Home Fertilizers Occupational safety training 256 hours. How to get training in labor protection. Distance learning under the program "Occupational safety specialist"

Occupational safety training 256 hours. How to get training in labor protection. Distance learning under the program "Occupational safety specialist"

Retraining of labor protection specialists- one of the key areas, which is of strategic importance for any manufacturing and non-manufacturing enterprise. Modernoccupational safety training centersare aware of the need of industries, large and small industries, as well as enterprises and organizations of other areas in qualified professionals, for whom labor protection is the main specialty.

Occupational Safety and Health is a set of activities carried out at the enterprise, due to which the required microclimate parameters are ensured during the working process, as well as the productivity of employees is increased and the final result is improved. That's why professional retraining in the field of labor protectionbears such importance for any production, having a qualitative impact on ensuring the life safety of employees during the performance of their work duties.

Professional retraining of a labor protection specialist, training of workers in labor protection and occupational safety training for managers- not the same thing, since each of them has its own set of requirements and responsibilities during the completion of the labor process. However, all three professional structure and job hierarchies are equally important and require thatretraining in the field of labor protectionwas carried out by qualified specialists of the retraining center at the highest level.

Occupational safety training for managers and specialistsaimed at assimilationspecial educational programs, with the main goal - to master the acquired knowledge and skills in new types of professional activity, or to improve the existing qualifications and receive, at the end of the courses, an officially confirmed document (diploma) of the established state standard.

For whom is professional retraining available?

Occupational safety training for managers of organizations, and occupational safety training for employeesavailable for persons with secondary and higher professional education. Such requirements are developed and regulated by the current legislation.

Who is involved in professional development and retraining of specialists?

According to paragraph 1 of Article 26 of the Law "On Education"professional retraining in labor protectionshould be carried out by an accredited educational institution that functions in the field of additional professional education and advanced training for managers, specialists and employees of enterprises. However, this is not the only document regulating the direction of retraining. There is also the Order of the Ministry of Education No. 2571 "On approval of the Regulation on the procedure and conditions for professional retraining of specialists."

Relevance of professional retraining

Given the rapid development of modern market relations, one can see that new enterprises are being created daily and in large numbers, which means that they will employ personnel, which will include managers, specialists and ordinary employees (workers) who are subordinate to them. It is obvious that the work of people in industrial enterprises is still in wide demand, because the world has not yet come to be a total robotization and automation of production. Serious attention is paid to injuries, negligence and labor safety during the production process. It is necessary to understand that responsibility for accidents will be assigned not only to the employee, but also to the manager and the labor protection specialist who provided the appropriate instruction.

Take training in labor protectionyou can visit our training center, which has state accreditation. We have not only acceptablelabor protection training costbut also a great opportunity to passretraining courses remotely.

The training program assumes a course of study disciplines for 256 academic hours. The high level of qualifications of the teaching staff, as well as a wide educational and material base meet the required standards. At the end of the course, the final stage of which is the defense of the final qualifying work, a diploma of the established form is issued.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the state guarantees the training of specialists in the field of labor protection. For this, both professional training and periodic advanced training are organized, which we will discuss in this article.

From the article you will learn:

How is the training and certification of a labor protection specialist carried out?

Professional training of specialists in the field of labor protection must comply with the instructions in the Occupational Standard No. 524n. Persons who have reached the age of 18 and who have received a higher specialized education are allowed to work in this position. If there is no higher education in the profile, it is allowed to hire workers with secondary vocational education, but in this case the employee will have to undergo OT training at the training center.

The duration of training in the presence of secondary vocational education will be at least 500-512 hours. But this is not enough - it will take at least 3 more years of industrial experience in the field of OT, for example, as an instructor. If the employee has a higher, but non-core education, it is enough for him to undergo a retraining in OT in the amount of 256 hours.

The OT specialist must be trained in the first month of his work, and then every three years undergo retraining. In the presence of a diploma of higher profile education or vocational retraining, in the first year after receiving it, it is allowed not to conduct OT training.

If an occupational safety specialist enters a job at an enterprise supervised by Rostekhnadzor and having, in addition to occupational safety training, certification in industrial safety will be required. Such certification is carried out exclusively in Rostekhnadzor at least once every 5 years.

If the employee's job responsibilities include inspecting an electrical installation, you will need to study and go to the Rostekhnadzor (Energonadzor) commission in the first month. It should be remembered that professional retraining does not replace passing the knowledge test of the OT requirements. Violation of this requirement is fraught with a fine for officials in the amount of 15 thousand to 25 thousand rubles; and for organizations - from 110 thousand to 130 thousand rubles.

Higher School of Occupational Safety

From July 1, 2018, at NOCHU DPO Aktion-MCFER began to work. The Academic Council includes leading experts and practitioners in the field of labor protection of the Federal State Budgetary Institution VNII Labor, as well as leading specialists of the joint edition of Labor Protection, LLC Aktion-MCFER. All teachers were trained at VNIITruda, have higher specialized education in OT or professional retraining in technosphere safety.

The training programs are based on the requirements of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of labor protection". After completing the course, you will receive the labor skills required by the professional standard and prepare for the qualification assessment. To start your studies, go to the main page, select a program and pay for access. Subscribers are trained on favorable terms. To enroll in the School, you need a copy of your passport and a copy of your secondary vocational or higher education diploma. Students submit a certificate from the university. You will also need a marriage certificate if the surname in the diploma and passport does not match.

Upon completion of your studies, you will receive an official retraining diploma.

Try it for free

Retraining in labor protection 256 hours remotely

In order to undergo retraining, you need to present to the CA a copy of the diploma, as well as an extract from the diploma of higher education. Only in this case can you enroll in the course.

In training organizations for training in OT, based on the model curricula and programs of the Ministry of Labor (clause 2.3.4), they develop and approve their training programs. The minimum length of such a program is 40 hours.

Training can also be completed remotely, the law on education does not prohibit this. In remote training, an employee studies topics in self-training mode, participates in webinars, and uses other forms of remote training. Attestation following the results can also be carried out remotely in the form of testing, or it can be organized in full-time form, with the passing of a state exam. Sometimes, instead of an exam, a final qualifying work is accepted.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 559n dated May 17, 2012 approved new qualification requirements for the positions of managers, specialists and employees in the field of labor protection, which entered into force on July 1, 2013, they apply to specialists who are responsible for labor protection in the organization.

New qualification requirements

Head of labor protection service: higher professional education in the direction of training "Technosphere safety" or the corresponding areas of training (specialties) to ensure the safety of production activities or higher professional education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection, work experience in the field of labor protection at least 5 years.

Labor protection specialist of the 1st category: higher professional education in the direction of training "Technosphere safety" or corresponding areas of training (specialties) to ensure the safety of production activities or higher professional education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection, work experience as a specialist in labor protection of the II category at least 2 years.

Labor protection specialist II category: higher professional education in the direction of training "Technosphere safety" or the corresponding areas of training (specialties) to ensure the safety of production activities or higher professional education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection, work experience as a labor protection specialist at least 1 year.

Labor protection specialist: higher professional education in the direction of training "Technosphere safety" or the corresponding areas of training (specialties) to ensure the safety of production activities or higher professional education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection without any requirements for work experience, or secondary vocational education and additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection, work experience in the field of labor protection for at least 3 years.

By order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 4, 2014 No. 524n, the professional standard of a specialist in the field of labor protection was approved. In which labor actions, the necessary skills and knowledge of a specialist are reflected, whose activities are related to planning, organization, control and improvement of labor protection management The position of an labor protection engineer is excluded from the tariff and qualification reference book.

In connection with the new requirements of the legislation, ANO DPO "Center for the Development of Qualifications" organizes professional retraining in the course "Technosphere Safety: Labor Safety" (training period - 256 hours).

Based on the results of successful completion of training, the following is issued: DIPLOMA on professional retraining for the right to conduct professional activities in the field of labor protection.

See how the training goes

Application for training

Applications sent - 8443


Dear Colleagues!

website & LLC "Security and Control" offer you remote training in labor protection and related areas in our accredited and licensed training center and receive certificates of the established form.

Select the required courses and submit an online application

Occupational safety training for managers and specialists in the training center is regulated by clause 2.3.2. The procedure for training on labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 13.01.2003, No. 1/29.

Occupational safety training takes place in accordance with the curriculum.

the established sample.

The cost of occupational safety training for managers and specialists:

  • up to 10 people inclusive - 1 990 rubles / listener!
  • 1 690 rubles / listener!
  • from 20 people - 1,490 rubles / listener!

The cost of an extraordinary test of knowledge of labor protection requirements - 1 190 rubles / listener!

An extraordinary test of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations is carried out on the basis of clause 3.3. The procedure for training in labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2003, No. 1/29

How to get training in labor protection

The learning and certification process is very simple. In order to undergo training in labor protection, you need:

1. Send a request.

3. Complete training on labor protection remotely.

4. Get tested.

5. Obtain documents and certificates on labor protection.
At the end of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of labor protection, protocols for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you still have questions about how to get training in labor protection in our training center, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or by Moscow time 74 54

According to the second paragraph of Article 25 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ "On Fire Safety" and Clause 3 of the Fire Safety Regulations in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 of April 25, 2012 "On Fire Safety", persons are allowed to work at the facility only after completing training in fire safety measures.

Otherwise, a fine of up to 200,000 rubles (see the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, article 20.4 part 1, 2)

Training in the fire-technical minimum at the training center is regulated by clause 36. Fire safety standards "Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations" approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 No. 645.

Training on the fire-technical minimum is carried out in accordance with the training programs.

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates of the established form.

The cost of training for the fire-technical minimum:

  • up to 10 people inclusive - 1,490 rubles / listener!
  • from 11 to 20 people inclusive - 1,290 rubles / listener!
  • from 20 people - 990 rubles / listener!

How to get training on the fire-technical minimum

The learning and certification process is very simple. In order to undergo training on the fire-technical minimum, you need:

1. Send a request.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Agree and sign a contract, pay the bill.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Complete training on the fire-technical minimum.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a lecture material in PDF format for review. If in the course of training on the fire-technical minimum you have any questions, then you contact us, and we will sort them out together.

4. Get tested.
After you have completed the training on the fire-technical minimum, the specialist will send you tests in PDF format, which you: print; mark suggested answers; make a scanned copy of the tests and send them to us for verification. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Obtain documents and certificates for the fire-technical minimum.
At the end of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of passing the fire-technical minimum, protocols for checking knowledge of the requirements of the fire-technical minimum, and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you still have questions about how to get training on the fire-technical minimum in our training center, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

According to articles 212 and 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to organize training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Otherwise, a fine of up to 130,000 rubles (see the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, article 5.27.1 part 3)

Training in labor protection when working at height in the training center is regulated by paragraphs 6-11 of the Rules for labor protection when working at height, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 28, 2014 No. 155n.

Occupational safety training covers three occupational safety groups:

1st group- workers admitted to work as part of a team or under the direct supervision of an employee appointed by order of the employer;
Group 2- foremen, foremen, traineeship managers, as well as workers appointed by the permit to perform work at height by the responsible performers of work at height;
Group 3- workers appointed by the employer to be responsible for the safe organization and performance of work at height, as well as for conducting briefings; teachers and members of certification commissions created by order of the head of an organization that provides training in safe methods and techniques for performing work at height; workers performing maintenance and periodic inspection of personal protective equipment; workers issuing permit work orders; responsible managers of work at height, carried out according to the permit; labor protection specialists; officials whose powers include the approval of the plan for the production of work at height.

Occupational safety training when working at height is carried out in accordance with the training programs.

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates of the established form.

The cost of training in labor protection when working at height:

  • up to 10 people inclusive - 2 990 rubles / listener!
  • from 11 to 20 people inclusive - 2 890 rubles / listener!
  • from 20 people - 2 790 rubles / listener!

How to get training on labor protection when working at height

The learning and certification process is very simple. In order to undergo training in labor protection when working at height, you need:

1. Send a request.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Agree and sign a contract, pay the bill.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Take training in labor protection when working at height.

4. Get tested.

5. Obtain documents and certificates on labor protection when working at height.
Upon completion of testing, we sign Acts of acceptance and transfer of work performed (2 copies), certificates of admission to work at height *, protocols for checking knowledge of labor protection requirements when working at height, and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail via Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.
* - In accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Rules on labor protection when working at height, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 155n dated March 28, 2014, the certificate has a field for the student's photograph.
After signing the contract and payment, you send us a 3 x 4 photo of the audience by e-mail ... Then we print them on photographic paper and issue you certificates of the established form.

If you still have questions about how to get training in labor protection when working at height, then call us at our toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

According to clause 7.12. "GOST 12.0.004-2015. Interstate standard. Occupational safety standards system. Organization of occupational safety training. General Provisions ", enacted by order of Rosstandart dated 09.06.2016, No. 600-st:

Labor protection specialists engaged in the provision of teaching services for training in labor protection issues and (or) expert (consulting) services on labor protection of all types must undergo appropriate special advanced training according to qualification programs established by national legislation, and subsequently at least once every five years or in case of a significant change in the regulatory requirements of labor protection, to undergo an appropriate special advanced training.

The training course for advanced training includes lectures on a special program in the amount of 72 hours and a control examination of knowledge in the form of online testing.

During the course, you are given the opportunity to receive free advice from practicing experts in the field of labor protection.

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates of the established form.

The cost of taking an advanced training course for a labor protection specialist - 4,990 rubles / listener!

You are also given the opportunity to receive a certificate of professional development of a labor protection specialist absolutely free - see the details of the action.

How to take an advanced training course for a labor protection specialist

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.

4. Testing.

Upon completion of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of advanced training of a labor protection specialist, protocols for checking knowledge of labor protection requirements, and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

In accordance with the requirements of the professional standard "Specialist in the field of labor protection" approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 04.08.2014 No. 524n, heads of labor protection services and labor protection specialists who do not have higher education in the direction of "Technosphere safety" or the corresponding areas of training (specialties ) to ensure the safety of production activities, must undergo training under the program of additional professional education (professional retraining) in the field of labor protection.

Professional retraining of heads of labor protection services and labor protection specialists in the direction: "Safety of technological processes and production" is carried out remotely in accordance with the curriculum in the amount of 256 hours.

Upon completion of retraining and passing the final test, we issue you a diploma of the established sample.

The cost of retraining a labor protection specialist in the direction of "Safety of technological processes and production" - 15 990 rubles / listener!

How to get professional retraining in labor protection

The process of retraining and obtaining a diploma is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Retraining.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a login and password to our distance learning platform. If during the course you have any questions, then you contact us, and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you complete the course and pass the final test, the specialist will inform you of the results. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and diploma.
Upon completion of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), a diploma of the established sample, a protocol for checking knowledge, and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

According to the requirements of Articles 225, 228 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 2.2.4. The procedure for training on labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 dated January 13, 2003, the employer is obliged to organize training in providing first aid to victims at work, as well as in case of accidents at work immediately organize first aid for the victim.

In order to implement this requirement, we offer you to take a distance learning course on providing first aid to injured workers at work in accordance with the curriculum in the amount of 20 hours.

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates of the established form.

The cost of a distance learning course on providing first aid to injured workers at work - 1,000 rubles / listener!

How to get first aid training

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a login and password to our distance learning platform. If you have any questions while familiarizing yourself with the training material, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the training material and pass the final test, the specialist will inform you about the results. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.
At the end of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates for first aid, protocols for checking knowledge of the requirements for first aid, and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

According to the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 21.12.1994, No. 68-FZ "On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies" and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 12.02.1998, No. 28-FZ "On civil defense", managers are trained and specialists from organizations whose job responsibilities define the mandatory requirements for qualifications in the field of civil defense.

Otherwise, a fine of up to 200,000 rubles (see the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Articles 20.6., 20.7.)

Training of managers and specialists in the field of civil defense and protection from natural and man-made emergencies "is regulated by the Regulation on the organization of training for the population in the field of civil defense, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841 and the Regulation on training the population in the field of protection from emergencies of natural and man-made character, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2003 No. 547.

the established sample.

The cost of training in civil defense and emergency situations - 4,000 rubles / listener!

How to get training on civil defense and emergency situations

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a lecture material in PDF format for review. If in the course of reading the lecture material you have any questions, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the lecture material, the specialist will send you tests in PDF format, which you: print out; mark suggested answers; make a scanned copy of the tests and send them to us for verification. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

In accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2011 No. 1225 "On licensing activities for the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures", persons carrying out work and services in the field of fire safety must undergo refresher courses in fire safety. security.

The 72-hour program "Activities for the installation, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures" is trained by the heads and specialists of organizations performing the following types of work:

1. Installation, maintenance and repair of fire extinguishing systems and their elements, including dispatching and commissioning;
2. Installation, maintenance and repair of fire and security and fire alarm systems and their elements, including dispatching and commissioning;
3. Installation, maintenance and repair of fire-fighting water supply systems and their elements, including dispatching and commissioning;
4. Installation, maintenance and repair of smoke removal and anti-smoke ventilation systems (system elements), including dispatching and commissioning;
5. Installation, maintenance and repair of warning and evacuation systems in case of fire and their elements, including dispatching and commissioning;
6. Installation, maintenance and repair of photoluminescent evacuation systems and their elements;
7. Installation, maintenance and repair of fire curtains and curtains, including dispatching and commissioning;
8. Installation, maintenance and repair of openings in fire barriers;
9. Arrangement (masonry, installation), repair, cladding, thermal insulation and cleaning of stoves, fireplaces, other heat-generating installations and chimneys;
10. Execution of works on fire protection of materials, products and structures;
11. Installation, maintenance and repair of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Special conditions: Also, at your request, it is possible to develop an individual thematic plan for an in-depth study of one of the areas of activity. As an example: "Performing work on fire protection of materials, products and structures."

Upon completion of training, you pass online testing and receive certificates of advanced training of the established form.

Fire safety training cost (for license) - 4,990 rubles / listener!

How to take a refresher course in fire safety

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a lecture material in PDF format for review. If in the course of reading the lecture material you have any questions, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the lecture material, the specialist will send you tests in PDF format, which you: print out; mark suggested answers; make a scanned copy of the tests and send them to us for verification. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.
Upon completion of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of advanced training, knowledge test protocols, and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

"Training of workers engaged in the transportation, storage and operation of cylinders with compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases" in accordance with the Industrial Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities, which use equipment operating under excessive pressure, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of March 25, 2014 No. 116 and the Procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements employees of organizations approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2003 No. 1/29.

The purpose of training: advanced training and technical knowledge of employees, with the aim of admitting them to maintenance, operation, transportation of cylinders with compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases.

Trainee category: workers of the main professions engaged in the maintenance, operation, transportation of cylinders with compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases, as well as specialists responsible for the organization and implementation of production control during the operation of cylinders.

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates of the established form.

The cost of advanced training for employees working with cylinders - 2 990 rubles / listener!

How to get training on labor protection when working with cylinders

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a login and password to our distance learning platform. If you have any questions while familiarizing yourself with the training material, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the training material and pass the final test, the specialist will inform you about the results. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

Training is similar to a 20-hour professional development program "Training of workers of the cradle who are on the lift (tower)" in accordance with the Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities where lifting structures are used, approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision No. 533 dated November 12, 2013, according to which, for the performance of work on lifts and towers designed to move people, certified personnel, admitted to the performance of these works, are appointed as workers of the cradle.

The purpose of training: raising the qualifications and technical knowledge of workers of the main working professions with the aim of admitting them to work as working cradles located on a hoist (tower).

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates of the established form.

The cost of advanced training for workers of the cradle who are on the hoist (tower) - 2 990 rubles / listener!

How to undergo training for the workers of the cradle who are on the lift (tower)

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a login and password to our distance learning platform. If you have any questions while familiarizing yourself with the training material, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the training material and pass the final test, the specialist will inform you about the results. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.
Upon completion of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of advanced training, knowledge test protocols and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

Training is similar to a 20-hour professional development program "Safe operation of elevators" in accordance with the Rules for the organization of safe use and maintenance of elevators, lifting platforms for disabled people, passenger conveyors (moving walkways) and escalators, with the exception of escalators in subways, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of June 24, 2017 No. 743, technical regulations on the safety of elevators (TR CU 011/2011), approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.10.2009, No. 782 and GOST R 55000-2012 (EN 81-80: 2003) “Elevators. Improving the safety of elevators in operation. "

The purpose of training: advanced training of workers responsible for organizing the operation of the elevator facilities and responsible for organizing maintenance and repair of elevators.

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates of the established form.

The cost of advanced training for employees working with elevators - 3,990 rubles / listener!

How to get training for elevator workers

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a login and password to our distance learning platform. If you have any questions while familiarizing yourself with the training material, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the training material and pass the final test, the specialist will inform you about the results. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.
Upon completion of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of advanced training, knowledge test protocols and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

Training is similar to a 72-hour professional development program "Radiation safety and radiation control"

The purpose of training: acquisition of additional knowledge on radiation safety issues required when performing work with X-ray machines for medical X-ray procedures for diagnostic, prophylactic, therapeutic or research purposes.

Trainee category: heads and officials of organizations exercising production control over ensuring radiation safety, specialists permanently or temporarily performing work with X-ray machines during medical X-ray procedures for diagnostic, prophylactic, therapeutic or research purposes.

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates established sample.

Frequency of training in radiation safety and radiation control - at least once every 5 years.

The cost of training in radiation safety and radiation control - 5 990 rubles / listener!

How to get training in radiation safety and radiation control

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a login and password to our distance learning platform. If you have any questions while familiarizing yourself with the training material, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the training material and pass the final test, the specialist will inform you about the results. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.
Upon completion of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of advanced training, knowledge test protocols and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

Training is similar to a 20-hour professional development program "Ensuring radiation safety during X-ray and radiological research" in accordance with SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the design and operation of X-ray rooms, apparatus and X-ray examinations", approved by the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 18.02.2003, No. 8, as well as approximate additional professional programs for specialty "Radiology", approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2017, No. 538n.

The purpose of training: acquisition of additional knowledge on radiation safety issues necessary to ensure personal radiation safety, as well as radiation safety of patients during medical X-ray procedures for diagnostic, prophylactic, therapeutic or research purposes.

Trainee category: specialists who permanently or temporarily perform work with X-ray machines during medical X-ray procedures for diagnostic, prophylactic, therapeutic or research purposes.

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates established sample.

Frequency of training to ensure radiation safety - at least 1 time in 5 years.

The cost of training on ensuring radiation safety - 3,990 rubles / listener!

How to get radiation safety training

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a login and password to our distance learning platform. If you have any questions while familiarizing yourself with the training material, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the training material and pass the final test, the specialist will inform you about the results. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.
Upon completion of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of advanced training, knowledge test protocols and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

Training is similar to a 20-hour professional development program "Radiation safety in the procurement and sale of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal" in accordance with the Rules for the handling of scrap and waste of ferrous metals and their alienation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of May 11, 2001 No. 369, the Rules for the handling of non-ferrous metal scrap and waste and their alienation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of May 11, 2001 No. No. 370, SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for ensuring radiation safety in the procurement and sale of scrap metal", approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 10, 2001 No. 114 and methodological instructions MUK "Ionizing radiation, radiation safety ... Scrap metal radiation monitoring ".

The purpose of training: advanced training of managers, specialists and workers who carry out radiation monitoring of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates established sample.

Frequency of training on radiation safety in the procurement and sale of scrap metal - at least once every 5 years.

The cost of training in radiation safety in the procurement and sale of scrap metal - 4,990 rubles / listener!

How to get training on radiation safety in the procurement and sale of scrap metal

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a login and password to our distance learning platform. If you have any questions while familiarizing yourself with the training material, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the training material and pass the final test, the specialist will inform you about the results. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.
Upon completion of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of advanced training, knowledge test protocols and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

Training is similar to a 20-hour professional development program "Control of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals for explosion safety" in accordance with the Rules for the handling of scrap and waste of ferrous metals and their alienation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/11/2001, No. 369, the Rules for the handling of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals and their alienation, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/11/2001 No. No. 370.

The purpose of training: advanced training of managers, specialists and workers who control scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals for explosion safety.

Upon completion of training, we issue you certificates established sample.

The frequency of training on the control of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals for explosion safety - at least 1 time in 5 years.

The cost of training in the control of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals for explosion safety - 4,990 rubles / listener!

How to get training on the control of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals for explosion safety

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a login and password to our distance learning platform. If you have any questions while familiarizing yourself with the training material, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the training material and pass the final test, the specialist will inform you about the results. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.
Upon completion of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of advanced training, knowledge test protocols and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

Here you can take distance learning courses on environmental safety in two programs:

Frequency of training at least once every 5 years.

The cost of completing a training course for this program is 4,000 rubles / listener!

Frequency of training at least once every 5 years.

The cost of completing the course for this program is 4,000 rubles / listener!

How to get training in environmental safety

The learning and certification process is very simple:

1. Application.
You send an application for training in the form that you will see below. During the day, our specialist will answer you at the email address you specified with an agreement for the provision of educational services and an invoice for payment.

2. Contract and payment.
After agreeing and signing the contract, and exchanging its scanned copy by e-mail, you make the payment according to the invoice.

3. Training.
After receiving payment, the specialist will send you a lecture material in PDF format for review. If in the course of reading the lecture material you have any questions, then you contact us and we will sort them out together.

4. Testing.
After you familiarize yourself with the lecture material, the specialist will send you tests in PDF format, which you: print out; mark suggested answers; make a scanned copy of the tests and send them to us for verification. If you made mistakes as a result of testing, we analyze them together, thereby helping you understand the cause of each specific error.

5. Documents and certificates.
Upon completion of testing, we sign the Acceptance and Transfer Certificates of the work performed (2 copies), certificates of advanced training, knowledge test protocols, and together with the original contract (2 copies) we send you by registered mail through the Russian Post. It is also possible to send documents by express mail (courier), payment for the services of which is made by you additionally.

If you have any questions, then call us at the toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

Additional service:


- a set of documents on labor protection (for checklists) from 10,000 rubles.

We work officially with all regions of Russia!

Still have questions?

Call us toll-free number 8 (800) 250 27 53 or, and the head of the training department will call you back as soon as possible. We are always in touch from 8:00 to 16:00 by Moscow time... There is a direct toll-free number 8 (800) 700 for existing clients 74 54

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