Home fertilizers What herbs help with what. Medicinal herbs photo with names from a to z. Properties of medicinal plants

What herbs help with what. Medicinal herbs photo with names from a to z. Properties of medicinal plants

The use of plants for the treatment of various diseases is called phytotherapy, in the Russian version - herbalism, although, strictly speaking, not only herbs, but also trees, and flowers, and fruits, and berries can be medicinal.

At present, the culture of herbal medicine is largely forgotten, it has given way to pharmacology, but in recent years, an increasing number of patients and doctors are turning to this ancient art, appreciating the benefits of medicinal plants compared to traditional chemical preparations.

Benefits of herbal medicine

  • A wider range of effects of medicinal plants due to the summation and potentiation of the action of various substances.
  • Low allergenicity of medicinal plants.
  • Low toxicity when used correctly.
  • Soft complex effect on the body, the possibility of treating several pathologies at once.
  • No side effects in most cases.
  • Easy availability and ease of preparation.
  • The possibility of long-term use of medicinal plants.
  • General healing effect.

Along with the advantages of herbal treatment, there are also disadvantages that limit the range of their application.

Disadvantages of herbal medicine

  • Slow therapeutic effect.
  • Lack of real control over the action of medicinal plants.
  • Lack of knowledge of the mechanisms of action of medicinal plants.
  • Difficult to predict effect.

Medicinal herbs: preparation methods

No single substance is isolated from medicinal herbs. A therapeutic substance (powder, tincture, etc.) is a whole complex of various substances that have a beneficial effect on the entire body, and not just on the underlying disease.

In some cases, a mixture of herbs is used to make a medicinal collection - in this case, either the range of therapeutic effects is expanded, or one substance enhances the effect of another.

The composition of the plant and the content of active substances depends on the taxonomic affiliation of the plant, the place of growth, the composition of the soil and water, the time of collection, the method of preparation and storage. Collect flowers, leaves, bark, roots, buds and fruits. After harvesting, the plant is dried and, if necessary, crushed.

The main methods of preparation of medicinal plants

Decoction. Prepared from solid parts of medicinal plants - bark, roots. Dry collection is poured with water and boiled in a water bath, then insisted and filtered. The broth is suitable for use during the day.

Dried parts of plants for brewing with boiling water: for example, linden blossom, currant leaves, wild rose.

Infusion. Prepared from crushed flowers, leaves. The collection of herbs is poured with boiling water and tightly closed with a lid, then filtered.

Tincture. Prepared with alcohol. Dry crushed raw materials are poured with alcohol and infused at room temperature, then filtered and stored in a dark place. Tinctures are consumed drop by drop or diluted with water.

Powder. The dried raw material is ground into a fine powder. Sometimes raw materials are crushed with a meat grinder.

Juice. The collected medicinal herbs are pressed to produce juice. Store in a dark cool place.

Oil extract. The drug collection is poured with oil and infused in a water bath or in a warm place.

Ointment. Prepared from dried raw materials by mixing or heating with animal fat or vegetable oils. Applied externally.

Essential oils. Highly concentrated extracts from medicinal herbs with a very strong effect.

Healing herbs

The most common and frequently used medicinal herbs in Russia are valerian, green tea, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, calendula, aloe, celandine, plantain, etc.

We are accustomed to using many of the medicinal herbs in everyday life, while others are perceived as eccentricities: for example, nettle and dandelion soup.

Nevertheless, scientists have proven that medicinal herbs are leaders in the content of vitamins and other nutrients and substances beneficial to the human body, and are currently ahead of vegetables and fruits, which over time only lose their nutrients. This means that the inclusion of medicinal herbs in the diet and in general in the daily life of a person is becoming more and more justified.

Medicinal herbs on the table

Each plant from a certain point of view can be called medicinal. All of them contain a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances: tannins, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, glycosides, alkaloids. Therefore, it is useful to include medicinal herbs in the diet, not even for the purpose of treatment, but in order to saturate the body with nutrients.

Medicinal plants that should always have an open path to the table include: dill and parsley, mint and lemon balm, green tea and lime blossom, sea buckthorn and other berries, chamomile, cilantro, viburnum, sage, ginger, cumin, chicory, etc. d. You can include nettle and dandelion, eleutherococcus, ginseng in the diet, sprouts are very useful.

herbal medicine

In some countries and regions, herbal medicine is the main and only available treatment for the vast majority of patients. This includes many parts of India and China, Tibet, regions of South America.

In the season of colds, medicinal herbs become an integral element of therapy. At the initial stages of the disease and with a mild course of the disease, many patients use only alternative methods of treatment, namely herbal medicine.

While traditional healers without medical training claim that medicinal herbs can treat everything from colds to cancer, doctors warn patients against too high hopes for herbal medicine and recommend turning to traditional medicine in serious situations.

However, this does not negate the fact that at the initial stages of the disease, with a mild course, medicinal herbs can indeed be an effective means of therapy.

This includes such common pathologies as gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension and other cardiovascular pathologies, emotional disorders, bronchopulmonary diseases, diseases of the nervous system and joints, diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

In addition, herbal medicine can be a good support for traditional treatment in many serious cases - both as an etiological (affecting the cause of the disease), and as a symptomatic (weakening the manifestations of the disease), and as a restorative and restorative treatment. This applies to serious infectious, oncological diseases, injuries, mental illness, kidney and urinary tract diseases, hormonal disorders, metabolic pathologies, etc.

Medicinal plants for weight loss

With a large supply of nutrients and vitamins, herbs for weight loss can help in the process of normalizing weight, as well as for correcting metabolic disorders accompanied by weight gain (diabetes, for example).

Several groups of medicinal herbs are used for weight loss.

  • Medicinal herbs to reduce appetite: flaxseed, licorice root, green tea.
  • Medicinal herbs that remove excess water from the body, and with it toxic substances: lingonberry leaves, burdock, horsetail.
  • Medicinal herbs that speed up metabolism: eleutherococcus, lemongrass, ginger, ginseng, rosemary, turmeric.
  • Medicinal herbs that promote the excretion of bile and normalize the functioning of the liver and gallbladder: sea buckthorn, corn columns, barberry, immortelle.
  • Medicinal herbs that lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels: alfalfa, birch buds, strawberry root, dandelion.
  • Medicinal herbs with a laxative effect: dill, anise, cumin, etc.

Herbs for weight loss not only have a direct impact on certain functions, but also saturate the body with vitamins and other nutrients, which favorably affects the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens the immune system, and maintains overall tone.

Therefore, herbs for weight loss are useful to include in any diet. As a rule, a collection is made from herbs for weight loss, which is taken before meals. The course of taking herbal preparations for weight loss is 1.5-2 months, after which a break is taken.

However, using medicinal herbs for weight loss on their own is not recommended. It is important to understand that medicinal plants contain potent substances, and their treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account contraindications and the individual state of the body.

Phytotherapists - who are they?

In Russia, only people with a medical education who have completed an advanced training course in the specialty “Phytotherapy” can receive a diploma of a phytotherapeutist. Such courses are available at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Altai State Medical University, etc.

After completing the course, you can get a certificate of state registration of a healer. This certificate gives the right to conduct medical activities using herbal medicine.

The slow impact and naturalness of the raw materials encourage many to use medicinal herbs on their own, but doctors strongly recommend not to do this. We know too little about the properties of medicinal plants to use them uncontrollably. Science is only groping for an approach to treatment with the help of natural ingredients.

Today, a phytotherapist (or herbalist) is a specialist with a higher medical education and additional knowledge in the field of herbal medicine. This combination can at least guarantee the absence of harm from the use of medicinal plants. In addition, at the right time, such a doctor will still be able to refer the patient to the mainstream of traditional medicine for treatment.

Unfortunately, at present there is a certain gap between traditional medicine and herbal medicine. The patient rarely (if not never) can get advice on both issues from one specialist. As a result, the patient is deprived of the benefits and opportunities of phytotherapy, which negatively affects the treatment rates. All this leads to the need for further study of the mechanisms of action of medicinal herbs, the search for evidence of their effectiveness and the development of therapy regimens taking into account herbalism.

Atherosclerosis- immature nuts, stonecrop, lemon balm.

Appetizing - lemon balm enhances digestion.

Asthma - Melissa.

Diseases with the letter -B-

Infertility - sage officinalis, stonecrop large, externally and internally.

Diseases of the digestive tract - milk thistle juice, burdock.

Bronchitis- eyebright, aloe juice with honey, killer whale, nasturtium.

Insomnia - motherwort juice, tincture of oat grains, fireweed, lemon balm.

Pain reliever - calamus.

Diseases starting with the letter -B-

Vitiligo- a strong decoction of parsley seeds with lemon juice.

Dropsy - juniper, physalis, sedum, borage, parsley. 15 g of calamus roots per 600 g of water, boil for 15 minutes; take 100 g per day. 50 g of calamus roots per 0.5 l of vodka, insist 7 days. 1 tsp 3 times a day.

Hair loss - rub parsley juice into the hair roots, wash your hair with calamus decoction 3 times a week - 30 g of calamus roots per 1 liter of water.

Inflammation of the kidneys - borage officinalis.

Inflammation of the rectum - poplar oil, licorice, chamomile, fly agaric in oil.

Acne. Cocklebur, parsley juice to lubricate several times a day.

Varicose veins - nettle.

Diseases with the letter -G-

Hemorrhoids - harrow, eyebright, sedum, licorice, rhubarb, burdock.

Sinusitis - Kalanchoe juice.

Gastritis - tincture of aloe.

Chronic gastritis - licorice, chamomile, violet, chicory.

Glaucoma - motherwort seed tincture.

Headache - motherwort juice, sweet clover.

Purulent wounds, ulcers - sage, sweet clover.

Hypertension - calamus, sweet clover, flax, cudweed, hawthorn fruits, lemon balm.

Fungal diseases of the skin - lotions from decoction of calamus.

Sore throat - 1 tbsp. calamus roots pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 6-7 hours, gargle 5 times a day.

Hepatitis and cholecystitis - collection: chicory, knotweed, birch buds, chamomile, cumin flowers, St. John's wort, calendula, celandine grass with roots.

Worms - turnips.

Diseases with the letter -D-

Diabetes - lilac buds, noble laurel, sage, celery, walnut leaves, centaury, oats, cudweed, parsley.

Diseases with the letter -Zh-

Gallbladder (chronic diseases) - stonecrop juice.

Antipyretics - calamus in bronchitis.

Gallstone disease - chicory. As a healing drink - chicory root, dandelion, elecampane, peppermint.

Diseases with the letter -З-

Constipation - aloe powder 2 g 3 times a day or tincture 20 drops. Rhubarb.

Skin itching - nasturtium juice, nettle, stonecrop ointment. To purify the blood with furunculosis, itching of the skin, skin diseases, apply: nettle leaf, dandelion leaf, blackthorn flowers. Everything is taken equally, mixed. 2 tbsp the mixture is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and insisted on a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled. Drink 0.3 cups 3 times a day.

Diseases with the letter -I-

Impotence - motherwort juice, basil, wormwood seeds, large stonecrop.

Diseases starting with the letter -K-

Catarrh of the stomach with low acidity - chicory root, St. John's wort, yarrow, centaury.

Cough - motherwort juice. Strong cough - a decoction of licorice in milk. With a strong cough and bronchitis - calamus on vodka. 1 tbsp powder per 0.5 l of vodka insist 3 weeks in a dark place. Take 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day (do not take at night, only in the morning!).

Climax - sage, fragrant rue, sweet clover.

Skin disease - inside the viper and burdock. Useful chicory, burdock root, dandelion root, St. John's wort and shamrock leaves (externally).

Blood clotting increases nettle, licorice.

Kidney stones - a decoction of lignified twigs. Improves vision and hearing - calamus.

Diseases with the letter -L-

Giardia in the liver - tansy. Sweating palms - trays of infusion of nettle leaves and sage.

Diseases with the letter -M-

Involuntary urination - goldenrod.

Diuretic - infusion of parsley seeds. It is also taken for inflammation of the bladder.

Urolithiasis - borage, physalis, nasturtium, fennel, dandelion, hops.

Mastopathy - Kalanchoe juice, tincture of immature nuts. Diseases of the spinal cord - drink calamus and make lotions from it on the area of ​​the spinal cord.

Nettle increases mother's milk.

Monthly irregular - calamus.

Boiled ointment - medicinal sweet clover in sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:9; simmer in a water bath for 3 hours. Strain through cheesecloth.

Bladder papillomatosis - iris.

Thrush - nasturtium juice.

Anemia - chicory grass juice, rhubarb.

Flatulence is the best remedy for fennel.

Diseases with the letter -N-

Adrenal glands and thyroid gland - parsley, licorice naked.

Sweaty feet - tincture of sage. 1 tbsp for 1 liter of water. Foot baths - 5 minutes.

Nighttime urinary incontinence - repyashok.

Diseases with the letter -O-

Edema - borage, midge.

Edema of cardiac origin - chicory.

Shortness of breath - dope, viper, lemon balm.

Expectorant - nettle, calamus, sweet clover, killer whale.

Poisoning - calamus.

Omission of the uterus - lemon balm.

Diseases with the letter -P-

Kidney and bladder stones - parsley, calamus; with kidney disease - calamus. Stones in the gallbladder - a strong decoction of parsley.

Age spots - apply a napkin moistened with fresh parsley juice.

Diarrhea - dogwood, cocklebur, calamus (powder at the tip of a knife 5 times a day).

Rectum - chamomile, licorice, coriander, buckthorn.

Inflammation of the prostate gland - an infusion of parsley roots; minced parsley seeds inside. Inside the infusion of marshmallow root.

Diseases of the genital organs - sitz baths 30 g of calamus root per 1 liter of water.

Digestion improves infusion of calamus root.

Colon cancer, liver disease, kidney stones - calamus tincture.

In diseases of the kidneys - chicory.

Liver cirrhosis - chicory, St. John's wort, wormwood, yarrow. 100 g on an empty stomach 3 times a day.

The liver is sick, cholelithiasis - chicory, thuja, knotweed, immortelle, buckthorn bark.

Fissures of the rectum - rhubarb in the form of compresses and lotions.

Gout - turnip.

Diseases starting with the letter -R-

Rheumatism - borage, calamus (to cover the joints), burdock.

Wound healing - sage, goldenrod, parsley. Apply a bandage soaked in aloe on the wound. Bleeding from wounds - Kalanchoe juice. A wound or ulcer can be washed with a decoction of chicory root.

Diseases starting with the letter -S-

Joint disease - dogwood fruit.

Staphylococcus, streptococcus - medicinal sage.

Heart failure - Rhodiola rosea, stonecrop large.

Spasms of cerebral vessels - periwinkle, sunflower baskets.

Hearing (recovery) - stonecrop juice inside and instill into the ear.

Drowsiness - tincture of oregano leaves.

Senile infirmity - wheat bran. 1 tbsp topped with 2 cups of water. Boil for 30-40 minutes, stirring, add 1 tbsp. honey. Take 50 g 3-4 times a day. Oats. Pour 1 cup of oats with 5 cups of cold water, boil until half the volume. Strain, add milk, boil again. Take warm in a glass a day 3 times 1 hour before meals.

Diseases with the letter -T-

Tuberculosis - infusion of aloe 40 drops 3 times a day. A glass of calamus tincture. A glass before dinner (only 1 time per day) - a decoction of wormwood, can be diluted.

Cracks in the corners of the mouth - sage officinalis.

Trophic ulcers - Kalanchoe juice.

Tachycardia - wormwood, rue, mint.

Nausea - Melissa.

Diseases starting with the letter -U-

Insect bites - parsley juice.

Ear inflammation - sweet clover.

Diseases with the letter -F-

Boils, carbuncles - Kalanchoe juice, sophora.

Diseases starting with the letter -C-

Chronic cystitis - nasturtium juice.

Diseases starting with the letter -Ш-

Thyroid gland - cocklebur, walnut partitions.

Diseases with the letter -E-

Epilepsy - the color of dope, mordovnik, sedum sedum, oregano.

Erosion of the cervix - Kalanchoe juice.

Emphysema of the lungs - nasturtium.

Diseases with the letter -I-

Stomach ulcer - motherwort juice, aloe. 1.5 cups of aloe juice, 1 cup of olive oil and 1 cup of honey. Simmer in a water bath for 3 hours. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals. Stonecrop large, oregano, licorice, calamus.

Medicinal plants have been used in folk medicine for many years. Healing properties allow them to be used in herbal medicine for various diseases.. Currently, the list of medicinal herbs is quite impressive. However, each person should know what are the most useful herbs for the body should always be at hand.

One of the most beneficial herbs containing a large amount of nutrients, oils and acids.

Infusions and tinctures from wormwood have the following properties:

  • relieve inflammatory processes;
  • stimulate the outflow of bile;
  • give the body tone;
  • cleanse the organs of toxins and worms.

Most often, the herb is used to improve the digestion of food., getting rid of diseases of the stomach, liver, respiratory system, as well as in the treatment of anemia.

Contraindications are: pregnancy and lactation, internal bleeding. In addition, in large quantities, wormwood can provoke a mental disorder.


Unpretentious herb, successfully used in official and alternative medicine, as well as in cooking.

Due to its special composition, the plant has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • improves blood composition;
  • cleans internal systems of toxins;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • eliminates skin diseases;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels;
  • has a hemostatic effect;
  • relieves muscle pain;
  • prevents hair loss;
  • stimulates the digestive tract;
  • has a mild laxative effect;
  • stabilizes the amount of sugar in the blood.

Herbal infusion of nettle can not be used for varicose veins, atherosclerosis, and also during childbearing.


An indispensable plant that is, perhaps, in every home first aid kit. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile is used to treat a variety of diseases.:

  • headaches;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis;
  • sore throat;
  • flatulence;
  • insomnia;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic stress.

The medicinal herb can be used by young children, however, it is prescribed with caution during pregnancy and lactation.


A bright orange plant, popularly called "marigolds". Flowers, seeds, as well as the grass itself has many useful properties:

  • stimulate the digestive system;
  • prevent the development of oncological pathologies;
  • improve skin condition;
  • activate bile secretion;
  • heal wounds and treat diaper rash;
  • eliminate headaches and muscle pain;
  • increase uterine contraction;
  • remove decay products from the body;
  • treat colds and infections of the ENT organs.

Decoctions based on calendula can not be used for hypotension, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage.


Dandelion has found its way into many areas of medicine. A decoction of its roots is often used:

  • to strengthen hair and eliminate dandruff;
  • with anemia;
  • in the treatment of hypertension;
  • to improve the digestion of food;
  • for weight loss;
  • with inflammation of bone tissue;
  • to improve liver health;
  • with diabetes;
  • with urinary disorders.

In addition, various dermatological problems are treated with dandelion juice - lichen, eczema.

Contraindications are peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis with high acidity, blockage of the bile ducts.


The flowers and roots of the grass contain special substances that stimulate the immune system, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and viruses.

Useful properties of echinacea are:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • elimination of bacteria;
  • removal of inflammatory processes;
  • treatment of skin diseases, wound healing;
  • relief of respiratory diseases;
  • removal of slags.

Like any medicinal plant, echinacea has some restrictions on its use:

  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • severe liver disease;
  • mental disorders;
  • serious heart disease.

In addition, echinacea is not taken in conjunction with immunomodulatory agents and alcohol dependence.


Healing plant rich in B vitamins, which has a positive effect on the entire body

Due to its beneficial properties, ginseng infusions:

  • regulate blood sugar levels;
  • slow down age-related changes;
  • have a positive effect on brain function;
  • help in the fight against excess weight;
  • stimulate sexual desire;
  • eliminate pain associated with menstruation;
  • strengthen hair and skin;
  • reduce the likelihood of cancer;
  • calm the nervous system.

St. John's wort

Herb with a pronounced bactericidal property. Used as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant.

Useful properties of St. John's wort allow you to use it to improve the whole body:

  • to relieve inflammation of the digestive tract;
  • in the treatment of stomatitis;
  • to restore damaged tissues;
  • for tightening wounds and burns;
  • during times of stress.

In addition, herbal decoctions will help eliminate headaches during a hangover and during menstruation.. Tampons soaked in infusion are used for hemorrhoids.

St. John's wort is not consumed orally during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood. The herb can cause an increase in blood pressure, so it is not used by hypertensive patients and people with mental disorders.


On the basis of mint, medicinal infusions, tinctures and oils are made. The composition of the plant includes tannins, flavonoids, menthol and other substances.

The herb has the following benefits:

  • eliminates viruses and bacteria;
  • improves digestion;
  • removes toxins;
  • improves immunity;
  • improves sleep;
  • treats headache;
  • normalizes the heart rhythm;
  • reduces nausea and vomiting.

Contraindications for admission are hypersensitivity to active ingredients, hypotension, heartburn, varicose veins.

milk thistle

The prickly plant is often used in the form of oil, syrup, alcohol tinctures and decoctions. Due to its composition milk thistle has a cleansing and tonic effect on the liver .

Most often used for the following purposes:

  • to detoxify the body;
  • to improve the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • with liver diseases;
  • with malignant neoplasms;
  • with viral infections;
  • with diabetes;
  • to stabilize the work of the heart;
  • with a tendency to allergies;
  • for the prevention of skin diseases;
  • during menopause;
  • to improve digestion.

Contraindications for use are childhood, kidney stones, pancreatitis, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The health benefits of herbs have been known for a long time. However In order for the treatment to give the maximum effect, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use., and also use infusions, observing the recommended dosage.

Good afternoon, dear guests of our collective blog! By occupation (I am a phytotherapeutist), I am often asked questions about which medicinal herbs help best with which disease.

To close this topic forever, I decided to prepare this article for you - a cheat sheet to which you can always return and draw the necessary information from it.

Man is so arranged that he cannot always be healthy! All of us, without exception, when we are sick with something and the first thing we do, we begin to swallow all kinds of pills with handfuls.

But many of them can be replaced with a great deal of success with medicinal plants. They even have some advantages over pills. The main advantage, of course, is that herbs act on the body much softer () than traditional drugs and practically do not cause addiction in the patient.

My article will tell you which plants and for which diseases it is most effective to use and how to do it correctly.

What herbs treat which diseases - a list - a cheat sheet for all occasions

Herbs for bronchitis, cough, tracheitis

Cough Recipes for Adults

  • We take 2 tablespoons: sage leaf, calendula flowers, eucalyptus leaves, 1 tablespoon each: elecampane root, linden blossom, chamomile flowers.
  • Next, you need to mix all the herbs, pour 1 tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • Then insist a little more and strain. Gargle with this infusion every 2 hours.

General weakness and increased fatigue

The following plants have an excellent ability to compensate for the lack of vitamins and add strength:

  • black currant
  • Rowan
  • rose hip

You can very quickly prepare a healthy drink, like tea, according to the following recipe:

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of rose hips with a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, then insist and strain.
  • You can drink this drink instead of tea, 2 times a day, 1 glass.
  • In the infusion, you can add rowan berries, blackcurrant leaves and nettles.

Herbs for varicose veins of the lower extremities

The fruits of horse chestnut, St. John's wort, licorice roots, rowan fruits and chamomile flowers will help reduce swelling and pain in the legs with the lower extremities.

The collection is poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon on a glass of boiling water, then heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, infused and filtered. Drink with varicose veins 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

herbs for diarrhea

Oak bark will help get rid of diarrhea and normalize digestion. 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons of bark should be poured with boiling water, boiled for half an hour and strained. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Herbs for constipation

  • As a good laxative (about that), a decoction of brittle buckthorn bark helps a lot (at the rate of 20 grams of grass per 200 ml of water).
  • For constipation, take 0.5 cup on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

That's all. I hope that now you will be a little guided in which herbs for which diseases are the most effective. Of course, these are not all recipes, in fact there are a great many of them. Subscribe to our blog update (the form at the top right) and you will always be up to date with the latest news from the world of traditional medicine and not only! a lot of interesting articles, I and my colleagues guarantee you! Good luck!

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