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Search engine updates Yandex and Google. Search engine updates Yandex and Google Ap yandex graph

Good day, dear readers. Somehow I already wrote about Yandex updates, but it was done, I decided to pay more attention to this topic, I think it will be useful for beginners to understand this.

What is an update?

The word update is from English update, which means:

  1. modernization,
  2. latest news,
  3. modernize,
  4. update.

In the context of search engines, the most appropriate word is update, i.e. update. an update is an update of the search engine database.

What happens during an update?

In order for the site to participate in the search, so that the search engine can show it to its visitors, it must first of all know about its existence. For this, there is a spider robot that constantly scans the Internet, and a base in which the robot places new resources it finds. But this (placement of the site in the database) does not happen immediately.

At first, the robot only collects information. You can think of it as how we bloggers collect new information, keep it in our heads, before we write about the knowledge gained in our blog. When enough new information has been collected, it's time to put it into the database. But new information cannot simply be taken and placed. It is necessary to rebuild the entire database taking into account the new information. After all, as we know, all sites that take into account a large number of . In order to correctly take into account new sites in your database, so that they also have the opportunity to participate in the ranking, it is necessary to rebuild both new and old resources.

It is the formation of a new database that is called an update.

What is included in the search database update

During the update, new texts found by the spider robot, new links, changes that have occurred on already indexed sites are taken into account.

It is worth saying that every search engine has updates, but if some, for example, Google, have updates more often and almost imperceptibly, then for others, as in the case of Yandex, this is a whole event.

Yandex updates

Due to the fact that several different parameters are taken into account when updating the search base, the update in the Yandex search engine is divided into several parts.

Text and link updates

  • Yandex text update- all text materials that were found by the indexing robot while crawling the Internet are taken into account.
  • Yandex link update– all links that were found (or not found) in new and old documents are taken into account.

These two updates happen most often and always together. After the robot found new documents or saw changes in old ones, found new links to sites, an update takes place, a new database is formed taking into account the changes. Therefore, in the text and link updates, a new copy of the documents is uploaded to the database. It is after these updates that you can and should look to see if new pages of the site have appeared in the search engine index.

Here it is worth knowing that updating texts and links takes place on a certain date, i.e. if you published a new article yesterday, and today there was a text update, then the new article definitely did not get into this update.

Judging by the statistics, text and link updates occur in the interval from three to ten days, and a copy is always laid out on the date (+-day) when the previous update took place.

For example, the penultimate update was March 18, 2011, on this day the texts and links that the robot found before March 15 were taken into account. And the last update was on March 25, 2011, which took into account texts and links found before March 19, 2011. Those. despite the fact that we published new articles between March 20 and March 25, the last update on March 25 did not take them into account. Pages with these articles will appear only in the next update.

So when you check how many pages on your site are indexed, keep update dates in mind.

But, I am sure, many of you have noticed how fresh articles get traffic from search engines, which, in fact, should not be. The fact is that Yandex, like other search engines, has a fast robot that indexes resources that are frequently updated. These primarily include news sites, this is done so that Internet users can find out the latest news. But the fast robot indexes not only news resources, but also frequently updated sites, which include blogs, especially popular, frequently commented blogs.

But the most expected, most important updates for optimizers and moneymakers are different.

Issuance update

Issuance update- the most important update for people who are engaged in website promotion. After the search robot finds new texts and links, enters them into its database, takes into account all the factors by which sites are ranked in the search engine, the long-awaited update of the issue comes - a change in the positions of sites in the search results for queries.

It is difficult to say exactly how often the issue is updated. Judging by the statistics of updates, this can be just once a month or even less often, or two or three updates in a short period of time, for example, within one week. But at the same time, it is worth knowing that the positions of the site may change in the intervals between these updates, only the changes are minor. The update is accompanied by significant changes in search results.

If the development of the resource is correct, the site is well internally optimized, its link mass, trust increases, then such a site will definitely move higher in the search results for the selected keywords. If you are constantly engaged in your site, then it is after the update of the issuance that you need.

If the positions have grown, then you are on the right track, and you can continue to work in the same direction. If the positions have fallen, then this may be a signal that your actions are not correct, mistakes were made in the promotion.

But it is worth knowing that falling positions are not a guarantee of your wrong actions. If you watch for a long enough time how the position of the site on queries changes from update to update, it becomes clear that even with proper optimization and constant growth of external links, there may be small drops with subsequent growth in the next update. Therefore, I think you should not panic if you see a slight drop after the update, it is better to wait for the next one and only after that draw any conclusions.

There may be several reasons for this. If you built up a link mass between updates, exchanged links with other resources, then perhaps not all links were found and taken into account, or the site that links to you fell under the filter.

If you made any changes to the promoted page, and a fall followed, then, firstly, you need to make sure that the updated page is already in the index, and secondly, again, wait for the next up and after that draw conclusions.

In my practice, it also happened that for no reason. But then they returned to their own place.

Update TIC

The most long-awaited update for many bloggers, especially for those who are going to or are already making money by selling links.

In ApTIC, the thematic citation index is recalculated, which is calculated on the basis of links that lead to your site, while taking into account the thematic nature of the referring resource.

Distinguish between updating push-button TCI and toolbar. In principle, they occur at the same time, but not quite. First, the push-button TCI is updated, followed by the toolbar one, therefore, during the up period (it can last from several hours to almost a day), it is the push-button TCI that is more accurate and reliable, and it is it that is reflected in.

A push-button TIC is a button in the form of money (available from Yandex itself), which you can often see on different sites.

And the toolbar one is the TIC in Yandex.Bar, which can be installed in your browser.

This update is the most unexpected, although there are exceptions. Either it stably happens once a month, then it is gone for more than 2.5 months, and then suddenly twice with an interval of a week (I'm talking about the latest updates). With what it can be connected - a mystery.

Any breaks or, conversely, excessive frequency in updates may be primarily due to the fact that Yandex has made some changes to its algorithms and is testing them. During testing, the site's performance, its position on queries can jump a lot, change significantly, but, as a rule, everything falls into place after a storm.

How to find out the exact and correct Yandex updates

I already told my readers that I check updates on this site, and also installed their widget on the Yandex home page. For me, this is the most convenient, because. I often use Yandex search, unlike many optimizers who, apart from Google, do not recognize anything :).

Updates, as a rule, start somewhere after 12 midnight Moscow time and the widget from promosite immediately shows this. But I'm not in a hurry to immediately check the positions and more. The search base is very large, and updating it takes a sufficient amount of time, up to several hours, therefore, it makes no sense to check anything at night, everything can change before morning. You can check only in the morning, when the update has already passed and everything has settled down.

But there are other services that also monitor Yandex updates. On any of the resources with you can find information about updates. Already known to all of us, it also shows updates. So, I think there are no problems with getting up-to-date information about updates to the Yandex database.

Also, after each up of issuance or TCI, topics are created on various SEO forums where optimizers share their successes or failures, express their thoughts, build hypotheses about which schemes for promoting or raising the TCI work and which do not. Of course, no one gives out secrets, but with careful reading, you can always take out something useful for yourself.

But most importantly, everyone can receive a message about the update of the search database to their email from Yandex itself. In Yandex Webmaster in Settings there is such a page, which is very difficult to get to if you do not know where it is located. On it you can choose the news you want to receive, as well as choose how you want to receive it - directly in the Webmaster's interface or to your mailbox.

But I want to warn you that if you follow updates only using this function, you will be the latest to know about updates, because. discussion of the update begins with its beginning, and Yandex sends a message about the update when everything is over. But at this moment, you can be sure that the update has passed and you can already check how many positions the site has risen in the search results.

That's all I wanted to tell you today. Now you know exactly what updates are, what Yandex has ups, how often they happen and how to monitor them.

Good luck with development.

Hello friends! This is the last article in my series of experimental articles (test article for Baden 6). Literally in 2 months I will sum up the results and unsubscribe about my observations! I'm sure it will be interesting

Today we will talk about one of the key concepts of SEO promotion and promotion on the Internet in general. This magical phenomenon in a fraction of a second elevates some sites to the skies and also quickly overthrows them to the far pages of search results. Its name is Yandex Updates.

The word has English roots and implies an update of the search engine. And what exactly changes with each update. In fact, there are several types of updates, and you will read about each of them in detail below.

Now let's take a simple example. You upload a new article to your site or create a completely new correct resource and it already has a couple of texts. After some time, they appear on the network. This means that Yandex Up has already touched your site.

In fact, we are talking about the appearance of new pages or entire sites in the search engine. But in fact, everything is much more interesting than it seems. Therefore, I advise you to continue reading if you want to get into the very essence of the work of the No. 1 search engine in the entire post-Soviet space.

You can learn more about Google and Yandex search algorithms, their development and features. For competent website promotion, it is also useful to know about ways to help improve the search visibility of a resource through optimization.

How is the Yandex search engine updated?

At its core, search engine optimization is characterized as a never-ending process based on regular periodic updates. Even at night or during weekends, search robots and algorithms work tirelessly on all sorts of updates, adjustments, bans, permissions and re-rolls.

Therefore, many webmasters and promotion specialists often stay up late at night to constantly monitor the level of traffic on the site. If the resource crashes from the first page of the issue, problems with customers immediately begin, because the project incurs losses. With profit, the situation is exactly the opposite. And again, the fateful ups are to blame.

What is an SEO upgrade?

This phrase should be understood as the appearance of new sites or web pages in the databases of a particular search engine. As a result, new data is not only added to the system, but the order of the location of Internet resources on the search results pages is also changed. This is how the search engine updates its cache. This process can also be called changing indexing results.

In practice, it looks like this. Today your site ranks first for the query “pink glasses Moscow price”, tomorrow it moves to ninth, and a week later to 37th place. Moreover, such a movement is possible in both directions and can be explained only on the basis of subjective hypotheses. With the exception of gross errors that are immediately visible and obvious. But most often in SEO, everything is far from being so simple. Often, some pages that are well-optimized by all the rules are in lower positions than similar, less well-organized sections of competitors.

The main task of search robots is to constantly monitor any, even minor changes in the network. They pay special attention to the appearance of new pages or entire sites. Each change, whether it is editing in the old version of the page or the appearance of a new element, the search engine fixes in its own cache. This continues until the next update, after which a kind of castling occurs. Some of the pages leave the cache forever, others appear in it and take their places on the pages of the issuance of a particular search engine.

Which items need to be updated first:

  1. New link addresses.
  2. All new text parts of pages.
  3. Changes to previously created pages.

In most cases, links and text are updated in Yandex at the same time. But it is not a fact that the address added to Webmaster at 22.00 Moscow time will appear in the search results in 10-12 hours. No one knows and cannot predict exactly when this will happen. After the first update, a new one is far from always found, and according to the rules, the next update will occur no earlier than in 3-10 days. You need to focus on this time when analyzing the effectiveness of SEO promotion for each individual page.

For some types of sites, the update is more loyal. Blogs and news resources are the most lucky. Resources that often publish new materials with a large number of views, likes and comments are also a priority. All the rest are patiently, with the obedience of African tribes waiting for rain, while away the time until the next update.

The main types of Yandex Update - what, why and how

Search results update

Imagine that you want to buy a hookah. Go to the search engine and type in the desired query. Follow the link to the site you are interested in and immediately find the information you need. But you don’t have the opportunity to order a hookah today. You quietly close the page and go about your business. Do not bookmark anything.

A week passes and you are looking for, but not finding on the first page of Yandex a familiar site that was a leader in its segment a week ago. This means that during the update, search robots decided to reorganize the top ten most relevant resources for the query.

Well, if your hookah "left" only on the second or third page. Otherwise, you will have to waste time and delve into history.

Why is this happening? There may be several reasons:

  1. A new algorithm for calculating bad and good texts has been launched.
  2. More relevant to the request and high-quality materials of competitors appeared.
  3. When developing the page, you made mistakes that became noticeable to robots only over time.
  4. Technical failure and dozens of other similar reasons.

Text content update

It takes into account all changes that relate to the text part of blogs, news portals, online stores, forums, bulletin boards, social networks and other important resources. Important! Indexed articles are also periodically scanned by robots in order to quickly fix possible changes. New text material in a special account - it is also closely monitored, checked for uniqueness, spam, nausea and other indicators in order to assign an appropriate place in the search results.

Link mass update

By the way, all the listed types of updates intersect at different points. It happens like this. Imagine that in parallel with the ordered articles, you have purchased several promising links to the site.

In the process of updates, Yandex robots index the link mass and text content. So the system determines which position in the search results to put each specific page. Usually all this happens at the same time, but exceptions to the rules also happen.

Types of Yandex Update that not everyone knows about

Update TIC

A very useful Yandex parameter that shows the level of authority and expertise of the site in its niche. Webmasters often use sites with a high TIC for additional monetization of the resource by selling links. But over time, this practice becomes a thing of the past and gives way to classic content marketing with.

Yandex Catalog update

New sites get into it, and old, inactive or completely lost trust leave their homes. This kind of update is important for anyone who wants to make their resource part of a prestigious catalog or is afraid of losing their place in this list.

Update images in the search database

A separate robot is responsible for this. Images are indexed gradually, although the nature of the update has the same clear boundaries as in the case of updating text content. This type of update will be of interest to everyone who aims to publish high-quality photographs, pictures and receive a significant part of the traffic from them. Observing the update of images will help to identify the most successful image manipulations in terms of attracting visitors.

Favicon update. These are small icons tied to a specific site. They are displayed to the left of the main page header. If you work with information in one or several segments for a long time, then it is very easy to find the necessary information by favicons of high-quality sites that have long been checked for the quality of content. \

Don't suspect anything if your brand new and prettier graphic icon doesn't show up in search for a long time. The thing is that favicon updates are among the rarest in the system.

Mirrorer update

A separate robot checks the mirror bonding work. Here is a simple example of mirror addresses: www.website and . Bonding with the definition of the main mirror is a prerequisite for the normal operation of the site. There are two ways to do this: through the webmaster panel, 301 redirect, or using the robots.txt file.

Often a situation arises when the site is on a different domain. The reasons can be very different - from a banal hit under the filter to a fundamental decision to change the domain name. In order for everything to go without noise and dust, the address of the new main mirror is written in the robots.txt file of the new and old dominoes. In parallel, the same manipulations are performed on the webmaster's panel.

Unfortunately, gluing does not occur immediately, but only after the next update with the participation of a specially trained robot.

What does the upgrade process look like from the inside?

Each adequate site participates in the search and is clearly visible to the visitor. But for people to know about the existence of a resource, the system must record this fact. The spider robot is engaged in such similar tasks. It regularly scans the Internet and places the sites it finds in its database. But new resources are not added immediately.

The first step is to collect information. This is similar to how a copywriter collects interesting facts, then to present them in his article. When the asset has the right amount of information, they move to the database. But this is an unusual move. In parallel with it, the database itself is subject to changes, taking into account the new data that has now become part of it.

All this is called the ranking process. It is based on a complex algorithm that analyzes a wide range of different factors. Therefore, the participation of a new site in an updated version of the search requires a thorough restructuring of old and new Internet resources.

Do you know when the last update is?

An average article for a site ends up in the Yandex cache after two updates. In terms of time, this usually takes from one to two weeks. After the first text update, the content is taken into account. If there are no major changes during the second update, the text takes its place in the search results. The speed also depends on the amount of new text and the structural features of each individual site.

If on a “thick” site that occupies a leading position in a niche, a longread with a bunch of photos, tables and diagrams is updated, the process of reindexing such material will take longer.

It is much easier to predict how the citation index in a topic is updated. The overall value of the TIC in the magnitude finder is stable and accurate. It almost never changes, with rare exceptions. Therefore, the update itself implies a process of redistribution. It happens, usually once or twice in one to two months.

But even for this type of update, as for all the others, no one can name the exact dates. It is possible to build assumptions only on the basis of events in retrospect. In Runet, there are even special resources for this:

  • tools.promosite.ru is an update indicator that provides a wide range of analytical information after updates. All changes are clearly shown in the form of graphs. It is considered the most accurate resource that reports the next update. A mandatory check takes place every three minutes.

  • seobudget.ru is an update indicator that offers a report in the form of a table showing the dates of updates in the search engine for past periods. At the bottom, the dates of the proposed updates are published in the context of two popular search engines.

Using these services, you can fairly accurately predict when new texts, links, pictures and other information will next enter the database.

Features of Google updates

The largest search engine in the world has only two types of updates - this is search results and PageRank. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Search update

Google search results are not similar to Yandex. As such, the update process does not exist in principle. Everything happens almost online. As soon as new changes appear, the system immediately adapts to them. Numerous types of updates, transfer to the database and back are not here. All algorithms are simplified to the limit.


Google analogue of the TIC indicator in Yandex. In simple words, it determines the authority of the page. Depends on the weight and number of links that lead to a specific section of the site. The data is updated about once every three to four months. Toolbar PR is no longer updated!

When was the last Google update?

New data appears in the system daily. Therefore, those who are engaged in promotion in Google do not “live” from update to update, but monitor changes as needed. As a rule, texts and links are added to the search at the same time.

PageRank parameters are also recalculated constantly. The system monitors the quality and quantity of links that lead to a particular document. But a global update of the entire rating is carried out every 3-4 months.

How to learn about the latest exact Yandex Updates as quickly as possible?

The main data update procedures will start approximately after 12 midnight Moscow time. A special informer from promosite promptly reports the necessary information. But even after installing the widget, you should not immediately waste time checking for changes. The Yandex search database is huge and is updated for at least several hours. Therefore, any update checks in the dark are a waste of time. It is more convenient to track changes in the morning, when all the changes have already been fixed and sorted out.

There are a number of other services in Runet that also follow the updates of the domestic search engine. In fact, the information you need is easy to find on any site that has other SEO analysis tools. The well-known RDS bar in webmaster circles also announces recent changes. Therefore, problems with timely receipt of information, as a rule, do not arise.

After each update of the citation index or search results, the activity of sites, forums and groups in social networks is activated, where optimizers with different skill levels communicate. They exchange experiences, talk about their successes and failures. It is there that new theories and hypotheses are born about how to raise the TCI of a particular site and what methods help in this. Of course, the main secrets remain behind the scenes, but there is still a lot of useful information.

There is a nice bonus from Yandex itself. A message about a fresh update may come to your mail from the search engine itself. In the depths of the Webmaster service menu there is a section where you can select news and other information that you want to receive by mail or directly in the service interface.

But if you draw information directly from a search engine, then you will be among the last to know the news. The next update begins to be discussed immediately after the start of the procedure. And the message comes when work on all the changes has already ended. The advantage of a message from Yandex is that at the time of its receipt, you can safely double-check the change in positions.

Why is it necessary to analyze the correct Yandex updates?

Imagine that you are promoting your own or client resource. Monitoring updates will help you quickly determine the results of optimization, make the necessary changes, and minimize the impact of errors.

Specific example. You wrote texts of a certain structure according to a clear, pre-thought out new template. But after the update, the pages did not even enter the TOP 100. At the same time, articles written according to the structure that was used earlier significantly improved their positions. This means that it is necessary to bring the texts into the most preferred form for Yandex and wait for the next update. The main question is how to achieve this? Every SEO has their own signature recipes.

Links work in the same way. If one strategy has failed and traffic volumes have fallen, it is urgent to change the tactics of interacting with links.

To analyze the results of the update, the webmaster uses all available Runet tools. GoogleAnalytics and YandexWebmaster are just the main ones. When analyzing data, try to remember that there are very few 100% reliable facts and figures in SEO. Everything is learned by comparison through personal experience. And dramatic changes are happening every day.

All the features described above apply only to updates of texts and reference mass. Analyzing authority metrics is much more difficult to do, and we will cover these points in future articles.

One thing is for sure, without analyzing the Yandex Update it is very difficult to find out the characteristics of the audience that comes to the site. And information about it is necessary in order to increase traffic volumes, as well as increase the number of visitors to the resource daily.

Snack video:

Probably, it is not necessary to say that the official site itself and the search service called "Yandex" are known, if not by everyone, then at least by those users who regularly search for something on the Internet. But few people guess what the update of the Yandex search database is. Let's see what it is in general and why to apply such updates in practice.

Why and who needs to update the Yandex search database

I would like to immediately warn all users: if you are not the owner of the site or hosting, the information provided below will not be useful to you in practice. And that's why.

The point here is that updating the search, in the sense of its algorithms, is reflected only in the functionality of the site itself. In other words, the creator himself should be interested in this, and only with the aim that his page enters the top five or ten search results requested by users of the system itself.

To put it simply, updating the Yandex search database only contributes to the fact that your resource will be on the first page as a result of the search. As statistics show, very few users go to the second or third page to read this or that article. Most often, they stop at the first one and click on the most popular links at the top of the list.

Updating the Yandex search database: how often does this happen?

As for the updates themselves, in principle, everything depends on the developer, and it is simply impossible to predict the release of a new update. Of course, the system will inform the owner of the same hosting that at the moment the Yandex search database has been updated, but nothing more.

Alas, the rest can only be guessed at. In this sense, many users who place their pages under the patronage of Yandex (even using electronic wallets) do not like this service. The factor of unpredictability rather plays here, because the very updating of the Yandex search base can play a cruel joke with the owner of the hosting. Here the situation is such that after the update, any site paid for search may disappear from the proposed results. This is, excuse me, the crooked hands of the developers themselves. However, not everything is so bad. Let's look at the upgrade issue itself a little more broadly.

Main types of updates

For now, let's leave aside the question of how often the Yandex search engine is updated, but let's look at exactly how it happens so that there are no omissions in this problem, so to speak.

As it turns out, among all the variety that is offered by the service department, the most popular ones can initially be distinguished:

  • text update (new text documents on a given topic are included in the update);
  • updates based on links (when the site is included in the search result for a given address or criterion);
  • ranking, which is negatively perceived by SEO specialists, since a ban can be introduced for using the so-called behavioral factors;
  • favicon is not discussed at all - those who installed it do not shine when updating;
  • traffic service update using graphic materials;
  • updating Russian-language queries;
  • update database of thematic queries;
  • popularity index Rank.

Does everything count?

In connection with all of the above, we can conclude how the frequency of updating the Yandex search engine affects everything else.

In this case, we mean the registration of pages that fall under some criterion. As it turns out, the main problem of the search engine, for example, with a text or link update, is that it does not immediately accept an incoming request, as it would be expected, but forms it only for publication at the next update. And the dates for updating the Yandex search database are usually unknown to anyone except their creators. So it turns out that no one sees new pages in the sense of links or textual information published on them. But that's not all. The fact is that the frequency of updating the Yandex search database also raises legitimate doubts.

Let's try to compare two popular search engines, created, as they say, in the image and likeness. These are Yandex and Google. It is no secret that the first was developed on the basis of the second.

Here the most important difference and the main problem is the so-called ranking. If the “Google” service is able to perceive a new link, text or graphic document almost instantly, Yandex needs a fairly long time period for this (as a rule, thirty days, no less, and then before the next update comes out). So it turns out that the owner of a resource or hosting cannot count on the factor that his page will be among the most popular requests tomorrow.

The concept of "storm"

Now we will stop on one more concept called "storm". This term refers to the rate at which requests are issued directly during the update period.

It's believed that:

  • 5-15% - weak site;
  • 15-20% - average level;
  • 20-40% - a reliable resource;
  • over 40% - updating the algorithms puts the resource at the peak of popularity.

In general, if it “storms”, this means that the service itself is in the process of updating, with the registration of incoming requests and their redirection to the search engine level. As already clear, this does not always work, or even does not work at all.

Update dates

As for the update itself, when the next update of the Yandex search database will be, no one knows, perhaps even the developers themselves. Surprisingly, the frequency of updates does not fit into any framework.

That is the only reason why site and hosting owners should switch to other registration resources, otherwise, what good, from the leader in the search, you can slide down to the lowest position. How often is the Yandex search database updated? Perhaps it is better to ask the owners or developers of the service themselves about this.

And all this is only due to the fact that the update does not work correctly or is absent altogether. But the problems may be in the settings themselves, which, for obvious reasons, are not considered now.


As for the result, you can simply shrug your shoulders: as you can see, the service, although it is one of the most popular, is, alas, untenable in terms of installing updates to its own database. So the fact that a user who decides to find some information on the Internet or promote his own site will receive the most recent information is out of the question. This is where updating the Yandex search database plays a role. How often this happens or should happen is unknown, because it all depends on the developer.

On the other hand, in fact, the search service itself, based on "Google" technologies, in comparison with the original, does not hold water. Another thing is that both services are quite insidious in terms of spying on an Internet surfer. Have you ever seen when your last request is displayed in the browser in the form of an advertising link? What can I say, even if there is an "account" for both services, these same banners can also appear on a mobile phone or tablet. But this is a great distraction, if not worse ...

Finally, the resource owners themselves in this case are exposed to unreasonable risk. It's no secret that you have to pay for everything. To make your page popular on the web - too. A lot of money. What is the surprise when, driving in a search condition, then you don’t even find your own resource? This is where the time comes to think about how expedient it was to use Yandex as the main hosting. However, this situation does not always manifest itself: everything works for someone, for someone it doesn’t. It's a matter of life, as they say.

But in any case (many users of the service say this, by the way), if the company does not change its policy regarding updates, it is hardly worth counting on attracting new customers. There would be no loss of the old ...

In the environment of optimizers, you can often hear such an expression as “update” or “Yandex / Google AP”. But not all beginners are familiar with this concept. And if you are just starting to get acquainted with search engine optimization, then you should learn a little the terminology of this business area. So what are search engine updates and what are they?

The word "update" comes from Up to date (from English - "actual for today's date", "keeping up with the times"), and the verb to update is translated precisely as "update to the most current state." From the point of view of SEO, an update is an update of data in the databases of search engines, which entails a change in the positions of sites in search results.

If the web resource after the work has increased its position, then the result of the promotion is positive. If the position of the site has decreased, then the result is negative, which means that the promotion strategy should be reviewed and unused points of growth should be worked out.

How often do Yandex and Google updates occur? The Google search database is updated quite often - every day, or even more often. Yandex updates are eagerly awaited by all optimizers, as they happen less often, and this is a real event. There is no clear calendar of search engine updates, one can only predict their certain periodicity.

Monitoring of Yandex and Google updates

Monitoring changes is easier with the help of specialized services. Each of the tools has its own approach to determining updates (the sum of the difference in values, the similarity of content according to the Oliver algorithm, the Levenshtein algorithm, pairwise comparison of array elements), which makes their analytics complementary.

All update analyzers also operate with the concept of “rate of change in output”, or “storm”. The storm is understood as the degree of change in the issuance as a percentage, i.e. which documents and sites appeared in the top positions for certain queries, and which ones disappeared or shifted lower. By how much the issue has changed, one can judge the emergence of a new algorithm for ranking information in search engines. Usually the so-called storm is measured by values ​​from 10 to 40%. Anything less is a weak update. And if the changes are more than 40%, most likely, it was not without the appearance of a new algorithm.

At the same time, there is another option that allows you to find out if Yandex has had an update. This is the Yandex.Webmaster panel. Go to the settings of this service, set the desired item ("Updating the search database"), and you will be aware of updates.

Letter example:

Types of updates: a list of the most significant changes in search results

Let's start with the first part:

Why analyze updates?

Webmasters regularly monitor search engine updates, analyze the consequences and effectiveness of the chosen strategy, and adjust it if necessary. It is necessary to analyze the update, because in fact this is the only source of operational information that helps to make the right decisions. For example, you purchased links using one strategy, but after the update, the positions sank or the site fell under the search engine filter. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the link tactics. Or you decided to adjust the content on promoted pages, after a text update, the positions on pages with new content sank, and on the pages whose content was saved, on the contrary, they grew. This means that it is necessary to reconsider the format of the texts again.

Thanks to the analysis of updates, you can identify promotion errors, choose the best strategy, and further attract really interested visitors to your site.

We wish you only good updates and effective strategies!

Among professional webmasters, you can often hear such an expression as an update or Yandex AP. Naturally, not many of you are familiar with this concept, so I will try to tell you more about Yandex updates.

What is Yandex Update

So, what is a Yandex update? The word update itself is in English and is translated as update, i.e. when they say update Yandex, they mean updating it. It has become a little clearer, but a counter question looms - what is it that Yandex updates?

In fact, there are a lot of Yandex updates, but I will talk about them a little lower, and now, to help you understand the general definition of APA, I will give you an example: you add your site to Yandex search, and after a while it appears there. This means that a Yandex AP has occurred.

Or here's an example: adding new articles to the site, they are not in the search, but over time they also appear there, which means that an update has occurred. In other words, a Yandex update is an update of the Yandex search database, which is updated with new sites and pages.

What types of Yandex updates are there

I think that a clearer picture of what Yandex AP is has appeared in your head, so it's time to consider the types of updates.

Search results update. To explain what kind of update this is, let me give you an example: you enter a query into the search, and TOP 10 sites for these queries are displayed in front of you.

If you enter the same query in about a week, then it is likely that the site that was in 10th place for this query may be, for example, in 8th place, or, on the contrary, instead of this site in 10th place, it may be completely another site that was not previously in the TOP 10.

Why so? Because there was an update of the search results, and Yandex considered that this site did not belong in the TOP 10 and put another resource in its place. Those. the definition of AP is as follows - this is a change in the positions of sites in the search results.

Sometimes Yandex can put your site above others, sometimes lower it in positions, or maybe leave it unchanged.

Text update. Here I think you yourself will guess that there is an update of the text (new articles). Despite the fact that you already have indexed articles in search, the crawler continues to crawl them in case you make any changes, and also monitors the appearance of new text material in order to index them and add them to the search.

Reference update. Here, too, I think everything is clear. Yandex scans the links leading to your site and decides which of them to index and which not.

In general, the updates I listed above are closely related. For example, you have added many articles and purchased links.

Yandex needs to check and index all this, as well as decide which position to place your article in, so it starts updating. As a rule, all these APs pass at the same time, although there are cases when they pass separately.

There are also the following types of updates:

Update TIC. TIC is such a parameter assigned by Yandex, and the larger it is, the better. Usually this parameter is important for webmasters who monetize their site by selling links from it.

Favicon update. A favicon is a small graphic icon for a website. Using the search, you probably noticed that there is a small icon next to each site, so this icon is the favicon, which Yandex also sometimes updates:

When are Yandex updates taking place?

We seem to have sorted out the updates more or less, it remains only to clarify, but when do they take place? It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since Yandex is unpredictable, but I will still try to answer.

It is clear that webmasters work on their sites every day, so such types of updates as SERP, as well as link and text updates should occur much more often, and preferably every day.

But Yandex believes that daily APs are too bold and updates the results, links and text on average once a week, for which, by the way, almost all owners of Russian-language sites do not like it.

At the time of this writing, the latest update was July 30, 2014. It included the AP of new articles, links and issuance at the same time. Before that, there were also a couple of updates in the issuance, but there was no text AP for 12 days.

As for the link update, it usually goes along with the text update, although you can often see such a picture in the Yandex webmaster, when the number of external links changes several times during the day, but whether it is AP or not, one can only guess.

With the update of TIC and Favicon, it's a completely different story, and they are usually updated once a month.

How to find out that Yandex is being updated

And finally, so that you know everything about Yandex updates, it remains to tell you how to determine what Yandex AP is going on. In general, it is very difficult to visually determine whether an AP is going on or not, so I will tell you about the services that I use myself to determine the update.

The first service I use is seopult. When you go to this site and go down, you will see a sign like this:

Here we are interested in the Storm column. A large storm indicator indicates that an accident is most likely going on. As I said, at the time of this writing, the last AP was on July 30, which this service tells us about.

If there was a text AP, then this service also reports this by writing the time of the fixed update. Also pay attention to the 25th. The storm was also quite decent, but no text update was recorded, and it is quite possible that there was an update of the issuance.


Another popular service for determining an update is http://tools.promosite.ru. By going to it, there will also be information about updates, and more specific information on updates is indicated here:

You can also install the toolbar that offers this service. It will allow you to find out about the latest updates without going to the site. You can find it just below in the left column:

If you use the Mozilla browser, then you can install the RDS Bar extension for it. By the way, a very useful thing that allows you to learn a lot about the sites you visit. An already installed RDS Bar will look like this:

I will not dwell on how it works now, I will only say that when there is an update, you will see a notification that the AP has been fixed.

I also use the service XTOOL. In general, this service is designed to check the trust of the site, but if you register in it, then you will receive letters in the mail that an AP has occurred. The only negative is that the letters arrive late when the update has already ended.

Receiving an update letter from Yandex

How is it, you say, Yandex carries out updates and does not report them. In fact, it reports, you only need to notify Yandex to receive notifications. It can be done here by ticking the appropriate box:

There are a bunch of other services for determining the AP, but believe me, those that I told you about are more than enough.

As for the time of Yandex updates, usually all updates start at 12 pm Moscow time and last throughout the day, so it is best to check the AP results in the late afternoon.

Well, now you know exactly everything you need about Yandex updates, so it remains for me to say goodbye to you and thank you for your attention.

Sincerely, Shkarbunenko Sergey.

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