Home fertilizers Devil's ravine in the Pskov region near the village of Lyady. Devil's ravine in the Pskov region. Underground bells

Devil's ravine in the Pskov region near the village of Lyady. Devil's ravine in the Pskov region. Underground bells

Devil's ravine, Pskov region, is a place that has gained notoriety relatively recently - only 15 years ago. In 2003, a pensioner disappeared in these places, about which an article appeared in the newspaper. It was then that it turned out that this was not the first case of disappearances, and the old-timers remember other mysterious stories. After some time, the pensioner was nevertheless found. He turned out to be an avid mushroom picker who went on a "quiet hunt" in the Devil's ravine. But, like many others who fall into the anomalous zone, he subsequently did not remember anything, except that he got lost.

Where is the Devil's ravine?

If you try to find such a place on the map of Russia or, for example, on Wikipedia, you might think that we are talking about the area in the north. But the mysterious Devil's ravine is located in the Pskov region near the village of Lyady (Plyussky district). The nearest city is Gdov.

This area near the village is overgrown with ferns every year - as if nature itself protects those who want to get here. However, this does not stop mushroom pickers. As a result, many pay with unpleasant experiences, and someone, probably, with their lives.

Mysterious Disappearances

Among the most famous disappearances of people in the Devil's Ravine zone is the case when a group of seven people who came from Leningrad in search of a rich harvest of mushrooms went missing. Two mushroom pickers managed to get out after a week of wandering in the forest, but five were never found.

Similar cases have happened repeatedly. There are references that even in the pre-revolutionary period, several peasants disappeared here. It is also known about the death of seven lumberjacks. I affirm that nine families living nearby became victims of the ravine. But how much this corresponds to the truth, it is hardly possible to check now.

Many local residents flatly refuse to approach the ravine. But there are many skeptics who are sure that all this is fiction. According to one version, the ravine is indeed an unsafe place, but only due to natural features (complex shape, multiple turns, thickets of vegetation, reflection of sounds). Because of this, people lose their bearings and cannot find their way out of the forest.

Perhaps someday the secret of this strange place will be revealed, but for now the passages to the ravine are blocked with trees, which, however, does not stop mushroom hunters and adventurers.

In the Pskov region, not far from the village of Lyady (Pskov region, Russia), there is a very mysterious place overgrown with ferns - Devil's ravine. It seems that mother nature herself made sure that no one approached the ill-fated ravine, and blocked the passage with fallen trees. Local residents prefer not to even look in the direction of an unfavorable place. Why are the inhabitants of the village of Lyady scared? What secrets hides the Devil's ravine?

People are disappearing in its vicinity. Even before the revolution, several peasants disappeared without a trace in the Devil's Ravine, then seven lumberjacks, and four years later nine more families of kulaks who lived nearby.

In 1974 another terrible story happened. Seven mushroom pickers arrived in the village, who decided to harvest a rich harvest in the Devil's Gully and its environs. The old-timers of the village dissuaded them from this dangerous undertaking, but the mushroom pickers only laughed and said that they would soon return safe and sound and with a rich harvest of mushrooms. However, everything happened exactly as the inhabitants of Lyada predicted - only two people were able to return from the Devil's Gully. They appeared on the outskirts of the village in a terrible state. The mushroom pickers were completely insane and could not explain what exactly happened to them and their missing friends. The five missing mushroom pickers were searched for a long time, but the search was unsuccessful. And how many here perished one by one - and do not count.

The last unexplained case was recorded several years ago, when a group of friends went mushroom hunting and lost a friend along the way. The company did not sound the alarm, as the lost man was an experienced mushroom picker and knew the area perfectly. They began to search for the missing person only on the third day, and they discovered it on the tenth day. It turned out that all this time the mushroom picker wandered aimlessly around the area, eating raw mushrooms and praying to God. His exhausted body was discovered by one of the residents of Rudno village. The man survived, but could not say anything.

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Not far from the village of Lyady (Pskov region, Russia), there is a very mysterious place overgrown with ferns - Devil's ravine. It seems that mother nature herself made sure that no one approached the ill-fated ravine, and blocked the passage with fallen trees. Local residents prefer not to even look in the direction of an unfavorable place. Why are the inhabitants of the village of Lyady scared? What secrets hides the Devil's ravine?

People are disappearing in its vicinity. Even before the revolution, several peasants disappeared at once in the Devil's Ravine, then seven lumberjacks, and four years later nine more families of kulaks who lived nearby.

In 1974 another terrible story happened. Seven mushroom pickers arrived in the village, who decided to harvest a rich harvest in the Devil's Gully and its environs. The old-timers of the village dissuaded them from this dangerous undertaking, but the mushroom pickers only laughed and said that they would soon return safe and sound and with a rich harvest of mushrooms.

However, everything happened exactly as the inhabitants of Lyada predicted - only two people were able to return from the Devil's Gully. They appeared on the outskirts of the village in a terrible state. The mushroom pickers were completely insane and could not explain what exactly happened to them and their missing friends. The five missing mushroom pickers were searched for a long time, but the search was unsuccessful. And how many here perished one by one - and do not count.

The last unexplained case was recorded several years ago, when a group of friends went mushroom hunting and lost a friend along the way. The company did not sound the alarm, as the lost man was an experienced mushroom picker and knew the area perfectly. They began to search for the missing person only on the third day, and they discovered it on the tenth day. It turned out that all this time the mushroom picker wandered aimlessly around the area, eating raw mushrooms and praying to God. His exhausted body was discovered by one of the residents of Rudno village. The man survived, but could not say anything.

Places like Devil's Gully make you believe in otherworldly powers and evil spirits. Devil's ravine is an anomalous place that remains mysterious and scary to this day.

Reading time: 1 minute

The devil's ravine is a cursed, dead place... The locals said that these houses were built on the site of an old cemetery... Since then, terrible things began to happen in that place: people disappear... They say that the souls of the dead roam the neighborhood, to themselves lure. Visiting mushroom pickers go to the forest and do not return. They are either found dead or not found at all!

We rented a house in the village for the summer. Housing was rented through an intermediary by phone. It seemed strange, but Kostya, my husband, did not pay attention to it. We simply transferred the money to the card, after that we were told where the key to the house was. The house is well maintained, rented out with all the utensils, and the price was right. True, the street on the outskirts of the village near the forest was empty. The four houses standing nearby are clearly uninhabited.
- No one will interfere! - the faithful was pleased with the surrounding landscape.
- I don't like this...
- Lisa! We now live in a crowded anthill on the ninth floor. I want freedom! To freedom! To the pampas! Kostya laughed.

Once, near a village shop, an unfamiliar elderly man spoke to me:
- Did you take pictures at the Forest House? Do you want to buy? Do not do that! It’s a bad place there, a dead one ... Let me sell you my mother-in-law’s house in the very center of the village?
- No, we like it there! Yes, and close to the forest, and my husband is a real fanatic mushroom picker!
- Don't go to the forest! I say: a dead place! There is a ravine just behind the hill. We call him the Devil, for a reason, believe me.
- In the forest, I suppose, there are a lot of mushrooms, - I told him.
- Yes. And corpses ... - the man muttered displeasedly.
I thought the man just wanted to sell his house, so I smiled, said goodbye and left.

But his words that the place was a dead place stuck in my head. Decided to ask someone else for details. I talked to the old woman at the bus stop:
- Oh, daughter! Don't stay there! Scary place...
- Why? - began to pester her with questions.
- That street was built in the mid-fifties of the last century on the site of an old cemetery of some sectarians. They drove a bulldozer, all the remains were raked down from the steep. My mother told me that the old people warned: you can’t do this! - recalled the interlocutor. - Since then, terrible things have been happening in that place: people are disappearing ... They say that the souls of the dead roam the neighborhood, luring them to themselves. Visiting mushroom pickers go to the forest and do not return. They are either found dead or not found at all! Do not buy this house, you will make trouble for yourself!

These stories were somehow unsettling. But can you persuade your husband to give up the idea? The ravine was visible from the hill behind our house. A dirt road led to it, on which no one had obviously traveled for a long time: in some places it was overgrown with tall grass. I remember another conversation with a local resident:
- Look, there are only five houses on your street. And none of the old-timers remained. Everyone has gone to another world! Why do you think your house is so cheaply priced? Previously, Natalia, a young single woman, lived there. And disappeared without a trace. She was never found. A house is being sold by a distant relative.

One day I noticed that there was a car parked on the side of the road below. “Probably mushroom pickers from the city have arrived!” - I thought. But she stood the next day, people around her were not visible. On the way to the store, I went to the local village council, told the people about the strange car:
- Oh my God! Again someone the devil lured to himself! Our forester even nailed a sign: “Traveler! Stop! It's dangerous to go on!" But who will listen? - the head of the village council was alarmed.
- You have to tell the police! - I was worried. - Suddenly people need help?

I'll call now. Yes, but they still won’t find anyone ... Last year there was a similar case. Then, however, they found a would-be fisherman. Dead. His hands and face were bloodied, and there was some kind of hair under the nails. What happened to him is not known. The police said: the forest animals tore. But I know that we have neither wolves nor bears! It was the restless souls that lured him to them and killed him...
Yes, in this village, the inhabitants moved with their brains because of the enchanted place, it seemed to me.

Once, Kostya and I decided to drive to a neighboring village, looked at the map:
- Here is a forest primer! So it will be closer! - said the husband.
We left the village and turned onto a small road, which then turned into a dirt road. It was getting narrower, the fog was thickening around ... There was a feeling that we were in some other reality: we couldn’t hear the birds singing, the tree branches didn’t move, and there was an oppressive silence all around. And the forest, which seemed bright from afar, turned into dense impenetrable thickets. In the distance one could see a huge stone, all overgrown with moss.
- There are probably a lot of mushrooms here! Let's see? Kostya suggested.

Suddenly the car stalled. It felt like we were not alone in the forest. For some unknown reason, I was seized with fear and terrible panic.
"Don't you think that someone is watching us?" I asked quietly.
With grief in half, the car started up. As soon as we drove a couple of meters away, a huge old tree suddenly collapsed, which blocked the path. I was shaking with fear, the beloved was silent, but it was clear: he was not feeling well! The dirt road took us aside, then we again found ourselves at a large boulder, overgrown with moss, as if attracting us with a magnet.
- Still, I think that the Devil's ravine exists. And we just tried to go there, - I said. - But the locals warned that they would not return from there! Should have listened!
Kostya did not answer.

That same evening, I seemed to be drawn to climb the hill behind the house. Below I saw lights, in their reflections some shadows wandered, outlines resembling people in long shirts. They seemed to be performing some kind of ritual dance. I quickly called my beloved:
Do you see them too?
Oddly enough, I see...
Shadows began to approach the house. To say that we were seized with horror is not: to say nothing! I prayed to God to help us... We got into the car and left. And in the morning they called the one who wanted to sell the house to us, and refused to buy ... and from renting too. When they returned to pick up things in the afternoon, it turned out that at night the street built on the bones had burned to the ground ...

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