Home Diseases and pests Simple DIY thread dolls. How to make a doll from threads for an original gift for loved ones How to weave a doll from threads

Simple DIY thread dolls. How to make a doll from threads for an original gift for loved ones How to weave a doll from threads

Victoria Lozhkina

Master Class« Doll made of threads» For older children.

Made up: teacher - Lozhkina Victoria Eduardovna

Purpose and objectives of the lesson:

Communion children to folk culture and traditions, through familiarization with folk doll.

Development of fine motor skills, creativity, familiarization children to the basics of needlework.

Introduction to manufacturing techniques dolls

Teach children make a doll from threads

Required material:

To make a doll you will be needed: knitting threads, scissors, ribbon, hourglass and a piece of cardboard.

Vocabulary words: thread doll, amulet, faceless.

Demo material: finished sample Thread dolls, illustrations of folk dolls.

Children, when I was little, I really liked to play dolls. My mother and grandmother also played dolls. But that's not how they played dolls, like you are now, with baby dolls, Barbie, and here’s what (the teacher shows a sample of the finished thread dolls)

Do you know that they made these dolls for themselves with their own hands. Look at mine dolls have no eyes, nose, mouth. She is faceless.

They were made faceless on purpose. It was believed that such dolls could not be possessed by evil forces and cause harm. Faceless the doll is always kind. It has a protective, protective power. This amulet doll. You can put it next to you when you go to bed or let's go play.

Do you guys want to make one? doll? (Answers children.)

Okay, but first let's do a little warm-up. Children stand next to the teacher and perform a play exercise to the music.

Well done, now take your seats and carefully look at what lies in front of you. (Answers children.)

You have two skeins thread: white and red.

A piece of cardboard on which you you will wind the threads.

There are also ribbons to decorate our doll.

Figure No. 1

And so let's get started, I turn over the hourglass, it will help us, keep track of time. And so we have 15 minutes to make our dolls.

Figure No. 2

We wind the threads onto a piece of cardboard folded vertically (the more thread wound, the more elastic the pupa will be).

Carefully remove the threads from the cardboard and tie it with a piece of thread, making a head from the top edge.

Figure No. 3

Making hair. We wind threads of a different color onto the cardboard again, remove and cut off the ends. Next, we thread the hair exactly in the middle of the head and braid it.

Figure No. 4

We make hands in the same way, only we tie them at both edges with threads, and you can also braid them, or tie them in several places.

We thread it through the middle of the body blank and tie it again with thread.

We are finishing production dolls, decorate with a belt and colored ribbons.

Figure No. 5

And so the hourglass woke up to the last grain and here is ours the doll is ready! Well done, we did it!

Guys, what have we made of today? doll? (answers children.)

Why is it called faceless? (answers children.)

Please tell me that you what will you do with her?? (answers children.)

And I mine doll I’ll give it to my daughter Dasha, I think she’ll be very happy!

And you, too, can give your loved ones this wonderful memory as a souvenir. doll made with your own hands!

Publications on the topic:

For the spring holiday of March 8, we made a doll for mothers and grandmothers from “Martinichka” threads. Material and tools for work: wool.

The work was completed by children of the 2nd-junior group with the help of a teacher. For the work we needed the following materials: 1. Various woolen threads.

Master class for children Topic: “Gift for the Christmas tree: “Guardian Angel” Goal: - to teach how to make a Russian folk doll “Guardian Angel”.

On February 16, 2016, my colleague and I held a master class for children and parents of our preschool department. Goal: create a bird figurine.

Nomination in the competition: master class on needlework Name of the master class: crafts from threads Author: Elena Aleksandrovna Tarasova, senior teacher.

In ancient times, when people lived on earth who believed in miracles, a protective doll appeared. Dolls accompanied a person throughout his life. The first thing the child lying in the cradle saw was a doll created by loving motherly hands. Dolls were given as gifts for holidays, they were used to greet guests, they warded off illness and sorrow from home, and they attracted good luck. There were dolls that were placed in a prominent place to protect the house from the evil eye, while others were hidden and not shown to anyone, so as not to scare away happiness and good luck.

The amulet doll was made from various materials. As a rule, leftover threads, scraps of fabric, various herbs and straw were used. The art of creating dolls was carefully kept in the family and passed on from generation to generation. The dolls were loved and passed down from mother to daughter. When a girl-bride left her home, she always took her doll with her. In the husband's house, the doll became a friend and adviser to the young wife.

Making a talisman doll

The easiest one to make is a doll made from threads. Even a three-year-old girl can cope with such work. Creating such a toy will be useful for developing fine motor skills of the fingers, will teach the girl how to handle yarn and scissors, and will teach her how to carefully handle things.

Doll made from knitting threads.

The doll, which is as easy to make as possible, is a talisman for health. Such amulets were made during illness. It was believed that the toy would take care of illness and speed up recovery. The material for the doll is wool yarn, linen or cotton thread.

Tools and materials

To work you need to prepare:

  1. Linen threads of natural color.
  2. Red wool yarn.
  3. Winding template.
  4. Scissors.

You can use a book or thick cardboard as a template. The size of the toy depends on the wishes of the mother or daughter.


The procedure for making a homemade doll:

Creation of Martinique

Doll made of woolen threads and jute rope.

Another type of ancient Slavic folk dolls made of threads is “Martiniques”. They were braided on the day of the spring equinox to meet the goddess Vesta. They served as gifts for friends and family on the first day of spring. At the same time, people wished each other good health, happiness and good luck in business. These dolls were a pair of a girl and a boy, and they were braided from red and white threads.

Materials for work:

Pupae can be made with a common hand or separate ones. According to custom, dolls with a common hand are considered wedding dolls and are called lovebirds.

Step-by-step instructions for a do-it-yourself thread doll:

Such a love amulet can be hung in the bedroom to protect the family hearth.

Thread dolls

The history of the creation of such crafts goes back more than one century, because the very first of them appeared during the birth of the Slavic tribes. Despite the passing of years, the thread doll, although somewhat improved, has not lost its position to this day. Be sure to involve your children in this creativity. This way you will become closer to your child and will never know what ekaterina-akatova.ru is.

Of course, the goals of creating a toy, manufacturing rules and materials have changed. Previously, only women's hands could touch the dolls, and the first crafts were faceless. The ancestors believed that along with the face, toys receive a soul, which means that through them damage can be brought to the owner.
Some dolls were destined to be burned, which meant renewal and purification, while others were to serve as a talisman for the home and family from evil intentions.

Materials for manufacturing

To create a doll from threads you will need:

yarn of medium thickness (wool blend, acrylic, cotton are suitable);
a rectangular solid object for winding;

Weaving stages

1. Threads are wound on the base in an amount of 100-200 revolutions, then the yarn should be cut on one side.
2. Fold the bundle in half and tie it with thread at the top so that the future head does not “fall apart” to the sides. The thread can be either short just for fastening, or long for hanging the finished doll.
3. Form a head of the required size and separate it from the body with a thread.
4. For handles, 80-90 turns of yarn are wound onto the base. A braid is woven from the resulting bundle, the ends are then secured.
5. Next, the lower part must be divided into two equal parts, handles are inserted between them.
6. Underneath them, the body is tightly tied with another thread.

In general, the thread doll is ready, but it can still be decorated. For example, make a face, knit a wreath or bouquet, and also make an elegant dress. For clothes you will need cardboard rolled into a cone, decorated with beads, appliqué or beads. The dress is attached to the toy using glue.

Girls love to dress up their dolls, sew new clothes for them, and make tiny furniture from scrap materials. But why not try
toys for girls with your own hands - after all, this is no less exciting and creative activity that will allow you to spend time profitably.

To make a cute doll from threads with her daughter, mom can look at the yarn website, the nearest craft store, or simply unravel old knitting.

An example of how to make a doll from threads is presented in our master class. We recommend not limiting yourself to one toy - and making a whole family of homemade dolls.

To make it you will need:

  • knitting threads of two colors
  • scraps of woolen fabric in different colors
  • beautiful button or beads
  • cardboard
  • marker
  • scissors

Manufacturing process:

1. Wrap threads of the color of your future doll on thick cardboard.

2. Now you need to carefully remove the cardboard, and tie the remaining ends of the yarn with a double knot.

3. Take a thread and tightly tie a skein of thread with it to form the doll's neck. The head should not be too big.

4. The arms are made according to the same principle as the body, only there should be fewer layers of winding. Tie the ends of the resulting skein with thread - these are the doll’s hands.

5. Divide the threads that form the body of the toy in the middle so that you can insert the doll's arms. After this, tie the torso again with thread to form a waist.

6. Cut the bottom of the skein in half, divide the loose ends into two equal bundles to make the legs of the craft, and tie at the bottom. If you want the doll to wear a skirt, just cut the bottom loops - no need to do the legs.

7. Cut out the doll's face from a piece of wool fabric in a contrasting color and attach the craft to the head using glue.

8. Use yellow threads to form hair by tying a bunch of threads in the center. If desired, have short bangs. Attach the hair with glue.

9. Now use a marker to draw the eyes and smiling mouth of the toy.

10. The last stage of making a doll from threads is dressing the toy in clothes. Simply cut out a rectangle of fabric and make holes in it for the arms. Decorate your blouse with a fancy button or beads.

A funny thread doll will add to your daughter's toy collection. Having learned to make crafts on their own, the child will be able to give them to his friends and relatives. In addition, crafts like thread dolls will help develop a child’s love of creativity and handicrafts.

Making toys for children with your own hands is not only pleasant, but also useful. Such toys develop a child’s imagination and teach him that things can not only be bought, but also made. Take advantage of our master class on how to make dolls with your own hands from knitting threads in order to make such a simple doll with your child.

So, in order to make a doll from threads, you will need:

A piece of cardboard (a strong sheet is best, but you can also use materials at hand, such as cut-up muesli or oatmeal packaging)

Master class on how to make a doll from threads for children:

Start winding the thread onto a piece of cardboard. The length of the cardboard should correspond to the height of the future thread doll.

Once you have wound a thick enough layer, carefully remove the layers of thread from the cardboard.

Cut one end so that the pieces of thread are the same length.

To make the doll's head, twist your threads in the middle and fold them in half, and then tie the resulting bundle tightly with a piece of thread of the same color.

Once the head has appeared, you need to divide the threads into three parts: the two outer parts will become the arms, and the thicker part in the middle will become the torso and legs. Tie two threads around the area where the waist is supposed to be - that is, in the middle of the middle part.

Braid the doll's arms and carefully trim the remaining tails. If a thread doll needs legs, braid the legs, or just leave her a neat skirt.

Voila! Now, go ahead and get a new skein of yarn to make girlfriends for your new favorite. But be careful - yarn dolls are addictive!

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