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New york places of interest. The main attractions of New York: list, photo and description. Statue of Liberty in New York

After the annoying Russian life, I ended up in Avignon (France) - a city where medieval castles and palaces have survived, called the second after Rome, in which the Pope lived and ruled the world.

Instructions: How to get to Avignen?

The airport is located 9 kilometers southeast of the city. You can get to the center of Avignen by bus number 21 (they run regularly). The bus arrives at the bus station, which is located on Boulevard Saint-Roche in the basement of the railway station. The information desk at the bus station is open from 10:15 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00, Saturday and Sunday are closed. The tickets themselves are sold on buses.

Also, from the city bus station by bus you can get to the following places (and vice versa):

  • Aix-en-Provence for 13.9 euros, 1 hour on the way
  • Arles for 7.1 euros, 1.5 hours on the road
  • Carpentre for 4.2 euros, 45 minutes
  • for 20 euros, 35 minutes
  • Nim for 7.6 euros, 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Orange for 5.6 euros, 40 minutes.

You can also get to Avignon by train, the city has two railway stations: Avignon-TGV and Avignon-Center (on Boulevard Saint-Roche). Trains arrive at the central station from Orange (5 euros, 20 minutes), Arles (6 euros, 20 minutes) and Nimes (7.7 euros, 30 minutes). There are regular buses from Avignon Center station to Avignon TGV (for 1.2 euros).

Please note that some TGV trains from Paris arrive at Avignon Center, while TGV trains from Marseille (€ 20.9, 30 min.) And Nice (€ 47.8, 3 h. 15 min.) Only arrive in Avignon. TGV. On Saturdays from early July to early September Eurostar operates a service to London (6 hours) and Ashford (5 hours).

Lord of the waters

So, the south of France, Provence, the Vaucluse department, the city of Avignon. About two thousand years ago, the Kawari people came to the local pile of rocks over the Rhone and founded the settlement of Auenion here. The Romans who appeared later changed the name slightly to Avenio. Both of these names, however, reflected the essence of the city - Lord of the waters... The city really dominates the river in the area.

It was impossible to ignore such a pretty city, so I decided to stop here for a day to get to know it better. The Ibis Center Pont DeL'Europe hotel was chosen for residence. Being practically in the old town, it has a very convenient location.

The hotel is popular, as evidenced by the presence of a large number of tourists from various countries. The hotel staff tries very hard to please customers even in the smallest detail. By the way, the hotel has its own parking lot - a very important detail in today's French cities.

The city's attractions

After settling in, I immediately went to get acquainted with the area. In the tourist office I took a plan of the city of Avignon, the sights of which I was interested in, in order to clarify their location.

From it I learned that the total length of the city's fortifications is 4.8 km. They were built in 1355-1368, during the reign of Pope Innocent VI, and are very well preserved. 38 towers are built into the walls. Eight gates lead to the inside of the fortified part.

The main attraction of Avignon, of course, is Papal palace(Le Palaisdes Papes).

The Papal Palace in Avignon is one of the most important medieval buildings in Europe.

This building in the XIV century became the forced residence of the leadership of the Catholic Church for almost 70 years. The political turmoil in Rome forced the Pope to seek a quieter place, and King Philip the Fair of France offered him Avignon.

So the Pope received a quiet residence, and the king strengthened his power. The times that lasted from 1309 to 1377 are called the Avignon exile of the Popes. During this period, seven Popes visited the throne of the Catholic Church, and all of them were French by nationality.

Upon their return to Rome, the Pope left Avignon a magnificent palace with ornate, graceful spiers dominating the rest of the city's buildings. Alas, the exterior of the palace is much more impressive than the interior.

The fact is that the fire that once broke out in the palace practically destroyed most of the interior rooms. Only one of them has survived in its original state, impressing visitors with its decoration.

The sale of tickets to the city's museums turned out to be interesting for me as a Russian tourist.

Firstly, the price includes getting an audio guide in Russian, which is just great. Secondly, by taking one full-price ticket, you can get an additional special Avignon Pass card, which makes it possible to purchase tickets with a 10-50% discount in other museums.

Moreover, the fifteen-day validity period of Avignon Pass applies to 5 people at once.

After visiting the Papal Palace, I stopped by for a bite to eat at the nearest restaurant Le Lutrin, located right at the junction of two squares - Palace and picturesque Clock Square... Friendly waiters, a fireplace in the center of the hall complemented the good impression of delicious food and excellent wine.

After lunch, I went to see the buildings on the Roque de Dome.

Here, at a height of 58 meters above the river, rises Cathedral of Notre Dame de Dome with a rich history and magnificent decorations.

There is a park next to the cathedral with a breathtaking view of the Rhone River and the opposite bank.

Another prominent landmark of the city rises above the river. It is famous, bearing the name of Saint Benedict (Pont Saint-Benezet). Paradoxically, the children's song "Sur le Pont d'Avignon" contributed more to his celebrity.

Of course, no one has ever danced on the Pont de Avignon, as the song claims, but its story is quite entertaining. The bridge was built in 1185. Its construction lasted 14 years. Initially, there were 22 spans, but they were destroyed by frequent floods, so the bridge had to be reconstructed, reducing the number of spans. Now there are only four of them.

According to legend, the construction of the bridge began after the proposal of the young shepherdess Benedict. At first, the townspeople were very critical of him, but after they saw that the angels were helping the boy, this idea was supported.

A number of wealthy citizens of the city created the "Bridge Brotherhood", which financed the construction. In gratitude, the shepherd Benedict was buried in a small chapel right on the bridge. Over time, fearing another destruction of the structure, his remains were moved to another place on the mainland.

After dinner in one of the cozy restaurants in the old town, I spent the whole evening listening to a brass band playing on the square, playing popular melodies. His performance reminded of the annual Theater Festival in one of the courtyards of the Papal Palace.

For me, Avignon is inextricably linked with the Avignon captivity of the popes. In 1309, Pope Clement V left Rome and made his residence closer to the French king, on whom he was dependent. So for 69 years the Papal State was formed here on the banks of the Rhone, a chic castle was built, churches were built, monasteries appeared in the area, houses near the Pope's castle were built by cardinals. Now it is a cozy, very compact Provencal town with a rich history and gorgeous views.

The historical center is quite compact and everything is located behind the perfectly preserved powerful fortress walls. The main tourist attraction of Avignon is the papal palace, or rather the castle. Opening hours depend on the month, in the summer until 8 and 8.30 pm, in the spring until 7. Tickets are 11 (full) and 9 (reduced) euros. All information on the castle can be found.

The castle is large and imposing, but inside it is practically empty. There are no interiors here, the painting of the walls has survived only in a few rooms. There are several halls with relics ... mostly bare walls and indications that there was a kitchen here, a meeting room here, here is the pope's bedchamber. You can go through everything, not in a hurry, in an hour. Do not forget to climb to the roof of the palace for a beautiful view of the city. I recommend a visit to the castle.

Medieval hooligans also liked to scratch something on the walls.

Along with a visit to the palace, you will be offered an excursion to the Saint Benese Bridge. It costs an additional couple of euros if you take a complex ticket (separately more expensive). Here you will be given a free audio guide that tells the magnificent history of the bridge.

Saint Benese bridge

Many centuries ago, a shepherd turned to a local priest and said that he had a dream about the Virgin Mary and ordered to build a bridge in this place. The current in this place was very strong and it was difficult to build a bridge, besides, the priest made fun of the poor fellow and invited him to prove his story by dragging a huge boulder to the middle of the river. The shepherd took the stone and calmly laid the beginning of the future bridge with it. The bridge had a long history; even the king's troops crossed the river across it when they went to war against the heretics - the Cathars. The condition of the Saint Benese Bridge was monitored by the "Brotherhood of the Bridge" - local merchants. But the current in this place was really very strong and the bridge was often pulled down. And when the bridge ceased to be the only crossing, they stopped taking care of it. As a result, most of the bridge was washed away about 2 centuries ago. Out of, in my opinion, 17 arches, there are only 4 left that we can see now. Some more remains of the bridge can be found on the island between the two branches of the Rhone.

There are several old churches in the city next to the papal palace. The Avignon Cathedral, connected to the castle, is unfortunately closed. Several more also very old Gothic churches can be found within 200 meters of the palace.

Notre Dame de Dom

Notre Dame de Dom

Church Saint-Pierre

Church Saint-Pierre

Next to the castle on the other side of the square is located. Here, in the old Cardinal's mansion, there is a fine collection of early Renaissance paintings. The museum is open until 6. The price of a full ticket is 6 euros, a reduced ticket is 3 euros. In my opinion, with a ticket from the papal palace, you can be considered a beneficiary, I do not exactly understand. But there is some kind of discount system. Of particular value in this collection are the canvases of Botticelli, Raphael and other Italian masters. The museum is not very big. 30-40 minutes will be enough for an inspection.

There is also the entrance to the Rocher des Doms park, which offers gorgeous views of the entire valley and Provence itself! From here you can also see the medieval prison of St. Anne.

Otherwise, just take a walk around the city, there are many old buildings, many souvenir shops with Provencal herbs, lavender and soap. You can take a tourist tram in front of the papal palace. 6 or 7 euros and in 40 minutes travel the whole old part of the city.

City hall

Another attraction of the city is on the other side of the Saint Benese Bridge. This is a cardinal castle. They say that under the popes, Avignon quickly became dirty and smelly, and some of the cardinals chose to live away from the city. The castle of Saint André was built here. There is a monastery nearby. In summer, the castle is open until 6 pm and from October to the end of May until 5 pm. A full ticket costs 5.5 euros, a reduced one - 4. The castle is clearly visible from the papal palace, you can get here in 40 minutes at a quick pace. Or you can take a bus that stops right in front of the bridge at the city gates near the Saint Benese bridge. Something about 2 euros (from the driver), and the bus will take you to the castle in 10 minutes. Get off at the stop at its foot. From the hill where the castle is built, there is also a beautiful view of the surrounding area and Avignon itself.

Castle of Saint Andre

I personally liked the city very much. Of course, you can watch it in a day, but I advise you to stay here longer ...


Avignon is connected by rail to Marseille and Nîmes, two more famous tourist destinations in the region. To both cities go no more than 30 minutes. However, be careful, trains to / from central France stop at the train station, which is 4 kilometers from the city center. The railway line running along the coast has its own station right at the city's fortress gates.

SNCF station

Theoretically, there is a bus from the first station, but when I tried to find out its number at the information station, I was told that there were no buses, and I had to wait for the train connecting the two stations.


You can buy food on the main street of the old city - Rue de la Respublique. There is an underground store called Carefour. The main shopping areas are also here. A hotel for little money can be found right next to the papal castle. Hotels in old mansions are the norm here.

A small town in the south of France - Avignon, is remarkable not only for its rich history and the majestic papal palace of the 14th century, but also for being one of the most convenient and not too expensive places from where you can plan your vacation in France and Provence.

In the first part I will tell you about the sights of Avignon and all the basic tourist information - how to get and where to stay in Avignon, and in the second I will arrange a photo walk around this French city and tell you what I found interesting there during my vacation in France.

Avignon is the birthplace of Petrarch and Mireille Mathieu, the capital of the Vaucluse department - a large region in the south of France, which is famous for those very famous perfume factories all over the world. A large number of young people live here and many musical events are held, which, combined with the solid medieval architecture, creates a unique atmosphere of this small French town.

Blooming gardens are everywhere, thick gray walls like from a computer game about knights and crusades, wide avenues, singing of strange birds and hooting of an owl in the very center of the city - what I now associate this city with.

We visited Avignon twice - going to the small town of Apt from Paris and on the way back from Provence to Marseille airport.

The more popular tourist cities in the south of France - Nice and Cannes are much more often visited by tourists, but, as expected, they are much more expensive. Hotels, taxis, food in restaurants will be more expensive in these cities.

So, if there is no desire to "measure show-off and diamonds" with the pretentious public of the Cote d'Azur and want to look at one of the brightest cities in French Provence, it is worth starting your journey through the South of France from here. Moreover, Avignon has everything for a good rest: medieval sights, musical and theatrical events, delicious food and tede and tepe.)))

Avignon is a small city, so if you wish, you can explore the whole of it in a couple of days without much rush. There shouldn't be any problems with planning the route, everything here is located close enough to each other and especially you won't get lost (I will post a map of Avignon with my own marks under the description of the sights).

Avignon is a real landmark in France, a place where the history of Europe was once created. For a long time, namely from the age of 69 (1309-1378) Avignon was the residence of the popes, that period was called the "Avignon captivity of the popes" during this time the papal palace was built here, and in 1303 the university was founded.

The city of Avignon has been known since Roman times, when it was the capital of the Gallic Kavar tribe. In the Middle Ages, the city was ruled by the popes, who ceded it to France in a peace treaty in 1787. Near the city, there are deposits of high quality sand, which was used to make glass. The sale of this sand brought good income to the papacy. Throughout its history, Avignon has repeatedly become the residence of unrecognized popes.

If you are not too fond of walking or traveling with children, then for a quick tour of the historic city center, you can take a ride around Avignon on a miniature tourist train - Le Petit Train d'Avignon, which passes through the main tourist locations of Avignon and periodically meets in the narrow streets of this town. For a 40 minute tour, they charge only 4 €.

Avignon stands on the banks of picturesque rivers Ron and Durance, the valleys of which are rich in limestone, from which many buildings of the city were built, including city fortifications.

The river embankment is a great place for walking, which is what both locals and tourists do here.

And now about the Avignon sights themselves:

Avignon City Wall:

The symbol of the old part of Avignon is the City Wall, which is almost 5 km long, this wall was built in the 14-15th centuries and is one of the oldest medieval buildings in Europe.

Papal Palace:

The main attraction of Avignon is the same papal palace (fr. Palais des papes d'Avignon) inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The construction of the Papal Palace began in 1316 and was completed in 1370.

The Papal Palace was built in 2 stages under the rule of different popes, and in accordance with them it is divided into the Old Palace of Benedict XII ( Palais vieux de Benoît XII) and the New Palace of Clement VI ( Palais neuf de Clément VI). Named after the popes under whom the buildings were erected.

The palace is located on 11 thousand square kilometers and has 12 towers, each of which has its own rather bloody history.

The Papal Palace of Avignon is a more "simplified" and harsh version of the luxurious Vatican. The real Middle Ages reign here. Paintings, frescoes by Italian artists in the Avignon Palace are also present, but against the Vatican, the Avignon Palace looks like just a country house.

Perhaps also because the popes did not manage here for so long and left only a part of their wealth. Perhaps because during the French Revolution in 1789, the palace was seized and plundered by the rebels, who staged a bloody massacre here against the oppressors of the working people and subsequently turned the palace into a barracks and a prison.

Only in 1906, the French authorities restored the Papal Palace and organized a museum there, where anyone who wants to see today can get. how they lived at the papal court in the XIV century.

The palace is also the venue for the annual theater festival(Festival d'Avignon), which has been held here in mid-July since 1947.

During our visit to the palace, we just found an active preparation for this event.

I will show some photos of the papal palace of Avignon:

The cost of a guided tour of the palace is 11 euros, you can take headphones with an audio guide, or join a group with a real guide. (I'll leave a link to the service with excursions below).

Official website of the Papal Palace: http://www.palais-des-papes.com

Here, as in any museum, there is a souvenir shop, I will show you what you can buy here.

Of course, they sell wine here. But not simple, but personal, named after the Avignon popes. Branded ceramics, Provencal herbs, and various knightly paraphernalia, such as cardboard knight helmets or medieval "soldiers":

Pont Saint Benezier or "bridge to nowhere":

Another interesting and recognizable landmark of Avignon is Pont Saint-Bénézet or "a bridge that leads to nowhere", because out of 22 spans now there are only 4 left, and now it simply breaks off in the middle of the Rhone River, where it was built in the 12th century.

The Avignon Bridge became famous all over the world in the 15th century after the French children's song "Sur Le Pont d'Avignon" ("On the bridge in Avignon") was dedicated to it.

True, this song tells absolutely nothing about this bridge. So, I'll tell you.

According to legend, the shepherd Benedict, who later became Saint Benezier, in 1177 he heard a voice from heaven, calling for the construction of a bridge over the Rhone. Benoit, who descended from Mount Ardèche, told about this to the people of Avignon, who, quite expectedly, made fun of him and called him crazy.

Thank you for not immediately sending him to the fire, as was customary in those ancient times. Simply, the prelate told him to hoist a huge stone on himself and throw it into the river.

According to eyewitnesses, the young shepherd, without hesitation for a second, easily performed this test, saying later that angels helped him. Eyewitnesses have confirmed. After which, of course, everyone believed the shepherdess, created the "Bridge Brotherhood" and began to build the bridge.

The construction of the bridge took 14 years. It was completed in 1185. Initially, there were 22 spans, but they were destroyed by frequent floods, so the bridge had to be reconstructed, reducing the number of spans. Now there are only four of them left.

Shepherd Benedict was buried in a small chapel right on the bridge. But fearing another destruction of the structure, his remains were transferred to the mainland.

Cathedral of Notre Dame de Dome

Another major attraction is Avignon Cathedral (French Cathédrale Notre-Dame des Doms d'Avignon) built in the XII century, decorated with a gilded statue of the Virgin Mary, located on the western tower.

The cathedral houses the mausoleum of Pope John XXII, the interior is decorated with Gothic carvings of the XIV century.

If you wish, in Avignon you can dive deeper into the study of architectural and historical monuments, there are quite a few of them, like in almost any other European city.

Cathedrals and basilicas around Avignon:

Avignon is generally rich in religious sights and, if you wish, you can visit not only the most popular among tourists, for example:

  • Cathedral Ancienne cathédrale Notre-Dame de Nazareth, Orange, 20.9 km from the center.
  • Cathedral Ancienne cathédrale Notre-Dame et Saint-Véran, Cavaillon, 21.6 km from the center.
  • Cathedral Ancienne cathédrale Saint-Siffrein, Carpentras, 21.8 km from the center.
  • Cathedral Ancienne cathédrale Saint-Théodorit, Uzès, 32.3 km from the center.
  • Cathedral Basilique Saint-Trophime, Arles, 34 km from the center.
  • Chapelle Saint-Honorat, Arles, 34.2 km from the center.
  • Cathedral Ancienne cathédrale Notre-Dame de Nazareth et Saint-Quentin, Vaison-la-Romaine, 38.2 km from the center.

But even those listed by me should be enough for a cultural and tourist acquaintance with the city.

From alternative attractions, I can draw your attention to the local entertainment island, which can be of interest to both adults and children.

Ile de la Barthelasse

The Ile de la Barthelasse amusement park is located on a beautiful island in the middle of the Rhone, which is the largest river island in Europe and covers an area of ​​about 700 hectares.

In addition to the park, the island has restaurants, hotels, equestrian sports and paintball clubs and even a real farmers' market, because right there on the island people are actively engaged in agriculture, growing tomatoes and seasonal berries and fruits.

The island is also very convenient for cycling.

You can get to the Ile de la Barthelasse island in Avignon on the free ferry.

Attractions of Avignon on the map:

Avignon on the map of France:

As I already noted, Avignon has a well-developed transport infrastructure with conveniently located railway and bus stations from where you can easily go to explore the French beauty of the entire French Luberon, even without a big need to rent a car.

From here, from Avignon, almost all guided tours of Provence are organized: lavender fields, the most beautiful villages of Provence (I recently talked about one of them).

In addition, regular buses run here to almost all important cities and villages in France at quite reasonable prices. You can go to the same one by bus for only 2 euros.

Well, or, for example, in the morning you can go to see where Van Gogh lived and worked, as well as to a real French amphitheater, where bullfights take place to this day, and in the evening you can return to your hotel in Avignon.

You can get to the center of Avignon by bus number 21 (they run regularly). The bus arrives at the bus station, which is located on Boulevard Saint-Roche in the basement of the railway station. The information desk at the bus station is open from 10:15 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00, Saturday and Sunday are closed. The tickets themselves are sold on buses.

From Avignon's city bus station, you can take a bus to the following places (and vice versa):

  • Aix-en-Provence for 13.9 euros, 1 hour on the way
  • Arles for 7.1 euros, 1.5 hours on the road
  • Carpentre for 4.2 euros, 45 minutes
  • Marseille for 20 euros, 35 minutes
  • Nim for 7.6 euros, 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Orange for 5.6 euros, 40 minutes.

This approach will allow you to see much of the most interesting things in France without all these collection-parsing of a suitcase and changing hotels, which in any travel with moving always take a lot of time and effort.

Around Avignon:

If you are traveling by car, you may find useful information on the variety of attractions to be found around Avignon.

The largest cave in Europe is located not far from Avignon Grotte de saint marcel(58 km long). Also in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region is the famous cave Grotte chauvet(Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc or la Combe d'Arc), whose walls are painted with 420 images of animals that are more than 30,000 years old. The air temperature in the cave is always kept at around + 10 ° C.

Castles in and around Avignon:

  • Castle 'Château de Fort Saint-André' Gard, 2.2 km from the center.
  • Castle 'Château de Thouzon' Vaucluse, 13.5 km from the center.
  • Castle 'Château de Saint-Maurice' Hérault, 17.3 km from the center.
  • Castle 'Château de Tarascon' Bouches-du-Rhône, 20.6 km from the center.
  • Castle 'Château de Beaucaire' Gard, 20.8 km from the center.

National and city parks around Avignon:

  • Regional Natural Park 'Alpilles', 17.8 km from the center.
  • Regional Natural Park 'Luberon', 43.3 km from center
  • Regional Natural Park 'Camargue', 52.7 km from the center.
  • Regional Natural Park 'Baronnies provençales', 62.9 km from the center.
  • Regional Natural Park 'Monts d'Ardèche', 88.1 km from the center.

Art galleries of Avignon:

  • Art gallery 'Musée du Petit Palais' Avignon, 0.9 km from the center.
  • Art gallery 'Musée Angladon' Avignon, 0.9 km from the center.
  • Art gallery 'Fondation Calvet' Avignon, 1.1 km from the center.
  • Art gallery 'Musée de l Arles et de la Provence antiques' Arles, 34.8 km from center

How to get to Avignon:

Just 8 km from Avignon there is its own airport Aéroport d'Avignon - Caumont, but it is easier to get to Avignon via Marseille (Aéroport de Marseille Provence), which lies just 105 km in the southeast direction.

The flight Moscow-Marseille will cost less and there will be much more flights.

You can get from Marseille to Avignon (and back) by high-speed train of the TGV lines, the train takes about half an hour and costs 20-30 euros. Tickets for trains in France can be bought both on the website of the largest railway carrier in France - SNCF, or on the GoEuro website, where you can immediately find offers for trains and buses in Europe (in addition, there is also a Russian-language version).

It should be borne in mind that there are two railway stations in Avignon:

  • railway station Center-ville on Boulevard Saint-Roch, where TER trains (local connections) and some TGV trains from Paris mainly arrive;
  • railway stationTGV located 4 km from the city center in the Courtine district on Place de l'Europe, serves up to 60 TGV trains daily to destinations such as Marseille, Lyon, Dijon, Lille, Rennes, Nantes, Geneva, Brussels and in summer London and Ashford ...

Regular city buses run between the stations.

The cost of a city bus ticket is 1.3 € (the ticket is valid for an hour from the moment of activation), 10 tickets - 10 €, a day pass ticket - 3.6 €.

At Vélopop station, you can rent a bike for trips in the city 1 € per day or 5 € per week.

If you are traveling in France in your own or rented car, then you should bear in mind that there are free and paid parking in the city, as well as parking with limited time (on the territory of the Palais des Papes and on the embankment).

The white color of the parking lot means that the stopping time is limited to 4 hours, the cost per hour is 0.38 €; blue - 3 hours, 0.67 € per hour; green - 2 hours, 1 € per hour; orange - 1 hour, 2 € per hour.

Hotels in Avignon:

In Avignon, it is best to stay close to the papal palace or in the central area of ​​Avignon, but if Avignon is supposed to be an intermediate city for you to travel to France and Provence by public transport, it is best to settle between the Palais des Papes and the Gare Avignon TGV train station.

Hotels near the train station:

  • Les Studios de la Madeleine is the hotel that we chose and which we liked all 150%, the superior room was especially good, which the hostess provided even without additional payment. The rooms are spacious in a Provencal style, have a fully equipped kitchen, each room has a separate entrance and has access to a patio with a small but necessary pool in the heat. Accommodation cost - from 5 thousand per night. According to hotel rules, you can stay here for at least 2 nights.
  • ibis Avignon Center Gare and Novotel Avignon Center are chain hotels located near the Avignon train station. Novotel is more expensive, but also of a higher class. The price of the ibis hotel is from 5 thousand per night, Novotel from 11 thousand.

If you want to settle in the direct center of all cultural and urban events, then hotels in the center are suitable:

  • Hôtel Danieli is a great hotel on Avignon's main street - with cafes, McDonald's, supermarkets and shops nearby. Price from 5 thousand per night
  • Mercure Pont d'Avignon Center - literally "wall-to-wall" with the papal palace and next to the Pont d'Avignon bridge. The rooftop hotel serves breakfasts daily under a glass breakfast and admires the rising sun over Avignon. Price from 10 thousand per night.
  • Cité des Pape s - Apartments in a historic building in the center of Avignon, very close to the main attractions. Nearby there is a supermarket and a local bakery. Price - from 24 thousand per room up to 6 people for 2 nights. In general, a great option for large families or companies.
  • Hôtel du Palais des Papes - excellent location of the hotel, right on the square in front of the Palais des Papes, from the hotel this square is in full view, the hotel is very atmospheric with excellent breakfasts. The hotel building, built in 1921, is a former Spanish consulate and is now a state monument. Price from 8 thousand per night

Excursions in Avignon:

I hope my article on the sights of Avignon will be useful to you. In the next part (or maybe a few 8), I will tell you where we lived in Avignon, what we ate delicious there and what interesting things besides the sights I described, we saw. Well, let's take a walk with you in a typical flea market, I really love such events.

Provence, when meeting with it, first of all requires a little understanding of its territorial division.

Avignon, as the main city of the Vaucluse department (the same Vaucluse, celebrated by the English writer Peter Mail!) Can be an excellent starting point during your journey through this part of Provence. The large city of 90 thousand is located on the border of three departments - Vaucluse, Lake Garda and Bouches-du-Rhone.

The collision was that Avignon for some time (namely, 69 years) became the residence of Catholic popes (instead of Rome), and it was during this period that a palace was built that befits the level of church hierarchs. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The second most famous landmark of Avignon is the medieval bridge. Saint-Benese XIII century, spilling over the Rhone river.

Order an individual walking guided tour of Avignon with a guide here(up to 9 people, instant order confirmation)

The closest international airport to Avignon is Marseille-Provence Airport (82 kilometers). Direct trains leave from Marseille airport to Avignon (travel time approx. 1 hour), 23 times a day.

Estimated travel time by car between Avignon and Nice is 2.5 hours; Avignon and Aix-en-Provence - 1 hour; Avignon and Arles - 35 minutes, Avignon and Marseille - 1 hour, Avignon and Montpellier - 1 hour.

Please note: The Avignon TGV train station is located outside the city center (approximately 4 kilometers), but since the end of 2013 a new line has opened to connect the TGV train station (where all intercity trains arrive) and Avignon central station. Travel time on this route is only 6 minutes, shuttle trains, delivering people directly to the center of Avignon, run all day from 6.00 to 20.30. Compared to buses that used to run on this route, time is saved significantly. So travel to this part of Provence has become even more convenient.

From Marseille to Avignon, as I have already noted, you can get both from the city from the Saint-Charles train station, and directly from the Marseille airport. Trains run all day, and it is not necessary to buy tickets in advance - they will be available, but more expensive than buying them online. On the Marseille-Avignon route, there are both high-speed trains (travel time less than 45 minutes), and those that will travel more than an hour and a half.


- About 30 kilometers from Avignon - village and commune Fontaine de Vaucluse(the Provencal flavor of a small village and several interesting sights, the most important of which is a karst spring located in a crevice more than 300 meters deep. cascade lake). A trip to Fontaine-de-Vaucluse will entail a visit to Ile-sur-la-Sorgue(about 7 kilometers from here) - a beautiful and peculiar town on the water with canals, medieval monuments and many antique shops.

Les Baux de Provence and Van Gogh

- Mount Mont Ventoux(Mont-Ventoux) - the highest mountain in Provence (1909 m.), Located about 64 kilometers from Avignon. The town of Malaucene was the summer residence of the Avignon popes and can be taken as a starting point for exploring the Mount Ventoux Nature Biosphere Reserve under the auspices of UNESCO. Mount Ventoux is also known for being part of the Tour de France route. Picturesque views of the surroundings, the Alps, the territory of Provence right up to the Camargue nature reserve.

- About 50 kilometers from Avignon is the red-orange village of Roussillon with its amazing ocher rocks, included in the list of "Most Beautiful Villages in France". Perhaps this is one of the most incredible beauty places in Provence. By the way, this is not mentioned in the guidebooks - if you go for a walk in this village, take shoes, which are not a pity, because ocher dust stains everything around.

- Orange(just over 30 kilometers);

- Vezon-la-Romain(Vaison-la-Romaine) - 50 kilometers from Avignon;

Traveling around Provence is most convenient by car due to the underdeveloped public transport in the French province. It is ironic that such a popular tourist destination has not yet acquired a good transport system. More precisely, there are train and bus connections between the major cities of Provence, but you need to adjust to the schedule, but getting to the most beautiful places, small charming villages, lavender fields without a car and seeing the south of France in all its splendor is almost impossible.

(the largest search engine-aggregator of the leading car rental companies provides comprehensive information about the price, vehicle configuration, insurances and other issues. It remains to choose the best offer for you in terms of price / quality)

Avignon Photos

Palais des Papes, Avignon

Here you can find and buy tickets to Marseille at the lowest price (in the search form at the top of the article), as well as instantly compare hotel prices and choose the best deal

TOP 10 attractions of Provence

Lavender Fields in Provence: Where and How to Get

Calanques: From Cassis and Marseille (famous bays - "Mediterranean fjords")

After the annoying Russian life, I ended up in Avignon (France) - a city where medieval castles and palaces have been preserved, called the second after Rome, in which the Pope lived and ruled the world.

Instructions: How to get to Avignen?

The airport is located 9 kilometers southeast of the city. You can get to the center of Avignen by bus number 21 (they run regularly). The bus arrives at the bus station, which is located on Boulevard Saint-Roche in the basement of the railway station. The information desk at the bus station is open from 10:15 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00, Saturday and Sunday are closed. The tickets themselves are sold on buses.

Also, from the city bus station by bus you can get to the following places (and vice versa):

  • Aix-en-Provence for 13.9 euros, 1 hour on the way
  • Arles for 7.1 euros, 1.5 hours on the road
  • Carpentre for 4.2 euros, 45 minutes
  • Marseille for 20 euros, 35 minutes
  • Nim for 7.6 euros, 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Orange for 5.6 euros, 40 minutes.

You can also get to Avignon by train, the city has two railway stations: Avignon-TGV and Avignon-Center (on Boulevard Saint-Roche). Trains arrive at the central station from Orange (5 euros, 20 minutes), Arles (6 euros, 20 minutes) and Nimes (7.7 euros, 30 minutes). There are regular buses from Avignon Center station to Avignon TGV (for 1.2 euros).

Lord of the waters

So, the south of France, Provence, the Vaucluse department, the city of Avignon. About two thousand years ago, the Kawari people came to the local pile of rocks over the Rhone and founded the settlement of Auenion here. The Romans who appeared later changed the name slightly to Avenio. Both of these names, however, reflected the essence of the city - Lord of the waters... The city really dominates the river in the area.

It was impossible to ignore such a pretty city, so I decided to stop here for a day to get to know it better. The Ibis Center Pont DeL'Europe hotel was chosen for residence. Being practically in the old town, it has a very convenient location.

The hotel is popular, as evidenced by the presence of a large number of tourists from various countries. The hotel staff tries very hard to please customers even in the smallest detail. By the way, the hotel has its own parking lot - a very important detail in today's French cities.

The city's attractions

After settling in, I immediately went to get acquainted with the area. In the tourist office I took a plan of the city of Avignon, the sights of which I was interested in, in order to clarify their location.

From it I learned that the total length of the city's fortifications is 4.8 km. They were built in 1355-1368, during the reign of Pope Innocent VI, and are very well preserved. 38 towers are built into the walls. Eight gates lead to the inside of the fortified part.

The main attraction of Avignon, of course, is Papal palace(Le Palaisdes Papes).

This building in the XIV century became the forced residence of the leadership of the Catholic Church for almost 70 years. The political turmoil in Rome forced the Pope to seek a quieter place, and King Philip the Fair of France offered him Avignon.

So the Pope received a quiet residence, and the king strengthened his power. The times that lasted from 1309 to 1377 are called the Avignon exile of the Popes. During this period, seven Popes visited the throne of the Catholic Church, and all of them were French by nationality.

Upon their return to Rome, the Pope left Avignon a magnificent palace with ornate, graceful spiers dominating the rest of the city's buildings. Alas, the exterior of the palace is much more impressive than the interior.

The fact is that the fire that once broke out in the palace practically destroyed most of the interior rooms. Only one of them has survived in its original state, impressing visitors with its decoration.

The sale of tickets to the city's museums turned out to be interesting for me as a Russian tourist.

Firstly, the price includes getting an audio guide in Russian, which is just great. Secondly, by taking one full-price ticket, you can get an additional special Avignon Pass card, which makes it possible to purchase tickets with a 10-50% discount in other museums.

After visiting the Papal Palace, I stopped by for a bite to eat at the nearest restaurant Le Lutrin, located right at the junction of two squares - Palace and picturesque Clock Square... Friendly waiters, a fireplace in the center of the hall complemented the good impression of delicious food and excellent wine.

After lunch, I went to see the buildings on the Roque de Dome.

Here, at a height of 58 meters above the river, rises Cathedral of Notre Dame de Dome with a rich history and magnificent decorations.

There is a park next to the cathedral with a breathtaking view of the Rhone River and the opposite bank.

Another prominent landmark of the city rises above the river. It is famous, bearing the name of Saint Benedict (Pont Saint-Benezet). Paradoxically, the children's song "Sur le Pont d'Avignon" contributed more to his celebrity.

Of course, no one has ever danced on the Pont de Avignon, as the song claims, but its story is quite entertaining. The bridge was built in 1185. Its construction lasted 14 years. Initially, there were 22 spans, but they were destroyed by frequent floods, so the bridge had to be reconstructed, reducing the number of spans. Now there are only four of them.

According to legend, the construction of the bridge began after the proposal of the young shepherdess Benedict. At first, the townspeople were very critical of him, but after they saw that the angels were helping the boy, this idea was supported.

A number of wealthy citizens of the city created the "Bridge Brotherhood", which financed the construction. In gratitude, the shepherd Benedict was buried in a small chapel right on the bridge. Over time, fearing another destruction of the structure, his remains were moved to another place on the mainland.

After dinner in one of the cozy restaurants in the old town, I spent the whole evening listening to a brass band playing on the square, playing popular melodies. His performance reminded of the annual Theater Festival in one of the courtyards of the Papal Palace.

In the south-east of France, not far from the Mediterranean coast, lies the unique and beautiful city of Avignon. Its peculiarity is that a significant territory of the old part of the city is surrounded by medieval fortifications, inside which rises a majestic monument of architecture of the XIV century - the Papal Palace.

The first settlements on the territory of modern Avignon date back to the Neolithic period. Later this territory was chosen by representatives of the Gallic tribes, even the origin of the name of the city is associated with the ancient clan Avennius of the Gallic tribe Cavari.

Avignon experienced its greatest heyday in the XIV-XV centuries, when in 1305, as a result of intrigue and struggle for the papal throne, a part of the Papal court headed by Clement V moved to provincial, but very conveniently located Avignon, where he made his residence. Popes returned to the Vatican only in 1378, and Avignon was under their jurisdiction until 1797. The population of the city already at that time was about 100,000 people, but after the Great French Revolution it decreased to 17,000.

Today Avignon is an important tourist, educational and cultural center of France. In addition, a number of world-renowned Provencal wines are produced in the Avignon area. A trip to Avignon is chosen by people who are interested in the events of bygone days, as well as fans of jazz music and theatrical art, since throughout the year the city pleases its guests and residents with all kinds of concerts, original and classical performances and all kinds of festivals. All, without exception, appreciate the local gastronomy, which occupies an honorable place on the pedestal of Provencal cuisine.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Vaucluse department


95 K people

III millennium BC

Population density

1 467 people / km 2

euro (EUR, €)


UTC + 1, in summer UTC + 2

Postal code

International dialing code

Climate and weather

The city of Avignon is located in a Mediterranean climate zone with two distinct dry seasons (winter and summer) and two rainy seasons (spring and autumn). The largest number of torrential rains, often accompanied by strong storm winds, occurs in September. Therefore, despite the rather warm weather, it is not recommended to visit Avignon in early autumn.

The hot and dry summer weather is attributed to the subtropical anticyclones that dominate the Mediterranean coast at this time of year. The average air temperature in summer is kept at around + 22 ... + 24 ° C, but often exceeds the mark in +30 ° C and even reaches in some years + 38 ... + 40 ° C... Winters in Avignon are mild ( + 6 ... + 8 ° C), practically snowless.


Avignon stands on the picturesque banks of the rivers Ron and Durance, the valleys of which are rich in limestone, from which many buildings of the city were built, including city fortifications.

The largest cave in Europe is located not far from Avignon Grotte de saint marcel(58 km long). Also in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region is the famous cave Grotte chauvet(Chauvet-Pont-d "Arc or la Combe d" Arc), the walls of which are painted with 420 images of animals that are more than 30,000 years old. The air temperature in the cave is always kept at around + 10 ° C.

The amazing underwater river is also a significant natural landmark of the region. Abime de Bramabiau... The river flows between the town Millau and mountain Aigoual, which is not far from the town of Camprieu.

You can also enjoy the peace and quiet in the green corners in the heart of Avignon. House Garden ( Le Jardin des Doms), located at an altitude of 30 m above the Rhone, was exactly the place where people of the Neolithic era found refuge. In addition to trees, shrubs and other plants brought here from the former Botanical Gardens, the Garden of the House also features beautiful ponds, fountains and statues, while the terraces offer scenic views of the river and the city. The old Ceccano Garden ( Jardin ceccano), located in the heart of the historic city center in the courtyard of the former palace of Cardinal Annibaldo Ceccano, who lived here from 1329 to 1350.


Arriving in Avignon, from the very first moment you will be amazed by the beauty and diversity of the local cultural heritage. The old part of the city is surrounded by powerful fortifications ( Remparts), stretching for 4330 m, created to protect the city and the papal residence. The majestic and beautiful Papal Palace ( Palais des Papes), which can be seen from anywhere in the city, is the main decoration of Avignon. The palace was built in the XIV century and is recognized as the largest Gothic monument of the Middle Ages. The Papal Palace was built in 2 stages, so it is divided into the Old Palace of Benedict XII ( Palais vieux de Benoît XII) and the New Palace of Clement VI ( Palais neuf de Clément VI) in honor of the popes under whom the buildings were erected. The palace has 12 towers, each of which has its own (more often bloody) history. Today, the most valuable are the interior decoration of the Palace, paintings and frescoes by Italian artists. You can see how they lived at the Papal court in the XIV century, and visit each room of the palace daily for 16.5 € (admission is free for children under 8 years old).

A huge role in the prosperity of Avignon was played by the Bridge of Saint Benezet ( Pont Saint Bénezet), built in 1185. For a long time it was the only bridge across the Rhone in the district, therefore, all merchants carried their goods through Avignon, paying quite a lot of money for traveling across the bridge. Subsequently, the bridge was destroyed by the onslaught of the waters of the Rhone, and only four magnificent arches have survived to this day.

On the streets of Avignon, you will see many sacred architectural monuments dating back to the XII-XIV centuries:

  • Cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-Dôme ( Cathédrale Notre-Dame des Doms),
  • Church of St. Adeodat ( Église Saint-Didier),
  • St. Peter's Church ( Église Saint-Pierre),
  • Church of St. Agricola ( Collégiale Saint-Agricol) and etc.

More than 20 museums of Avignon, nearby villages and neighboring towns familiarize guests of the city with the archeology and history of the region, the way of life of local residents; art galleries contain magnificent collections of works of art created from ancient times to the present day. The collection of the Impressionists at the Angladon Foundation ( Angladon Foundation) and contemporary art at the Lambert Gallery ( Collection lambert).

In Avignon, you will also find a unique vegetable and fruit museum Epicurium, where the story of each exhibit is presented in the form of an exciting game and interactive films, during which you will learn everything about a particular vegetable or fruit, from the moment the seed germinates to when it is served cooked. The entrance ticket for adults is 7 €, for children - 5 €.

In the suburbs of Avignon in the town Châteauneuf du Pape you will find a magnificent wine museum Maison brotte where you can taste the best wines of the region for free, as well as buy your favorite variety. The exposition of the museum acquaints visitors with the peculiarities of local soils, grape varieties, methods of pruning the vine; there is an exposition on which ancient tools used for work in the vineyards are presented.


A characteristic feature of Avignon's cuisine, as part of the Provencal cuisine, is its relative simplicity in comparison with the gastronomic traditions of other regions of France and, inherent in all southerners, an abundance of spices. Housewives all over the world are familiar with the Herbs of Provence seasoning, which contains basil, marjoram, rosemary, thyme, oregano, peppermint, sage and savory. Garlic, olives and olive oil are also essential ingredients in many dishes.

The proximity to the sea explains the widespread use of seafood in the local cuisine, and the sunny weather, which lasts most of the year in Provence, makes the vegetables growing here unusually tasty and juicy, from which it is simply a sin not to cook something simply stunning. The most popular dishes are bouillabaisse soup ( Bouillabaisse), which is prepared from 5-7 species of rock fish; olive-anchovy-capers puree "tapenade" ( Tapenade); vegetable soup "pisto" ( Soupe au pistou); stewed vegetables "ratatouille" ( Ratatouille); baked vegetables "tian" ( Tian) and much more.

A special place in Avignon's gastronomy is occupied by wine created from vineyards growing on the banks of the Rhone River. The local soils are favorable for the cultivation of grape varieties from which the noble red wine "Côte du Rhône-Villeage" ( Cotes-du-Rhone-Village), resistant to long exposure, delicate pink "Saint-Gervais" ( Saint-Gervais), "Shuslan" ( Chusclan) and exquisite white "Loden" ( Laudun). Young rosé wines are good with fatty meats or stews, and whites are good with fried fish.

Restaurants, cafes, eateries, pastry shops, bars, etc. you will find literally every step of the way in the city center. Avignon's chefs will offer you a variety of traditional Provencal cuisine, ultra-trendy gourmet delicacies, and dishes from different cuisines of the world. Of course, restaurants with a menu based on Provencal cuisine ( Fou de Fafa, Christian Etienne, Le Petit Gourmand, La Fourchette, Le Chapelier Toque and many others). After all, where else in the world, if not in the heart of Provence, you can enjoy delicious and healthy food at the same time. The average bill for a dinner for two in Avignon establishments is 30 €.


The choice of your place of residence in Avignon depends only on your financial capabilities and, of course, quickness, because the best hotels are booked long before the planned date of arrival in one of the most beautiful cities in France. Accommodation in 5-star hotels in the city and its surroundings will cost from 140 to 600 €, but a room in no less luxurious “fours” with a certain amount of luck can be rented even for 100 €.

Charming family hotels, most often awarded only one "star", have their own unique charm and comfort. The cost of rooms in hotels of this type is only about 30-45 € for two people per night. Private houses with swimming pools are available for rent in the suburbs of Avignon. The cost per week ranges from 350 to 1,000 €. A place in the Pop "Hostel youth hostel can be booked for 14, 19 or 38 €, depending on the type of room.

Entertainment and recreation

The most important cultural event in the life of not only Avignon, but the entire region of Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur is the annual summer theater festival, which hosts many theatrical, musical, dance and opera performances. The main performances are held in the open air in the courtyard of the Palace of the Popes without a stage or scenery. In addition, about 20 theater companies show their performances in the city all year round.

Jazz fans should head to A.J.M.I.'s improvisation evenings. in the cafe La manutention... In addition, throughout the year, Avignon hosts many jazz concerts and performances by musicians from all over the world.

In Avignon, you can attend top-class gastronomic workshops and seminars where local chefs share with you the secrets of their craft ( Ateliers de cuisine Concept Chef aux Halles d "Avignon). Similar events are also held for children from 6 to 14 years old at school. Ateliers de cuisine Concept Chef pour les enfants.

The Center for Creative Development will help you create a unique ceramic piece with your own hands. Atelier terra nostra.

If you are traveling with children, take half a day to visit the Seaquarium, which is home to all kinds of sharks, huge turtles, marine mammals and hundreds of fish species. The cost of an adult ticket is 12.5 €, a ticket for children (from 5 to 15 years old) - 9.5 €, children under 5 years old admission is free.

In the suburb of Avignon Pierrelatte you will also find a crocodile farm La Ferme aux Crocodiles, where, in addition to hundreds of crocodiles, several giant turtles live. The entrance fee is 13.5 € for adults, 8.5 € for children from 3 to 12 years old.

A visit to the theme park will be an interesting experience for young travelers. Amazonia, where you will find yourself almost in a real Amazonian jungle with houses of Indians, statues of the ancient Mayan gods, suspension bridges over the "abyss", etc. Admission fee: 14 € for adults, 13 € for children. The park is located in the suburbs of Avignon near the town of Roquemaure.

Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy playing golf at the club Garden golf, horseback riding, canoeing or kayaking on the waters of the Sorg River, cycling around the city and its environs, etc.

After sunset, set off to admire Avignon's bright lights at night, dine at the restaurant at the foot of the Palais des Papes, attend a colorful theater or music show, or end an unforgettable day at one of the city's nightclubs.


Avignon is the ideal city for gift shopping. One of the city's main shopping streets is the rue de la République, which is home to a variety of French brands as well as tempting grocery stores specializing in Provencal delicacies (ranging from spices and olive oil to a huge selection of local wines).

In memory of the happy sunny days in Avignon, it is worth buying a bottle of the world's best olive oil. Moreover, in your choice, be guided by such a factor as the place of production of this product. The best olive oil of Provence is created in the towns of Draguignan ( Draguignan) and Les Baux de Provence ( Les-Baux-de-Provence), as well as in the vicinity of the Alps ( Alpilles).

A wide selection of Provencal wines is presented in the store La Cave du Bouffart.

Main food market of the city Les Halles d "Avignon, where you can buy not only food, but also local wine at prices significantly lower than store prices, is located on the square place pie... On the square place des Carmes they sell flowers on Saturdays, and on Sundays it turns into a flea market where you can buy the most unexpected things.

Look for clothes and accessories on the streets. rue Joseph-Vernet and rue St Agricol either in large shopping centers Monoprix, Auchan and Buld'air.

In addition to delicious souvenirs, in the shops of Avignon Terre et Art and Terre et Provence excellent pottery items created by local artisans are available for purchase. Designer gold and silver jewelry is sold at the Vincent Joaillier store, which has delighted its customers with magnificent unique products since 1897.

Large department stores are open from 9:00 to 19:00 without interruption, while small shops and shops are most often closed on Mondays until lunchtime and from 12:00 to 14:00 every day.


Despite the fact that the airport Aéroport d'Avignon - Caumont is located 8 km from the city center, it is more convenient to get to Avignon via Marseille (Aéroport de Marseille Provence), which lies only 105 km in the southeast direction. The minimum price for a flight between Moscow and Marseille in both directions is about 250 €. Regular TGV high-speed trains run between Marseille and Avignon. Travel time takes no more than 30 minutes, and the minimum ticket price is 21 €. It should be borne in mind that there are two railway stations in Avignon:

  • railway station Center-ville located on Boulevard Saint-Roch, where mainly TER (local) trains and some TGV trains from Paris arrive;
  • railway station TGV, located 4 km from the city center in the Courtine district on Place de l'Europe, serves up to 60 TGV trains daily to destinations such as Marseille, Lyon, Dijon, Lille, Rennes, Nantes, Geneva, Brussels and during the summer time London and Ashford.

Regular city buses run between the stations.

The cost of a city bus ticket is 1.3 € (the ticket is valid for an hour from the moment of activation), 10 tickets - 10 €, a day pass - 3.6 €.

In Avignon, all conditions have been created so that the local population and guests of the city stop using polluting cars and switch to bicycles. The cost of renting a bike (Vélopop station) is 1 € per day or 5 € per week.

If you are traveling by your own or rented car, then you should bear in mind that there are free and paid parking in the city, as well as parking with limited time (on the territory of the Papal Palace and on the embankment). The white color of the parking lot means that the stopping time is limited to 4 hours, the cost per hour is 0.38 €; blue - 3 hours, 0.67 € per hour; green - 2 hours, 1 € per hour; orange - 1 hour, 2 € per hour.

You can explore the sights of the city by taking the Le Petit Train d "Avignon" tourist train, which costs 4 € for a 40-minute excursion.


On the streets of the city, as well as in large shopping centers, you will find pay phones that support international calls. There are also many offices throughout Avignon where you can connect to one of the local cellular operators.

Free Internet (usually Wi-Fi hotspots) is provided by all hotels in the city and the surrounding area, as well as guest houses, furnished apartments and many restaurants.


Foreign tourists feel quite safe and free in Avignon, but a similar situation has developed in the city only in the last few years, after the city's security service was strengthened by attracting more staff and improving the material base of the police. The working hours of the patrol police are from 7 am to 2 am.

Business climate

There are 4 free economic zones in the city: Monclar, Rocade, Croix des oiseaux and Saint chamand... On the territory of all free economic zones, small and medium-sized enterprises are provided with a number of benefits that apply to taxes (income tax, property tax, local taxes, etc.) and social payments to the state (social insurance, payments to the National Fund for the Promotion of Housing Fund , transport payments, etc.), provided that the majority of workers are hired from among local residents.

Real estate

Real estate in Avignon is often chosen not so much for local attractions and beauty as for the proximity to the seaside resorts of France, while the city is valued for a quieter and more relaxed atmosphere, and housing prices are much more democratic here than, for example, in the neighboring coastal Marseille. ... The price for 1 m 2 of an Avignon apartment ranges from 2,200 to 3,200 €. If you prefer a private house, you can count on € 1,200-2,200 per 1 m 2.

If you wish, you can even buy a castle with a park in the vicinity of Avignon, but for this type of real estate you will have to pay at least 5,000,000 €, however, here it is worth considering that the cost of 1 m 2 is all the same 2,200-2,500 €.

The VAT on goods purchased in Avignon ranges from 5.5% (on books and food) to 19.6% (on most goods), therefore, in order to refund the tax (if the amount of the purchase in one store on the same day exceeded 175 €), you must keep all receipts and take the bordereau de détaxe form from the seller. This form must be provided at the airport (look for the sign Détaxe).

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