Home Mushrooms Model rocket from a plastic bottle. How to make a rocket at home. Classes of missiles and their differences

Model rocket from a plastic bottle. How to make a rocket at home. Classes of missiles and their differences

A cool mock-up of a rocket or a real flying rocket can be made at home without any problems. To carry out the work, you can use any available materials: paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, matches and foil. Depending on the chosen master class, you can get a beautiful toy or a full-fledged model of a real rocket. All descriptions are supplemented with step-by-step photos and video instructions, which greatly simplifies the assembly of products. You can learn in detail how to make a rocket with your own hands and make it fly in the master classes below for adults, teenagers and children.

How to make a rocket with your own hands so that it flies - a step-by-step master class with a description

The simplest flying rocket can be made at home. The master class below clearly describes how to make a paper rocket that flies in literally 5-10 minutes. The work will be suitable for both adults and teenagers. And simple instructions on how to make a rocket out of paper will not require the use of special components: it can be assembled from scrap materials.

Materials for making a flying rocket with your own hands

  • paper;
  • scotch;
  • a piece of metal-plastic pipe;
  • soft hose;
  • 2l bottle.

Step-by-step master class on making a flying rocket with your own hands

How to make a rocket from ordinary cardboard with your own hands - diagram and description of work

Even a child can make a cool cardboard rocket. This layout is perfect for decorating a room. How to make a cardboard rocket with your own hands according to the diagram is described in the master class below with step-by-step photos.

DIY materials for assembling a space rocket from ordinary cardboard

  • toilet paper rolls;
  • white cardboard;
  • thin colored paper (yellow, red);
  • shiny self-adhesive paper;
  • scissors;
  • paper tape;
  • red and silver paint;
  • astronaut figurine.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a cardboard rocket with your own hands

How to make a rocket from a bottle so that it takes off - a step-by-step master class

An original and high-flying rocket can be assembled from scrap materials right at home. But its launch must be carried out in an open area to comply with safety conditions. Step-by-step photo instructions will tell you how to make a rocket out of a bottle without much difficulty.

List of materials for making a flying rocket from a plastic bottle

  • plastic bottle;
  • sheet of plastic;
  • foam tube;
  • paper tape;
  • liquid Nails;
  • stationery knife, scissors;
  • rubber stopper;
  • thin hose.

Step-by-step master class on making a flying space rocket from a bottle

How to make a model of a space rocket with your own hands - an interesting master class with photos

Many fans of space research would like to have a real model of the original rocket at home. Using a few materials and following assembly rules, you can make a copy of the Proton-M. How to make a model of a rocket and how to paint it correctly is described in the next master class.

Materials for making a model of a space rocket with your own hands

  • round timber blanks;
  • plastic tubes;
  • acrylic paint;
  • glue.

Detailed master class on making a model rocket with your own hands

How to make a model rocket from matches and foil - an entertaining video master class

Many adults and teenagers are interested in how to make a rocket from matches and foil. The work takes minimal time but brings maximum fun. True, it must be carried out either with adults or under their supervision.

Restless boys prefer noisy outdoor games to long gatherings for creative activities. But on a rainy, cloudy day or a winter evening, there is still one sure way to captivate them for a long time by offering to make a cardboard rocket. After all, a toy made with one’s own hands is always more appreciated by a child, especially if it is. In addition, an exciting activity will help develop not only fine motor skills and imagination, but will also teach you to finish the job you started, following clear instructions. To make classes more exciting, you can tell your child about space and astronauts. In addition, a story about what an astronaut can see in space during a flight will also be useful.

How to make a rocket with a preschooler?

It's very easy to make a rocket from a tube that is left over from used cling film. To make this craft we will need colored paper, scissors and glue.

How to make a rocket out of cardboard using the origami technique?

From thin double-sided cardboard you can make a very simple, but at the same time original craft with a 3-4 year old child.

How to make a rocket out of corrugated cardboard?

Crafts made from corrugated cardboard always look more interesting and unusual. Invite your little one to make a three-dimensional rocket craft for children to go to the moon. Undoubtedly, the baby will be happy to join the game and surprise you with his diligence.

You can play with cardboard rockets for a long time: they do not deform or break. Even if a child gets tired of a craft in the form of a cardboard rocket after a couple of weeks, it can take pride of place on a shelf or desk.

In this master class I will show several options - how to make a paper rocket with your own hands with step-by-step photographs. The hero of one famous Soviet comedy asks the audience the question: “Is there life on Mars?” And he himself answers: “This is not known to science.” A little more than 50 years have passed since the beginning of space exploration, but science has long answered this question in the negative. As for distant galaxies, which even electronic telescopes cannot look into, this question remains unanswered.

Children, as a rule, receive their first knowledge about space from children's encyclopedias. Once your child has a general understanding of astronomy, you can move on to learning practical skills through play. To do this, you and your son or daughter will have to make a toy rocket out of paper and launch it into the air. The process of creating such a paper craft is shown in this master class. See other how to do here.

1 option

Let's prepare for making a rocket

    • square sheet of colored paper;
    • glue stick.

For our rocket we used a square of lilac paper. Fold it diagonally.

After this, you need to bend the blank of the future rocket along another diagonal line.

The completed folds allow us to fold our lilac square into a double triangle.

The resulting workpiece should look like this from above.

We put it on the table again and continue working on creating a rocket. To do this, bend the right side of the top layer towards the middle line.

On the left side you need to make a symmetrical fold. This is how we begin to form the outlines of the future rocket.

Let's turn our craft over to the other side and perform the same steps (bend the sides to the middle line).

We continue to work on creating our paper rocket. To do this, you need to bend the sides of the resulting triangles towards the middle as follows. First we do it on the right side.

Then we repeat similar folds on the left side of the future rocket blank.

Let's turn the paper craft over to the other side and make similar folds.

The folds you just made must be secured with glue. We do this on both sides of our craft.

Let's start decorating the lower part of the rocket. To do this, the protruding lower corners need to be bent as follows.

We repeat a similar fold on the left side.

Turning the rocket blank over to the other side, we repeat the folds of the lower corners.

Now all that remains is to straighten our craft, giving it volume. This can be done with your fingers from the inside. Our paper rocket is ready.

In order to launch it into the air, we need a cocktail straw. Carefully insert it under the bottom of the rocket and blow. This will lift the rocket up some distance, the height of the lift will depend on the force of exhalation and the weight of the craft itself.

Option 2: how to make an origami rocket step by step

On April 12, Aviation and Cosmonautics Day is celebrated throughout. For this holiday, you and your children can make a craft in the shape of a rocket using the origami technique. It is very simple and interesting to make.

To make an origami rocket you will need:

      • a sheet of blue colored paper;
      • scissors;
      • markers.

Colored paper must be the same color on both sides. Therefore, if you don’t have double-sided paper, you can simply glue 2 sheets of the same color with the white sides facing each other. It is not necessary to use blue paper; you can take a sheet of any color.

First we need to cut out an even square. Therefore, we bend a sheet of paper diagonally. There is no need to make a fold that is too obvious; we won’t need this line later. It is only needed to form an even square.

Cut off the excess with scissors. Expand the square. Straighten the fold.

Now you need to fold the square in half. We run our finger, forming a clear fold. Let's expand. Now we need to take the right half and fold it to the center fold we just made. That is, divide half the square in half.

Now we do the same with the second side. Fold to the center.

Iron out the folds thoroughly. Now we unfold the workpiece again. We got 4 equal parts. Take the upper right corner and bend it to the central fold.

And the top left corner too. It is important to bend it evenly here, since this will be the top of the rocket.

Now we lift the right side and bend it to the very first fold on the left. Iron out the fold.

And we bend it again, but only along the central fold line and back.

Now you need to do the same with the left side. We bend it to the right.

And bend part of it back along the fold line. This is how we made the wings.

We turn the parts over and make vertical cuts at the bottom, approximately 1 cm in length. We do them on both sides. We cut along the upper main part of the rocket.

Turn the part back over. Fold the small triangles up. Thanks to them, the rocket will be able to stand on its own.

At both sides:

Take a black felt-tip pen or marker and draw 3 identical circles one below the other on the rocket. These will be portholes. And on the wings of the rocket we’ll just make 3 notches at the bottom.

This is how you can very simply and quickly make a rocket using the origami technique from paper.

See another version of such a rocket.

Option 3 of space paper crafts

It is generally accepted that girls love tinkering the most. But how to attract boys to create a variety of crafts? And technical topics, for example, dedicated to space, will help to captivate them. Invite your son to make a paper rocket. The process of creating such a space craft is shown in our master class.

To make a rocket, we only need a square sheet of paper.

We fold the blank of the future rocket diagonally.

Then we bend the resulting triangle in half again.

Now this blank needs to be given the appearance of a double square. To do this, straighten one corner, and then give it a square shape.

We do the same with the other corner. This is how we get a double square. We place it with open cuts down.

To create the rocket, let's start making folds. First we perform them from the top side to the sides.

Having turned over the blank of the future rocket, you need to do the same.

Now, in place of the resulting folds, we need to make internal folds. To do this, first straighten the bent triangle, and then form an internal fold from it.

This is what you need to do with the remaining three curved triangles.

After this, to form the rocket, we will make folds in the lower part of the workpiece. To do this, bend the sides from the bottom edge towards the middle.

Then you need to bend the sides so that they are parallel to the central vertical line of our craft.

We repeat similar actions on the remaining three sides of our workpiece.

We slightly turn over the layers of the future rocket so that it takes on the following appearance.

Now let's start decorating the bottom of the rocket. To do this, bend one of the corners to the side.

This is what you need to do with the other three lower corners.

After this, they need to be bent down. We do all this with the formation of an internal fold.

This is what our craft looks like at this stage.

Useful tips

Making a rocket is always interesting, especially with children.

You can compete or just play with a toy rocket and launch it into the air.

There are many different ways to make a rocket with your own hands, and we will tell you about some of them.

Option 1

How to make a flying rocket

You will need:

1 sheet of paper

Adhesive tape (electrical tape)


Ballpoint pen large tube (for launching a rocket)

Glue gun (can be replaced with PVA glue, but it will take longer to dry)

1. Cut the paper into 2 halves approximately 5 cm wide.

2. Prepare a ballpoint pen and disassemble it to get a tube.

3. Attach a piece of duct tape to one of the paper halves. Flip this paper over and wrap it around the handle to create a rocket body.

4. Secure the curled paper with duct tape. You can use tape to completely wrap the body and then pull out the handle. You can trim some uneven ends with scissors.

5. Seal one end of the rocket body with duct tape.

6. Prepare 3 pieces of duct tape. They need to be folded so that they form the tail fins for the rocket (stabilizers).

7. Take one piece of duct tape and fold it in half, but do not glue it completely. Using scissors, cut the tape at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to obtain a triangular stabilizer shape. You only need to prepare 3 of these things.

8. Attach the stabilizers to the rocket using the parts you didn't glue together. Attach them at equal distances from each other around the base of the rocket.

9. Take the other half of the paper and make a cone out of it, which can then be attached to the body.

10. Cut off the excess portion of the rocket nose and wrap the cone with tape to reinforce it. Pay special attention to the tip of the nose.

11. Fill the cone about 3/4 full with glue. Take the rocket body and insert it into the cone with the sealed part. Hold in this position for a few seconds to allow the parts to set.

To launch a rocket, simply insert a tube (disassembled handle) into its body, hold it with two fingers and blow hard! The rocket will fly even higher if you use a pump.

Option 2

How to make a rocket out of cardboard

A very good rocket can be made if you use a cardboard cylinder from cling film, foil or toilet paper.

Just prepare: a cardboard tube, colored paper and scissors.

1. Prepare colored paper and cut out a quarter circle from it.

2. Glue a cone from the blank. If necessary, trim it to size. Also make several cuts along the edge.

3. It's time to glue the cone to the tube.

4. Decorate the rocket. You can use colored paper, stickers or markers.

5. Your rocket needs wings. They need to be cut and glued. Also, do not forget about the valves for gluing, which must be left in advance.

6. Glue all the wings to the rocket.

Option 3

Origami rocket

This rocket model is very beautiful, and you simply must make it with your children. Everyone will have a lot of fun and everyone will be pleased with the end result.

Assembling such a rocket is not difficult, just do everything as shown in the video tutorial.

The assembly itself should take no more than 15 minutes. You can make it from colored paper.

Origami paper rocket

Another version of the origami rocket.

Option 4

DIY paper rocket

Such a rocket can be made for children. So that they play, dreaming of flying into space.

The most interesting thing is that such a rocket is launched if you blow.

Prepare a disposable deep plate (bowl) as a base.

Prepare a paper cylinder from foil, paper towel or toilet paper and use it to make a rocket as shown in.

Prepare thick paper and make a tube out of it.

Make a hole in the disposable plate, the diameter of which is slightly larger than or equal to the diameter of the tube.

Insert the tube into the hole. You can secure it with tape or tape.

All that remains is to launch the rocket - just put it on the tube and blow hard and the rocket will fly.

You can download the markup of all the necessary parts.

Option 5

Paper craft. Rocket.

To make this easy paper rocket model, you will need colored paper and colored tissue paper.

* The body and stabilizers are made of colored paper, and the parachute for its smooth descent is made of colored tissue paper.

* Prepare a sheet of paper measuring 170x250 mm and make a cone out of it as shown in the image.

1. Preparing the cone

The paper will curl more easily into a cone if you stretch it between the table and the ruler.

Apply glue to the edge of the cone and glue it together.

Prepare a template for the base of the cone. It can be made from cardboard or thick paper. It is worth noting that the template is needed because it is used to trim the rocket body.

Now you need to put the template on the finished cone, draw a line with a pencil along which you will need to cut with scissors to get rid of the excess.

2. We are preparing stabilizers.

Prepare 3 sheets of thick colored paper measuring 8x17 mm.

Each sheet needs to be folded in half lengthwise and placed on each according to a template (N1 and N2) and traced with a simple pencil.

Cut out the stabilizers.

You need to bend the edges of the stabilizers and connect them with glue.

Our rocket has three pairs of stabilizers (large and small). They are there to give the rocket stability during flight.

On the template, mark 3 points that are equidistant from each other (it's like dividing a circle into 3 equal parts).

Using a template and three marks, mark three points on the rear of the rocket and connect these points to the nose of the rocket.

Using the marked lines, begin gluing the stabilizers.

3. To make a parachute canopy, prepare tissue paper. Its size should be 280x280 mm.

Fold the paper several times as shown in the image and cut it. You have a dome.

4. Prepare slings from threads. There should be a total of 8 slings of the same size.

For the desired size, calculate 1.5 times the diameter of the parachute canopy and add the length of the rocket body to the resulting value.

Now you need to glue the lines to the parachute canopy. Paper patches will help you. After this, fold the parachute canopy so that the lines along with the patches are collected one to the other.

One of the most popular materials for making various crafts today is plastic bottles.

This material will probably be found in every home; if not, it costs a penny, and it can also be easily processed in all sorts of ways.

And with a little imagination, it turns into the most unusual and original things. For example, you can make a rocket out of plastic bottles! You should definitely involve little fidgets in such an exciting process; they will be very interested!

This master class describes in detail the entire process of creating a rocket from a plastic bottle with your own hands!

Materials and tools for making a rocket:

— plastic bottle (any volume);
- colored cardboard;
- acrylic paints;
- brush;
- foil;
- glue;
- marker;
- scissors;
- pencil.

All handles and labels, if any, are cut off from the plastic bottle. The bottle will be the main part of the rocket - its body. It is necessary to select a bottle of such a shape that it is as close as possible to the shape of a rocket.

From colored cardboard, any shade, one-sided, a cone is created and securely fixed with glue.

It will be glued to the neck of the bottle, that is, to the top of the rocket body.

A marker is used to draw a porthole, which should be left unpainted.

Then, on a sheet of cardboard on the reverse side, a sketch of the rocket support is made and cut out.

In total, you need 3 pieces, so that they are all the same, first the template is cut out, and then its outline is transferred to the same sheet of cardboard and also cut out.

On the lower part of the body, a marker marks the places for three supports.

Afterwards, using acrylic paints, the rocket body is painted.

You can safely experiment with the color scheme of the rocket and combine shades at your discretion.

The plastic case should be coated with paint in at least two thick layers, otherwise there will be bald spots on the surface, and this will significantly spoil the appearance of the product.

At the bottom of the rocket, notches are made along the marked lines to secure the supports.

Then, ready-made supports are inserted into these notches.

The convex bottom of the bottle bottom is painted with black paint.

And cut out stars are glued to the supports.

You can decorate the rocket a little differently, based on your personal preferences.

This is such a wonderful rocket made from plastic bottles!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

This plastic bottle toy will last a child for a long time. The theme “space” is very interesting for kids, which means the craft will certainly take its rightful place on the shelf in the children’s room!

As is our custom, at the end of the master class we offer to make a new craft. This time we propose to make a hedgehog!

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