Home Fertilizers Presentation on the profession of pastry chef. Presentation: profession - pastry chef. The most important person in the kitchen

Presentation on the profession of pastry chef. Presentation: profession - pastry chef. The most important person in the kitchen

“My profession is my future” Author: 1st year student of group 14 PC Professions “Cook, pastry chef” Mikhail Pavlovich Sbitnev Head: chemistry teacher Victoria Andreevna Ignasheva GBOU SPO RO “Azov Humanitarian and Technical College” IV-All-Russian student competition

The relevance and demand for cooking has been proven by the thousand-year history of this art. The first cooks appeared as soon as people learned not only to get food, but also to cook it. But this did not happen right away, since at first the only source of food was gathering and hunting. And ancient people ate food raw.

Noble people in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece especially valued delicious food. Of course, the huge demand for variety and abundance of different dishes led to the formation of the first culinary schools. After all, there simply weren’t enough qualified chefs. By the way, before this, in rich houses, it was mainly slaves who cooked, who did not always cope.

In the 19th century, cooking schools began to appear everywhere. Europe, England and Russia prepared their specialists for the interruption. Contrary to the belief that the first chefs appeared in Rus' only in the 17th century, the traditions of Russian cuisine originate long before that. For example, one of the first cooks were the Magi.

Technology for preparing first, second, cold, sweet dishes and mass-market dough products. What should a chef know? mode and duration of heat treatment processes Norms and sequence of laying raw materials Rules for food rejection Procedure for using collections of recipes Main types of raw materials and their culinary significance Percentages of frying, boiling, baking and increasing in volume Conditions, periods of storage and sale of finished products and semi-finished products Main types of mechanical, thermal , weighing and refrigeration equipment

Check the quality of products and dishes using an organoleptic method, select production tools and equipment for preparing raw materials and preparing dishes, cool, freeze, defrost and heat various food components, use various technologies for preparing and presenting dishes, determine their compliance with the technological requirements of the finished product. What should a chef be able to do?

Chefs have only 6 categories. What kind of career ladder can a chef have? Cook; good cook; good cook; senior cook - head of the shift; sous chef - assistant chef; the chef is the face of the restaurant; owner of a restaurant... establishment. sous chef - assistant chef; the chef is the face of the restaurant; owner of a restaurant... establishment. Participation in international competitions The owner of an establishment of the 5th or 6th category allows you to work as a cook-technologist and a chef of the 5th category - technical school level. (SPO) 3rd or 4th rank is assigned after passing the final exam at (NPO) 3rd or 4th rank is assigned after passing the final exam at (NPO) 1st rank automatically, completing 1 year

How to build a career? The profession of a cook can be acquired in special colleges, secondary technical educational institutions and vocational technical schools. Students are given the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge in cafes, restaurants, bars and canteens in the city. Many already find a future job during their internship. You can start your career as a chef as an assistant chef. An ordinary cook receives a low salary, much depends on the location, experience and quality of work. In addition, cooks are usually provided with free food. Some companies have a system of additional bonuses for the best employees of the month. The profession of a cook has prospects for career growth, first to the shift supervisor, then to the sous chef - the main assistant, the right hand of the chef and, finally, directly to the chef.

In this matter, the main thing is talent, sense of taste, imagination. On the one hand, this profession requires scrupulous precision, on the other hand, the presence of a creative streak in order to come up with an original recipe or an exquisite decoration for a dish. But in fact, the secret of success is simple: you just need to love your job and not perceive it as a duty and backbreaking work. What is the secret of the popularity of the profession - COOK?

Pastry chef. Prepared by Ksenia Shelepanova, a student of GBOU No. 123, 9a class. April 22, 2013.

A cook is a person whose profession is cooking; currently, as a rule, in catering establishments.

Who is a pastry chef? A pastry chef is a professional chef who creates pastries, desserts, and other baked foods. Representatives of this profession can be found in large hotels, restaurants and bakeries. Less commonly, a confectioner is a person whose business is related to the sale of confectionery products.

Confectionery craft: history of the emergence and further development of the profession. It is difficult to reliably establish the time of the origin of the confectionery craft. Perhaps the first confectioners were the Mayan Indians, who discovered the amazing properties of chocolate, or the inhabitants of ancient India, who learned the taste of cane sugar and made sweet sticks from it. It is known that during archaeological excavations in Egypt, “sweets” made by hand from dates were found. In later times, in the courts of royalty and high nobility in Europe, pastry chefs were among the privileged servants.

Nowadays, the confectionery industry is experiencing a period of growth, actively mastering new technologies and developments from related areas of cooking. Russian specialists, based on the achievements of the Soviet period, are reviving national traditions.…

Important qualities of a pastry chef. A pastry chef must love to cook. He needs a good memory, including gustatory memory, creative imagination, delicate taste and sense of smell. Good coordination of movements (at hand level), good eye, imaginative imagination (the ability, looking at a recipe, to imagine the appearance and taste of a dish), responsibility, honesty. A pastry chef needs physical endurance. In continuous production, you have to work at a high pace, and if there is no automation in the production, this means great physical exertion.

Knowledge and skills. The confectioner must know the technology, recipes of manufactured products, their calorie content, biological value, terms and conditions of storage of ingredients and finished products, and hygiene standards. Must understand basic human physiology. The pastry chef must be able to prepare prepared dishes, perform many manual operations, and use special tools and equipment.

Where do they teach this profession? To work as a confectioner, primary vocational education (PVE) is required. Qualification "Confectioner" (2-3 categories). Admission without exams. The level of qualification of confectioners is determined by ranks. There are only 6 of them. Immediately after graduating from college, the pastry chef receives the 3rd or 4th category. But in the process of work it can be increased. 6th category is the highest. To work in prestigious restaurants or in the workshops of large confectionery factories, 6th category is a prerequisite.

Workplace. Confectioners work in restaurants, cafes, canteens, and confectionery factories. A pastry chef can also create his own business.

It also needs to be said about social significance. The profession of a confectioner has been and will be in demand at all times, since people’s love for sweets does not at all depend on the economic situation in a country or a particular region. For example, during periods of rising incomes, sales of exclusive confectionery products increase, and during a crisis and economic downturn, confectionery products help people cope with depression, due to which they are also very popular.

Thank you for your attention! 

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Profession: “Cook, confectioner” Duration of training: 2.5 years with secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational education. Admission on the basis of basic general education. The names of professions, according to the all-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and tariff categories, include: Cook 3-4 categories; Confectioner 3-4 categories. Area of ​​professional activity of graduates: preparation of a wide range of simple and basic culinary dishes, basic bakery and confectionery products, taking into account the needs of various categories of consumers. Professional training is provided by: Teacher and master of the II category Krasovskaya Irina Fedorovna, special education, work experience - 15 years. - Shetyomina Elena Petrovna, special education, work experience - 23 years, master of the second category. Vorobyova Anastasia Nikolaevna, secondary vocational education, graduate of OSOU NPO PU No. 12, work experience - 5.5 years.

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Cook, pastry chef - This is one of the most necessary and important professions in the world. After all, not a single person goes a day without food. And in order to beautifully prepare tasty and high-quality food, you need knowledge and skills. You can acquire this knowledge at our vocational school No. 12.

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Profession “cook, confectioner” Here is a cook - a culinary specialist, Everything he cooks is delicious, His dishes are simply a gift, And cakes are art

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An old Russian proverb says: “A good cook is worth a doctor.” Indeed, a cook, like a doctor, cannot be indifferent. After all, both his health and mood depend on how to feed a person. This is a profession that requires constant search and creative imagination, because you need to pleasantly surprise a visitor every time he enters a canteen, cafe, or restaurant.

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Many culinary school students, when asked why they chose to become a cook, answer: “I love to cook,” “I want to come up with new, unknown dishes.” And experienced chefs say: “Our job is to bring people joy. Otherwise, why become a cook?”

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Culinary art is acquired by a person over many years of study and practice. Not everyone is capable of becoming a good cook, but everyone should strive for this, cultivating in themselves a love of creativity, the search for new things and the desire to bring joy to people. The chef's talent lies in establishing his “secret”; relationships to products unknown to others.

In ancient times, people began to study as assistant cooks at the age of five. The cooks watched everything that happened in the kitchen and had to instantly carry out the cook’s orders. At the same time, the children gradually learned the terminology and after a while they felt absolutely free in the kitchen. After 10 years of experience, cooks with apprenticeships of two or three years were given more complex tasks: plucking poultry, sifting flour, sorting cereals, sorting fruits and mushrooms, washing root vegetables. History of the profession

Main responsibilities. Drawing up menus, calculating the required raw materials and output of finished products, quality control; Preparation of dishes of varying degrees of complexity in compliance with standards and norms for storing products and yielding dishes according to technological maps; Portioning, design and release of the product; Keeping work surfaces, stoves, refrigerators and other equipment clean and tidy.

A chef is the highest level in the profession. He draws up requests for products, ensures their receipt of the warehouse, controls the timing, range, quantity and quality of their implementation. By studying customer demand, he creates an assortment of dishes. Controls food preparation technology. A pastry chef specializes in making confectionery products, which requires exquisite taste, imagination and ingenuity. The cook-technologist organizes the process of preparing food. Determines the quality of raw materials, calculates their quantity to obtain portions of finished products, and calorie content of the daily diet. Develops recipes for new signature dishes. The culinary chef calculates the yield of finished products and prepares the dishes. Types of the chef's profession.

I decided to choose the profession of a cook. In the future, I plan to be a successful chef, and work in a prestigious establishment, and open my own restaurant. I pay special attention to the subject of physical education, because a cook needs it to move quickly and stand at a hot stove for a long time. Also, to prepare for my specialty, I need to know chemistry and mathematics. My dream is to be a chef

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