Home On the windowsill Crafts from salt dough patterns. Figures from salt dough: how to make dough and mold a figure? paint a dough craft

Crafts from salt dough patterns. Figures from salt dough: how to make dough and mold a figure? paint a dough craft

The process of creating figures from salt dough has been known since ancient times and has not lost its popularity at present. The very process of sculpting finished products is interesting, which contributes to the development of imagination, artistic taste and fine motor skills in children. In addition, thanks to a special recipe, crafts are stored for a long time and create comfort in the home, reminding of happily spent moments. We will consider in more detail the process of creating figures from salt dough with your own hands in our article.

What are crafts for?

First of all, the process of creating products from salt dough is necessary for organizing joint leisure time for you and your child. It promotes the development of many useful skills. You can start making figures from salt dough as soon as your child turns one and a half years old. This process does not require large financial investments or specific skills. But we can say with confidence that it will bring a lot of fun to the whole family.

Where to begin?

For your new hobby you will need a small amount of necessary ingredients and kitchen utensils. You need to purchase finely ground flour and salt at the store. To make the dough, you will need a measuring cup and a mixer to better mix the ingredients.

There are many different variations of recipes for creating salt dough. Each master adds various ingredients to his own taste to obtain a certain consistency and pliability of the starting material. In the next chapter we will look at the easiest way to create salt dough figures for beginners.


To prepare salt dough products, we will use the simplest recipe. You will need the following set of products: 200 grams of flour, 200 grams of salt and 130 grams of water. All these ingredients must be poured into a container and mixed with a mixer, and then knead the resulting dough by hand. It is also necessary to monitor the consistency and appearance of the salt dough. For example, if it starts to crumble, you need to add water, and if it sticks to your hands, add flour. The result will be an excellent salted dough for sculpting figures.

It is worth noting that each master uses his own recipe. For example, some housewives add starch, sunflower oil or hand cream to basic products. Over time, you too will use your original recipe.

Workspace organization

In order to organize a workspace for you and your child, no additional financial investments or time costs will be required. You will need a fairly simple set of tools and attributes: a modeling board, a small rolling pin, a brush and a glass of cold water for fastening individual parts of the figures, cookie cutters that are suitable for creating simple figures, a plastic knife.

You also need to make sure that you have gouache or acrylic paints, cocktail tubes in your home if you plan to hang the resulting masterpiece on the wall, and various items for decoration (cereals, legumes, beads, seed beads, sparkles, and others).

How to interest a child?

Children who have reached one and a half years old can be involved in creating figures from salt dough. First, you need to sit your child comfortably and show him the finished salt dough. Then tear off a piece from it and make a simple figure, show your child that the dough needs to be kneaded and rolled out. Let him take part in this enjoyable activity himself. And only now can you start creating figures. It should be noted that for the first lesson with a child, you need to choose the simplest schemes. You can, for example, start with cookie cutters or make a funny snowman or caterpillar. We will look at the process of creating figures in more detail in the next chapter of our article.

How to make figures from salt dough?

First, let's look at examples of creating figures for beginners. If this is your first time thinking about doing this type of creativity, then as an option you can start with a garland. We will consider the process of creating a figure from salt dough step by step in our article. To create the garland you will need cookie cutters. The dough must be rolled out to a thickness of about 0.5 centimeters. Then we squeeze out several figures from the salt dough using molds and pierce holes at the top for later attaching them to each other. The creation of such a garland can easily be timed to coincide with any festive event or you can create an aromatic craft by attaching cinnamon sticks and stars to the figures and sprinkling them with cloves.

Above is a photo of salt dough figurines assembled into a garland.

Also perfect for beginners is creating simple figures such as a snowman and a caterpillar. To create a snowman, you need to sculpt three circles of different diameters, then moisten the brush in cold water and connect them together. All other paraphernalia, such as a carrot or a hat, can also be fashioned from dough or use your imagination. Peppercorns are great for the eyes.

In order to sculpt a caterpillar, we also start by sculpting circles of various diameters. Here you can not be limited by the number of circles. Then you need to connect them together by moistening a brush in cold water and ironing the joints. Eyes, horns and other attributes can be sculpted from dough or using available materials.

Older children can be involved in creating a whole picture from salt dough. The most popular option is a vase or basket with flowers and fruits. To create this simple masterpiece, you need to roll out the dough and cut out the outlines of the figures from it. You can use ready-made stencils, which must be prepared in advance by drawing them on cardboard or thick paper. Then in the end all that remains is to cut out these finished elements from the salt dough with a knife and fasten the composition together.

Start by creating simple figures from salt dough, don’t forget to use your imagination, experiment using different techniques and materials, and in the end you will get real masterpieces that will add comfort to your home.

Features of the drying process for crafts

There are two ways to dry finished salt dough products. The first method is to dry the figurine naturally. To do this, you need to place it in a dry place and wait a few days until the craft dries. But most often housewives use another method, namely oven drying. This allows you to save significant time. In order to dry a salt dough product in the oven, you need to take a baking sheet and cover it with foil or parchment paper. Then place the baking sheet in a cold oven and bake at a temperature of 100-150 degrees. It is important to ensure that the figures do not burn.

After these conditions are met, the product must be removed and cooled. Then you can proceed to the next stage - painting the figures. We will look at this process in detail in the next chapter of our article.

Decorating salt dough products

You can decorate salt dough figures using beads, beads, sparkles, various cereals and legumes. However, it is worth remembering that when using all these attributes, you will only have to dry the craft in a natural way.

In order to give the product a finished look, it is necessary to paint it. This process requires the presence of gouache or acrylic paints, brushes and a glass of water. After painting the craft, you need to let it dry.

Some housewives add food coloring, instant coffee or cocoa directly to the salt dough, which allows them to immediately achieve the desired color. From this material they sculpt and then dry colored figures.

In this article we looked at several ways to create crafts from salt dough. You have to choose from the proposed options the one that suits you and your family best. Over time, you will get real masterpieces with which you will decorate your home and give them to friends.

a variety of colorful do-it-yourself figurines is a wonderful activity for children. They can be souvenirs, Christmas tree decorations and gifts. And most importantly, modeling is a fun and entertaining activity for children of all ages.

Go to the section modeling dough kits for children

  1. Making simple crafts with kids
    1. Step-by-step character sculpting
  2. Figures of people made from salt dough
    1. Principles of work when sculpting human figures
    2. Video tutorial on how to make a salt dough man
  3. Figures for beginners: gnome and fly agaric made from salt dough
    1. Materials for production
    2. Video tutorials on modeling salt dough for beginners
  4. Adviсe

1. Making simple crafts with kids

You should sculpt on a special modeling board or baking sheet. Also prepare a small rolling pin for rolling out the dough, a brush (you will sometimes have to moisten the dough with water), stacks - sticks for working with plasticine or dough, other details, depending on the direction of your work (paints, molds, decorations, etc.).

If you are just starting to work with a small child, choose the simplest patterns and master classes so that it is easy and interesting for children to sculpt products.

First, you can do something yourself, demonstrating it to the child, then perform the actions with his hand, and then let him try to create a toy from salt dough with his own hands.

1.1 Step-by-step character sculpting

Together with your child, create a fairy tale about your character. For example, it is very easy to make a small cute caterpillar or even its whole family, and then play with them.

  • Show your child how to make a caterpillar: you need to pinch off small pieces of dough and roll them into balls of different sizes.
  • For the head of the product you will need a large ball, and for the body - several smaller parts. The final appearance of the craft depends on how many balls you get and what diameter they are.
  • Then you can connect all the balls together. To make the elements stick to each other better, moisten them with water at the joints.
  • The caterpillar's face can be drawn or sculpted, and the antennae can be made from cut matches.
  • Now the product needs to be dried. Some people prefer to do this in natural conditions. This method will take you about 3-4 days. Also, figurines made from salt dough can be dried in the oven: if it was preheated to 55-80 degrees, then you will need to keep the product there on a baking sheet with parchment paper for about an hour, and if you put the figurines in a cold oven, then set the temperature to 150 degrees and, after drying it a little, leave the crafts in the oven while it cools.
  • When the toy is dry, color it with your child. This can be done with gouache, acrylic paints or watercolors.

2. Figures of people made from salt dough

Human figurines are quite difficult to make. However, having mastered the technique of sculpting simple elements, you will surely cope with this exciting task. After all, the complex is created from the simple.

2.1 Operating principles when sculpting human figures

Here are some basic general operating principles.

  1. Making the figurine begins with the body, which is given the shape of a cone.
  2. To make the legs, cut the bottom of the cone with a knife.
  3. Make feet from two flattened balls and connect them to the legs. If you try, you can fashion fashionable shoes.
  4. Make hands from two identical sausages. They can also be made from one sausage, cut lengthwise with a knife.
  5. Make your palms out of small balls. They can be shaped like mittens, after flattening them a little.
  6. A ball of the appropriate size is required for the figurine's head.
  7. Outline the eyes and mouth using an ampoule or toothpick.
  8. The nose is a small ball, which was given the desired shape.
  9. Create a hairstyle using a spade comb, giving the hair the intended shape.
  10. Connect the parts of the figurine using pieces of a toothpick and moistening the contact points with water. The toothpick is the frame of the product. If the figure is small and flat, the frame can be omitted, and the connection can be made by pressing the parts well against each other.
  11. Next, start sculpting the clothes.
  12. Folds and ruffles can be made from thinly rolled strips of dough, which are placed on the figurine in the desired place, secured with a knife or stick.
  13. Extrude patterns on clothes using various tools.

2. 2 Video tutorial on how to make a man from salt dough

3. Figures for beginners: gnome and fly agaric made from salt dough

A funny figurine of a gnome next to a huge fly agaric for him can become the basis of an entire composition in a forest clearing. It is easy to sculpt from salt dough, but it is important to knead the dough correctly so that after drying it does not swell and change the shape of the figures.

3.1 Materials for production

So, to make a gnome and a fly agaric you will need:

  • flour, salt, water for dough;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • modeling tools.

Step 1. Properly kneaded dough should be elastic and not stick to your hands. Take 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of “Extra” salt and half a glass of water. Mix everything and knead for a long time, adding flour or water if necessary. Store the dough in a bag so it doesn't dry out. Sometimes, for greater elasticity, dry wallpaper glue is mixed into the mixture.

Step 2. From well-kneaded dough we form balls of different sizes: one large one for the gnome’s body, a second smaller one for the head, a third even smaller one for the gnome’s hat. Three small identical balls for hands and beard. Roll into a sausage for the hair at the back. Cut 5 tiny rolls, roll them into balls - for the hands, nose and ears.

Step 3. We collect the gnome. We form a kind of stump from the largest ball and place the head on top.

We definitely check the structure for stability.

Step 4. Let's do the rest of the details. We form a pointed hat with a wide brim. Next, we flatten the tiny balls for the ears and make a depression in them with a stack. We shape the nose in the shape of a potato. We make sleeves and attach the hands to them. The beard is a triangular piece. For the hair at the back, flatten the sausage. Apply texture to beard and hair using the sharp end of the stack.

Step 5. We attach the parts to the workpiece. First the sleeves, beard, back hair, then the hat, ears and nose.

Step 6. Roll 2 identical balls for the fly agaric.

Step 7. We form the stem and cap of the mushroom. We attach them to each other.

Step 8. We leave the products to air dry, then bake them briefly in the oven at low temperatures.

Step 9. Paint the cooled products with acrylic paints.

3.2 Video tutorials on modeling salt dough for beginners

If you decide to make a flat figure, then roll out a layer of dough with a rolling pin, think about what elements you will need to make. First we sculpt the smaller elements, then the larger ones. Let the parts dry a little and put them together.

To ensure that the joints are not too noticeable, we wet them with a brush and press them with our fingers.

Thus, you can make relatively simple figures from salt dough. You can try to fashion crafts from a single piece of dough, this is a more difficult method, but you can get the most voluminous and realistic figures.

After your figurine is ready, it needs to be dried. If it is small, no more than a centimeter thick, then it can be dried at room temperature.

Larger items should be dried at low oven temperatures.

When the product is dried, you want it to sparkle and shimmer, for this it needs to be glazed.

To do this, you will need a strong saline solution, in proportions of 2:1, water and salt, respectively.

Using a brush, lubricate the product with the solution and send it to the oven. Depending on the temperature at which you dry the product, the product will turn white, beige or golden brown. The higher the temperature, the brighter the shade; you can dry at temperatures from 50 to 200 degrees.

Even the most fun and entertaining game can have an unpleasant side: the child has harmed himself. No one is immune from this, since children are inquisitive and strive to try everything. If your child accidentally tastes the play dough, there is no need to panic. In this article we will figure out what to do in such cases.

Dough is an amazing material for modeling, because children of all ages can work with it. Properly prepared salt dough will help realize any creative ideas and teach children how to make unique crafts. If you want to do salt dough figurines, then we offer a master class with photos step by step for you for children from 4 to 10 years old. Spend your leisure time interestingly and figure out what else you can make yourself from the dough.

How to properly prepare salt dough

Today, many recipes have appeared for making salt dough, which is suitable for sculpting figures. We offer one of the most common recipes that is easy to prepare at home. To do this you will need:

  • 3 cups flour
  • Glass of water
  • Two tablespoons of salt

Step-by-step photo of preparing salt dough for children

All these ingredients need to be mixed and knead the dough well, like making dumplings. If you plan to make thin dough figures for children, then add a little PVA glue or starch to the mixture. These components will increase the strength of the products.

Making figures step by step

First, roll out the dough to a suitable thickness. If you decide to take up modeling with children, it is best to use cookie cutters to cut out pieces from the dough. Even a 4 year old child can cope with this task. After the hearts, Christmas trees, birds and stars are cut out, you can start decorating them. For this you can use seeds, grains and cereals. When the salted text figures are ready, they will need to be dried. Dry dough crafts in the oven or naturally.

Photos of salt dough figurines for children

Children 10 years old will be able to make step by step more complex figures from salt dough. Invite them to take a toy and make a three-dimensional craft using it. For example, try making a mouse figurine from salt dough. To do this, all the parts are molded separately and then connected to each other.

Salt dough mouse, step-by-step photo tutorial

It’s enough to simply make an owl figurine from salt dough with your own hands. To do this, use a spoon to divide the dough into two parts - the head and the torso. Give these parts the desired shape and connect them together.

Photo of an owl made from dough

Separately, you can make a collar for an owl from salt dough; for this, small cuts are made on the strip. Attach the collar to the owl's body, and then use a knife to highlight the wings.

Step by step how to decorate a dough figure

You can decorate crafts made from salt dough with paints or gouache. To add shine, the craft is coated with varnish. Some children use beads and beads to decorate salt dough figures.

Master class with step-by-step photos: lamb

- This is a fascinating direction in needlework, which is especially popular with children. To make figurines from salted text, you don’t need to buy expensive materials; all the ingredients can be found in your kitchen. Try to do it crafts step by step from salt dough and share new master classes with experienced needlewomen.

Modeling from salt dough is a fascinating activity that can bring a lot of pleasure to both little fidgets and adult uncles and aunts. Salt dough is an excellent pliable material from which you can make a lot of interesting crafts, including entire paintings that radiate the warmth of the master’s hands and home comfort.

Video catalog of works and ideas for modeling

To create a real masterpiece, you will have to try hard, but absolutely anyone can master testoplasty, especially since this technique does not require any unique abilities or expensive materials. If you set a goal, you can find everything you need without leaving home, if you wish. For children, making crafts from salt dough will be not only an interesting, but also a very useful activity, since fine motor skills of the hands are directly related to the development of speech, thinking, attention, imagination, visual and motor memory, and any joint creativity brings them together.

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How to prepare salted play dough

Almost every master uses his own unique dough recipe, so today we will offer several recipes at once. All recipes are good, but each is good in its own way. One is more suitable for small products, the other for large ones, and the third is suitable for working with children. By experimenting with different components, you can decide on the optimal recipe.

Salt dough recipes

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First option: universal dough

  • 1 glass of salt
  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • half a glass of water

Pour a glass of salt and a glass of flour into a large bowl. Mix with a spoon. Pour in half a glass of water and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix with a spoon and knead with your hands until smooth, just like regular dough. To make the mass more plastic, replace the water with starch jelly. To prepare jelly, dissolve a tablespoon of starch in 1/2 cup cold water. Bring another glass of water to a boil in a small saucepan. While stirring, pour the starch solution into the boiling water. When the contents of the saucepan become transparent and thicken, turn off the heat, let the jelly cool, and then instead of water, add it to the mixture of flour and salt.

If the dough turns out too soft, mix a tablespoon of salt with a tablespoon of flour at the bottom of the bowl. Press the ball of dough into the mixture and knead. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

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Second option for simple models

  • 200 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of salt
  • 125 milliliters water
  • (before adding to the dough, the glue must be diluted in warm water to the consistency of sour cream)
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Third option for large models

  • two glasses of flour
  • one glass of salt
  • 2/3 cup water

You may need a little more water, the amount depends on the type of flour. The density of the modeling dough should resemble softened plasticine. To prepare the dough, pour salt into hot water, wait until the salt is completely dissolved and the water cools. Add flour (the second kind is also quite suitable) and knead the dough thoroughly.

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Strong salt dough for tiles and boards

  • 200 grams of flour
  • 400 grams of salt
  • 125 milliliters water
  • 2 tablespoons of simple wallpaper glue
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Fifth option: salt dough for delicate work

  • 300 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of simple wallpaper glue
  • 4 tablespoons glycerin

To ensure that there are no crystals in the finished product and the surface is smooth, the salt for preparing the dough should be finely ground. If you only have coarse salt on hand, before kneading the dough you should grind it in a coffee grinder or dilute it with the amount of water specified in the recipe. It is better to choose inexpensive varieties of flour without emulsifiers, baking powder and other additives.

Wrap the finished dough in film to prevent it from drying out, and place it in the refrigerator for several hours. This will make the dough more elastic and easier to work with during modeling, and it will not break on the sides.

When working with children, choose recipes that do not contain glue.

Uncolored dough will have a light beige color. To give the product a warm bready shade, take half of the wheat and rye flour from the amount specified in the recipe. It is not advisable to use rye flour alone, as the dough will be hard, inelastic and will crumble.

Using watercolor or gouache, you can paint either ready-made figures or color the dough at the kneading stage. Gouache paints, food coloring or natural food coloring are perfect for coloring dough: fruit and vegetable juices (beetroot, carrot juice, parsley juice), cocoa, coffee. Dough of different colors is stored in separate plastic bags or jars. Just like paints, pieces of colored dough can be safely mixed to obtain the desired shade:

  • blue + white = light blue
  • blue + yellow = green
  • green + blue = emerald
  • blue + pink = purple
  • white + red = pink
  • yellow + red = orange
  • green + red = brown

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Crafts made from salt dough

While the dough is cooling and reaches the desired condition, you can prepare your work space and everything you need for modeling. First of all, we clear the table of foreign objects and cover it with oilcloth. We may also need:

  • work board for rolling out dough (you can use a piece of thick cardboard covered with a sheet of baking foil on top)
  • rolling pin (can be replaced with a smooth bottle)
  • knife with thin blade
  • cardboard
  • pencil
  • tassel
  • floss threads
  • aluminium foil
  • various small things: buttons, corks, matches, coins - to create relief surfaces; beads, cereals, foil - for decoration.

For modeling dough, almost everything is used: buttons and fabrics for textured prints, various seeds and cereals for original ornaments, dried flowers, fresh embossed leaves, twigs, etc. We lightly moisten fabrics and objects with vegetable oil before printing so that they do not stick to the dough. Beautiful buttons, pebbles, glass, bugles, beads, shreds and lace, threads and chains can not only be printed, but also “stamped” directly into the dough. If you fire your products in the oven, make sure that the beads are not plastic, but glass, and the threads are not made of synthetics.

Since the dough dries very quickly in air, it must be kept in tightly closed jars on the workbench. Each time you need to take exactly as much dough as necessary, and immediately fold the excess back.

You can work with the dough in several ways. Firstly, you can roll out a layer of dough, cut out various flat figures from it, and then make a composition out of them. However, to make a three-dimensional product, it is better to sculpt individual parts and then combine them into the intended composition. We wet the joints with a brush and gently press with a finger. A toothpick will help attach the head to the body.

To create a picture or sign based on a board, first roll out the dough one to one and a half centimeters thick, cut out the desired shape from it, let it dry for several days and only after that apply the rest of the details, using the same salted dough, diluted to a mushy consistency, as glue condition. Fresh parts are held together with a brush and water.

To make a nice frame, you can first draw a sketch on cardboard, then cut it out and cover it with dough, and when it dries a little, attach small details.

When working with three-dimensional vertical figures, you should use a wire frame. Inside large volumetric products you can put tightly formed balls of foil for baking, boxes or jars, carefully covered with dough so that there are no holes or cracks. In this case, less material will be required to make the product; it will not deform during drying and will dry much faster.

If you have any unused dough left after work, wrap it in oilcloth or a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. This will prevent the dough from drying out and spoiling for several months.

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Drying, firing, painting and varnishing

In order for dough products to gain strength, they need to be air dried or fired in the oven. The first option will take quite a long time, since during air drying the moisture from the product evaporates very slowly. In good weather, the product will dry only a few millimeters in one day. It is better not to place dough crafts on the battery, because there is a high probability that they will simply crack.

It is better to use a combined method - first dry the product a little in the sun and then burn it in the oven. You cannot bake the product! It should not be baked, but dried at the lowest temperature, with the oven door slightly open. In this mode, the product should be fired for one and a half to two hours, until it turns brown and the dough hardens. If overheated, bubbles and cracks will appear on the figure.

After drying or firing, salt dough products can be painted and varnished. For coloring, you can use acrylic paints, but artistic gouache with the addition of a small amount of PVA glue is best. After drying, this mixture will give the product a slight shine and will not stick to your hands. Acrylic varnish is perfect for varnishing; it is non-toxic, water-soluble and dries in only 6-8 hours.

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Master class on making funny cats

Modeling figures is a very exciting activity, especially for children. This activity very well develops a child’s motor skills, his imagination and is simply a great way to keep a child occupied. However, there is one big disadvantage to modeling - children always want to try everything that is in their hands. Modeling clay is certainly not suitable for children, but salted dough will be just right. Firstly, it is not more expensive than clay, and secondly, it is safer!

You can sculpt whatever your heart desires: various dough figures, keychains, Filimonov toys, jewelry, three-dimensional characters from fairy tales, figurines. If you get the hang of it, you can make such a craft as a gift.

Preparing the dough

There is nothing complicated about making salt dough. However, if you wish, you can watch a master class, which is quite easy to find on the Internet - it will show each action step by step. There are different recipes - you can make a trial version of each recipe and then use the one you like best.

Recipe No. 1

The simplest and most common recipe:

  • Salt (200 grams).
  • Flour - two glasses.
  • Water (preferably warm) - a little more than half a glass.
  • A tablespoon of oil.

Pour salt into the flour, mix and gradually add water while stirring. Add oil and start kneading the dough. If the dough is prepared correctly, it will not stick to your hands or crumble. Monitor the condition of the dough and, if necessary, adjust the thickness with water and flour. Once the dough is ready, wrap it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. It is advisable to perform this action so that the modeling is successful.

How do you know when the dough is ready? If, after rolling the dough into a ball, you make indentations in it, and they stick well, the dough is ready. If the dough sticks to your hands, you should add flour, and if it crumbles, then it doesn’t have enough water.

Recipe No. 2

This recipe is similar to the previous one, but only two tablespoons of starch are added to the flour and salt. This recipe is mainly used for more embossed products.

Recipe No. 3

For this recipe you will need:

  • Flour - one glass.
  • Salt - two glasses.
  • Dry wallpaper glue - one spoon.
  • Water - a glass.

Mix all dry ingredients, then gradually add water. Stir and start kneading. Knead the dough until it becomes soft and elastic.

Some people make colored dough so that they don’t have to paint the figures later, but immediately sculpt them from colored dough. In this case, take the same number of bowls as there should be flowers. Dyes are added while kneading the dough.

Modeling figures from salt dough

It’s worth starting this exciting activity with the easiest one. The easiest products are considered to be flat crafts, which are made using a rolling pin and cookie cutters. You can also try making a family of caterpillars, a bun.

Flat figures

For this you will need:

  • Dough.
  • Rolling pin.
  • Molds (butterflies, Christmas trees, hearts, etc.)
  • Venerable.
  • Toothpick.
  • Baking tray.
  • Parchment paper.

Roll out the dough not very thin, but not very thick either - 0.5 cm is just right. Take the molds you like and apply them to the dough and press them well. Line the prepared baking sheet with paper and transfer all the finished figures onto it.

If you later want to hang these figures somewhere, use toothpicks to make a hole. After this, you need to put the figures in the oven for several hours. The temperature should be between 100−150 degrees. It is worth remembering that the thicker the figurine, the longer it will take to dry.

Place on the counter or cutting board to cool. Wait until the product cools down and paint.

Modeling a caterpillar

Making such a figure is very simple.

Salt dough figures on cardboard

You can make an owl from salt dough. You will need:

  • Dough.
  • Cardboard.
  • Paints (or dough with dyes already added).

The dough must be immediately divided into three parts: for the head, body and small parts. Place two flattened circles of dough on the cardboard, one larger (torso), the second smaller (head). From the third part we make eyes, beak, wings, etc. We glue it all onto the owl.

We dry it in the same way as in the previous versions. After it has cooled, you can paint (if the dough was ordinary).

That's all, the owl is ready. In this version, you can make any animals: a hare, a bear, a hedgehog, a giraffe, an elephant, a dog, a cat, or anyone else.

Volumetric figures

Such crafts will become an excellent souvenir option. However, making them is much more difficult than flat ones. They take much longer to dry. These figures are best made with older children.

Three-dimensional animals are made using balls (you can take foil balls). You need to stick around this ball so that there is not a single gap. Make another one, only bigger - this will be the torso. Connect them. Make eyes, nose, paws, tail and other small details (everything you need for your figure). Attach and place in the oven. Once drying is complete, remove from the oven, wait until it cools and paint.

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