Home Fruit trees How to make Nyusha from Smeshariki plasticine. How to make Smeshariki from plasticine. Next we will make the arms and legs of our plasticine Nyusha

How to make Nyusha from Smeshariki plasticine. How to make Smeshariki from plasticine. Next we will make the arms and legs of our plasticine Nyusha

If you want to develop your child’s creative abilities, then plasticine modeling is perfect for this. To captivate your child with this activity, the characters of your favorite cartoons are perfect. And what characters do all children love without exception? That's right, Smeshariki. This cartoon has won a strong place in the hearts of children. We will tell you how to make smeshariki with your own hands from purchased plasticine, and all you have to do is repeat our master class with your baby.

For your convenience, we offer instructions in which we will tell you step by step about creating smeshariki, accompanying all the steps with photos.

How to make Smeshariki from plasticine: sculpting Barash

In order to make this funny character, we will use plasticine in pink, purple, black, white and red colors.

  1. Let's start with the torso. It, like all Smeshariki, is round, so we roll a ball of pink plasticine.
  2. Barash has curly fur, so you need to make small balls of the same shade as him.
  3. Attach curls of fur to the character's back.
  4. Don't forget about the paws and ears; we sculpt them again from pink plasticine and place them in place.
  5. We use purple plasticine to create horns, hooves and a triangular nose.
  6. Let's take care of Barash's face. We make white balls and attach small black ones to them. Using a small piece of white plasticine we create highlights on the eyes. We use a thin strip of red color as a mouth.

How to make Smesharik Nyusha

It is quite difficult to sculpt Nyusha, because she consists of a large number of parts. We will need soft pink plasticine, as well as a darker shade. In order to get a light tone, you can mix white and pink. In addition, we will need red, black and white blocks of plasticine.

  1. First of all, we start creating the body again, roll up a large ball of light pink plasticine, on which we will place all the details.
  2. We make the pig's eyes and place them close to each other.
  3. From a darker shade of pink we sculpt the patch and eyelids and attach the details.
  4. We use red, or even better, burgundy plasticine to create eyelashes. Nyusha's are magnificent. First, we make a thin strip, which we carefully place over the eyelids. Then we sculpt eyelashes and carefully attach each one to the previously placed strip.
  5. Let's start creating the hairstyle. We make two flat cakes from red plasticine and place them on the top of the head. Then we roll small balls from plasticine of the same color and attach the first one exactly in the middle of the hair connection line. We sculpt the remaining balls on top of each other, simulating a pigtail. We construct a tiny tail from thin strips of plasticine. All that remains is to cut out a flower that will decorate our hairstyle and place it on the hair.
  6. We sculpt the character’s paws, not forgetting to complement them with hooves of a darker color.

Let's make Krosh.

Sculpting this fidget will not be difficult. To do this, again we roll a fairly large ball. We use blue plasticine. From it we sculpt long ears and paws of a hare. Now let's start designing the face. We make a couple of balls from white plasticine and attach them. On top we sculpt black pupils with highlights. We place a red nose in the middle. Now let's move on to the mouth. To do this, draw a smile with a sharp object and move its edge up to place the teeth. We sculpt them from white plasticine, and fill the oral cavity with red.

Making a Hedgehog.

We sculpt a pink spherical base. We attach triangular spines made of black or purple plasticine to it. We make eyes, and on top of them we construct round glasses with thin black stripes. We draw a face, make arms and legs. The character is ready!

Let's sculpt Pina.

We form a black ball and attach white plasticine, rolled out in the form of a circle, to it from below. This is Smesharik's belly. We sculpt the eyes from white and black plasticine; aviator glasses will need to be placed on top of them. We make them using blue as the glass and black as the frame. Take a block of red plasticine and model the beak and paws. We make a brown hat and place it on the top of the head. We complete the creation of the bird by attaching small, black wings.

Sovunya made of plasticine.

We start with the character’s torso, for which we make a ball from purple plasticine. We sculpt wings from it and attach them to the sides, and also form ears in the form of small triangles. The owl wears a striped hat on her head; we make it from yellow and red plasticine. We sculpt large eyes and place a red beak under them. All that remains is to make the paws from strips of dark plasticine.

In order to make the remaining characters, we post pictures that clearly show how to sculpt all the Smeshariki. You can also watch the video, they will make the sculpting process extremely clear, and you yourself will be able to recreate the characters of this wonderful animated series.

Video on the topic of the article

Nyusha is a pink pig. We will sculpt it from pink plasticine. There will be a lot of small details, but the child will definitely succeed if he follows the following steps.

We will need:

  • Plasticine: pink, orange, lilac, black, white, brown
  • Stack, toothpick

Nyusha from plasticine step by step

Roll a large ball of pink plasticine for the body.

Let's start sculpting the muzzle. To do this, we roll balls of white plasticine for the eyes, and small ones of black. Let's add shine to the eyes with two tiny balls of white plasticine, these will be highlights.

Let's take centuries. We roll small sausages for them. Let's flatten them. We place it at the top of the eyes and distribute it evenly; you can use a toothpick or a suitable stack to help.

For the snout, roll a pink ball, slightly flatten it with your fingers, and make the nostrils with a toothpick or other suitable stick.

Nyusha has pink hearts on her sides; we make two small balls, which we crush into circles. We form hearts on one side with our fingers, make a sharp tip, on the other, using a pen (the rod is empty), we make a depression.

We attach them to the sides.

Now let's sculpt beautiful eyelashes. We take brown plasticine and make long thin sausages out of it.

We place it on the top of the eyelid and lay out the eyelashes separately.

Let's take care of the hooves. We will sculpt them from sausages and ovals, using a toothpick to separate the ends.

We collect.

Using a toothpick or a suitable glass, make a mouth.

Let's do our fashionista's hair. For this we take orange plasticine. We make plates from balls and place them on the head.

For a braid, roll a sausage from the same color, then flatten it into a ribbon, twist it in different directions, holding the ends with your fingers, you get a spiral.

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More and more series of the children’s favorite “Smeshariki” are coming out on screens. Cute, cheerful characters even try to teach young viewers the basic rules of hygiene and safety as part of the ABC of Health series. The image of bright characters is in demand, and therefore parents often hear questions about how to draw or mold Smeshariki from plasticine.

This is exactly what this article will discuss. If you are interested in sculpting Nyusha from plasticine, then the step-by-step sculpting lesson below will help you.

Other lessons on the topic of Smeshariki:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

The body of any Smesharik is a ball. Therefore, you should start sculpting with this simple detail. The individuality of the initial blank lies only in color. Naturally, to sculpt the romantic princess Nyusha you need to use pink plasticine.

The beautiful Nyusha has huge eyes, they occupy most of her face. Stick on two white cakes and create a squinted stacked effect.

Place blue and white dots on top. This will create a glowing glare effect.

Cover your eyes with red eyelids and attach a few floating eyelashes.

Stick a pink patch in the central part of the face, because by nature Nyusha is a little pig.

Stick a miniature scarlet mouth on your face.

To make Nyusha's hairstyle, attach a plasticine rope to the top of her head and decorate it with a white chamomile.

To sculpt the arms and legs, combine pink cones and red cakes.

Attach the hooves to the ball.

Add legs and ears.

Nyusha made of plasticine can now smile at the baby and cheerfully wave at him. And after work you will be left with pleasant memories and a plasticine toy made by yourself.

If you and your children sculpt your favorite characters, a sea of ​​positive emotions will overwhelm both of you! So today we will teach you how to make Smeshariki from plasticine - for example, Sovunya or Losyash, Hedgehog, Krosh or Barash - choose for yourself. There are clear instructions in pictures and videos for you. Do not miss

For work we need:

  • Colored plasticine
  • Special wooden board
  • Plastic knife.

And now - let's get to work!

1. First, let's blind Barash.

He is one of the easiest cartoon characters to reproduce in plasticine. Indeed, all you need to do is roll a large ball of plasticine, about the size of a chicken egg. And then “hang” it with decals, for example, small balls that will be the fur of the character, horns, hooves. Roll two small balls from white plasticine and make them flat, then attach them to the body. These will be Barash's eyes. Don't forget about the eyebrows, because eyebrows will make it more expressive.

Now, look at the video:

2. And now Sovunyu.

With Sovunya it’s a little more complicated. To begin with, we also roll out the base for the body, the size of an egg. Plasticine, by the way, preferably purple, so that the owl looks like a real one) Then we make triangular ears and attach them to the body. Take orange plasticine and make a beak for the owl. It is also triangular, and with the help of a plasticine knife you can make the beak open.

Don't forget about the wings and legs. Wings can be made from a thin triangular cake by drawing feathers on it. The legs can be made from several “sausages”. And also about the hat.

2. Plasticine elk.

All characters are made according to a similar principle. The main thing is not to forget about the details and choose the right color of plasticine. Look, this is Losyash:

Here's an alternative:

2. Crumb.

There are several nuances with crumb. First, before you put on Krosh’s mouth, you need to cut it out with the pressure of a knife right on the base shape (on Krosh’s body). Then fill this cut with red plasticine, don’t forget that Krosh should smile. Once you make the cut and fill it, attach 2 teeth from white plasticine. Make ears, paws and eyes and attach to the body.

Now watch the video instructions:

When sculpting the Hedgehog, you will need to make a lot of black pyramids (spines). The hedgehog, by the way, is almost the most difficult character, because you need to make glasses. We will fashion glasses from plasticine in two colors: black and white. First make two white cakes, then a black border for them. Connect together and get points. Draw the Hedgehog’s nose and mouth, attach the paws:

If it’s hard for you to look at the pictures, then you can repeat after the author:

Plasticine creativity is a fascinating process and useful for the state of the child’s psyche: it improves mood, develops perseverance and patience. Plasticine contains natural substances: clay, wax, natural fats and dyes. And therefore, its tactile properties are also beneficial for health.

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We sculpt your favorite cartoon characters “Smeshariki”. Detailed photo instructions will help you learn how to make Smeshariki toys from plasticine with your baby.

Sculpting figures from plasticine is not only fun, but also useful.

This activity contributes to the overall development of the child, his creative potential, and fine motor skills.

In the process of sculpting, the baby’s nervous system stabilizes, visual memory develops, coordination and imaginative thinking improve.

With plasticine Sovunya, Krosh, Pin, Losyash, Nyusha, Karych, the child will spend many pleasant and useful minutes.

Workplace. Naturally, it is convenient to sculpt figures from plasticine at the table. But in order not to get it dirty, it is better to first lay down an oilcloth.

Plasticine. It is better to choose sets of plasticine in bright, juicy shades, so that a child from an early age develops the correct idea of ​​beauty.

Another requirement for plasticine is that it must be soft enough. Plasticine that is too hard should be warmed up by placing it in a cup of warm water for a few minutes.

To mold your favorite cartoon characters from plasticine, it is better to put them in front of your eyes Images. Then it will be possible to more accurately recreate the figures.

If your child loves to sculpt, he will certainly be interested in this. Use our instructions and have fun creating with your child!

Ours will tell you how to make a car out of plasticine. Choose which one you like best: car, truck or racing!

Plasticine Sovunya

You need to break off a piece from a block of purple plasticine and roll it into a ball. It will be the basis of the entire figure.

You need to make triangular ears from the same color and secure them to the base.

In order to make Sovunya's eyes, you will need white plasticine; you need to roll two balls from it, to which you should attach the eyelids with a “visor”.

Eyes with eyelids are also attached to the body.

Now you need to make a beak from red or orange plasticine. It can be rolled into a small cone, and then the tip is cut in the place where it should open slightly.

Attach the finished beak to the base directly under the eyes.

If the kit contains black plasticine, then pupils can be made from it. But you can use small black peppercorns for this.

By rolling sausages from dark plasticine, you can get paws.

To make the wings, you need to roll out two plates of the main color.

Plasticine lamb

The base will be a ball of pink plasticine.

To make sheep's fur, you need to roll several small balls of the same color and attach them to the base.

Ears, arms and legs should also be pink.

The eyes are made, just like Sovunya’s, from white and black plasticine.

Brown color will be needed for Barash's horns, nose, eyebrows and hooves.

You can make two thin strips for the mouth from red plasticine.

The material for making the Hedgehog ball-body will be red plasticine.

Half of the base should be covered with spines made of black plasticine.

In the cartoon, the Hedgehog wears glasses that must be molded together with his eyes and secured to his body.

Ears, arms and legs should be red.

How to make a Losyash

This cartoon character should be sculpted from yellow material.

White eyes with pupils and eyelids need to be attached to the finished body.

Losyash in the animated series has a big nose; it should be sculpted from a brown piece of plasticine.

The character's legs and arms must be made of the main color.

From dark brown plasticine you need to roll sausages for horns and eyebrows.

How to make Krosh

The basis for the Krosh figurine will be a turquoise or blue plasticine ball.

The eyes, just like for all previous characters, will be two white balls with black dots.

To make Krosh’s mouth, you need to arm yourself with a knife for cutting plasticine. On the body of the ball, you need to make a shallow cut in the shape of a mouth and bend it down so that a smile is formed.

Now you need to place a piece of red plasticine into the resulting smile mold, and then, against its background, attach two teeth prepared from white plasticine.

Krosh's paws and ears should be turquoise.

Pink plasticine will be needed to mold Nyusha’s body ball.

You need to make round eyes from white plasticine, and pupils from black plasticine.

Red plasticine will be needed for the round nose, eyelids and eyelashes of Smesharik.

You need to make two round plates from red plasticine and attach them to your head. A pyramid of four small balls is laid out on them, imitating a braid. You need to secure a “tail” at the end of the braid.

A flower is cut out of white plasticine and attached to the end of the braid.

Handles and legs are made from pink plasticine, hooves from red.

Making a Pina

The main ball for Pin is made of black plasticine.

Large round eyes are molded from white plasticine, pupils from black.

You need to roll a cone out of a piece of red plasticine and cut the narrow part. Then stick it to the body in place of the beak.

You need to make a hat from a piece of brown plasticine. Using black and blue plasticine, you can recreate aviator glasses and attach them to the penguin's hat.

Pin has a white belly. In order to mark it on the figure, you need to roll out a round plate from a piece of white plasticine and stick it to the body of the Smesharik.

You need to make wings from black plasticine. The character's paws should be red.

These are the main Smeshariki from the animated series of the same name. If the child shows interest in this activity, you can try to make other heroes: Kopatych, Munya, Mysharik. Or you can get creative and create your own new hero with your child.

Also try making more complex plasticine crafts with your child. Find out with our instructions.

This will help you make a dragon. You will see that there are different dragons and choose the one that your child likes best.

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