Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The act of reconciliation of mutual settlements by an individual. The main features of the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements. A sample of filling out an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements

The act of reconciliation of mutual settlements by an individual. The main features of the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements. A sample of filling out an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements

Clear control, accurate accounting and strict control over the conduct of economic activities are the basis for the fruitful and calm work of the enterprise (individual entrepreneur), as well as the absence of disagreements with contractors.

To achieve these goals, a reconciliation act is used.

Reconciliation statement as an accounting document

Reconciliation statements are an accounting document that displays mutual settlements for a certain period of time between two legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. At the legislative level, this reconciliation act is not regulated in any way, since it is not a primary document.

Nevertheless, most accountants prefer to have a signed act in their arsenal. With its help, it is possible to resolve controversial issues that arise between counterparties, as well as to protect the interests of a particular enterprise (individual entrepreneur), including in court.

In order for such a document to have the form and content of real evidence, it should take into account some of the norms of the current legislation, as well as established judicial practice.

This accounting document plays an extremely important role in the following situations:

  • with a wide range of which is offered by one seller;
  • in case of providing on the part of the seller, a delay in payment;
  • at high cost on the offered range of goods or services;
  • in case of relationship between counterparties on a regular basis;
  • to simplify accounting and control at the enterprise(for an individual entrepreneur) if the latter has a large number of concluded contracts or other agreements.

Due to the fact that there is no fixed form of the reconciliation act in the current legislation, enterprises are allowed to develop a sample document at their own discretion.

Moreover, the Ministry of Finance insists on this in the letter No. 07-05-04 / 2 signed on 18.02.2005.

But at the same time, based on a systematic analysis of the current regulatory legal acts, there are two main requirements that must be met when forming acts of reconciliation of mutual settlements:

  • this document must be drawn up in two authentic copies, one for each party who signs it;
  • on the part of the enterprise, only the director or the chief accountant has the right to sign and their signatures must be sealed.

As it already became known, the form for the reconciliation of mutual settlements can be developed independently. However, established practice suggests that when drawing up an act, one should include in it those data that should be inherent in all primary documents.

Based on this, the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements must have:

  • outgoing number;
  • date of signing;
  • the period for which the reconciliation is carried out;
  • the name of the counterparties;
  • indication of the full name of the official who signs the act;
  • a table in which data on debit and credit are indicated, information on deliveries, settlements made and available debt;
  • the balance at the beginning of the period for which the act is drawn up, as well as at the end of the period;
  • data on the total turnover;
  • duplicated table without data, to provide the counterparty, if there are discrepancies, indicate your data.

The signed reconciliation act indicates that the parties have confirmed the existence of a relationship between them, and also indicated accurate data regarding the real state of mutual settlements.

In addition, it indicates, if any, debt obligations, as well as the lack of a complete settlement. It is these data that act as an argument in favor of this or that person when they apply to the court in order to avoid the process of proof.

The signed reconciliation act is solid evidence during the period of litigation. In addition, during the period of pre-trial settlement of the dispute, this document indicates the fact that the party has recognized debt obligations.

From all of the above, we can conclude that there is no obligation to conduct an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements at enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.

However, thanks to the data that are recorded in them, it is possible to avoid errors in accounting, maintain full control of economic activities and avoid disputes between enterprises (individual entrepreneurs), as evidenced by the practice established by federal arbitration courts.

We learn to draw up an act of reconciliation of calculations (1C: Accounting 8.3, revision 3.0)

2016-12-08T13: 37: 38 + 00: 00

In this lesson, we will learn how to properly draw up an act of reconciliation of settlements with a counterparty for 1C: Accounting 8.3 (revision 3.0).

Situation. We have long-term cooperation with our counterparty Prodmarket LLC. Prodmarket supplies us with some goods, and we provide it with some services.

Once a quarter, we draw up reconciliation statements on mutual settlements in order to avoid accounting errors, as well as to legally fix the debt to each other, because an act certified by both parties can be used in court.

On October 10, we decided to draw up a reconciliation report for the 3rd quarter. Thus, we were the initiator of drawing up an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements with the counterparty.

According to our data (analysis of accounts 60, 62, 66, 67, 76) at the beginning of the 3rd quarter we had no debt to each other.

  • On September 2, we received goods from the food market in the amount of 4000 rubles.
  • On September 3, we paid 4,000 rubles from the checkout to the food market.
  • On September 24, we rendered services to the food market in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

Thus, according to our data at the end of the 3rd quarter the food market owes us 2,500 rubles.

We go to the section "Purchases" item "Acts of reconciliation of calculations":

Create a new document "Statement of reconciliation of settlements with the counterparty". We fill in the counterparty's food market and indicate the period for which the reconciliation act is drawn up (quarter 3):

If it was required to make a reconciliation for a specific agreement, it would be necessary to indicate it in the "Agreement" field. But we carry out a general reconciliation for all contracts, so we leave the contract field empty.

Go to the "Additional" tab and indicate the representatives of our organization and representatives of the food market.

Since we do a reconciliation for all contracts, it will be convenient if the lines in printed form are broken down according to contracts. To do this, put the checkbox "Split by contracts":

Go to the "Accounting accounts" tab and mark here the accounting accounts that need to be analyzed to reconcile our calculations with the counterparty. Here are the most typical accounts (60, 62, 66 ...), but it is possible to add new ones (the "Add" button):

Finally, go to the "By organization data" tab and click the "Fill in according to accounting data" button:

The tabular part was filled with primary documents and calculation amounts:

We carry out the document and print the reconciliation report:

It shows that we have zero debt to each other at the beginning of the period, and at the end of the period the food market owes us 2,500 rubles.

Please note that in this act, only our data has been filled in so far. We have yet to find out the data of the counterparty (food market).

We send this version to the counterparty

Let's save this version of the act by clicking on the floppy disk button above the printable:

The act was saved to the desktop in the form of an Excel file:

We send this file by mail to the counterparty of the food market.

The counterparty makes its own reconciliation

The food market received this file, conducted its own reconciliation and revealed discrepancies in the part of the receipt from September 2. According to his data, the goods were shipped to us not for 4000, as indicated by us, but for 5600 rubles.

We receive an act with discrepancies from the counterparty

Prodmarket indicated this error in the Excel file that we sent it, and then returned this corrected file to us by mail.

We correct our accounting error

Having learned about these discrepancies, we raised the primary documents and found out that the operator missed one position when filling in the invoice. We fixed this error, re-entered the created act and again pressed the button "Fill in according to accounting data":

Since we are sure that this act will already be final, go to the "According to counterparty data" tab and click the "Fill according to organization data" button:

The tabular section from the first tab is completely copied into this one, only the amounts in Debit and Credit are inverted (swapped):

We send to the counterparty a new (final) act

We print the reconciliation report again. In duplicate. We sign both, put a seal and send them to the food market (by mail or by courier) to get back one certified copy:

After receiving a reverse copy of the act from the food market, go back to the document and check the "Reconciliation approved" checkbox. This will protect the document from accidental changes in the future:

In this lesson, we learned how to draw up an act of reconciliation with a counterparty in 1C: Accounting 8.3, revision 3.0.

Calculations between two organizations in a certain period are displayed by means of a reconciliation act. But the official document standard is not legally defined.

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What are the nuances of creating an act of reconciliation by mutual settlements? Many companies ignore the settlement reconciliation report. Not every accountant understands the significance of this document.

Meanwhile, it is the reconciliation act that acts as documentary evidence of the counterparty's debts to the organization. How to form a document correctly? What are the nuances of creating a reconciliation statement regarding mutual settlements?

Important aspects

Mutual settlements of the two organizations for the stipulated time should be reflected in a reconciliation act. According to the existing legislation, there is no standard form for this document.

Each subject has the right to independently develop and approve the most convenient format for the comparison of settlements.

The accounting department of one of the parties creates this document in two copies - one for the enterprise itself and its counterparty. The finished document is certified by the signatures of the chief accountant and the head.

After the certificate has been stamped, one copy of it is sent to the counterparty for verification. In the presence of discrepancies, such are recorded in the act submitted to the counterparty.

After the reconciliation is completed, the act signed by the second party is returned to the initiating organization. When concluding, it is highly desirable to provide a time frame for signing the act.

In the case of legal proceedings, the violation of the deadlines is taken into account only if there is a preliminary agreement on the exact time frame for signing the act.

Can organizations reconcile business transactions over a specific time frame. In any case, the legislation does not oblige to draw up such an act. And, nevertheless, the reconciliation act is applied in the practice of many enterprises.

What it is

The document is called the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements, which displays the state of settlements between two parties at a certain stage.

To substantiate the need for a reconciliation act, you can refer to the current legislation regarding the inventory and accounting in general.

In clause 3.44 of the Instructions it is said that an inventory of settlements with buyers and suppliers is carried out by checking the validity of the amounts on the accounts.

The inventory check is documented in the forms established.

The results of the inventory are drawn up in an act, which is the results of the verification of calculations. On its basis, you can draw up an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements.

In this case, the document must have the obligatory details provided for by Federal Law No. 402 for primary documentation. The form of the reconciliation statement must be approved by the accounting policy of the entity.

In general, the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is not a primary document. It is necessary to identify errors in the calculations. But the very drawing up of such an act can be attributed to the customs of business turnover.

This is the name of the prevailing rule, although not approved by law, but widely used in certain areas of activity.

An example of drawing up an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements

The form of the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is developed by organizations freely. The format of the document can be arbitrary, but this does not mean that you can not comply with the legal requirements for documentary content.

In addition, it is worth considering the existing practice of using this document. So it should be understood that the act of reconciliation by mutual settlements is not considered to be the primary documentation.

And, nevertheless, on this occasion the points of view differ. The FTS in its notes that the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is not a primary document, since it does not certify the completion of a business operation.

The logical explanation lies in the fact that when the act is signed, the financial position of the parties does not change. On the other hand, the signing of the reconciliation act becomes the basis for the renewal of the limitation period.

And the same tax authorities in court proceedings prove that the interruption of the limitation period is justified only if the act has the obligatory details of the primary documents.

Based on the foregoing, one should be guided by the fact that regardless of the approved form of the reconciliation act of mutual settlements, it must have such details as:

  • document's name;
  • parties involved;
  • date of signing;
  • the period of the reconciliation;
  • details of the agreement, regarding which the reconciliation is carried out;
  • links to primary documentation;
  • the amount of transactions in monetary terms;
  • final balance;
  • signatures of the parties with decryption;
  • print sides.

How to fill in correctly

The purpose of the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is to compare the data of the organization and its partner for the fulfillment of mutual obligations in a certain period. The document can be drawn up in paper form or in electronic format.

Video: the act of reconciliation of settlements between a counterparty (supplier or client) in business

It is advisable to form a document from two parts - the details of the act and the tabular part relating directly to mutual settlements.

The following must be specified as mandatory details:

Document's name The act of reconciliation of mutual settlements, here you need to put down the document number and the date of its preparation
Organization Name of the company that drew up the act
Partner The name of the organization, which is the interacting party, and which act will be sent for signature
Contract The details of the contract are displayed here when drilling is performed within its limits
Beginning of period Specific date from which the comparison begins
End of period Date on which the reconciliation procedure ends
Debit balance The amount of the partner's debt at the beginning of the period
Credit balance The amount of debt of the organization at the beginning of the period
Place of compilation The city where the document was drawn up. You can specify the legal address of the organization

Reconciliation statement of mutual settlements- one of the primary accounting documents.

The essence of such a document is to at some point fix the state of mutual settlements between two counterparties.

So, a reconciliation act can be signed between a buyer and a supplier, a payer and the Pension Fund, between two enterprises of one holding, and even between two structural divisions of one enterprise.
The reasons for signing the reconciliation act include the following:

  • long-term cooperation between two contractors;
  • the possibility of deferring payment for the goods;
  • when the company works with a wide range of goods;
  • when goods are of very high value;
  • inventory of the state of mutual settlements with counterparties;
  • the need for confirmation of accounts receivable or payable to regulatory authorities or senior management, etc.

The act of reconciliation of settlements can be drawn up for a month, quarter, year, or even for the entire period of work. There are no strict requirements, both for its design and frequency. The only thing that must be observed when drawing up this document is the separation of data according to contracts.

For example, the same organization acts as a buyer for one goods for you, and a supplier for other goods, then it is better to make two reconciliation acts, for accounts payable (and the corresponding delivery contract) separately, for accounts receivable separately.

Registration of the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements

The legislation does not establish uniform rules for the preparation and execution of the reconciliation act, however, there are basic principles that must be observed. Like any primary document, the reconciliation act must contain the following mandatory details:

  • the name of the document, as well as the date of its preparation;
  • the name of the compiler's organization and the name of the counterparty with whom the act is signed;
  • indication of officials authorized to sign acts of reconciliation of their names and initials, as well as signatures.

The act of reconciliation itself is usually drawn up in the form of a register of documents, sorted by the date of their creation. Sometimes, instead of documents, the essence of the operation is indicated (sale, purchase, payment, etc.).

In order for the reconciliation act to be relevant, it is better to draw it up from the beginning of cooperation or from the moment of signing the last reconciliation act. In addition to the compiler, this document must be signed by the director of the enterprise.

The original of the reconciliation act, signed by the directors of the counterparty enterprises and certified by their wet seals, is legally binding.

The signing of the reconciliation act and its legal force

Remember that the counterparty (especially your debtor) may refuse to sign the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements, and by law you will not be able to influence his decision. Therefore, it is worth registering a mandatory reconciliation of mutual settlements and the periodic signing of the relevant acts in the agreement, indicating the timing and procedure for such reconciliation. It is also worth providing for liability for refusal or evasion of reconciliation.

When resolving disputes, the judges have repeatedly expressed the opinion that the reconciliation act is not unambiguous evidence of the existing debt, but it can be a good confirmation of the available primary documents confirming its existence.

Also, the signed reconciliation act allows you to "push back" the limitation period. The new statute of limitations is counted from the date of signing the act, regardless of the date of the most controversial transaction.

Mutual accounting, control and strict regulation of financial and economic activities is the main purity, timeliness and absence of disagreements on settlements with counterparties. For these purposes, in modern document circulation, an act of reconciliation of settlements is used.

What is the act of reconciliation of settlements

The act of reconciliation of mutual settlements (mutual settlements) is an accounting document that is drawn up to reconcile mutual settlements between parties (organizations, individual entrepreneurs, etc.) for a certain period of time (month, quarter, year). The data that the initiating organization indicates in the act must match the information of the counterparty. If discrepancies are found in the data, this is recorded in the final part of the document.

Currently, the legislation does not establish the official form of such a document. Also, the obligation to draw up an act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is not enshrined in law, however, this is one of the most common and demanded documents in business turnover, which is necessary to comply with all the terms of contracts. If necessary, each organization can develop its own form of the reconciliation act. However, it should be drawn up taking into account the requirements for primary accounting documentation.

In the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements, the number, reconciliation period, and the name of the organizations must be indicated. The act must contain a table in which the data on the numbers and dates of the primary documents confirming the delivery and payment of goods are entered for debit and credit. The end of the form must contain the turnover for the period and the ending balance.

The act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is necessary:

  • when the seller provides the product with a deferred payment
  • when providing standard, regular services
  • with a high cost of goods and services
  • when concluding a large number of contracts and additional agreements to them

The form of the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is drawn up by the accounting unit of the organization and signed by the general director and certified by the seal of the organization. The act is made in two copies, which are subsequently sent to the address of the counterparty. When sending an act, it is important to indicate the period during which the counterparty must sign the act and return one copy to the initiating organization. If representatives are sent from organizations to sign the reconciliation act, they must have a power of attorney with them.

Only the chief accountants of companies can sign the act of reconciliation of mutual settlements, but this is possible only if no discrepancies are found in the act and the organizations have no disagreements. It should be understood that in the event of a disagreement, the act submitted to the court without the director's signature will not be valid.

When drawing up acts of reconciliation of mutual settlements, it is necessary to check several accounts:

  • income calculations
  • settlements on advances issued
  • settlements for shortages
  • settlements on assumed obligations

The reconciliation act between organizations that have no property disputes is a purely technical detail. Reconciliation can be carried out both for a specific contract and for the totality of commercial relations with a counterparty organization for a certain period.

The form of the statement of reconciliation of mutual settlements can be downloaded from this link: Form of the statement of reconciliation of mutual settlements (* .xls, 28Kb).

An example of a correctly completed settlement reconciliation report is shown in the picture below (clickable):

"Payment (000506 from 25.09.2013)" - receipt / withdrawal of funds from the account
"Sale (19 from 31.10.2013)" - confirmation of the fact of the provision of services (certificate of service provision), transfer of goods (invoice)

You can download an example of a correctly completed settlement reconciliation report at this link:

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