Home Fertilizers What do mushrooms smell like? How to choose the right mushrooms, their benefits and myths. Similar species and how to distinguish them from them

What do mushrooms smell like? How to choose the right mushrooms, their benefits and myths. Similar species and how to distinguish them from them

This is an old post from 09/27/2012

An unprecedented and rare abomination has developed on our site. Strange-looking red-pink mushrooms that emit a disgusting smell of rotten meat. In the previous two or three years, they also came out, but somehow rarely and the fact of their appearance was quickly forgotten. However, this year there are incomparably more of them and the scoundrels grow up in a matter of hours! It starts in the summer and continues to this day. It happens that you feel a characteristic stench, look in the grass, find, and dig up the bastard behind the fence. Sometimes they grow two or three at once. The main thing is to dig them out along with the white eggs, their mycelium.

After clearing the territory, there may be several days of calm, and then these “gifts” appear again, enriching the surrounding area with the characteristic smell of carrion. And to the flies, these mushrooms are like some kind of holiday, just hovering around.
At the base of this capless mushroom in the ground there are two to five spherical, ovoid white formations the size of a hazelnut. Apparently, these penis-like pink mushrooms grow from these eggs, the largest of those seen is up to 10 cm. In the photo below: on the left is a limp old mushroom with mucus almost blown away by insects at the end, and on the right you can see a fresh one emerging in the ground.

The bastards smell extremely disgusting, while I was spinning around trying to take a photo, I thought I was going to vomit. Moreover, places are chosen either among the flowers in the flowerbed, then in the grass near the bench, or in the corner near the house. And again, the bastards grow very quickly - just yesterday there was nothing, and today there are already white eggs in the ground and pink limbs crawling out))

In freshly grown ones, the head is covered with some kind of sticky mucus, which gives off a stench that attracts flies. After some time, the insects remove all the stickiness and the red tip appears. Then the mushroom shrinks, bends and falls off. Needless to say, this “gift” looks more poisonous than ever.

I looked on the Internet and found that this nasty thing is called Mutinus ravenelii. It was brought here, like many other nasty things, from North America. Some sites report that mushrooms have been poorly studied, are extremely rare in our area, are listed in the Red Book and should be especially protected! This made me happy - you don’t know how to get rid of this nasty thing, but they advise you to take care of them. Me too, liberal minorities, tolerate them)

And in some places they write, mockingly, that they are edible at an early stage. Yeah, shazz!!!
In short, little is known about these mushrooms, let alone how to fight them, how to poison them, and complete silence. More information.

Wikipedia claims that Mutinus canine grows on our site.

But, here it is below again: Mutinus Equalel. In short, confusion due to the extreme rarity of the species:
(RED BOOK) Mutinus Ravenelii - M. ravenelii (Berk. et Curt.) E. Fischer (Table 63)
Close to the previous genus (lat. Mutinus caninus), it differs from it in the bright crimson color of the spongy receptacle and the almost smooth dark green glebe. The smell is unpleasant, very strong. The shell of the young mushroom is pure white, bursting at the top with only two lobes. A very rare species. Probably a skittish one. In Russia it is known only in the Leningrad region and Khabarovsk region. In the Leningrad region it is found in mixed forest on the ground. Found in the arboretum in the Khabarovsk Territory. From neighboring countries it lives in Latvia on the territory of Riga and its environs in gardens, among raspberries, strawberries, in flower beds, under ornamental bushes. Distributed in North America, found sporadically in Europe. Listed in the Red Book of the RSFSR. A more thorough study of species of this genus in Russia is necessary to identify new habitats.

In general, a rare unique person has settled on our site, but there is no joy from this at all!!!
Maybe someone knows something else about this miracle of nature, please tell me.

While it was damp and cold, the stinkers were somehow shy and hardly stuck their heads out, but on October 20, the last warm day, they came out together for the last time. There are four bastards in the photo, but these are not all the mushrooms from the latest brood. Even the blue flies near us were so carried away that they did not fly away. All of them were pierced for better absorption and filled with Tornado weed liquid. Let the poison seep into the mycelium and poison this stinking muck from the inside, because the main thing is to destroy the mycelium, which grows like a thin thread in the ground. After the operation, all pink mushroom stems were collected and burned.

From comments on mail.ru.

Full Atomic Triangulation:
I wonder how they got to you. If we develop theories, then we can assume only two options - intentional and accidental. It’s unlikely that this crap will be brought to you there intentionally, but there are plenty of accidental ones. One of the most plausible:
Tourists brought this trash to one of the tourist cities and it took root there, after which the distribution routes are global and anyone could start it. It’s enough to catch a few spores on your clothes, and then poke around in the garden or just take a walk in the forest (the main thing here is to drop the spore).

Next to us, 8 km away, there is the city of Alexandrov, one of the tourist cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. I'll have to ask the museums to see if they have anything similar. True, from time to time we ourselves love to visit this quiet corner - Alexandrovskaya Sloboda.
They also write that their spores are carried by flies on their legs. But flies are not considered migratory even by any stretch of the imagination) Maybe birds brought them in?
Sometimes we buy all kinds of seedlings at the market: flowers here, this and that. Maybe this stinking muck got to us this way.

Valery Obukhov:
Flies, by the way, easily fly on airplanes - not like birds)
This Miracle came out on my plot near a pile of rotting grass... Only this Blog helped me find out what it is. Thank you! By the way, I didn’t smell it, but I saw something like dung on the tip of the mushroom. I immediately realized that this is a rarity.

Since only two of them appeared and I did not feel any inconvenience, then apparently my attitude towards Them was the same as yours at their first appearance.
I remembered them - because they appeared on my desktop background. It took me a while to find what kind of Divo it was. Thank you! If they breed, I'll let you know.

Maybe we can offer some to the Chinese? They eat everything. I mean, sell it to them for their own kitchen. For some reason, there is confidence that they will have a recipe for these stinking mushrooms.

This thing deteriorates as quickly as it grows. Mushrooms die and go limp in a matter of hours, but they manage to stink quite a lot during their lives. That is, do you think that these smelly mushrooms can help against the dominance of the Chinese in the future?

Of the 10 tropical species, two were brought to Russia. Mutinus canine is quite widespread in the European part, the Caucasus, southern Siberia and the Far East. Mutinus Ravenelli, discovered in Latvia in the fifties, was for a long time mistaken for the previous species and was identified only in 1977. It is less common, found in the Leningrad, Khabarovsk and Moscow regions, sometimes abundantly. Completely unusual in shape for our forests and food-useless, these mushrooms are a rare decoration in the central zone of our country. If you can call mushrooms with such an unpleasant smell a decoration. Mutinus are listed in the Red Book and are subject to protection.
Ed! I took this from Vyacheslav Stepanov’s website....
From my point of view, it is the most beautiful mushroom.....the smell is a separate conversation....it needs to spread somehow....
When I see such things, I am delighted...what an inventor Mother Nature is...
If possible, take a photo of the place of growth and what was the number of these mushrooms??? What trees did you grow under? On what basis? It’s a pity I couldn’t show such a miracle to my students....

What rubbish...
Unfortunately, I can’t help you with anything; I’m actually seeing and hearing it for the first time.

Andrey Barabanov:
try sprinkling the roots with rock salt, they don’t like it, the main thing is to destroy the mycelium

Hmm, salt? - it will be necessary to take it into service...
But how do you imagine it: sprinkle the roots of mushrooms with salt? The thread of the mycelium goes deep into the ground!
In the meantime, I pierce the mushrooms and their eggs, then pour over the Tornado liquid - let it absorb and penetrate to the mycelium, because the most important thing is to get it out

This must be an abomination, and it also grows autonomously)))) maybe you should turn to some “green” people who are trying to save everything, maybe they’ll dig them up from you and plant them where they’ll be more happy. They should be sprinkled with coarse salt, they give it to the cows, they say unnecessary plants die quickly, although of course this is not a fact that this abomination will also die. Be strong, fight, I think victory is close, well, at least the frost is on your side and that makes you happy.

User deleted:
Since their phenomenon is so rare, like a treasure, maybe they mean it... we should try to dig it up..)

Valery Obukhov:
A year later, I was only able to see a couple of withered mushrooms; they “bloomed” very, very quickly - literally overnight.

Mushrooms! Mushroom soup! Yummy!!! And what a pleasant smell of dried mushrooms, especially white mushrooms!
When we enter the forest, we sometimes say: “It smells like mushrooms.” But What is mushroom smell? How is it formed or, figuratively speaking, what does it consist of?

In general, scientifically speaking, there is no smell in nature. Smell is a complex mechanism and psychophysiological process that forms virtual sensations in the human brain, which are obtained as a result of contact of volatile chemicals with special olfactory receptor cells located in the human nasal cavity. A molecule of a substance, in contact with a receptor cell, causes an electrical signal in it. It is transmitted along nerve fibers to the brain and sensations, which we call smell, are already “built” there.

Here it all depends on three factors: (1.) cleanliness of the nasal cavity, (2.) sensitivity of receptors and (3.) chemical composition of substances. When it comes to mushrooms, it turns out that hundreds of different volatile chemical compounds are involved in the formation of the mushroom smell. They can be determined using analyzer devices. But it's not that simple. It turns out that the nose is such a delicate instrument that sometimes capturing single molecules gives incredible sensations. However, more about this in the material below.

PS. A large photo of a boletus (127 kb) can be downloaded at http://bp21.org.by/p/book/bpwh86.jpg

Georgy Kozulko
Belovezhskaya Pushcha

(Write your reviews, thoughts, ideas, questions, comments or disagreements in the comments below (anonymous users sometimes need to write in a separate window when sending a comment enter coded English text from the picture) or send it to my email address: [email protected])

Chemists have discovered what mushrooms smell like

Specialists from the Institute of Biochemical Physics named after N.M. Emanuel RAS and the Russian Academy of Economics named after. G.V. Plekhanov identified the components that make up the smell of porcini mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. Now scientists know exactly what each mushroom smells like and how to preserve this aroma when cooking.

Experts know about 150 volatile organic compounds that provide the mushroom smell. The quantitative and qualitative composition of these compounds depends on the type of fungi, their growth conditions, and even on the part of the fungus. Moscow scientists have separated the aroma of porcini mushrooms and oyster mushrooms into their components. White is the most delicious and aromatic mushroom in Russia, and industrially grown oyster mushroom is one of the most consumed.

Porcini mushrooms were collected in the forests of the Smolensk and Tver regions, oyster mushrooms were grown in the Moskovsky agricultural company. Since consumers are most interested in the aroma of the finished dish, the mushrooms were boiled and the white mushrooms were also canned, but without adding spices so that they would not affect the aroma of the product.

Volatile substances isolated from porcini mushrooms contained more than 100 compounds, some of which were present in the aroma in subtle quantities, several nanograms per 100 g of mushrooms. The smell of oyster mushroom is not so rich: it contains about 50 volatile compounds.

Heat treatment (cooking, frying, canning, drying) affects the composition of volatile substances, so the aroma of cooked mushrooms differs from the aroma of raw ones. Porcini mushrooms, both boiled and salted, contained substances with an intense and pronounced odor of raw, boiled and fried mushrooms and mushroom soup. Oyster mushroom has a similar aroma, but less intense.

In some cases, the smell of the mixture did not match the smell of its individual components. The fact is that some volatile substances, with negligibly small contents, often less than the sensitivity of the device, can significantly change the smell, adding new shades. For example, alkylpyrazines have the odor of fried foods and impart various shades of mushroom aroma to substances that do not themselves have this odor.

Raw mushrooms smell primarily from alcohols, esters, and eight-carbon ketones. Raw porcini mushrooms contain quite a lot of alcohol, canned ones have less, and boiled ones have even less. Perhaps a significant part of them is lost during heat treatment. Oyster mushroom also contains eight-carbon alcohols, but in much smaller quantities. But the most significant contribution to the formation of mushroom aroma is made by ketones, the main of which is 1-octen-3-one. There are much fewer ketones in mushrooms than alcohols, but they are very fragrant.

When mushrooms are heated, a chemical reaction of sugars with amino acids occurs, which is called the Maillard reaction. During this reaction, volatile products are formed, which create the aroma of cooked mushrooms. The most important component of this smell is methional. As a rule, there is little methional in mushrooms, but it smells very strongly and changes the aroma of eight-carbon ketones and alcohols characteristic of raw mushrooms. Since the content of volatile products of the Maillard reaction depends on the concentration of free amino acids and monosaccharides, it is possible that the mushroom flavor can be enhanced by adding glucose or sucrose during cooking.

In addition, researchers believe that in order to obtain strong and good-smelling mushroom dishes, it is advisable to heat the mushrooms for a minimum time and without access to air, so that the odorous compounds do not have time to break down and oxidize. The agency "Informnauka" reports this.

(The address of this post on the Internet is)

There are about 2,500 species of row mushrooms, forming a large family that includes edible, conditionally edible, inedible and poisonous mushrooms. These fruiting bodies grow in mixed or coniferous forests, preferring sandy soils or loam. The peak of mushroom picking occurs at the end of August and continues until mid-October. Usually the smell of edible rows is pleasant and delicate, reminiscent of perfume. You can prepare any dish from them, as well as prepare them for the winter: marinate, fry or salt.

How the row plant smells will depend on the type: whether it is edible or not. Note that most of these fruiting bodies still have a specific mealy odor and bitter taste. Some row mushrooms even smell like dust or laundry soap.

For example, the violet row, considered a conditionally edible mushroom, smells of perfume. After a long soaking of 2 to 3 days, it needs to be boiled for 30 minutes in salted water with the addition of citric acid. Only after this the smell of violet row disappears, it can be pickled, salted or fried.

This row grows in any forest, but avoids places with high humidity. The purple row is similar to the purple cobweb - a poisonous mushroom. It should absolutely not be eaten, as the mushroom is very toxic. A distinctive feature of the cobweb is a cap covered with cobwebs.

Another type of row that has a dusty smell is white row. Being a poisonous mushroom, it has not only an unpleasant odor, but also a bitter taste. Experienced mushroom pickers always avoid this row, although it disguises itself as a champignon or young porcini mushroom. If you cut it, the pungent smell of dust immediately makes it clear what kind of mushroom it is. White row grows in small groups or alone. It can be found not only in dense forests dominated by birch trees, but also in park areas, groves or meadows. Some mushroom pickers claim that when a white row is broken, it smells like gas or laundry soap. Young specimens of this poisonous mushroom have a weaker odor than mature representatives. Even after prolonged soaking and cooking, the smell of white row does not disappear. But this process is not necessary, because the mushroom is poisonous.

Taste qualities of rows

In terms of taste, edible and conditionally edible rows are practically no different from other mushrooms that can be eaten. However, many mushroom pickers, especially beginners, are afraid to collect them, because all rows have an interesting bright or pale color, which is characteristic of some false doubles and even toadstools. That is why it is very important to be able to distinguish between edible types of rows.

There are about 2,500 species of row mushrooms, forming a large family that includes edible, conditionally edible, inedible and poisonous mushrooms. These fruiting bodies grow in mixed or coniferous forests, preferring sandy soils or loam. The peak of mushroom picking occurs at the end of August and continues until mid-October. Usually the smell of edible rows is pleasant and delicate, reminiscent of perfume. You can prepare any dish from them, as well as prepare them for the winter: marinate, fry or salt.

The smell of purple and white rows during cooking

How the row plant smells will depend on the type: whether it is edible or not. Note that most of these fruiting bodies still have a specific mealy odor and bitter taste. Some row mushrooms even smell like dust or laundry soap.

For example, the violet row, considered a conditionally edible mushroom, smells of perfume. After a long soaking of 2 to 3 days, it needs to be boiled for 30 minutes in salted water with the addition of citric acid. Only after this the smell of violet row disappears, it can be pickled, salted or fried.

This row grows in any forest, but avoids places with high humidity. The purple row is similar to the purple cobweb - a poisonous mushroom. It should absolutely not be eaten, as the mushroom is very toxic. A distinctive feature of the cobweb is a cap covered with cobwebs.

Another type of row that has a dusty smell is white row. Being a poisonous mushroom, it has not only an unpleasant odor, but also a bitter taste. Experienced mushroom pickers always avoid this row, although it disguises itself as a champignon or young porcini mushroom. If you cut it, the pungent smell of dust immediately makes it clear what kind of mushroom it is. White row grows in small groups or alone. It can be found not only in dense forests dominated by birch trees, but also in park areas, groves or meadows. Some mushroom pickers claim that when a white row is broken, it smells like gas or laundry soap. Young specimens of this poisonous mushroom have a weaker odor than mature representatives. Even after prolonged soaking and cooking, the smell of white row does not disappear. But this process is not necessary, because the mushroom is poisonous.

Taste qualities of rows

In terms of taste, edible and conditionally edible rows are practically no different from other mushrooms that can be eaten. However, many mushroom pickers, especially beginners, are afraid to collect them, because all rows have an interesting bright or pale color, which is characteristic of some false doubles and even toadstools. That is why it is very important to be able to distinguish between edible types of rows.

Don't forget the main rule of a mushroom picker: “If you’re not sure, don’t take it!” . Collect only those types of mushrooms that you are sure of. And if there is even the slightest doubt, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​putting mushrooms in a basket. In addition, the smell of the rows speaks volumes: if it is unpleasant, has a powdery or dusty aroma, the mushroom is poisonous.

The boletus mushroom, which is found in our forests, is a healthy delicacy. There is no greater joy than meeting this colorful “local resident” in the forest. Its name is associated with the constant white color of the pulp when broken and during cooking.

Be careful with mushrooms!

The value of porcini mushroom is that it contains a set of amino acids (22), including essential ones, and up to 80% of them are absorbed by the body. In different localities, others are also called porcini mushrooms: boletus, aspen, and oyster mushrooms. All of them are tasty and affordable products.

But are all porcini mushrooms harmless?

In our latitudes there are many look-alike mushrooms, including the porcini mushroom. Such inedible, and even poisonous, brothers as the satanic mushroom, gall mushroom (false boletus), beautiful boletus, speckled oak mushroom, are similar in appearance to white ones. They are very attractive because they are rarely damaged by worms, insects and other forest creatures due to their bitter taste.

Learn to distinguish false mushrooms

Satanic mushroom belongs to the poisonous section. It differs from white in the appearance of pink color when the leg is broken or cut. Young mushrooms have a faint pleasant smell, old ones have the smell of rotting onions or carrion. It has a bitter aftertaste when cooked. To avoid poisoning, it is necessary to change the water several times when boiling mushrooms. Dangerous if consumed raw. Malaise will occur within 30 minutes after taking it.

False boletus(the so-called gall mushroom) is inedible. Just like the satanic one, when broken, it turns pink and tastes bitter. False boletus will “manifest itself” 2-3 hours after eating. When consuming a large amount, clinical intoxication can develop within 30-40 minutes.

Edible mushrooms are sometimes difficult to distinguish from inedible ones

Beautiful boletus is a poisonous mushroom. It differs from the white one by turning blue when cut or broken, and by a bitter taste. It is poisonous only in its raw form. Symptoms of poisoning begin a few hours after consumption.

Wolf boletus(false satanic mushroom) - becomes edible after 15 minutes of cooking, although there are known cases of poisoning with it, both raw and after cooking. When a fresh mushroom is damaged, the flesh becomes bluish.

Speckled oakweed- conditionally edible. Unlike false boletus, when cut, the flesh of its stem turns blue. Looks like white. May cause irritable bowel syndrome if consumed raw or undercooked.

When picking mushrooms, sometimes doubts arise about its edibility. Dangerous doubles of the porcini mushroom have a certain aftertaste: sweetish, bitter. But never taste raw mushrooms - some of them are very poisonous. In the forest, you will not be able to get the help you need.

If, after all, such mushrooms (false boletus, oak boletus and others) end up in your basket, they will spoil the entire harvest with bitterness. When cooked, the bitterness will warn you against eating mushrooms. But in canned form, flavor enhancers and preservatives will mask it, and symptoms of poisoning may occur when consuming such products.

Do not taste raw mushroom!

It is necessary to be especially careful with dubious home preserves, which are sold in markets, on highways passing through villages, and in spontaneous places of sale.

What troubles might lie in wait?

When ingested, the toxins contained in mushrooms are gradually absorbed into the blood and enter the liver. Therefore, in case of poisoning, it is the liver cells – hepatocytes – that are the first to suffer, as they try to neutralize toxic substances. If the liver tissue fails to neutralize the poison, the latter is carried by blood throughout the body. The central nervous system and kidneys are the most susceptible to toxins.

The brain reacts with dizziness and nausea. Irritation of the subcortical nuclei leads to increased heart rate, breathing, a drop in blood pressure, and the urge to vomit. The second organ that tries to neutralize and remove toxic substances from the body is the kidney. Lower back pain and urinary disorders may develop.

Local toxic effects on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract lead to spastic contractions of the stomach and vomiting. Irritation of the intestinal wall leads to increased peristalsis, the release of large amounts of fluid and diarrhea. The toxic dose also depends on the fullness of the stomach before the poison enters the body. This is related to the time of onset of the first symptoms of poisoning.

Signs of mushroom poisoning

Dizziness, nausea, retching and vomiting, diarrhea (diarrhea) is a signal to begin emergency measures. In severe cases, seizures and loss of consciousness may occur. Continued vomiting and diarrhea lead to dehydration and loss of electrolytes. In this case, specialized medical care is needed, possibly even in a medical facility.

What needs to be done before the doctor arrives?

The first aid for mushroom poisoning is gastric lavage. The presence of other foods will increase the residence time (slow down the passage) of toxins in the stomach, thereby facilitating the absorption of more of them into the blood.

You need to drink 500-700 ml (2-3 glasses) of lightly salted water (2 tablespoons of salt per 5 liters of water) at body temperature and artificially induce vomiting. Repeat the procedure several times until the stomach is cleared of all food masses. Therefore, the rinsing solution must be prepared in advance (about 10 liters).

The first cure for mushroom poisoning

After this, it is necessary to take intestinal sorbents for an hour every 15 minutes to prevent further entry of toxins into the blood. The most basic drug that is found in every first aid kit, including a car one, is activated carbon. Other medicines you can take are “Sorbex”, “Polysorb”, “Enterosgel” in accordance with the instructions indicated on the package.

Over the next 24 hours, it is advisable to fast and limit yourself to drinking boiled water. Under normal conditions, the rate of water intake is 30 ml per kilogram of body weight; in case of intoxication, you need to drink up to 35-40 ml per 1 kg. By diluting the blood with liquid, the concentration of toxic wastes decreases and their removal from the body is accelerated.

Limit physical activity. Be in the temperature comfort zone. The body must conserve energy reserves to combat internal dangers. In the future, you can consume pureed vegetable soups, slimy rice water, thin rice porridge, and herbal teas. Until complete recovery, you should refrain from aggressive foods: hot, spicy, sour, fried, alcohol.

It is impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of going on a “quiet hunt”!

Collect mushrooms wisely!

Mushroom picking is not only done by professionals. “Green tourism” is gaining momentum. Walking, walking distances over rough terrain, the smell of pine needles - all this only strengthens your health. “Silent hunting” is an interesting and useful activity. And if there are doubts about the edibility of your find, it is best not to cut it off or taste it on your tongue. Moreover, you shouldn’t throw it in a basket and take it home. Remember that there are false double mushrooms. Poisoning them can lead to serious consequences.


Be sure to watch this video and learn a lot of valuable information about poisonous twin mushrooms.

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