anything in her appearance that could say about the disease. She was happy. A big boy was born, everything was fine. To me, the doctor who took over her childbirth, the artist did not say anything about the existing tumor. Of course, it cannot be denied that the disease developed in a short time.


Since January 2014, Friske has been undergoing treatment at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. And already there, the terrible attacks of Jeanne became more frequent. According to relatives, it was as if the unfortunate woman was twisted, broke, the body was bent from pain so that the spine could break. And after the attack came the hours of unconsciousness. In March, it became known that the singer practically lost her sight from a brain tumor. “We were told that the glasses would not help now, because the tumor presses on the brain,” the singer's father told reporters. "As soon as the tumor shrinks after medication, vision will be restored."
And the son of the singer Platon for some time after his mother left for America lived in Moscow with her grandmother and sister Zhanna Natasha.

We tried to always show Zhannochka to Plato: all the photos on TV, - Natasha recalled. - So he didn't feel that mom was not around. Zhanichka called herself. We talked with her almost every day.

Channel One raised funds for the singer's treatment. There were so many sympathizers for Jeanne that in a short time, literally in two weeks, about 70 million rubles were collected. Therefore, all the bills of the clinic were paid, funds were reserved for the continuation of treatment, and the rest of the collected funds went to the treatment of children with cancer in the queue. The singer was supported by all her colleagues in the workshop, and even the famous Sharon Osbourne, the wife of Ozzy Osbourne, who also suffered the horrors of cancer, but recovered (about her, too, in this book - Ed.). At the end of January, the singer's producer Andrei Shlykov said that doctors give positive predictions of recovery.

And soon Zhanna Friske herself turned to her fans with words of gratitude on the Rusfond website: “Thank you! It was impossible to imagine that in such a difficult moment for me and my family, hundreds of thousands of people would respond and support me with words, prayers and money. I thank you all for your attention and care. It gives strength. Thank you for your humanity. Because there are so many sympathetic, merciful, caring people in Russia. Health. Tranquility. Hope. God bless you".

In April, Plato, along with his dad Dmitry Shepelev, was already with his mother. “The grandson missed Zhanna very much, in Moscow he looked at her photographs and stroked them, - said Zhanna's father Vladimir Borisovich. - Plato is growing by leaps and bounds. He has become such a strong man! He already has four teeth and bites. "

And in May, when Zhanna began to feel better, Dmitry Shepelev told how his family survived this difficult year in the fight against cancer. “Zhannochka is definitely feeling better than six months ago. And for us, of course, this is a great joy. We live in one day and do not think about what we will do in two years, where we will go to rest next summer. We realized that it is important to enjoy what is here and now. Because there may not be tomorrow. And this applies to any person. The fact that Jeanne is better means that for the first time this year our family can be together. You do not need to fly somewhere, move and take any abrupt actions in order to save a person. This gives us the opportunity, finally, to devote all our free time to each other. I can hug both Jeanne and my son at the same time. It's the most important".

Zhanna and Plato literally learned to walk together, - recalled sister Natasha. - And in the end she got to her feet, began to walk much more, her voice became much better. And then when we called her before, then she had a barely audible, sleepy voice. And then she began to ask me so cheerfully: sis, hello, what should you bring? I say - bring yourself healthy, I don't need to bring anything.

The results of the tests have already testified to the improvements in the state of the celebrity. In early summer 2014, after a long course of chemotherapy, the doctors decided to complete the singer's course of treatment. And Zhanna went with her family for rehabilitation in the Baltics. At the time of this writing (September 9, 2014), Zhanna was improving her health at the Riga seaside in Jurmala (Latvia), where she celebrated her 40th birthday.

As the attending physicians testify, the artist could cope with household chores and the upbringing of her one and a half year old son. The singer performed daily rehabilitation exercises and followed a strict diet.

However, as Zhanna's friend Olga Orlova said, despite significant improvements in her health, Zhanna was practically forced to sit within four walls. The fact is that the Russian pop star did not want to get into the frame of another curious paparazzi at all, and even more so she was not ready to give any comments or interviews. And journalists were on duty for days at her house, wanting to get a picture of the recovered star.

Dmitry Shepelev, after his experience over the past year, thought about writing a book. After all, he really has something to tell and what to advise people who are faced with a similar situation: “About how not to lose faith in yourself and in those who are next to you. And about the fact that you need to love every day - it does not matter whether it is black or already light ”.


Anna Semenovich, back in January 2014, when Jeanne's future was unknown, dedicated touching words to her friend that can help other people trying to cope with an insidious ailment:

Remember once and for all: That life is One! She's yours! You don't need to listen to anyone ... They don't know anything: your emotions and sufferings, your grievances, love, goodbyes. They do not know what is in the soul, in the heart, they do not know how to warm you up. Who is needed, dear, who is loved. Who do you need to madness. They do not know your words, they do not see the pain. And never be in your role! And in the right you are the only one to decide, take, see, speak, call, shout, suffer and wait, and hate and miss, and hold tight to the hand. Look into the eyes and hug, laugh, cry and dream! And not to be afraid and to love, Only then will you understand what it means to Live!


Zhanna Friske passed away ...

Column of the columnist Boris Voitsekhovsky

That's all. End of conversations. Now all these arguments seem incredibly stupid and pathetic. Do you remember? Surely remember how it was heard from everywhere: they say, lies, deception, cheating. And then Zhanna Friske died. Houses. In Moscow. At the 41st year of life. Honestly.

An amazing thing: an ordinary pop singer about two years ago suddenly became an indicator of the humanity of the whole country. All that was needed was to get seriously ill. News feeds are in full swing: cancer. The secular chronicles gasped: but she just gave birth, what is it! Channel One immediately launched a fundraising campaign for treatment and raised a fantastic amount in a matter of days. And that's where it started. Where did all these questions come from? Is he really sick? Why is she collecting money - and so, I suppose, rich? Or maybe it's not for her at all?

And it was disgusting, if we were to call everything by their proper names. And disgusting. And I'm terribly sorry for Zhanna's husband, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev, who in his blog confirms, thanks, as if making excuses ... ()

The editorial staff of the newspaper "Evening Moscow" expresses condolences to the family and friends of Zhanna Friske.

Unfortunately, not a single person is immune from disease. The information that appeared at the beginning of this year about the terrible illness of the famous Russian singer Zhanna Friske shocked literally everyone: doctors diagnosed a malignant tumor in the ex-soloist of "Brilliant". And until the moment when the spouse of the star made an official confirmation of this, many Runet users simply refused to believe that Zhanna Friske had brain cancer.

It is very pleasing that a huge number of Russians did not remain indifferent to the singer's illness.

At present, we can confidently say that the events that unfolded immediately after this sad news have been confirmed. Everyone wanted to morally and financially support the pop star and her family.

How dangerous is glioblastoma

Medical experts did not deny that Zhanna Friske has brain cancer. The singer was diagnosed with glioblastoma. This pathology refers to primary brain tumors. The specificity of the treatment depends on which areas were affected by the disease. If a tumor has arisen in the immediate vicinity of the cerebral cortex and the disease can affect the centers responsible for movement and speech, then the symptoms appear immediately. In this case, the patient often loses consciousness, he is disturbed. In such cases, a person usually immediately runs to the doctor, the pathology in most cases can be stopped at the initial stage, and treatment here can be considered an effective measure.

However, if a malignant tumor is located in the deep structures of the cerebral hemispheres, then it is often very difficult to visually diagnose it.

It should be emphasized that Zhanna Friske has grade 4 brain cancer.

If we talk about primary glioblaustoma, then, as a rule, it is not accompanied by metastases. So said one of the neurosurgery doctors

Many people are still interested in the question of why Zhanna Friske had brain cancer at all. Experts have commented on this as well.


So, for what reasons could Zhanna Friske get sick with oncology? Doctors' forecasts regarding the sources of the disease are as follows: some argue that the singer appeared as a result. The fact is that the Russian pop star spent a lot of time working in Mexico, and later moved to Miami. Everyone knows that in the USA and "in the homeland of tequila" there is a bright and burning sun, which could negatively affect the singer's body.

One of the neurosurgery specialists Andrei Grin informed that in medical practice, patients who have undergone surgery to remove a malignant tumor often have a relapse after they went to rest in warm countries.

Other experts argue that Zhanna Friske's glioblastoma appeared due to the fact that the former lead singer of "The Brilliant" abused the use of anti-aging procedures, the meaning of which was to produce stem cells in the spinal canal. Naturally, this increased the risk of the formation of malignant tumors, which usually occur in several places at once.

Zhanna Friske, probably, could have foreseen all the same. There are cases when the disease does not cause any harm to a person at all, and sometimes there are simply "dead-end" situations when the doctor is unable to help his patient, and then there is only one thing left - to transform the pathology into a kind of remission in order to prolong his days at least a little. ... So said one of the neurosurgery specialists Dmitry Okishev.

The singer did not immediately turn to doctors

According to the relatives of the pop diva, she did not immediately seek medical help. In the middle of last year, her headaches became more frequent, she constantly felt sleepy and repeatedly lost consciousness. Only after these alarming symptoms did Zhanna Friske begin to show concern about her own health. She turned to doctors, who diagnosed her with a terrible illness. At the same time, American experts were sure that the singer would not live even two months. Naturally, they did not inform their close relatives about this. However, their expectations were subsequently not confirmed.

Difficult choice of clinic

For Jeanne's relatives, choosing a clinic for treatment was not easy. They took her to Germany, the USA, as well as to well-known cancer centers in our country. Ultimately, it was decided to treat the singer in New York.

The singer's state of health at the moment

The diagnosis of Zhanna Friske shocked not only her family and friends, but the entire Russian public. Colleagues of the singer "in the shop" tried in every possible way to help her, and even took part in a campaign to raise funds that were required for treatment abroad. The fact is that it was impossible to hesitate with him, because suddenly Jeanne's eyesight deteriorated, and she herself dramatically lost weight. It was decided to conduct treatment in the United States. Almost immediately, the singer was prescribed a course of chemotherapy, which, of course, had a positive effect on the health of the pop star. However, it is still very premature to talk about the complete healing of Zhanna Friske. After the use of medications, puffiness appeared on the singer's body, and it is very difficult to recognize the former Jeanne in her.

Positive dynamics

Today the singer's condition has stabilized, her health has improved somewhat, and she is seriously considering the issue of further treatment strategy. The singer no longer intends to undergo chemotherapy.

The American media reported that the Russian pop diva decided to be treated with an experimental nanovaccine in one of the medical centers located in Los Angeles.

Since the girl does not see well, she is forced to wear dark glasses. The reason for the singer's visual impairment is obvious: Zhanna Friske is sick with brain cancer. A malignant tumor certainly affects the optic nerve. As soon as the doctors manage to reduce the area of ​​the lesion, vision will be restored - this is what experts say.

It should be emphasized that doctors already have certain successes in this direction. The likelihood that it is possible to completely "overcome" the oncological disease exists.

Zhanna Friske's family next to her

Today, the most dear people for her are next to the singer: mother - Olga Vladimirovna, husband - Dmitry Shepelev, son Platon and friend from the musical group "Brilliant" - All of them provide all kinds of support to the singer.

The singer's father, Vladimir Borisovich, also informed the Russian print media that his daughter refused chemotherapy procedures. As for the new drug, which is specially designed to combat glioblastoma, only its name is known - ICT-107 and that the vaccine has recently been successfully tested in medical laboratories in Los Angeles.

Opinion of Russian experts

Russian doctors do not believe that it was necessary to send the singer for treatment "abroad", since similar vaccines have been created by Russian scientists.

When the public was actively discussing what happened to the singer, metropolitan oncologists expressed disapproval that Zhanna Friske preferred to be treated by their foreign colleagues, reproaching her for the lack of patriotism. According to the chief oncologist of the Russian capital, our country has better treatment, moreover, it is completely free.

In addition to this, experts admitted that the developed drugs are classified as experimental, therefore they are not always used and are far from always effective.

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