Home Diseases and pests What is happening in Antarctica now. Antarctica full of secrets... And about the Nazi base

What is happening in Antarctica now. Antarctica full of secrets... And about the Nazi base

Do you remember the plot of the feature film "The Thing"? If you don't remember, the trailer above will refresh your memory, but the point is that the movie can once again become a reality. In Antarctica, artificial structures have been discovered under the ice at a depth of 2 miles and the movement of light sources has been observed there.

Scientists at remote Antarctic stations report seeing moving sources of strong light under the ice. Reports from several Antarctic stations were urgent and scientists were worried about their safety. They require urgent action.

These messages caused confusion to the governments of those countries whose monitoring stations sent such distress signals.

In addition to alarming messages from US Antarctic stations, similar information was received from Russian scientists. Previously, a group of Russian scientists repeatedly reported the observation of light and sound anomalies in the area of ​​the Vostok station, located near a subglacial lake in Antarctica.

European scientists say that SOMETHING located under the ice of Antarctica got there 12,000 years ago, when this continent was not yet covered with ice. What lies there is the oldest man-made structure on Earth.

There is evidence that back in 2001, the United States sent an expedition to the area where the anomaly was discovered, equipped with drilling rigs and heavy equipment to carry out excavations, including using laser drills. And the anomalous activity in the subglacial space appears to be the result of this excavation of an ancient structure under the ice shell.
An emergency evacuation of scientists from Antarctic stations located in the area is reported.

Scientists appealed to the US Congress with a demand to open information to the public and the scientific community about what was discovered in Antarctica.

It is known that over the past few years, Candolisa Rice and Nikolai Patrushev have visited Antarctica. American research is supervised by the almighty NSA, which is somewhat strange. The presence of tourists in Antarctica is strictly regulated and they stay there for no more than 4 hours. All unauthorized travel is stopped by the "men in black". So, what is it under the icy shell of Antarctica that can so attract government circles in the United States and Russia that they send scientific expeditions equipped with expensive and carefully classified equipment to the sixth continent, in the area of ​​Lake Vostok?

Some time after the events described, two travelers set off from the Australian Antarctic station Casey towards Lake Vostok, intending to cross the Antarctic continent on skis. When they reached the lake and were already walking along its ice cover, an American Air Force plane suddenly landed not far from them, and “persons in civilian clothes” invited the brave girls to board it, explaining that they had come to save them. Meanwhile, the travelers had properly working means of communication, and they did not ask for any help. It is known that during their ski trip, the girls told relatives and friends via satellite phones that upon their return they would tell them about something completely incredible. However, when they returned home, they didn’t say anything like that and didn’t give any interviews.”

Politicians often visit Antarctica

Since December 2005

Sergei Ivanov, as First Deputy Prime Minister, oversaw the GLONASS project. Then President Vladimir Putin gave a personal instruction to Mr. Ivanov to speed up the deployment of the system: GLONASS was to begin operating throughout Russia by January 1, 2008

The US Air Force, as part of Operation Deep Freeze, for the first time carried out a large-scale parachute landing of 40 tons of cargo directly to the South Pole using heavy military transport C-17 Globemaster III...

Director of the Federal Security Service Nikolai Patrushev landed at the Antarctic station "Bellingshausen" together with the first deputy director of the FSB - head of the border service of the FSB of Russia Vladimir Pronichev and State Duma deputy Artur Chilingarov.

Two Russian Mi-8 helicopters reached the South Pole for the first time today. On board the helicopters were State Duma deputy Artur Chilingarov, head of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Nikolai Patrushev, his first deputy and head of the FSB border service Vladimir Pronichev, as well as head of the World Meteorological Organization Alexander Bednitsky. The expedition members met with American polar explorers...

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's trip to Antarctica.

First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov yesterday visited the Russian scientific station Novolazarevskaya in Antarctica. Ivanov flew around the eastern regions of the “white continent”, inspected the Novolazarevskaya station, held a meeting on transport support for polar explorers, presented them with government awards and promised an additional runway.

“Fly to Antarctica” sounds easy. A six-hour flight from Cape Town instead of several (one to six) weeks that the same journey takes, but by water. And a light phrase becomes overgrown with difficult details as it moves along. The head of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), Alexey Fedorov, honestly warned: if the weather on Novolazarevskaya suddenly deteriorates, the Il-76 will not return to Cape Town. Its fuel reserve is for 8 hours of flight, but here it is 6 hours only in one direction. Two hours before landing is the “return point”. This is such an optimistic version of its name; in fact, it is rather a “point of no return” - if you don’t turn around in time, there may be no way back.

Now about the visit to Antarctica of the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Ivanov with a whole retinue of ministers, a lot of questions arise:

When have politicians taken such risks? The Prime Minister, a couple of other ministers, and with them a high-ranking official almost with the rank of a sectoral minister gathered on one plane. Well, okay, we got to Cape Town in the usual comfort of an IL-62VIP, which is not for mere mortals, but only for the government, and along safe air routes over the continents. But then we transferred to the military transport Il-76TD without amenities, where luxury never existed, and for another 6 hours we flew over the deserted and cold Southern Ocean, where only whaling ships visit, and even then rarely, they don’t appear every year, and almost “in nowhere” - without any navigation and dispatch support and support from the ground. What happens - the land plane will not be able to land on the water, and there will be no help from anywhere...

So, what is Antarctica?

Until recently, Antarctica was considered a continent covered with ice for millions of years. but now this is actually being refuted; remains of dinosaurs and other forms of previously unknown life are being found. It is interesting that our Bellenshausen discovered Antarctica; many believed that it did not exist at all. But there were already maps of this land without ice, the most famous is the map of the Ottoman admiral Piri Reis of the 16th century, and there are also maps of Antarctica from Mercator and other cartographers. The authenticity of the map was confirmed only after the 2nd World War, thanks to the expedition of our polar explorers. Where do these maps come from, who could have compiled them, why such aerial photography accuracy?

Why did the US military come to Antarctica?

There was a clear interest in Antarctica about a year ago. A familiar sailor from the icebreaker I. Khlebnikov spoke about a caravan of 7 American ships they were leading to Antarctica. He told me what he saw, a lot of incomprehensible equipment and a lot of military personnel. All this went deep into the continent and was accompanied by all kinds of secrecy (the icebreaker was in the roadstead when unloading, the crew was not allowed ashore at first, but they watched the American landing with binoculars) So the question is - well, okay, technology (although why so much?), but why do they need soldiers in Antarctica?

New Swabia reality?

There is direct documentary evidence that from 1940 to 1943, the Nazis built certain secret facilities in Antarctica in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land. Soviet intelligence knew the following for certain. Some German scientists shared the “hollow Earth” theory, according to which gigantic voids exist under the surface of the planet, representing real oases with warm air.

According to German experts, similar voids existed in Antarctica. In the archival documents of SMERSH studied by Itogi, there is information that in 1938, German submariners exploring the ice continent allegedly found something under the ice. If you believe the secret documents, then we are talking about “territories underground, but with the same mountains and continents, oceans of fresh water, an internal sun around which the Earth rotates.” Access to these territories is possible as a result of special maneuvers when diving in submarines. The directions have been preserved. The Germans, assuming that the cards could fall into the wrong hands, made several options, including false ones. The maps were printed in 1,500 copies in the Dachau concentration camp in the “Sonderlab” in January 1944, which indicates the extreme secrecy of the information. It is not surprising that all the people involved in their production were destroyed.

In any case, these were not just cards. On each of them, numbers and symbols that require decoding by specialists in the field of astronomy and navigation indicate different keys. There is a suspicion that they are used depending on the seasons and the location of the Moon. At the very end of the war, reconnaissance sent ten copies of German submarine maps to the People's Commissar of the USSR Navy, Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov, for “organizing the planned work and developing proposals.”

Historians, working with SS archival documents, have found specific records. “My submariners have discovered a real earthly paradise,” said the commander of the German submarine fleet, Admiral Doenitz. And another mysterious phrase that came from his lips: “The German submarine fleet is proud that on the other side of the world it has created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer.” Hitler himself allegedly spilled the beans on this topic. At a celebration marking the completion of the building of the new Reich Chancellery, he said: “Okay! If in this divided and re-divided Europe a couple of states can be annexed to the Reich in a few days, then no problems are foreseen with Antarctica, even less so...”

From secret documents it follows that in 1940, in Antarctica, on the personal instructions of the Fuhrer, the construction of two underground bases began. Their purpose was exclusively functional - they were reliable shelters and at the same time testing grounds for the creation of super-advanced technologies. No one put any sacred meaning into these objects.

To transport goods to distant lands, 38 submarines from the Fuhrer Convoy formation were used. Mentions of these boats are also found in Soviet intelligence documents: “... I report that on June 11, 1945, SMERSH counterintelligence officers of the 79th Rifle Corps in the headquarters building of the German Navy at the address: Berlin-Tiergarten, Tirpitzzufer 38-42, “maps” were found in the office premises passing through the depths of the sea" with the stamp "only for captains of A-class submarines of the Fuhrer's Sonder Convoy" in the amount of 38 pieces under numbers with the series "44" No. from 0188 to 0199... from No. 0446 to 0456."

According to some military historians, at the very end of the war, in the German port of Kiel, torpedo weapons were removed from these submarines and loaded with containers with various cargoes. In addition, the submarines took on board several hundred passengers, who were destined to become residents of New Swabia.

Mysteries of Antarctica

It would seem, well, what mysteries and secrets can be discovered on an uninhabited continent, where over 99% of the territory is covered with a layer of ice up to four kilometers thick, the average temperature even in the summer months ranges from -30o to -50o C, there is practically no vegetation, and the animal world is represented only penguins and seals living on the coast? However...

In Antarctica, at a distance of 480 kilometers from the South Pole, there is a huge Lake Vostok. In area it is not inferior to such lakes as Onega, Chad and Nicaragua. The thickness of the ice above the lake is from three and a half to four and a half kilometers, its greatest depth is 1,200 meters, and in the area of ​​​​the Russian Antarctic Vostok station located just above it - 680 meters. Scientists around the world consider the study of this unique lake one of the most interesting and intractable scientific problems of the early 21st century.

Glacier over Lake Vostok from space

When data received from American orbital satellites showed that there was a cavity 800 meters high above the water surface of the lake, covered with an ice dome, and instruments registered high magnetic activity there, the further implementation of the American research program was suddenly interrupted, and all civilian specialists were removed from it. Management of further work passed to certain government structures and departments.

Indigenous relief of the area of ​​subglacial Lake Vostok according to geophysical sounding data in 2003

Until 2000, on the American side, an international team of scientists was engaged in research on the lake, but then the US National Security Administration took over the reins. NASA media relations spokeswoman Deborah Schingteller said the change was dictated by national security concerns. Immediately after these words, one of the NASA managers took a place in front of the microphone, clarifying that “the research was interrupted to ensure the environmental safety of the environment.” Since then, no journalist has been able to contact Deborah Schingteller and find out what kind of security she had in mind.

So, what is it under the icy shell of Antarctica that can so attract government circles in the United States and Russia that they send scientific expeditions equipped with expensive and carefully classified equipment to the sixth continent, in the area of ​​Lake Vostok?

Instruments installed on satellites showed that the water temperature in the lake ranges from +10o to +18oC! This means that in the depths of the lake there are geothermal or some other heat sources. Analyzing the instrument readings, scientists suggested that a self-cleaning atmosphere could exist in the cavity between the ice dome covering the lake and its water surface, and perhaps plants could live in it.

According to information published in foreign sources, in February 2000, two groups of scientists, carrying out a joint research program funded by the US and British governments, intended to lower special probes equipped with various sensors into the waters of the lake. But suddenly they received instructions to stop all work on the program. There was no explanation for this. And at the same time, a new contingent of researchers allegedly arrived at the Russian Antarctic station, along with which a large amount of complex and expensive equipment was delivered. Moreover, all this happened in deep secrecy.

Some time after the events described, two travelers set off from the Australian Antarctic station Casey towards Lake Vostok, intending to cross the Antarctic continent on skis. When they reached the lake and were already walking along its ice cover, an American Air Force plane suddenly landed not far from them, and “persons in civilian clothes” invited the brave girls to board it, explaining that they had come to save them. Meanwhile, the travelers had properly working means of communication, and they did not ask for any help. It is known that during their ski trip, the girls told relatives and friends via satellite phones that upon their return they would tell them about something completely incredible. However, when they returned home, they did not say anything like that and did not give any interviews.

In connection with the above, some ufologists and researchers of mysterious natural phenomena and the secrets of history are discussing the possibility of the existence in Antarctica - on its surface or under the ice cover - of a secret UFO base or German Nazis (!), and some believe that one does not exclude the other.

As for the last two assumptions, even with the most skeptical attitude towards UFOs, the idea of ​​​​the existence of a Nazi base in Antarctica seems even more fantastic, if not downright absurd. But perhaps we shouldn’t rush to such conclusions...

In the summer of 1940, in the mountainous area near the city of Kowary, in the very southwest of occupied Poland, the Nazis created a strictly secret training center. Soldiers and officers specially selected from the elite units of the Wehrmacht were trained and trained there. They were trained for combat operations in the harshest conditions of polar zones such as the Arctic and... Antarctica.

The decision to annex Dronning Maud Land - Norwegian possessions in eastern Antarctica - was made by the German command back in May 1940, shortly after the surrender of Norway. For this purpose, a special military unit was formed under the command of General Alfred Richter, the backbone of which was to be made up of those who would undergo training in the camp near Kowary. There is information that the Germans had plans to land on Queen Maud Land since 1938 and even came up with a name for this territory in advance: New Swabia. Allegedly, even then Richter flew over it in a small plane and dropped several dozen pennants with swastikas, demonstrating complete disregard for international agreements on the division of Antarctica. And in 1941, the Germans actually landed in Antarctica, in what they believed were former Norwegian possessions, and founded their Oasis station there in an area now known as Banger's Oasis, named after the American pilot who discovered it in 1946 . Antarctic "oases" are areas of land that are free of ice. Their origin is not fully understood. Some ufologists and researchers of historical mysteries and unknown phenomena, including the Pole Robert Lesnyakiewicz and the Slovak Milos Jesensky, suggest that one of the reasons for the formation, in particular, of the Banger Oasis, the largest in Antarctica, could be... experiments with nuclear energy carried out by the Germans at Oasis Station during World War II. They write about this in their book “Wunderland”. Extraterrestrial Technologies in the Third Reich", published in 1999 in Warsaw.

We received some interesting information from our insider at the National Science Foundation (NSF). It is interconnected with various information that we get from alternative news portals and from our insiders in recent days. And it all concerns... Antarctica. More precisely, the secrets and events that have been happening there lately.

This information almost never reaches the general public. All of it has the highest degree of secrecy.

We will not touch upon the information that has already flashed, but will only talk about the latest:

As ANP tells us on December 7: "Something very strange is happening in Antarctica - Operation Deep Freeze has been going on for 60 Years!"

"A new report from Life Science tells us about a large crack that was recently discovered in an Antarctic glacier.

It's gigantic and we're told it's spreading across the entire ice shelf and growing rapidly."

Let's add to this the information we have today. Scientists cannot name the reason that caused this anomaly. According to our NSF insider, this process is accompanied by monstrous sounds. Scientists who flew out to observe this crack were under the impression that this was a “man-made” process. It’s as if an unknown force is tearing the glacier apart like a sheet of paper. Moreover, this process is accompanied by strange, terrible sounds that scientists have never heard and for which there is no explanation. A version was launched to the public that this was the result of global warming.

Let's go back to the post on ANP:

"A strange statement came from the military. They talked about Operation Deep Freeze and the "vital mission of the US Air Force in Antarctica."

What's really going on there? We were told that this operation has been going on for 60 years!

We also learned from Quayle that in connection with the latest events around Antarctica, many had a strange suspicion that some ancient lost high technologies had been found there.

Why has there been so much interest in Antarctica recently? Perhaps we will soon learn about these ancient pyramids in Antarctica, which may contain secrets that are still hidden from us?

So, the military has revealed long-hidden information about their presence in Antarctica. But this is only a tiny fraction of the truth. We will not talk here about a secret military base in the ice of Antarctica and guess what they did there for 60 years. We are interested in today's time. And today, according to information from our sources, a special secret department was created in the Pentagon at the beginning of this year, which has only one direction... Antarctica. In recent months, the work of this department has intensified. Nobody knows what caused this. And this month, the department began assembling a team of military and scientific personnel to conduct a military-scientific operation in Antarctica. A very strange operation, since scientists of various directions are involved in it, from all over the world and working for the American intelligence services.

What will they explore there with such a composition? From whom to defend?

Conflicting information is being received.

And about the found ruins of an ancient powerful civilization:

And about the opening of an ancient pyramid:

And about the Nazi base:

And about the alien base. And about the Guardians (Guardians of Antarctica), representatives of a powerful reptilian race, whose base is in Antarctica and from where they monitor people’s activities and control all processes occurring on Earth. And who are the leading governments of the Earth in contact with? But for some reason they began to show hostility and aggression recently.

We don't know which of this is true and which is fiction. But it is a fact that something strange has been happening in Antarctica lately and that some events are beginning to swirl around it.

And one last thing. As we wrote at the beginning, we received some interesting information from our insider at the National Science Foundation (NSF). Yesterday, directed “rays” of incomprehensible energy “shot” twice from one point in Antarctica. Instruments at the Amundsen-Scott station detected two powerful directed bursts of energy. Scientists cannot determine its type and source. But the most interesting thing is that the direction of one “beam” was towards the Solomon Islands, and the second - towards California.

And if we assume that yesterday’s powerful earthquakes, which by the way did not lead to casualties, were someone’s warning and a demonstration of force...

And more on the topic:


The topic will remain unfinished if we don’t tell you in a little more detail what lies behind the Lovecraftian “ridges of madness” of Antarctica and about the “city” of the Ancients located behind these ridges. If we take a strict approach, then there are quite high ridges on the mainland (the Vinson massif in the Ellsworth Mountains, the highest height is 5140 meters). And these are the places that are the least explored.

But this is not the point. After all, over 99 percent of the continent’s territory is covered with ice, which, coupled with very low temperatures, does not allow for full-fledged scientific research. Considering that the thickness of the ice cover over vast areas is several kilometers, and in recent years the process of growth of the ice cap has been intensively accelerating (the annual addition is several tens of millions of tons), then, naturally, it is impossible to determine what is hidden under this ice shell. There is an exotic version that the legendary Atlantis, which has been sought for so long and unsuccessfully, is Antarctica. Lovecraft went even further by placing the Ancients in Antarctica. Moreover, no one took this seriously, because Lovecraft, when creating his Universe, constantly kept on the edge of fiction and reality and never crossed this line. Only the most ardent admirers of his work, themselves incorrigible dreamers at heart, believe in what Lovecraft wrote about. And even then - not completely. Still, it is easier to believe in UFOs and ghosts than in the fact that the Ancients once existed, whom no one had ever seen. And in vain. Lovecraft hit the nail on the head. Antarctica is exactly the continent on which the Ancients once settled and organized their base. Only at that time the Earth in its orbit was oriented somewhat differently. The magnetic poles had different geographic coordinates, significantly different from modern ones, and the cold poles also had a completely different location. The continent that the Ancients chose for themselves was located at that time in temperate latitudes. However, for the Ancients the temperature regime did not matter at all. Their choice was determined, first of all, by the conditions of the genetic experiment that they had planned. I have already said that the development of rapidly progressing hominids had to be artificially slowed down several times, sharply limiting their numbers through various natural disasters. Even at that time, these hominids were no different in appearance from modern humans. And the population that developed on the continent controlled by the Ancients generally took, thanks to its guardians, a giant step forward in intellectual terms, far ahead of all other populations of the Earth. Each time during the “purges” the Ancients tried to reduce the severity of the consequences to a minimum. But during the third “purge” (the Third Sun, according to Mayan beliefs), even they were powerless. The “Black Sun” (as defined by Nostradamus) appeared in the sky - a double of our Sun, a mysterious Nemesis, the existence of which has already been confirmed by theoretical calculations in our time. It has a mass comparable to that of the Sun and rotates in an elongated epileptic orbit with an orbital period of 12,000 years. That's what they think now. The passage of Nemesis was accompanied by such powerful tidal forces that the Earth performed a somersault, which allowed it to remain in orbit. But the price for this was a magnetic reversal of polarity; the geographic poles also shifted. And the continent of the Ancients found itself in the zone of the new South Pole. The consequences, naturally, were catastrophic. The ancients tried to organize an urgent evacuation of people, but few managed to escape. Although they took with them the knowledge that they had managed to accumulate. That’s when unknown people appeared on other continents, of which traces were preserved in legends (Veracoche, Quetzalcoatl, etc.). These people had enormous knowledge in many areas and perfect weapons. They arrived in some places on strange ships, in others on flying machines. Groups of such people appeared in South America, North America, Egypt, and at several points along the southern coast of Asia. Almost everywhere they were received favorably, and there their progressive activity unfolded with all its might. They taught local residents new crafts, irrigation, effective farming methods, and construction work based on, as they would now say, engineering calculations. They moved tirelessly, trying to pass on their knowledge. At the same time, educational work was carried out, preaching a peaceful life without wars and conflicts. And only in Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula did these people encounter an openly hostile attitude. But not from the side of the aborigines, but from the side of the civilization that had its support base here and took the NAGs under its wing. The Ancients had to intervene. This is reflected in the surviving myths about the “wars of the gods.” But not all knowledge could be transferred. And then they were safely hidden until better times. Specially trained guards have looked after these vaults for many centuries, passing the baton from generation to generation. Now all information about most of these storage facilities has been lost. Others are in hard-to-reach places. Nowadays, rumors persistently circulate about only one such storage facility. This is the Sphinx. Under it, indeed, there is a multi-tiered room. But access there is still closed. Maybe this is for the best. Almost immediately after the disaster, most of the Ancients left the planet. Those who remained moved the base not only under the ice sheet, but also went deeper into the rocks. Fortunately, they do not require any special premises or amenities. As for the stone buildings that Lovecraft described, there were no completely identical ones. There was only one similar building. But no one lived there. Its complex labyrinths were intended to lead to the BRIDGE OF WORLDS. You don’t have to take this literally, like walking and walking and exiting into a space-time tunnel. Only the Ancients knew the secret of its use. Perhaps they are still using it. The entrance to the “labyrinth” was surrounded in a semicircle by a number of cone-shaped structures about five meters high made of unknown metal of a matte shade. These “cones” did not have doors, and their purpose remained unknown even to those people who were allowed to work in the area adjacent to the “labyrinth.” In conclusion, about other cities in Antarctica. They were ordinary, human, because people lived in them. Of course, the style of the buildings was somewhat unusual, but without any special frills. They still stand there, frozen in the ice. Will they ever appear to the eyes of all mankind? Who knows. PS. Lovecraft fans remember the mysterious and terrible Cthulhu. Although many did not understand anything. So who is this Cthulhu who is still sleeping? - This is an artifact of enormous power, stored on Earth and still under the control of the ANCIENTS in working condition. This is a weapon capable of pulverizing not only the solar system.

Since the time of the drifting station “North Pole-1” and the rescue of the Chelyuskinites, there has been a real cult of polar explorers in our country. People engaged in research in the harsh conditions of the Arctic and Antarctic are considered heroes, capable of steadfastly overcoming all the hardships and hardships that befall them.

Therefore, the news about the stabbing that occurred at the Antarctic Bellingshausen station shocked many. Is that possible?

House arrest for a polar explorer

Let us remind you that the Vasileostrovsky court of St. Petersburg sent a 54-year-old man under house arrest. Sergei Savitsky, who on October 9, at about three o’clock in the afternoon, in the canteen of the Russian Antarctic Expedition at the Bellingshausen station, located on King George Island in Antarctica, stabbed a 52-year-old welder in the chest with a knife Oleg Beloguzov.

The wounded man was immediately transported to Chile, where he was treated by doctors at a military hospital. Savitsky was sent home. On October 20, he arrived at St. Petersburg Pulkovo airport, where he was met by police. Two days later, the court chose house arrest as a preventive measure for the suspect of attempted murder. Considering that Savitsky was flying to St. Petersburg on his own, without an escort, this was a completely adequate measure.

Personal enmity fueled by alcohol

Savitsky, 54, and Beloguzov, 52, are not new to Antarctica. The first acted as an electrical engineer, the second as an electric and gas welder. In photographs of the wintering staff of the Bellingshausen station in 2014-2015, which can be found on the Internet, Savitsky and Beloguzov are standing almost next to each other.

Photo: churun.ru

Upon arrival in Pulkovo, Sergei Savitsky managed to talk with a journalist from the 47news website, noting that he did not feel any hostility towards the victim: “But what other evil, he, just like me, has a mother, it’s bad that everything turned out this way.” .

Savitsky also suggested that his polar epic had come to an end: “Who needs a man waving a knife in Antarctica? Would you keep such a person in your editorial office?”

So what didn’t the polar explorers share? Sources familiar with the investigation materials claim that during their work in Antarctica, hostility accumulated between Savitsky and Beloguzov. At first, all this was limited to trifles, then things began to escalate into clashes. It is possible that alcohol was the trigger. In any case, the case file speaks of a “domestic quarrel while intoxicated.” Allegedly, the victim offered Savitsky to dance on the table in the wardroom for money. This infuriated the engineer, and he used a knife.

Who is the last to go to Antarctica?

There is a misconception that polar explorers are people who have undergone special training. In reality this is not the case. To begin with, it should be noted that officially there is no such profession as a polar explorer. People of different professions work in Antarctica, who literally get there by advertisement.

To go to Antarctica, you need to contact the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) in St. Petersburg, which manages all Russian scientific stations. If a person presents a diploma in a specialty that is in demand in Antarctica, he is enrolled in the reserve. After a certain period of time, the candidate receives a call and is informed that he has been enrolled in the expedition. And then - forward, to Antarctica, by ship or by plane, depending on the situation. Thus, Savitsky and Beloguzov got to Antarctica for the first time. Previously, Savitsky worked at the State Unitary Enterprise TEK in St. Petersburg, and Beloguzov worked at Teploservice LLC in Tikhvin.

During the first months of work, newcomers are closely monitored by the boss or, in the language of official documents, the station administrator. If people do not have health or behavioral problems, and they strictly fulfill their duties, then the administrator writes a character reference that will allow them to continue working in Antarctica. If problems are identified, the employee is forgiven.

Such a system, however, does not guarantee the absence of problems. Savitsky and Beloguzov, as already mentioned, were not working in Antarctica for the first time, but an emergency could not be avoided.

“Vodka is imported to the station legally and in decent quantities”

“At a polar station you cannot fire a person. “It’s very scary,” Nikitin said. — In Antarctica, everything that happened at the station is the station’s problem. And everything happens. It's like a submarine. But submarines now go out for only a month (previously four), and there are special isolation wards for sailors or officers. Because even strong people have deviations... The atmosphere at the station is immediately visible. When everything is good, the administrator has established relationships with everyone and between everyone, everyone walks around and smiles. You can sit in the company of a person and not notice him, and this is wonderful. When the situation is tense, people are excited, walk around warily, and look around.”

“As in any other team, especially a small one - and there were 13 of us at the station - conflicts arose. At first these were some minor affairs. Some escalated into serious arguments that lasted months. “Circles” were formed, there was talk about what Ivanov had done to Petrov, and Petrov, a stupid coward, did not behave like a man and did not hit Ivanov. Then this conversation reached Petrov in a distorted form, he decided not to be a coward anymore and another time he beat Ivanov,” said Bushmanov. “Another type of conflict occurred from the fact that the station chief singled out those close to him and supplied them with food and alcohol in excess of the norm. The most unpleasant things - fights, insults - began with alcohol. Vodka is imported to the station legally and in decent quantities. During my winter, 200-odd bottles of 0.75 liters were delivered. Sometimes the drinking binges did not stop for a week, and about a third of the wintering staff took part in them. All the alcohol was consumed in less than six months, before the end of May. In the remaining time, they diluted service alcohol and, with the permission of the station chief, distilled moonshine - with yeast and sugar with the addition of peas.”

“Fights and public nudity”: Americans in Antarctica have similar problems

Just don’t think that alcohol is exclusively a problem for Russian polar explorers.

In 2015, the US National Science Foundation conducted an audit of American stations in Antarctica. The conclusions are as follows: 75 percent of penalties imposed on polar explorers are related to alcohol consumption. The report noted "fighting, public nudity and appearing drunk at work." There has even been a recorded case of homemade beer being prepared using scientific equipment. At American stations there is a clear division between scientific staff and service personnel. So, it turned out that the initiators of fights, as a rule, were drunken scientists, and not technicians.

The permanent staff of the American McMurdo station is about 1,300 people. This is almost ten times more than the number of winterers at all Russian stations in Antarctica. Americans have bars with alcohol and a store where every Antarctic explorer can buy as much alcohol as his heart desires.

"Bellingshausen" is a "resort"

Experienced polar explorers say that different situations have happened, but the current stabbing is still too much.

Deputy Director of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Valery Lukin in an interview with the 47news portal said: “There is no psychologist at the stations. The boss is responsible for everything. If he failed to resolve the conflict, he is to blame. And the corresponding analysis of Bellingshausen will be carried out on its merits. But he still has six months to winter.”

The paradox of the current situation is that it happened at a station that in Antarctica is called a “resort.”

Unlike, for example, the inland Vostok station, where the conditions are close to cosmic in severity and the temperature drops below minus 80 Celsius, the Bellingshausen station located on Waterloo Island (King George) is a paradise. Of course, only by the standards of Antarctica. In the coldest month, the temperature here on average does not fall below minus 7, and in the warmest month it rises to plus 1.

There is no isolation from the world here - Chilean polar explorers work 200 meters from the Russians, a little further away - the Chinese, Argentines, Koreans...

Since 2004, the Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity has been operating near Bellingshausen, the only permanently operating church in Antarctica. In 2013, the polar explorers were visited by the American rock band Metallica, and in 2016 Patriarch Kirill.

Patriarch Kirill with members of the expedition to the Bellingshausen polar station on Waterloo Island in Antarctica. Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergey Pyatakov

It didn’t go to extreme measures

The presence of a stable connection with the outside world with the help of aviation, by the way, made it possible to quickly evacuate the wounded, as well as send the culprit of the incident home. If everything had happened at a station whose communication with the outside world was limited, the consequences could have been much more dire.

By the way, a special protocol was developed for such a situation back in Soviet times. If the behavior of one of the members of the expedition, isolated from the outside world, poses a threat to the safety of other researchers, the station commander has exclusive powers. As they say, “according to the laws of war.”

We can only be glad that Bellingshausen did not require such extremes.

A cloud of secrecy is gathering around the discoveries of recent years made on this continent.

In Antarctica, at a distance of 480 km from the South Pole, there is a huge Lake Vostok, whose area is not inferior to Lake Chad. The thickness of the ice above the lake is over 3.8 km, its greatest depth is 1200 meters, and in the area of ​​​​the Russian Antarctic station "Vostok" located just above it - 680 m. Scientists around the world consider the study of this unique lake one of the most interesting and intractable problems science of the 21st century.

When data was received from US orbital spy satellites that above the water surface of the lake there was a cavity 800 m high covered with a solid ice dome, and the instruments registered high magnetic activity, further implementation of the American research program was suddenly curtailed, and all civilian specialists were removed from it. Management of further work passed to a special government department - the National Security Agency (NSA).

Until 2002, an international team of scientists was engaged in research on the lake on the American side. Then the NSA completely took over the reins of power. It was announced that such a step was dictated by considerations of the country's security. Since then, not a single journalist has been able to find out what kind of security was meant.

So, what is it under the icy shell of Antarctica that can so attract the US government, as well as Russia, that they send scientific expeditions equipped with ultra-expensive and top-secret equipment to the sixth continent, specifically in the area of ​​Lake Vostok?

According to available information, instruments installed on satellites have shown that the water temperature in the lake ranges from plus 10 to plus 18 "C! This means that in the depths of the lake there are geothermal or some other heat sources. Scientists have suggested that in In the cavity between the ice dome and the surface of the lake, a self-cleaning atmosphere can exist, and possibly plants can live.

Well, what’s so dangerous here, the intrigued reader will ask.

According to information from various sources, in February 2002, two groups of scientists carrying out a joint research program funded by the US and British governments intended to lower special probes equipped with different sensors into the waters of the lake. Suddenly they received instructions to stop all work. There were no explanations. At the same time, a new contingent of researchers arrived at the Russian Vostok station, along with which a large amount of very expensive, ultra-modern equipment was delivered. All this happened in deep secrecy...

Some time after all these events, two extreme sports enthusiasts set off from the Australian Casey station towards the lake with the intention of crossing the icy continent on skis. When they reached the lake and were already walking along its ice cover, a US Air Force plane landed not far from them and some “persons in civilian clothes” invited the girls to board, explaining that they had come to save them. Meanwhile, the travelers had working means of communication and did not ask for help. It is known that during the trip, these extreme sports enthusiasts informed relatives and friends via satellite phones that upon their return they would tell them about something completely incredible. However, upon returning home, they did not tell anyone anything about this, did not give any interviews, and attempts by journalists to meet with them invariably failed.

Recently, at the Vostok station, biologists from the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics analyzed a core taken from the deep layers of ice on the lake. A bacterium was found in it that could live at a temperature of +55 "C. This means that the lake once had such a temperature. Or maybe it still does? It turns out that the hypothesis is that the water in the lake is somehow heated , for example, geysers, doesn’t look so fantastic?

According to Valery Lukin, head of the Vostok station, in recent years an ultra-deep hole has been drilled into the ice, and only 130 m remains to the water surface of the lake. But drilling further is dangerous: if the drill plunges into the water, then there is a high probability of being brought into this gigantic " flask" sealed for millions of years with ordinary earthly dirt. Nobody knows where this will lead. Maybe some terrestrial bacteria will destroy all life in the lake - fish, algae, mollusks... But there is no sterile drill yet. And what will break out to the surface and what the consequences will be is also unknown. After all, there is no guarantee that creatures or microbes that people on Earth have never encountered will not appear from Lake Vostok!

NASA recently tested a special robot for ultra-deep ice drilling at the South Pole. It was created to study glaciers on Europa, a satellite of Jupiter, which is also covered with many kilometers of ice. There is water under it, and the temperature on the surface of the planet is minus 70. The same Lake Vostok, only in space! The ice caps of Mars are also similar to the East. The author of the article “Cryo-robots explore Antarctica,” published in Space magazine (USA), claims that “this robot has already dived into the glacier at the South Pole several times and reached a depth of 1226 meters.” Without much publicity, the US NSA is also showing interest in the creation of a cryobot and research into a subglacial lake.

There are all sorts of rumors about Lake Vostok, even among polar explorers. They say that there are some lizards and unknown ancient monsters in the lake. Scientists call all these arguments philistine speculation, but they themselves cannot answer many questions. Al Sutherland, head of the expedition at the Antarctic station "McMurdo", a representative of the US National Science Foundation, says: "The interesting thing about Lake Vostok is that any discovery associated with it will raise many more questions than it will answer."

Various countries are increasingly classifying work related to this unique lake, “hidden” under a layer of ice. And it seems that something very strange is happening there after all. Antarctica now resembles a huge safe that several teams of burglars are trying to open at once, says Dr. Ed Harvey Lu, a glaciologist from England. The trouble is that no one knows what new misfortune may suddenly emerge from under ice that is millions of years old...

The Weekly World News magazine published a report that Norwegian scientists from the Amundsen-Scott station discovered a tower of completely mysterious purpose and unknown origin in the depths of the Antarctic continent at a distance of 160 km from Mount McClintock. The 28 m high structure is built from hundreds of ice blocks and resembles the “watchtower of a medieval castle.” Until very recently, it was hidden inside giant snowdrifts, and appeared to the gaze of amazed researchers only after powerful hurricanes cleared it of snow drifts.

"We have no idea who might have built this tower or how long it has stood. It could be 100 or 1,000 years old," says Kjell Nergaard, a member of the expedition that made the discovery.

This southern continent, covered with a kilometer layer of ice, was not always like this. But it’s not customary to talk about this. Moreover, talk about the secrets of Antarctica. They are simply hidden from us.

There is a time portal in Antarctica

A group of researchers from the USA and Great Britain accidentally stumbled upon a mind-blowing discovery in Antarctica. While working on a joint weather research project, the team witnessed the emergence of rotating time vortices.

US physicist Marianne McLane allegedly testified that she and her colleagues saw a “rotating gray fog” in the sky above their heads. They initially did not attach much importance to this, qualifying the phenomenon as an episode of a polar storm.

However, despite the gusts of wind and fast-moving clouds overhead, the strangely swirling gray mist remained motionless. Deciding to investigate the strange phenomenon, the group took one of their weather balloons and mounted a meteorological instrument on it to obtain data on temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind speed, as well as a scientific chronometer to record time records.

After connecting the ball's cable to the winch, they released it. The balloon and instrument flew up and were immediately swallowed up by a strange whirlwind. Using a winch, they pulled him back out with great difficulty, as if someone was holding him there by force. When they checked the data received, they were stunned by the chronometer readings. It reflected a date many years ago: January 27, 1965. McClain claimed that the experiment was repeated several times with the same result.

Later, according to her, the contents of the entire episode were classified and received the code name “The Time Gate” in military intelligence documents.

Mysterious glow from under the ice of Lake Vostok

The incredible reports have confused the governments of those countries whose observation stations operated in Antarctica. Scientists panicked about strong light sources under the ice. It was the tone of the radiograms that confused me the most . Antarctic observers were worried about their safety, as if they were, in fact, seriously threatened by something, and urgent measures were required. Reports of not only light but also sound anomalies were received from stations located in the area of ​​the subglacial Lake Vostok.

Scientists discovered freshwater lakes under the ice shell of Antarctica in 1996. Lake Vostok is located under 4 kilometers of ice and never freezes. The results of thermal scanning showed that the water temperature in the lake is quite high - from 10 to 18 degrees Celsius. This means that there is some kind of heat source to heat it. Moreover, during the study, data was obtained that between the water surface of the lake and the ice dome there is an empty cavity, about 800 m high. A space in which almost ideal conditions for life are created.

Did nature work this way or are these the fruits of someone’s conscious efforts? Another mysterious circumstance is abnormally high magnetic activity near the southeastern shore of the lake.

Her sources are also unknown. Information about the results of the latest research on Lake Vostok is classified. In 2007, drilling was suspended at a depth of 3665 m. It resumed years later and on January 5, 2012, at the Vostok station in Antarctica, our scientists, at a depth of 3768 m, completed drilling and reached the surface of the subglacial lake. Then they solemnly presented a flask of water to the president of the country and again there was silence.

An unknown mechanism was found in Antarctica Until 2000, on the American side, an international team of scientists was engaged in research on the lake, but then the US National Security Administration took over the reins. NASA media relations spokeswoman Deborah Schingteller said that the replacement was dictated by national security considerations.

Immediately after these words, one of the NASA managers took a place in front of the microphone, clarifying that “the research was interrupted to ensure the ecological safety of the environment.” Since then, none of the journalists have been able to contact Deborah Schingteller and find out what kind of safety she meant .

There was a lot of talk that back in 2001, the United States sent an expedition to the area where the anomaly was discovered, equipped with drilling rigs and heavy equipment for excavation. They were confirmed in the book of the American researcher Terence Ame “Secrets of the Universe. 25 true stories from time and space." In April 2001 American spy satellite discovered an ancient structure or apparatus

, which lay trapped within miles of cruel Antarctic ice. A secret excavation project for the site was launched immediately following the discovery.

"If this is something that the US military has built in the depths, then they are violating the international Antarctic Treaties," the aide said. Nicole Fontaine, then Speaker of the European Parliament. - If not, then this is something that has existed for at least 12 thousand years, that’s how long ice has covered Antarctica. Then this can be called one of the oldest artificial structures on the planet. The Pentagon must heed calls from Congress and reveal what is being hidden."

The US federal government and the Pentagon ignored the calls.

Some military observers claimed that robotic devices were immediately sent to the South Pole. There have been speculations that the US Air Force even transported a huge nuclear tunnel-builder to the secret C5 base in Antarctica.

News soon emerged of covert and urgent medical care being provided to some unnamed members of the Arctic expedition. As a result, they were evacuated in the depths of the Antarctic winter. There were no official comments.

The magnetic anomaly on Lake Vostok, after this incident, intensified significantly. Russian scientists who observed it were shocked and puzzled.

Meanwhile, the American military airfield continued to hum with activity, with flights coming and going to Antarctica at a breakneck pace. Heavy equipment, quite exotic, appeared on the gloomy Antarctic glaciers.

When the American and European media put a lot of pressure on the American government and military to get at least some plausible information, the September 11 terrorist attack occurs... The mysterious events in Antarctica were forgotten for a long time.

Scant information has leaked to the press that in December 2006, the US Air Force, as part of Operation Deep Freeze, carried out large-scale parachute landing of 40 tons of cargo straight to the South Pole with the help of heavy military transport C-17 Globemaster III...

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