Home fertilizers Presentation happy new academic year to colleagues. September 1 presentation. Development of the decision of the teachers' council

Presentation happy new academic year to colleagues. September 1 presentation. Development of the decision of the teachers' council

Installation teachers' council:

“Happy new school year! »

Prepared and conducted:

head M.V. Zakaluzhnaya

senior teacher G.N. Eshtokin

Art. Soviet, 2017

Target: Coordination of the activities of the teaching staff in the new 2017-2018 academic year.


Give an assessment of the summer health work.

Approve changes in the main educational program of the institution, the work plan for the 2017-2018 academic year, the schedule of educational activities, the work schedule of teachers.

Discuss the issues of organizing the activities of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year.

To inspire the teaching staff for active, creative work.

The form: business meeting.


I. Introduction.

Organizing time. Opening remarks by the head teacher, senior educator (congratulations on the new academic year, communication of the goals and objectives of the teachers' council, communication of the agenda)

II. Main part.

Holiday Day of Knowledge: history, traditions, meaning (head M.V. Zakalyuzhnaya)

Analysis of the summer health work of the preschool educational institution. (senior teacher G.N. Eshtokina)

Tasks for the new academic year and work plan for the 2017-2018 academic year. (Senior teacher G.N. Eshtokina)

Approval of changes in the main educational program of preschool education MDOBU No. 26 for 2017-2018 academic year. G.

Approval of the annual work plan of the PEI

Approval of the cyclogram of educational activities

Approval of the schedule of educational activities

The work schedule of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions

Approval of deadlines for writing calendar plans

On the continuation of work on the innovation platform

Express questionnaire to identify the desire of teachers for self-development

III. Final part.

Development of the decision of the teachers' council

Final word


1. Greeting. Congratulations.

Senior teacher:

Dear colleagues! I am very glad to welcome you in full force at the first teachers' council. And also let me congratulate you on the beginning of a new, interesting, fruitful academic year!

Let the pupils love you

Let them appreciate, understand the authorities,

I wish you health, happiness,

Reliable friendly hand.

Let your sense of humor

predominates among others.

And let the radiance of children's eyes

Accompanies you everywhere!

The Pedagogical Council is a place where each member of the team has the right to be heard, where common problems are solved together, where new undertakings are launched and the results of the work already done by the teaching staff are summed up. Today's teachers' council will be held in the form of a business meeting, during which we will discuss the results of summer recreational work, get acquainted with the events and documents that coordinate the activities of our preschool educational institution in the new academic year, and hopefully inspire the teaching staff to active, creative work. To keep minutes of meetings of the pedagogical councils of our preschool educational institution for the new academic year, it is necessary to select a secretary. What will be the proposals?

1. Holiday Knowledge Day: history, traditions, meaning. (Head M.V. Zakaluzhnaya)

1. Analysis of summer - recreational work (senior educator G.N. Eshtokina)

Analytical report on the results of summer health work in MDOBU No. 26 "Vasilek" in 2017

Summer recreational work was carried out in MDOBU No. 26 "Vasilek" of the village of Sovetskaya according to the plan approved at the meeting of the Pedagogical Council No. 5 on May 30. 2017.

During the summer period, there were 4 age groups.

The project of summer recreational work was developed on the basis of federal state requirements (FSES) to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.

The program of events was built on a complex thematic principle within the framework of the integration of educational areas.

The main areas of work with children in the summer in MDOBU No. 26 "Vasilek".

A competent organization of summer recreational work in a preschool educational institution, covering all participants in the educational process, provides ample opportunities for strengthening the physical and mental health of pupils, developing their cognitive interest, as well as increasing the informational competence of parents in organizing children's summer holidays.


· combine the efforts of adults (employees of MDOBU and parents of pupils) to create the most effective conditions that contribute to the improvement of the child's body in the summer, as well as emotional, personal, cognitive development.

During the reporting period, the activities of the teaching staff were aimed at solving the following tasks:

1. Create conditions for strengthening the health and physical development of children, increasing the effectiveness of hardening measures, improving an individual differentiated approach to physical education.

2. Provide conditions for protecting the life and health of children, preventing injuries.

3. Promote the formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior skills.

4. To develop curiosity, cognitive and creative activity by including preschoolers in elementary search, visual, motor and musical activities.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the work of the preschool educational institution, together with the parents of pupils in the summer, the territory of the preschool educational institution was improved: areas for groups were equipped, painting of small forms and fences. To increase the level of awareness of parents, individual consultations and conversations were held on all issues that parents have. On the website of the preschool educational institution, photo reports were posted on the activities in the framework of the summer - recreational work.

Particular attention was paid to the nutrition and drinking regimen of pupils in the summer. Nutrition was balanced, taking into account the observance of the norms of food consumption and calorie content. Meat, fish, dairy products were included in sufficient quantities in the menu. Meals were organized within the norm

The hygiene of eating in the group, the aesthetics of catering were regularly monitored.

To achieve a health-improving effect in the summer period, the daily regimen provided for the maximum stay of children in the fresh air, taking into account the uniform distribution of physical activity in the first and second half of the day, as well as the temperature regime. One of the components of a rationally constructed daily routine was outdoor walks, which increase the motor activity of children by including running exercises, using outdoor games of various activities, relay races, elements of sports games, walking tours and excursions.

During the summer, the administration of the preschool educational institution exercised operational control over the fulfillment of the requirements of SanPiN, the organization of physical culture and recreation work (morning reception, morning exercises, exercises after sleep, hardening, physical education classes, holidays, entertainment).

As part of the implementation of the plan, many interesting events took place. The following events were very interesting, with a good emotional upsurge: the musical and sports festival “Long live children on the whole planet”, “Musical alphabet”, “Hare - fashion designer”, “Goodbye summer”. Sports festival “Inseparable friends adults and children”, sports entertainment “Merry Starts”, station entertainment “Road signs are our friends, you can’t live without them”, where children remembered the rules on the roads.

All walking verandas were decorated by the beginning of summer, all groups, if possible, replenished walking areas with small forms for games and landscape design elements.

As a partially unfulfilled work, I would like to note the insufficiently designed sports corner of the preschool educational institution, to continue work on equipping walking areas. In order to create favorable conditions for the next summer recreational period, the administration of the preschool educational institution plans to update the territorial fence, restore the asphalt pavement, and create a football and volleyball field.

2. Interactive game "Teacher - what is he?"

Materials and equipment: pencils or pens for all those present, leaflets with letters (the word “Educator” cut into separate letters)

Purpose: To increase the self-esteem of teachers, motivation to work.

All participants receive a piece of paper and a pen and write down all the definitions for the word “Educator” with a given letter, for example, “B” - well-mannered, polite, “O” - educated, sociable, etc.

Then, one by one, they read out all their definitions.

1. Tasks for the new academic year and work plan for the 2017-2018 academic year. (Senior teacher G.N. Eshtokina)

The first document that we will get acquainted with at a meeting of our pedagogical council is the “Annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for the 2017-2018 academic year”

TASKS annual plan for the new academic year:

1. To improve the system of physical culture and health-improving work on the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, the introduction of health-saving technologies into the practice of teachers, to improve the interaction between MDOBU and the family in matters of children's health improvement.

Life in the 21st century poses many new problems for us, among which the most urgent is the problem of maintaining health, cultivating the habit of a healthy lifestyle. The tasks of maintaining and promoting health are reflected in the legal documents of modern society: the Law of the Russian Federation: “On Education in the Russian Federation”, SanPiN, “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population of the Russian Federation”, Decree of the President of Russia measures to ensure public health in the Russian Federation”, “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, etc.

Physical culture and health work in the preschool educational institution is a purposeful and systematically planned work of the entire staff of an educational institution, designed for a long period, which is based on the section of the educational field "Physical Development", an exemplary general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school", ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

The purpose of physical culture and health work in preschool educational institutions– preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, improvement of their physical development, introduction to a healthy lifestyle.

The main tasks of physical culture and recreation work in preschool educational institutions

Protection and promotion of children's health

Formation of vital motor skills and abilities of the child, taking into account his individual characteristics. Development of physical qualities

Creation of conditions for the realization of the needs of children in physical activity

Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle

Ensuring physical and mental well-being

It is necessary to start solving these problems from the very birth. It is known that preschool age is decisive in the development of physical and mental health. It is at this age that it is important to form in children the knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle, the need for systematic physical education and sports. The work of the teacher goes through all the leading activities of the preschool educational institution - regime moments, games, direct educational activities, interaction with the family.

To solve the task in 2017 - 2018, the following activities are planned.


Autumn sports competitions (physical education instructor, teachers);


Lecture hall "Filling RPPS in accordance with the educational area "Physical Development" (senior educator)

Assessment of the state of health and physical development (head nurse, instructor in PHYSICAL)

Thematic control "Organization of work on physical culture and health savings, taking into account the GEF DO"

Excursion to the sports stadium of the school.


Open viewing of the awakening gymnastics and the hardening method (mutual visitation)

Open viewing "Preparation and conduct of OOD in physical culture" (Physical Education instructor Nosenko E.I.)

Pedagogical hour "Sports corner in the group and on the site" (senior educator)

Questioning of parents "The attitude of parents to the formation of a healthy lifestyle"

Making visual agitation "Health on a plate" (all teachers)

Pedagogical Council No. 2 "The use of technologies for the purposeful formation of the value attitude of children to health and a healthy lifestyle"


Making visual information in the corners for parents

"How to organize a weekend with a child", "Winter games and entertainment"

"How to protect yourself from a cold"


Winter sports holidays (physical education instructor Nosenko E.I.)

Sports competitions between first-graders and children of the preparatory group (physical education instructor, physical education teacher)


Review of the system and songs for the Defender of the Fatherland Day "(physical education instructor)

Exhibition of group newspapers "Our Brave Dads" (all teachers)

Making visual agitation "Your family is growing a future man"

“So that the girl Olya does not grow out of the boy Kolya”

“We take an example from dad” (educators)

Entertainment show "Like a dad!" (music director, physical education instructor)


Consultation "The subject-developing environment as a means of saving health in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard"


April 7 "World Health Day" Sports leisure "For the health of the whole family" (all groups, physical education instructor)

Consultation "Prospects for the development and hardening of children for the summer recovery period" (nurse, instructor in PHYSICAL)

Information sheets "Daily routine for parents, future first graders" (educators)

2. To activate cognitive activity in preschool children through introducing children to verbal art: the development of artistic perception, aesthetic taste and the formation of interest in fiction.

An important role in the preschool upbringing and education of children belongs to children's fiction. Our team has been working in an innovative mode since 2016. The topic of the municipal innovation platform is "Introducing preschool children to the world of books, raising interest in the perception of children's fiction in the context of cooperation between a preschool institution, society and the family." We, choosing this direction, were inclined to believe that in our age of information technology, the role of the book has changed, the love of reading has begun to decline. Already at preschool age, children prefer other sources of information to books: television, video products, computers. As a result, the reading of fiction is not given due attention. Therefore, most modern schoolchildren do not like and do not want to read. Continuing to work in this direction, the following is planned for the 2017-2018 academic year:


Puppet theater "Autumn Turnip" (music director, teachers of 1st and 2nd junior groups)

- "On the roads of fairy tales" (music director, teachers of the senior and middle groups)


Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin with the participation of the Central House of Artists.


Visit to the library “Works of K.I. Chukovsky"


Studying the experience of preschool institutions on the topic: "Formation of the value attitude of children to the book, development of interest in the perception of children's fiction" (senior educator)

Round table "The use of innovative technologies in the speech development of children" (all teachers)

Exhibition of family art "New Year's Tale"

Thematic control "Creating conditions for introducing children to reading fiction" (senior educator)

Excursion to the school library (librarian Evseeva K.Yu., teachers of the preparatory group)

Group parent meetings


Teachers' Council No. 3 "Activating children's interest in fiction through familiarization with verbal art, the development of artistic perception, aesthetic taste in them"

Attending speech development classes (all teachers)

Mutual visit "Organization and conduct of role-playing games in sensitive moments" (all teachers)


Visiting the library (middle and senior groups)

3. To deepen the work on the moral and patriotic education of children through familiarization with the history and culture of their native land. It is moral to educate preschoolers, developing a kind, caring attitude towards nature and people, their country, people, through the implementation of projects using materials from the regional component.

The relevance of the patriotic education of preschoolers lies in the fact that recently the instillation of a sense of patriotism is becoming increasingly important in society and is becoming a task of national importance.

The task of teachers and parents is to awaken love for their native land in a growing person as early as possible, from the first steps to form character traits in children that will help him become a person and a citizen of society; to cultivate love and respect for one's home, kindergarten, native street, city; a sense of pride in the achievements of the country, love and respect for the army, pride in the courage of soldiers; to develop interest in the phenomena of social life accessible to the child.

The following activities are planned for this task:


Festive morning performance "Knowledge Day" (music director, teachers)

Making a photo exhibition for the day of the preschool worker "My favorite teacher!"

Festive concert "Educator - how much in this word!" (music director)

Photo collage "I love you, my village!"


Exhibition of children's drawings "I love my grandmother very much!" for the day of the elderly


Photo exhibition for Mother's Day "Look into mother's eyes" (all teachers)

Meeting in the video salon "My mother is the best!" (all teachers)


Preparation for the exhibition workshop of Santa Claus (all teachers)


Round table "Identification of experience in creating

joint projects with the family on moral and patriotic education "(senior educator)

Questioning of parents "The conditions created in the preschool educational institution for the formation of moral feelings of children"

Making a lapbook: “We live in the Kuban” (teachers of the senior and middle groups)

Group parent meetings (teachers)


Musical and entertainment holiday "Maslenitsa"

(musical hand)

Consultation "Family values ​​in the upbringing of children aged 3-7 years" (teacher Lesoulova M.S.)

Briefing on the topic "Organization of work on the moral and patriotic education of children" (senior educator)

Round table "Interaction of specialists and educators in the process of moral and patriotic education in preschool educational institutions"

Thematic control "The level of formation of moral and patriotic qualities"


Teachers' Council No. 4 "Organization of work on the moral and patriotic education of preschool children in a preschool educational institution"

Review-competition of corners on moral and patriotic education

Exhibition of children's creative works together with parents on the theme "Beloved and native land - you are not more beautiful!" (all teachers)

Development of booklets for parents "Family Traditions" (educators)

Consultations for parents "Formation of the child's personal qualities with the help of the family" (teachers of the 2nd junior group), "Rules for life" (teachers of the middle group), "Modern microclimate and its impact on the education of humane feelings in a child" (teachers of the senior group)


Cosmonautics week. Exhibition of children's works of artistic and productive activity "Road to Space" (all groups)

Exhibition "Expensive egg for Easter day"

Joint exhibition of drawings of first-graders and children of the preparatory group "I draw a school"

Patriotic project "Thank you grandfather for the victory!" (music director, educators)

Exercise "We are alike"

The participant throwing the ball to another must name the psychological quality that unites him with the person to whom he throws the ball. At the same time, he begins his phrase with the words: “I think that we are united by ...”, and calls this quality, for example: “You and I are equally sociable”; “I think we both tend to be a bit blunt.” The one who receives the ball answers: “I agree”, if he really agrees, or: “I will think”, if he does not agree. The one to whom the ball hit continues the exercise, passing the ball to someone else, and so on until everyone gets the ball.


In order to coordinate the activities of the preschool educational institution in the upcoming academic year, the installation teachers' council traditionally approves a list of documents regulating the organization of the educational and upbringing process in the preschool educational institution. We got acquainted with the annual plan for 2017-2018. The next document that I want to acquaint you with is the Main Educational Program of MDOBU No. 26, developed on the basis of an exemplary general educational program for preschool education "From Birth to School" / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC SYNTHESIS, 2015.

The program consists of two parts: a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in educational relations (teachers, pupils and parents) and has the following structure:


Goals and objectives of implementation

Principles and approaches to the formation of the program


Support for childhood diversity; preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person;

Personal development and humanistic nature of the interaction between adults and children;

Respect for the personality of the child;

Taking into account the individual needs of the child related to his life situation and state of health;

Full living by the child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;

Building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education;

Assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

Support for the initiative of children in various activities;

Cooperation of an educational organization with a family;

Introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state;

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities;

Age adequacy of preschool education (correspondence of conditions, requirements, methods to age and developmental characteristics);

Accounting for the ethno-cultural situation of children's development.


- person-centered approach

Activity approach

Axiological (value) approach

Competence approach

Dialogical (polysubjective) approach

Systems approach

Environmental approach

Problem approach

Cultural approach

Planned results of the development of the Program

- Targets

Educational activities in accordance with the directions of child development (in five educational areas)

Forms, ways, methods and means of implementing the Program

Regional component

Components of moral and patriotic education of preschool children in an educational organization

Integration of the regional component

in the educational areas of the main educational program

Features of educational activities of different types

and cultural practices

Ways and directions to support children's initiative

Features of the interaction of the teaching staff with the families of pupils in the implementation of the Program

Forms of cooperation of a preschool educational organization


Description of the logistics of the Program

Provision of teaching materials and teaching aids


Daily regime

Adaptive mode of stay of the child

Quarantine regime

Structure of the academic year

Model of the annual calendar training schedule

Model of organized educational activity in groups of general developmental orientation

Basic curriculum of educational activities

Motor mode model

Approximate complex - thematic planning

Description of the subject-developing environment

Model of organized educational activity

"Musical improvisations on the theme of integration"

They take out a card with a certain "Educational area" and a theme, and in 3 minutes the team selects as many musical excerpts from songs on the theme of this area as possible. The team that provided the audience and the jury with the largest number of musical excerpts wins.

5. Express questionnaire to identify the desire of teachers for self-development

In order for us to successfully cope with the fulfillment of the planned tasks, it is necessary to constantly improve our pedagogical skills. The professional competence of a teacher depends on various personality traits. It is the increase in the competence and professionalism of a teacher that is a necessary condition for improving the quality of both the pedagogical process and the quality of preschool education in general. I suggest you conduct an express questionnaire to identify the teacher's readiness for self-development.



Diagnostics, work programs

Help "Readiness of groups for the new academic year"


The results of the adaptation period of children (teacher Tulupova N.V.)

Results of pedagogical diagnostics (all teachers)

Development of individual development routes (all teachers)

Intermediate results on the implementation of individual programs for the development of children

Reports of educators on the work

Analysis of morbidity for half a year

The level of readiness of children of the preparatory group for school;

Analysis of child development, attendance and morbidity;

Conclusions and reserves for improving the effectiveness of work on this issue.

Development of the decision of the teachers' council

I propose to complete the work of our pedagogical council by making decisions. The floor for the reading of the draft decision is given to G.N. Eshtokina.

1. Work for the summer recreational period is recognized as satisfactory. Make a photo report of summer events. (Deadline until 20.09.2017, responsible teachers)

2. Approve the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, the schedule of educational activities, the work schedule of teachers for the 2017-2018 academic year. year. (Head M.V. Zakaluzhnaya)

3. Bring the working documentation in line with the approved documents. (Due until 30.09.2017)

4. Adopt the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for 2017-2018. year. (During the year, all preschool teachers)

What will be the views on the draft decision? What will be the changes and proposals? A proposal was made to adopt a draft decision as a basis. We vote.

Final word

Say the word "Well done!"

1 - softly, 2 - loudly, 3 - gently, 4 - surprised, 5 - ironic, 6 - enthusiastic, 7 - affectionately, 8 - demanding.

Good! You are great!


Introductory part. Organizing time. Introductory speech by the head, senior educator (congratulations on the new academic year, communication of the goals and objectives of the teachers' council, communication of the agenda) Main part. Holiday Day of Knowledge: history, traditions, meaning (head M.V. Zakalyuzhnaya) Analysis of the summer recreational work of the preschool educational institution. (senior teacher G.N. Eshtokina) Tasks for the new academic year and work plan for the 2017-2018 academic year. (Senior educator G.N. Eshtokina) - Familiarization with the structure of the main educational program of preschool education MDOBU No. 26 for 2017-2018 academic year. -Approval of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution -Approval of the cyclogram of educational activities -Approval of the schedule of educational activities -Schedule of work of pedagogical workers of the preschool educational institution Final part. Development of the decision of the teachers' council Closing remarks

Analysis of the summer recreational work of the preschool educational institution

Interactive game "Teacher - what is he?"

Annual work plan of MDOBU No. 2 6 for the 2017-2018 academic year

The main objectives of the annual plan for the 2017-2018 academic year. Objectives: 1. To improve the system of physical culture and health-improving work on the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, the introduction of health-saving technologies into the practice of teachers, to improve the interaction between MDOBU and the family in matters of children's health improvement. 2. To activate cognitive activity in preschool children through introducing children to verbal art: the development of artistic perception, aesthetic taste and the formation of interest in fiction. 3. To deepen the work on the moral and patriotic education of children through familiarization with the history and culture of their native land. It is moral to educate preschoolers, developing a kind, caring attitude towards nature and people, their country, people, through the implementation of projects using materials from the regional component.

The main directions of work to solve the first task September Autumn sports competitions (physical education instructor, teachers); Group parent meetings October Lecture hall “Filling the RPPS in accordance with the educational area “Physical Development” (senior educator); Assessment of the state of health and physical development (head nurse, instructor in PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT); Thematic control "Organization of work on physical culture and health savings, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of DO"; Excursion to the sports stadium of the school. November Open review of the awakening gymnastics and hardening method (mutual visit); Open viewing "Preparation and conduct of OOD in physical culture" (Physical Education instructor Nosenko E.I.); Pedagogical hour "Sports corner in the group and on the site" (senior educator); Questioning of parents "The attitude of parents to the formation of a healthy lifestyle"; Making visual agitation "Health on a plate" (all teachers); Teachers' Council No. 2 "Using technologies for the purposeful formation of children's value attitudes towards health and a healthy lifestyle" December Making visual information in the corners for parents "How to organize weekends with a child", "Winter games and entertainment", "How to protect yourself from a cold"

I Main directions of work on the solution of the first task 5. January Winter sports holidays (instructor in physical culture Nosenko EI); Sports competitions between first-graders and children of the preparatory group (physical education instructor, physical education teacher) 6. February Review of formation and songs for the Defender of the Fatherland Day” (physical education instructor); Exhibition of group newspapers "Our Brave Dads" (all teachers); Making a visual campaign “Your future man is growing in your family” “So that the girl Olya does not grow out of the boy Kolya”, “We take an example from dad” (educators); Entertainment show "Like a dad!" (music director, instructor in physical education) 7. March Consultation "The subject-developing environment as a means of saving health in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard" April April 7 "World Health Day" Sports leisure "For the health of the whole family" (all groups, instructor in physical culture) May Consultation “Prospects for the development and hardening of children for the summer recreational period” (nurse, PIZO instructor); Information sheets "Daily routine for parents, future first graders" (educators)

I Main directions of work on solving the second task September Puppet theater "Autumn turnip" (music director, teachers of 1st and 2nd junior groups); "On the roads of fairy tales" (music director, teachers of the senior and middle groups). 2. October Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin with the participation of the Central House of Artists. November Visit to the library “Works of K.I. Chukovsky” December Studying the experience of preschool institutions

Lyubov Kartamysheva

Most recently, the first bell rang in all schools new academic year. Within the walls of preschool educational institutions, we cannot hear the bell calling for a lesson. But new training we celebrated the year with the same solemnity. In the senior and preparatory groups there were entertainments "Soon to school". And their teachers the academic year began invariably with the installation teachers' council!

Work is in full swing! There is so much to do in a year! In addition to discussing the annual plan, the plan of the district methodological association, approving programs, the GCD schedule, modes and other necessary documentation, I decided to please my colleagues by giving each congratulation own composition.

I am sure that this year we will be able to fulfill our plans, enjoy work and just enjoy life! At least a little belatedly, but I want congratulate and you, dear friends, colleagues from start of a new school year! My poem is congratulations for you!

Laughter, fun, kids - and so on from morning to morning!

You can't find a better job. And how much is waiting for you ahead:

Plans, holidays, circles, courses, certification,

Seminars, competitions, games, innovations!

There is no time to sit still, we need to do everything with you!

After all, there is a desire, and in the eyes of enthusiasm,

And that means the result is not far off.

I wish you inspiration, victories,

May good luck and success be with you!

Related publications:

Cyclogram for the 1st half of the 2016-2017 academic year Schedule of Events for August, September 2016 – 2017 year (adaptation period) 19.08. – 09.00 – “Caution, Fire!” Holding.

Analysis of upbringing and educational activities in the preparatory group at the end of the academic year Analysis of educational - educational activities in the preparatory "B" group. Preparatory "B" group "Asterisks" - a general developmental group.

Another school year has passed. The older group is behind, the preparatory group is waiting for us ahead. This means we have a busy schedule ahead of us.

Results of the year 2015-2016 The presentation "Results of the 2015-2016 academic year" was prepared for the pedagogical council in May 2016 together with mine.

Comprehensive thematic plan for September 2016-2017 academic year September 1 week Theme of the period:: "Knowledge Day" Tasks of the period: Expand children's ideas about autumn. Develop installation skills.

Report on the results of monitoring at the end of the school year for children of the middle group In the middle group No. 3 "Pochemuchki" MBDOU Kindergarten No. 7 "Pochemuchki" monitoring was carried out to solve the following tasks: - Identification of the level.

Work plan for the summer recreational period of the 2016–2017 academic year Work plan of the Structural subdivision of the MBDOU kindergarten No. 9 "Ryabinka" kindergarten "Rainbow" for the summer recreation period 2016-2017.

Minutes of the parent meeting at the end of the school year Minutes of the parent meeting in the middle group No. 4 of May 24, 2017 Present: 23 people Absent: 2 people Topic: ".

Olga Nekrasova
Presentation "Initial Teachers' Council "Happy New Academic Year 2017-2018"

Organizational teachers' council 2017–2018 school. G.

Installation teachers' council

"FROM new educational

2017-2018 year».


"The Scarlet Flower"


August 2017

Installation teachers' council"FROM new educational

2017-2018 year».

Form - oral journal.

Target: Coordination of the activities of the teaching staff in the new 2017 -2018 academic year. Motivate teachers to work, to achieve high results in a new academic year.


1. Congratulatory word of the head.

2. Parable about coffee.

3. Evaluation of the summer recreational work in 2017

4. Interactive game "Educator, what is he?"

5. Discussion of issues of organizing the activities of MDOU for The new school year. Familiarization and approval annual MDOU work plan for 2017-2018 account. year.

6. Approve the annexes to the main educational program of the institution, the work schedule of teachers, the cyclograms of MDOU teachers, the work programs of educators and specialists, the documentation of MDOU teachers.

academic year.

8. Parable of time

9. Decision teachers' council.

10. Miscellaneous.

congratulations page

1. Teachers gather in a methodical office, watch a festive video.

Then the head of the pre-school educational institution congratulates them on the start of a new school year.

The text of the head's speech MDOU:

Dear colleagues! Congratulations on the start of a new school year! Let it be bright and interesting, successful and fruitful and bring us all only positive emotions, success and good mood!

Art. educator. The Pedagogical Council is a place where each member of the team has the right to be heard, where common problems are solved together, where a start is given new undertakings and summarizes the work already done by the teaching staff. Today's teachers' council will be held in the form of an oral journal, on the page of which we will discuss the results of summer recreational work, get acquainted with the events and documents that coordinate the activities of our MDOU in the new academic year and We hope that we will inspire the teaching staff for active, creative work. To keep minutes of meetings of the pedagogical councils of our MDOU at new training year you need to choose a secretary. What will be the proposals?

And today it will help us to tune in to effective communication "The Parable of Coffee".

2. Parable about coffee

Speech text:

Came once to the sage tired man and said:

I have such a hard life, such difficulties and problems, I swim against the current all the time, but I don’t have more strength to resist. What should I do?

Instead of answering, the sage put three identical pots of water on the fire. He threw carrots into one, put an egg into another, poured ground coffee beans into the third. After a while, he took a carrot and an egg out of the water and poured it into a cup of coffee.

What changed? - he asked.

The carrots and the egg were boiled, and the coffee beans were dissolved in the water, - answered tired person.

No, this is just a superficial view of things. Look, hard carrots, having been in boiling water, have become soft and pliable. The fragile and liquid egg became hard. Outwardly, they have not changed. They only changed their structure under the influence of the same unfavorable circumstances - boiling water. So people - strong outwardly can fall apart and surrender where fragile and tender only harden and get stronger ...

O! This is the fun part! The coffee beans completely dissolved in the new hostile environment and changed it - turned it into a magnificent aromatic drink.

There are special people who do not change due to circumstances - they change the circumstances themselves and turn them into something new and beautiful, deriving benefit and knowledge from the situation.

1. Summing up the results of summer health work.

Analytical page

Senior speech text educator:

The goals of the summer recreational work of the preschool educational institution are to satisfy the needs of children for rest, cognitive activity, creative activity and movement, to preserve and strengthen their physical and mental health. The success of this work is determined by how prepared the participants of the educational process are for it.

This year, our team faced tasks:

ensure the protection of the life of pupils, improve their health, prevent morbidity and injuries;

organize events that are aimed at improving and physical education of children, developing their independence, initiative, curiosity and cognitive activity;

to carry out educational work with parents on the issues of raising and improving children in the summer.

What was done? The teachers will talk about it.

Thus, all the tasks of the summer recreational work were not fully implemented.

2. Interactive game "Educator - what is he?"

Materials and equipment: pencils or pens for all those present, leaflets with letters (the word cut into separate letters "Educator"

Target: Increase the self-esteem of teachers, motivation to work.

All participants receive a piece of paper and a pen and write down all the definitions for the word. "Educator" to a given letter, for example, "AT"- well-mannered, polite, "O"- educated, sociable, etc.

Then, one by one, they read out all their definitions.

3. Familiarization and approval annual MDOU work plan for

2017-2018 academic year year.

Staffing of teaching staff at the end of 2016-2017 academic year was 100%, at the beginning of 2017-2018 educational year is 100%. To date, in our team with the highest category - 5 teachers, with 1 qualification category - 2 teachers, without a category - 3 teachers. This year, 3 teachers plan to be certified for the first qualification category and 1 for the highest

Based on monitoring results at the end of 2016-2017 school year compared to 2016-2017 the assimilation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution in full increased by 19%.

Results of the development of the educational program

children The results of the development of the educational Program at the end school year

The program has been fully implemented The program has been partially implemented

Number of pupils % of pupils Number of pupils % of pupils

2014-2015 academic year 111 110 98.9% 1 1.1

2015-2016 academic year 106 105 98.94% 1 1.06

2016-2017 academic year 107 106 98.93% 1 1.07

This year our children participated only in:

Regional Olympiad of preschoolers "On the path of knowledge";

In a discussion on Ren TV "Who is Santa Claus?";

In the regional thematic exhibition "Bouquet for Mom";

District drawing competition "Laboratory";

In the military parade of the Preschool Troops.

The first document that we will get acquainted with at the meeting of our pedagogical council is “ Annual PEI work plan for 2017-2018 academic year»

primary goal:

Creation of an educational space aimed at continuous

the child's accumulation of cultural experience of activity and communication in the process of active interaction with the environment, communication with other children and adults in solving problems of socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development in accordance with age and individual characteristics.

Methodological theme of the preschool educational institution:

"Health-saving pedagogical system: Organization of a motor developing environment in a preschool educational institution.


1. Formation of cognitive interests in mathematics through interaction with objects of the surrounding world.

2. Formation of social and personal relationships with the outside world, through gaming activities.

In 2017 - 2018 academic year year planned spend:

- 4 pedagogical councils:

1. Installation teachers' council No. 1. Installation teachers' council No. 1. "FROM new academic year 2017-2018» .

2. Pedagogical Council No. 2 "Formation of elementary mathematical representations in integration with other types of children's activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO."

3. Pedagogical Council No. 3 "Social and personal development of preschool children".

4. Teachers Council No. 4"Summarizing school year» . Work planning for the 2018-2019 academic year year. Approval of the work plan for the summer period.

2 workshops and 2 master class:

Seminar - workshop "Standard fairy tale about physical education", responsible Slinko L.I. (January)

Workshop "Formation of coherent speech of preschoolers, "Mnemonics", responsible Lagutkina I. N. (February).

Master Class "The use of gaming equipment for the development of FEMP" responsible Levchenko O. V., Yartseva G. A. (november).

Master Class "The use of non-traditional techniques in the classroom for fine arts activities", responsible stv Nekrasova O. A.

"Pedagogical Festival" open views:

1. "Pedagogical Festival" open views on mathematical development.

2. "Pedagogical Festival" open views on cognitive development (ecology).

3. "Pedagogical Festival" open views on the development of speech.

4. "Pedagogical Festival" open views on physical education.

Exhibitions, reviews, competitions, stock:

1. Review-competition of groups to the beginning school yearGroup readiness for new academic year» , September

2. Review competition "Best gym"(non-traditional equipment, April.

3. Review competition "Fun Math", november.

4. Exhibition of books - babies "Golden Autumn", October.

5. Military uniform competition "Our army is dear". Reading competition, February.

6. "Winter and summer, one color"- January.

7. "Bouquet and Cake for Mom"- March.

8. "Gift to Mother Earth"- April.

9. Promotion "Bird Dining"- January.

10. Promotion "Take care of the Christmas tree"- December.

11. Promotion "Clean house, clean street, clean city"- April.


1. Themed: "Implementation of the program for the development of elementary mathematical representations" (October).

2. Thematic control "Social development of preschool children" (February).

3. Frontal according to the results of the educational program "Childhood" in preschool group (May).

The work of pedagogical - creative workshops (circles, sections).

1. Circle "Olympic"- Slinko L.I.

2. Circle "Land of Chrysostom"- Lagutkina I. N.

3. Circle "In union with nature"- Levchenko O.V.

4. Circle "In the world of beauty"- Yartseva G.A.

5. Circle "Nightingale"- Klimantova N.V.

Self-education of teachers:

No. Full name of the teacher Name of the topic of self-education How many years has been working Terms Reporting form

Lagutkina I. N. "The development of speech of preschoolers in the process of observing nature" 2 years During the year Open class

L. I. «Non-traditional use of health-saving technologies in physical education and health improvement of preschoolers». 2 years During the year Open class

Kalabekova V.V. "The development of fine motor skills of hands in children at a younger preschool age" 0 year Within a year Message per hour method

G. A. "The formation of patriotic feelings in children of senior preschool age." 0 year During the year Presentation

Sizetseva G. A. "Me, my family and small homeland". 1 year Within a year Presentation

O. Levchenko, The Influence of Oral Folk Art on the Development of Speech in Preschool Children. 1 year Within a year Message per method hour

Klimantova N.V. "Development of creative abilities of preschoolers through folklore". 2 years Throughout the year Entertainment

6. In order to coordinate the activities of the preschool educational institution in the future academic year at the installation teachers' council Traditionally, a list of documents regulating the organization of the educational and upbringing process in DOW:

Cyclogram of planning educational activities

Daily regime

Schedule of educational activities for 2017-2018 academic year. year (subgroup form)

Grid of morning exercises.

Schedule of work of pedagogical workers of MDOU.

Approval of work programs for educators and specialists.

Approval of documentation of teachers DOW: a plan of work with parents (parental committees of the group and preschool educational institutions, a work plan for traffic rules, a work plan on the topic of self-education, work plans for circles.

7. Summing up the results of the group review competition, familiarizing with the certificate based on the results of checking the groups for readiness for the new academic year(certificate on the results of the competition, head).

8. Miscellaneous.

Draft decision of the pedagogical advice:

1. Approve annual work plan of the preschool educational institution for 2017 - 2018 academic year year

2. Approve the annexes to the MDOU Educational Program.

3. Continue to ensure compliance with the subject-spatial environment of the MDOU for physical development.

4. Create a plan - a schedule of advanced training courses for teachers of preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

5. Strengthen control over the quality of the educational process in MDOU.

Submit questions for consideration:

to accept annual work plan;

get acquainted with the thematic planning, with the regime of the day;

approve self-education topics;

approve the schedule of educational activities, the work schedule of teachers, work plans for circles, work plans for traffic rules;

get acquainted with the schedule of certification of teaching staff;

get acquainted with the plan-scheme of the methodological work of the MDOU for the 2017-2018 academic year. year.

What will be the views on the draft decision? What will be the changes and proposals? A proposal was made to adopt a draft decision as a basis. We vote.

Final page.

Parable about the price of time

Speech text:

Imagine that there is a bank that deposits 86,400 rubles into your account every morning. It does not store the daily balance. Every night, it sets to zero all the balance that you did not use during the day. What will you do? Of course, you will shoot every day every last penny.

Know that each of you has an account in this bank. Bank name TIME. Every morning this bank gives us 86,400 seconds. Every night, this bank erases the data and looks at how much of this loan you have not invested for the right purposes. This bank does not store money and does not allow you to transfer it to other accounts. Every day opens new account. The balance of the day is canceled every night.

If you don't use time, you're wasting it. We can't go back or borrow tomorrow's loan. We must live in the present and make the most of what is given to us. Invest our time in our health, happiness, work we love, success and achieve the maximum in a day.

Thank you for your attention!



On the first day of autumn, schools open their doors to millions of students. This is not just the end of the holidays, but a real holiday called the Day of Knowledge.

school year starts?

school year starts?

In 325, Constantine the Great, the Roman emperor, convened the first Ecumenical Council, at which it was decided to start the new calendar year on September 1.

In Russia, they celebrated the New Year

in March-April!

Constantine the Great

Roman Emperor

272 - 337 AD

school year starts?

Only at the end of the 15th century, Orthodox Russia began to celebrate the beginning of the new year on September 1. The first year that began in Russia on September 1 was 1492 -oh. And it happened by decree of John III.

Ivan III Vasilievich,

Grand Duke of Moscow

from 1462 to 1505

The shortest year in Russia

In 1699, Peter the Great issued a decree to postpone the New Year to January 1. It so happened that the year 1699 lasted only 4 months - from September 1 to January 1, when the new year 1700 began.

Peter the Great

1672 - 1725

Public Holiday

Knowledge Day (September 1) is a public holiday in the USSR and the Russian Federation with 1984 year, introduced by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council

in other countries of the world.


Knowledge Day: end of August - beginning of September, schoolchildren study 180 days a year. Primary school includes grades 1-7, where all subjects are taught by one teacher.

in other countries of the world.

Germany In Germany, in each federal state (and there are 16 of them), the school year and holidays begin at different times. For example, in Bavaria, the beginning of the school year is September 11, and the duration of the school year is 270 days.

in other countries of the world.

Japan In Japan, the school year starts at an unusual time, namely April 1st. The academic year ends on March 31st. They are entitled to small holidays in winter, spring and for 1 month in summer.

in other countries of the world.


in other countries of the world.

India The school year for Indian students begins in April. In this country, children start going to school very early - at 4 years old.

The word "school" is of Greek origin.

Its original meaning...

  • Book.
  • Library.
  • Meeting.
  • Leisure, rest, idleness, inactivity.

Word school

(from the Greek σχολή [scholi]) - leisure

The word "teacher" is of Greek origin. Who were the ancient Greeks called educators?

  • Home caregiver.
  • A slave serving the master's children.
  • A slave who accompanied the boy to school and back.
  • Whipping servant boy.

Word educator

(from παιδαγωγός [teacher]) - teacher

This school subject appeared about a hundred years ago. It was created by the famous ophthalmologist and hygienist Fedor Fedorovich Erisman. And the name he received from the Latin word, which means "standing aside." What is this item?

  • Board.
  • Teacher's desk.
  • Desk.
  • Hanger.

The word desk (from the Latin "part"), - "part" or "group"

The word "crib" comes from the Greek "spargan". What does this word mean?

  • Small letters.
  • Crumpled papers.
  • Dirty diapers.
  • Secret records.

Word cheat sheet

(from sparganom - rags, rags)

In 1790, the French mechanic and painter N. Conte invented what all schoolchildren use today.

  • Pencil case.
  • Wooden pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Chewing gum.

The first book addressed to young minds was The Honest Mirror of Youth. The first rule of the "Mirror" says: "First of all, a young man must revere sacredly ..."

  • God and the church.
  • The sovereign and the law.
  • Parents.
  • Women.

“We all learned a little something and somehow”?

  • Pushkin A.S.
  • Lermontov M.Yu.
  • Nekrasov N.A.
  • Krylov I.A.

Quote from the novel "Eugene Onegin" We all learned little by little Something and somehow, So education, thank God, It is not surprising for us to shine.

What do they say about a good, understanding student?

  • Jumps up on the go.
  • Grabs on the fly.
  • Chop on the run.
  • Swallows on the run.

What is the name of the 18th century English industrialist after whom drawing and drawing paper is named?

What happens labor, financial, military and school?

What is barely crawling in the classroom,

and at breaks it flies like an arrow?




What is the name of the "deck of cards" for a geography lesson?

What is the name of the ruler - "krivlyak"?

Name a card game whose rules are taught in schools in Sweden, Italy and Israel.




Why was the student kicked out of class?

What hard rock is made to chew on children at school?

What can be cooked

but you can't eat it?

Out the door.

Granite of Science.



What needs to be done with a school geographical atlas so that it can be eaten with appetite?

A tract is a very large homework assignment or part of an area that is different from the environment.

Swap letters in a word:

atlas - salad.

Say the saying of Famusov, the hero of Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", beloved by all the losers.?

What school mark "lives" in the Tretyakov Art Gallery?

"Learning is the plague."


I mean the picture

F.P. Reshetnikov "Again deuce".

Let's remember proverbs and sayings.

  • Don’t say I can’t, but say ... ..
  • To a lot of patience comes and ....
  • Don't learn to destroy, but learn...
  • A fool will judge, but a smart one ...
  • No patience...
  • Learning is the path to...
  • There is no pain...




(will judge)




Congratulations to everyone on the start of the school year!

We wish you all the best and

profound knowledge!

Materials used

  • http:// www.zanimatika.narod.ru/Narabotki5_3.htm
  • http:// www.nsad.ru/viktorina-den-znanij
  • http:// prepod.nspu.ru/mod/resource/view.php?id=9100

I bring to your attention a presentation that I prepared especially for the eleventh graders. It's their last school year. It does not promise to be easy, like all previous years. But without a doubt, it will be a special and very exciting year for them. The last in the school biography of students. Many still have more than one year of study ahead of them - at the institute, at courses, in graduate school, but that's a completely different story. I propose now to look back and remember all the past academic years.

At the event, the "Concise Encyclopedia of School Life" will be the fruit of memories. After all, who, if not eleventh graders, knows what school life is!

Target audience: for grade 11

This class hour is the first of the school year. After the summer vacation, the guys of the class meet again and determine what the coming year will be like? The whole year will be associated with the magic number 7. The purpose of the class hour is to create a festive atmosphere, teach to communicate, focus on the fact that the guys have become older.

Target audience: for grade 7

This resource is very well suited for the Knowledge Lesson in the 4th grade. A bright high-quality interactive presentation is made in the form of a journey through school subjects. Children travel through school subjects, perform various interesting tasks related to the knowledge they received in the 3rd grade.
This lesson evokes positive emotions and prepares children to enjoy going to school and gaining knowledge.
The resource contains music files that affect children emotionally.
Students who have just come from a long vacation will be very interested in this lesson.

Target audience: for grade 4

The presentation contains an accompaniment to the song "First Time in First Class".
The first day at school, the first lesson, the first teacher, new friends - all this is exciting for a child. The presentation will help create a festive mood, a warm and friendly atmosphere.
The presentation runs automatically.

Target audience: for grade 1

We bring to your attention a presentation that was used at the first class hour in the newly formed 10th grade.
Purpose: overcoming barriers, relieving tension in communication, establishing emotional contacts between children.
Each person is unique and unrepeatable. However, there are some characteristic personality traits inherent in a particular zodiac sign. Knowing who your friend is according to the horoscope, it is much easier to find a common language with him.

Target audience: for the class teacher

The event on the theme "Journey through the ocean of Knowledge" is held on September 1 and is dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. This event is held in 3rd grade.
The purpose of the lesson: to keep the children in a festive mood from a meeting with the school; create a mood for learning activities.
The lesson takes place in the form of a game. During the journey, the boundless expanses of the ocean of Knowledge open up before the children. They will visit Logic Bay, sail past Heroic Cape, drop anchor in Guess-ka Harbor, visit Playful Port, sail to Muzykalny Island and enter Desire Bay. entertaining quizzes, creative tasks, competitions for ingenuity and ingenuity are held by children.

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