Home Diseases and pests How to make a portal to the twilight forest in Minecraft. How to make a portal to the Twilight Forest in Minecraft Portal 1.6 2 to the Twilight Forest

How to make a portal to the twilight forest in Minecraft. How to make a portal to the Twilight Forest in Minecraft Portal 1.6 2 to the Twilight Forest

As you know, the Twilight Forest mod adds a new dimension to the game. However, to get into it you need to make a portal. If you do not have the mod installed, you can download it for Minecraft 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.2 and 1.7.10 from the link. Others can skip straight to the instructions.

Creating a portal

To make a portal to the Twilight Forest, you need to dig a shallow 2 x 2 (4 square) pool in a grassy area and completely surround it with nature (flowers, mushrooms, saplings or tall grass). Then you need to throw a diamond at him (using the "Q" key, by default) and move away.

As a result, the portal should look like this:

If it doesn't work, it means the mod hasn't loaded completely. There should be a "Mods" button on the Minecraft launch screen. After clicking on it, you will see a list of downloaded mods. As soon as the Twilight Forest modification appears on this list, it will mean that everything is working properly.

If the mod is loaded correctly, then double-check your portal. There should be 12 natural objects around the pool (including the corners). The pool should be 1 cubic meter deep. These are the most common mistakes that players make when crafting a portal to the Twilight Forest.

What to watch out for

Although the Dusk Forest is quite peaceful, some areas are certainly unsafe. The Portal does not have good security. This is rare, but you can find yourself in the domain of the ruthless boss Naga, in Hollow Hill, or even at the top of a tall tree. Be prepared to defend your portal, or flee if necessary.

How to leave Duskwood

You can make a portal back to the normal world in the same way as you built it for the Twilight Forest. Diamonds appear in this dimension at the same speed and at the same depths as in the ordinary world.


The respawn point (the place where you appear after death) in the Twilight Forest is located at the same coordinates as the respawn point in the normal world. This does not mean that she will be near the portal or anywhere nearby. Therefore, it is highly recommended to make a portal not far from the respawn, or place and use a bed not far from the place of arrival.

So, do you play Minecraft? Well, great activity! For those who like particularly thrilling sensations, I advise you to build a portal to the twilight forest.

And it should be noted that you don’t need a lot of resources here, however, you will still have to dig at the beginning, since for such a thing as crafting a portal to the twilight forest you will need a diamond. Basically, such res can be obtained at levels from 5 to 15.

Our portal is almost ready, all that's missing is water and a diamond!

Yes, and a few iron ingots will be useful for crafting a bucket; of course, you need to dig iron ore, then smelt it in a furnace for further use.

So let's begin.

We take a shovel in our hands and dig a 2 by 2 square in the ground, 1 block deep.

It is important that you dig a minecraft portal to the twilight forest not just in the ground, but in blocks with grass. Next, we plant plants on all sides of the square, and even in the corners: all kinds of flowers, even mushrooms are acceptable.

Now we pick up a bucket, which is not difficult to craft, and, having collected water from the source, we pour it directly into our “pool”.

I can congratulate you, you have done the main job! All that's left to do is pick up the diamond and simply throw it into the water.

Important! Having thrown a diamond into the future portal, you should quickly step aside, since our exit to another world is activated by a lightning strike, and you yourself understand that for your square friend to get hit on top of the head once again will not be very pleasant.

You will be able to immediately understand that the activation of the portal was successful, as the water will sparkle with a lilac - iridescent color. Well, you can safely go on a journey!

Sweetie and the portal

An important point: if you play the online version, you definitely need to privatize the area where you place the minecraft portal to the twilight forest, since otherwise, other players can not only use it themselves (which, in principle, is not scary), but also privatize and even you will be blocked from entering. Even worse is a certain class of players, namely, noobs who will simply decide to destroy your creation.

I also recommend immediately privatizing the exit from the portal in the twilight forest, since the exit from your portal will definitely intersect with the exit of other players, and if one of them, in turn, blocks the territory, say, with blocks, then you will have no access to the forest , full of treasures and adventures will be closed.

So, now you know how to make a portal to the twilight forest.

"Minecraft" is a cult computer game of our time in the specific "sandbox" genre. The developers have added to the game the ability to create third-party modifications - the so-called “mods”. One of the largest such mods is "Twilight Forest", which adds a whole new dimension to the game with laws and monsters that differ from the "main" world of the game. But if you don’t know how to make a portal to the “Twilight Forest” in Minecraft, then installing the mod will be pointless - you won’t get into the new dimension. Let's look at how to make this portal.

Creating a portal to the "Twilight Forest"

After installing the mod to create a portal, the player needs to perform the following steps:

  1. Somewhere in the grassy area, dig a hole 2x2 blocks in size and one block deep.
  2. The hole must be filled with water, which can be brought in a bucket (created from three iron ingots on a workbench) from a nearby body of water.
  3. Along the edges of the resulting square puddle you need to plant plants - mushrooms, grass or flowers. The preparations are complete.
  4. You need to throw one diamond into the hole. By default, throwing an object in your hand is done with the Q key. If when you press it the expected action does not occur, then you need to use another key. Which one you will find out from the game settings.
  5. Immediately after throwing you need to move away from the pit. According to the plot, a portal to the Minecraft forest is created after lightning strikes a dug hole. And lightning is an event that causes a large amount of damage to the player.

As you can see from the instructions, making a portal to the "Twilight Forest" is not difficult - you only need a couple of buckets of water, twelve flowers to plant and one diamond. On the other side of the portal is a forest teeming with new monsters that the player will have to fight. Also in the "Twilight Forest" the player can get trophies that will make it easier to survive in the harsh world of Minecraft. Under the ground you will find caves with treasures and especially strong monsters guarding them, the trophies for defeating them are an order of magnitude more powerful than usual.

If the text instructions on how to make a portal to the twilight forest in Minecraft are not clear to you, then there is a video at the bottom of the page.

Minecraft is a game that has quickly won many fans. Extraordinary gameplay, an open world, complete freedom of action, a variety of items - this is what attracts the audience. However, the game takes on new colors when installing mods, not all of them, but only the most interesting ones. One of the best mods for Minecraft is rightfully considered Twilight Forest, with which you will plunge into the magical world of the twilight forest, which will open up new facets of the game for you. You can spend several hours on a detailed description of this wonderful mod, but now we’ll talk about how to get into the twilight forest from the ordinary world, or more precisely, how to make a portal to the twilight forest in Minecraft.

Creating a portal to the twilight forest

To create a portal we will need:

  • Buckets with water 2 pieces;
  • Diamond. I already wrote - this is a rather long and labor-intensive process.
  • There are 12 yellow flowers. They grow in clearings and are not difficult to find.

Portal creation process:

Rules for handling the portal to the twilight forest

  1. Remember that if you are playing on a server, then you must have the portal on which the portal is located, otherwise other players will be able to seize your territory, and you will not be able to leave the twilight forest, and this, believe me, is not the best prospect.
  2. Newbies who don’t know “what this thing is” are also dangerous for the portal to the twilight forest, because due to their inexperience they can break your building, and you will be “locked” in the twilight forest if you don’t have a diamond to build a new portal.
  3. Also, griefers can simply build up your portal with blocks, and when you return to the normal world, you will suffocate.

In this case, there is only one way out - to die and be reborn on your bed.

How to make a portal to the twilight forest in Minecraft video

I hope you liked this article and you understand how to make a portal to the twilight forest in Minecraft.

Hello everyone Minecrafters. In this article, you will learn how to create a portal to the twilight forest and find out why it (the forest) is actually needed, and what is unusual about it, as well as what and how best to mine in the forest and useful tips for those who have just started playing, but he already wants to get resources in the twilight forest to build a beautiful house, craft or kill a boss for valuable loot and create rare items for certain quests or his desires.

First, you need to figure out why a portal to the twilight forest is needed and how to use it. And you need it in order to get new resources, kill new bosses, run around, possibly meet new mobs, tame a couple more animals and, of course, see a new location. In the twilight forest it is possible to build a house and almost any other buildings, and in general it is not much different from the ordinary world (except for boss resources and some nuances).

Let's start creating the portal

First, we need to figure out what resources we need to build a portal and how to get them (this is for beginners). If you play Minecraft online, then do not forget to create a private area in this area, in the worst case, your portal will be destroyed, and in the rest, other players may take it over or enter the forest through your portal and devastate your area of ​​the resources you need. An excellent solution would be to seal off the exit from the twilight forest, since your “neighbors” can put blocks on you and the forest will be closed to you.

You don’t need a lot of them, only 3 resources for a certain amount:

  • Bucket of water – 2 pcs.
  • Flower or any other vegetation - 12 pcs. (any flower)
  • Diamond – 1 pc.

Buckets can be created from iron by first digging up iron ore in a mine with a pickaxe and smelting it in a furnace. When approaching the water, simply select two buckets in turn, rightclick and fill the buckets with water. Vegetation (flowers, mushrooms, grass) can be found throughout the location. Just run around looking for it and collect 12 pieces, it doesn’t have to be the same, you can collect 10 flowers and 2 mushrooms and vice versa. After we have extracted these resources, we should dig 4 2 by 2 blocks in the form of a square. We pour water into these squares diagonally so that the water there is stagnant and does not end there. Now we take our flowers and arrange the water around with flowers, without missing more than one cube.

Portal activation

To activate the portal, you only need to do one basic thing: throw a diamond into the water. By the way, the order of actions does not play a big role; you can first throw a diamond, and then set up vegetation, and the portal will still appear. When the diamond falls into the water, it is better to be further away from the water. Lightning will immediately begin to strike the water and you may be hit, if not killed. There are usually two lightning strikes and after their strikes the water becomes like a portal to hell or hell. After this, you can remove the flowers around as you wish, the portal will not disappear anywhere.

Going to the portal

Before entering the portal, we advise you to take tools and food with you just in case. After all, no one knows what you might find there and suddenly you won’t have a pick or shovel at hand at the most necessary moment. In the forest you may encounter unusual mobs and bosses; if your goal is to kill the boss, then for this you need to have certain equipment and preparation.

Killing the boss in the forest

To kill the boss you must have at least diamond armor without magic attached to it and
diamond sword with magic and this is if you want to kill one easy boss in the forest. Before entering the portal, put on all your equipment and eat until your hunger is completely satisfied, and only then enter the portal. When entering the portal, we recommend having a horse or dragon spawn egg; of course, this is not necessary, but it will significantly shorten your search for the boss, and the battle with him on the dragon will be much easier. When fighting a boss, you should remember that it is better to retreat once again than to die and lose all your things and then, already beaten, go and look for them and, in the best case, find and run away from the evil boss.

Finding Resources in the Twilight Forest

In principle, the resources in this forest will not keep you waiting. Immediately upon appearance, you can see trees that do not exist in the ordinary world. Here you can already take 32 units of food and an ax and, of course, a chest. Chop wood and put it in a chest. If you have a rich hand, you can place an Enderman chest, which will greatly facilitate the extraction of wood. You can also find various kinds of rocks there; you already need to have pickaxes and torches. Otherwise, nothing new for a miner, much less for a Minecraft player. Dig as deep as possible, not forgetting to put up ladders if you don’t have a Slender egg, and start searching for ore. The torch needs convenience, and not to peer at the screen when mining. Treasures are hidden in the mines of the twilight forest, but they are guarded by rather strong monsters, so here too you will need your warrior equipment - this is, of course, if you want to take these treasures from them.

Portal destruction

If for some reason you no longer need the portal, you can destroy it in several ways. Force the entire portal with blocks and destroy them, dig under the portal and destroy the block under the portal, or simply blow it up with dynamite. The easiest way is, of course, the first one, but you never know for what purpose you need it. Although in most cases it is very compact and cannot interfere with you in any way, so it is unlikely that it will need to be destroyed.

Let's sum it up

In the forest we can collect a fairly large amount of resources that we need or will be useful in the future, defeat strong bosses and plunder treasuries. When you first enter the forest, it can load from 1 to 5 minutes, so don’t worry about long loading times. This plugin weighs quite a lot despite its simplicity and ease of learning. That's all, you can safely go into the vastness of the forest, without fear of anything and follow the simple tips from this article. I hope it helped you, and you can successfully collect a large amount of resources in this location. Play for fun!

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