Home Diseases and pests Cabinets of the famous: from kings to leaders. Colleges do not live up to the expectations of Peter I

Cabinets of the famous: from kings to leaders. Colleges do not live up to the expectations of Peter I

Yes, and in our open spaces there are things that we can and must be proud of.
Another thing is that we do not always know about it.
To my shame, I also did not suspect the existence of such a miracle as the Oak Study of Peter I in Peterhof. But, as often happens, while surfing the net I stumbled upon it by accident and was fascinated.
Unfortunately, it is quite easy to find a detailed description of the carving that adorns the office, and it is almost impossible to find not just good, but somewhat detailed pictures. Therefore, I post what I found and put together. If someone shares pictures or tells me where You can take them, I will gladly add them to the post.

The oak cabinet is the oldest interior of the palace; its decoration was carried out in the first quarter of the 18th century.
In the emperor's office, oak is the defining material for artistic decoration. Oak shields completely cover the walls, giving the interior an amazing warmth and comfort. In the era of Peter the Great, this material, which was available in abundance in the southern regions of Russia, was liked to be used in interior decoration. The rooms of the palaces of Monplaisir, Marley, and the Hermitage pavilion were decorated with oak in Peterhof. But the most surprising example of the use of this material is the Oak Cabinet of the High Chambers.
The walls of the office are covered from floor to ceiling with wooden shields, and if the panels at the bottom of the walls are smooth, then vertically elongated panels are placed above them, completely covered with unusually elegant carvings. The carving also covers doors, desudéportes, panels over mirrors and a fireplace. Such an interior solution made a strong impression. Berchholtz, who visited here in 1721, made the following entry in his Diary: “Especially remarkable is the study, where there is a small library of the tsar, consisting of various Dutch and Russian books; it is finished by a French sculptor and is distinguished by its excellent carvings. This "sculptor" was Nicolas Pinault, an outstanding master who arrived in Russia in August 1716. His art was highly regarded by his contemporaries. The unsurpassed decorator Pino himself drew sketches for his future works. An album kept in the State Hermitage testifies to his mastery. Among the many projects here are Pinot's drawings for the panels of the Oak Cabinet of the Grand Palace. Some of them were embodied in wooden carvings almost without changes, the composition of others was significantly modified in the process of work.
The office was arranged in the southern part of the palace "according to Leblon's drawing." It was he who suggested that Pino carve, for he believed that "since monotonous solid panels are boring for the eyes, they resort to decorating them with frames, paintings, pilasters ..."
At the end of 1718, the "free carvers" Fole, Rust, Faudre and Tacone set to work. N. Pino made the laying of the composition on oak shields, and the carvers had to “cut and clean” the panel. A year later, the first eight panels were completed, and in 1720 the remaining four were completed.
In addition, Fole carved ornamental decorations for the pilasters separating the panels and panels above the fireplace, and Rust made desudesports, mirror frames and carvings over them. Master Michel also participated in the work.
The Oak Cabinet, associated with the name of Peter I, has long been treated as one of the relics. Therefore, it was generally accepted that the interior of the cabinet had not undergone any changes since its creation. In fact, it turned out that things were different. In the middle of the 18th century, during the expansion of the palace according to the project of Rastrelli, a doorway was pierced in the eastern wall of the Oak Cabinet instead of a window. At the same time, the stove with a small side fireplace on the northern wall also disappears and a marble fireplace with a mirror in a carved frame is built instead. Following this, one of the doors symmetrically located on the northern wall, corresponding to the existing one, is being liquidated. These alterations make it necessary to supplement the number of panels with two more. At the same time, their location on the walls was violated. And now one can only guess about the intention of Leblon and Pinot.
The fact that under Peter III, Paul I, Nicholas I and later the room was used as a study and, in accordance with the tastes of the owners, regimental drums and banners of the regiments quartered in Peterhof were installed here, beautiful carvings were covered with paintings and portraits in magnificent gilded frames.
During the formation of the museum in the Oak Cabinet, an exposition was created that corresponded to the Peter the Great era.
In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, eight panels, door leaves, and desuports were evacuated. After the cabinet was restored, they took their place on the walls. Six lost panels were recreated by master restorers. Models were prepared for them by the sculptor N. Ode. In the pier between the windows of the southern wall, one can see the first panel cut anew. It was made by the carver B. Gershelman. The theme of the panel is different. In accordance with the fashion of that time, the images on the four panels symbolized the seasons. Two of them have survived. At the entrance to the office on the western wall there is a panel depicting a herm decorated with flowers and two winged dragons. Above them is a decorative cartouche depicting Aries, the sign of the zodiac representing April, and above them are a vase of flowers and a smiling woman's mask, also framed by flowers. These symbols corresponded to spring. The panel, located in the southwestern corner, is similarly decorated. But here, ears of corn are woven into garlands of flowers, and a Lion is depicted in the cartouche - a sign of the summer month of July. Two surviving panels had a similar solution. This can be concluded from N. Pino's drawings for all four panels available in the Hermitage album.
Two panels, originally located, most likely, on the southern wall in the pier between the windows, and now placed in the southwestern and southeastern corners, were supposed to glorify Peter I and his wife in a symbolic form. Sketches for these panels are preserved in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris. When translating these sketches into wood, N. Pino made some changes. On one panel, surrounded by a globe, navigational and astronomical instruments, a man in antique clothes is depicted. His head is decorated with a laurel wreath - a symbol of glory. Below, against the background of a trumpet and a lyre, is a scroll with the inscription: “La Vertus Supreme du Pierre Premier Empereur De La Grande Russie” (The Highest Virtue of Peter I, Emperor of Great Russia).
On the panel in the southeast corner of the room, Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, is depicted in the central medallion. The field of the panel is decorated with symbols of sculpture, painting, architecture, music and trade.
Two panels on the southern and one on the eastern wall are filled with symbols of military and naval power: swords, helmets, shields, battle axes, Neptune's tridents, etc. Before the war, a similar panel was preserved on the northern wall.
Two panels to the right of the fireplace have a completely different content. Various wind, string and percussion instruments seem to be suspended on ribbons with tassels. There are bagpipes, violins, castanets, triangles, etc. Recordings of melodies from the beginning of the 18th century are reproduced on open music books.
In general, the diverse and magnificent carving of the Oak Cabinet was a unique ensemble in a symbolic form characteristic of that time, glorifying the flourishing of science, culture, trade and military power of new Russia and its reformer Peter I.
Things connected with the founder of Peterhof have long been preserved in the office.
Now on the bureau between the windows there is his camping alarm clock, made by the Augsburg master Johannes Benner. Such watches, enclosed in a leather case with glass, were taken on the road. Such watches often had only one hour hand.
Against the western wall on a table is an Italian-made study of the late 17th century, made of ebony and bronze with inlays of lapis lazuli, jasper and various marbles.
Chairs and armchairs from the first third of the 18th century with wicker seats have been in this room for a long time.

Peter's office

All great people - both politicians and creative personalities - are, first of all, people, with their own characteristics of character and temperament. What best characterizes a person? The office, because in it a person spends most of his life. And having become acquainted with a person’s workplace, you can often understand him much better than if you just come to visit him at home. Let's see if there is so much great and significant in the offices of real giants of political thought, literature, music...

First in everything

Peter the Great will forever remain the main reformer in the history of the Russian state. In terms of the scale of transformations, he far surpassed all the monarchs and politicians who have ever ruled our country. And as often happens, in everyday life this truly grandiose person was quite simple and unpretentious. Pay attention to the furnishings of his oak office - this is a purely functional room, of course, not devoid of comfort and attractiveness, but at the same time there is nothing superfluous here: the whole environment is designed exclusively for work.

In the footsteps of the emperor

Empress Catherine II is often called a worthy successor to Peter I, despite the fact that six more monarchs managed to reign between the periods of their reigns. No wonder they called her the same as Peter Alekseevich, the Great. The time of her reign is considered the era of Enlightenment in Russia. But she was not an ascetic, unlike Peter I, and she loved to surround herself with luxury. This can be seen from the famous glass-beaded study of the Empress.

To call this magnificent room a study is not the language. Is it possible to work here? Only command and rule! But for some, that's what it's all about.)

This is a unique office, which has no analogues in the whole world. Nine gold embroiderers embroidered drawings of Italian masters of painting with glass beads on silk for two years. It is known that at the same time two million (!) glass beads were spent, which was made at a mosaic factory specially erected in the vicinity of the city of Oranienbaum under the vigilant leadership of Mikhail Lomonosov. Not so long ago, these masterpieces were completely restored and are open to visitors.

"Bugle Cabinet" got its name from the wall panels, which are made of silk and glass beads. This cabinet is considered a masterpiece of world art of palace interiors.

Collectors all over the world are ready to spend a lot of time, effort and money to become the owner of chairs made in the Baroque style beloved by the Empress. If you think about it, it’s just an “office chair”, however, here is a special office here - the Imperial Palace!

Not the Emperor, but the leader!

The first ruler of Soviet Russia, Vladimir Lenin, was as modest in terms of room furnishings as Peter the Great. His study of Lenin in Gorki looks rather modest: a massive oak desk, a wooden chair, a lamp and writing instruments - this was enough for the leader of the world proletariat to work.

The table stands facing the window, which offers a panorama of the park. The leader loved nature, and according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, he looked at the view outside the window for a long time.

Pay attention to the location of chairs for visitors - on both sides of the table. Unlike our time, these chairs are more solid and comfortable than the “leader's chair” standing right there and are conducive to solid “gatherings”.

The house had not only a telephone line, but also its own switchboard, at which a Red Army soldier sat and connected the callers with the residents.

But the owner of the office himself spoke on this apparatus.

Of great interest is the library of Vladimir Ilyich, which has more than forty thousand books. The thematic diversity of such a collection is huge, and it contains very rare copies of books that exist in the world in just a few pieces.

These racks were made to order. Lenin was very fond of reading and always treated books with care.

Both Doctor and Writer

Let's move on from politicians to people of art. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "Everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts." In the context of our post, you can add - "and the office." What was the office of the great Russian playwright like? To date, several rooms have been preserved where Chekhov worked, we will consider two of them:

this office is located in the house-museum on Sadovo-Kudrinskaya street in Moscow,

and Anton Pavlovich worked in this office when he lived in Melikhovo, near Moscow, now there is a museum-reserve of the writer.

Both cabinets are characterized by austerity, but at the same time there is comfort and spaciousness. This is a typical dwelling of a representative of the Russian intelligentsia of that era. The style of the cabinet is concise, minimalism dominates everything. Only photographs and small engravings convey the creative nature of the owner. Feature - in each of the offices, in addition to a place to work, there is a clearly defined place for relaxation.

In addition to writing, Chekhov had another profession - he was a doctor. Evidence of this is the office of medical practice, which has been preserved in Melikhovo.

Piano in the center!

This piano is in the bushes only for untalented graphomaniacs, and for great composers this instrument was the center of the office environment. So was Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the main object in whose office is a black piano.

It was with this instrument that the great composer wrote his famous musical works.

The design of the office as a whole is eclectic. There are also objects created in the classical style (the same piano) and Viennese chairs; there is a Persian carpet on the floor, and romantic curtains on the windows; baroque vases, a minimalist secretary - a strict stylist can easily lose his head here!

None of us knows how it will be presented to its descendants, but one thing is certain - the office in which you work today is your calling card, and according to it, those who will explore your life will probably judge you in the future.

Therefore, be honest with yourself when choosing furniture for yourself!

F. 9 (Rank IX), 527 pcs. chr., 1673 - 1762 (copied from 1514). Op. 1 - 7

This complex was formed from documents from the personal office of Peter I (in which office work was carried out on a wide range of issues of domestic and foreign policy that were resolved with his participation), as well as individual documents from the personal offices of Anna Ivanovna and Elizaveta Petrovna. The documents are annotated in accordance with the structural parts that developed during the disassembly and description of the affairs of the complex in the late 18th - 20th centuries. Their names are preserved in the annotation as included in the scientific circulation. The characteristics of the parts are prefaced with references to the corresponding inventories.

"Notebooks" 1704 - 1725. OP. one

Note books of nominal decrees of Peter I and Catherine I 1704 - 1725 . Copies of decrees (in some cases - with notes of Peter I and inserts of his autographs) 1704 - 1725 , including the "Project on the establishment of the Academy of Sciences" 1724 .


Legislative acts of Peter I on the transformation of civil administration, on the reform of the church, on the organization of service and study of the nobility, on the naval department (drafts, editions, additions - handwritten and with notes of Peter I) and materials for their compilation to. XVII century. - 1724, including Military Charter 1716 , "Office of the Senate" 1718 , "Definition of the College of Foreign Affairs" 1720 , "Marine charter" 1720 , "Table of Ranks" 1721 , "Position of Prosecutor General" 1722 , "The position of the prosecutor of the Admiralty Colleges" 1722 , "Court Decree" 1723 . Preface to the "Spiritual Regulations" 1721 , "Announcement" to the "Definition on monasteries" 1724 .

Educational notebooks of Peter I 1688 . Extracts, notes and notes of Peter I 1699 - 1st quarter. 18th century, including: "Signals while sailing on the Don" 1699 ; explanatory text for the drawing of the siege of Noteburg 1702 ; "Reasoning" about the Baltic Fleet 1704 and on the creation of the Azov Fleet 1713 ; "Rules of Battle" 1708 ; comments and responses to the drafts of the Danish king Frederick IV and the Polish king Augustus II on joint military operations 1712 ; paintings of ships of the Russian, Swedish, English and Dutch fleets,

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Notes and notes to "writing in Historia"; notebooks and notes of an administrative-legislative nature 1st quarter XVII century .

Camping magazines ("journals") of Peter I 1695 - 1717 , war logs n. 18th century, including the capture of Yuryev and Riga (with the correction of Peter I) 1704, 1709 . Reports (handwritten and corrected by Peter I): about the capture of Noteburg 1702 , Vyborg, Kexholm, Pernova 1709 , Reval 1710 , Stettin 1713 ; about the battle of Lesnaya 1708 ; on the actions of the Allied forces in Northern Germany and on the entry of the Russian galley fleet into Finland 1713 . Drawings of Peter I on the layout of Peterhof 1709 - 1714 .

Letters of a personal nature (original and otp.): Alexei Mikhailovich to princesses Anna Mikhailovna and Irina Mikhailovna; Peter I Ivan Alekseevich 1694 ; Catherine I - to Peter I, Tsaritsa Praskovya Feodorovna, Tsesarevnas Anna Petrovna and Elizaveta Petrovna, Tsarevnas Anna Ivanovna and Praskovya Ivanovna, Prince. A. D. Menshikov and gr. A. E. Devier (black and reprint) 1719 - 1726 .

Letters, decrees, instructions of Peter I: F. Yu. Romodanovsky on matters of internal administration, foreign policy and personal character 1697 - 1711 , chancellor gr. G. I. Golovkin about the capture by the troops of K. A. Bulavin of Cherkasskaya (with an appendix copy of K. A. Bulavin’s replies to the Governor of Azov I. A. Tolstoy), Tsarevich Alexei about actions in Poland 1711 , General R.-Kh. Bour about the siege of Stettin 1711 , Ambassador to Denmark, Prince. V. L. Dolgoruky on the conclusion of an agreement with Frederick IV ("Discourse on the Pomeranian campaign", draft) 1712 , "chief inspector" of the Riga magistrate I. I. Isaev about the duties of the Riga administration 1712 , bar. I.-L. Luberas about the construction of a fortress and a port in Reval 1714 , P. I. Yaguzhinsky about the diplomatic mission to Denmark 1713 , Kazan vice-governor N. A. Kudryavtsev about ship scaffolding 1715 - 1723 , Chief Prosecutor of the Senate I. I. Bibikov "on prosecutorial and judicial positions" 1723 , Life Physician L. L. Blumentrost on the admission of exhibits to the Kunstkamera 1723 - 1724 .

Decrees of Catherine I to the Supreme Privy Council, the Senate, the Synod and various officials (black) 1725 - 1727 . Decree of Anna Ivanovna to A.P. Baskakov on the revision of regiments in Ukraine 1737 .

Reports to Peter I of various officials room XVII - 1st quarter. 18th century, including: book. F. Yu. Romodanovsky about the uprising of archers 1698 ; Hetman I. I. Skoropadsky, Colonel D. P. Apostol of Mirgorod and Colonel F. Osipov of Akhtyrka about the "evil intent" and betrayal of the former hetman I. S. Mazepa 1708 - 1709 ; P. A. Tolstoy on measures for the return to Russia of Tsarevich Alexei 1717 - 1718 ; book. A. D. Menshikov, gr. P. I. Yaguzhinsky and a bar. P. P. Shafirov about the quarrel between the latter and G. G. Skornyakov-Pisarev 1722 .

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"History of Emperor Peter the Great from his birth to the Battle of Poltava" Feofan Prokopovich (manuscript) 1713 - 1720s. "History of Tsar Peter I" bar. G. Huissen ("Gizenov Journal", trans.) OK. 1715. "Historical Description of the Northern War" by General Bar. L.-N. Allarta (manuscript and translation) OK. 1718. "Journal or daily note of Peter the Great from 1698 until the conclusion of the Peace of Nystadt", compiled with the participation of Peter I and A.V. Makarov ("The Sovereign History of the Svean War"), and materials for its compilation, including: a book of extracts from registered decrees and office work of the Senate on domestic policy from 1708 to 1722 (compiled by I.K. Kirilov) 1722 ; a note by General I. I. Buturlin about his "campaigns" in 1710 - 1712; letters to the Cabinet Secretary A.V. Makarov, Prince. V. V. Dolgoruky about the uprising of K. A. Bulavin 1725 ; extracts on the suppression of the uprising of the archers and the Astrakhan uprising, on the campaign of Prince. A. Bekovich-Cherkassky to Khiva and others "History of the Kantakuzins and Brankovans" 1720s. Vedomosti and printed calendars 1709 - 1726 . Lists of books published abroad in various branches of knowledge 1720s. Welcoming words and speeches in honor of Peter I 1st quarter 18th century .

"Patent" to Peter I on training in bombardment 1698 . "Journals of services" book. M. M. Golitsyna 1698 - 1722 , gr. P. M. Apraksina 1700 - 1706 , book. N. I. Repnina 1701 - 1706 . Drawings, plans and drawings, including projects for gardens and parks by J.-B. Leblon OK. 1716 - 1719. Spiritual Life Physician R. K. Erskina (Areskin, with marks of Peter I) 1719 . Statements on the state of the army and navy, on the salaries of foreigners in the Russian service, Russian artisans, court servants, on books and things bought by an agent of the Cabinet e. i. in. abroad Yu. I. Kologrivov and others. 1st quarter 18th century. "Opinions" of senators gr. F. M. Apraksina, book. D. M. Golitsyna, gr. G. I. Golovkina, A. V. Makarova, Prince. A. D. Menshikov, bar. A. I. Osterman, gr. P. A. Tolstoy on the means to "relieve the people" 1726 . Office work of the Commission "on the consideration of the land army and navy, so that they are supported without the great burden of the people": personal decrees (cop.) 1727 , statements submitted by the Admiralty and Military Colleges and the General-Kriegs-Commissariat on the costs of maintaining the army and navy in 1712 - 1727; a note by R. V. Bruce on the maintenance of Swedish troops in Finland under Charles XI and others. 1727 . The extract of the case and the "maxim" about the former Cabinet Minister gr. A. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin 1741 .

SECTION II. "INCOMING LETTERS" 1693 - 1727 (COP. FROM 1514). OP. 3 - 4

Family correspondence of persons of the imperial family and letters of a personal nature to Peter I and Catherine I, including Patriarch Adrian 1693 , King of Imereti Archil II and members of his family 1698 - 1726 ,

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L. K. Naryshkina 1700 - 1704 , A. I. Mons 1702 , book. D. K. Cantemira 1714 - 1723 , V. I. Monsa 1714 - 1724 , Mr. A. Koenigsmark 1716 , A. Petrova (A. P. Hannibal) 1718 - 1722 , "prince-dad" P. P. Buturlin 1719 , book. A. D. Cantemira 1724 .

Letters to Peter I from crowned persons of Europe, foreign statesmen and military figures, scientists, diplomatic representatives in Russia, etc. 1699 - 1723 , including: Polish King August II 1702 - 1712 , Duke Friedrich of Hesse-Darmstadt 1708 , Polish and Lithuanian hetmans of the book. Ya. Radziwill, M. Vishnevetsky 1706 , A.-N. Senyavsky 1709 - 1716 , L. K. Potseya 1714 - 1723 , Field Marshal gr. I.-G. Fleming 1712 , General G. Karlovich 1710 - on joint actions in the Northern War; Dukes of Courland Friedrich Wilhelm 1710 and Ferdinand 1717 - about their estates in Courland; Mayor of Amsterdam N. Witzen - personal character 1699 - 1700 ; Dutch scientist F. Ruysch about sending rare birds and fish as a gift 1701 ; director of the French trading company Derville on the establishment of direct trade between France and Russia 1718 ; J.-P. Bignon, B. Fontenelle on the election of Peter I as a member of the French Academy 1718 , about A.K. Nartov 1720 ; Cardinal Ottoboni about sending marble statues as a gift 1721 - 1723 .

Decrees and instructions of Peter I 1706 - 1721 , including A. A. Matveev on negotiations with the British government on the issue of mediation between Russia and Sweden and the admission of Russia to the "Great Union" 1706 and book. P. M. Golitsyn on the search for the cases of A. V. Kikin, Prince. A. D. Menshikov, K. A. Naryshkina, Ya. N. and V. N. Rimskikh-Korsakov OK. 1715; city ​​commandants 1715 and Chief of Police General (with add. Peter I) 1721 . Decrees of Catherine I (black and drafts) 1725 - 1727 . Determination on the order of office work in the Cabinet e.i. in. 1721 . Protocols of the Cabinet e.i. in. 1725 - 1727 . Protocols, statements and certificates of the Supreme Privy Council (original, copy) 1726 - 1727 .

Reports to Peter I and to the Cabinet of e.i. in. Senate, Synod, collegiums, other institutions and various officials on matters of internal administration and foreign policy: A. A. Vinius 1694 - 1713 , including the Streltsy uprising 1698 , uprising in Krasnoyarsk 1700 , N. M. Zotova 1699 - 1717 ; A. A. Kurbatova 1700 - 1720 , incl. about the organization of church administration, about the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, about the composition of "Arithmetic" by L. F. Magnitsky; gr. P. M. Apraksina 1700 - 1725 , including the uprising of the Bashkirs and Tatars 1708 ; book. A. D. Menshikova 1700 - 1727 ; gr. I. V. Bruce 1701 - 1726 , including about Aland 1718 - 1719 and Nystadt 1721 congresses; book. D. M. Golitsyna 1708 - 1724 ; gr. S. L. Vladislavich-Raguzinsky 1708 - 1725 , including the transfer of the Moldavian ruler D.K. Cantemir to Russian citizenship 1709 , about sending to St. Petersburg purchased

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Yu. I. Kologrivov of the statue of Venus Tauride 1720 ; A. I. Ushakova 1708 - 1726 , including about the Moscow Engineering School and the school of "Caesar languages" 1715 , about the Nizhny Novgorod schismatics 1720 ; gr. P. A. Tolstoy 1709 - 1725 , including in the case of Tsarevich Alexei; book. Ya. F. Dolgoruky 1711 - 1719 , including about the Moscow "iconoclasts"; gr. P. I. Yaguzhinsky 1714 - 1727 , including on the course of the Åland Congress and the Grodno Seim 1723 ; cabinet-secretaries of I. A. Cherkasov 1718 - 1721 and A.V. Makarov 1723 .

Reports of officials of the Ambassadorial Prikaz, the Embassy Office and the Collegium of Foreign Affairs, diplomatic representatives abroad, including: P. V. Postnikov (England, Brabant, Holland, Italy, Prussia, France) 1695 - 1708 ; P. B. Voznitsyna (Karlovitsky Congress) 1698 - 1699 ; F. A. Golovina 1699 - 1704 ; gr. G. I. Golovkina to. XVII century. - 1726; book. A. Ya. Khilkova (Sweden) 1700 - 1706 ; book. P. A. Golitsyna (Holy Roman Empire) 1701 ; E. I. Ukraintseva (Turkey and Poland) 1703 - 1707 ; A.P. Izmailova (Denmark) 1705 ; bar. P. P. Shafirov (also on business of the College of Commerce) 1706 - 1727 ; book. G. F. Dolgoruky (Poland) 1710 - 1723 ; H. I. Brant (Holland) 1710 - 1727 ; book. V. L. Dolgoruky (Denmark, Poland, France, Sweden) 1710 - 1727 ; M. B. Sheremeteva (Turkey) 1711 - 1713 ; A. I. Dashkova (Poland) 1711 - 1714 ; F. S. Saltykova (England) 1711 - 1714 ; book. B. I. Lvova (Holland) 1711 - 1716 ; O. A. Solovieva (Holland) 1711 - 1717 ; J. F. Bettiger (Hamburg) 1711 - 1727 ; book. B. I. Kurakina (Holland, France) 1711 - 1727 , including about guns cast by A. Chokhov 1720 ; bar. THEM. Urbija (Holy Roman Empire) 1713 ; gr. A. G. Golovkina (Prussia) 1714 - 1727; A. P. Veselovsky (Holy Roman Empire) 1715 - 1717 ; I. Leforta (France) 1715 - 1718 ; P. N. Gotovtseva (Poland) 1715 - 1719 ; P. N. Beklemisheva (Venice, Hamburg and Spain) 1715 - 1723 ; L. Lanchinsky (Holy Roman Empire) 1715 - 1727 ; bar. A. I. Osterman (on the course of the Nystadt Congress, etc.) 1715 - 1727 ; Yu. I. Kologrivova (Holland, Italy and France) 1716 - 1719 ; F. P. Veselovsky (England) 1717 - 1720 , I. von der Burg (Holland) 1717 - 1727 ; bar. G.-H. Schleinitz (France) 1720 - 1725 ; M. P. Bestuzheva-Ryumina (England, Sweden) 1720 - 1726 ; A. P. Bestuzheva-Ryumina (Denmark) 1721 - 1724 ; I. I. Neplyueva (Turkey) 1721 - 1727 ; book. S. M. Golitsyna (Spain) 1723 - 1724 ; L. Langa (China) 1723 - 1724 ; gr. N. F. Golovina (Sweden) 1725 - 1726 .

Reports on military and search cases and on the execution of various assignments: A. A. Veide 1694 - 1719 ; A. V. Kikina 1698 - 1716 ; P. I. Gordon 1699 ; gr. F. M. Apraksina 1699 - 1726 ; V. D. Korchmina 1699 - 1727 ; gr. B. P. Sheremeteva 1700 - 1718 ; I. I. Buturlina 1700 - 1726 ; M. Ya. Volkova 1700 - 1726 ; book. N. I. Repnina 1700 - 1726 ; G.-B. Ogilvie 1703 - 1709 ;

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K. I. Kruys 1703 - 1725 ; S. G. Naryshkina 1703 - 1726 , including about his trip to the Holy Roman Empire 1713 ; I. A. Senyavina 1703 - 1726 ; K.-E. Rennes 1705 - 1716 ; bar. L.-N. Allarta 1705 - 1723 ; D. Perry 1706 - 1711 ; R.-H. Bowra 1706 - 1717 ; G. G. Skornyakova-Pisareva 1706 - 1723 ; G. V. Norova 1707 - 1721 ; G. Goltz 1708 - 1710 ; book. V. V. Dolgoruky 1708 - 1727 ; book. M. M. Golitsyna 1708 - 1727 ; N. A. Senyavina 1708 - 1727 ; F.-G. Nostica 1710 ; A. Gordon 1710 ; bar. G.-I. Levenwolde 1710 - 1712 ; M. F. Botsis 1710 - 1721 ; V. N. Zotova 1710 - 1725 , including the establishment of digital schools 1716 , on his performance of the post of Auditor General 1716 - 1721 ; book. P. M. Golitsyna 1711 - 1721 , including on search cases, book. A. D. Menshikov, Moscow Governor K. A. Naryshkin 1715 , about the military trial of General F. N. Balk 1721 ; book. M. I. Volkonsky 1713 - 1714 - on the search case of the Arkhangelsk Vice-Governor A. A. Kurbatov and Chief Commissar D. A. Solovyov; I. M. Golovina 1713 - 1721 ; K. N. Zotova 1713 - 1726 , including about staying in France in 1715 - 1719 ; P. I. Sievers 1713 - 1727 ; A. I. Rumyantseva 1714 - 1727 , including in the case of P. L. Polubotok 1724 , about his embassy in Turkey 1725 - 1727 ; P. Bredal 1715 - 1722 ; M. A. Matyushkina 1715 - 1725 ; bar. I.-L. Luberas 1715 - 1727 ; M. Kh. Zmaevich 1717 - 1726 ; N. B. Weisbach 1719 - 1721 ; I. M. Likhareva 1719 - 1725 , including in the case of the Siberian Governor Prince. M. P. Gagarina 1721 ; gr. P. P. Lassi 1719 - 1726 ; I. I. Dmitrieva-Mamonova 1719 - 1726 ; L. V. Izmailova 1720 - 1726 , including about his embassy in China 1720 ; gr. B.-H. Minikha 1723 - 1727 .

Reports on matters of internal management: book. F. Yu. Romodanovsky to. XVII century. - 1715- on the cases of the Preobrazhensky order; book. B. A. Golitsyna 1699 - 1713 - on the orders of the Kazan Palace; T. N. Streshneva 1700 - 1709 - on cases of the Discharge Order (also on the establishment of provinces, on the search in 1709 in the boyar family archives for letters of commendation until the middle of the 16th century); gr. A. A. Matveeva 1700 - 1727 - about embassies to London, The Hague, Vienna, on the affairs of the College of Justice, the Moscow Senate Office, the Naval Academy; A. I. Ivanova and K. L. Chicherina 1703 - 1720 - on the affairs of the local order; gr. I. A. Musina-Pushkina 1703 - 1727 - on the affairs of the Monastyrsky Prikaz, the Printing House and the Moscow Senate Office; U. A. Senyavina 1708 - 1727 - on affairs of the Office from buildings; book. D. M. Golitsyna 1708 - 1724 - on the affairs of the Chamber College, on the administration of the Kyiv province; Petersburg Chief of Police, gr. A. E. Devyera 1710 - 1726 - on military affairs and on the management and condition of St. Petersburg; I. I. Isaeva 1712 - 1727 - on the affairs of the Main and Riga magistrates; Chief Fiscal A. Ya. Nesterova 1713 - 1722 and Fiscal General I. Shpinol 1717 ; A. P. Volynsky 1713 - 1727 - on the management of the Astrakhan province.,

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Including about relations with the peoples of the Volga region, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Dagestan and about his embassy to Persia); book. A. M. Cherkassky 1715 - 1721 - on the affairs of the Chancellery from buildings, on the management of the Siberian province .; A. K. Zybina 1719 - 1726 - on the affairs of the Artillery Office and the Berg Collegium; P. I. Musin-Pushkin 1719 - 1726 - on the affairs of the Moscow Senate Office (about his embassy to France); book. V. Yu. Odoevsky 1722 - 1727 - on the affairs of the Master Chamber; A. L. Naryshkina 1724 - 1727 - on the affairs of the Chamber College.

Dispatches of the hetmans I. S. Mazepa 1698 - 1703 and I. I. Skoropadsky 1709 - 1721 , Chernihiv Colonel P. L. Polubotok 1716 - 1721 , Mirgorod Colonel D.P. Apostol, governors, governors, commandants - about the situation in Ukraine, news from abroad, about the state of provinces, provinces, cities and fortresses.

Dispatches, letters on matters of construction, trade, factories, plants and crafts 1695 - 1727 : Danish Trade Commissioner A. I. Butenant von Rosenbusch 1695 - 1703 , including the sending of archers to the Kizhi churchyard to pacify the rebellious peasants 1695 - 1696 ; I. Lyubsa 1700 - 1725 , A. R. Stiles 1701 - 1711 , R. Robinson 1713 - 1718 , S. Gortsayda (Gartsyna) 1713 - 1725 , A. Achkina 1720 - 1724 ; head of the Olonets, Ural and Siberian state-owned factories V. I. Gennin 1701 - 1727 , including the construction of Yekaterinburg; G. D., N. G. and A. G. Stroganov 1702 - 1726 ; N. A. and A. N. Demidov 1717 - 1726 - about factories and salt mines; Commissars E. Izbrandt Ides 1703 (on the construction of ships in Arkhangelsk) and S. I. Varaksin 1714 - 1718 (about the Zyryansk and Pyskor salt mines); A. I. Davydova 1719 - 1727 - about the Ekateringof Linen Factory; I. F. Timmerman, I. P. Tames and P. P. Vestov 1713 - 1726 - about sailing and linen factories and a sugar factory in Moscow, I. S. Potemkin - about the St. Petersburg particular shipyard; Mayor of Reval J. Lanting 1714 - 1720 ; Inspector of the Moscow City Hall S. I. Pankratiev 1718 - 1719 .

Dispatches: teachers of Tsarevich Alexei, Prince. N. K. Vyazemsky 1696 - 1709 ; Stefan Yavorsky 1701 - 1720 , including about the Moscow "iconoclasts" D. Tveritinov, F. Ivanov and others. 1714 ; shipbuilders, including F. I. Sklyaev 1703 - 1719 and F. P. Palchikov 1715 - 1720 ; doctors N. L. Bidloo 1707 - 1727 (including about the Moscow hospital and the surgical school attached to it 1708 ), Ya.-F. Belou 1710 - 1726 , R.-K. Erskina (Areskin) 1712 - 1718 , I. L. and L. L. Blumentrostov 1713 - 1727 ; Russian students abroad, including A. L. and I. L. Naryshkin 1709 - 1720 , I. F. Michurina 1718 - 1725 ; architects, including D. Trezzini 1709 - 1727 , J.-B. Leblon 1716 - 1718 , N. Michetti 1719 - 1727 , M. G. Zemtsova 1721 - 1723 , P. M. Eropkina 1722 - 1726 etc., including construction

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Petersburg, Peterhof, Strelna, the Catherine Palace near Revel and the purchase of marble statues in Rome; I. K. Korobova - about her studies in Amsterdam 1724 - 1726 ; book. A. Bekovich-Cherkassky 1715 - 1717 - about the Khiva expedition; quartermaster B. I. Neronov 1716 - 1727 , P. I. Moshkova 1716 - 1727 , chief-stallmasters M. D. Olsufiev and S. Alaberdeev 1716 - 1727 , rulers of palace estates, etc. - about palace gardens, household and court expenses; director of the St. Petersburg printing house M. P. Avramov 1716 - 1727 ; Councilor of the Chamber College G. Fick 1717 - 1724 ; berg-adviser V. N. Tatishchev 1717 - 1727 , including with proposals for reform in the field of landownership of the nobility 1719 ; Feofan Prokopovich 1719 - 1723 , including about his work on the "History" 1722 ; court mechanic A. K. Nartov 1719 - 1727 ; Petersburg Library Librarian I. D. Schumacher about his trip abroad to invite scientists to Russia and buy books 1722 ; sculptor gr. K.-B. Shot about the casting of the bust of Peter I 1723 .

Dispatches and petitions of clergy, artisans, soldiers, peasants, townspeople, Livonian nobles and townspeople, etc., anonymous letters addressed to Peter I, c. B. P. Sheremeteva and others about the plight of soldiers and peasants to. XVII century. - 1st quarter. 18th century .

Reports and letters from various persons to Prince A. D. Menshikov 1698 - 1715 , F. A. Golovin 1699 - 1706 , gr. B. P. Sheremetev 1703 - 1711 , gr. G. I. Golovkin 1703 - 1716 , gr. F. M. Apraksin 1709 - 1718 , incl. letter bar. I.-E. Blumberg with a proposal to sell Russia about. Tobago 1701 , bar. G. Huissen on the actions of the Austrian troops against the rebellious Hungarians, on the war for the Spanish inheritance 1705 - 1706 .

Projects and "opinions" of different persons 1st quarter 18th century, including: G. D. Stroganova and I. Pankratiev on the formation of a company for the salt trade 1706 ; I. Filippova on the reform of the tax system, the introduction of passports, etc. OK. 1715 - 1717; D. A. Solovyov on the establishment of the College of Commerce and the collection of customs duties 1716 ; Yu. I. Kologrivova on the organization of education of Russians in Italy in architecture, painting and sculpture 1716 ; senators and members of the Admiralty and Military collegiums about the draft Table of Ranks 1721 ; gr.S. L. Vladislavich-Raguzinsky 1717 , book M. I. Vadbolsky 172 - 1724 , S. Gortsayda on the means of increasing state revenues, on the development of industry and trade. Note G.-V. Leibniz on the development of science and education in Russia (cop.) 1712 and his project on the establishment of the "College of Sciences" 1718 . "Propositions" and "Statements profitable to the state" by F. S. Saltykov 1713 - 1714 , "Report on equalizing payment" by A. Ya. Nesterov 1714 , "Letter on the Auditor General" by K. N. Zotov 1716 - 1721 , "Points" about the Academy of Sciences [P. A. Kurbatova] 1720s .

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Documents about the uprising led by K. A. Bulavin 1707 - 1708 , including: "charming letters" and "letters" of the rebels to "initial, commercial, black and all kinds of people"; "replies" by K. A. Bulavin "to the regiments of commanders and foremen," to the Kyiv governor, Prince. D. M. Golitsyn and to the Ambassadorial order (cop.); reports of various officials on the course of the uprising, its suppression, search and execution of its participants.

Documents on political, civil and criminal proceedings 1st quarter 18th century, including: questioning speeches by Hieromonk Nikanor on the case of V. L. Kochubey 1708 and various persons in the case of M. D. Hamilton 1718 ; verdicts of the maritime court in cases of officers accused of embezzlement 1709 ; the case of the commission of inquiry L. S. Chirikov and bar. G.-I. Levenvolde about the escheated yards of the residents of Riga 1710 - 1711 ; notes book. V. V. Dolgoruky about the affairs of his investigative office OK. 1718 .

Inventories: property and estates of various persons, including the property of F. F. Pleshcheev 1702 , personal property of the deceased Duke of Courland Friedrich-Wilhelm 1711 , property and library of A. V. Kikin 1718 - 1719 , estates, houses, personal property and library of Tsarevich Alexei 1718 - 1728 , St. Petersburg estate of R. V. Bruce 1720 , estates of the book. M. P. Gagarina 1721 , Petersburg court Prince. Yu. Yu. Trubetskoy (given to the Simonov Moscow Monastery) 1721 , libraries of A. A. Vinius 1st quarter 18th century; Swedish trophy banners in the Preobrazhenskaya congress hut 1703 ; gifts gr. S. L. Vladislavich-Raguzinsky to Peter I and Catherine I 1716 - 1724 ; Amber Cabinet (donated to Peter I by the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm I) 1717 ; property in the Transfiguration Palace 1717 ; books of the library of Peter I on architecture and art 1719 ; "ancient things" (found in the Golden Horde settlement) 1726 .

Letter of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Maximillian I to Basil III 1514 (copy for publication to prove the rights to the imperial title), letters of commendation of Vasily III and Ivan IV to the Lapps (cop.) 1530 - 1549 . Complaints, documents of various persons 1694 - 1725 , including: diploma of the Swedish consul H. Bratte signed by Charles XI 1694 ; Letter of Patriarch Adrian on the appointment of Dionysius Zhabokrytsky as Bishop of the Orthodox Church in Poland 1695 ; letters of commendation to the Dutch merchant I. Gutman for free trade in Russia 1702 , Wallachian nobles on estates in the Izyum regiment (cop.) 1718 ; spiritual letters of Metropolitan Dmitry Tuptalo of Rostov and Yaroslavl 1707 , Stefan Yavorsky ("with additions") 1722 ; Diploma to Chancellor G. I. Golovkin for the title of count (cop.) 1710 ; passport issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, J.-B. Colbert de Torcy c. P. I. Musin-Pushkin 1717 ; "privilege"

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Catherine I to the director of the Kazan cloth manufactory I. A. Miklyaev 1725 .

Poems, notes and essays on various branches of knowledge 1698 - 1725 , including: a note by Ioannikius and Sophronius Likhudov on Slavic-Latin schools and their translation of D. Alberghetti's book on military affairs 1698 - present 18th century; a note by K. N. Zotov about the first French embassy in Moscow in 1629 and his "painting" of the sights of Paris (with marks of Peter I) 1717 ; notes of gr. S. L. Vladislavich-Raguzinsky about the state revenues of France under Louis XIV, about the Vatican, etc. 1724 - 1725 ; Feofan Prokopovich's report on the "children's school house" (seminary) 1721 ; answer book. D.K. Kantemir to the verdict of the Synod on the publication of his book "The System of the Muslim Religion" 1721 ; description of the ancient stone buildings of the Bulgar settlement in the Kazan province. 1723 .

Graphic materials, including: drawing of the notch line in the Pskov and Ostrov districts 1706 ; schemes of the dispositions of the battles at Lesnaya 1708 , near Poltava 1709 , under Gangut (with the autograph of Peter I) 1714 , the Austrian army under the command of Prince Eugene of Savoy in a camp near Belgrade June 19, 1717; engraving by P. Picard "View of St. Petersburg" 1716 ; plans - Admiralty fortress 1716 , Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome (works by T. N. Usov) 1718 , the central building of Monplaisir in Peterhof 1720 ; drawing of the church of st. Peter in Rome (works by P. M. Eropkin) 1718 ; drawings and drawings of English cars (works by A. K. Nartov) 1719 ; map of Eastern Siberia 1719 ; drawing of the location of copper deposits near the Solikamsky Piskorsky monastery (signed by V. I. Gennin) 1723 , Speech of Peter I during a visit to Patriarch Adrian on the need for education and on the goals and methods of organizing schools 1700 . Ciphers of the correspondence of Peter I and the Cabinet of e. i. in. with the generals, ambassadors and governors of the border provinces 1709 - 1726 . Tales of I. Yakovlev about Japan and Y. A. Elchin about Kamchatka and about the voyage of I. P. Kozyrevsky in 1713 to the Kuril Islands 1719 .


Decrees and letters of Peter I, Catherine I (black), Tsarevich Alexei, Peter II, Anna Ivanovna, Elizabeth Petrovna.

Notebooks outgoing 1712 - 1730 and incoming 1723 documents of the Cabinet e.i. in. The book of copies of letters of the secret secretary D. V. Volkov to various officials on the nominal orders of Peter III 1762 .

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Daily note of the Azov campaign 1695 . Camping journals of Peter I (with additions and corrections by Peter I and A. V. Makarov) 1702 - 1720 . Extracts for the compilation of the "History of the Svean War" (with additional Peter I).

Dispatches, letters and petitions to Peter I, Catherine I, Anna Ivanovna, Elizaveta Petrovna of various persons 1695 - 1761 , including: P. I. Gordon on the beginning of the Azov campaign 1695 ; A. S. Sheina on the state of the army 1696 - 1698 ; A. M. Golovin on the state of the Preobrazhensky Regiment 1697; F. Ya. Lefort, P. B. Voznitsyn, F. A. Golovin about the stay of the "Great Embassy" in Holland and Vienna 1697 - 1698 ; book. M. P. Gagarin with requests for pardon 1716 - 1719 ; K. N. Zotova on the work on the "Marine Charter" 1720 ; P. I. Yaguzhinsky on diplomatic issues (Holy Roman Empire) 1720 ; bar. N. A. Korf about the escort to Russia of the Holstein Duke Peter-Ulrich 1742 ; gr. V. V. Rastrelli on the construction of palaces 1744 ; book. Ya. P. Shakhovsky on the affairs of the Synod and the Senate 1745 - 1761 ; bar. I. A. Cherkasov with a project on teaching "mining art" at the Kolyvano-Voskresensky factories and on the establishment of a "special class" assigned to the factories 1757 .

Correspondence: various persons, including letters - gr. Ya. V. Bruce, F. A. Golovin, gr. G. I. Golovkina, N. M. Zotova, book. A. D. Menshikov gr. I. A. Musin-Pushkin 1704 - 1710 , book. G. F. Dolgoruky Prince. L. F. Dolgoruky 1705 , A.V. Makarova to various persons on the current activities of the Cabinet e.i. in. (black and reprint) 1709 - 1724 ; gr. I. A. Musina-Pushkina with the director of the Moscow printing house F. P. Polikarpov on the translation and printing of books 1716 - 1717 ; I. T. Pososhkova about his "Book of Poverty and Wealth", black. [ 1724 ].

Reports to the Cabinet e.i. in. Military Collegium, Collegium of Commerce and Chief Police Office 1740 - 1741 , Senate 1740 - 1746 .

A note on the "teachings" of Tsars Fedor, Ivan and Peter Alekseevich n. 18th century. Amsterdam and Hamburg newspapers 1718 - 1721 . The case of the transfer to the Supreme Privy Council of inventories of papers, objects and sums of money (kept in the Cabinet of H.I.V.) 1727 . Sheets of foreign merchant ships that arrived in Arkhangelsk, Narva, St. Petersburg, Revel and Riga in 1728 - 1730. Inventory of Russian books of the palace library OK. 1730 - 1735. The case of the St. Petersburg Salt Office on the payment of salaries to the dancers of the court ballet 1746 - 1762 . Table of the status of troops and artillery in the fortresses of the Orenburg fortified line 1760 .

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GENRE - historical fiction quest

You have been selected for a special mission - to go back in time and restore the course of history by returning documents to Peter the Great on building ships to attack Azov. As you know, Voronezh is the cradle of the Russian fleet. It was here that Peter the Great came up with the idea that it would be nice to build ships to attack the fortress of Azov. Unfortunately, at the moment, blueprints for powerful ships have been stolen from him. You will need to return them.
From the very beginning, you need to find a time machine, start it and go to the past. In Peter's office, you need to find his mail, open the envelope of the tsar's governor - Alexei Shein, put the drawings there and secure the envelope with a special seal. You can’t just put the drawings on the table with Peter - this will cause unnecessary questions and suspicions, and the drawings can be burned.
After you do this, the time portal will reopen and you will be able to leave unhindered. Remember that you only have an hour for everything, because the time machine is very unstable.

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