Home Fertilizers Cherry plum jam. Cherry plum jam for the winter: a recipe for cooking at home. From yellow cherry plum

Cherry plum jam. Cherry plum jam for the winter: a recipe for cooking at home. From yellow cherry plum

Cherry plum jam is incredibly bright and aromatic. It can be used not only for sandwiches, but also as a decoration for desserts.

The problem of making cherry plum jam is only in one thing - cleaning the seeds. In some varieties of cherry plum, it is almost impossible to separate the bone, without losing a good half of the pulp. Therefore, most often cherry plum is boiled directly with seeds. This somewhat lengthens the process of making jam, but alas, there is no other option.

Cherry plum is usually quite acidic, so sugar should be taken in a 1: 1 ratio. But before adding sugar, you need to deal with the seeds.

Wash the cherry plum, put it in a saucepan, pour in water (about one glass).

Cover the pot with a lid and place it on the stove, using the weakest gas. When the water in the pan boils, turn off the gas more, let the cherry plum “languish” for 20 minutes.

This time is enough for the cherry plum to boil and the bones move away from the pulp.

Take a coarse sieve and grind the cherry plum, separating the skin and bones.

Now you can add sugar and boil the jam until tender.

Since cherry plum is already sour, you should not add citric acid here, but cinnamon goes well with the aroma of cherry plum.

Pour hot jam into prepared jars and roll up.

Cherry plum jam can be stored in a kitchen cabinet for up to a year and does not worry about its safety.

How to cook cherry plum jam for the winter, watch the video:


Cherry plum jam is one of the most classic and traditional preparations for the winter at home. There are many different varieties of cherry plum, but today for our recipe we will use the most popular yellow cherry plum, sweet and sour in taste and slightly tart. It is rather difficult to remove the stone from such cherry plum and not damage the fruit, which is why we will cook our cherry plum jam in the form of jam, but without seeds. Cherry plum is incredibly useful for the body, not only the fruits, but also the leaves of this tree are used in folk medicine. The fruit itself is used for problems with the kidneys and liver; cherry plum has a beneficial effect on the human body during a cold.
Cherry plum is also a completely dietary product, so it is very often recommended for those who are overweight or just want to keep fit. It is not recommended to eat cherry plum raw for those who suffer from gastritis, because the amount of organic acids in this drupe is increased. As for the canned cherry plum, they will in any case be useful and definitely tasty. Our step-by-step photo recipe will tell you in detail how to make cherry plum jam for the winter in the simplest and correct way. A fragrant and very bright summer jam will decorate any table. Let's start preparing a delicious homemade seedless cherry plum.


Cherry plum jam - recipe

Since we will cook jam from cherry plum, it means that it is for it that you first need to go to the market. Of course, you can also collect cherry plum in your own garden, this option is even more acceptable. Put the cherry plum in a basin and fill it with cold water, let it stand for a while and drain the liquid. We repeat the indicated manipulations several more times and thus thoroughly rinse the fruits before starting the preparation of the jam.

We spread the prepared cherry plum in a saucepan with a solid bottom chosen for cooking, pour half a glass of purified filtered water into it and put it on fire. Bring the liquid to a boil, gently stir the cherry plum and cook for the next 15 minutes until soft.

Separately prepare a clean pan, put a fine sieve on top of it and pass the cooked cherry plum through it. In this way, we separate the pulp from the seeds and uncooked skins, which will not take part in further cooking. Be careful and do not burn yourself when rubbing the cherry plum through a sieve.

We return the cleaned homogeneous cherry plum puree to a saucepan with a dense bottom, pour all the prepared granulated sugar there, mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon and cook the jam for 60 minutes over low heat. Periodically, do not forget to stir the sweet mass so that it does not burn.

Using a slotted spoon for the next hour, carefully remove the dense foam that will form on the surface of the cherry plum puree.

During cooking, the jam will significantly decrease in volume, and also change its color from light yellow to dark orange. Also, the cherry plum mass will become very thick and viscous.

We thoroughly rinse small glass jars half an hour before the jam is ready in boiling water, then dry them and put them in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. We sterilize the jars together with the lids for 15-20 minutes. Pour even hot cherry plum jam into prepared jars using a ladle to the very top, as shown in the photo. Immediately we twist or roll up the jars of jam with prepared lids, turn them upside down, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Now you know how to cook seedless cherry plum jam at home for the winter according to the simplest recipe. You can use this jam as an independent dessert or as a filling for pies and buns.

Jam, compote, and various sauces are prepared from this small plum. In the modern world of cooking, there are a large number of different options for what and how to cook from cherry plum. Today I want to please you with a pitted jam recipe. It is very simple to prepare cherry plum jam for the winter. As a sweet filling, it is suitable for any baked goods, and can also be used to soak cakes, pies and making desserts.

The amount of water to take is strictly according to the recipe, because it is only needed so that the cherry plum blanches a little and releases its juice. In the future, the berries will be cooked exclusively in their own juice. For jam, varieties of any color are suitable.


  • yellow cherry plum - 1 kg (with a stone);
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 0.5 cups.

Cooking process:

We wash the cherry plum thoroughly under water. We use a saucepan for cooking jam in which it does not burn. We spread the prepared fruits into it. Fill with water, put on the stove over medium heat. After everything boils, cook for another 25 minutes.

After twenty-five minutes, we transfer the berry mass to a colander and grind, discard the seeds and cake.

We fill the cherry plum with sugar and put it on gas again. Our task is to boil the berry mass to a thick state. Cook over medium heat for 40 minutes.

Banks need to be sterilized. Pour the ready-made cherry plum jam into jars, close the lid and leave for a day so that they cool completely, and only then move it to the cellar or closet.

Thanks to Ksyusha for the recipe and photo.

If you already have enough liqueurs and cherry plum compotes in stock, then it's time to start making jam. In this case, jam is not suitable, since extracting seeds from small or overripe fruits is a rather laborious and boring task. For this reason, harvesting cherry plum jam is ideal. In winter, the treat can be spread on bread, used as an ingredient in a sauce, or when baking pies.

For the preparation of the blank, you can use berries of any size and type. Before cooking, they must be thoroughly rinsed and pitted. The ready-made delicacy is packaged in cans up to a liter. This will make it possible to have a fresh jam for daily use or making pies.

Fruit preparation

To make cherry plum jam, you can use any fruits. Before placing the cherry plum in the pan, rinse it thoroughly, changing the water several times. Next, you need to remove the stalks. Only after that, the berries can be used to make treats.

How to prepare containers correctly?

The jam pot must be washed thoroughly. Banks for preparation must be disinfected by dry sterilization. To do this, they are put in the oven with a wet bottom down. Lids are also placed on them, which will then be used for seaming. Next, you need to set the temperature to 120 ° C and turn on the oven for 15 minutes. An important condition for the procedure is that the jars are wet. Otherwise, they may burst.

How to make cherry plum jam at home?

Before preparing a treat, you need to prepare a saucepan, a bowl for berries, jars and the necessary ingredients. This requires:

  • 1 kilogram of cherry plum;
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 1 liter of water.

Classic recipe from seedless yellow cherry plum

First you need to wash the berries, peel them of seeds and stalks, and then put them in a saucepan. Lemon juice and sugar are added to the berries. Then the mixture is thoroughly mixed and put on fire. The mass must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly and removing the foam from the jam. In general, it is boiled for about 40-45 minutes.

Then you need to rinse the jars three times and sterilize them. After cooking, the mass is laid out in jars, pressing well with a spoon. This will remove air bubbles. Next, the blanks must be rolled up with lids and put in a dark place, and then wrapped with several kitchen towels or a warm blanket.

Without water

This recipe does not require water to make jam. The mass itself will be more concentrated and thick, which is necessary for preparing the filling in pies. The cooking process is similar to the classic recipe.

With apples and zucchini

In this case, you need 800 grams of apples and 600 grams of zucchini. Apples with zucchini must be thoroughly washed, removed from the peel and core, along with the seeds. Following these ingredients, you need to chop finely and pour into a saucepan with 500 milliliters of water. The contents are brought to a boil and cooked until the components of the future jam are completely soft.

Then add 600 grams of pitted cherry plum and 1 kilogram of sugar to the pan. Then the mass is mixed and cooked under the lid for another 30-40 minutes.

The finished delicacy is scattered into jars, rolled up and allowed to cool in a dark place.

Red cherry plum

First, you need to wash 1 kilogram of berries well, and also rid them of the stalks with seeds. After that, they are poured into a saucepan and 300 grams of sugar are added to it. This is due to the fact that red cherry plum is sweeter, so you don't need to add a lot of sugar. Then the mass must be mixed well and put on fire. After bringing to a boil, cook for another 30-40 minutes.

Next, you need to rinse the jars three times and sterilize them in the oven at 120 ° C for 15 minutes. After cooking, the delicacy is laid out in jars, pressing well with a spoon, which will make it possible to eliminate air bubbles. Next, the blanks are rolled up with lids and placed in a dark place, wrapped in several layers of kitchen towels or a warm blanket, for a day.

In a multicooker

Cherry plum jam can also be cooked in a slow cooker. To do this, 500 grams of berries are peeled, put into the container of the device and 400 grams of sugar are added. The mixture is prepared in baking mode for 40 minutes. This jam will not be inferior in quality and taste to its analogue prepared by the classical method.

If you have already prepared compotes and cherry plum liqueurs, it's time to start making jam. It is clear that cherry plum is not suitable for jam with cherry plum seeds, since there are a lot of seeds in it, and no one wants to separate them before cooking from small, and possibly overripe berries. Therefore, jam is the best option, in winter it can be spread on toast, used in baked goods or as an ingredient for sauces.

Cooking time: 3 hours (including cooling time) / Yield: 1-1.2 kg


  • cherry plum of any kind
  • granulated sugar 700 g per 1 kg of the resulting pitted cherry plum puree


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    Wash the berries and drain in a colander. Put the cherry plum in a saucepan and add water to it so that it covers the bottom by 1-1.5 cm.Close the pan with a lid and cook the berries over medium heat until almost everyone's skin cracks and the stone begins to separate. Depending on the cherry plum variety, this will take 10-20 minutes.

    Let the berries cool to almost room temperature. Next, the cherry plum needs to be wiped, and it is not necessary to do this through a sieve, a colander with small holes and a wooden crush are quite suitable. Wipe the cherry plum in batches, leaving only the seeds and peel in the colander.

    Here is such a scarlet liquid puree in the end.

    The next step is to weigh the cherry plum puree in order to correctly calculate the amount of sugar for the jam. Of course, it is easier to do this if you previously knew the weight of the pan. Calculate and measure sugar - 700 g per 1 kg of puree, for very sour varieties you can take 800-850 g.
    Pour sugar into a saucepan.

    On low heat, periodically stirring everything with a wooden spatula, it is necessary to boil the whole mass to a jam state. Since the water must evaporate, you do not need to cover the pan with a lid at this stage. In this case, the cooking time depends on the type of pot. The readiness is checked as follows: the jam should not bubble when boiling, but begin to "spit".

    In the meantime, while the jam is boiling down, you can wash the jars (it is better to use containers with a volume of 200-500 ml) and bake them in the oven for 10 minutes. Such preparation will ensure long-term storage of the jam.

    Put the hot jam into warm jars. For winter storage in a cool place, it is better to roll up the jars, and a screw cap is also suitable for the refrigerator.

    This is what the cherry plum jam turns out to be. To make the taste of cherry plum in the finished jam less sour, you can make an assorted jam by adding apples, plums or pears to it. However, I prefer sweet and sour cherry plum jam "in its pure form".

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