Home Diseases and pests Turn off the computer without touching it. The computer is frozen and does not work: what to do, how to turn off a frozen computer? How to restart the computer, what keys to press if it freezes and does not turn off? Running background processes

Turn off the computer without touching it. The computer is frozen and does not work: what to do, how to turn off a frozen computer? How to restart the computer, what keys to press if it freezes and does not turn off? Running background processes

Tablet, smartphone. Almost every person owns at least one device from this list. Buying a new PC is always a significant event. It's nice to work on a laptop that responds quickly, doesn't freeze, and turns on and off in a timely manner.

But what to do if the computer does not turn off via “Start”. This is the standard way to shut down a computer or laptop running the Windows operating system. Regardless of what version of the OS is installed, the Start button has always been a faithful assistant.

But if the computer stops turning off through “Start”, there is no need to immediately panic and rush to the service center. To begin with, it is better to familiarize yourself with the reasons that may cause a change in the operation of your PC.

Installing updates

Among the most common reasons why the computer does not turn off via “Start” was and remains the laptop or computer system itself. Windows 7-10 are subject to frequent updates. While using the computer, the system downloads update packages that will be installed only after shutdown.

In this case, shutting down via the Start menu will not work. The PC will not turn off, and an information window will be displayed on the screen informing you that work is underway to install and apply updates.

When updating the operating system, pressing any keys, as well as the Ctrl+Alt+Delete combination, will not help. It is better to leave the laptop running and under no circumstances turn it off using the power button or unplug the cord. This action may also lead to incorrect operation of the OS.

You can overcome the problem where the computer does not turn off via Start during updates. It is enough to refuse their automatic downloading and installation in the “Update Center”.

Installation of new equipment

Incomplete installation of new equipment can create problems and slow down the operating system when shutting down. Finding and installing a suitable driver may take a long time and may be the reason why your PC does not respond to Start.

There are only two ways to solve the problem:

  • Close the installation window.
  • Wait for the process to complete.

Closing the program

Each time you shut down, the operating system closes all running programs, including those that were running in the background. Accordingly, if the computer does not turn off via Start, Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10 may take a long time to close these programs.

There may also be an application installed on the laptop that the operating system cannot close. If at least one of all processes does not respond, then a standard shutdown of the computer will not produce results.

There is only one way to solve the problem: find the process that “slows down” the shutdown. To do this, you need to follow the path: in the “Control Panel” find the “Administration” item, then select “Event Viewer”.

There are two sections worth looking at in the Windows log: System and Applications. If at least one of the processes is marked with an error message, then it must be disabled.

Also, the reason why the computer does not turn off through “Start”, but reboots, may be programs that are loaded when the operating system starts. To change programs from Startup, you must enter the combination Win + R, and in the pop-up window: msconfig. In the dialog box, select the “Startup” tab and disable all unnecessary programs.

This method will not only help you get rid of the problem where the computer does not turn off via Start. Windows 8, 7 and 10 will boot significantly faster when turned on.

Changing power settings

You can prevent slow shutdowns and solve the problem when the computer does not turn off through Start by changing the power settings. Some may think that these steps will not lead to visible results and are only suitable for laptops. But it is the correct power settings that will help your laptop and PC turn off faster.

First you need to go to “Device Manager”. It's pretty easy to do this. First, hold down a few keys: Win+R. In the pop-up window, enter: devmgmt.msc and press the enter button.

After this, Device Manager will open. In this window, you need to open the USB root hub and disable the disconnect permission. After this, the personal computer or laptop will turn off noticeably faster, and the risk of freezing when working with the Start menu will be reduced.

Cleaning the registry

Intended for advanced PC users, as minor changes can damage the operating system.

To open the editor, you must enter Win+R\regedit. In the sections that appear, find ControlSession Manager. From the list that appears, select BootExecute and erase the data by entering in the window: autocheck autochk.

Forced shutdown

The last, most undesirable way to turn off a computer or laptop when frozen is a cold shutdown. It is performed only if none of the methods described above helped.

To perform a cold shutdown, you must hold down the power button on the system unit or laptop. After a few seconds the device will turn off completely. However, with such a shutdown, operating system files may be damaged and the latest changes in operation may not be saved.

Many users with Windows 7, 8 and 10 installed on their PCs often experience the operating system freezing for no reason when shutting down. Neither cleaning the registry nor changing startup settings helps.

You can solve this problem without turning to specialists by installing a clean operating system. Just find the item “Actions when closing the lid” in the “Control Panel” and select “Hibernation” instead of “Shutdown”.

I am sure that if you have been using your computer for quite a long time, then you have encountered such a problem as its reluctance to turn on. It is much less common to encounter a problem when the PC, after being turned off, does not want to go out and continues to work. After you press the on/off button, programs will begin shutting down, but the computer will not turn off. There are other behaviors with the same problem. For example, when the screen has long gone dark, but the coolers continue to work or the power button and indicators are off. Naturally, it becomes clear that the computer continues to operate even when the screen is off.

Today we will find out what are the reasons for this behavior of your computer, find out how to solve this problem and what you need to do to avoid such a problem.

The main reasons why your computer freezes when you turn it off

There are many reasons that can affect the occurrence of this problem. The main one is a conflict of programs or too many running programs, games or applications. If, before shutting down, you have a large number of programs running, then they will complete their work one by one, while maintaining the original data at the time of shutdown. In this case, the PC may take a very long time to turn off. But if an application is actively working with the system, and you turn off the computer at that moment, then a conflict will occur and the system will not be able to shut down this application, accordingly, the computer will continue to work, but the screen should not go dark, and you will see a message about that the computer cannot shut down programs or that some files may need to be saved. Therefore, before turning off the PC, I recommend closing all programs in use and files that were open.

Failures of this kind may also be caused by viruses that your security programs could not cope with and allowed onto your computer. Some viruses are configured to infect a system file and block system operation. There is a possibility that the process that terminates when the computer is turned off is infected. Therefore, the computer continues to work after pressing the off button.I described a working method for removing all viruses from a PC, and I also have a video on this topic:

Maximum cleaning of your computer from viruses

If you've recently updated your operating system or updated drivers for any of your devices, your computer may behave this way - it won't turn off when it needs to. The fact is that after updating the system, conflicts sometimes arise between old and new drivers. Such a conflict will certainly lead to computer malfunctions and system freezes. If you installed a driver, even an old one, but it became crooked, some devices on the computer will not work correctly. With this problem, the PC may also not turn off the first time. I recommend installing drivers only from the equipment manufacturer’s website, as I showed how to do this in my video:

Correct installation of drivers

When the computer overheats, and some of its elements have been heating above the maximum temperature for a long time, these elements will begin to work incorrectly. This may cause problems when turning off.I showed how to clean your computer from dust and eliminate overheating in this video:

Cleaning from dust

Correct replacement of thermal paste

PC froze - how to turn it off?

If, when you turn off your PC, it freezes and does not want to shut down, you need to help it do this. There are several ways to do this. The first method is the simplest, but it is also the most radical. We simply hold down the power button and hold it until the computer completely goes out. For laptops this may not help, then disconnect the power supply cord and remove the battery. But, still, I do not recommend using this method and leaving it as a last resort. By doing this, you risk damaging your hard drive, but if you have an SSD you don’t have to worry. Also, this method of turning off the computer may result in the loss of unsaved data.

In order to carry out a softer and more correct shutdown of the computer, if it does not hang, you need to open the device manager and find the item “USB Controllers” in the left menu, where for each device named “USB Root Hub” set the properties to In the “Power Management” tab, check the box next to the option “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.” You can do the same with other devices in Device Manager.

If your computer starts to fail when you turn it off after updating the system, driver, or installing any program, then it’s time to use something called the “Windows Recovery Tool.” To do this, you need to do the following: Open “Start” and type “in the search field” System Restore". After the utility has been found, run it. The Restore Previous State Wizard will prompt you to select a restore point. You need to select the one in which the laptop is working properly and stably. After this, the Restore Wizard will start its work, and your problem should be resolved solved. You can find out more about system recovery. There is also an excellent video on this topic:

Windows Recovery

The computer does not turn off due to a malfunction

The PC may not turn off if one or more computer nodes are working incorrectly or malfunctioning. Most often this happens due to a faulty power supply or motherboard. It will be difficult for you to diagnose your PC equipment and identify the faulty part; it is better to send your computer to a service center for diagnostics. But if you still want to check the equipment yourself, you can do it like this:

Self-diagnosis of PC

PC won't turn off due to BIOS settings

Not all power plans that can be configured in the BIOS are equally useful. Sometimes, if these BIOS settings are incorrectly configured, the computer may not turn off or enter sleep mode, and hibernation may not work. In different BIOSes, power supply settings are performed differently and I cannot give a clear algorithm of actions for all types of BIOSes, but I have a good one, where you can find the information you need.

We optimize free space and processes

After you solve the problem with your laptop turning off, you will need to clean your computer. It will consist of freeing the disk space of the system disk from temporary and unnecessary files. To do this, you will need to remove applications that you do not use. Do it like this:

Maximum Disk Cleanup

It is also worth optimizing Windows startup by excluding from it service utilities and applications that are not regularly used.In order to clear space and startups, I recommend using the program. In addition, you can speed up Windows:

Speeding up Windows

Only after you have completed all of the above procedures will the computer stop crashing and turn off normally.

It must be remembered that taking care of your PC is an integral part of its use. Many people wonder why computers begin to work unstable after six months or a year. It's all about care and proper use. All the best to you and a fast computer.

Many Windows 7 users encounter this problem - when they try to turn off the computer through Start, the system does not shut down. This may be accompanied by the monitor fading or the “Shutting down” message hanging on the screen. In this article we will look at why the computer does not turn off through Start in Windows 7.

Incorrect software operation, outdated drivers, virus activity and system service failures are the most common causes of PC shutdown problems. Let's sort them out.

  1. Find “Control Panel”, move to “Support Center”
  2. Click on “Show log...”.
  3. We find the error and see which system component caused it.
  4. We remove the problematic software or remove it from startup, or disable the service that is preventing the PC from shutting down.

After disabling components, you should try restarting your computer.

Performing a clean boot

If the stability log does not reveal the software that caused the shutdown problems, you can try to start the system in “clean” mode - in this case, only those components that are necessary for operation will start with the system.

The instructions are:

  1. Press the key combination Win + R, insert the command “msconfig”, click on “OK”.
  2. Open the “General” tab, activate “Selective startup” and the “Load system services” item.
  3. Go to “Services” and turn off the display of system services, after which we turn off all third-party ones.

If the system turns off and starts normally, then the problem lies in one of the user programs. Such diagnostics will help identify and remove the unstable component.

Remember when exactly the shutdown problem arose. If the failure appeared after installing any system update, then it must be removed. For this:

  1. Open “Control Panel”, find “Programs...”.
  2. Click on “View installed updates”.
  3. Find the last installed update by date and remove it.

Often the error is associated with new versions of drivers that conflict with the system. If the computer stops turning off after updating the drivers, you can perform a system restore:

  1. Open “Start”, right-click on “Computer”, select “Properties”.
  2. Click on “System Protection”.
  3. Click on the “Restore” button. Select a restore point, on the date of creation of which the computer turned off normally. We restore the system.

Before restoring, you can check the file system with an antivirus - it is possible that virus activity is preventing the device from being turned off.

If attempts to solve software causes have not led to success, then you should pay attention to hardware failures.

Finding problematic equipment

Hardware errors may prevent the system from shutting down. You can check for failures using a special system utility:

  1. Open “Control Panel” and find “Device Manager”.
  2. We find equipment with an exclamation mark on its icon. Go to “Properties”.
  3. Check the error status in the “Device Status” line. We disable the device if it is not needed, or we update (or roll back) the drivers - this can be done through the “Driver” tab.

A comprehensive driver update can be carried out using special utilities - for example, DriverPack Solution.

This point is relevant for laptop owners. Try going to Device Manager and opening the USB Controllers section. Right-click on each of them, go to “Properties” and uncheck the “Allow disabling...” item.

Video instruction

We attach a short video for those who do not want to read the article.


Problems with shutdown are quite natural - with correct and consistent diagnostics, you will quickly identify the cause of the failure.

The procedure for shutting down a computer takes place in several stages, each of which is very important, as it reduces the risk of damaging the file system and even the disk itself. When the user presses the shutdown button, programs and background system processes are first closed, then less critical components, and then more critical components, including RAM and processor, are sequentially disabled. But sometimes it happens that at one of the stages of the procedure, software or hardware, an error occurs.

The consequence of the error may be a fall into BSOD or a state that users call eternal termination. The computer does not turn off, the fans do not stop rotating, and the indication indicates that power is being supplied to the motherboard. The display may turn off, but it may also remain on with a characteristic animation displayed on it. What's the matter? Software conflicts, incorrect operation of drivers and peripherals, damage, problems with the hard drive and RAM, erroneous power settings, and, ultimately, the effect of viruses - any of these problems can prevent the machine from shutting down normally.

Running background processes

Background processes remaining running are the most common reason why the PC does not turn off when Windows 7/10 is shut down. Sometimes a holding process will be indicated on the screen, and the user can return to the running system and terminate it manually. Otherwise, it is recommended to examine the System and Application logs, which typically record errors from services or programs that prevent Windows from shutting down.

It doesn’t hurt to also run the command on the command line powercfg/requests to obtain a list of power requests by applications and drivers that are preventing the workstation from shutting down.

Additionally, you can run the utility, disable third-party services and see how this affects the computer shutdown. It would also be a good idea to look at the stability log; it may also contain indications of problematic processes in applications and services.

Active peripherals

The fact that the computer does not turn off after finishing work is often to blame for the peripherals connected to the host via USB. Most often, laptop owners have to deal with this problem, and it can be solved as follows. Go to Device Manager, expand the “USB Controllers” item, find in the list the items called “USB Root Hub” and uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” in their properties. Then reboot your computer and see if the problem is resolved.

Other devices and components

Sometimes the computer does not shut down due to devices that are active but not detected by Windows. Such devices are usually marked in the Manager with a yellow or red icon. Disable them or, better yet, find and install drivers for them. On Asus and Dell laptops, a similar malfunction is sometimes caused by the Intel Rapid Storage Technology application. Uninstall the application and reinstall the Intel Management Engine Interface device in Device Manager after downloading the official driver for it.

Lost registry settings

A less likely reason for a Windows computer refusing to shut down is a failure in the registry settings that control the timeout when closing applications. In Windows 10, the default is 5000 milliseconds, but you can reduce it to 3000 milliseconds with a simple registry tweak. Download the REG file and merge it to restore the default timeout. If you want to shorten it, first edit the registry file in Notepad by changing the values ​​of the WaitToKillServiceTimeout, HungAppTimeout and WaitToKillAppTimeout parameters.

The case when the computer does not turn off through the Windows 7/10 Start menu requires special consideration. This type of problem is often caused by a parameter being damaged or deleted. BootExecute located in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager. The string should be used as this parameter autocheck autochk * and nothing more. The parameter type must be REG_MULTI_SZ, that is, multi-string.

Hibernation and quick start

Incorrect power settings, as well as damage to related system files, in particular the hiberfil.sys file, is another reason why the PC sometimes does not turn off. Check this moment. Go to the power settings and do everything as shown in the screenshots below. First you should try to deactivate fast start, and if this is not enough, then you should also disable hibernation.

Problems with RAM or disk

The situation when the computer does not turn off after Windows 7/10 shuts down may also indicate failure of memory cells and damage to hard drive sectors. This is perhaps the most unpleasant thing that can happen. In the case of a problem disk, the system, for example, tries to read or write the necessary data when turning it off, but it is unable to do this due to the presence of “bads,” resulting in a freeze. Therefore, it would not be amiss to perform memory checks, especially if freezes and crashes were observed in a running system.

BIOS Settings

If nothing, even reinstalling and rolling back to , doesn’t help, try resetting the BIOS to factory settings. This can be done using the Load Defaults BIOS option, usually located in the BIOS Setup section, or by removing the battery powering the CMOS memory for 10-15 minutes.

Bottom line

These were the main reasons preventing the computer from being turned off through the Start menu or in another programmatic way. There is no point in delaying the solution to the problem, since soon malfunctions in the Windows 7/10 system may occur not only during the shutdown phase, but also when performing standard tasks.

There are many programs and gadgets with different functionality for this, but in this article I will show how to shut down, restart and put your computer to sleep using standard Windows tools.
This method was tested on Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

To implement this, we need a “Task Scheduler” (or Tasks). It is located slightly differently in different versions of Windows.

IN Windows XP :

Start - Control Panel - Shortcut "Scheduled Tasks"


Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Scheduled Tasks

IN Windows 7 :

Start - Control Panel - Administration - Task Schedule


Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Task Scheduler

IN Windows 8 Just enter “Task execution schedule” on the initial screen and click on the tile in the parameters search results.

Before setting up the Scheduler, you need to see if its service is enabled. To do this, click win+r(Start -) and enter services.msc.
In this window, look for “Task Scheduler” and look at its status. It should be "Working". If not, then right-click on it and select Launch

Now let's get straight to setting up the Task Scheduler.

For Windows XP:

Launch it, click on “Add task”

will appear Job Scheduling Wizard in which we select the desired task from the list, or search for it through Review...

Then we carry out all sorts of settings using the Wizard. Nothing complicated.
At the end of all actions you will need to enter your username and password.
The name can be found in Computer Properties, and if there is no password, then leave the field blank.

For Windows 7 and Windows 8:

Launch the wizard by clicking on Create a simple task...

indicate the name and description. Then select a trigger. In other words, the frequency of task launches

for this trigger you can specify the date and time of the task

choose an action. In this case, select "Run program"

Well, now the fun begins. In principle, you can specify the same as in Windows XP - by clicking on the button Review.. specifying the path to the program's executable file. But I also want to draw your attention to the “Add arguments” line. I will write about this below.

Then a window will appear with all the entered data, where you need to check everything again and agree by clicking Ready.

Now let's talk about how you can turn it on, off, reboot, etc. using this method. computer over time.

A special utility program is responsible for shutting down the computer, which is located on the system drive in the \WINDOWS\system32\ folder and is called shutdown.exe (you can find it there right now and run it. Just don’t be surprised if the computer displays a shutdown message).
The program rundll32.exe, which is located there, is responsible for sleep and hibernation mode.

So here it is. We can either create a file to launch these programs with the parameters we need, or register them in the Scheduler.

It's just that XP doesn't support arguments and parameters. Therefore, you need to create a file for it.

Option 1 - specify the arguments for the program to shutdown, reboot, sleep and hibernate.

Turning off the computer

argument: –r

Hibernation Mode

argument: powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

Sleeping mode

program: C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe
argument: powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState

I show a screenshot for “Turning off the computer” using Windows 7 as an example:

Here is a short list of arguments that can be used on Windows:

- ? – output of help on use (or without a key)

I – display the graphical interface (when used, this key is placed in front of all others);

L – logout (incompatible with the –m switch);

– canceling the reboot/shutdown;

M – applying the operation to a remote computer with the name;

T N – operation execution timer in N seconds;

C “comment” – a comment for the operation (when used, a “comment” will be displayed in the window; on the command line, be sure to enclose it in double quotes, the comment should not be longer than 127 characters);

F – forced termination of applications without prior warning;

D [u] [p]:xx:yy – reason code;

u – user code;

p – planned completion;

xx – main reason code (1-255);

yy – additional reason code (1-65535).

Option 2 - create a file with arguments for shutdown, reboot, sleep and hibernation.

Everything is quite simple here.
We create a new document in Notepad, write a command and an argument there (for example, I want a reboot with a timer of 16 seconds and for the system to warn me in advance about closing applications), which will look like this:

Then save it (File - Save As), in the "File type" field, select "All files". You can specify any name, but it must be bat

Well, then - we need to refer to this particular file when selecting a program in the Scheduler (remember where you selected using the button Review...).

By the way, with the help of this Scheduler you can make some kind of alarm clock - simply specifying the path to the music as a file, and then specify the start time for 8 am, for example.

Of course, to turn on the computer, you do not need to turn it off, but send it to Sleep or Hibernate, and then (for example, for an alarm clock) in the “Options” tab in its properties, enable the option “Wake up the computer to run this task” - this is for Windows XP.

For Windows 7, you need to double-click on the task in the list and on the “Conditions” tab, select “Wake up the computer to complete the task.”

Hello dear RuNet users, today we will talk to you about how to configure automatic shutdown of your computer. In this article I will tell you how to turn off your computer using standard Windows commands or using a special program.

Automatic shutdown of the computer is one of the useful functions for every user. There are many situations when it will definitely come in handy.

For example, you need to download a large file in the evening and you realize that it is already late and you want to sleep, but the file will download for a very long time. You will want to download something, but it’s not at all convenient to urgently leave for a couple of hours.

You can give many more examples when you need to turn off the computer after a certain period of time, but for some reason you will not be able to do this. That's what this function is for.

shutdown command

To launch the command line, press the key combination “Win” + “R”, enter “cmd” and click “OK”.

Or “Start - Accessories - Command Prompt”.

A command prompt window will open. To see what parameters there are for the “shutdown” command, enter “shutdown /?” and press “Enter”.

To work with this command we need to know 3 parameters:

  • s– shutdown the computer;
  • t– time after which the work will be completed;
  • a– canceling system shutdown.

Please note that time is measured in seconds!

To turn off the computer after 1 hour, enter the command with the parameters “ shutdown -s -t 3600" and press "Enter". A window will appear in which you will see a countdown of the time when the computer will automatically turn off.

If you are a Windows 7 user, then no windows will appear. Windows will inform you through the system tray.

If you need to deactivate the time countdown, then just enter “shutdown –a” in the command line and press “Enter”. After pressing “Enter”, the “System Shutdown” window will close and the countdown for turning off the computer will be deactivated.

Program to automatically shut down your computer

There are many programs with different settings in order to automatically shut down the computer. But I will give an example of a program that will be intuitively understandable to the user.

This program is called OFFTimer, you can download it from the blog. It does not need to be installed; it works without installation.

In the right part of the window, select the time to turn off the computer and click on the “Enable timer” button. To ensure that the program does not disturb you, minimize it to tray by clicking on the “Collapse” button.

If you change your mind about automatically turning off the computer, then click on the “Enable timer” button again.

See you soon!

There are situations when we need to leave our computer turned on for a long time. This may be due to the PC operating at night, when large files are downloaded, or when there is a long installation of operating system updates - the fact is that it becomes necessary to automatically turn off the computer without direct user intervention. In this material, I will tell you how to turn off your computer after a certain time, and also introduce the reader to tools that can help us with the planned shutdown of our PC using a timer.

Turn off the computer automatically at a specified time

How to turn off your computer after a certain time using Windows tools

If you need to turn off your computer using a timer, the simplest and most convenient solution is to use the tools built into the Windows OS. A special team will serve us with such tools. shutdown, as well as a task scheduler built into the system.

How to use the Shutdown command

To use this command, press the Win+R key combination, and in the line that appears, enter:

shutdown -s -t 3600 /f

  • s– completion of work;
  • t– indicates the time in seconds after which our PC will be turned off. That is, 3600 is 60 minutes (1 hour). Instead of this number, you can enter your own, after first calculating how long the time you need will take in seconds;
  • f- from English “forced” - forcibly. Tells the system to forcefully shut down all active applications, meaning no program can prevent your PC from shutting down.

After you click on “Ok”, you will receive a system notification that your computer will shut down after a specified time. If you suddenly change your mind, then press Win+R again and in the line that appears, type:

and this function will be deactivated.

How to use the task scheduler

Using this scheduler, you no longer need to think about how to turn off the computer after a certain time, the program will do everything for you thanks to the schedule you created. Please note that this feature exists in Windows operating systems starting from version 7.

So do this:

  • Click on the "Start" button;
  • Enter taskschd.msc in the search bar and click OK. The task scheduler window will open in front of you;
  • Click on "Action" in the top left;
  • Select the “Create Basic Task” option;
  • In the window that appears, enter the appropriate name, for example, “Automatic shutdown of Windows” and click on “Next” at the bottom;
  • Next, you will need to select the shutdown frequency. If you want to do this every day, for example, at 3 am, then select “Daily”, otherwise select another option and click on “Next”;
  • In the next window, determine the shutdown time and click on “Next”;
  • In the “Action” option, select “Run the program” and click “Next” again.
  • In the line under the inscription “Program and script” we write:


In the argument field we type:

How to use a bat file to shut down your PC automatically at a given time

An effective answer to the question of how to turn off a PC after a certain time is to use a bat file. When you click on such a file, your computer will shut down after the required time.

Open notepad and enter:

if %time%==01:00:00.00 goto:b

shutdown.exe /s /f /t 60 /c “Good night, your computer is shutting down”

  • Save this file called shutdown.bat (make sure it is shutdown.bat and not shutdown.bat.txt) on your desktop.
  • If necessary, activate it by clicking on it.
  • You'll see a blank Command Prompt screen, then simply minimize it and continue with your business.
  • At the right time (in this text it is one in the morning) you will see a message about turning off the computer and your PC will turn off.
  • You can change the shutdown time by specifying other numbers instead of “01:00:00.00”.

We turn off the computer at a time determined by us using programs

In the question of how to turn off the system after 10 minutes or after an hour, third-party software applications that need to be installed on your computer can also help. These are products such as PC Auto Shutdown, Wise Auto Shutdown Software and a number of others.

PC Auto Shutdown - shutdown the PC using a timer

This PC Auto Shutdown application for Windows OS will allow you to shut down your computer after the desired time. To take advantage of its functionality, do the following.

The Windows operating system is the most widespread in the world and it is probably quite difficult to find a user who has never worked in it. However, many people do not know about this OS tool called Shutdown. The command issued with its help allows you to shut down or restart the computer according to a schedule or remotely. We will tell you how to use this useful tool correctly in this article.

Windows Command Line

The command line interface in the Windows operating system is implemented using two programs. The first is Cmd.exe, present in all versions of the NT family of operating systems, and the second, which first appeared in Windows 7, is more modern and flexible - PowerShell. The peculiarity of their use is the direct input of text commands, without using a graphical interface.

Modern users, accustomed to working in windowed mode using a mouse, do not pay too much attention to the command line. However, the method may not be very fast, but in some cases it is extremely effective. The toolkit includes over one and a half hundred useful commands, the capabilities of which can be expanded by using additional keys.

Shutdown command parameters associated with control keys can be viewed by entering in the management console:


The output result will contain a complete list of keys for local and network operation, as well as a list of digital notification codes transmitted by this command to the user of the remote computer.

Shutdown.exe and windowed mode

To call the graphical interface that Shutdown has, the execution command must be entered with the “/i” switch. Oddly enough, the program running from the command line in this case opens a window familiar to the user. It's called "Remote Shutdown Dialogue".

This interface is intended to be used for remote administration of computers belonging to a domain. The selection of machines on the network is carried out at the top of the window. You can then set the type of shutdown and the notification that the remote user will receive. In this case, the choice can be made between planned and unscheduled work related to hardware maintenance or software updates.

Network control keys

Let's go back a little and see what capabilities the Shutdown command gets when using keys. Windows 7 and newer versions can work with it both through the old console and through the PowerShell interface. The syntax of the commands in it has remained virtually unchanged, even expanding through the use of new ones, similar to those used in the Linux command line.

So, the control key is entered with a space behind the main text and separated from it by a slash “/”. Below we present the keys used to remotely control computers and decrypt their actions:

/ m\\"computer name"

Accessing a remote machine. Enter either a domain name or an IP address, without quotes.

The field can contain up to 512 characters and is intended to convey to the remote user a comment about the reasons for shutdown or reboot.

/ f

Forced, without warning, termination of all running applications.

/t xxxxxxxxxx

Delay time in seconds before the command is triggered. Allows you to set a time period ranging from zero seconds to one year. In seconds this is 31536000.

/ d [p|u:]xx:yy

Makes it possible to specify the type of event, choosing from three categories - planned, unplanned, expected. Additional parameters xx and yy contain digital reason codes from the system event directory.

Canceling a command

No person, not even a system administrator, can be one hundred percent immune from errors. And in this case, the question arises: is it possible and how to cancel the Shutdown command sent to the remote machine by mistake or with the wrong key? Microsoft has provided this possibility.

It is possible to cancel any action, including an incorrectly specified one, but only if, when issuing the command, a delay parameter for its execution was specified. Before the selected period of time has expired, the administrator can reissue the command to the remote computer shutdown/a. In this case, any pre-planned action will be canceled.

This method works for both local and remote computers. On a local machine, having received a warning about an impending action, you will have to issue a command in the console to cancel it. Successful execution will be confirmed by a pop-up message in the notification area.

Local control keys

The capabilities of this command are not limited to working only with remote computers. You can also use Shutdown Windows on your local computer. In this case, the command is specified in text mode through the control console. The keys for controlling the local machine and a description of their actions are given below:

/ l

Ending the session of the current system user.

/ s

Shutdown and shutdown.

/ r

Shutdown and then reboot.

/ g

Shut down, reboot, and restart the local computer with all previously open applications.

/ p

Immediate shutdown without warning.

/ h

Switching the local computer to energy-saving mode.

As you can see, the set of commands for a single computer is also quite large and allows you to shutdown, reboot and put it into sleep mode. In this case, simultaneous use of several keys is allowed.

Task Manager

In addition to working with the command line, it is possible to create a rule using the task scheduler and the Shutdown function. In this case, the command with the necessary keys is specified in the Windows scheduler interface. This program is located in the “Standard - Utilities” group of the main menu of the operating system. To enter a task, you will need to run it as a system administrator.

Select “Create a simple task” and fill out the fields that will open to us as we complete it. At these steps, you will be prompted to name the new scheduled activity and set its schedule. Having reached the step in which we need to specify the program, we will enter our command in the field and specify the necessary arguments. The syntax for entering keys in this case is slightly different. Instead of a slash, they are preceded by a hyphen.

For example, by specifying the -s and -t arguments we get an analogue of shutdown /s /t. A command executed according to the schedule created in this way will lead to the computer shutting down after 30 seconds, during which we will see a warning window.


Now, if you wish, you can independently create shutdown or maintenance rules for your computer using Shutdown. The team, as you noticed, is very flexible and has a sufficient number of control keys to satisfy the needs of both a simple user and a network administrator.

I will give a few examples; they will be relevant for all versions of Windows.

I don’t know about you, but I like to fall asleep with the TV on, music on the player and “Preparing to set up Windows, do not turn off the computer.” I was joking with the last one :)

Automatic computer shutdown- a function that, sooner or later, will always come in handy, and you need to know about it. Fortunately, this can be done very quickly, without resorting to installing additional software. Well, first things first...

Automatic computer shutdown

Consider the following options:

  • using the command line
  • using the task scheduler
  • shortcut
  • creating a *.bat file
  • by installing a special program

Command line

Using the +R hotkey, in the Run window, enter the following Windows command shutdown -s -f -t 320.

Where 320 (5 minutes 20 seconds) is the time in seconds before shutdown.

All. All that remains is to click the “Ok” button. A small reminder will appear when completed.

To cancel, use the shutdown -a command. If you entered everything correctly, a corresponding notification will appear in the tray.

Task Scheduler

Open the “Start” menu, at the bottom, in the search bar, just enter the first three letters “pla” so that the scheduler is displayed at the top, which you actually need to click on with the left mouse button.

In the window that opens, create a simple task.

Enter any name, for example “ Shutdown Windows 10«.

The “Description” section can be left blank.

We note when the procedure needs to be performed. In our case, - Once.

Set the date and time.

Check "Run program".

We enter the shutdown command we are already familiar with in the “Program or script” field, and in the “Add arguments” field the value s -f.

Finally, click “Done”.

We have created the task, now it will be completed automatically at the specified time.

To change or disable, enter the scheduler library, find the created task and right-click to make changes or delete.

Using a shortcut

Using the right mouse button on the desktop, create a shortcut. In the “Object Location” enter the following - C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -t 320.

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