Home Fertilizers Ranking of the best universities according to qs. Top universities in the world in the field of social sciences and management. World's Best Universities in Science and Medicine

Ranking of the best universities according to qs. Top universities in the world in the field of social sciences and management. World's Best Universities in Science and Medicine

School graduates are always faced with a difficult task - to decide on a future place of study. The choice of a university can play a key role in further working career, therefore, applicants and their parents always approach the solution of such a significant issue with special attention. To help them, the QS World University Rankings were created. This annual ranking of universities and institutes provides an opportunity to find out which educational institutions offer the best learning conditions in 42 specialties. In addition to filters by topic, an applicant can also specify a specific region or a specific country.

QS World University Rankings Methodology

  1. Academic reputation... The respondents involved in this or related field are asked to name up to 10 domestic and 30 international educational institutions that they consider suitable for scientific activity. In 2016, over 76,000 people employed in higher education took part in the survey.
  2. Employer reputation... Employers are asked to name 10 domestic and 30 international universities whose graduates are best suited to work in this organization. 2016 data is based on a survey of over 44,000 employers.
  3. Citation Index... Scientometric indicator of the number of references to scientific works of university teachers.
  4. Hirsch index... An indicator showing the ratio of the number of publications to the level of their citation. At the moment, it is believed that it is the Hirsch index that is the most objective indicator of the significance and scientific productivity.

It is worth mentioning separately that for different academic fields their own correction factors were applied. So, for medical specialties, where publication activity is of high importance, the Citation Index and the Hirsch Index accounted for 25% of the total result of a particular university. For faculties of history - 15%. And in the field of art and design, where the number of scientific works is extremely small, these factors were not taken into account at all.

World's Best Universities in Arts and Humanities

In the arts and humanities, the QS World University Rankings offer data for the following specialties: archeology, architecture, art and design, English language and literature, history, linguistics, modern languages, theater, philosophy. We publish the top 10 world universities in the most popular specialties - "architecture" and "art and design".

Position Architecture Art and design
1 Royal College of Art (UK)
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
3 Rhode Island School of Design (USA)
4 Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) Parsons School of Design at The New School (USA)
5 Harvard University (USA) University of the Arts London (UK)
6 Pratt Institute (USA)
7 ETH Zurich (Switzerland) School of the Art Institute of Chicago (USA)
8 Tsinghua University (China) Stanford University (USA)
9 (Singapore) Yale University (USA)
10 Manchester School of Architecture (USA) Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

Best Universities in the World in Engineering and Technology

In the field of engineering and technical sciences, the QS World University Rankings offer data for the following specialties: chemical engineering, civil and industrial construction, computer technology, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and aircraft construction, and mining. We publish the top 10 universities by IT specialization.

Position Computer techologies
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
2 Stanford University (USA)
4 Harvard University (USA)
5 Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
6 University of Cambridge (UK)
7 University of California, Berkeley (USA)
8 ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
9 National University of Singapore (Singapore)
10 Princeton University (USA)

World's Top Universities in Science and Medicine

In the field of science and medicine, the QS World University Rankings offer data for the following specialties: agriculture and forestry, biology, dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmaceuticals and pharmacology, psychology, veterinary medicine. We publish the top 10 world universities in the most demanded specialties - dentistry and medicine.

Position Dentistry Medicine
1 The University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Harvard University (USA)
2 University of Michigan (USA) University of Oxford (UK)
3 University of Cambridge (UK)
4 King "s College London, UK Stanford University (USA)
5 University of Gothenburg (Sweden) Johns Hopkins University (USA)
6 Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Japan) University of California, Los Angeles (USA)
7 KU Leuven (Belgium) University of California, San Francisco (USA)
8 UCL (University College London) (UK) Yale University (USA)
9 Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil) University College London (UK)
10 New York University (USA) Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)

World's Best Universities in Science

In the natural sciences, the QS World University Rankings offer data for the following majors: physics and astronomy, mathematics, environmental science, geology and oceanography, chemistry, materials science, and geography. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the top 10 strongest universities in the field of "chemistry".

Position Chemistry
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
2 University of California, Berkeley (USA)
3 University of Cambridge (UK)
4 Harvard University (USA)
5 Stanford University (USA)
6 University of Oxford (UK)
7 National University of Singapore (Singapore)
8 The University of Tokyo (Japan)
9 California Institute of Technology (USA)
10 ETH Zurich (Switzerland)

Top Universities in the World in Social Science and Management

In the field of social sciences and management, the QS World University Rankings offer data on the following specialties: accounting and finance, anthropology, business and management, sociology, media, political science, pedagogy, social development, statistics, economics, jurisprudence, social policy. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the top 10 universities in the areas of "accounting and finance" and "business and management".

Position Accounting and finance Business and management
1 Harvard University (USA) Harvard University (USA)
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
3 Stanford University (USA) INSEAD (France)
4 London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (UK) Stanford University (USA)
5 University of Oxford (UK)
6 University of Chicago (USA) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
7 University of Cambridge (UK) University of Cambridge (UK)
8 University of Pennsylvania (USA) University of Oxford (UK)
9 London Business School (UK) London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)
10 University of California, Berkeley (USA) Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy)

Today we propose to get acquainted with the results of the next ranking of Quacquarelli Symonds: TOP-10 leading universities in the world and TOP-3 Russian universities, which managed to become one of the best educational institutions. In addition, you will be able to find out what factors influence the compilation of ratings and by what indicators QS experts determine the best educational organizations in the world.

At choosing a foreign university many applicants and their parents are guided by the results of the ratings of educational institutions, which are annually compiled by the world's leading publications. That is why on the websites of educational organizations you can often find the "Achievements" section, which not only describes the results of the activities of the alma mater, but also lists the places of the university in the ratings.

Today we propose to get acquainted with the results of the next ranking of Quacquarelli Symonds: TOP-10 leading universities in the world and TOP-3 Russian universities, which managed to become one of the best educational institutions. In addition, you will be able to find out what factors influence the compilation of ratings and by what indicators QS experts determine the best educational organizations in the world.

What is QS rating

QS rating Is the result of a large-scale expert and analytical study of the activities of world universities, which is carried out by specialists from the British consulting company Quacquarelli Symonds. Every year, since 2004, QS has been ranking the top 500 universities in the world according to indicators such as:

  • the quality and activity of research activities;
  • career potential and employers' opinion;
  • internationalization and teaching;
  • reputation of the university in the academic environment.
  • The World University Rankings, published by Times Higher Education in partnership with Thomson Reuters;
  • QS World University Rankings produced by Quacquarelli Symonds.

The performance of universities is assessed based on an analysis of the activities of educational institutions, audited data, a global survey of employers (companies from more than 90 countries of the world) and the international academic community (heads and professors of universities with an average experience in science of 19.6 years).

14th QS Ranking Results

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (founded in 1861) - consists of five schools (faculties) and one college, specializing in scientific and technological research, funded by government agencies (Department of Health, Department of Defense, Social Services, etc.).

2. Stanford University (founded in 1891) - consists of seven schools (faculties), is an innovator in the field of high technologies, most of the projects are funded by the Federal Government.

3. Harvard University (founded in 1636) - consists of 12 schools (faculties) and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, is famous for its business school and developments in various fields of science, has the largest endowment.

4. California Institute of Technology (founded in 1891) - consists of 6 departments, each of which offers several areas of study, specializes in exact sciences and engineering, many projects are funded by the State of California and the Federal Government.

5. University of Cambridge (founded in 1209) - consists of 6 separate schools and more than 150 faculties, widely known for its conservatism and traditions, ranks first in the number of Nobel laureates (130 people).

6. Oxford University (founded in 1096) - consists of 38 colleges and 6 closed educational organizations, specializes in humanitarian disciplines, a unique system of tutoring is practiced.

7. University College London (founded in 1826) - consists of 11 faculties, each of which includes several schools, is considered the best research university in London, has the best student / teacher ratio in England (10: 1).

8. Imperial College London (founded in 1907) - consists of 3 faculties and a business school, specializing in medicine, engineering, natural sciences and management, until 2007 was one of the colleges of the University of London.

9. University of Chicago (founded in 1890) - Consisting of the College, various graduate schools, interdisciplinary committees and 7 institutes, the University of Chicago MBA programs are recognized as some of the best in the world, has one of the largest university libraries, served by a robot.

10. Swiss Higher Technical School of Zurich (founded in 1855) - consists of 16 faculties, grouped in 5 main areas, is one of the best engineering and technical universities in the world.

If speak about Russian universities in the QS ranking, then one domestic alma mater finally managed to enter the TOP-100 of the best universities in the world - the honorary 95th position is occupied by the Lomonosov Moscow State University, which managed to achieve the following indicators:

  • The total number of points - 65
  • Academic reputation - 82
  • Reputation among employers - 79.6
  • Student / teacher ratio - 99.7
  • % of foreign students - 48.7

The second place among Russian universities and the 250th position in the QS ranking is taken by Novosibirsk State University with the following indicators:

  • The total number of points - 41.3
  • Academic reputation - 37.6
  • Reputation among employers - 43.6
  • Student / teacher ratio - 82.4
  • % of foreign students - 56.3

The presence of Russian universities in the TOP-300 of the QS rating is closed by the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (291 positions) with the following indicators:

  • The total number of points - 38.2
  • Academic reputation - 28
  • Reputation among employers - 60.2
  • Student / teacher ratio - 99.9

Factors influencing the compilation of ratings

When compiling all rankings, including the Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings, not only statistical data based on information provided by universities are taken into account, but also the personal opinion of participants in the educational process. Therefore, each position in the rating hides both objective and subjective factors.

By objective factors it is customary to understand reliable information about the percentage of issued "honors" diplomas, entrance scores, financing of the material, technical and educational base of the university. Objective data also includes information on the quantitative assessment of the scientific weight of university work for a certain period of time.

Subjective factors are also statistical data, but based on the personal opinion of students, which can be influenced by various circumstances not related to the educational process.

That is why rankings, even as serious as the QS World University Rankings, are recommended to be considered purely as information for thought. By and large, the ratings are designed to help applicants in identifying general guidelines and choosing a training program.

Image sources: ekd.me

The results of the QS World University Rankings, which represent the world's leading universities, have become known. Moscow State University again became the best in Russia, retaining its position last year - 108th in the world. A total of 3,800 universities participated in the ranking, of which 891 were included in the list.

According to Viktor Sadovnichy, Rector of Moscow State University, Moscow State University has once again confirmed its leading position in the face of increased competition, especially from universities in the Asian region.

"In 2016, we traditionally improved our positions in the categories of Academic Reputation and Employer reputation, which are the main indicators of the university's work. These criteria determine the quality of teaching at the university and the level of Also this year we have successfully carried out an admission campaign to attract foreign students, which is a good foundation for the future, "- said the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy.

In recent years, our universities have been improving their positions in international rankings, which contributes to their promotion in the world market of educational services and attracts foreign students. In the latest QS subject ranking, eight of our universities are in the top 100. The leader was Moscow State University, which got into the top 100 in 12 regions. The highest place - 17th - he got in the field of "Linguistics". In second place is St. Petersburg State University, which is represented by two subjects. The full version of the subject ranking includes 17 of our universities. Significant successes are at MEPhI, Novosibirsk State University, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after V.I. Gubkin. For this QS subject ranking, 4,226 educational institutions of the world were assessed, and a total of 945 universities were included in it. More than 113 million citations were analyzed, the provision of about 15 530 educational programs was checked.

“5 years ago, few people in our universities knew about the Hirsch index, the impact factor, Scopus and Web of Science databases, world university rankings QS, THE and ARWU.

As for another prestigious international ranking THE, which is prepared by the British magazine Times Higher Education, five of our universities were included in the list of the 200 best universities in Europe. These are Moscow State University (it has 79th place), Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (113), Tomsk Polytechnic University (136), Kazan Federal University (152), MEPhI (164).

In the first positions in all international rankings Stanford, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge universities, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Our universities in the QS Global University Rankings:

258 - SPbSU

291 - Novosibirsk State University

306 - Moscow State Technical University Bauman

350 - MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

350 - MIPT

377 - Tomsk State University

400 - Tomsk Polytechnic University

401-410 - MEPhI

411-420 - HSE

411-420 - St. Petersburg Polytechnic

501-550 - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

551-600 - Far Eastern Federal University

551-600 - Saratov State University

551-600 - Southern Federal University

601-650 - NUST "MISIS"

601-650 - RUDN University

601-650 - Ural Federal University

701+ - Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod

701+ - Novosibirsk Polytechnic

701+ - Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

701+ - Voronezh State University

Indicator.Ru figured out what Russian universities need to do to rise in this list and what has changed in the British expert counting system.

The international QS ranking has been published since 2004, and initially experts from the British publication Times Higher Education (THE) participated in the preparation of its methodology. Since 2010, the analytical company Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd. started publishing the rating independently. When compiling the rating, statistical information from the Scopus bibliometric database is taken into account.

A place*

University Country

Massachusetts Institute of Technology




California Institute of Technology



United Kingdom
6 United Kingdom

University College London

United Kingdom

Imperial College London

United Kingdom

University of Chicago


Swiss Federal Institute of Technology


Compared to the previous year, the position of universities remained practically unchanged: the California Institute of Technology moved up one position, while Cambridge, on the contrary, went down; Imperial College London and the University of Chicago were ranked 9th and 10th in last year's rankings, while the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology dropped two positions.

Among the 300 best universities there are also St. Petersburg State University (240th place), Novosibirsk State University (250th place) and Moscow State Technical University. Bauman (291st place). According to QS data, the citation index at NSU, in contrast to other domestic universities, has also increased.

291 306=

MSTU. Bauman

323 377= 355 350= 373 350= 373 401-410


382 411-420 386 400= 401-410 411-420

Peter the Great SPbPU

441-450 501-550 491-500 601-650 501-550 601-650


501-550 601-650 551-600 551-600

NI SSU named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

551-600 551-600 601-650 551-600 601-650 701+

Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

701-750 701+ 801-1000 701+

PRUE named after G.V. Plekhanov

801-1000 701+

SNIU named after S.P. Queen

801-1000 701+

The rating methodology has undergone minor changes this year. Zoya Zaitseva commented: “First, the ratio of the weights of votes of domestic and international employers has changed. Previously it was 30/70, from this year the weight will be 50/50. This is a serious plus for Russian universities, which have finally begun to work much more intensively with their contacts in companies. "

In addition, the analysis of the Scopus database has changed. “Previously, we looked at a five-year window capturing quotes from the year the rating was published,” explains Zaitseva. “However, after lengthy discussions with our Academic Council, it was decided to expand the window to six years. So, this year we analyzed citations from 2011-2016 referring to articles published in the period from 2011 to 2015. This increases the significance of the last year in the analysis and gives us a little more accurate data. "

Quacquarelli Symonds experts argue that competent planning of the activities of Russian universities, aimed at improving their reputation, certainly helped them rise in the ranking. “The achievements of Russian universities this year indicate that careful, long-term strategic planning, targeted and consistent investments, as well as the desire for internationalization, will ultimately lead to tangible positive changes in the positions of Russian universities in the ranking. Despite the fact that Russian universities are still hindered by the relatively low results of bibliometric indicators, behind the high results of this year are the desire of Russian universities to strengthen their positions in the international arena and the implementation of international strategy as an integral part of the university's development, ”said Ben Souter, Head of Department Research QS Intelligence Unit.

Sources of

Tomsk Polytechnic University (tpu.ru), 08/06/2017
Department of Education of the Novosibirsk Region (minobr.nso.ru), 08/06/2017
REF RF (referatwork.ru), 08/06/2017
Russia for All (rus.rus4all.ru), 08/06/2017
Pulse of the Planet 24/7 (puls-planety247.ru), 08/06/2017
Lead. Economics (vestifinance.ru), 08/06/2017
National News Service (nsn.fm), 08/06/2017
Medical bulletin (medvestnik.ru), 08/06/2017
Novosibirsk Regional Studies Portal (kraeved.ngonb.ru), 06/13/2017
Methodological note

The best universities in the world in the QS ranking are evaluated based on six criteria:

1. Academic reputation 40% - based on the opinions of professors and teachers conducting scientific activities, as well as top management of universities, about which educational institutions in the world conduct scientific research in their area of ​​competence at the highest level. This is a cumulative estimate, taking into account data for the last 3 years. The respondents name the best universities in each area of ​​research and the best universities in the regions with which they are familiar.

2. Reputation among employers 10% - invitations to participate are sent to companies of all industries, with a size of one hundred employees and above. Both HR directors and top managers who work directly with newly hired university graduates can be responsible.

3. The ratio of the teaching staff to the number of students is 20% - the source of these data is not only the information of the universities themselves, but also the data of state organizations. Whenever possible, the data is checked against several open sources for greater reliability. The number of full-cycle students and the number of full-time teachers are taken into account, part-time students and suppliers are counted according to the conversion rate of 1 to 3. This indicator for Russian universities is one of the best in the world.

4. Citation Index 20% - this criterion includes the number of citations from published scientific research on the number of teachers and researchers working at the university as the main place of work for at least one semester. From 2004 to 2007 citations were calculated based on the Thomson database, since 2007 on the basis of the Elsevier Scopus bibliometric database. Materials published over the past five years are taken into account, self-citations are not taken into account. The Scopus database contains more publications in languages ​​other than English and a larger number of highly specialized scientific publications with a small circulation compared to the Thomson database, and also has a higher number of indexed journals in Russian. Unfortunately, this is one of the most difficult for Russian scientists to improve indicators - both due to their poor command of English and due to a number of other reasons: closed research, lack of international publication among the priorities, complex relations between RAS and universities.

5. The share of foreign students 5% is the easiest statistics to obtain, reflecting the degree of attractiveness of an educational institution in the international arena. Students who are citizens of countries other than the country of study and who are studying on the university campus for at least a semester and who are not exchange students are taken into account.

6. The share of foreign teachers is 5% - as in the previous case, teachers who work full-time or part-time and spend at least one semester at the university are taken into account.

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