Home Berries We make low pressure wheels with our own hands. ATVs on low pressure tires How to make a pneumatic drive with your own hands

We make low pressure wheels with our own hands. ATVs on low pressure tires How to make a pneumatic drive with your own hands

Pneumatic vehicle This category of homemade all-terrain vehicle appeared in the 60s of the last century. These devices were configured as a tricycle, only the front wheel was replaced with a ski. Such a scheme for all-terrain vehicles is used today, albeit much less often. Now the pneumatic drive from the walk-behind tractor is more popular, and wheels from three to six are used.

How to make an air travel from a walk-behind tractor

In order to tackle the creation of such an all-terrain vehicle, an amateur designer must solve the following problem: for what purposes is the future car intended. Here you need to specify the desired number of seats, maximum baggage weight, season of use and for what conditions the device is intended.

Determination of the pneumatic duct design

Only after the final clarification of all of the above, after defining the concept of the future all-terrain vehicle, can we begin to search for possible options for solving the problem.

And now the idea is ready, the goal is visible, which means you can move on to the issue of selecting the elements of the all-terrain vehicle.
Here you need to decide on the type and model of the engine, the composition of the transmission, the design and type of frame, the equipment of the cabin and other elements. One of the main characteristics that needs to be paid attention to when creating an all-terrain vehicle is the choice of the formula for the suspension system.

You also need to subject the design parameters to calculations - own, useful and total weight, what will be the dimensions of the tires, what is the required engine power for the intended purpose.

After analyzing and comparing all the desires and possibilities, you can make the final choice of the required scheme of the all-terrain vehicle. At this stage of the activity, the project for the homemade all-terrain vehicle is a prerequisite for its completion.

We make a pneumatic drive with our own hands from a walk-behind tractor

Choosing a motor for a pneumatic drive

Very often, the lack of sufficient funding leads to limitations in choosing an engine, therefore, you have to use what is available. These are usually two- or four-stroke motorcycle engines, and they also use old automotive power plants, but much less often.
If, nevertheless, there is extra money available and when choosing an engine you can not think about their amount, then you can use the following recommendations:

For such a homemade all-terrain vehicle on pneumatic wheels, it is best to take the engine from a motorcycle, for this you need to choose a motor that is most suitable in terms of power and conditions of use. For the motor, you need to have a forced cooling system (air or water), since the all-terrain vehicle does not have all those conditions that are necessary for conventional, natural cooling.

Four-stroke motors have a number of advantages over two-stroke counterparts, so many designers use them. For example, boxer engines from heavy motorcycles can be used.
In such devices, you can also use a motor from a car, which is most suitable for installing it on a homemade tracked all-terrain vehicle. Such an engine has sufficient torque and is also reliable in use and it has (importantly) a good price-to-performance ratio. What type of engine to use - diesel or carburetor - it will be your decision.

Both the one and the other scheme have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, a diesel engine is more economical than a gasoline engine, although in severe frost conditions, it can be difficult to start it stably and make it also work stably without the use of additional equipment (pre-heater). (What can be said about gasoline engines, but to a much lesser extent).

Air travel wheel design

All-terrain vehicle designers in many cases use self-made low pressure wheels.

What is so unusual about pneumocool tires? They have a relatively low weight, high elasticity and ground pressure within a small range. These characteristics, along with a large rolling radius, provide the all-terrain vehicle with good cross-country ability along with economy.

Factory wheels ND

The volume of the chambers determines good buoyancy for the structure, which is an additional plus for passability. And if you use foam to fill the space inside the disc, the ATV will be more stable on the water and there will also be a noticeable reduction in the adhesion of snow or dirt.

The uncomplicated design of the chassis elements and the ease in finding materials for them makes it possible to manufacture an all-terrain vehicle without any particular difficulties.
But, of course, there are also disadvantages here, for example, a small resource of cameras, but the introduction of additional elements allows you to avoid this.

Tires for all-terrain vehicles on pneumatics are made by craftsmen themselves, using four basic principles:

  1. First - 2 discs made of sheet metal with bridges between them are attached to the sleeve, after which you need to put on a camera, which is fixed with segments of a conveyor belt. Sometimes a camera can use a protector from another camera.
  2. The second is to fix one disc on the bushing, and after that attach the jumpers to it, and weld or rivet the side rings to them.
  3. The third - the scheme is similar to the previous construction principle, only a sheet metal or pipe spoke is used for the central disc.
  4. According to the fourth principle, two discs are mounted on the hub, like the discs of a wheel from a scooter (split wheel).

Here, perhaps, we can finish. From a variety of options, you can choose one that is more to your liking. It is only necessary to determine the purpose of the finished car and go ahead!

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Homemade all-terrain vehicle on low-pressure tires, with four-wheel drive and a break-type frame.

We present to your attention a home-made wheeled all-terrain vehicle "breaking". This all-terrain vehicle is capable not only of off-road driving, but also excellently overcome water obstacles. Buoyancy is provided by pneumatic wheels and a sealed body. In addition to the driver, the equipment is capable of carrying half a ton of cargo.

Materials used to build the all-terrain vehicle:

  • ICE - Tiger-390E 13 hp
  • Checkpoint 5 speed from the Golf-2 car.
  • The clutch and CV joints are also from Golf.
  • Bridges from VAZ classic.
  • Profile pipes.
  • Sheet metal.

Let's consider in more detail the stages of construction and the main units of the all-terrain vehicle.

The frame of the all-terrain vehicle is welded from a shaped tube. The frame is equipped with a Tiger-390E four-stroke single-cylinder engine.

Bridges from VAZ "classic".

Modifications to the front axle of the all-terrain vehicle.

And here are the parts used for the differential lock:

A K65S carburetor was installed on the engine, after which the engine speed increased to 5 thousand. The carburetor is fairly easy to adjust and works great.

The rubber is trimmed to the next canine so that it can catch on further. Undercut where the inner cord is.

Discs made.

Below is a diagram by which disks with the main dimensions were made:

To make the discs, a 50 cm barrel was used, 1.5 mm thick, the end of 45 degrees, 2 mm thick, and a disc from a classic 13-inch vase was taken as a basis. The disc is mounted on standard 6 m6 nuts. There are also two locking rings.
The assembled disc weighs 22 kilograms.

The camera weighs 15 kg, the peeled vi-3 tire is single-bundled with four layers, the width of the lugs is about 3 centimeters, and it weighs 36 kg. The complete wheel weighs about 73 kg.

Locking ring.

Homemade vulcanizer.

A muffler is made. The length of the muffler is 400 mm, the diameter is 11 centimeters, to give rigidity the author made the last can with an ellipse. the first and second jars are made thick-walled.

Fastening the axle to the frame.

Rear semi-frame.

Installed generator 14V 65A.

The homemade all-terrain vehicle has successfully passed tests not only on land, but also on water. The engine copes and the power is enough. The all-terrain vehicle feels great on the water. In first and second gears, any obstacles are easily passed. The maximum speed of the all-terrain vehicle in fifth gear on a flat surface is 35 km / h.

Motoblocks are the favorite technical devices of many farmers, so it is not surprising that when using a constructional imagination, you can transform the unit and create on its basis an all-terrain vehicle, a karakat, a snowmobile, a pneumatic vehicle, an ATV and a swamp vehicle. Today we will consider ways to expand the functionality of the device without special financial costs and contacting specialists.

We create an all-terrain vehicle from a walk-behind tractor with our own hands

It is worth noting that the very concept of "all-terrain vehicle" means a vehicle with high cross-country ability. An important fact: the all-terrain vehicle, the karakat and the pneumatic vehicle, the swamp vehicle are synonymous with only a few minor modifications. If a person manages to create a homemade mini-all-terrain vehicle, he will receive a real masterpiece that will become his pride.

Before starting construction work, it is necessary to decide whether the device will be on tracks or on pneumatic wheels. An important point: it is much more difficult to create a tracked unit, and it requires special knowledge and physical effort to operate it. A powerful engine should also be prepared for installation. It doesn't matter what it will be, diesel or gasoline, the main thing is that the part is powerful and equipped with forced water or air cooling.

The working process

  1. First you need to choose a base for the design. A frame from an old URAL or IZH motorcycle can be used. Thanks to such options, the car will be more maneuverable and will be able to easily overcome any obstacles;
  2. The next step is to create the suspension and rear axle. Independent front and rear suspensions are connected by means of a rack, a steering bushing and a mowing bar;
  3. Wheels for mounting should be taken from powerful trucks. Excellent, but not required, options will be cameras that differ in low pressure (from KamAZ and URAL cars). Having made the right choice, the driver can be confident in his own safety and enjoy easy driving;
  4. Mounting the motor is one of the most serious steps in creating an all-terrain vehicle based on a walk-behind tractor. Finally, the owner must securely attach the engine, clutches, brakes and exhaust system.

Only after a thorough check of the newly made cross-country vehicle, you can start testing and further operation.

Caracat from a walk-behind tractor: specificity

In fact, the karakat performs almost the same tasks as the all-terrain vehicle, only its peculiarity is manifested in large wheels tightened with strong belts. At first glance, such a device may seem rather cumbersome and awkward, but in fact, the specified transport is quietly operated on terrible roads at speeds up to 70 km / h.

How to create powerful wheels with your own hands?

There are 4 ways:

  1. The first method is relatively simple: 2 sheet metal discs are used, which are attached to the bushing. After that, the camera is put on, fixed with sections of a special conveyor belt;
  2. The second involves securing one disc to the hub and attaching a jumper. Then side rings must be welded to them;
  3. The third option is very similar to the second, only a pipe or sheet metal spoke is used for the central disc;
  4. The fourth principle involves mounting two discs on a hub, which are very similar to wheel discs from a scooter.

Thanks to the strong suspension, which can be welded from steel pipes and connected by hinges without any problems, the karakat can withstand incredibly heavy loads. It's just that it is somewhat more difficult to control such a unit, since often the design is based on a conventional worm gear.

To competently make a karakat out of a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, you can use the above tips regarding the all-terrain vehicle, and familiarize yourself with the drawings on our website.

It will not be difficult for craftsmen who understand the mechanical and structural features of motoblocks to create a truly high-quality karakat, which will become a real assistant for fishing trips, mushrooming, hunting, etc.

Features of creating a homemade snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor

Many craftsmen know that such an agro-industrial machine as a walk-behind tractor can easily be transformed into a snowmobile, which allows you to successfully move off-road even on the most snowy days. Moreover, the process of alteration itself is quite simple and straightforward.

The main thing is to choose the right engine. Experienced owners of such "assistants" are advised to give preference to the device that has manual control and a towing device. In most cases, a class of motoblocks is used, the design of which provides for the use of a 4-stroke 1-cylinder gasoline engine with air cooling.

Before starting the process of working on a future snowmobile, you need to prepare:

  • powerful wheels (or tracks with snow tracks);
  • frame;
  • power unit;
  • drive unit;
  • runners;
  • shock absorbers;
  • steering column.

Some parts can be created by yourself, and some can be purchased. For example, a frame will fit from an old motorcycle, and longitudinal tubes of frames from old bicycles should be used as swivel ski racks.

How to make a snowmobile from a walk-behind tractor: step by step instructions

  • To begin with, the engine is installed from the walk-behind tractor on a caterpillar drive;
  • Then two rods are attached to it, joining the transverse beam (where the steering wheel and skis are already fixed);
  • The front pillar and seat are mounted in the space between the two rods;
  • The crawler unit now needs to be attached to the specified crossbeam;
  • All other parts should be attached with pins and bolts.

The result should be an excellent motorized vehicle capable of transporting a person (and a small load) in difficult weather conditions.

We get acquainted with the pneumatic crawler from the walk-behind tractor and the swamp crawler from the walk-behind tractor

As mentioned earlier, the pneumatic vehicle and the swamp vehicle are somewhat modified analogues of the all-terrain vehicle and the karakat. The first option is considered a simple vehicle, which appeared in the 60s and in modern modifications is supplemented with 3-6 wheels for better cross-country ability.

A feature of both a pneumatic drive based on a walk-behind tractor and a swamp-going vehicle is the operation of special low-pressure wheels. The fact is that in this case the tires are lightweight, flexible and exert little pressure on the ground. Together with the large rolling radius, the device is characterized by passability and endurance.

The breakaway pneumatic vehicle and the swamp vehicle are created according to the same scheme as the all-terrain vehicle, therefore, many experts often use three terms in one context. On our site, everyone can find a video with the practical use of devices and evaluate their similarity with the indicated alteration options.

Learn to create an ATV from a walk-behind tractor

It is curious, could the designers of motoblocks imagine what folk craftsmen would turn their offspring into? Unlikely! Moreover, the masters are not going to stop there, and a striking proof of this is the ATV created on the basis of the walk-behind tractor.

It differs from a standard motorcycle by the presence of four wheels, allowing you to easily drive through the most mountainous areas. The ATV is also known for its relative safety, because in the event of falling into a hole in the road, it is much easier to fly out of a two-wheeled motorcycle than from a four-wheeled one.

General stages of transformation of a walk-behind tractor into an ATV

  • Expansion of the wheelbase;
  • Competent arrangement of the frame;
  • Fitting suitable wheels.

Detailed stages of transformation

  • To begin with, you should spread the wheels using special rates that are turned on a lathe or purchased in a store;
  • Then you need to take care of creating the frame. These parts are often "borrowed" from a bicycle or motorcycle, but the possibility of welding them from classic water pipes is not excluded;
  • Now you should attach this very frame to the walk-behind tractor for the pivot hinge using two pins;
  • Then you need to deal with the wheels. Naturally, car wheels for rubber (with a low profile) are considered as the best option. They are distinguished by a fairly wide stock and an excellent rubber chamber that will fit perfectly to them;
  • Cameras should be chosen from trucks, then there is no need to doubt the practicality and endurance of the device.

Thanks to this simple method of alteration, you can get an excellent ATV that does not need a knurled road and is not afraid of sharp turns and slopes.

In total, it can be noted that with additional tools, materials, drawings, video tutorials and other things, the walk-behind tractor can be completely retrained and "breathe new life into it"!

Any man who lives all year round in the countryside has thought about purchasing an all-terrain vehicle more than once. It is especially useful for fishermen, hunters, as its characteristics allow to overcome almost any obstacle in the form of holes, off-road, spring thaw and ice. You will need a minimum amount of money and time - you can easily make a frame and wheels for a pneumatic drive for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands!

Buy a hitch and trailed to a walk-behind tractor in online stores

Homemade all-terrain vehicles on a pneumatic drive from a walk-behind tractor

Homemade pneumatic tubes on low-pressure tires are popular due to their versatility and strength: both in summer () and in winter () such a unit will always be on the move.

The design of the self-made pneumatic duct is based on the main traction force - the walk-behind tractor. A walk-behind tractor is a motor with an existing rotary element that allows you to use attachments - a cultivator, a rotary mower, a plow and others. You can often find pneumatics with a trailer - the power of a middle-class unit is enough even to transport a haystack.

In any case, there is no point in buying an expensive mechanism, since the pneumatic duct will still be modernized for specific needs.

Engine selection

The power of the homemade motor on the pneumatic drive determines the performance of the walk-behind tractor, and, therefore, the higher the power, the more efficiently the pneumatic drive will work. But there is a downside to the coin: with high power, fuel consumption also increases, and this is not practical if you live far from a gas station. If you are planning to use the air vehicle only in the summer, then it is better to choose a budget model that has a two-stroke engine. It starts up quickly and has a simpler design.

For winter fishing or hunting, only a four-stroke is suitable.

The four-stroke walk-behind tractors, thanks to the step-by-step stages of engaging in work, warms up gradually, which significantly extends the service life of the pneumatic drive.

Required tools and materials

Since it is necessary to weld metal parts together, you definitely cannot do without a good welding machine!

The list contains the following tools:

  1. Hammer;
  2. Screwdriver;
  3. Metal nippers;
  4. Drill with drills for metal;
  5. Grinder with a circle for metal;
  6. A set of 10 or 12 car keys.

The next step is to purchase the missing materials for the homemade pneumatic drive:

  1. Motoblock: you can use the engine from hybrid agricultural equipment;
  2. Car or motorcycle rims: they are made of iron, so buy anti-corrosion paint; or homemade / modified, depending on the needs;
  3. Cameras GAZ or others (for example, aviation or from trailed agricultural machines);
  4. Pipes: any pipes and even their cuttings will do;
  5. Steering column: it is advisable to purchase the model as new as possible, since the quality of control of the pneumatic all-terrain vehicle depends on this, or use a car rack;
  6. Hubs: suspension elements must be selected with the least wear, you can use automotive;
  7. Metal corners;
  8. Fasteners (bolts, screws);
  9. Rebar or wire.

Assembling the pneumatic duct on low pressure tires

Approximate drawing of a pneumatic duct

Before you start assembling the pneumatic drive from the walk-behind tractor with your own hands, make sure that all electrical components are compatible with each other. Be sure to draw up a detailed plan for the implementation of the project, as well as schedule the assembly process in stages.

Observe safety precautions when working with a welding machine. Always wear a mask to protect the mucous membranes of the eyes and cotton gloves.

The installation process can be roughly divided into the following stages:

  1. Preparation and cleaning of the workplace from excess debris and tools.
  2. After determining the dimensions of the supporting frame, cut the pieces of pipes with a grinder, and then weld them into a single structure.

  1. Next, put the cameras on the discs and secure. Check the tightness of the joints by pumping them with air.

Pneumatic wheel with a rim from a motorcycle Izh and a disk from Moskvich

  1. Pay particular attention to the design of the air travel steering system: it must be free from damage and obvious signs of wear. Install the steering and secure to the frame with a galvanized bolt.
  2. It's time to connect the drive! Screw on the wheels and attach the brake pads to the metal axle.
  3. Installation of electrical circuits.

  1. After all the manipulations carried out, proceed with the installation of the walk-behind tractor. For stationary use, bolt securely. Now you can understand how your invention will work.

For durability and an attractive appearance of the pneumatic drive from the walk-behind tractor, the finished structure should be painted with a special protective paint for metal.

DIY pneumatic wheels

Wheels can be of the following types:

  1. Tire with protectors. Tires from a tractor or truck will do. They have a deep pattern, which increases the cross-country ability of the home-made pneumatic all-terrain vehicle. Often, DIYers lighten the tires by increasing the tread pattern by cutting off excess rubber on the outer layer - such wheels are called "peeling" or "flaking".

  1. Car chamber filled with air - low pressure tires. To increase the adhesion of the pneumatic suspension with sand, ice, mud and water, metal chains, rings or belts must be attached to the cameras - this will give the structure additional rigidity when driving, as well as increase maneuverability when cornering.

  1. Combined, when tires are used together with low pressure chambers.

For wheels, choose galvanized metal alloy wheels, despite their cost - they will last much longer than iron wheels and will fully pay off in a few years.

To distribute traction more smoothly and evenly while working on the pneumatic drive, install a four-speed gearbox from Zhigulenk. Thus, you will be able to adjust the speed and significantly save fuel consumption.

If you plan to use the air suspension in the dark, be sure to install the headlights in the front of the frame: build a box where the generator and battery will be installed.

Buying a pneumatic drive is an expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford, but almost everyone can assemble a homemade pneumatic drive from a walk-behind tractor and scrap materials, while saving a lot of money!

Car enthusiasts have probably come across serial or home-made vehicles with huge wheels installed. These wheels are mainly produced according to special orders. Such designs are called low-pressure tires or, for short, SHND. Such tires are widely used on vehicles of the military, fishermen, travelers, hunters, agricultural and geological reconnaissance equipment.

The name itself immediately defines the main distinguishing feature of these tires - the wheels of this type have low pressure, so they look like pillows on which the car moves. SNDs exert little pressure on the pavement, which results in an optimal effect for off-road driving. Despite the reduced pressure on the ground surface, the degree of traction is still high, which allows you to move confidently over rough terrain, swamps and mud.

Numerous studies have shown that low pressure tires are 20% more efficient than standard tires.

SND have several distinctive features:

  • Due to the special design, these tires have an increased area of ​​contact with the surface, so that cars on such rubber can overcome almost any obstacle.
  • A small specific pressure allows the use of such tires on agricultural machinery, since during soil cultivation it is necessary to ensure minimum loads on the soil. For the same reason, SND are used on a variety of.
  • Driving a car equipped with such wheels requires special skills. It is recommended to drive on hard surfaces as little as possible, and to take turns smoothly, since the side surfaces of the SNP are their weakest point, very unstable.

Depending on the architecture of the structure and functional characteristics, several types are distinguished:

The cost of low pressure tires is several times higher than the cost of conventional tires. If we take into account the fact that they need to be made for specialized purposes, then the prices can reach half the cost of the vehicle. That is why, most often, extreme car enthusiasts make such rubber on their own.

Homemade wheels and tires

First of all, it is necessary to choose the starting material on the basis of which such tires will be made. It is best if tires from air transport become the basis of the design - they are made of high-strength rubber of the best quality. Tires from agricultural machinery or industrial all-terrain vehicles are also suitable.

Each bus consists of several interconnected elements. For the manufacture of SND, it is necessary to remove excess rubber from the tread and side surfaces, and from the inside, remove the landing cores. If necessary, even the rubberized part of the cord base can be removed, but this is quite difficult to do without affecting the nearby layer. So, the main task is to lighten the tires and make them such that they will allow the car to move through difficult terrain and weak soils.

The manufacturing procedure includes several stages:

  1. We clean, wash and dry the workpiece. We mark with a marker the patterns of the new (places of cuts).

  2. We cut through the rubber along the inner perimeter of the circle to rip out all the excess wire.

  3. After that we cut out small "windows".

  4. Through the holes we see a wire, which we pry with the help of improvised tools.

  5. We fix the tire and hook the wire to the winch.

  6. With the help of a winch, we pull out all the wire.

  7. We cut the perimeter of the circle just below the cord and fix it with pliers.

  8. We tear off excess rubber using a winch.

  9. Cut the stretched piece of rubber with a knife.

  10. From the surface of the tire (treads and sidewalls) we remove the main part of the material, layer by layer, until the tire is represented exclusively by the original carcass.

  11. We clean the surfaces with sandpaper.

  12. Putting the frame together. We weld metal tubes (plates) to the disk and weld them together using similar pipes of the appropriate size.

  13. We carefully grind the resulting workpiece so that the wheel chamber is not damaged by sharp fragments left after welding.

  14. We put the camera on the disk and pump up the tire. As a result, we get a ready-made wheel design that can be used for predetermined purposes.

  15. It's time to "put" the resulting wheels on the transport and test on the go.

Video: DIY low pressure tires

This video describes the tire peeling technology and the machine for this procedure.

Homemade products and Syrian cars on unusual wheels

Examples of factory vehicles and products made by craftsmen, in the design of which SND are used.

As you can see, swamp rovers, caracats and ATVs cannot do without SND, the special design of which makes it easy to move on a swampy or snow-covered surface. On ATVs and cross-country motorcycles, these tires are also quite often installed. Thanks to them, ATVs pass rough terrain faster and more efficiently.

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