Home Fertilizers Variegated lemon. Variegated lemon eureka pink. Modern citrus hybrids

Variegated lemon. Variegated lemon eureka pink. Modern citrus hybrids

Watercress (Keycress, Bruncress, Medicinal Watercress)(Nasturtium officinale L.) is a perennial plant of the cabbage family (Brassicaceae). As a wild-growing plant, this plant is distributed almost all over the world. It grows along the banks of rivers, ponds, near springs, less often in swamps. In Russia, it is found in the basins of the Dnieper, Don, Volga.

This plant has been introduced into cultivation for a very long time. It is known that as a cultivated plant, watercress was known to the ancient Romans. During the Middle Ages, it is a widespread vegetable garden in France and Germany. In the 17th century, special artificial reservoirs were built here for watercress. As a garden plant, this plant was recognized by gardeners in Canada and the United States.


Stems up to 1 m long, glabrous, shiny, hollow inside, spread or raised and root very easily. Adventitious roots are formed when the shoot comes into contact with soil or water in leaf nodes. Leaves are dark green, shiny, pinnately dissected with 5-7 rounded lobes. Small creamy white flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. The fruit is a pod in which very, small reddish-brown seeds are arranged in two rows. Already at the beginning of ripening, the pods burst very easily, and the seeds spill out. The mass of 1000 seeds is 0.18-0.22 g. Their germination is well maintained for up to 5 years.


Watercress is a moisture-loving, relatively cold-resistant and shade-tolerant plant. Fresh young leaves and tops of shoots are eaten. It is a spicy salad with a spicy mustard flavor due to the presence of mustard oil glycoside. It is widely used, especially in Europe and the USA, in mixed salads, in cold green sauces, for sandwiches. Watercress inflorescences are also used in writing.


Valuable as a good antiscorbutic agent and medicine for anemia. Its shoots are rich in ascorbic acid (up to 150 mg per 100 g of raw material), carotene (up to 4 mg per 100 g), rutin (up to 10 mg per 100 g). They contain such mineral salts necessary for a person as salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese. The special value of watercress greens is its high iodine content.

In folk medicine, watercress herb infusions are used as a diuretic for kidney diseases, externally for skin diseases, as a disinfectant.


There are few breeding varieties of this plant. Of the domestic limes, the Podmoskovny variety, which is resistant to color and forms a large vegetative mass. Known old foreign varieties - Shirokolistny, Superior. In most countries, local populations are cultivated.

Cultivation and reproduction

Watercress is propagated by sowing seeds, seedlings and cuttings. The old way of growing in areas with warm winters is to plant in special ditches, which are then filled with running water. Cuttings 15-20 cm long are harvested in August and planted at the bottom of the ditch in rows 5-10 cm apart and 15-20 cm between rows obliquely in the direction of the water flow. Then water is released, first so that the tops of the shoots are above the water, and when the cuttings take root, the water level is raised, and the plants are entirely under water.

Starting in February, they start cleaning. Cut off shoots about 10 cm long and tie them into bunches. Cleaning is repeated many times throughout the winter and spring. In the fall, the planting is being renewed.

In garden plots, watercress can be grown in greenhouses, greenhouses and simply on ridges, choosing for this slightly shaded areas. Seedlings are pre-prepared. Since the seeds of watercress are very small, they are mixed with sand before sowing. Sowing is done 30 days before planting plants in open ground in seed boxes in a scattered way. Before sowing, the soil is watered abundantly, the seeds are pressed to the ground, and the sowing is covered with foil or paper. For 1 m2, 0.1 g of seeds is enough.

Seedlings are planted in the ground with a nutritional area for one plant of 20 x 20 or 20 x 30 cm.

The main care is to remove weeds and keep the soil moist with abundant watering. Shoots are cut many times.

In areas where watercress is native to water bodies, it can be harvested for food. But only when there is confidence in the purity of this reservoir, the absence of wastewater, pathogens, and harmful impurities in it.

Sowing this crop in greenhouses can be a means of combating such a pest of vegetable plants as a nematode.
Watercress seeds ripen even in the North-West zone of Russia. To obtain seeds from plants planted in early spring, the shoots are not cut. Flowering begins in May. The period of flowering and ripening of seeds is extended. Cleaning is done many times, cutting off the shoots on which single pods begin to turn yellow. They are laid out for ripening, taking into account the very high tendency of the pods to crack and to spill seeds.

Like other plants of the cabbage family, watercress in the seedling phase can be affected by a black leg, and from pests - by a cruciferous flea and slugs.

  • Girenko M.M., Zvereva O.A. Green vegetables: A guide for hobby gardeners. - M .: Niola-Press; Union-Public, 2007 .-- 176 p .: ill (New perspective for amateur gardeners ISBN 978-5-366-00145-8

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(has many almost indistinguishable clones with the following names: Allen, Cook, Cascade, Meek, Ross (Ross), Wheatley or Thornton (Wheatley / Thornton)
Fruits are small to medium-sized, oblong, sometimes pear-shaped; usually with a short "neck"; usually with a small nipple (although sometimes it is significant), often surrounded by a groove. There are few seeds, sometimes no seeds at all. The color is yellow when ripe. Medium-thick tight-fitting rind; its surface is porous, slightly wrinkled, usually with small longitudinal grooves. Lobules usually 10. The pulp is greenish-yellow; fine-grained, tender, juicy; very sour. Yields throughout the year, but mainly in late winter, spring and early summer.
The tree is medium in size, spreading, practically without thorns; less leafy compared to the Lisbon tree; mostly fruits are found at the ends of long branches. Compared to most other varieties, "Eureka" is more sensitive to cold, harmful effects of insects; the tree's lifespan is shorter.
The Eureka fruit is significantly different from the Lisbon fruit, the other main lemon variety in California. They are noticeably more pointed, have a slightly rougher surface and usually a less pronounced nipple. The differences between trees are even more significant. In addition to the above, the leaves of "Eureka" are darker and less spiky.
It is believed that "Eureka" was one of the seedlings of lemons in Los Angeles, California, grown from the seeds of the fruit of Italian origin in 1858. Several years later, Andrew Boyle and S. R. Workman purchased some of the seedlings of this lemon and selected some of the most promising. Around 1877 S.R. Workman supplied Thomas A. Garey, a prominent Los Angeles citrus grower, with Eureka saplings, who in turn multiplied and distributed it under the name Garey's Eureka. and due to its virtually thornlessness, it quickly became the main competitor of the Lisbon lemons. Both varieties remain the main varieties in California and around the world. Eureka is considered the main export lemon in many countries, with the exception of Italy. , Spain and several other Mediterranean countries.Rousseau in 1955 expressed the opinion that "Eureka" is included (along with citron) in the "pedigree" of the lemon "Lunario".

According to Australian studies, Eureka lemon is incompatible with rootstocks such as Poncirus tripoliata, citrumelo and citrange (Troyer, Carrizo).

There is still variegated variety"Eureka". Besides the fact that it has variegated leaves, the flesh of its fruits is pink.

You can get a lemon at home by sticking a seed from the eaten fruit into the ground. But the culture that came to us from the tropics is not so easy to grow, it requires certain conditions and regular care. The unmistakable selection of citrus perennial varieties will facilitate this process. A few trees are enough to provide the whole family with exotic fruit. In addition, some varieties of the plant have purely decorative characteristics, while others can bear fruit for a whole year. Let's try to figure out which kind of lemon is better to grow at home.

Refers to dwarf varieties. It blooms several times a year. Fruits are deep yellow in color, very sour, with a thin skin and few seeds. They have a strong aroma. When growing for this houseplant, an abundance of scattered light, good drainage, systematic watering, spraying and feeding are important. It is worth protecting the culture from drafts and cold. In winter, a capricious plant can suddenly shed its foliage, so it needs experienced care.

Important! Meyer's lemon is very fond of east and west windows, in summer it needs shading. An endless stream of light will provoke intense growth, but significantly delay fruiting.

For the winter, the flowerpot is sent to a cold room with a temperature of no more than 12 ° C. Otherwise, the fruits will not be tied. ... This variety does not tolerate drastic climatic changes. Therefore, it is not put outside in the summer, but is kept exclusively in room conditions.

Lemons of this variety can be freed from excessive acid by regular watering: no more than twice a day with warm water, from spring to mid-summer. If nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied on time, the exotic culture will bear its first fruits in a year. Their quantity and taste largely determine the conditions of detention and the age of the house tree.

Popular with citrus lovers. Experts classify it as one of the best lemons and note its suitability for indoor cultivation. This variety is self-pollinated and can easily survive a lack of lighting. The tree grows up to two meters in height and produces about twenty fruits on average. In more mature specimens, the yield increases decently - up to 60 - 80 pieces. Lemons have a strong aroma, often have a parthenocarpic shape and no more than 5-10 seeds. There are fruits without seeds at all. The plant blooms in early spring and autumn.
Begins to bear fruit in the second year after rooting, but experienced gardeners recommend getting rid of the ovary so as not to weaken the culture. No more than three flowers can be left on a three-year tree. Scientifically, there should be ten full leaves per branch for each fruit. By the way, preference should be given to ovaries on a short stem, placed closer to the trunk.

With proper care, the average annual growth of Pavlovsky lemon is about 50 cm. Representatives of this variety of indoor lemons, when they find themselves on the street, will shed their foliage. Therefore, it is not recommended to take them out of the room. For them, warmth is important (in summer not lower than 20 ° С, in winter not higher than 14 ° С), air humidity (60%), weekly spraying, systematic watering and fertilization.

Important! If ripe lemons are not cut off in time, they will develop for another year: they will gradually turn green, grow in volume, and thicken the peel. But their flesh will become tough and lose flavor.

It was received by folk breeders by seed reproduction and selection of the best seedlings. The homemade lemon of this variety, improved over the years, is characterized by aromatic fruits, the average weight of which ranges from 120 to 140 g.

At one time, the breeder V. Zinkovsky in his manuscripts mentioned that up to 300 fruits were removed from one tree grown in a tub annually. And from 30-year-old plants, the harvest exceeded seven hundred.
The tree does not grow higher than two meters. It is well adapted to home conditions and room wintering. Nowadays, there are two subspecies of the variety, which have their own peculiarities:

  1. The tree has almost no trunk, with horizontal and hanging branches without thorns. Leaves are dark green in color with a waxy surface and an even rim. There are no more than 5 flowers in the inflorescence. Fruits are rounded elongated with a thin rough skin.
  2. It is characterized by a symmetrical crown with vertical non-thorny branches. The leaves are covered with veins. Flowers are single. Fruits with a thin, slightly ribbed skin.

Its peculiarity is high-quality, in comparison with other varieties, fruits: with tender, juicy, palatable pulp and edible peel. Up to two hundred fruits weighing up to 110 g each can be removed from one mature plant. They are oval, slightly oblong in shape, with a thick and rough skin of yellow or green-yellow color. Lemons of this variety are characterized by dense films inside and their poor separation from the pulp.
Trees stretch from one to three meters in height, their crown is branched and dense. Very sensitive to lack of lighting. There are practically no thorns on the branches. Seedlings bloom in the fourth year after rooting in several stages. "Genoa" refers to the rare varieties of homemade lemons.

Did you know? Indoor lemons emit phytoncides, which enrich the air with oxygen and cleanse it of pathogens.

It was included in the list of the best indoor citrus fruits due to its decorative qualities. The thorny tree develops rapidly, forming a lush crown with smooth voluminous leaves, blooms several times a year, and gives a small harvest. Fruits with thick skin, very sour and small, but juicy, with few seeds.
Lovers of exotic plants at home prefer the variegated form of this variety. It attracts the eye with variegated foliage, purple buds and striped yellow-green fruits. When fully ripe, they change color to bright yellow. The fruit seems unusual inside - its flesh is pink. The variety does not tolerate low temperatures, abundant fruiting is not characteristic of it.


Indoor lemon of this variety is suitable for growing in small rooms, since its height is no more than one and a half meters. But if you do not engage in the formation of the crown, it will become very branched and wide. Leaves are dense, large, up to 20 cm in length, with a weak odor. The trunk and branches are rarely covered with small thorns. The peculiarity of the inflorescences is in their purple hue. This variety is dominated by decorative qualities.

By its description, this variety of lemons resembles a citron. The crops are similar with large flowers (4 - 6 cm), long spines (1 - 5 cm) and leaves with narrow lionfish. The buds and petals outside are anthocyanin-colored. By the way, the smell is also peculiar: it resembles both plants at the same time. In addition to being highly decorative, the advantage of this variety in weighty large fruits. The mass of each of them is from 600 to 800 g. They are ovoid or cylindrical in shape, with orange-yellow, bumpy, thick peel and juicy pulp, which is difficult to separate. It tastes sour, without bitterness. Fruits contain no more than four seeds.
Under natural conditions, the tree grows up to 4 meters, it can withstand frosts of five degrees.

Did you know? Indoor lemons began to be grown about 2000 years ago.

The lemon tree blooms continuously and differs from other varieties by its increased yield. On a low plant, fruits weighing up to 1.5 kg grow 4 times a year.

The variety is unpretentious, well adapted to the Ukrainian climate and is a favorite among collectors, citrus growers. He fell in love with the neat flowering crown, which fits perfectly into any interior, and the high taste of the fruit. It is characterized by very wide leaves and large fragrant flowers.
Fruiting is facilitated by regular professional pruning of the crown. Trees are kept in the room in winter, and taken outside in summer. Lemon variety "Kievsky" can be grown even in a greenhouse or winter garden.

A hybrid bred by crossing a lemon and a pomelo. It has features of both cultures. The variety is often confused with "Kievskiy large-fruited". Perfectly adapted for home cultivation, withstands drought and heat. There are practically no features in leaving. Citrus growers recommend monitoring the soil of a dwarf flower, since untimely feeding and inappropriate acidity will immediately affect the leaves of the plant.
It differs from other varieties in a compact bushy shape, strong branches, roundish hard leaves and large cream-colored flowers collected in a brush. It blooms profusely and therefore requires constant intervention for proper development. Inflorescences can even appear on the trunk, which interferes with the laying of leaves. Begins to bear fruit in the second year, but the harvest is small. Propagated by cuttings. Even rooted cuttings can bloom, which significantly reduces their growth and development. The growth of sprouts is small.

The peculiarity of "Ponderoza" lemons is in their size: one fruit reaches a weight of 1 kg. In terms of taste, the pulp is pleasant and tender, without the typical citric acid, but vitamin C is present in the same amount as in other varieties. Lots of bones. The skin is thick and bumpy, with a bitter taste.

The remontant variety, of Californian origin, has many clones: "Frost", "Prior Lisbon", "Monroe Lisbon". In nature, it is considered a tall, fast-growing tree, and in indoor conditions it stretches up to two meters. The plant is fruitful, it resists cold, heat, winds well. Its crown is densely leafy, the branches are strongly prickly, the leaves are oblong. The fruits resemble the Eureka lemon - elliptical or oval in shape, deep yellow in color, with a bumpy and pore-covered skin of medium thickness. The pulp is juicy, sour, does not contain seeds. The weight of one lemon is about 200 g.
A characteristic feature in the placement of fruits is that they grow inside the crown, which protects them. The crop is harvested twice a year, in February and May. In describing this variety of lemons, their need for good lighting cannot be overlooked.

Lemon "Irkutsk" is characterized by medium height, large and slightly elongated leaves, white large flowers, collected in inflorescences (up to 15 buds). Well adapted for indoor growing, not picky. The typical sign is huge fruits, weighing from 700 g to 1.5 kg. The fruiting period occurs twice a year.
Representatives of this variety of indoor lemons in their description resemble "Kiev large-fruited". The difference between "Irkutsk" is that it rarely needs formative pruning.

"Villa Franca"

A medium-sized tree of a pyramidal shape with a dense crown and powerful branches. Practically not prickly. There are no more than five flowers in one pot at the same time. In comparison with other varieties, it has small flowers and fruits. The weight of one lemon is within 100 g. They taste juicy, aromatic, sweetish. The skin is smooth, of medium thickness. The plant bears fruit in the second year after planting. Demanding light conditions, heat-resistant.

Knowing the features of the best varieties of indoor lemons, you can make the right choice: what do you need - decorativeness or productivity. If you prefer sweeter lemons, you should pay attention to the Lemon Meyer and Ponderosa varieties.

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118 times already

I am in a good mood today - I tasted the lemon, which bears fruit for the first time; it is also the first variegated citrus I have tasted.

But this is not the main reason for my mood. The fact is that when I received this lemon, I did not know what kind it was. When I cut the fruit, I was very happy, because I saw what I expected - pink flesh, which means this is a popular variety - variegated lemon Eureka Pink ( Citrus limon "Eureka Variegated Pink"):

Variety information

The variegated lemon Eureka Pink is a mutation of the common Eureka variety. The leaves are variegated with white and green flowers, which makes the tree very decorative. This variety grows less vigorously than the typical Eureka. The peel is striped, creamy green and sometimes coarser than that of the "parent". When fully ripe, the stripes disappear and the fruit turns yellow, and the pulp becomes light pink and very sour. There are few seeds.

My lemon Eureka

Then I assumed (and to be honest, I just really wanted to) that it was Eureka. serj(a very experienced citrus grower) in the comments assured me that this is not Eureka, but perhaps Foliis variegatis sanguineum, which, by the way, also has a pigmented pulp, but unlike Eureka, it is pale orange.

I looked at my next photo, prepared for the article, and began to doubt - what if it wasn't Eureka:

It is difficult to reproduce the real color with the camera. And in doubt, I ran to the kitchen to look at the harvest again. I looked again - doubts have disappeared, the color is pale pink, but not orange. But how can an inexperienced photographer convey it to his readers?

With the default settings on my "soap box", something like this happened:

Inspired by the photo, I almost forgot to tell you about the taste. The pulp is quite sour, lemon, and too aromatic. The peel is very bitter, with a lot of essential oils and somewhat resembles panderosis. There is something in this lemon from the orange, judging by the taste.

Fetal development history

I rummaged through my archives and found that the lemon was blooming in April 2015:

Previously, there were only barren flowers and I really hoped for an ovary. During August 2015, the fruit looked like this:

The tree was weak and poorly formed, but I took the risk of leaving the fruit:

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