Home Agriculture An educational resource for thinking and curious people. Henry Ford, International Jewry. quotes Influence on National Socialism in Germany

An educational resource for thinking and curious people. Henry Ford, International Jewry. quotes Influence on National Socialism in Germany

Important, but still practically unexplored, are the contacts of investigator N.A. Sokolov with the American industrialist Henry Ford (1863-1947).

Nikolai Alekseevich’s communication with the automobile tycoon itself still remains a blank spot. Moreover, there are researchers who, repeating the statements of his daughter, who was young and, undoubtedly, lived for many years under the “press” of his daughter, claim that this meeting did not take place at all.

If it weren’t for A. Irina’s article “At the grave of N.A. Sokolov" 1924, then these words spoken on camera would further confuse this already not entirely clear matter.
Before publishing articles from the Russian emigrant press, let’s briefly review, as in our previous posts, generally known information.

The owner of American car factories, the author of 161 patents for an invention whose slogan was “A car is for everyone!”, Henry Ford was born into a family of Irish emigrants. As a sixteen-year-old teenager, he ran away from his parents' farm to nearby Detroit, as it turned out, in order to turn it into the world capital of the automobile industry.
He was, in the full sense of the word, a selfmademan - “a man who made himself”: from the ranks to the people.

Having designed his first car in 1893, in his free time from his main job, Ford became a co-owner of the Detroit Automobile Company in 1899, and in 1903 he founded his own Ford Motor Company.

It was he who promoted principles of “class cooperation” and “popular capitalism”, the practical expression of which was the idea of ​​a car at an affordable price. On the gates of all Ford factories there was an inscription: “Remember that God created man without spare parts.”

As an industrialist, he could not help but pay attention to the glaring problem of the special economic situation of Jews in the United States, not to mention their political role in the revolutionary events that swept Russia and all of Europe, posing a threat to the overseas power.

Henry Ford. 1919

Outwardly, it was a time when Jews in America felt uncomfortable, not entirely sure of their future.

Immediately following the United States' entry into World War I, the Espionage Act (1917) and Sedition Act (1918) were passed in succession.

Jewish banker Jacob Schiff reacted nervously to the accusations leveled against him by the Russian emigrant B.L. Brasol accused of financing the revolution in Russia, sending a letter to the State Department dissociating himself from his ties to the “Reds.”

From February 11 to March 10, 1919 Hearings were held in a special subcommittee of the Commission on the Judiciary of the US Senate, which was tasked with investigating German, Bolshevik and other anti-American activities, considering the possible consequences of the introduction of Bolshevism in the United States.
According to the senator who headed it, it is known in history as the Overman Commission.

Members of the Overman Commission during the hearings. 1919

The overwhelming majority of the witnesses who appeared before her were strongly anti-Bolshevik.

The most emotional was the speech of the “grandmother of the Russian revolution”, the Socialist-Revolutionary convict E.E. Breshko-Breshkovskaya, who demanded that 50 thousand American soldiers be sent to Russia to restore the power of the Constituent Assembly elected by the people.

Witnesses reported many important facts.
Answering the question about the composition of the so-called. "Red Army", one of the witnesses said that its core consists of Latvians, Chinese and German prisoners of war. At the same time, he called Latvians “the most cruel element” of the revolutions of 1905 and 1917.

New York Police Department Inspector Thomas Tunney spoke in detail about the creator of this army, Trotsky, when he was in the United States.

The face and back of “Trotsky’s Red Army star”
as a symbol of Soviet-American cooperation.

The greatest impression was made by the testimony of Dr. George Albert Simons (1874-1952) - from the fall of 1907 to October 6, 1918, rector of the Methodist Church in Petrograd.
According to him, the population of the Russian capital during this time decreased from two million 300 thousand people to 600-800 thousand.

He blamed the Red Guards and, above all, the Latvians for the mass rapes and robberies.

However, the most striking thing was the story he conveyed from a 50-year-old teacher at the Smolny Institute, who had worked there for more than 20 years, a parishioner of the Methodist Church in Petrograd.

According to her stories, at the headquarters of the Bolshevik revolution, into which the Institute of Noble Maidens was turned, what struck her most was that it turns out that “they speak more German than Russian.
Maybe she heard Yiddish, because Yiddish is close to German.
It seems strange to me, but when you talk to a typical person from the Lower East Side [in New York], he will not speak German or Russian, but Yiddish. ...
She heard Yiddish and mistook it for German..."

The next day, The New York Times published a headline in large font:

“Red agitators from our city came to power in Russia; "former East Siders bear enormous responsibility for Bolshevism, says Dr. Simons."

The headline of another popular newspaper, The New York Tribune, was even more scathing:

“The East Side of New York was the cradle of Bolshevism. "Russian terrorism is coming from America, Dr. Simons told the Senate."

In the Jewish quarter of New York.

These testimonies of the pastor were confirmed by the list of Bolshevik bosses announced in February 1919 at a meeting of the Overman Commission from a report sent back in November 1918 to the US State Department by the Russian emigrant Boris Lvovich Brazol, to whom our last post was dedicated.

The same was confirmed by the famous English philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) in his book “The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism” (1920), in which the future Nobel laureate shared his impressions of a trip to Soviet Russia in June 1920, during which he met with Lenin, Trotsky, Gorky and Blok.

Describing the arrogant Bolshevik aristocracy, he emphasized that it was all “consisting of Americanized Jews.”

Unfolded in 1919-1920. In America, the campaign to combat the “Red Menace” was led by Minister of Justice Mitchell Palmer.
According to him, it was directed against “subversive elements and agitators of foreign origin.”

Everyone understood perfectly well who he was talking about, especially since the minister publicly stated that “in the USA there are 60 thousand of these organized propagandists of the Trotsky doctrine.”

Trotsky himself, in his words, is “a foreigner with a dubious reputation […], the most vile known in New York.”

These sentiments were reinforced by a series of anonymous assassinations carried out using bombs and trap letters.

A major role was played by the activities of the director of the New York State Military Intelligence Service, Dr. Harris A. Houghton, and intelligence officer John B. Trevor, who was specially engaged in the study of radical Jewish circles in New York after the war.

The result of this campaign was the Quota Law of 1921, which specified that the number of emigrants should not exceed three percent per year of any ethnic group in the country in 1910. (In 1920, recall, there were 3.6 million Jews in the United States - three times more than in 1910, which accounted for 3.4 percent of the total population of the country; twenty years ago there were only 1 .4%. In 1921 alone, the number of Jewish emigrants increased by 119 thousand people!).

Jewish New Year card from the early 1900s welcoming the emigration of Jews from Russia to the United States.

In the end, the 1921 quota seemed to be an insufficient measure, and in 1924 a new law was passed (“Johnson Act”), according to which the maximum number of immigrants should not exceed two percent, and 1890 was taken as the starting point. In reality, this meant an end to mass Jewish emigration to the United States from Eastern Europe.

“Close the gate!” Drawing from The Chicago Tribune. July 1919

However, despite this, as a result of various kinds of manipulations (money and connections solved many problems), the size of the American Jewish community increased, reaching four and a half million people by 1925.

At the same time, according to the modern Jewish researcher Ya.I. Rabinovich, it became “the largest, richest and most influential Jewish community in the world.
Judaism became the third religion in America.

Jews were not only accepted, they became the flesh and blood of society and often determined its appearance. […]

… In banking and stock exchange, real estate, retail, distribution and the entertainment industry, Jews held strong positions.”

How did Henry Ford react to all this?

In November 1918, he acquired the newspaper “The Dearborn Independent,” founded in 1901, which began publishing articles from the series “International Jewry: A World Problem” on May 22, 1920.

In fairness, it should be noted that although the events of 1917-1920. and served as an impetus for Ford, the famous “peace cruise” he organized at the end of 1915 made him think about the problem, the purpose of which was to make the Europeans come to their senses, to convince them to stop the bloody massacre on the fields of the Old World.

“On the ship,” Ford recalled, “there were two prominent Jews. We had not gone more than two hundred miles when these Jews began to tell me about the power in the hands of the Jewish race, and how they ruled the world by their control of finances; only Jews could stop the war.

I refused to believe them and told them so.
Then they began to describe to me in great detail how the Jews control the press and where they get their money from.
In the end, they managed to convince me.
This disgusted me so much that I even wanted to turn the ship back..."

Understanding the possibilities of the force he was challenging, Ford approached the matter with the utmost seriousness.

At his direction, his personal secretary, Ernest Liebold, organized a well-funded special detective agency, operating under the direction of Charles C. Daniels, a former Justice Department lawyer, with an office on Broad Street in New York.

The duties of the detectives (former American intelligence agents, government officials and Russian emigrants) included surveillance of politically and economically influential Jews, crypto-Jews and Americans who enjoyed the support of them.

Ernest Gustav Liebold (1884-1956) was responsible for all of Henry Ford's personal business activities, acting as press secretary. He was one of the few who enjoyed the absolute trust of the industrialist.

“From the moment these writings of mine appeared in print,” Ford asserted, “they were under organized suppression.
Mail, telegraph and verbal preaching all acted in the same direction: they shouted about each of my articles that it was persecution.”

And this cry “for help,” as the author soon realized, did not come at all from “a helpless and pitiable people,” but was “marked with the seal of those in power.”

However, at first Ford’s opponents were still wary of openly storming such a fortress, and even in the context of the “Red Threat.”

“If we enter into confrontation,” banker Jacob Schiff wrote in a private letter in June 1920, “we will start a fire and no one will be able to predict how it will be put out.”

However, by the fall, circumstances had changed. Henry Ford's publishing activities, along with general American sentiment, became "the most serious problem ever faced by American Jewry."

In November and again in December 1920, American Hebrew magazine challenged the automobile king to present evidence of a Jewish conspiracy to a jury of prominent American figures.
If he fails, he must, admitting that he was wrong, name those who convinced him of the existence of such a conspiracy.

The attack continued. On January 16, 1921, an open letter condemning Ford's anti-Semitism was published. The organizers managed to collect the signatures of 119 famous Americans, including three former presidents, nine secretaries of state and even one cardinal. Needless to say, the letter was reprinted by many well-known newspapers.

However, Ford, as if nothing had happened, continued his work. At the end of 1921, he announced that he would soon bring to the attention of the Americans “a new course in history”, which will tell how Jews provoked the civil war in the United States and organized the assassination of Lincoln, “and also many other things that are not taught in school.”

But still the main charge against Henry Ford(and has been assiduously hushed up until now!) was, as we will see from the article published below, murder of the Royal Family.

Cover of the first edition of the second volume of International Jewry - "Jewish Activities in the United States." April 1921


It turns out that by simply observing the life of Jews, being under the direct influence of this life, it is impossible to become an anti-Semite.

In order to become one, they absolutely need extraneous, certainly harmful influences and the Zion Protocols.

By themselves, by their activities, which take place before everyone’s eyes, Jews cannot arouse any other feeling other than Judeophilia and, at worst, complete indifference.

This discovery, quite old and perfectly assimilated by our advanced intelligentsia, was made by the Jewish publicist Posner.
In America, Jewry is terribly dissatisfied with the famous billionaire Ford, who threw in the face of all Jewry the accusation of murdering the Royal Family.

Jewry became agitated and started a lawsuit against Ford, accusing him of libel.

At the same time, obviously, pressure was made: Jews of all countries unite against Ford! And the unification began with the purchase of sold Christian feathers. And here, in Europe, the Jewish publicist Posner cast his first voice .

Answering a question from a correspondent of the newspaper “New Petersburg” (“Are there any known cases where the descendants of the heroes of your research were part of the modern Russian elite?”), St. Petersburg historian Professor A.V. Ostrovsky said: “...I’ll name Alexander Pozner as an example. My article “Alexander Pozner and his brothers” from the latest 13th issue of the almanac “From the Depth of Time” [St. Petersburg. 2005]. The hero of this article is the grandfather of our famous television journalist Vladimir Vladimirovich Pozner. He interested me because he was the owner of the Posner and Weinberg technical office, which was associated with the Morgan financial empire and one of the leaders of which was the first official representative of Soviet Russia in the USA, Ludwig Martens (1919-1920). When this fact became known to me, I began to collect information about the owners of the mentioned technical office and discovered that one of Alexander Posner’s brothers, Semyon, was part of the leadership of the military organization of the Party of Polish Socialists, the other, Solomon, was a prominent Jewish public figure, and Matvey was not only banker, but also the husband of Rosalia Rafailovna Gots, who was the sister of one of the founders and leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, Mikhail Gots. From the materials of the Police Department it is clear that the Posner brothers had a sister, Vera, who was married to Leonty Bramson. Leonty Bramson is a famous people's socialist, one of the founders of the Trudovik faction, the most prominent figure of which was Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky. Quite recently it turned out that Leonty’s cousin was... the English intelligence officer Sidney Reilly” - Odessa Jew Reilinsky-Rosenblum. - S.F.

But this is our time and “our” Posner.

But Ford is still not some Sidorov, who can simply be put up against the wall for anti-Semitism, as the Jewish authorities in Russia simply do.

Ford is an American, a car king, and most importantly, a billionaire, and it’s not so safe to joke with him.

And so Mr. Posner, with the help of the pen of the “American journalist of impeccable honesty,” Christian Hatoud, gilds the pill prepared for Ford and tells fables.

Based on these fables, firstly, the “sober American Ford” became an anti-Semite after the “Masuriks” presented him with the Zion Protocols taken together, and these latter lost all value for the initial reading in the education of anti-Semitism.

This is, firstly, and secondly, Mr. Posner assures that all anti-Semitic organizations in Eastern Europe are led by this powerful center, grouped around Ford, and feed on its funds.
We must still give justice to Mr. Posner that he did not risk attributing the current anti-Semitism in Soviet Russia to the influence of Ford, his organizations and funds. And he didn’t take the risk because, of course, he himself knows very well - although this is not so important - but everyone knows this, that it is not Ford that operates in Russia, but a powerful Jewish organization that, in the best possible way, raises and educates anti-Semites without the Zion Protocols among the people, right up to pogrom psychology.

Fortunately for Ford, he also has nothing to do with anti-Semitism among Arabs in Palestine, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. N
and what and in the organization of the first Jewish pogrom in Rus' during the reign of Svyatopolk.
Mr. Posner, at least, does not mention this.

In this regard, according to the above-mentioned journalist, Mr. Posner reveals in sufficient detail this entire powerful Ford organization, right down to the names, right down to the code that members of this organization use in correspondence among themselves.

It is led, of course, by Russian emigrants who were involved either in the pogroms, or in the Beilis trial, or in the Okhrana.

“Among these detectives,” says Hatud, who, by the way, “found” them, “talks about pogroms being prepared in America. In Ford’s circle, little by little, the same tendencies are emerging as before in Russia, under the dominance of the Black Hundreds.”

Thus, Ford is already suspected of wanting to organize a Jewish pogrom in America, and by the way, the Russian emigration is also suspected of this.

It is suspected not on the basis of immutable documents, but on the basis of allegedly ongoing conversations on this matter.

It was not enough for the Jews to poison the entire existence of the Russian people in his own homeland.
Jewish malice pursues him even in exile and does not stop at any lies and slander to do this.
Gentlemen Jews know how to do vile deeds like no one else, and our socialists know how to serve the Jews in this regard.

Having told these fables about Ford, but with an air of undoubted reality that this is so, mentioning that among the many documents with which Hatoud supplied his article, there is a letter from [B.L.] Brasol to General [A.I.] Spiridovich, in which Brasol reports that he wrote two books that would bring more harm to Jewry than ten pogroms (a surprisingly important document, I couldn’t find a more important one), Mr. Posner suddenly expresses regret that he did not find in Hatud any data on the activities of the Fordists “on the European continent.”

After this statement, it would seem, of course, that Ford’s accusations that all anti-Semitic organizations in Eastern Europe are led by him should disappear - but no, Mr. Posner adds that despite this, “after everything reported by Hatoud, the Fordists can't help but participate in various Munich, Budapest and other acts" Even "other acts".

From this it is clear how honest the Jews are when they need to defend themselves, and how valuable their documentary data is.
Even Mr. Brasol’s private letter to General Spiridovich could have been stolen (isn’t this a good Jewish organization?), but about such high-profile facts as the Munich and Budapest events - nothing but bare words, references to the Jewish telegraph agency and some information from Czechoslovakia.

But the campaign against Ford had begun. And rightly so - don’t be an anti-Semite. But did Jewry calculate its strength and documents well?

website [electronic library]: Henry Ford: International Jewry



Why is it necessary to study the Jewish question?
Because this question exists and its appearance in America
should lead to its resolution, and not contribute to its continuation
those accompanying negative side effects that
surround this issue in other countries.
The Jewish question has existed in the United States for a long time.
The Jews themselves knew this, despite the fact that it remained for the aborigines
unknown. At times it became so severe that it was possible
fear dire consequences. There are many signs that
it is now approaching an acute crisis.
The Jewish question concerns not only the well-known
aspects of life, such as dominance in finance and trade, capture
political power, monopolization of all items necessary for
life and arbitrary influence on the American press. It affects
the entire area of ​​cultural life and thus becomes a question
life for the very American spirit. He also takes over the South
America and thus grows into a formidable appendage
all-American relations. He is in the closest connection with those
menacing phenomena, which, being the result of organized and
deliberate riots keep peoples in constant alarm. He is not
is news. On the contrary, its roots lie in the distant past;
the duration of its existence has already given rise to a number of
programs to resolve it, which, in turn, should help
its decision in the future.
This book is like a preliminary experience
research on the Jewish question. It aims to enable
for readers interested in the issue, get acquainted with the data,
published in the Dearborn Independent until October 1920.
The demand for this magazine was so great that its supply, as well as
and the collection containing the first 9 articles soon turned out to be exhausted.
The research will continue until all work is completed.
The motive behind this work is to familiarize people with
facts. It goes without saying that this work is also credited
other motives. But prejudice and hostility are not enough,
to explain the origin of labor like the present and its
execution. If there were any ulterior motives in him, they,
would undoubtedly have come out in the very presentation. Reader, we
We hope to have to admit that the whole tone of this study
is factual and appropriate to its subject matter. International
Jews and their accomplices, who are conscious enemies of everything
what do we mean by Anglo-Saxon culture, in fact?
more numerous than it seems to the frivolous mass of people who
defends everything that a Jew does, since she was taught that everything that
The Jewish leaders are doing great. On the other hand, these articles
free from vague moods of love for every neighbor and
good-heartedness, which is not without intention encouraged with Jewish
sides. We present the facts as they are, and this circumstance
should be sufficient protection for us from the reproach of
prejudice and hatred.
This work does not exhaust the entire problem. But he will force
reader to take a step forward. In later studies we
We will make public the names and data provided in this study;
will appear even more clearly.
Henry Ford.
October 1920.


The spiritual and everyday features of Judaism are: aversion from
heavy, demanding physical work, highly developed
nepotism and love for fellow tribesmen; highly developed religious
instinct; the courage of a prophet and martyr rather than a cultural leader
fighter and soldier; outstanding ability, in the event of difficult life
conditions, to stick together without going beyond the boundaries of racial citizenship,
the ability to exploit the individual and take advantage of social conditions;
cunning and cunning in speculative gain, especially in money
affairs; Eastern love of pomp; worship of power and
the joys of high social status; high level of mental

New International Encyclopedia.

Jewishness is once again attracting the world's attention. What he did during the war
outstanding position in financial, political and generally higher
public spheres was so great and so clearly evident that
there was a need to re-examine critically the situation
the power and goals of Jewry, and the opinion of most researchers
was not in his favor.
Persecution, in itself, is not new to Jews; was new for
their desire to penetrate deeply into their essence and supranational
spirit. For 2,000 years they felt the oppression of anti-Semitism
other races; but this disgust for them was never clearly recognized, not
received a reasonable definition and did not result in a specific formula.
Nowadays Jewry is placed under the microscope of economic surveillance, which
makes it possible to know and understand the foundations of his power and the reasons for his
alienation and his suffering.
In Russia, Jewry is accused of creating domination
Bolshevism. This is an accusation, depending on what strata of society it comes from
comes, some consider it justified, others do not. We Americans are former
eyewitnesses of the preaching of the young Jewish apostles of social and economic

revolutions, who heard their burning eloquence as inspired prophets, could
form a definite opinion about what the point is. In Germany they are given
blame for the collapse of the Empire, and, indeed, an extensive literature with a mass
factual documents makes the reader think. In England
there is an opinion that the Jew is the true ruler of the world, that Jewry
represents a super-nation standing above the peoples, and that it
dominates with the power of gold and, remaining in the shadows, plays with the nations as
pawns. In America, attention is drawn to the predominant participation of Jews in
organizations that worked for the war, and the older ones worked in them for the sake of
for profit, and younger ones for the sake of ambition.
Their participation was most evident in those industries that were occupied
industrial and commercial affairs connected with the war. Equally
What also attracts attention is the extent to which they used
their knowledge and experience, in the field of government officials, to their advantage.
In a word, the Jewish question came to the fore. However, here too, as
in all matters related to profit, they try to silence this question under
on the pretext that it is not suitable for public discussion. Still, on
based on experience it has been proven that problems that are wanted in this way
hush up, sooner or later they still float to the surface and, moreover, in
unwanted and harmful forms.
Jewishness is a global mystery. Being in the majority
poor, it still dominates the money and capital of the whole world.
Deprived of land and government, scattered throughout the world, it
exhibits a rare unity and strength not achieved by any other
by the people. Subjected in almost all countries to known legal
restrictions, it, in essence, in the shadow of many thrones, became
true ruler. Ancient prophecies say that the Jews
will return to their own country and from this center will rule
world, but this will happen only when they first endure
the onslaught of all the tribes of mankind.
The method of earning a living, in which the highest percentage of participation,
Compared with other races, belongs to the Jews, is trade. Be
then even buying and selling rags is always trade. From selling old
dresses to dominance in international trade and finance, the Jew in this
It is the area where the highest abilities are demonstrated. More than any other
race, the Jew shows a certain aversion to physical work, but
in return for this, a strong inclination to trade. A non-Jewish youth is looking for something to do
in a craft or technical field; young Jew prefers to start
his career as a delivery boy, salesman or clerk. According to one old
Prussian census of 16,000 Jews, 12,000 were traders and 4,000
artisans, while the indigenous population was engaged in trade only in
at a rate of 6 people per hundred.
The newest census, along with merchants, would show a significant increase
in the scientific and literary field, without changing the number of traders, and only
a slight increase, perhaps, in the number of artisans.
In America alone, almost all wholesale trade, trusts and banks,
natural resources and mainly agricultural
products, especially tobacco, cotton and sugar, are under
the dominant influence of Jewish financiers or their agents.
Jewish journalists also represent a large
and a powerful group.
“Most of the trading houses are owned by Jewish firms,”
we read in the Jewish encyclopedia. Many of them, if not most,
hiding under non-Jewish names. Jews are the most numerous
and the largest owners of urban land. They play a prominent role in
theatrical business. Of course, they hold the information business in their hands throughout
country. Although they are numerically much smaller than all other living
among the Americans of the race, at their service, however, is ready a daily, extensive and
benevolent journalism; this would be unthinkable if they did not have
it is in their own hands and they themselves would not direct it in the sense they desire.
Werner Sombart in his book “Jewry and Economic Life” writes: “If
the situation will continue to develop in the same way as recently, and the figures
population growth from emigrants and settlers will remain unchanged, then
we can clearly imagine that the United States in 50 or 100 years
will be a country inhabited only by Slavs, blacks and Jews, and, moreover,
Of course, the Jews will seize economic hegemony into their own hands.”
Sombart is an anti-Jewish scholar
benevolently. And so the question arises: - If a Jew owns
power, then how did he achieve this? America is a free country. Jews
constitute only 3% of the total population, and against 3 million Jews
worth 97 million non-Jews in the United States. The question is,
Is the power of the Jews a consequence of their outstanding
abilities or carelessness and low value of non-Jews? This may
follow a simple answer: Jews came to America, worked here
just like others, and in the competition they turned out to be more successful. But
such an answer does not embrace the entirety of the facts.
Before giving a more perfect answer, there are two things to note:
First, not all Jews have wealth. There is a large number
poor Jews, although, it is true, most of them, for all their poverty, still
are your own masters. It is true that Jews are the main financial
rulers of the country, but it does not follow from this that every Jew contains
financial king, and when we examine the ways through
which poor and rich Jews achieve power, it will become clear that between
A strict line must be drawn between these two classes.
Secondly, Jewish solidarity makes it much more difficult to apply
the same yardstick for the success of Jews and non-Jews. We must keep in mind
that a significant concentration of property in America was made possible
thanks to the support of capitalists living on the other side of the ocean, that is, that
Jewish settlers arrived in the United States already having with them
support for European Jews.
It is clear that the success of settlers of this kind cannot be measured by the same measure as
like the success of, say, the Germans or Russians who came to the United States,
having nothing behind him except his own enterprise and strength.
There is no doubt that a significant number of Jews come expecting
only on your own strength and without any other support. But it would still be
it is incorrect to attribute the dominance of Jewish wealth in all areas
one personal initiative. This dominance is actually nothing
other than the transfer of Jewish monetary power across the ocean.
An explanation of Jewish influence must always start from this
provisions. We have before us a race which, in its time
true national history consisted of peasants, a race whose
the basic psyche was directed towards the spiritual rather than

The Jewish question affects not only well-known aspects of life, such as dominance in finance and trade, the seizure of political power, the monopolization of all the objects necessary for life and arbitrary influence on the American press. It affects the entire area of ​​cultural life and thus becomes a matter of life...

Of course, they control the information business throughout the country. Although numerically they are much smaller than all other races living among Americans, they nevertheless have a daily, extensive and favorable publicity ready at their service; this would be unthinkable if they did not have it in their hands and themselves did not direct it in the sense they desired.

Jewish law allowed Jews to conduct business with non-Jews under different rules than those they had to follow when doing business with their Jewish “neighbor.”

The presence of Jews throughout the globe and their tribal cohesion ensured that they survived as a people among other peoples, representing, as it were, a corporation whose agents could be found everywhere.

...techniques in the field of credit and bill law were invented by Jewish merchants not only to use them among themselves, but also to confuse the non-Jews with whom they traded.

... their asset was hidden under the anonymity of "bearer", and in this way a significant part of their wealth remained untouched.

... the power they have achieved is identical in nature with a “document of representative”: it enables an enterprise under the control of Jewish capital to act under a name that does not contain the slightest hint of the participation of Jewish influence in it. (Anonymous societies, Joint stock companies).

The Jew is the only and first “international” capitalist...

Jews have long sought to make states their clients. The conclusion of government loans was facilitated by the fact that members of the same family of financiers lived in different countries: they represented that international directory that played kings and governments among themselves, exacerbating national enmity, to the considerable benefit of these financial agents themselves.

The criticism, insofar as it is directed against prominent financial tycoons in general, is not racially tinged.

... Jews do not care at all about gaining the friendship of the non-Jewish masses ... because they themselves are convinced of the superiority of their race.

... even in the most cruel times for the Jews, there was always a “court Jew” who, through loans and a debt loop, sought access to the royal vestibule.

... currently there is a financial force that plays a global, strictly organized game: the universe is a gambling table, a bet, and world power.

Under the guise of “economic laws,” a wide variety of phenomena are hidden for which the so-called “laws” are not at all to blame. They are to blame for the laws of pride of a small group of people who have the will and power to convert people, as far as possible, into their subjects.

... the forces that caused price fluctuations in the cotton market that were incomprehensible at first glance laid their paws on broken Germany in order to turn it into a global debtor.

... if we trace this misanthropic and highly immoral system to its original source, it turns out that all the persons guilty of it are sealed with the same seal.

There is a "super-government" which is not in alliance with any of the existing governments and is independent of them all, but whose hand extends over them all.

... the Jew hates the German people, and for the same reason the countries where the Jews have a strong influence expressed the greatest hatred towards the German people during the ill-fated World War. The Jews in these countries held the press exclusively in their hands, through which they manipulated “public opinion” against the German people. The only people who benefited from the war were the Jews.

The so-called “dictatorship of the proletariat” is the dictatorship of the Jews par excellence.

The dominant activity of All-Jewishness is journalism.

The British Navy [in the modern world the US Navy] is his fleet; he protects the Jewish world economy, since the latter depends on navigation, from any encroachment on it.

“Pan-Jewishness” comes into conflict with any people when the latter creates conditions that make it impossible for Jews to subordinate to their influence the products of work and finances of a given country. [A great example is modern Iran].

... the true reason for all the persecution of the Jews, that is, the oppression of peoples through Jewish financial fraud, never becomes the subject of public discussion.

It is not surprising, therefore, that Jewish writers, beholding this unparalleled exaltation and continuous increase of wealth and power, should enthusiastically proclaim that the United States is the promised land of the Prophets, and New York the new Jerusalem.

The true causes of anti-Semitism lie, in all likelihood, in the activities of international Jews, which the masses are often not clearly aware of, but unmistakably feel...

... Jews always retained their own characteristics, did not engage in ordinary crafts or agriculture and never attached importance to the production of consumer goods, but always traded only in finished goods.

An indicative Jewish business method is that their economic improvements and savings always bring benefits not to the consumer, but to the entrepreneur.

According to Jewish concepts, business means money.

The Jewish businessman does not understand how one can treat a company humanely and why other people call his way of acting cruel. To a Jew such a reproach will seem unfair; he will object that the question here is only about the deed, and not about the person.

...the callous treatment which the Jews suffer in the United States comes solely from the people of their own tribe, from their masters and overseers.

... Jews should not include their alienation in the general list of their complaints against non-Jews, which they, in fact, so readily do.

...at present, almost all theatrical plays pursue propaganda goals; they often contain praise for the spirit of mercenary...

... in Jewish hands is the cinematography, sugar and tobacco production, more than 50 percent of the wholesale meat trade and 60 percent of the shoe industry. In the same situation are: trade in ready-made clothes for men and women, supply of musical instruments, precious stones, grain trade, mining and blast furnace business of the state of Colorado, forwarding business, information service, alcoholic beverages and loan offices.

The non-Jew does not have this ability to work hand in hand, this kind of secrecy to achieve certain goals and that unity, a highly developed racial feeling - in a word, all those qualities that distinguish Jews.

... this question is treated so coyly, as if there were some kind of prohibition to touch on it, until, finally, some intrepid Jewish thinker bluntly comes out with the good old word “Jew” ...

... Jews are extremely afraid of public discussion of the Jewish question.

... in Russia the spirit of Jewry acquired such great power that it completely enslaved Russian spirituality.

... why does a Jew, usually without encountering opposition, strive for the highest places? How and why does it get to them? What is he doing there? What are the results of his stay there for humanity? These are the questions that are the original source of the Jewish problem. Everything else flows from them.

For a long time, the Jew has become accustomed to demanding humane treatment exclusively of himself.

The Jew must stop playing the role of a single object of humanity and he has a duty to show the same feeling towards society, which looks with alarm at how the high and powerful strata of Jewry devastate it so mercilessly that the systematic impoverishment that follows from here can be called an economic pogrom defenseless human society.

The type of international Jew who aspires to world domination or already has it is a great misfortune for his people.

Two high values, monotheism and monogamy, saved the Jewish race in the past and preserve it to this day, and now it stands before us as a sign of antiquity, from which all our spiritual content has flowed.

Jews themselves know better than anyone the widespread belief that all Jewish business practices are unscrupulous.

The ordinary press is open only to high-flown praise of everything Jewish...

Every writer, publisher, or person who takes an interest in the Jewish question is considered a Jew-hater; this is considered the only acceptable explanation for public discussion of the Jewish question.

...it is a great happiness for Jews that the Jewish press is not widely distributed among non-Jews. Otherwise, one acquaintance with this press would be enough to generate anti-Jewish sentiment among non-Jews...

... among a certain number of prominent figures there is even a prevailing belief that the Jews have a plan to dominate the world, but not through conquest, military action, the power of governments or economic means in the scientific sense of the word, but through power over the trading and stock exchange mechanism.

To this day, Jews in all countries find it difficult to admit that they have anything worthy of blame. No matter which of them is accused of anything, they will always find an excuse.

No Christian writer would think it right or wise to attack the Jewish religion. On the contrary, if you analyze the Jewish press for six months, you will easily discover a lot of attacks and prejudice against Christianity.

... they seek consolation in the knowledge that they are suffering for their faith, but this is not true.

One Jewish writer recently said: “Jewry these days mainly means American Jewry... All the old centers of Jewry have been destroyed by the war and transferred to America.”

Tolerance is, first of all, the patience of truth. Now they are appealing to her for the sake of oppressing the truth. Tolerance can only have meaning when everyone agrees on what should be tolerated. Ignorance, concealment, silence, and playing hide and seek are not tolerance. The Jew was never tolerated in the highest sense of the word anyway, because he was never understood.

Throughout the publicity of the United States there is a real fear of the Jews, a fear that is clearly felt and the cause of which must be found out.

If Israel had come to the realization that its world mission could not be fulfilled through the medium of the golden calf, then perhaps its world citizenship in relation to humanity and its indestructible national isolation in relation to itself would have turned out to be a strong and fruitful factor in the creation human unity, which is now so greatly hampered by the behavior of Jewry as a whole

...even Jewish thinkers of a non-cowardly nature recognize this as true. A Jew is an opponent of any non-Jewish way of life.

Democracy is only a verbal weapon used by Jewish agitators to rise to the general level where they were forced to occupy a lower place.


“The Jewish question still exists. There's no point in denying it...
The Jewish question exists in all places where Jews live in significant numbers. Where it exists, the Jews bring it with them during their wanderings. It goes without saying
that we move to a place where we are not persecuted, but where our presence causes persecution...
The unfortunate Jews have now brought anti-Semitism into England; They brought it to America even earlier.”
Theodor Herzl, "The Jewish State"

The international Jews and their collaborators, who are the conscious enemies of all that we understand as Anglo-Saxon culture, are actually more numerous than appears to the frivolous mass of people who defend everything that the Jew does, because they have been told that everything what the Jewish leaders are doing is wonderful...

The Jew is the only and first “international” capitalist, and in his activities he does not turn to heaven for help, but prefers to use non-Jewish banks and trusts as his agents...

The spiritual leaders of modern Jewry continue to assert that the tasks of the Jews among the nations are spiritual, but this statement is not very convincing, since there are no facts proving this. Israel, throughout modern history, looks at the non-Jewish world from only one side: in what way can its vital forces be turned to its service...

The method of earning a living, in which the highest percentage of participation, compared to other races, belongs to Jews, is trade. Whether it’s even buying and selling rags, it’s always trade. From selling old clothes to dominating international trade and finance, it is in this area that the Jew displays his greatest ability. More than any other race, the Jew shows a certain aversion to physical work, but in exchange for this a decided inclination towards commerce. A non-Jewish youth seeks employment in a craft or technical field; the young Jew prefers to start his career as a delivery boy, salesman or clerk...

Jews, first of all, set up branch offices in foreign countries in order to provide quick profits to the main company. During the war, there was a lot of talk about the “peaceful conquests” of the German government, expressed in the fact that it established branches and representative offices of German companies in the United States. That many German branch offices operated here is indisputable, but in reality these were not German, but Jewish enterprises...

The Jew in Germany was always looked upon only as a guest, but he himself sinned against this by wanting to become the host. There is no greater opposition in the world than the purely Germanic and purely Semitic race, therefore, there cannot be unanimity between them. The German always saw the Jew as an alien. The Jew was indignant at the fact that he was not given all the rights of native citizens, and was hostile to the people who hospitably received him. In other countries, it was easier for Jews to mix with the main population and increase their strength without restrictions: in Germany it was not the same. For this reason the Jew hates the German people, and for the same reason the countries where the Jews have a strong influence expressed the greatest hatred towards the German people during the ill-fated World War. The Jews in these countries held the press exclusively in their hands, through which they manipulated “public opinion” against the German people. The only people who benefited from the war were the Jews...

With the outbreak of the war, food and supplies for the army passed into Jewish hands, and such dishonesty was revealed everywhere... But suddenly the people saw that they were being exploited by a certain class of Jews who took all measures to be able to benefit from the general need. In all areas in which there was the possibility of speculation at the expense of the people's needs or obtaining side benefits - in banks, military and charitable institutions, in ministries on which contracts and supplies depended - Jews came out everywhere... Societies that worked for the war turned into purely Jewish fiefdoms... The Jews inflated the prices of goods that they received in a roundabout way...

Who was the first to come to the fore after the collapse of Russia? Jew or half-Jew Kerensky. But his intentions were not radical enough, and therefore he was replaced by Trotsky, also a Jew. Trotsky realized that the social system in America was too strong to be broken. Therefore, for his purposes, he chose the weakest point - Russia, in order to take the whole world by storm from there. Every prominent commissar in Russia is a Jew. Writers of Russian affairs usually insisted that Russia was in the process of disintegration. Maybe that's true. But this cannot apply to the Jewish-Russian government. The Jews in Russia moved out of their trenches in battle formation and rushed like a hand grenade into the confusion of man-made disorder. One would think that the place of each fighter was indicated to him in advance...

For all these reasons, both in Germany and in Russia, it is necessary to strictly distinguish between the methods of rich and poor Jews: some are designed to influence governments, others have in mind the sentiments of the masses, but they are all directed towards the same goal. The lower Jewish classes strive not only to end oppression, but also to achieve dominance. The will to power is what guides their being...

Among the states, one “Pan-Jewishness” strives for world domination, while the rest strive only for local, national power. The dominant activity of All-Jewishness is journalism. The creativity of modern Jewry in the fields of technology, science and literature bears the imprint of the same journalism. Creativity is an amazing product of the Jewish ability to absorb other people's ideas. Capital and journalism merge in the press, which in this way becomes an instrument of Jewish domination. The organization of administration of this pan-Jewish state is worthy of surprise. The first seat of this administration was Paris; Now the control center has been moved to another location. Before the war, its capital was London, the second capital was New York. One might think that now New York will rise above London - the current is going to America. Since “All-Jewishness” is not able to maintain a permanent land and sea force, other states must take care of this. The British Navy is his Navy; he protects the Jewish world economy, since the latter depends on navigation, from any encroachment on it. In return, “Pan-Jewishness” allows Britain to quietly enjoy political and territorial dominance. “Pan-Jewishness” brought even Palestine under the British scepter. Wherever the all-Jewish land force is located, whatever mask it wears, its work goes hand in hand with the British naval forces...

Only then does “All-Jewishness” enter into a struggle with another people when the latter creates conditions that make it impossible for Jews to subordinate to their influence the products of work and finances of a given country. It is able to cause war and give peace. If persistent, it causes anarchy, but it has the power to restore order. It controls the nerves and muscles of humanity in the direction most favorable to the implementation of pan-Jewish goals. The World Information Service is subordinated to “All-Jewishness”. Therefore, it is able at any moment to prepare people’s opinions to perceive what is planned for them in the near future. The greatest danger lies in the methods of information and in the way in which the public opinion of entire nations is manipulated for a certain purpose. But if it is possible to get on the trail of powerful Jewry and expose its game, then a cry of “harassment” immediately rises and spreads throughout the world press. However, the true reason for all the persecution of the Jews, that is, the oppression of peoples through Jewish financial fraud, never becomes the subject of public discussion. The vice-government of “All-Jewishness” is located in London and New York. Having taken revenge on Germany, it is preparing to enslave other nations. It has already enslaved Britain. In Russia, because of this, there is a struggle with the people, apparently still not over. The United States, with its good-natured tolerance towards all races, is, in this respect, a promising field. The scene of the action changes, but the Jew remains true to himself for centuries...

And yet, the Jews always retained their own characteristics, did not engage in ordinary crafts or agriculture, and never attached importance to the production of consumer goods, but always traded only in finished goods. Only in modern times have Jews here and there begun to engage in production, but even here all their activities are imbued with trading, which is why they always receive high profits when producing goods. However, for the consumer the consequence of this is not a reduction in price, but an increase in the price of goods...

The expression “international Jew,” which we have always used, has a double meaning: one, that a Jew remains a Jew everywhere, and the other, that the Jew has international domination. The latter is what the whole world is thinking about. The type of international Jew who aspires to world domination or already has it is a great misfortune for his people. For the ordinary Jew, the hardest thing about being an international Jew is that he is also a Jew. The most amazing thing is that these types of types are substituted exclusively by the Jewish tribe...

Jews themselves know better than anyone the widespread opinion that all Jewish business practices are unscrupulous...

Likewise, public discussion of the Jewish question cannot be considered anti-Semitism. Publicity is healing. Public discussion of the Jewish question or individual phenomena connected with it, as it has hitherto existed in America, could only be misleading. Most of all, this issue was discussed in the Jewish press, but without proper frankness and breadth of vision. The leitmotif that regularly and monotonously sounded in the Jewish press is always the same: the low level of thinking of non-Jews and Christian prejudices. In all likelihood, these two ideas obsessively haunt Jewish writers when they mentally survey the ranks of their fellow tribesmen...

... cannot be considered anti-Semitism when it is asserted that in every great cultural center there is a suspicion, and even a certain conviction prevails among a certain number of prominent figures, that the Jews have a definite plan for dominating the world not through conquest, military action, the force of governments or economic means in the scientific sense of the word, but through dominion over the trading and exchange mechanism. In the same way, it cannot be considered anti-Semitism to express such a view and provide examples and various evidence to support its validity. International Jews might best try to refute this view themselves. However, they don't do this. In the same way, those Jews do not refute it, whose ideals have become the spiritual heritage of all humanity, and not just one race...

But if any hint was made from the non-Jewish side that the non-Jew had seen through the Jew, then with incredible speed the cry of prejudice began...
The Council is not a Russian, but a Jewish institution. But it is not a modern invention of the Jews, it is not a new political idea belonging to various Trotskys. Its origin is Hebrew, it is a form of government that the Jews introduced after the conquest of Palestine by the Romans, in order to maintain their separateness and racial and national life. Modern Bolshevism, which is now a simple shell of a long-conceived blow, with the help of which the dominance of one race should be established, immediately established councils as a form of government because the Jews of all countries who took part in Russian Bolshevism were from ancient times trained in the organization of councils and management with their help...

The more you learn..., the more you stop trusting the figures about the size of the Jewish population in the United States, which are published by the Jews themselves. Does anyone know that the only nationality from which the United States Government is unable to obtain statistics regarding the number of emigrants and their income is the Jewish? And does anyone know that the United States government, whenever it wants any data on the Jews, must turn to statistical agencies that serve only the Jews themselves?...

In America, when the Jews conquered the country, the aristocracy that needed to be eliminated did not exist at all. Therefore, Jewish activity in the United States until very recently was limited to the control of the products of the soil after the harvest: in other words, Jewish interests are directed not to hunting live animals, but to trading in their fur...

When old Baron Montefiore uttered the following words at the congress in Krakow: “What are you talking about? Until we have the press of the whole world in our hands, everything we undertake will be in vain. And we must have dominance or influence over all the newspapers of the world in order to fog the peoples and blind them,” he then knew what he was saying. By “blinding the peoples” he meant that they should not notice the work of the Jews, and by “clouding” he meant the creation of a situation in which peoples should see one thing in world events, even though in reality they mean something completely different...

In fact, the situation of Russian Jews is not bad. The first reason for this is that the Jews own Russia. Everything there actually belongs to them. The second reason is that the only people who receive help and support in Russia are Jews. - This is a fact that is usually overlooked. Some Jews in Russia are regularly sent money and food from everywhere. In this way, world Jewry simultaneously supports Bolshevism. If we nevertheless admit that the suffering of the Jews is as great as their defenders claim, then how great must be the suffering of the Russians! After all, no one sends food and money to the entire Russian people. These Jewish parcels to Russia are like a tax that Bolshevism imposed on the whole world. In any case, everything suggests that the situation of Jews in Russia is good. Everything there belongs to them...

Henry Ford's anti-Semitism

The famous automaker Henry Ford gradually came to anti-Semitic ideas. Initially, he was preoccupied with the problem of the power of money capital, which he considered destructive. Protestant farmers, from whom Ford came, were wary and often hostile towards foreigners. The search for a simple explanation led Ford to a conspiracy theory, and discussions about Jewish bankers, characteristic of that time, gradually strengthened his views, which resulted in one of the largest anti-Semitic campaigns in US history in the 1920s.

The main source of hostility towards Jews in Ford's circle was his assistant Ernest G. Liebold. He also drew Ford’s attention to the contents of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” with a view to using them in the campaign.

With Ford's money, Liebold created a special detective agency for the purpose of spying on known and suspected Jews. Some Americans were sought for “Jewish patrons.” For this work, Liebold recruited a number of former intelligence agents, current government officials, former prisoners, anti-Semitic fanatics and Russian emigrants. In particular, the Russian monarchist and anti-Semite Boris Brazol also worked for Ford, translating the “Protocols” from Russian into English.

History of creation

In 1918, Ford acquired the weekly newspaper The Dearborn Independent, which, from May 22, 1920, published anti-Semitic articles over 91 issues, as well as in parts the full text of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In November 1920, a selection of articles from the Dearborn Independent was published as a separate book entitled International Jewry. The original world problem" The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem) of 20 chapters. The bulk of the first volume consisted of compilations of the “Protocols”. Materials for the Dearborn Independent were prepared by William J. Cameron, who headed the newspaper in 1920.

Subsequently, until the end of 1922, three more volumes were published: “Jewish Activities in the USA” (eng. Jewish Activities in the United States, 1921, chapters 21-42), "Jewish Influence in American Life" (eng. Jewish Influence in American Life, 1921, chapters 43-61) and "Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States" (eng. Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States, 1922, chapters 62-80).

The book was later actively used by Nazi propaganda

In the preface to the book, the author declares a study of the “Jewish question,” which, in his opinion, threatens the existence of Americans and other peoples. The author believes that “Jewishness” represents a unified system of relations between people of the Jewish race striving for world domination. In his opinion, the historically established Jewish inclination towards trade and financial transactions, the ability to achieve set goals and mutual support at the global level leads to the fact that a small stratum of Jews in any country holds the levers of control, primarily in the sphere of economics and culture.

The book further states that Jews in any country are seeking the destruction of its statehood in order to gain power into their own hands. Jews, according to the author, are carriers of communist ideology. The author considers Jewry to be a supranational force that controls local governments. According to the author, “an indisputable fact is the unlimited power of the Jews despite their relative small numbers.”

Reaction in the USA

The anti-Semitic campaign launched by the Dearborn Independent sparked many protests. With the start of the campaign, editor-in-chief Edwin Pipp left the newspaper. Explaining his departure, Pipp wrote:

Material directed against Jews was being prepared. It was read, distributed to employees, reread, rewritten and read again... the Jews were accused of everything. If the wind blows smoke into the west window, the Jews are to blame; and if the wind blows dust into the east window, then the Jews are to blame...

In December 1920, the Federal Council of Christian Churches of America condemned Ford's publications. A campaign initiated by American Jews to boycott Ford cars began.

On November 12 and again on December 12, 1920, the Jewish magazine American Hebrew challenged Ford to select a jury of prominent American leaders to whom he would present evidence of a Jewish conspiracy. If Ford had failed to convince the jury of the existence of a conspiracy, he should have admitted his mistake and published the names of those who convinced him of the existence of this conspiracy. Ford did not respond to the call and continued his anti-Semitic publications.

In this campaign, Ford received the support of some Americans, including the famous inventor Thomas Edison.

In 1924, the Dearborn Independent attacked prominent farmer Aaron Shapiro, who filed a libel suit against the newspaper or the editor, but against Ford himself. In March 1927, newspaper editor William Cameron testified under oath that the newspaper's materials were not discussed with Ford. Cameron claimed that he never sent advance copies of the weekly to the owner of the newspaper and never saw Henry Ford read even one of the articles. Cameron's statements were met with great disbelief by society. After this, Shapiro summoned Ford himself to court, who for a long time avoided receiving the summons and ultimately never showed up for the court hearing. Another lawsuit against Ford was filed by the author of the book “The History of a Deception - “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”” Herman Bernstein.

As a result, Ford settled the conflict out of court, including by paying a large sum, the amount of which was classified under the terms of the deal and is still unknown. At the same time, Ford renounced his anti-Jewish statements and sent a letter to the press on July 7, 1927, in which he apologized to Jews for the harm he had caused them, promised to withdraw published materials from circulation and ensure that his publications did not contain such attacks. Despite this, anti-Semitic slogans were posted at Ford factories in the late 1930s.

Influence on National Socialism in Germany

The German translation of the book was published in Germany over two years (1921-1922) in six editions.

The topic of the influence of Ford and his book on the German National Socialists is studied in detail by Neil Baldwin in the book “Henry Ford and the Jews: Conveyor of Hate.” Baldwin points out that Ford's publications were a major source of influence on young Nazis in Germany. A similar opinion is shared by the author of the book “Henry Ford and the Jews,” Albert Lee. Excerpts from the book International Jewry were used by Hitler in his book My Struggle. Ford was the only American whom Hitler mentioned with admiration in his book.

After the war

Publication in other countries

In Russian, the book was originally published in exile in the 1920s, and in the early 1990s it was published in Russia. In the fall of 2009 (again in the spring of 2015) in the Russian Federation, the book “International Jewry” was included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials. Its production and distribution is prohibited and is punishable by a fine or administrative arrest for up to 15 days in accordance with Article 20.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (“Production and distribution of extremist materials”).

The book is published on many anti-Semitic sites on the Internet, for example on the Radio Islam website, Jew Watch and others.

The total circulation of foreign publications was about a million copies.


  1. Jonathan R. Logsdon. Power, Ignorance, and Anti-Semitism: Henry Ford and His War on Jews (English) // Ed. Mark A. Plozay. Hanover Historical Review. - Hanover College, Spring 1999. - Vol. 7.
  2. Shpotov B. M. Chapter 8 // Henry Ford: life and business. - M.: KDU, 2005. - 384 p. - ISBN 5-98227-016-4.
  3. Basin Ya. Z. Hitler's American teachers (undefined) (2008). Archived from the original on December 1, 2010.
  4. (English) . Jewish Virtual Library. American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. Retrieved February 21, 2015.
  5. Ben-Itto H. (English). Henry Ford's Personal War against the Jews// A lie that does not want to die / Translation from English by Sergei Ilyin. - M.: "Rudomino", 2001. - 3000 copies.



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