Home Diseases and pests If your girlfriend has PMS. PMS: symptoms, treatment, causes, difference from pregnancy. What is PMS in girls, explanation

If your girlfriend has PMS. PMS: symptoms, treatment, causes, difference from pregnancy. What is PMS in girls, explanation

Not all women suffer acutely from premenstrual syndrome, throwing tantrums and scandals to their loved ones. However, everyone experiences temporary hormonal changes that can lead to an unstable emotional state, a desire to eat certain foods, or lock yourself in a room with your favorite book.

During moments of PMS, a man tries not to disturb his chosen one, or even stay as far away from her as possible. A woman's irritability can give way to sadness, and then turn into anger and end in depression. Not every man is able to withstand such intense passions. Sometimes a couple may need family psychotherapy to learn to better understand each other and adequately respond to cyclical events in a woman's life.

What does a woman want during PMS?

Most likely, the woman herself does not know what she wants during a hormonal surge. Some begin to consume sweets, others cannot eat anything at all, and others want to eat only healthy food without GMOs. A gentle and affectionate woman can turn into a bitchy and hysterical vixen in a second. She doesn’t understand why everything irritates her so much and wants to find those responsible for her condition.

A wise woman, anticipating changes in her mood, tries to warn a close man and prepare him. She understands her body language perfectly and understands her feelings. Therefore, she knows that during moments of hormonal changes, she needs protection and help.

A man who hides during moments of a woman’s difficult psychological state cannot be a good life partner. When the next test of strength overtakes the couple, he will also run away. But the one who tries in difficult moments to remember why he loves his chosen one is worthy of respect.

What should a man do when a woman has PMS?

    • Do not get involved in a dispute, do not provoke a quarrel, do not sort things out.
    • Give compliments so that a woman understands that she is beautiful and desirable.
    • A relaxing massage, gentle stroking and rubbing will be very helpful.
    • You also need to please a woman wisely. Her desires are constantly changing. So don’t be angry if the chocolate you bought at a 24-hour supermarket turns out to be no longer needed.

Only a loving and attentive man can cope with a woman’s bad mood. If the feelings are not so strong, then PMS can be a serious test for a representative of the stronger half.

TUR decided to find out why girls, and along with them, boys, suffer so much. Let's figure out what these scary three letters represent from a medical point of view and find out how women cope with the problem, and guys cope with women who have PMS.

What is premenstrual syndrome?

PMS, or cyclic syndrome, also called premenstrual illness, is a complex set of symptoms that not all women appear a few days before the onset of menstruation. PMS is characterized by emotional instability, mental lability, disruption of the autonomic nervous system and a number of other changes, which, in turn, negatively affect the usual everyday adaptation of both the woman and the man next to her.

There are so-called PMS trigger factors - triggering mechanisms and agents that provoke the disease. Such factors can include childbirth, abortion and female diseases, as well as stress and infections. However, scientists have not yet gotten to the bottom of the exact reason for the development of this condition. One thing is known - some people experience PMS all the time, others from time to time, and some lucky women are completely deprived of this unpleasant feature.

At the anatomical level, the focus is known - this is the hypothalamus. Doctors advise treating PMS with medications, hormones and kind words.

If a girl is not in the mood,
And every phrase sounds like an attack,
We need to move further away quickly,
And throw a big chocolate bar at her

We figured out that PMS is not “my abnormal breakdown is happening again,” but quite a disease. Which, as befits any regular disease, has several forms:

Neuropsychic- which we started talking about. It is with this form that a woman develops a bad mood, tearfulness, depression, severe irritability and often aggression towards her neighbor.

Edema- with this form, there may be no change in the emotional background, but sensitivity to odors increases, the mammary glands become engorged, and swelling appears. It is not known which is better.

Cephalgic - here a headache, often of a pulsating nature, comes to the fore. At the same time, depression and various vegetative manifestations are common. Blood pressure does not change, the headache resembles a migraine in nature.

Krizovaya - characterized by increased blood pressure, tachycardia, arrhythmia, feeling of fatigue, fear of death. The emotional state in this form is not the best.

Atypical form - like a ghost or true love - everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.

How Ufa couples cope with PMS

Svetlana and Andrey

Svetlana: I don't consider PMS a disease. Yes, shortly before my period starts I have breakdowns. I know in advance what days it will be and I warn others not to be offended by me. It’s not their fault that my hormones are playing. The sensations in this case are different, as a rule, I feel very irritable, everything infuriates me, I want to hit someone hard. This condition lasts for a maximum of two days, after which it gradually subsides.

Andrey: When Sveta has PMS, I “go on the defensive.” She rushes at me with reproaches, she doesn’t like anything, absolutely nothing, that I do. She, however, later apologizes for losing her temper, but I’m not offended, I understand everything. Therefore, I try not to irritate her again. Sometimes I buy something tasty, order pizza or rolls, and take me to a cafe. She reacts positively to these ideas even in PMS.

Dasha and Sergey

Dasha: Everyone around is saying - “Nightmare! PMS! But this is not clear to me. My mood, emotional and physical state are virtually independent of my monthly cycle. Everything as usual. Bad mood and irritability are sometimes typical for me, but... at any time of the month, and not on any specific days.

Sergey: We are lucky in this regard. If you had not asked such a question, I would never have thought about it.

Aigul and Radik

Aigul: I don’t know, everything seems to be as usual...

R: Yeah, as usual with her. But I don’t have one. You can see better from the side. She becomes completely inadequate. She swears... One minute she likes it, a minute later she doesn’t like the same thing - she “changed her mind”! And she also develops a stupid habit these days - not calling and going somewhere with her friends. No, I have nothing against it, but can I call and warn you? Why bother calling - at least pick up the phone. In short, it's fucked up.

Karina and Anton

Karina: During PMS I get a terrible headache and I hate everyone around me. I can yell at my mother, at my husband, at my daughter. By the way, this appeared after the birth of my first child. Before this it didn’t show up at all. I don’t know what this is connected with. The only thing that saves me is pills and an hour or two of sleep in silence and in the dark. Although, my husband got used to it.

A: It's simple. There is a quick-acting remedy for all manifestations of PMS - shopping. You give her money and let her go shopping. The main rule is not to go with her! To be honest, I’m not sure that my wife even experiences this PMS, it seems that she just likes the fact that we have such a tradition every month of sending her for a new blouse.

Alena and Kirill

Alyona: My PMS goes away relatively calmly. Sometimes I don’t notice at all, sometimes I feel a little irritable. Considering that I am a very positive person in life, I immediately notice that something abnormal is happening to me. And I say this right away. I myself feel that this is a pathology, that in normal times I never react so sharply to this or that. This is unpleasant, but I simply save myself - I cook something tasty for myself and my husband, watch a comedy or a fairy tale, read a book - in general, I do something pleasant to me.

Kirill: The wife in this regard is a problem-free creature! Place chocolate in your teeth - and it’s white and fluffy.

Irina and Airat

Irina: During PMS I get fat. Seriously, it’s only during these stupid three days that I become as fat as a cow. Well, that’s why my mood worsens - I’m always afraid that I’ll remain fat. I went to both a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. They say swelling, but that doesn’t make it any easier because it looks terrible. Although it passes quickly

Airat: Yes, she will come up with horror stories for herself and rush. I've never noticed anything like this. Everything is fine with her, but she is becoming suspicious these days.

Doctors have always tried to determine the reasons why women feel unwell and irritable in the days immediately before menstruation . In ancient times, this phenomenon was associated with various factors - the phases of the moon, the woman’s health, and the characteristics of the area where she lived. However, the state before menstruation was a mystery to the Aesculapians. Only in the twentieth century were doctors able to understand to some extent what was happening to the ladies.

Speaking about PMS - what it is, you should know how PMS stands for - what it means is a manifestation characteristic of women in the days before menstruation. PMS is a set of symptoms that appear in women and girls a few days before the onset of menstruation.

Scientists are still researching what causes such manifestations and what this syndrome means. Those who are interested in how PMS is translated should learn in more detail what manifestations are characteristic of this condition. Each decoding of what PMS is in girls contains a description of all the characteristic symptoms and manifestations.

After all, PMS in women is a whole complex of symptoms, both physical and mental—scientists have counted about 150 of them. Approximately 75% of women experience premenstrual syndrome to varying degrees.

As a rule, PMS in girls begins to appear approximately 2-10 days before the day when signs of menstruation appear. After menstruation ends, menstrual syndrome also completely disappears.

Why does PMS develop?

So far, all the studies conducted have not made it possible to determine why premenstrual syndrome manifests itself? There are many theories that explain why this condition develops.

  • The so-called “water intoxication” is a disrupted water-salt metabolism.
  • Allergic nature – high sensitivity of the body to endogenous substances.
  • Psychosomatic – the development of physiological symptoms due to the influence of mental factors.

The most complete and broadest theory today is the hormonal theory, according to which PMS is explained by strong hormonal fluctuations in the second phase of the cycle. After all, for the female body to function correctly, normal hormonal balance is important:

  • are able to improve well-being, both physical and mental, activate mental activity, increase vitality;
  • progesterone provides a sedative effect, which can lead to a depressive state in the second phase;
  • affect libido, increase performance and energy.

In the second phase of the cycle, a woman’s hormonal background changes. Consequently, the hormonal theory suggests that the body reacts inadequately to such a “storm”. Interestingly, premenstrual tension syndrome is inherited.

Since during the premenstrual period the body experiences endocrine instability , this leads to the manifestation of somatic and psycho-vegetative disorders. The main reason for this is the fluctuation of sex hormones during the monthly cycle and the reaction of the limbic parts of the brain to this.

  • When the level increases estrogen and first increases, and then decreases the level progesterone , swelling, tenderness of the mammary glands, dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels, pressure surges, irritability and aggression in women are noted.
  • With increased secretion fluid is also retained in the body.
  • When content increases , there are vegetative-vascular disorders, digestive disorders - diarrhea, nausea, as well as headaches reminiscent of.

Thus, modern doctors identify the following factors that determine the development of PMS:

  • A decrease in the level, which leads to the manifestation of mental symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: when this hormone decreases, sadness and melancholy are noted.
  • Deficiency leads to fluid retention, increased breast sensitivity, and mood changes.
  • A lack of magnesium leads to the development of symptoms such as headache, desire to eat sweets.
  • Smoking – women who smoke suffer from PMS twice as often.
  • – Those with a body mass index greater than 30 are much more likely to experience symptoms of this syndrome.
  • Genetics – the tendency to PMS can be inherited.
  • Difficult childbirth, abortion, gynecological operations.

The main symptoms of PMS in women

When talking about what PMS symptoms are, how many days before menstruation do they appear in girls and women, we should take into account the individual characteristics of each organism. Doctors divide the main signs of PMS before menstruation into several different groups. The following symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are distinguished (by group):

  • Neuropsychiatric : depression, aggression, irritability and tearfulness.
  • Exchange-endocrine : chills, swelling due to impaired water-salt metabolism, fever, discomfort in the mammary glands, bloating, blurred vision and memory.
  • Vegetative-vascular : headache, pressure changes, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia,.

Speaking about what symptoms women experience before menstruation, it should be taken into account that they can be conditionally divided into several forms. However, as a rule, they are combined. So, if pronounced psycho-vegetative disorders are observed, the pain threshold decreases, and the woman perceives pain very acutely - a week or a few days before menstruation.

What signs of menstruation can be observed in a week or in a few days?

Neuropsychic form Disturbances in the emotional and nervous spheres appear:
  • panic attacks, causeless melancholy and depression may develop;
  • anxiety, feeling of fear, depression;
  • forgetfulness, poor concentration, mood swings;
  • insomnia, increased or decreased libido;
  • aggression, dizziness.
Crisis form
  • There is tachycardia, pressure changes, heart pain;
  • frequent urination before menstruation, panic.
  • Those who are characterized by this form usually have heart disease, kidney disease, and poor digestion.
Atypical manifestations
  • The temperature rises to subfebrile levels;
  • Constantly worried about drowsiness, allergic manifestations, vomiting.
Edema form
  • Characterized by negative diuresis and fluid retention in the body.
  • Swelling of the limbs and face, itching of the skin, thirst, weight gain, pain in the lower back and joints, headache, decreased urination, and digestive problems occur.
Cephalgic form Most manifest vegetative-vascular and neurological symptoms:
  • migraine, cardialgia;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • tachycardia;
  • high sensitivity to smells and sounds.

Approximately 75% of women experience increased vascular patterns and hyperostosis. With this form, as a rule, the family history includes hypertension, diseases of the digestive system, heart and vascular diseases.

Wikipedia and other sources indicate that each woman experiences PMS differently, and the symptoms may vary.

Scientists, having conducted a series of studies, determined the frequency of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome:

In addition, PMS can significantly aggravate the course of other diseases:

  • anemia ;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • migraine ;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.

What conditions and diseases can masquerade as PMS?

To know how many days before menstruation begins, every woman needs to keep a calendar or a special notebook and write down the start date of menstruation, how long menstruation lasts, as well as the day of ovulation (to do this, just measure your basal temperature). It is also worth noting the manifestation of symptoms before menstruation and how you feel during ovulation.

If a woman keeps such records over several cycles, this helps her determine how often signs of PMS appear. Also, the diary will help determine whether there is a delay in menstruation, etc.

To establish a diagnosis of PMS, the doctor determines the presence of at least 4 signs listed below:

  • , insomnia ;
  • deterioration of attention and memory;
  • increased appetite, decreased appetite;
  • severe fatigue, weakness;
  • chest pain;
  • swelling;
  • pain in joints or muscles;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

This condition can also be diagnosed if at least one of the following signs is observed:

  • conflict, tearfulness, nervousness and irritability, sudden mood swings in women;
  • groundless anxiety, fear, tension;
  • feeling of melancholy without reason, depression;
  • depression;
  • aggressiveness.

To determine the severity of PMS, it is important to take into account the number of manifestations, their severity and duration:

  • Mild form - manifests itself from 1 to 4 symptoms, if these are 1-2 signs, then they are significantly pronounced.
  • Severe form - manifests itself from 2 to 12 signs, if these are 2-5 symptoms, then they are significantly pronounced. Sometimes they can lead to a woman becoming unable to work the day or several days before her period.

The cyclical nature of manifestations is the main feature that distinguishes premenstrual syndrome from other diseases. That is, this condition is premenstrual syndrome when it begins before menstruation (from 2 to 10 days) and completely disappears after menstruation. But if psychovegetative symptoms disappear, then physical sensations sometimes turn into painful periods or migraines in the first days of the cycle.

If a woman’s sensations in the first phase of the cycle are relatively good, then this is precisely PMS, and not an exacerbation of chronic diseases - depression, neurosis, fibrocystic disease.

If pain is observed only immediately before menstruation and during menstruation, and is combined with bleeding in the middle of the cycle, this indicates that, most likely, a gynecological disease is developing in the body - and etc.

To determine the form of PMS, hormones are examined: estradiol , prolactin , progesterone .

Additional research methods may also be prescribed, depending on which complaints predominate:

  • If you are concerned about very severe headaches, dizziness, fainting, or blurred vision, it is necessary to perform a CT or MRI to exclude organic diseases of the brain.
  • If neuropsychiatric symptoms predominate, an EEG is performed to exclude epileptic syndrome.
  • If swelling is a concern, the amount of urine per day changes, tests are performed to diagnose the kidneys.
  • In case of significant breast engorgement, an ultrasound of the mammary glands should be performed, .

Women who suffer from PMS are examined not only by a gynecologist, but also by other specialists: neurologists, psychiatrists, nephrologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, and therapists.

How to figure it out - PMS or pregnancy?

Since some symptoms during pregnancy are very similar to signs of PMS, it is important to take into account the differences that can distinguish between these conditions.

After conception occurs, the hormone increases in the female body progesterone . As a result, a woman may confuse pregnancy with PMS when the following symptoms begin to appear: breast tenderness and swelling, vomiting, nausea, mood swings, lower back pain, irritability.

Often, when you go to one or another thematic forum, you can see women’s arguments about how to distinguish PMS from pregnancy before a delay. Of course, if your periods started on time, then the issue goes away by itself. However, even pregnant women sometimes experience discharge during the day. When should your period be? There are differences between discharge before menstruation and during pregnancy - in pregnant women it is usually more scanty. But still, in order to verify the presence or absence of pregnancy, it is worth doing a test or conducting tests at the medical center. institution.

Below is a comparison of the most common symptoms during pregnancy and PMS.

Symptom During pregnancy For premenstrual syndrome
Chest pain Appears throughout pregnancy Disappears with the onset of menstruation
Appetite Taste preferences change, the sense of smell becomes more acute, and familiar smells become irritating. You may crave sweets, salty foods, there is sensitivity to smells, and there may be an increase in appetite
Backache Worrying in the last trimester Possible lower back pain
Fatigue It appears about a month after conception. Possible both after ovulation and a few days before menstruation
Pain in the lower abdomen Brief, mild pain Manifests individually
Emotional condition Mood changes often Irritability and tearfulness appear
Frequent urination May be No
Toxicosis Begins to develop approximately 4-5 weeks after conception There may be nausea and vomiting

Since the symptoms for these conditions are actually similar, and in some cases it is even possible to become pregnant during your period (at least that is the impression a woman gets if discharge appears), it is important to act correctly.

It is best to wait until your period begins. If a woman notes that she is already experiencing a delay, it is imperative to conduct a pregnancy test, which reliably determines pregnancy after a delay. For those who want to immediately verify whether conception has occurred, you can take (pregnancy hormone). Such a test accurately determines pregnancy already on the tenth day after conception.

The most appropriate thing to do in such a situation is to visit a gynecologist who will help you figure out what a woman actually has - PMS or pregnancy through an examination and an ultrasound. Sometimes the question also arises of how to distinguish pregnancy from – in this case, you also need to consult a doctor or do a test.

When should you contact a specialist?

If pain, irritability, and increased tearfulness in women, the causes of which are associated with PMS, significantly reduce the quality of life and are very pronounced, you should consult a doctor and carry out the treatment prescribed by him. The doctor can also give effective recommendations on how to alleviate certain unpleasant symptoms.

As a rule, with such manifestations, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. How to treat PMS, and whether it is worth prescribing any drugs for treatment, the specialist determines, taking into account the form, symptoms, and course of premenstrual syndrome. The following treatment methods may be prescribed:

  • For mood swings, depression, and irritability, psychotherapy sessions, relaxation techniques, and sedatives are prescribed.
  • If you are worried about pain in the abdomen, lower back, or headaches, it is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain (tablets, and etc.).
  • Drugs are also prescribed for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome - diuretics to remove excess fluid and eliminate swelling.
  • Hormonal treatment is prescribed if there is insufficiency in the second phase of the cycle, after conducting functional diagnostic tests, guided by the results of the changes that have been identified. Assign gestagens medroxyprogesterone acetate , they should be taken from the 16th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle.
  • Tranquilizers and antidepressants are prescribed to women who develop numerous neuropsychiatric symptoms before menstruation: aggressiveness, nervousness, panic attacks, insomnia, etc. In such cases, they are prescribed. The drugs should be taken in the second phase of the cycle, two days after the onset of symptoms.
  • If crisis or cephalgic forms are diagnosed, it may be prescribed in the second phase of the monthly cycle. If prolactin is elevated, then Parlodel must be taken continuously.
  • If a woman develops edematous or cephalgic forms, antiprostaglandin medications are prescribed (,.
  • The doctor may also prescribe homeopathic remedies, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes - for example, anti-depression vitamins for women.

How to relieve the condition yourself?

If a woman is worried about PMS (sometimes mistakenly called “postmenstrual syndrome”), then she should use some recommendations to alleviate the condition.

Have a good rest

You need to sleep as much time as your body needs for proper rest. As a rule, this is 8-10 hours. Many women who write on any thematic forum note that it was the normalization of sleep that made it possible to reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms. With a lack of sleep, anxiety, irritability, aggressiveness may develop, and worsen. For those who suffer from insomnia, taking short evening walks can help.


Provided that the woman does not suffer from allergies, you can practice aromatherapy by selecting a special composition of aromatic oils. It is recommended to use lavender, basil, sage, geranium, rose, juniper, and bergamot oils. It is worth starting to take baths with aromatic oils two weeks before menstruation.

Physical exercise

Any reasonable load has a positive effect on the body - running, dancing, yoga, bodyflex, etc. If you train fully and regularly, the body’s content increases. endorphins . And this allows you to overcome depression and insomnia, and reduce the severity of physical symptoms.

Vitamins and minerals

To reduce the severity of symptoms, two weeks before menstruation you need to take magnesium and. It is also recommended to drink and. This will help reduce the severity of a number of symptoms: palpitations, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, irritability.


It is important to include as many vegetables and fruits as possible in your diet, as well as foods containing calcium and fiber. It is worth reducing the amount of coffee, cola, and chocolate consumed, as caffeine provokes anxiety and mood swings. It is important to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.

It is also not recommended to eat beef, which may contain artificial estrogens. You should drink herbal teas, lemon and carrot juices. It is better to exclude or limit alcohol, since under its influence reserves of minerals and vitamins are depleted, and the liver utilizes hormones worse.

Women often wonder why they crave salty foods before menstruation. The fact is that fluctuations in appetite are normal during PMS, and sometimes you just need to “satisfy the demands” of the body in order to feel better.


You need to try to avoid stressful situations, not overwork and think positively. To do this, it is recommended to practice yoga and meditation.

Regular sex

Sex also has a beneficial effect on health - it helps you sleep better, overcome stress, cope with bad emotions, strengthen your immune system and increase endorphins. In addition, in the period before menstruation, a woman’s libido often increases, which contributes to an active sex life.

Medicinal herbs

With the help of herbal teas, you can significantly relieve PMS. The main thing is to choose the right herbs. Tea can be made from St. John's wort, primrose, and other herbs that your doctor recommends.


Thus, premenstrual syndrome is a serious condition, which sometimes becomes an obstacle for a woman to a full life and ability to work. According to research, the most severe symptoms of PMS occur in residents of large cities and women who engage in mental work.

However, with the help of specialists, as well as by practicing proper nutrition, regular exercise, and taking vitamins and minerals, this condition can be significantly alleviated.

Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnitsa State Medical University named after. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013, she worked as a pharmacist and manager of a pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

A girl is a capricious, changeable creature. Today she wants peace and quiet, and the next day her energy knows no bounds, she gallops through the valleys and villages in search of adventure and demands power, if not over the whole world, then at least over it.Ofor the most part. What happens the day after tomorrow? You come home and find your sweet, beautiful lady of your heart (sister, friend) just yesterday in a terrible mood, unkempt and with a huge plate of tasty, but incompatible foods in her hands. Don't be surprised, because it's "them" again - hormonal changes in the body and, as a result, PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

It doesn’t happen to everyone, but to most girls, it has many forms and depends directly on age (the older the woman, the more likely she is to develop the syndrome). For men, the most dangerous manifestation of PMS is the neuropsychic form, which is expressed in tearfulness, irritability, mood swings, and sometimes even depression and aggressiveness, which is so disliked by all men. And if your beloved throws a vase at you for no reason, don’t be offended, she didn’t do it out of malice. 🙂

Why is all this happening? It's all about the hormones that are produced by the female genital organs, namely estrogens. The concentration of this hormone in a woman’s body begins to increase from about the 7th day of the menstrual cycle, when a follicle with an egg is detected in the ovaries and begins to grow. The phase continues until the very end of the cycle (about 3 weeks) until menstruation, which marks the peak release of estrogen into the blood. This is what influences the mood of all mature young ladies.

“Why is it even needed, this estrogen?” - you ask. I will answer that it is simply necessary, since it is this hormone that makes a woman a woman. It is estrogen that is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, female body type, female character and voice. Without him, girls will not be such sweet, beautiful and gentle creatures.

Therefore, on such days you need to be very delicate in relation to your girlfriend, you need to listen and, most importantly, hear her, indulge her whims a little, buy chocolates and in every possible way show that you care what happens to her, even if she shows with all her appearance that that you're pissing her off. Also, you should not be offended by your girlfriend if her decisions and desires change at the speed of sound. But whenever possible, bring her what she wants, because otherwise she is unlikely to leave you behind, and will also be offended in the bargain. If a girl cries for no reason, then there are two options: to console her or not to touch her at all. Which one to choose, see for yourself depending on the situation, it’s like in the old films about “Die Hard”: the wire is either red or blue, but not both at once. If you make a mistake, it may “bang”. But you don't need this. True, there is a danger of ending up as a “soulless brute,” but it’s not as scary as getting hit on the head with a vase, right?

A small survey was conducted among girls aged 18-22 about what comforts them during PMS. The results are not at all varied and even boring: understanding, food, sex, sleep, tears. It seems like ordinary desires, but at such moments, feel free to multiply everything by one hundred. Or better yet, a thousand. Your representative of the fair sex behaves like a small child only one day a month, but for the sake of her beauty and health this can be tolerated.

I hope the article shed light on why girls behave strangely during PMS, and told how to smooth out the rough edges and help your loved one cope. The main thing for a girl is to understand that she is not alone. And who knows, perhaps this is the main reason for all her eccentricities.

The entire life of young girls and women is divided into certain cycles, which are regulated by the body and hormonal changes. The mood, physical and mental state, reactions to the outside world, and, of course, the desire to have sex depend on them. It is no secret for men that during menstruation a woman feels unwell and it is better not to disturb her. But not everyone knows why, a few days before the onset of menstruation, girls become nervous and aggressive, react negatively to caresses in bed, which two days ago brought them to orgasm.

Meet, dear ones, your beloved has PMS! What is PMS in girls? We’ll find out what a guy should do and how to communicate with her in this article. And we will definitely solve the question of why sex during PMS is also a little different. Believe me, 90% of the female population suffers from a similar reaction between the beginning of menstruation and its completion, that is, during the childbearing period. These are not the whims of your lady and not a bad character, but simply physiology! Interestingly, the term itself and the description of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome arose in official medicine not so long ago. Meanwhile, the novelty of the concept did not prevent it from acquiring several popular myths. Today we will find out whether a woman really shouldn’t have sex, and what other nonsense about PMS is circulating around the world.

What is PMS in girls, explanation

PMS is a premenstrual syndrome, reflected in a heightened emotional background several days before the onset of critical days and even a negative physiological reaction. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, which is preparing for the release of an unfertilized egg. In addition to tearfulness, touchiness, aggressiveness and insomnia, you can observe acne, acne, pain in the chest, abdomen, head, lower back, and increased appetite in your lover, even in women who watch their diet. Many ladies indulge in sweets or mix foods that are completely incompatible with each other. Someone slips into a depressed state. In general, there is a whole complex of neuropsychic, metabolic-endocrine and vegetative-vascular reactions on the face, which normally go away on the first day of menstruation.

A girl during PMS, what happens to her

Since certain hormones accumulate in excess in the body before menstruation, their effect on the nervous system changes the psychological reactions of their owner. Their bright manifestation is observed 1-2 days before menstruation. In gynecology, PMS is considered a syndrome in which not only hormones (estrogen, progesterone) change, but also the balance of microelements is noticeably disturbed.

This is why most women experience unpleasant conditions that are aggravated by the presence of any concomitant diseases.

  • The nervous system reacts with tearfulness, aggressiveness, touchiness, nervousness, excitability or, on the contrary, a depressed state, indignation. If a lady is not already distinguished by restraint and good disposition, this is all magnified threefold. Overly susceptible individuals fall into depression, despair, and panic attacks are possible.
  • The endocrine system can give symptoms such as sweating, hot flashes, flatulence, increased fatigue, shortness of breath, irritable bowel syndrome, painful swelling of the mammary glands, increased thirst.
  • The vegetative-vascular system reacts with increased or decreased blood pressure, a feeling of cold hands/feet, palpitations, a lump in the throat, headaches, and lower back pain.

A woman’s psychosomatics has a great influence on her general condition. There is an opinion that women with intellectual work suffer from PMS more often, since the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone greatly affects cognitive functions and the thought process. In some women prone to androgen surges, their levels increase even more, which leads to failure of self-control, since parts of the brain are already “killed” by the rest of the hormonal cocktail.

If the body does not have enough joy hormones (serotonin, endorphins), the girl has a very difficult time: the 2nd phase of the cycle, starting from days 14-16, goes very violently, and the listed signs of PMS intensify many times over. Hypersensitivity to all influences from the outside world leads to irritability and unmotivated aggressiveness. During such a period, it is impossible to communicate with a woman without quarrels and complaints - she will definitely find something to be offended by and something to reproach for.

What causes PMS symptoms to worsen?

When the egg remains unfertilized, its disintegration begins under the influence of increased levels of estrogen and decreased progesterone. Hormonal fluctuations and the corresponding symptoms of PMS can intensify:

  • previous abortions and complicated births;
  • other surgical interventions, including on the female side;
  • gynecological problems, inflammation;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • spinal injuries;
  • nervous overstrain and emotional exhaustion;
  • increased physical fatigue;
  • poor nutrition, eating disorders;
  • hard mental work;
  • obesity.

In such cases, an atypical form of PMS very often occurs, in which women suffer from severe acne, acne, allergic reactions, fluid stagnation, nausea and vomiting, severe abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness, drowsiness or insomnia, increased body temperature, attacks of tachycardia and arrhythmias, exacerbation of cystitis, urethritis and other genitourinary problems.

When does PMS start and how long does it last in women?

All women experience PMS at different ages, under the influence of various factors. According to doctors, young girls aged 15-25 years are less susceptible to the influence of hormonal changes and experience PMS in a milder form. Most often, the manifestations affect more the sphere of physical sensations and external changes (acne, engorgement of the mammary glands, bloating, 1-2 kg gain, lower back pain, increased appetite, etc.).

Women from 25 to 40 years old, who have given birth, have had abortions and gynecological surgeries, and often combine work and family, suffer from PMS more often in about 50% of cases. At the same time, the form is more pronounced, affecting not only the endocrine sphere, but also the neuropsychic one. To prevent the situation from worsening, it is better for women suffering from nervous disorders a few days before their period to consult a doctor for medicinal help. Such conditions can be easily corrected with medications.

Women during menopause are most susceptible to PMS. Changes in mood, aggressiveness, poor health and many other symptoms significantly poison the life of the lady herself and the people in contact with her. Of course, this does not happen for everyone, but for a fairly large number of women aged 45+.

As a rule, PMS begins in the second phase of the cycle, after ovulation, if fertilization has not occurred. In mild forms, the syndrome lasts 2-3 days, in moderate forms – no more than 5-6 days, in complex atypical cases – the entire second phase before the onset of menstruation.

Stages of PMS development

PMS can be roughly divided into several stages of development:

  • compensated - over the years, the symptoms do not worsen, and sometimes completely disappear after childbirth, occur towards the end of the second stage of the cycle and with the arrival of menstruation everything goes away;
  • subcompensated - severity increases with age, symptoms intensify, relief does not always come with menstruation;
  • decompensated - the manifestations of PMS symptoms last during menstrual periods and even after their end (the woman suffers almost the entire cycle).

Why and why a girl has PMS

During a normal menstrual cycle, PMS is almost impossible to avoid, since against the background of a decrease in progesterone with its analgesic effect and an increase in estrogen in the second phase, retention of fluids and sodium salts in the intercellular space begins. This leads to intoxication of the body, which, accordingly, cannot but affect the girl’s physical and mental state. It’s just that the intensity of symptoms varies for everyone.

Premenstrual tension syndrome is jokingly called the body's perverted way of telling everyone to go to hell and rest. Psychologists believe that it is important to accept the female cycle as an opportunity to regulate your life. And on the most difficult days you need to feel sorry for yourself, but in the days of the first phase, after menstruation and during ovulation, you can be most active. The female body is created for the birth of children, therefore all its mechanisms are tailored specifically for this process. In modern life this is impossible, since girls have taken an almost masculine position in society, but the body has not changed in any way, so you will have to learn in the conditions of the new current of reality to adjust your biorhythms to different waves.

It is important to learn to relax mentally in the days leading up to your period and allow yourself some weaknesses. You should not have a negative attitude towards monthly bleeding (which almost all ladies sin), because rejection of your physiology leads to an exacerbation of PMS and other negative symptom complexes of our body.

Why does your chest hurt during PMS?

The breasts hurt before menstruation due to increased swelling that occurs against the background of a violation of the water-salt balance under the influence of hormones. It occurs in all tissues, including the mammary glands. If the breast hurts and swells until the critical days, with the onset of which the discomfort goes away, this is not a pathology, but the norm. The persistence of pain during and after them indicates breast diseases, so you should consult a doctor.

A girl has PMS, what should a guy do?

If you have already understood approximately at what period your chosen one begins to experience PMS, it is better to behave with a little caution if you do not want to conflict. You can get yourself a calendar where you mark the days of special nervous excitability and the transformation of a beautiful fairy into an evil witch.

Do not provoke conflicts yourself: do not start serious topics with her if you know in advance that she will react negatively to them. At the moment of PMS, the reaction will be hypertrophied tenfold. It’s better to take care of her mood and condition and buy something tasty. Can you ask in advance what she wants? Absolutely wonderful! This is just in case so that your cake does not fly back to you.

Don't tell her openly that her nervousness and aggressiveness are associated with PMS. Women, oddly enough, are often offended when this fact is pointed out. Either people have been ridiculing this condition for too long, or in such words from men there is some kind of disdain for women’s well-being, but a negative reaction will overtake you like heavenly punishment. So let's not tempt fate.

Save surprises until better times. When she's in pain and in a lousy mood, your gifts or unexpected news about an upcoming trip with her mom to a vacation home for the whole weekend can awaken the Yellowstone volcano. Your baby is explosive right now. Let's not have a sudden change of scenery.

Do not answer provocative questions honestly, even if you are ready to give your neck for the truth. They will accuse you of all mortal sins or simply blow your mind with whining. Jeans don't make her look fat, the blouse fits perfectly, the bust is the most beautiful, the earrings are the most fashionable, and in general she looks the best with this hairstyle! The borscht exceeded all expectations, the cutlets were divine. All. No options.

Do not invite guests into the house without her permission. She doesn't feel well, and unnecessary social contacts only irritate her. Not all, but many. It’s better to spend time with her: help with the housework, have a heart-to-heart talk, give her a massage, etc.

Under no circumstances should you make fun of your PMS patient if she eats a huge piece of sausage while on a diet and promoting PP. During this period, appetite betrays pearls, even to extremes: from bulimia to anorexia. Let him chew whatever he wants, and you pretend not to notice her gluttony.

When she starts starting a scandal out of the blue, do not get involved, do not respond to provocations, and generally do not take what is said personally. She doesn't really think so - it's all hormones. Nod and retreat.

To make it easier to understand what happens to a girl during PMS, and how to communicate with her at this moment, imagine that everything hurts, or you are lying down after surgery. What would you like? What behavior would you expect from your companion? Probably compassion and condescension...

If an emotional storm has overwhelmed her, just hug and kiss her. This very often helps to remove the intensity of passions, and the girl comes to her senses. Tell her about your feelings for her - this is like a pain-relieving balm for many representatives of the fairer sex.

PMS and pregnancy, differences in symptoms

It is quite difficult to distinguish the symptoms of PMS from the signs of the beginning of the birth of a new life, especially before the delay and a little after it, especially in the presence of a long and irregular cycle. Sometimes an unexpected delay can be associated with dysfunction of the ovaries, a sudden change in climate zone, time zone, severe stress, etc.

Changes in taste preferences, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, weakness, pulling sensations in the lower back and other signs can occur in both situations. And yet, some subtleties that are difficult to notice for the inexperienced exist.

  • During pregnancy, a girl is drawn to completely new products, perhaps those that she could not tolerate before.
  • A persistent aversion to food before vomiting does not occur during PMS - this is a clear symptom of pregnancy (or poisoning).
  • During pregnancy, the breasts swell more, the nipples change color to a darker color. It is possible to release a light-colored liquid when pressed.
  • A sign of increased fatigue can be with PMS and as a result of conception, but in the second case, fatigue takes on catastrophic proportions. You can sleep the whole day, and from the usual preparation of breakfast you will fall off your feet, as if you had done spring cleaning.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and ovarian area is also different. For the expectant mother, they are less intense, periodic in nature, most often on one side - where the baby is attached.
  • Changes in mood and emotions in general also have differences: in a pregnant woman they go in a positive direction, while in PMS they go in a negative direction.
  • Dizziness in an interesting position becomes more intrusive and regular due to the increased blood volume.
  • Another sign of future motherhood will be frequent urination. The kidneys are adjusted to remove decay elements in an enhanced mode.
  • In the second half of the day, subfibrality can sometimes be observed if you are pregnant.
  • Implantation may be accompanied by light bleeding.
  • Only during pregnancy can a metallic taste in the mouth be observed.

Of course, a pregnancy test will show the true picture of what is happening in the body. Highly sensitive reagents are susceptible even to small doses of hCG in the urine, which is why they show pale stripes a few days before the delay! Only very attentive and already experienced women can detect the remaining differences between PMS and pregnancy.

During PMS, a blood test for hCG can show up to 5 mIU/ml, so we take it over time to make sure that you are pregnant!

Does your girlfriend have PMS and all the accompanying symptoms? You don't know how to approach her because the last cup in the house was broken in fits of rage? And I want sex in the morning! Dear men, we offer cool masturbators with imitation of any kind of sex! Let your friend sleep and come to her senses, buy her a chocolate bar. But her PMS is not a reason to deprive yourself of male pleasure! Come in, guys, and finally relax from your passion's antics.

Sex during PMS, is it possible to make love these days?

Is it possible to have sex during PMS? Why not!? Doctors recommend that if symptoms worsen, you should be treated with this free and affordable method! Sex is one of the best antidepressants, which balances hormonal levels, relieves pain and improves mood.

By the way, for many women during this period, libido remains as active as during ovulation. Girls become active, show leadership, and insist on intimacy. The only thing that can interfere is breast sensitivity, which becomes a source of discomfort. It is worth warning your partner about this and avoiding affection that is repulsive.

By the way, male refusal of sexual intercourse is perceived especially harshly and painfully during this period. They will throw a huge scandal at you and accuse you of treason, conspiracy and betrayal, so it is better to do your “duty”.

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back also does not add passion to sexual intercourse, but this is regulated by the depth of penetration - take positions in which the male penis does not enter all the way. Ideally, try it out where the lady herself will adjust many parameters.

It is possible that women with severe PMS will have zero libido. Men are offended and do not take seriously women’s explanations about pain and bad mood, but in vain. Girls feel that during such a period their partner is deliberately offending her with such an attitude. Understand, dear men, your girlfriends are dependent on their body and the processes in it just like you. Nobody blames you for night and morning erections and the corresponding behavior against this background! Show tenderness, understanding, affection, and it is likely that the girl will want sex. Do not consider PMS a myth or a deliberately invented explanation for female emotionality and illogicality.

In general, the chosen one may well suddenly reject her loved one or commit another inexplicable act. He should not overreact to this; it is better to treat his beloved with warmth and care - regardless of her behavior. At the same time, female sensuality increases these days, which can have a positive effect on the quality of sexual intercourse. After sex, a woman will get rid of negative emotions, calm down and become more balanced. Maneuver according to the circumstances, because symptoms and their manifestations may vary from cycle to cycle.

How can a girl fight her worst enemy called “PMS” while maintaining peace of mind and sexuality? Not only researchers have tried to answer this question. PMS is not a disease, but its symptoms, which affect a woman’s mood, negatively affect the attitude of others towards her.

Today it is not possible to find any one single and targeted remedy for PMS - no one has come up with a magic pill. And besides, it is simply impossible to create a cure for a disease that, apparently, does not exist. The only thing doctors can prescribe for women experiencing discomfort from premenstrual syndrome are mild antidepressants and B vitamins. It is not advisable to use such drugs without medical prescriptions. Doctors also recommend massage in combination with physiotherapy.

It is important to spend the whole month correctly: eliminate stress if possible, keep a calendar tracking all symptoms day by day, engage in light sports, walk more and be active, try to think positively in any situation, use sex hormones and medications only when necessary.

For completely “reactive” madams from heavy artillery, doctors usually prescribe:

  • hormone replacement therapy if there are problems with hormone balance;
  • serotonin reuptake inhibitors to improve mood;
  • anxiolytics to reduce negative emotions and anxiety;
  • herbal preparations;
  • diuretics to relieve swelling and remove excess fluid.

Alternative medicine proponents suggest another way to relieve symptoms by using primrose oil. It is equally important to take care of your well-being in advance: girls prone to severe PMS should adjust their diet in such a way as to exclude salty, spicy, fatty foods, and alcohol. Priority should be given to fresh vegetables and fruits, green tea and dairy products.

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