Home Agriculture How to make a notebook or notebook with your own hands. How to design a notebook: interesting ideas How to cover a notebook with paper

How to make a notebook or notebook with your own hands. How to design a notebook: interesting ideas How to cover a notebook with paper

Having learned how to make a mini notebook with your own hands, over time you can decide on more serious crafts, for example, sewing your own book. Why not?

Having learned how to make a notebook with your own hands, over time you can decide on more serious crafts


  • Colored and white paper A5 format;
  • Cardboard for the base;
  • Fabric strip, satin ribbon, piece of gauze;
  • Glue "Moment";
  • Stationery clips;
  • Decor elements.

What to do:

  1. Fold the sheets, dividing them into blocks. Between the blocks we make partitions with colored paper. We form a cardboard binding on both sides.
  2. Secure the stack with clips. Place a piece of paper or ruler under the clamps so that no trace of the clamp remains.
  3. Cut a piece of gauze equal to the width of the paper binding. Place gauze over the joint and cover well with glue. The product must dry thoroughly. For strength, reapply glue to the gauze on the back.
  4. When the craft is completely dry, decorate the binding with satin ribbons, small beads, lace, or simply draw a funny design. Hide the edges with fabric strips.
  5. Hide the gauze sizing under the fabric strip.

If there are no sheets of the required format, replace the material with notebook sheets. Remove the cover and leave the connecting brackets on the sheets. Next, do according to the instructions.

Gallery: DIY notebook or notebook (25 photos)

A simple DIY notepad from scratch (video)

Small notebook for girls


  • White sheets of A4 format;
  • Colored cardboard, a piece of fabric;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Ruler 2 pcs.;
  • Pencil;
  • 2 clamps;
  • PVA glue, brush.

The notebook is decorated according to the wishes of the little princess

How to do:

  1. On the first sheet, make markings with a pencil according to the specific size of the notebook.
  2. Draw a line to the other side of the paper. Secure the paper stack with clamps and cut the pages of the product with a knife. Place the sheets together.
  3. Using colored cardboard, trace the dimensions of one piece of paper, cut out the front and back sides of the cover.
  4. Connect the sheets with the covers, placing rulers on both sides and fastening them with clamps. Leave to dry for several hours.
  5. Coat the fabric base well with glue. Cover the place where the notepad is glued with a cloth and press it back with clamps until it dries.

Decorate the corners of such a notebook with braid or lace, gluing the ends on the back side. Need to divide your notebook into blocks? We use thick cardboard, laying it through the same number of pages.

How to make a squared notebook with a stapler

A simple notebook is easy to make yourself. For example, a new notebook can be folded from double sheets of old notebooks.

  1. Collect all the double leaves, carefully pulling them out from the staples.
  2. We use thick colored paper as the basis of the notebook.
  3. Folding it in half, we connect the bend with the notebook leaves.
  4. If the holes from the staple do not match, you can sew the product with a sewing machine. This way you can hide unnecessary holes.
  5. Fold the sheets together and secure them with a clamp to prevent the paper from moving.
  6. Next, use staples from a stapler to fasten the stack using pliers along the existing holes.

A simple notebook is easy to make yourself

Iron the middle curve of the notebook using tracing paper.

How to sew a notepad with your own hands


  • Sheets of paper or notebooks;
  • Pencil, ruler;
  • Paid cardboard;
  • Needle, thread.
  • Decor.

When sewing it is better to use a sewing machine

What to do:

  1. For the craft, collect all unused notebook sheets. Carefully fold them together and secure them with clamps.
  2. Mark the middle curve of the future product with a pencil and bend it along the line.
  3. Separately, make a cardboard backing of the same size as the sheets.
  4. Place sheets of paper on a thick base. Sew along the bend with thread. To make the seam beautiful and even, use a sewing machine.

Homemade covers for notebooks and textbooks: ideas

The habit of collecting wrapping paper from gifts or leftover wallpaper after renovations will come in very handy here. This material makes very beautiful covers.

For the book

You will need:

  • Ruler, pencil;
  • Small tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Decor.

The cover can also be made from fabric

How to do:

  1. Spread wrapping paper or a piece of wallpaper on a flat surface. Place a book in the middle of the sheet. Mark the size of the book on the paper with a pencil.
  2. Fold the wrapper along the lines of the book cover and secure the edges with tape.
  3. Trim off any excess paper evenly.
  4. Decorate the edges with lace or decorative colored tape.

For a more disheveled book, the cover can be done like this:

  1. We take a regular cardboard folder. Remove the old book cover. Place the book on the folder, mark the size of the future cover with dots, and cut it out.
  2. Along the middle bend of the cardboard, we measure in different directions a width identical to the width of the binding of the pages. At this point we glue a wide satin strip with silicate sealant or Moment glue, ends inward.
  3. After drying, cover the outside of the base with wrapping paper. Form the corners, decorate them with metal corners using pliers, after gluing them.
  4. Using felt-tip pens and a piece of colorful fabric, make an inscription - the name of the book being restored.
  5. Glue the cover base to the stack of book pages. Secure the adhesive area with stationery clips through the rulers.

For notebook


  • A4 format folder;
  • Scissors, glue, small tape;
  • Ruler, pencil;

What to do:

  1. Place wrapping paper on the work surface. Open the folder at the top. Place the notebook with the middle turned out on top of the folder.
  2. Make notations - dots according to the size of the notebook. Draw lines with a ruler and cut out the covers.
  3. Glue the packaging wrapper onto the cut out cover from the folder, secure the edges with tape, decorate with braid or fabric border.
  4. Remove the paper clips from the notebook and remove the old cover. Mark the future fastenings of the cover with dots through the holes.
  5. Use a needle to make neat holes at the level of the dots. Re-attach the notebook sheets with the new cover using the same paper clips.

A very good cover from an old newspaper. This binding will surprise you with its simple execution but unusual design.


  • Old yellowed newspaper or book pages;
  • Tracing paper, thick paper;
  • Colored pencils, felt-tip pens;
  • PVA glue, scissors;
  • Fabric strip for edge decoration.

How to do:

  1. Carefully and evenly glue the yellowed sheets of newspaper onto thick cardboard. Iron through tracing paper.
  2. Draw a design on the front side with pencils and outline the outlines with a felt-tip pen.
  3. Fold the product in half. Place the book on the cover, bending the ends along the book contour, securing with tape. Trim off excess.
  4. If the cover is intended for a notebook, attach it with staples along the line of the middle bend. Trim the protruding edges, decorate the ends with fabric or outline with felt-tip pens.

The fabric makes a good, soft cover. It must be made in the same way as paper, only the ends are sewn with bright woolen threads. For decoration, decorate with fabric figurines of flowers, animals or pen pockets. For a loved one, you can make such a cover in the form of miniature hearts sewn to each other.

Budget school supplies and do-it-yourself stationery (video)

Today, the art of needlework has gained wide popularity, and handmade crafts are recognized as an exclusive and unique creation. While learning to be creative, create your own collection of hand-made masterpieces or, alternatively, update your long-worn old library. Joining your child in having fun making sticky notebooks and notebooks in advance of school lessons is economically beneficial for the family budget.

Useful tips

Want to decorate notebook, book, notepad or diary?

There is nothing easier - you can make a cover with your own hands using simple rules and yours imagination.

You can also make a good one cover for documents.

Here are a few ways to do it beautiful cover with your own hands- you can borrow some ideas, or just follow the instructions and make your own colorful cover.

How to make a cover with your own hands. Cover for notebooks from a road map.

You will need:

2 road maps or atlases (you can choose maps that have a lot of details, painted in different colors)


Double tape

* Choose 1 card for horizontal stripes and 1 card for vertical stripes. You need to cut so that after wrapping the book, you can read the titles without turning the cover over.

1. Prepare each card, turn it over and use a marker or pencil to mark the places where you will cut into strips.

* In this example, the width of each strip is 1.5 cm.

* The length of each strip should be such that you can wrap the notebook from top to bottom (vertical stripes) or from front to back (horizontal stripes), allowing for a margin of approximately 2.5-3 cm on the sides of the notebook.

2. After you have cut the vertical strips, you need to lay them flat on the table and press them with something heavy so that they do not move.

3. Start weaving horizontal and vertical stripes.

4. When you have woven enough to wrap the notebook, attach tape to the bottom of the workpiece so that you can bend it in the opposite direction.

Repeat the same with the top side of the workpiece.

5. It's time to cover the notebook. To begin, cover the notebook with double tape.

6. Carefully place the notebook on the cover and wrap it around it. Press well.

7. Trim the edges. You can glue strips in some places (if necessary).

DIY cover. Instagram Notebook.

You will need:

Photos from Instagram

Glue (preferably special glue for decoupage)


Notebook or notepad

1. Print the photos small.

2. Cut out the photos.

3. Arrange them on your notebooks the way you like.

4. Apply glue to the back of each photo and glue it to a notebook or notepad.

5. If you used decoupage glue, you can apply it to the glued photos to make them a little shiny. It is better to apply it in only one direction.

6. Leave the decoupage glue to dry, after which you can glue the ribbon and write something on it - for example, your name.

DIY passport cover

You will need:

Scrapbooking paper or cardboard (14.8 cm x 12.7 cm)

Scrapbooking paper or cardboard (6 cm x 16.7 cm)

White paper A4

Openwork hole punch for edge




Double-sided tape

* It is worth noting that you need to choose paper for scrapbooking that is not too thick.

* If you don’t have such paper, you can use regular cardboard.

1. First you need to cut out a rectangle from cardboard. The size should be slightly larger than the passport size.

3. Prepare a second rectangle of cardboard and cut it in half - you should have 2 equal strips.

4. Prepare white A4 paper and make openwork edges using a hole punch.

5. Fold the edges of the rectangular strips 2 cm.

6. Glue openwork edges to the middle of each strip.

7. Prepare a large rectangular sheet of cardboard and glue the strips onto it.

8. Insert your passport into the cover.

9. Now you can decorate the cover. It is advisable to use flat decorations that will not cling to anything and thus will not come off.

10. This example used a hole punch flower, but you can make a beautiful flower yourself.

There are several ways: you can simply cut it out of paper, make a flower using the quilling technique, an origami flower, or a flower from corrugated paper. To find out how, check out one of our articles:

Add half a pearl, as well as a satin ribbon that can be tied in a bow.

How to make a cover for a book or notepad

The notebook can also be decorated with such a colorful, exclusive cover.

You will need:

You can, of course, buy unusual notebooks in the store. But it’s much more interesting to beautifully decorate a notebook for school with your own hands.

For a photo collage, you can use colored paper, photographs, magazine clippings, pages from old books, etc.

How to beautifully decorate a notebook using a photo collage

Select the images you want to use in your collage. You can choose them in one tone, or, on the contrary, make the collage bright and contrasting.

How to beautifully decorate a notebook using a photo collage - image No. 1" >

Cut the pictures into strips of equal width. In turn, cut the strips into equilateral triangles. You can draw them according to a template in advance so that the triangles turn out to be truly identical.

Cut out two sheets of paper - the basis for the collage. The size of the sheets should be equal to the size of the cover, plus one centimeter on each side for the hem. Glue the triangles onto the sheet in any order or in a thoughtful pattern.

When the glue has dried, glue the finished collages onto both sides of the notebook cover, carefully tucking in the free edges of the sheets.

If the cover of the notebook is made of hard, non-laminated cardboard, you can beautifully decorate the notebook with a photo collage without first gluing the images onto the base. The triangles can be glued directly onto the cardboard cover. In this case, you need to carefully calculate the size and number of triangular blanks to avoid untidy cuts along the edges.

You can leave fairly wide joints between the triangles. They will be useful for signing a notebook, or decorating it with additional graphic drawings.

The notebook is a constant companion for our children. In kindergarten, this is a notebook for speech therapy classes, a notebook for drawing, for mathematical dictations.

When a child goes to school, he will need a whole “bunch” of notebooks, in all subjects and more than one each. There are also printed workbooks.

And the covers of the notebooks are thin and immediately bend. And if they are not very thin, they get dirty quickly.

Covers help protect notebooks from damage. By the way, buying them in bulk is of course cheaper. If the class is friendly, parents can order covers in bulk from "Stationery Wholesale in Ukraine". But you can do it on your own.

I offer two options for DIY notebook covers.

Method one.

Quite simple. Sometimes teachers use it to cover notebooks for tests.

A double leaf is torn out from the middle of an ordinary notebook.

A strip 1-2 centimeters wide is folded at the bottom of the unfolded sheet.

This fold is tucked under the spine of the notebook.

That's it - the cover is ready!

The only disadvantage of this cover is that it is not very durable and does not adhere well to the notebook.

The second method is no more difficult, but with its help you can make a high-quality cover.

Method two.

We will need large paper. For example, sheets of colored paper for children's creativity. You can use wrapping paper or even leftover wallpaper. The main thing is that the paper is not too thick.

I have an ordinary double sheet from a set of colored paper. The set is cheap, the paper is single-sided, and one half of the sheet is orange, the other is purple. But that doesn't interfere.

Colored paper is immediately the right size. If you use other paper, you need to cut out a 28 cm by 40 cm rectangle from it and fold the leaf in half along the larger side.

We unfold a large sheet of paper and place the notebook on the fold, leaving approximately the same distance at the top and bottom.

We bend the strip at the top.

We measure the height of the notebook and fold the remaining part at the bottom.

We tuck the folded strips “under the spine” at the top and bottom.

We bend the protruding part of the colored paper to the left.

To prevent the curved ends from puffing up and sticking out in untidy tails from the front side, it is advisable to tuck the corners inward.

And only then bend it completely.

Do a similar procedure with the back cover of the notebook.

And for reliability, you can glue the bent parts with adhesive tape.

Another school year has begun again. Complex, stressful, incomprehensible, exhausting. There is only one way to come to terms with it - to use it as an inexhaustible object for your own creative experiments. Look around - what can you do, remake, create with your own hands that your child will like and use regularly? There is a win-win option - think about it. This is a great idea that will relieve school stress in the process of needlework itself, and then will invariably bring smiles to your children, who, every time they open their notebooks, will think warmly about their mother’s care. Most of the ideas are completely simple and can be implemented in a matter of minutes. This has its plus - express relaxation therapy is worth a lot when it comes to everyday stress and problems. In general, to make school as enjoyable as possible for you, decide how to decorate a notebook with your own hands, and decorate!

How to decorate a notebook with your own hands - 5 interesting ideas:

1. Notebooks with marble covers

The art (and if we are talking about something so beautiful and unusual, then this is precisely the art!) of creating marble surfaces is useful when you want to become the owner of a completely unique thing. A notebook with a marbled cover will definitely be one of a kind - you will never be able to exactly repeat this stunning design again.

2. Notebook with embroidery

Now your children will never say “nooooo” to the proposed notebook! There's no chance of not liking such a beautiful notebook - it's amazing, isn't it? Minimal embroidery skills, a little time and effort - and you have a cover for your school notebook, stunning in its beauty and uniqueness, which you made personally, with your own hands.

3. Notebook with watercolor cover

The watercolor stains are mesmerizing. It seems that you can admire them endlessly - and they will tirelessly give joy, surprise, and discoveries. This is a very special miracle that is available to everyone who has watercolor paints and brushes at home. Well, and the desire to create and compose - without it, it’s unlikely that something pleasant and beautiful will happen.

4. Cover for a notebook with a homemade print

This is the place to let your imagination run wild! You can expand... and you don’t even have to fold: make many, many bright and unusual covers on your notebooks, create and be creative, and then give the results of your activities to friends and acquaintances, colleagues and teachers, concierges and pediatricians - and let the world around you become a little brighter and kinder.

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