Home Diseases and pests Where and how to spend Valentine's Day. How to celebrate Valentine's Day - romantic options. "Date" with animals

Where and how to spend Valentine's Day. How to celebrate Valentine's Day - romantic options. "Date" with animals

On February 14, many will go to a restaurant, give/receive flowers and chocolate, then kiss in the transport, and have sex in the evening. All this, of course, is great, but why not arrange more original dates? Our scripts will be useful to you not only on Valentine's Day, but also on any other day of love.

PLOT: you give your beloved a ticket (lucky and winning) to the "Museum of Love". Today the apartment has been converted into an exhibition, and you are its curator. Exhibits - general photos, notes, postcards and various things that concern only the two of you. It is possible that by the end of the tour the museum will receive a new gift.

ENTOURAGE: pleasant music, soft light, explanatory exhibits, poster program.

SURPRISE: edit a film about you (from a photo or video).

YOUR ACTIONS: tell the visitor of the exhibition about the brightest moments of your relationship. Arrange a surprise film presentation. A light buffet is welcome.

AFTER PARTY: walk around the night city holding hands. You can end the evening with a “magic” ritual (traditions strengthen relationships!) - whisper a common spell at any intersection.

PROVIDE: tickets, poster, exhibits, gift, buffet.


PLOT: The hunt for hearts is open! Don't worry, no piercing. When hunting, you and your loved one will need to complete three tasks each (as in folk tales - apparently, their writers were not indifferent to quests). Well, in the final - a feast by the mountain. At your favorite cozy restaurant.

YOUR ACTIONS: prepare three tasks for each other: for example, a love crossword puzzle, a puzzle, a treasure map. Develop a route and hint system that will lead you from one puzzle to the next. The arena of the game can be an apartment, house, street, shopping center. The scale is up to your imagination. Having received a charge of fun, go celebrate. Tonight's dinner will definitely not be left without topics for discussion.

ENTOURAGE: all details are kept strictly secret until X-day.

SURPRISE: Let a present be attached to each task. For example, wish coupons (which can be played on other days) or a letter (for something unique).

AFTER PARTY: if finances allow, book a honeymoon room at the hotel. Well, or just a room for two.

PROVIDE: riddles and tasks, surprises and gifts.

History in faces

PLOT: joint shots, especially successful ones, do not happen much. So go to a photo studio to capture your love story. You can even act out scenes: the beginning of a relationship, the first kiss, a declaration of love ... A few hours in the spotlight will fly by unnoticed.

YOUR ACTIONS: conduct a marketing research of photo services, choose a studio.

ENTOURAGE: Grab props or shoot in iconic locations.

SURPRISE: remember some interesting moment from your love story and beat it. Or find in the closet the outfit in which you were on your first date - unexpectedly and so touching.

AFTER PARTY: posing in front of the camera is not easy - energy, nerves, emotions are wasted. So, when you hear: “Stop! Filmed!”, go home, order a pizza and relax with your favorite comedy.

PROVIDE: photo studio, costumes, props.

two in a boat

PLOT: in your youth, did you read Scarlet Sails and dreamed that one day a ship would come for you? Dreams should come true! But you have to take care of the magic yourself. Fill the bath with water, add special salt. You can even turn on the fan to simulate a light breeze. Now invite your Gray to swim in a safe harbor ...

YOUR ACTIONS: if the bathroom area allows, put a stool there, and on it a candle, glasses, champagne and light snacks.

ENTOURAGE: decorate the room with a red cloth or hang a scarlet bath curtain - the "sails" are ready. If there is a fuse left, make an anchor out of cardboard and glue your general photos on it. It is very symbolic (we are talking about stability, not about the fact that your couple is sinking!).

SURPRISE: give your favorite vest with a cheerful print like "Give me Assol!".

AFTER PARTY: from the "ship" smoothly move into the bedroom.

PROVIDE: scarlet cloth (curtain), everything for serving, drinks and snacks, a gift and fluffy towels.

First time on screen

PLOT: Today, marriages are made not only in heaven, but also on the World Wide Web. Submit an application to the Palace of Virtual Marriages and turn on the computer on the appointed day and hour - each to your own. All questions must be answered in the affirmative. Bitterly!

YOUR ACTIONS: schedule your registration (www.wed.ru or www.married.da.ru). After the procedure, you will receive a marriage certificate. Alas, it has no legal force, but you can invite witnesses and guests to the wedding. Online, of course.

ENTOURAGE: the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere can come in handy. Wedding cake too. At home with tea...

SURPRISE: they will be a marriage certificate, which must be printed from the site, and then inserted into the frame.

AFTER PARTY: you have your first wedding night ahead of you ...

PROVIDE: Top up your account with your ISP.

And further…

7 date ideas:

  • AUTOMOBILE: Take a ride together through the night city. Don't forget the thermos of tea.
  • BY TRAIN OR ELECTRIC: Buy tickets for any train, take a walk in unfamiliar places.
  • ATTRACTIONS: Test all the slides in the indoor water park. Take pictures of each other on camera.
  • KARAOKE CLUB: Dedicate love songs to each other.
  • STREETS: Camera in hand - and run out into the street, trace your traces - with chalk, gouache, and at least shaving foam! And they say it's hard to leave a trace in history...
  • DANCING SCHOOL: Go to a trial class of pair dances - let the passion spill out.
  • CINEMA: Simulate the beginning of your relationship: let everyone get to the cinema on their own.

How touching...

“I gave my beloved 25 tickets for a massage - in my performance, of course. On some sheets of paper she wrote “neck massage”, “back”, “legs”, and on others she left a dash. Let him enter that part of the body that needs to be “crumpled”. The leaves were stapled together and wrapped in a cardboard cover. He has already used one blank form. True, he, the cunning one, entered "massage of the whole body."

February 14th is Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day. We tell you where the holiday came from, and why you can’t stumble on this day, but you need to give valentines.

1 Where did Valentine's Day come from?

The “culprit” of the holiday is considered to be the Christian priest Valentine, who lived around the year 269. At this time, the Roman Empire was ruled by Claudius II. The emperor believed that marriages are evil, because a married legionnaire thinks about the family, and not about the empire. By special decree, Claudius forbade the legionnaires from marrying. But Valentine began to secretly marry them. The emperor, having learned about this, ordered the execution of the "violator".

Later, as a Christian martyr, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14 to be Saint Valentine's Day. Since 1969, a reform was carried out in worship, and St. Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, along with other Roman saints, information about whose life is contradictory and unreliable.

Legend has it that Valentine himself was in love with the jailer's daughter. The day before the execution, the priest wrote a farewell letter to the girl, where he spoke about his love, and signed it “Your Valentine”. Probably from there it was customary to write love notes on Valentine's Day - “valentines”. The girl read the letter after he was executed.

The creation of the first "valentine" is also attributed to the Duke of Orleans in 1415. He sat in a dungeon and, struggling with boredom, composed love letters to his wife. The greatest distribution of "valentines" reached already in the XVIII century, then they took the form of beautiful postcards in the shape of a heart.

03 Who to congratulate on Valentine's Day?

Despite the fact that this is the holiday of lovers, recently there has been a fashion to congratulate everyone for whom you have all sorts of love - friends, girlfriends, colleagues, parents. However, initially this day was intended specifically for lovers, therefore, first of all, only life partners need to be congratulated.

On Valentine's Day in 2018, do not forget to congratulate Valentine and Valentinov. After all, on February 14 they will celebrate their name day.

4 What is customary to give on Valentine's Day?

Since ancient times, young men on Valentine's Day sent gifts to their beloved, as well as letters and poems in which they expressed their feelings and wishes. In addition to the famous "valentines" on Valentine's Day, it is customary to give other gifts. For example, chocolate, flowers, jewelry, memorabilia. According to modern traditions, on February 14, lovers arrange a romantic dinner.

Valentine's day, love, romance.

5 What can not be given on Valentine's Day?

It is believed that on Valentine's Day it is not necessary to give useful and expensive gifts.

According to folk signs, some gifts are strictly forbidden to give on Valentine's Day. It is believed that:

  • sharp objects - to the accumulation of negative energy and trouble,
  • hours - to a quarrel and even parting,
  • slippers - to the disease,
  • a towel - in the old days it was given to those who saw off the last let the deceased,
  • pearls symbolize the tears of widows and orphans,
  • a mirror can attract trouble,
  • alcohol is considered a bad gift, as it takes away health,
  • men's underwear - to betrayal,
  • scarf - to separation from a loved one,
  • gifts with the image of birds will attract anxiety and trouble,
  • a glass gift threatens to part,
  • shampoo or shower gel can "wash" a loved one out of your life.

If on Valentine's Day you accidentally break a mirror - this is fortunately in love. This popular sign suggests that soon the troubles in your personal life will break like this mirror.

If on Valentine's Day you leave the house and remember that you forgot this or that thing, then the second half will soon tell you good news.

Stumbling on Valentine's Day - to a misunderstanding between lovers.

Don't be late for a love date. This sign portends a break or quarrels in a relationship.

Despite the fact that all lovers are united by one wonderful feeling - the state of falling in love, they remain different people. Someone likes to celebrate any holidays with friends, someone in nature, someone likes the quiet intimate (and especially on this holiday) atmosphere or the traditional nature of this Valentine's Day, and some like to celebrate any holidays in an original way, even with a slight touch extreme.

Therefore, you can celebrate Valentine's Day in absolutely different ways, as your mentality, mood and fantasy will tell you.

You can celebrate Valentine's Day:

  1. Traditionally, two
  2. Unusual and original, also together
  3. In a big company.

How to celebrate Valentine's Day traditionally

Romantic dinner at home

What could be more traditional than a romantic candlelit dinner in a cozy, familiar setting. Celebrating Valentine's Day in this way is preferred by many lovers, although traditional, but so romantic. So that such a dinner does not turn into ordinary gatherings (drink, eat, talk), the design of the room, table setting, dishes must first be considered and carefully prepared.

Here is an approximate version of the design of the room and table on Valentine's Day:

  • Heart-shaped balloons, located in convenient places, floating under the ceiling, will immediately give a romantic look to the room.
  • Candles and red roses, symbols of this holiday, must be mandatory, angels and swans - symbols of love, will also fit perfectly into the atmosphere of Valentine's Day. How to arrange them, on a table, on a fireplace, on a coffee table, the general configuration of the room and your imagination will tell.
  • Table setting can be arranged in the colors of the day of all lovers, that is, red, black and white must be present. For example, white plates, black-tinted glasses and red napkins.
  • The dishes of this evening can be decorated in the form of hearts: this is easy to do with salads and fruits, a meat dish can be decorated with green hearts. In the menu of a romantic dinner, fruit and chocolate are a must, you can combine them in a quick recipe for a romantic meeting, but the rest of the dishes are of your choice, but it’s nice to include foods that promote love energy in them: nuts, pineapple, pomegranate, cinnamon, vanilla, or any dish with aphrodisiacs.

By the way, if you don’t want to bother with cooking yourself or you don’t rely on your culinary skills, all snacks and dishes can be ordered in a cafe, restaurant, discussing the menu and delivery time in advance.

Celebrate Valentine's Day in a cafe

This is also a traditional way of celebrating Valentine's Day. Especially, going to a cafe is more convenient if you don’t want to bother with decorating a room, a table, and then, after dinner, instead of a romantic walk, for example, remove dirty dishes from the table, and at best, load them into the sink. You can choose a small cozy cafe in advance and order dinner and table decoration corresponding to this holiday, roses, hearts, candles. A special gift for a loved one (beloved) will be a favorite song ordered in advance and performed in her (his) honor, a small congratulation, and maybe a declaration of love.

Celebrate Valentine's Day outside the city

Winter Russian nature somehow especially suits the atmosphere of this romantic holiday for all lovers. Leave in the morning for a summer house or a country house, wander through the winter forest, go skiing or sled down a hill, breathe in the clean winter air.

And then return home, flood the stove (if there is one), by the way, it is very cozy and romantic, cheerfully crackling with burning logs, the stove. Together to cook not refined, but such a delicious country dinner: boiled potatoes, from mother's or grandmother's pickles - pickled mushrooms, cucumbers and tomatoes, fried over an open fire of the stove, meat.

A do-it-yourself dinner, a merrily crackling stove, a snow-covered mysterious forest outside the window, a quiet moonlit night, these are all such real, not artificial elements of romance. Falling in love will be the most organic continuation of such a romantic, original atmosphere.

Original and unusual to celebrate Valentine's Day

Unusual romantic dinner

If you want to surprise your loved one with an unusual Valentine's Day - order a romantic dinner for lovers, but not in the usual, traditional cafe. Now on the Internet you can find information on where to buy special gift certificates "Romantic dinner in an unusual place."

Various, most unexpected places for organizing a dinner for lovers are offered: halls of the metro or museums, high-rise towers of Moscow, salt caves - the imagination of the organizers of such unusual dinners is inexhaustible. And although the venues for such a dinner are original, but the whole entourage of a romantic evening will be organized, and an excellent menu, and the design of the room, table, in the style of this holiday, and live music (a violin or saxophone will play gently and bewitchingly). You just need to purchase such certificates in advance, perhaps on the eve of Valentine's Day they will all be sold out.

Game of love and love

If you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, so that it will be a surprise for both of you, buy a box with a game-entertainment "Party-box", a set for this holiday. This game is designed specifically for lovers. The map of the Island of Love, the roads of Passion and Tenderness, a lot of surprises that give the most vivid impressions - this game is exactly for lovers. In addition, the set contains props for participation in the game, music, candles, everything you need for an unusual romantic surprise evening. The end of such a surprise game can be a romantic dinner, because the couple will surely get tired, making their way along the roads of Love.

Cinema for two

Celebrate Valentine's Day by watching a movie? Boring and nothing out of the ordinary. And if a movie is shown in the cinema just for the two of you, a dinner is prepared corresponding to Valentine's Day, a romantic atmosphere is created in the viewing area, complete privacy - then this is no longer just an ordinary movie viewing. Such an evening at the cinema can be organized by first typing “Cinema for two” in the search engine, there will be several offers, moreover, such a viewing can be ordered at any time, such mini-cinemas work around the clock.

Celebrate Valentine's Day without being alone

For those who want to spend Valentine's Day not in solitude, but cheerfully, in a big company, so that your love will play brighter against the background of other couples in love, there are several options for celebrating this holiday.

Fun evening at the water park

On this evening of the holiday, many water parks offer a special program for lovers. In addition to the usual pleasures of swimming and splashing in warm water on a cold February evening, there are tables for a romantic dinner, decorated in accordance with Valentine's Day.

A festive atmosphere is created by bright lighting and the original design of the pool, live music performed by some musical groups. And the general fun and the atmosphere of falling in love with all the participants of this party on the water allow you to more vividly feel your own feeling of falling in love. Naturally, you need to worry about tickets for such an event in advance; there are usually a lot of people who want to plunge into a summer night in a cold February.

For intellectuals in love

If you want not only to celebrate Valentine's Day in a fun and romantic way, but also to learn something about the love of famous people of the past, wander around the places where the most famous novels unfolded, the most exciting love stories, book a walk around Moscow called "For lovers and dreaming of falling in love. During a two-hour tour, you can not only see the places, mansions where the love affairs of famous lovers of the last century unfolded, hear interesting facts about the love relationships of these celebrities, but also learn the “language of the fan”, find out where the most romantic and secluded places for kisses exist in the city .

For wealthy and generous lovers

A wonderful gift for your beloved (beloved) will be a trip for the Day (maybe two or three) of all those in love with some hot country by the warm sea. Spending a day of love under the gentle southern sun after the February snowstorms in Russia is very romantic, exotic and royally generous. This sunny, hot and such an unforgettable day of all lovers will forever remain in your memory as one of the most vivid impressions.

It is interesting and exciting to celebrate Valentine's Day, even for single girls!

More people - more joyful emotions

Usually on this day in all cities there are some mass events dedicated to this holiday. Concerts, open-air discos are held in parks and squares, various contests are held: for the most seductive kiss, for the most original declaration of love, for the most beautiful Valentine, heart-shaped balloons, lit lanterns are launched into the sky, love mail works.

In this atmosphere of common love, perhaps your potential soul mate will become more decisive and say the words that you expect from her. For those who do not like solitude in love, but the desire to share their feelings with hundreds of the same lovers, it will do to celebrate Valentine's Day in the company, albeit unfamiliar, but united by one feeling, people.

We offer you several options for this celebration of Love. But no matter how you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, let Love or no less beautiful Love be the main companion of your couple on this day!

All lovers are looking forward to Valentine's Day. It is clear that a special occasion is not required for the manifestation of sincere feelings. But if it already exists - Valentine's Day, then why not celebrate it? Once again, say about your love, show tenderness, confirm feelings. And just spend this day differently than other secular holidays. How to celebrate Valentine's Day so that it becomes special and memorable? Holiday for two.

Traditions, signs and beliefs of Valentine's Day

This winter holiday dates back to the time of the Roman Empire. When, by decree of Emperor Claudius II, a ban on new marriages was introduced. But what is the imperial decree for the human heart? Is it possible to forbid love?

People continued to fall in love against all orders. The young priest Valentine took it upon himself to marry the unfortunate lovers. Alas, the price for this was the freedom and life of Valentine. As punishment for secret weddings, the priest was imprisoned and sentenced to death. The overseer, having learned that the disgraced priest was also engaged in healing, asked him to heal his blind daughter Julia. Valentine and Julia fell in love, but could not be together. On the eve of the execution, February 13, the priest wrote a letter to his beloved and signed it "Your Valentine". Julia was able to read the message only after the execution of Valentine, on February 14th. And this day has become a symbol of all-conquering love, the Day of all lovers.

Naturally, all the traditions and signs of Valentine's Day are associated with the search for your soulmate, with romantic relationships, with a marriage proposal. All of them, like the holiday itself, came to us from Europe. Something has taken root, something has changed, and something causes only a smile.

Here is one of the oldest beliefs. The first man who meets an unmarried girl on this day becomes her Valentine (whether he wants it or not). There was also a belief that Saint Valentine descends to earth and suggests the names of the betrothed. Therefore, the youth divined in the name of their beloved, pulling leaves with names from the bowl. Or such an omen. If on February 14 a girl sees a robin in the sky, then a sailor will become her husband, if a sparrow, then she will be the wife of a poor man, and if a goldfinch, fate will marry a rich man.

It was believed that on Valentine's Day, any woman can easily propose to a man. He has the right to agree and refuse. But, if he does not accept the offer, then he is obliged to give the lady a silk dress as a token of gratitude.

If the proposal is made by a man, then he must give her a piece of clothing. As a sign of consent, the woman accepts the gift. How interesting, in the first case, the lady received either a husband or a dress. And in the second - either all or nothing.

Of course, today no one observes such customs. But in our time, a tradition has appeared to appoint weddings, weddings and engagements on this day. And if not so solemn and significant events, then a romantic dinner, a walk, a short trip or a noisy party is a must. How exactly to celebrate Valentine's Day, everyone decides for himself. Today, there are more than enough opportunities for this.

Modern ideas for Valentine's Day

The easiest option is a romantic dinner in a cafe or restaurant. Delicious, warm, unobtrusive. But, alas, not original.

Do you want something unusual? Arrange a photo session for two. Surely the day will be bright and emotional. Yes, and romantic photos will remain as a keepsake.

Why not celebrate this holiday with a trip to a beauty salon? And also together. Change your image: dye your hair, get a haircut, piercing or tattoo. Of course, this is an idea for the most daring. But why not? Try - such experiments bring together.

Surely will not leave you indifferent and the evening spent on the rink, or horseback riding, or sleigh rides. A beauty salon can be replaced with spa treatments or a sauna, and a restaurant with a water park. In the end, you can contact the holiday agency. They have a lot of ideas that will seem interesting and original to you.

But even in our crazy times, no one has canceled the established traditions of this holiday. And the most traditional was and remains a dinner for two (at home and by candlelight).

Romantic Valentine's Day Dinner

Such a dinner should not at all be reduced to the banal “drink, eat and ... (you understand)”. An exciting atmosphere conducive to tenderness, trust and frankness can be completely created at home. How? Here's what decorator Lisa Eshwa suggests.

For table setting, use roses and candles. You can put a vase of roses in the center of the table. You can put rose buds or petals in glasses of water. The table should also be decorated with candles. You can arrange many different candles in candlesticks. Candles can be placed on a large dish covered with decorative stones. A gift intended for a lover can also be decorated with a rose and a ribbon.

It is desirable to set the table in the traditional colors - red-white-black. For example, use white and black plates with red napkins or napkins with traditional symbols: cupids, hearts and roses. You can lay out hearts cut out of red paper on the table. You can write love messages on the plates with a special marker.

The menu of a romantic dinner should include fruit and chocolate. Aphrodisiacs (generators of love energy) must be added to dishes prepared for such a table. The most accessible of them are pomegranate, pineapple, vanilla, cinnamon, coriander. Here, for example, is a recipe for a simple dessert with aphrodisiacs. Bananas, cut lengthwise into two halves, sprinkle with honey, sprinkle with cinnamon and nuts.

In a word, use all the possibilities for a real romantic holiday. And not only at home. If you and your lover work together, then start Valentine's Day right in the office.

Office version of Valentine's Day

How to celebrate Valentine's Day in the office? Create a festive atmosphere using holiday symbols. Decorate the workplace (both yours and his). Set a themed screensaver or desktop wallpaper on your computer screen. Let there be not only a beautiful picture, but also a text of congratulations, poems, a love confession.

The table can also be decorated with angels or images of a couple in love. Or a photo of you together, or a valentine, or flowers, or balloons. Send a beautiful postcard or voice greeting by e-mail. Leave a prepared gift or treat on the table.

By the way, it has become fashionable to celebrate Valentine's Day at work, even if no one is in love with anyone. The general atmosphere of a romantic holiday is conducive to pleasant communication and sincere relationships.

The offices host not only corporate gatherings, but also fun contests and games. Employees are invited to compete in singing love songs, composing love messages, making bouquets and valentines. They also arrange competitions for compliments to colleagues and for holiday desserts. And, of course, they give unpretentious souvenirs and flowers.

Such a holiday is a great occasion for a declaration of love if your lover (and part-time colleague) does not yet know about your feelings. Believe me, you won't find a better case. And even if suddenly he does not share your feelings, you can turn everything into a festive joke.

So even a working Valentine's Day can be a real holiday and the beginning of a romantic relationship.

And if your passionate relationship has already moved into a calmer and more stable phase? Do you already have a family and children? Anyway, Valentine's Day is your holiday! Spend it with your family. At home, you can also arrange a festive dinner, sing karaoke, watch a good movie or play interesting board games. You can take a family walk or a trip to the skating rink. Confess your love to your loved ones - spouses, children, parents. Remember that this holiday is Valentine's Day. Everyone!

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