Home Diseases and pests Scolopendra Crimean poisonous or not. Scolopendra: description and photo, is it dangerous to humans? Varieties of scolopendra and their habitat

Scolopendra Crimean poisonous or not. Scolopendra: description and photo, is it dangerous to humans? Varieties of scolopendra and their habitat

There are many arthropods on earth. Some of them are absolutely harmless, and meeting with some poses a serious danger to humans. These include such an unpleasant animal as the Crimean scolopendra. This arthropod has about 90 species, but on the Crimean Peninsula there is only one species - the ringed millipede. She looks, to put it mildly, frightening and even disgusting, moreover, she is a danger to humans. And although its dimensions are only 10-15 cm, it is better to stay away from this creature. Outwardly, it looks like a brown worm with a huge number of small legs, with the help of which the centipede can move quickly, wriggling in a snake-like manner.

The bites of most species of giant centipedes are not so dangerous as to kill a person. The Crimean ringed scolopendra is not poisonous, although its bite is quite painful. The dose of the substance that this animal injects under the skin is not so large as to even paralyze, but the poison of scolopendra is toxic, especially in spring. And if such a centipede bites a person, then soon he will have the following rather unpleasant symptoms:

  • two small punctures appear at the site of the bite, like from a needle;
  • in the area of ​​the wound, first a burning sensation is felt, then severe pain;
  • the skin around the damaged area changes color to red;
  • puffiness appears, which can last for several days;
  • a scolopendra bite provokes an increase in body temperature;
  • the victim feels weak, nauseous and dizzy;
  • the bite of a poisonous scolopendra can cause an allergic reaction.

If a person has been bitten by a centipede in the Crimea, then you should not panic, since the attack of this centipede does not pose a danger to life, and soon all the symptoms of the bite will pass. But if the victim has low immunity, then you need to see a doctor.

Where the ringed centipede can bite

Arthropods are found only in warm regions, such as the great centipedes of the Crimea. They are easy to find in wooded and mountainous areas, in valleys and in gardens. Scolopendra often crawl into tourists' tents, clothes and shoes. It is not uncommon for these creatures to penetrate residential buildings, especially where it is damp. But they never attack themselves, bite only if they feel a threat to life.

Consequences of the bite of the Crimean scolopendra

In places where scolopendra are found, especially in desert zones, it is, of course, most likely to get a bite. The attack of these arthropods is fraught with inflammation of the skin tissue, swollen lymph nodes, allergic reactions, increased heart rate and kidney failure. Swelling is also inevitable: for example, if a bite falls in the leg, then it can swell to such a size that it will not fit into our usual shoes. In the best case, the swelling can go away in two days, in the worst case, it does not subside for several weeks. Therefore, the consequences of a scolopendra bite can be very unforeseen.

First aid for a scolopendra bite

Although ringed scolopendra is not poisonous, its bite is not harmless to the body and can cause a lot of discomfort to a person. Toxins quickly penetrate the skin, then into the bloodstream and begin to spread throughout the body, causing very unpleasant sensations. What to do when bitten by a Crimean scolopendra? First of all, don't panic, nothing fatal has happened. It is necessary to calmly provide first aid.

  1. If the victim is allergic, give him an antihistamine.
  2. Wash the wound with soapy water, then disinfect with alcohol.
  3. Ice and pain medication can be used to relieve pain.
  4. Then a bandage or clean bandage should be applied to the affected area.
  5. If the pain persists, you need to change the cold compresses.
  6. The bitten person should drink plenty of warm liquid and remain calm.

If there is a fever, numbness of the body, shortness of breath, it is necessary to urgently take the victim to a doctor or call an ambulance. A scolopendra bite can cause an unpredictable reaction in the body, so it is important to monitor the condition.

Precautions against a scolopendra bite

Considering the fact that giant centipedes are not insects, but animals, do not forget that they are not affected by fumigators. Various sprayers and other means that we use in the fight against insects will not help in the case of centipedes, only precautions. What should be done to minimize the encounter with these unpleasant creatures? Here are some guidelines:

  • do not touch the millipede with your bare hands, if necessary - only with gloves;
  • in nature, spend the night only in a tent, closed with a tight fastener;
  • before going to bed, carefully check and shake the sleeping place;
  • carefully inspect shoes, clothes, bags and hats;
  • do not dig in holes, do not turn over stones, do not go barefoot.

And most importantly: never provoke a scolopendra to attack! She herself will never be the first to attack, unless her self-defense works. Be extremely careful with these creatures, as their reaction is lightning fast, and they bite sharply and quickly.

Is scolopendra dangerous for humans

What is the real danger of the Crimean scolopendra? Despite the fact that this animal is poisonous, it does little harm to the body after a bite. How does a giant centipede bite happen? Each leg of a centipede is equipped with a sharp, inwardly bent claw with a channel, through which the centipede injects its poison. It has a mild paralytic effect that causes pain, swelling and inflammation. It contains substances such as histamine, serotonin and others, but the dose of toxins itself is small, since the arthropod releases it in small quantities, as if saving for other potential enemies. In addition, scolopendra is also dangerous to humans because, in addition to poison, it can leave mucus on the skin, which causes severe enough burns.

Often centipedes crawl into houses, especially black centipedes "sin" with this. They are attracted by insects in rooms, dampness and warmth. Moreover, they are not interested in the products that we eat, they do not spoil things and furniture, they feed on flies and cockroaches - and these are the positive aspects of staying centipedes in the house. But if you accidentally step on a scolopendra, a defensive reaction will work and she will probably bite. Another disadvantage: if there is a cat in the house, her hunting instinct will turn on and the "guest" will be caught and eaten. And this is dangerous for the pet, since ticks live on arthropods. When asked how to kill a centipede, there is only one answer: it is difficult. It is difficult to crush it and it is useless to poison with aerosols, the easiest way is to just take it out of the house (with gloves) and release it.

Varieties of scolopendra

We figured out the ringed centipede, now we will consider what other types of scolopendra exist. Of course, there are many varieties, but we will talk about the most famous of them. Many centipedes are considered not only rare, but also useful individuals that cannot be killed, and some are even kept at home as pets. Therefore, if you come across a centipede, do not try to kill it, it is better to take it away and release it.

Giant centipede. The largest millipede of all existing species, it is found in South America and Jamaica. It feeds not only on insects, but also on mice and toads. Up to 35 cm long, dark brown color. The bite of a giant centipede is not fatal for humans, but it causes weakness, edema and fever.

Vietnamese centipede. Inhabitant of South-East Asia, length - up to 20 cm, dark red color. It feeds on worms, flies and spiders, as well as their larvae. Sometimes it hunts for small rodents. Lives underground, crawls to the surface only for food. The poison does not pose a mortal danger to humans.

Chinese centipede. It is also called red scolopendra due to its bright fiery color. It lives in the regions of Australia and East Asia, of all other species of millipedes, it is the most non-aggressive. Leads a solitary lifestyle, quite peacefully coexists with relatives. For a person, it is almost not dangerous.

California centipede. A resident of Mexico and the arid regions of the United States. The only centipede species that prefers hot and humid climates. This tropical centipede is a real "beauty" with a blue body and yellow legs. Her bite is painful for a person, but not fatal.

Scolopendra Lucas. Found in Europe, in the southern regions. The color is red, the legs are yellow, the head and tail are black, in size no more than 10 cm in length. Prefers to live in foliage, and feed on insects and lizards. A loner with an aggressive "character" is not dangerous for humans, but its poison is quite toxic.

In places where centipedes live, there are always many stones under which they hide. The life expectancy of centipedes is about 6-7 years, they begin to reproduce in the second year, the clutch consists of more than 120 larvae, but not all survive. At the moment of danger, the female can even eat her clutch. Enemies of scolopendra are cats, snakes and birds. Centipedes are carnivores, nocturnal, and most often underground. Most of them are not afraid of the neighborhood with people, she can calmly settle in some basement and live there for several years, feeding on insects.

"What a centipede!" - so sometimes they say behind the back about malicious people, distinguished by a bad character in general and cunning in particular. The word ends with the letter "a", therefore, an unflattering definition is often addressed to women. In the original sense, this is not a curse, but an insect considered exotic. By the way, females are really more poisonous, but this applies to most species of insects.

Scolopendra as a species

In fact, the brightest representatives of this species live in warm tropical countries. Some species can reach a length of two and a half decimeters, they hunt lizards, toads, mice, and if you're lucky, even birds. This creature, as it were, consists of separate annular segments, equipped with legs, the number of which can vary from two dozen to 23 pairs (a larger number has not been recorded). In this case, the functional load is invariably borne by the front and hind limbs. With the help of its hind legs, the scolopendra clings to anything that is horrible in order to hold on, and with the front legs it grabs prey and stings it, after which it slowly and tastefully consumes food. The insect is a multi-legged "poison factory" containing many bioactive compounds, from histamine and lecithin to serotonin and acetylcholine. An acute reaction to a bite usually lasts up to two hours, it is painful, accompanied by edema, general weakness and fever.

It is difficult to surprise Latin Americans and inhabitants of tropical islands with exotic insects. But they are also found in our country. For example, the Crimean ringed centipede is widespread, as its name implies, on the glorious Black Sea peninsula.


This insect is considered ugly. But not everyone shares the opinion about its unattractiveness. A scientist studying biological species may well remark with admiration: "What a magnificent specimen!", Considering an especially large individual. And to creatures of the opposite sex, some of their brethren may seem quite attractive. On all the others, the Crimean scolopendra makes a repulsive impression, which, however, does not greatly upset her. In the adult stage, it reaches ten, and sometimes fifteen centimeters in length. Outwardly, it looks like a caterpillar, equipped with additional "options" in the form of many legs and ominously protruding weapons. The colors are militaristic, closest to khaki in shade, olive-brown or brownish, which indicates, according to the gradation adopted in the world of insects, about the unwillingness to enter into conflicts and the desire to sneak up secretly and then disappear.

Camouflage and disguise

She knows how to hide and disguise herself, which is why the Crimean scolopendra is dangerous. The photo of the insect demonstrates its low visibility on the common natural tones of the subtropics. Being non-aggressive in nature, she is easily frightened despite her threatening appearance. The reaction is the release of a special poisonous substance, sticky and scalding. This mucus causes itching, burning and allergies, especially in people who are prone to painful reactions to toxins. You should be wary of touching, not to mention tighter contact. It is difficult to avoid meeting this unpleasant centipede precisely because of its good camouflage and the habit of this insect to seek refuge wherever possible to hide from bright light.

Seeking refuge

Crimean skolopendra poses a special danger for tourists-“savages” traveling with tents. When spending the night somewhere on Tarkhankut, one should not forget that the tent needs to be closed, leaving only a buttoned mesh canopy. When putting on shoes, it will not be superfluous to turn over and shake the shoes or sneakers, and then look into them. It is also necessary to inspect all worn items. The insect shows activity only at night, by the morning it tries to hide in a more modest place in order to sit there all day. If there are no tents with tourists, this large centipede simply buries itself in loose soil (sand will come off), but the desire for excessive comfort is harmful not only for people. As soon as newcomers appear, the insect seeks to find a more comfortable place. Unfortunately, the Crimean skolopendra does not understand the purpose of things and mistakenly believes that no one will need them during daylight hours. Meeting people leads to mutual trouble.

Scolopendra bite

The mucous discharge of scolopendra when it gets on human skin causes unpleasant consequences, but this is not the only and not the main means of its self-defense. She also stings. The consequence of the bite is severe swelling, swelling, and allergies happen even in those who have never suffered from it. Do not be unnecessarily frightened, and even more so panic, the poison of scolopendra in most cases is not fatal. Perhaps that is why mankind did not bother to develop an antidote and did not even come up with any special methods of treatment in case of her bite. It will hurt for a couple of days, then it will pass by itself - this is the main recommendation. In rare exceptional cases, you need to seek medical help, and then the doctor will prescribe a course that takes into account the characteristics of the victim's body, who, as a rule, has allergic problems, the exacerbation of which was caused, unwittingly, by the Crimean scolopendra. You also need to remember that its poison reaches its greatest "lethal force" in May, then it becomes weaker.

Scolopendra Crimean in the house. What to do?

This reptile loves comfort. If there is a choice between an open area or a human habitation, she will choose the latter. It is not difficult for her to get into the house, her flexible body and many limbs allow her to climb into a crack, dive under a door or duck out a window. But what the Crimean scolopendra faces immediately after the housewarming is with the hostility of the "indigenous inhabitants", people and animals. The insect is, as a rule, impressive in size, and it is difficult for him to hide his presence, wherever it huddles, and the tail will stick out. The neighborhood is definitely unpleasant.

Special attention should be paid to the unfortunate fact that ordinary insecticides have little effect on a creature that actively produces poisons itself. I don't want to touch with my hand such a disgusting monster as the Crimean scolopendra. How to get rid of it with the least loss?

It is best to simply slam her down with something heavy, considering, of course, her extraordinary vitality. Even having received injuries incompatible with life, the insect wriggles for a long time, waving its tail and poisonous front paws terribly.

The second way is to cover the scolopendra with something heavy, like a glass jar, and watch it slowly die from hunger and thirst.

The prevention of the appearance of these unpleasant centipedes is to maintain dryness in the home, they cannot without water.

Scolopendra Crimean is found on the Crimean peninsula. Differs in wayward behavior, can damage human health. Belongs to the genus Scolopendra. People call it "centipede" because of the large number of limbs. Not afraid of a person. You can meet in the country, in the house, in a tent on the seashore, in a holiday house. Crawls into the room through cracks, doorways, windows, sewers, pipelines, ventilation grilles. Moves fast. Has an interesting appearance, often becomes a resident of a home terrarium. You can get acquainted with the Crimean skolopendra directly on the peninsula, but it is better in advance!

Ringed scolopendra Crimean 12 cm long, rich brown or red. It resembles a large worm with legs. There are strong antennae on the head, and a thin tail at the end. Lives on the coast, in the mountains. For a normal existence, moisture is needed. On a hot day, the Crimean scolopendra hides under stones, in the shade. Activates activity at night. The insect is thermophilic, with the onset of cold weather it moves closer to a person's dwelling, and then completely into it sneaks in. Scolopendra at the dacha settles in closets, corridors, dark rooms. In the house, the apartment is occupied by a bathroom, toilet. Favorable conditions for existence - moisture, warmth, the presence of food.

The Crimean scolopendra feeds on insects. This is a real hunter that waits for the victim in ambush, quickly rushes to it, grabs it with its paws, lets in poison. The victim has absolutely no chance after such a fight. The body is very flat and flexible. If a stone is thrown at it on soft soil, the insect will not feel the slightest discomfort. The centipede does not tolerate low temperatures. Dies as soon as the degrees drop below zero.

Reproduction, life expectancy

The process of reproduction of scolopendra takes several hours, the sacrament is carried out in the dark. The male weaves a kind of cocoon containing sperm. The female draws the seminal fluid into her body. After fertilization, laying of eggs begins in a few weeks, in unfavorable climatic conditions - after a few months. On average, a female scolopendra lays 130 eggs. The development of the young generation of centipedes occurs in close proximity to the female. She keeps them all in her paws, drags them everywhere with her. Small centipedes appear after 3 months. At first, the babies stay with their mother in the nest. And here the most interesting thing happens - a young female can devour her children or young animals eat her mature mother. How long scolopendra live in nature has not been precisely determined. But in captivity, they are able to live for 7 years.

What is the danger of centipede for humans

The insect is frightening with its appearance, especially if there are several of them. Violates the nervous system, will deprive you of peace, if it starts up in the house, in the country. In general, the insect does not spoil furniture, does not pretend to be human food reserves. Destroys other insects, for example, cockroaches, flies. The centipede bites a person only in case of danger. But this can happen when he inadvertently crushes an insect. The scolopendra bite is not fatal, although extremely painful.
There remains a wound, swelling, redness. But it causes a serious danger for allergy sufferers, children. The poison causes a rise in temperature for 2-3 days, chills, muscle aches, headache.

To prevent a bite, you should carefully examine the stones on the seashore, where you are going to sit, the area for placing the tent. At the sight of an insect, you should not panic, it is better to move away, the centipede itself will quickly disappear from human eyes. If the insect has bitten, it is better to seek medical help. Especially when it comes to a child.

How to get rid of scolopendra

It is almost impossible to destroy the pest mechanically. You can reduce the amount by placing jar traps. Just throw the centipede away from home. Sticky traps are ineffective in this case. All that can be caught is a few pairs of scolopendra limbs, which will soon grow back. Spray poisoning is also not profitable. According to eyewitnesses, in order for the centipede to die, it is necessary to spray on it for 15 minutes. If you fight with insecticides, the room should be treated with solutions with a high concentration. In general, they create unfavorable conditions of existence - the scolopendra will leave itself.

  • Carry out cleaning;
  • Close up the cracks in the wall, floor;
  • Place a fine grate on the ventilation hatches;
  • Dry the room;
  • Destroy other insects in the house.

Scolopendra will not live in the absence of food, moisture. And if it's cold outside, you can ventilate at night when the pest leaves the shelters.

Scolopendra Crimean belongs to the species of ringed millipedes and is one of the most common in Europe. These creatures live in the wild, but at the same time they often crawl into residential buildings. Their bites are quite painful, and therefore it is advisable to avoid meeting with them.


As you can see in the photo, Crimean scolopendra is a centipede, whose body is covered with a shell. Its integument can range in color from golden yellow to brown olive. Short, but very strong legs, which are almost constantly in motion, are located along the body in two rows. The first pair of legs are powerful grasping jaws. On the head there are two sensitive antennae, with which the centipede probes its way during movement, and a pair of small eyes.

On a note! With a body length of 10 to 15 cm, this creature is one of the smallest representatives of the scolopendra family.


Crimean scolopendra prefers to lead a hidden lifestyle, while she perfectly knows how to sneak up and also quietly hide. These arthropods run fast enough, which allows them to hunt very successfully. During the day, these creatures hide in damp places: under the forest floor, in the lowlands between stones, in the subsoil layer of damp areas. They show activity with the onset of darkness.

The Crimean ringed scolopendra eats both insects and small animals, which it surpasses in size.

On a note! The venom of these arthropods is not as toxic as that of other closely related species.

In hunting, the scolopendra is helped by a good sense of smell and antennae located on the hind legs - they catch the slightest vibration. Seed with numerous legs, the hunter overtakes the prey, crushes under him and inflicts several blows to disorient. And as soon as the victim freezes for a moment, the centipede bites it and immediately jumps to the side. Under the influence of the poison, the insect gradually begins to weaken, but at the same time some make attempts to escape. However, this venture is hopeless - the impetuous hunter does not lose sight of his prey for a second and inflicts bite after bite until it dies, after which the scolopendra begins to eat.


Ringed centipede, living in the Crimea, is capable of producing offspring without fertilization, that is, without the participation of males. This type of reproduction is called parthenogenesis, the so-called virgin reproduction, when female eggs have the ability to develop without being fertilized.

Young scolopendra differ from adults only in their size. They spend some time near the female, after which they scatter across the territory. In autumn, centipedes prepare for wintering - with their powerful legs they dig holes for themselves or simply burrow under a mossy snag. In the chosen place, they sleep in splendid isolation until spring.

On a note! The Crimean ringed scolopendra becomes especially poisonous and aggressive in the spring, when the breeding season begins again. However, in the fall, her bite cannot be called absolutely harmless!


The Crimean centipede is found throughout the entire territory of the Crimean peninsula, in the south in slightly larger numbers. These creatures are capable of dwelling in various conditions - both mountainous areas and coastal areas are acceptable for them.


Since the Crimean scolopendra prefers to lead a hidden lifestyle and is always well disguised, while on vacation, it is quite easy to overlook and disturb it. And since this arthropod is also very aggressive, it will attack at the slightest sense of danger.

Is the Crimean scolopendra dangerous for humans? The venom of these arthropods consists of a set of enzymes that can not only kill the prey, but also digest its internal contents. For a person, this poisonous secret does not pose a mortal danger, although it causes quite tangible pain. After a bite, the affected area can become very inflamed, the body temperature often rises, chills and aches appear. As a result, carelessness can turn into a heavy retribution - a malaise that will last for several days. However, usually all symptoms disappear after 2-3 days.

Advice! But despite this, after a scolopendra bite, it is still advisable to consult a doctor, especially when a child, an allergic person or a person with a weakened immune system is in the role of the victim!

But not only the bite of the Crimean scolopendra causes painful sensations. At the moment of fright, this arthropod secretes a sticky substance, upon contact with which you can feel a strong burning sensation and itching. In addition, this secret, when it comes into contact with the skin, can provoke an allergic reaction.

Control methods

Scolopendra Crimean quite often climbs into living quarters. Due to the special structure of the body and its flexibility, this creature easily crawls through the narrowest cracks, under the entrance doors and even through ventilation grilles with large cells. But at the same time, the Crimean scolopendra does not remain unnoticed in the room for a long time, and immediately the owners of the house face the question of how to get rid of such an unpleasant and, to a certain extent, dangerous guest.

What shouldn't you do?

To begin with, we will consider options that will not be effective, but at the same time it is to them that they first turn for help.

  1. If at the moment this large centipede is in your field of vision, then you will not be able to kill it with a newspaper. First of all, this is due to the fact that she moves very quickly, and the dense shell reliably protects her flat body. Trample also, most likely, will not succeed, since the sole of house slippers for the covers of this creature is soft and the scolopendra will simply squeeze into its surface for a while.
  2. As for the use of insecticidal aerosols, it is rather difficult to obtain the expected result in this case. Why? Scolopendra is not an insect against which the action of such drugs is directed, and therefore, in order to kill it in this way, a large amount of funds is needed - you will have to spend a whole balloon of the drug on one millipede. And since these arthropods run very quickly and hide right there at the slightest danger, long-term spraying is not possible.

    On a note! In order to destroy the Crimean scolopendra that have settled in your house, you must use solutions with a high concentration of the active substance!

  3. Sticky traps against the Crimean scolopendra are also powerless. And even if she sticks and loses a few legs, after a while they will grow back.
  4. And it is not at all an option to take this predator with your hands or trample with bare feet - it will immediately begin to emit a poisonous substance, and if possible, it will instantly bite. In addition, even if this arthropod is injured, for a long time it will continue to wriggle and put forward its poisonous paws.

Effective measures for expelling scolopendra

In order for the Crimean ringed scolopendra to leave your home, it is necessary to create unfavorable living conditions for it:

  • we carry out general cleaning in all rooms, after which we thoroughly ventilate them - in this case, it is very important to eliminate moisture and dampness;
  • if there are cockroaches, ants and other insects in your house, then it is imperative to get rid of them, since they are the basis of the scolopendra's diet;

    Advice! And already here it is advisable to use aerosol insecticides, which give a positive result in a short time!

  • we inspect walls, floors and window sills for cracks and immediately repair them;
  • we install a grill with small cells on the ventilation holes.

In such conditions, the Crimean ringed centipede cannot live and is guaranteed to leave your home. You just have to maintain a low level of humidity and cleanliness in all its rooms.

Real giant centipedes of course do not live in the Crimea, but in tropical countries. They can reach a length of 30 centimeters, hunt lizards, toads, mice and even birds. Scolopendra, in appearance, consists of separate annular segments, with legs, the number of these can range from two dozen to 46 (according to the observation of scientists).

The front and hind limbs bear the main load. With the help of its hind legs, the centipede clings to everything that is horrible in order to hold on, and with the front legs it grabs the prey and stings it.

ATTENTION! Scolopendra Crimean (note that it is not the worst of its family in Crimea) is a "laboratory of poison", which contains many active biological compounds, from histamine and lecithin to serotonin and acetylcholine. The reaction to the bite usually lasts up to two hours, accompanied by fever, swelling in the area of ​​the bite and general weakness.

Of course, it is difficult to surprise the inhabitants of the tropical regions of the planet with such exoticism.
In Russia, scolopendra are found in the Crimea - for example, the Crimean ringed scolopendra.

What does the Crimean ringed centipede look like?

This insect is considered not very beautiful. In general, of course, the Crimean scolopendra makes a repulsive impression. In length, it reaches ten to fifteen centimeters. Outwardly, it looks like a thick "caterpillar centipede". Her color is similar to camouflage - olive brown or brownish. She leads a hidden lifestyle - sneaking up secretly and disappears unnoticed.

Scolopendra is dangerous to humans mainly because it hides and disguises itself well - he simply may not notice it. By nature, she is not aggressive and is easily frightened, despite her threatening appearance. If you scare her, she can give off a poisonous, sticky and scalding one. Scolopendra venom causes itching, burning and allergies. You should beware of touching the centipede.

Where is the Crimean scolopendra hiding?

The scolopendra is especially dangerous for the "savages". When sleeping in a tent, remember to take precautions. When dressing your shoes, test them well first. It is also necessary to inspect all things. Insects become active closer to the night, since this is the time of hunting. Closer to morning, they try to find a secluded place to sit out. This secluded place can be your things! This "centipede" often buries itself in loose soil or sand, but loves comfortable secluded places more.

What happens if the centipede bites?

Scolopendra venom, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes discomfort. Scolopendra can also sting a person. After a bite, severe swelling, swelling, and allergies appear even if you have never suffered from it. But fortunately for the inhabitants and guests of Crimea, the poison of the Crimean scolopendra is not fatal. After the bite, the pain may persist for several days, then it should go away. The most dangerous time for a bite is the month of May! But sometimes the help of a doctor may be required. Particular attention should be paid to the scolopendra bite of a child (especially a small one) or an allergic adult.

What to do if a centipede snuck into the house?

These insects are very fond of cozy human dwellings and often make their way into houses. A large number of legs and a flexible body contribute to the nosiness of the centipede. It will not be difficult for her to penetrate a small gap or crawl under a door.

Scolopendra is large in size and it is difficult for it to be unnoticed indoors. An unexpected encounter with her is very unpleasant. Poisons do not particularly affect her, since she herself can poison whoever you want. With her hands, there is definitely no desire to touch her, especially when she moves so unusually and abruptly.

It is best to get rid of it without harm to health by carefully isolating it, and taking it away from home. If you instinctively want to crush and destroy it, then you need to take into account that it is very tenacious. Even after being injured, the centipede wriggles for a long time and wags its tail and poisonous forepaws.

Interesting fact: The character of the Dean of the Scary Faculty, Ada Terzales, was created in the likeness of the real-life insect Scolopendra Gigantea, also known as the giant centipede.

To reduce the likelihood of scolopendra entering your home - keep it dry, they will not be able to do it without water.

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