Home Diseases and pests Tank tiger 2 level 7. Tiger II P - a new tank at the WOT supertest. Mobility and weapon

Tank tiger 2 level 7. Tiger II P - a new tank at the WOT supertest. Mobility and weapon


German heavy tank of the eighth level. This vehicle is a well-deserved veteran of the game, loved by many tankers. If a number of German “wonderwaffles” can be said to be a matter of taste, then the “Kote” has earned sympathy for real exploits on the battlefield. Yes, it may be inferior to the same in terms of armor and dynamics, but an accurate and penetrating weapon, coupled with Zeiss optics, pays for everything. Let's share information about this heavy tank, which many underestimate.

Historical reference

Under the influence of the Soviet design school and the magnificent , in 1942, German engineers decided to begin developing a tank with thicker armor than that of the . At the same time, it had to be tilted. Our old acquaintances took up this matter: a company led by Ferdinand Porsche, and headed by Dr. Erwin Aders.

Despite the fact that Porsche was the clear favorite in the race, his project was canceled as too complicated, especially with regard to the electric transmission. In the end, Aders' project won, but as a consolation prize for Porsche, he was offered to include his competitor's successful finds in his tank. Plus, they managed to release 50 towers in advance for the losing model - everything went into action.

The first combat use of the Royal Tigers on the Sandomierz bridgehead in 1944 ended in failure - 11 vehicles of this type were shot down. But gradually the tankers got the hang of it and on the Western Front they knocked out 12 Kote during the battle. Good frontal armor and a powerful gun made this tank dangerous in ambushes and defense, but it often broke down on marches. Majority Tiger II failed due to technical reasons and was abandoned by the crews. A total of 489 such machines were produced.

Gaming characteristics

In “kote” it became a universal assault tank that could not only absorb damage, but also “crush” opponents from a distance. Let's look at its characteristics in terms of the game:


Our armor is not the most breakthrough, but it is located at ricochet angles. The front of the turret is best protected - 185 mm. The front of the case is a little thinner - 150 mm, but at a good angle. The remaining places are protected by 80 mm steel sheet. And this is not enough, especially taking into account the emergence of new tanks that even kill you in the forehead. A sufficient supply of hit points - 1600 units - straightens things out.


You start with the standard German 88mm KwK 43 L/71 gun. Not a bad gun: accurate, fast-firing, cheap shells... There is only one minus - at the eighth level there is not enough armor penetration. We won’t even consider the pass-through 105 mm KwK L/52, because it is just a step to a similar, but top-end gun, the 105 mm KwK L/68. And it makes sense to take a closer look at it.

Armor penetration of 225 mm with a basic shell is quite enough at the level. And if problems arise, then sub-calibers are at your service, with a guaranteed puncture of 285 mm of armor. One-time damage is also pleasing to the eye - 320 HP. The spread is one of the best among classmates - 0.31. The aiming time is 2.5 seconds and this is quite enough at our rate of fire of 5.77 rounds per minute. UVN is standard for German technology - minus eight degrees. A wonderful gun in every sense!


Our mobility is worse. Hanging additional armor elements on the base structure could not but lead to an increase in the specific pressure on the ground. Top engine Maybach HL 230 TRM P45 gives 700 l. s., accelerating our carcass to a maximum of 38 km/h - and that’s still uphill! Pumping the tracks gives an additional two degrees of turning and almost five tons of additional weight. True, everything you need fits on the stock harp. Including a tight turret, with a scrolling speed of 27 degrees/sec.

Detection and communication

German heavyweights are traditionally strong in radio stations - top FuG 12 gives a communication range of 710 meters. The visibility, due to our high hull, is also quite good - 390 meters. It is quite possible to “shine” for “art” in stationary positions. But they also discover your fat ass once or twice. Neither installing special equipment nor pumping up the crew helps. Humble yourself and learn to play in the permanent “light.”

Pumping and equipment

How to best study Tiger II? You can reach this tank through branches "Tiger" And . If you played them diligently, you managed to pump out a top radio station and engine. Buy and start improving the weapon, gradually bringing it to the top. Then you take the tower Tiger II Serienturm, for increased protection and visibility. And only last but not least can you take the top tracks to improve cross-country ability.

Our crew consists of five people. We pump up tankers for active firefights. To begin with, we download “Repair” for everyone, so as not to stand on the “harp” under fire, and reset the skill for the commander and take “Sixth Sense”. Next, we select different skills, customizing them to suit our performance characteristics - for the commander “Jack of All Trades” or “Eagle Eye”, for the driver “Cleanliness and Order”, for the radio operator “Radio Interception”, and for the loader “Non-contact ammo rack”. Well, in the end we finish off the “Combat Brotherhood”.

As for special equipment, we recommend the following options for a firefight: “Fan”, “Rammer” and “Vertical Stabilizer”. Being on the front line, you will often break down, so after improving the crew by one hundred percent, you can remove the ventilation and install a “Tool Box”. Those who especially suffer from “art” may want to take a closer look at the “Heavy Anti-Shrapnel Liner”.

We place the following consumables: “Automatic fire extinguisher”, “Large first aid kit” (+10 to protect the crew from injuries), “Large repair kit” (+10 to repair). The engine will burn frequently, so I do not recommend removing the fire extinguisher.

Tiger II- a classic German “heavy” that can “tank” and shoot from a distance.

Once you choose a flank at the start, you can’t go back - remember this. Try to get rid of the desire to be a hero alone. Better join a group of your allies and look for enemy heavy tanks. The “kote” shows maximum effectiveness precisely in shootouts with fat enemies. Hunting medium and light tanks is not for him. Serve up the big game!

Artillery is our scourge. Even if there is a completely soft tank destroyer nearby that can be “one-shotted,” the landmine will still hit you. Apparently, the “one-button” ones like to “critique” your modules and set fire to the engine compartment. Therefore, try not to “shine” too much at first, but when you come into close fire contact, cling to the enemy, or stay high on obstacles.

Be sure to “diamond”! Frontal armor, unfortunately, does not withstand the blows of new self-propelled guns, and everyone tries to offend the NLD. At the same time, our wide tracks seem designed to absorb damage. Under no circumstances expose your rear and especially your side to the enemy - an explosion of ammunition is guaranteed. If possible, trade the tower, although it can also be breached. All hope lies only in the competent exchange of hit points and tactical sense.

Due to its large mass, you can easily use a ram as the last argument in a dispute. By purchasing a heavy lining, you will improve your position, even in comparison with heavy Soviet tanks. It's always nice to see surprise when you fly at him from a hill and take down 500 HP at once. Try to butt him not on the forehead, but on the side - at the same time immobilize him.

This tank is one big “crit tank”. During firefights, you will periodically be given a module. Even a landmine that accidentally falls nearby can easily lead to jamming of the turret ring. What to do? Suffer, of course. Special equipment and “straps” partially help, but do not solve the problem. It’s much better to pump up the crew with perks that mitigate instrument failure. Most generally try not to go to the front line, but this is not an option, especially if you are at the top.

Review of the tank's strengths and weaknesses. Results


  • Accurate and penetrating gun
  • Ricochet armor
  • Large supply of hit points
  • Great review and communication


  • There is frankly not enough armor
  • Sluggishness
  • Critical modules
  • Exploding ammunition
  • The engine burns frequently

Tiger II- an explosive tank, in every sense. You have to play it carefully, as if it were an antique vase. But if you have adapted to it, “kote” begins to incredibly “bend” all living things in the “random”. The days of its former glory are long gone... But good tanks, like cognac, become more and more luscious over time. I recommend it to all Wehrmachtophiles!

Good luck in battle!

The heavy tank PzKpfw VI "Tiger" Ausf did not have time. H1 (E) entered service, as the German General Staff demanded an even heavier and better vehicle, which would be superior in armor and armament to everything that the Soviet Army had. As before, Porsche and Henschel were invited to present their projects with the obligatory rational slope of the armor plates and a long-barreled 88-mm cannon.

The Wehrmacht Armament Directorate and Hitler personally had a strong desire to have a tank armed with the very successful and powerful 88-mm KwK 43 L/71 cannon. Dr. Porsche carried out calculations and found out that this weapon could not be placed in the standard Tiger turret. Without much thought, Porsche made a deep modernization of his Tiger, and, convinced that he now had the order in his pocket, began developing the tower. The work moved quite quickly, and soon the casting of towers began at the company's plant. Unfortunately, the electric powertrain developed by Porsche was again rejected by the military due to problems with the cooling system, and the contract again went to Henschel. However, 50 Porsche-type turrets with 107 mm frontal armor were installed on the first production tanks. Henschel subsequently developed his own turret, which was easier to manufacture and better protected. The thickness of its frontal armor was 180 mm, the sides and rear wall - 80 mm, the roof - 40 mm. The tank with the Henschel turret had a combat weight of 68 tons, and with the Porsche turret - 67.5 tons.

Most players know this tank as the “Royal Tiger” and for good reason, because being in the top it poses a serious danger to the enemy team.

So let's look at the pros and cons of this beast.


  • Accurate weapon with high penetration
  • Good review
  • Large margin of safety up to 1600 HP
  • Good frontal armor
  • Excellent angles of inclination of the hull, allowing for tanking


  • Weak side armor
  • Tall silhouette
  • Front transmission (Frequent engine crashes)
  • Low one-time damage compared to other level 8 TTs

Crew skills

Here I want to stop a little. The first thing I personally did was carry out repairs on all crew members and I’ll explain why.

Few people like it when their track, turret or gun is damaged. Based on this principle, the first thing I pumped out was repairs (yes, many will reproach me, I would have pumped in a light bulb, my answer will wait). The standard version of pumping up the crew looks like this:


A rammer, coated optics, and reinforced aiming drives are required.

Battle tactics:

Standard tactics for playing on TT, the tank feels very good on city maps. Tanking in a diamond pattern and on the side are the key features of playing on this tank. With the correct rotation of the hull, the tank truly becomes impenetrable and ricochet-proof.

My impressions:

This tank gave me only positive impressions. Due to its accurate gun and low reload time, it allows you to target the turrets of enemy tanks very well. This tank is rightfully worthy to bear the title of “Royal Tiger”. This tank will remain in my hangar for a long time and I highly recommend it to everyone, both beginners and experienced players.

Thank you for reading my guide. Beaver everyone and good luck on the battlefields #secretsmile# #haha# #happy#

After the long-suffering tiger tank, transition to wot tiger 2– this is a real holiday. And no wonder: after all, compared to the first version of the tiger, the royal tiger is a truly strong heavy tank.

IN world of tanks tiger 2- This is a powerful, accurate weapon and strong frontal armor. A level 7 tiger lacks much of this. Especially strong armor. But before the holiday in the form of the top tiger 2 you need to sweat, because tiger 2 world of tanks stock is not a holiday at all, but a rather sad sight. In order to make it easier for you to upgrade this tank, I suggest you pay attention to a certain order of upgrades.

How to upgrade wot tiger 2

In Game world of tanks TT tactics require great responsibility from players. It can be said that most of the responsibility for victory or defeat in random battles lies with heavy tanks. That is why for Tiger 2 World of Tanks stock it is especially painful to upgrade to the top-end configuration. Therefore, for optimal pumping speed you need to know a couple of points:

Learn everything you can while still on the tiger tank. Engines, radio, gun. In general, make the tank elite.
Before sale tiger At level 7, remove the top engine and top radio from it. They can be installed on WOT Tiger II.
If you have completed these points, then you can safely start pumping wot tiger 2. The first step is to bleed the chassis. The cost of studying is 16,940 experience units. The chassis will add carrying capacity to the tank and improve agility by 3 degrees. Thus, the king tiger will have a turning speed of 26 degrees per second. After researching the chassis, you need to accumulate 22,260 experience to research the top tower. It will add 100 HP and 85mm armor to the tank, but will turn slower.

After examining the turret on the tiger ii wot, you should examine the 10.5 cm KwK 45 L/52 gun. The cost of studying is 16,800 experience units. This is an intermediate weapon between the stock Tiger 2 World of Tanks and the top-end one. It has 200mm penetration, 320 damage, a fire rate of 5.92 rounds per minute, a dispersion of 0.37m, and an aiming speed of 2.3 seconds. You will have to play with this weapon for quite a long time, because before the top gun you need to accumulate as much as 46,000 experience points. But even with this gun, Tiger 2 can already fully implement TT tactics in the world of tanks - this gun has enough penetration, and the top gun will differ from it only in accuracy, rate of fire and penetration.

For 46,000 experience, we will research the top gun 10.5 cm KwK 46 L/68. Congratulations, your wot account upgrade is complete, and now you are the owner of the top tiger 2 wot! This Royal Tiger weapon has the following characteristics:

Level: IX
Name: 10.5 cm KwK 46 L/68
Armor penetration: 225/285/60mm
Average damage: 320/320/420 hp
Rate of fire: 5.26 rounds per minute
Spread at 100m: 0.34
Mixing time: 2.3 sec
As you can see, this gun is very similar to the pre-top gun in terms of damage and aiming time. But significant improvements are also noticeable: 225mm penetration is already a serious argument when fighting high-level targets, and increased accuracy allows wot tiger 2 to fight much more effectively at long distances.

Among other things, the tactics of the world of tanks with the appearance of a top gun on the royal tiger changes noticeably. Despite the strong frontal armor, the CT is not recommended to engage in close combat unless necessary, since from close range it is easy for the enemy to fire at the weak points of the tank: the commander's turret, the machine gun in the VLD and the thin NLD. In addition, Tiger 2 is not a very fast vehicle, and therefore medium and long distances will eliminate the risk of being overwhelmed by medium tanks. For the same reason, it is better not to take single positions. However, the last tip is suitable for any tank, and it is best to have a reliable comrade as cover. Play in platoons and you will get great leveling.

After all this leveling up, you have only one thing left to do: accumulate 154,000 experience points on the E-75 heavy tank, which can be called the ideal heavy tank. And, I must say, upgrading to E-75 on such a powerful tank as the World of Tanks Tiger II will not take too much time.

Information about the new German heavy tank Tiger II (H), which will be at level 7 of the world of tanks. It is not yet known whether it will be a premium tank or an elite one, maybe it will be an alternative to the Tiger P for the new German research branch.

Interesting news for all fans of the German tank branch. The preliminary characteristics of the vehicle look promising, so the release of the vehicle in the game will be a truly significant event.

It should be clarified that there is no specific information yet about whether the tank will be presented in the assortment of the game store or will be given to players as a result of the promotion. Specifications are also preliminary and may change.

Historical facts of Tiger II (H)

The heavy tank Tiger II (H) was the most protected vehicle of the Second World War, put into mass production by Germany. The equipment was produced from 1944 to 1945, a total of 490 units of such machines were produced.

This modification was equipped with an Aders turret, which, unlike the Porsche, had a more simplified geometry. The armor of the frontal part of the hull was 180 mm, and had a plate angle of 10 degrees. The gun mantlet was straightened, which prevented the projectile from ricocheting into the unprotected part of the hull.

The weight of the equipment was amazing - 68 tons, but thanks to the installation of wide tracks, the maneuverability on difficult soils was maintained at the proper level. At the same time, it was not possible to avoid overloading the engine-transmission compartment.

The Tiger II (H) was equipped with the most powerful gun in the history of Nazi Germany: the 83 mm 8.8 cm KWK 43 L/71 gun. However, this did not correct the overall picture; although the vehicle turned out to be armored, it was poorly maneuverable and technically unreliable. Significant disadvantages include the extremely low power reserve.

Tiger II (H) performance characteristics

Traditionally, we’ll start the guide to Tiger II (H) with the parameters of vehicle survival on random fields. Everything looks pretty good here. The tank has a solid safety margin of 1,500 units.

This is a good parameter even by the standards of eighth levels. The base view of the Tiger II (H) is 380 meters. Quite decent for a heavy vehicle, in addition, the value can be improved by crew skills and additional equipment.

Tiger II (H) WoT is the proud owner of a decent top speed of 38 km/h. However, the “German” is let down by the ratio of engine weight and power. Therefore, it is very difficult for the heavy weight to accelerate, so maximum speed can only be achieved by accelerating down a hill with a tailwind.

Maneuverability also leaves much to be desired.

The armament of the Tiger II (H) looks good, but the gun is not a standard weapon at the seventh level. In particular, armor penetration with a basic projectile is 203 mm; the value can be increased to 237 mm by loading a gold projectile.

The tank's alpha is 240 units, which provides about 1,700 damage per minute.

Thanks to these features, Tiger II (H) promises to be a good source of income. Armor penetration indicators allow you to deal damage to high-level vehicles, which will ensure a stable flow of silver credits into the player’s piggy bank.

It should be noted that the gun has characteristic German accuracy and stabilization. I'm pleased with the mixing time and spread. When it comes to vertical declination angles, the Tiger II (H) gun drops 8 degrees, allowing for effective terrain play.

Information on the characteristics of the Tiger II (H) tank is listed below:

Tiger II (H) armor

When it comes to armor, the Tiger II (H) is very similar to its older brother, the Royal Tiger, which is at tier 8. Accordingly, classmates will have to work hard to punch the premium “German” in the forehead.

So, the frontal projection of the turret has 185 mm of armor located at the right angles. Classmates will definitely not be able to penetrate the Tiger II (H) into the front of the tower, but some eights are quite capable of such a task. In addition, the Tiger's turret is traditionally crowned with an impressive commander's cupola, which cannot boast of good armor.

Full booking values ​​are shown in the image below:

The frontal projection of the hull has a 150 mm upper frontal part. Considering that the armor plates have a rational slope, the thickness of the reduced armor will be about 238 mm. Accordingly, the heavy can confidently tank damage even from level 9 opponents.

As for the sides, the Tiger II (H) has only 80 mm of armor per circle, so shells even from level six vehicles will easily enter here at a right angle. Of course, the “German” can tank with its sides when positioned in a diamond formation, but the main thing is not to allow itself to be driven around.

Comparison of Tiger II (H) with VK 45.03

If we carefully analyze the full characteristics of the Tiger 2 (N) with the characteristics of the premium tank of the 7th level VK 45.03, we can conclude that these are the same tank, only with more armor.

The gun of the Tiger II (H) fully corresponds to the VK 45.03 tank, but the values ​​of the characteristics: gun reload speed, gun aiming time and shooting accuracy are still different. And naturally the VK 45.03 will be slower, since the tank engines are the same, but the weight is different.

Equipment and crew skills for Tiger II (H)

When choosing additional modules, you need to focus on increasing the potential of the machine. Therefore, we suggest trying this option:
1. Rammer - we are dealing with a premium tank, so we need to definitely increase the DPM.
2. Stabilizer – we get an additional bonus to accuracy, which allows us to use ammunition more efficiently.
3. Ventilation – we slightly improve all the characteristics at once.

It should be noted that the last slot can be left for coated optics in order to compete equally with high-level technology. Tiger II (H) crew perks play just as important a role as choosing the right equipment. It is recommended to study the crew skills in the following order:
When choosing consumables, we do not reinvent the wheel, but use a standard set of combat equipment. Considering that with update 9.18 consumables became infinite, this will help significantly increase the survivability of equipment.

Tactics for playing Tiger II (H)

How to play Tiger II (H)? Judging by the preliminary characteristics of the tank, playing on this vehicle will bring maximum pleasure to experienced tankers and beginners. The main thing is to learn to realize the strengths of the tank and hide the shortcomings.

Let's start with the basics. Tiger II (H) has good frontal armor, which positions it as a breakthrough vehicle. Therefore, when we get to the top of the team, we choose a direction and begin to push it confidently, using the support of our teammates.

At the same time, do not forget when choosing a position to save from artillery and hide the NLD. This is standard tactics for heavily armored tanks. It should be noted that thanks to the armor provided, Tiger II (H) can stand statically, catching non-penetration and ricochets. However, it is better to “dance” by shifting the hull to the left/right, turning the turret. This will make it difficult to target the commander's cupola and other vulnerable hull parts.

If Tiger II (H) falls into the middle and bottom of the list, there is no point in flaunting your invulnerability. In high-level battles, there will be many tanks that will confidently penetrate the formidable “German” even into the frontal projection of the turret.

Therefore, you will have to stay on the second or third line, hiding behind the backs of your more armored comrades, trying to maximize the accuracy of the gun. Relatively good spread ensures effective shooting at long distances. It is better not to enter into direct confrontation with level 8-9 tanks.

In general, Tiger II (H) feels confident on urban maps, where you can hide an NLD, taking hits on the front part of the tower. In addition, in confined spaces it is difficult to bypass the tank, so vulnerable sides will be reliably protected.

In open locations, Tiger II (H) turns into a clearly visible target: this is facilitated by its high silhouette and low mobility. Therefore, even on such maps we try to find shelter.

In addition, even if you are at the top, you don’t need to rush a direction in splendid isolation: 2-3 medium tanks or light tanks will tear apart the formidable “Tiger” in an instant.
Overall, the car is quite interesting and will not require much getting used to. Therefore, we are looking forward to the release of Tiger II (H) in the game.

Brief summary of Tiger II (H)

To fully realize the considerable potential of the Tiger II (H), you need to have a full understanding of its capabilities. To make things easier, we have summarized the strengths and weaknesses of the machine.

So, according to the analysis of WoT-info. ru, Tiger II (H) has such advantages :
An impressive safety margin for level 7.
Good frontal armor performance.
Relatively good CSA.
Comfortable UVN.
Expected German accuracy and gun stabilization.

If speak about shortcomings , a good overall picture is spoiled by the following moments:
Bulky silhouette.
Frankly weak dynamics.
"Cardboard" sides.
Not the best alpha on the level.
Fortunately, the listed shortcomings can be leveled out by installing additional equipment and pumping up the crew.

It turns out to be an interesting vehicle, located at level 7, with sufficient armor and good weapons. Tiger II - H is equipped with an 8.8 cm Kw.K gun. 43 L/71 and a Maybach HL 230 P30 engine, the combat vehicle has a crew of five people: commander, gunner, driver and loader.

Almost identical cars were obtained with VK 45.03. It’s just not clear how it will be possible to get Tiger II (H), and whether it will be a premium tank of the seventh level. As they say, let's wait and see.

You've had a blast riding the wonderful Tiger and have unlocked the next combat vehicle in the development branch of German heavy tanks - the PzKpfw VIB Tiger II. Among players he has several nicknames - “Kote”, “KT”, “Dvoechka” or “Tiger-2”. We’ll start the tank guide, as usual, by looking at the module upgrade branches.

“Downloading” the insides

If you have accumulated a lot of free experience (we strongly recommend doing this), then use it to bring the tank to the top state. Otherwise, you will have to taste all the charm of a stock vehicle - however, this is one of the few tanks in the game from Wargaming, which even in its basic configuration feels quite confident, without causing overtly negative feelings.

First of all, we open the chassis. This will allow you to forget about weight restrictions and install any subsequent modules and will also increase the turning speed and overall dynamics of the tank.

The next module to open is the tower. It will add 100 strength points to the tank (sometimes this is quite critical) plus it will get rid of stray penetrations to the forehead coming from tanks at a lower level. The most important acquisition when installing this module is an increase in visibility and rate of fire.

Let's move on to the guns. It must be said that both guns that can be unlocked on the tank have their undoubted pros and cons. To taste the delights of playing on this wonderful device, the author advises opening both. The “pre-top” gun will delight you with a high rate of fire, good penetration, accuracy and high DPM (damage per minute). The top one loses in this indicator, however, it is much more “penetrating” and accurate, and also has a much higher one-time damage rate. So the final choice is up to the player. The main thing is to remember the features of the weapon and use it wisely depending on the game situation.

"Tiger-2". Guide: crew

The tank in question is at a fully grown level, the eighth level in the upgrade branch, quite often gets into battles with the “tens” and is very demanding of the crew. We recommend using crews with three full “perks” on any tank, starting from level eight.

So, what does our “cat” need so that he can fully show his teeth and claws?

  • Commander- “combat brotherhood” (increases all indicators by 5%), “repair” (TT is in the thick of battle, and the speed of repair of modules is critical), “jack of all trades” (in order to neutralize frequent concussions of crew members).
  • Gunner- “combat brotherhood”, “smooth rotation of the turret” (improving shooting accuracy in the thick of battle), “repair”.
  • Driver mechanic- “combat brotherhood”, “smooth running” (we improve shooting accuracy while moving), “cleanliness and order” (we reduce the likelihood of engine fire).
  • Radio operator- “combat brotherhood”, “repair”, “radio interception”.
  • Charging- “combat brotherhood”, “non-contact ammunition rack” (we reduce the chance of an explosion of this module), “repair”.

Optional equipment

A description of the Tiger-2 tank (guide) cannot do without talking about the elements of additional equipment absolutely necessary for installation. Considering that you have to fight in the first line and everything happens quite dynamically, you need to approach his choice from a practical point of view - strengthen the advantages and try to level out the disadvantages.

The following set will be optimal:

  • Improved ventilation- by installing it we increase all the parameters of the tank. In combination with the pumped-up “combat brotherhood” of the crew, this will give a total of 10% increase in absolutely all characteristics. This is a lot, so it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the module.
  • Large caliber rammer- speed up gun reloading by 10%. In a dynamic battle, and even more so a duel in an open area, this will more than once allow you to “shoot” the enemy and save you from destruction.
  • Accelerated aiming drives- the classic accuracy of the gun, further emphasized by this element, will allow you to quickly and effectively aim at the most vulnerable spots in the enemy’s armor, both at short distances and at long distances.

Tactics in battle

A guide to the Tiger-2 tank would be incomplete if it did not contain tips on how to effectively use the vehicle in battle.

So, when we go into battle, don’t forget that we are on a heavy tank. Our trump cards are a large supply of health points, solid frontal armor and a deadly cannon. Based on this, the first thing we need when starting the countdown is to analyze the composition of the teams.

If we are not below the middle of the list (or at the top)

We boldly go to “tank” the direction. We take into account that we are not given very much speed and we will not be able to quickly change the flank, so the choice of our attack vector must be unmistakable.

We arrive, take a position, and begin a firefight (if there are several opponents). In the case when our team is in a clear numerical majority, we need to lead the attack, leading our indecisive allies behind us. With the cry: “For the Motherland!” We rush at the enemy, trying to inflict maximum damage. If you are lucky with your teammates and they support the attacking impulse, then everything ends quickly and pitifully for the enemy.

If we find ourselves at the bottom of the table (battle with levels 9-10)

This is not a reason to despair. Our gun perfectly “sewing” almost anyone, we have a lot of health - we take advantage of it! We go with the top “heavies” to the battlefield and work as a support tank: when one of them rolls back to reload, we move forward and scare the enemy; If possible, we shoot, causing damage. As a last resort, you can cover your ally by taking a couple of projectiles on yourself. We keep our “top”, but we ourselves are still alive.

Let's not forget about a feature inherent in all German tanks - a certain "squareness" of the vehicle. This means that standing towards the enemy in a “straight on” position is strictly not recommended. The ideal “pose” would be a small diamond of 20-30 degrees. Movement towards the enemy is also recommended not in a straight line, but with a slight tack within the same degrees, thereby we save the huge NLD (lower frontal part) from breaking through. The diamond, by the way, is very effective in firefights (if you have a stone/wall/rock nearby): the combination of “going out in a reverse diamond shape - shooting - driving into cover” will save you more than once, because the tank “eats” damage very effectively caterpillars.

Conclusions on the Tiger-2 tank

In turn, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with “Dvoechka” (if you are interested in the video format) based on the creation of another, more professional performer, who gives quite practical recommendations for playing the Tiger-2 tank. The guide from Amway921 will teach you not only how to properly operate a combat vehicle, but will also show you advantageous positions and tell you about the tactics and nuances of combat. It’s easy to find it on well-known channels on the World Wide Web.

In any case, we hope that the article was useful to readers in terms of obtaining the necessary information.

Good luck to you!

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