Home Fertilizers Chakra connection between lovers. Chakra relationships: husband and wife (about the family on the subtle plane). How is it with you

Chakra connection between lovers. Chakra relationships: husband and wife (about the family on the subtle plane). How is it with you

Which of us does not want to wake up free, happy and natural, with love in our eyes for ourselves and the world around us? Enjoy yourself and all the joys of a multifaceted and captivating life into the unknown? Yes, it is precisely to enjoy the fact that you are the one and only, divine creature worthy of the best.


Change yourself, love yourself - and the world around you will change. We have heard these words more than once. But is it so easy to love yourself? And why, hearing derogatory remarks addressed to us, do we agree with them, taking everything at our own expense?

Such voices of "other people's grandmothers", like echoes of the past childhood, for a long time, and sometimes even our whole life, deprive us of the joy of being ourselves. A kind of defensive system is triggered, protecting the sensory world, but depriving the joy of the sense of "I". Self-love is sometimes associated with other people's love for us.

Dependence on other people's opinions and assessments is perhaps the main reason for our dislike. How can we get rid of the opinion about ourselves imposed on us from the outside and love our own "I"? I want to offer you some advice, in my opinion the only true ones, as a way out of a difficult life problem - “self-dislike”, so that you finally remember about the exciting dance of life.

1. "I am loved and appreciated as much as I love and value myself"

This phrase should become the only correct motto of life on the path of self-love. You yourself can become a source of joy and love.

2. Nobody is perfect

Remember the words from the movie "There are only girls in jazz": "Everyone has their own shortcomings." Love yourself for who you are. Never let yourself be humiliated.

3. Don't compare yourself to others.

You are special and unique. Loving yourself means treating yourself with love.

4. Accept your flaws

Weaknesses in a situation can shine brighter than virtues.

5. Improve yourself

You always have a chance to get better. Loving yourself means constantly working on yourself.

6. Don't think about what others think of you.

They themselves are concerned about what you think of them. Form your positive opinion of yourself.

7. Praise yourself for even your smallest successes.

Repeat to yourself: "I'm just lovely!"

8. Act from your inner motives

Then there will be no feeling that they did something against their will. Respect your thoughts, desires and dreams.

9. Try to make decisions for yourself

So you can appreciate your own importance and independence.

10. Be yourself

Speak and do as you see fit. At the same time, of course, without prejudice to the interests of others.

And then your eyes will sparkle, and a smile of happiness and love will shine on your face, and you will be transformed right before your eyes ... You yourself will become a source of love, joy, light and strength. You will heal in harmony with yourself. You will see, you will succeed! You will become the most beautiful in the world. You just have to be in tune with yourself. And with yourself and with the world around you.

Improve and look for yourself! After all, only by understanding ourselves, we will be able to accept ourselves. Loving yourself and enjoying the joy of life is as natural for a person as the flight of a bird in the sky. This world is for you, this life is for you, and therefore love is for you!

The inner harmony of a person lies in the state of consciousness. Your consciousness perceives the environment without giving subjective assessments of what is happening around you. Exhausting life, health, positive emotions - you are in harmony with your consciousness. When you love the world around you, you are ready to create something new and whole.

Signs of inner harmony

The universe now becomes your helper. You will easily overcome all the obstacles that come your way. You rely only on your feelings, on your inner voice. Everything that happens on your life path will happen in the best way.

Awareness comes to you. Every moment of your life is valuable. You no longer think about the past, and do not look into the future - you live in the present. You start to see people only from the good side. When you communicate with them, you are more trusting than you were before, and you radiate love for those around you. Negative emotions become alien to you.

The world becomes open to you. The best thing that the world gives you is liberation from vices: hatred, resentment and envy recede. You no longer pay attention to the merits and demerits of people close to you, because your feelings are pure. You begin to understand little by little the essence of things.

You are always in a great mood, despite what is happening around. Happiness fills your essence. The world around you gives you a huge amount of positive emotions and events. Smiling within yourself, you attract a response from reality.

You become an inseparable being of nature. Everything in the world around you is interconnected by subtle, subtle threads. We are inseparable from each other because we are participating in a grandiose project. His name is the Universe. It is necessary to love this world, to admire it. Only this contributes to the change of ourselves, the transformation of the surrounding reality. Love, happiness and positive emotions overwhelm you and you are happy.

You have learned to smile truly, from the bottom of your heart, from the depths of your heart. Your inner state is a reflection of your essence. People involuntarily begin to reach out to you, because you radiate harmony and love, are charged with calmness and happiness. The feeling of Gratitude pervades you from within.

An optimist is your credo. You become cheerful, focusing your attention on well-being. You are no longer interested in bad news and people constantly complaining about their life. Your life gives you more and more pleasure.

You begin to monitor health with special care, strengthen your spirit and body. Your food consists only of healthy, fresh food.

The energy that overwhelms you makes you get up from the couch and go towards new hobbies. You strive to learn something unusual, previously unknown. Your inner world also requires development.

Money becomes unimportant to you, it cannot bring balance and joy into your life. You do not need to prove something to someone with the help of them. As soon as you understand this, money itself will come into your life in an amazing way. After all, only inner harmony, happiness and mental attitude are your goal.

True to look fornot in the external conditions of human existence, but within people. It is necessary to develop the soul of every person.
Help him become more merciful, more tolerant, just kinder.

B. Akunin.

We must learn to remain calm during periods of hectic activity and to be internally mobile while remaining calm.

Indira Gandhi

God is inner harmony. Osho.

What is inner harmony? Harmony translated from Greek means connection, order, harmony, harmony, harmony, coherence, proportion, harmonious order, conformity. Is unity in multiplicity. That is, harmony is intended to be a perfect connection between opposite properties.

There is nothing more valuable than being in harmony, in harmony with the whole. On how much depends, in fact, his whole life, his relationship, both with himself and with the world as a whole.

I propose an experiment: observe two different people, a harmonious and inharmonious person. Which one is more pleasant to you? The answer is obvious. For a person who does not feel inner harmony, very often the appearance, environment, leisure leave much to be desired. A harmonious person, on the contrary, radiates the energy of love, both to himself and to other people. He is calm, happy and enjoying his life. This is a self-sufficient person. He does not gossip, criticize, express dissatisfaction, or assert himself at the expense of other people. The eyes of such a person glow with peace. Being next to such a person, you can feel strength and charm. People are intuitively drawn to such a person, feeling their wisdom and possession of truth. In a harmonious person, desires always coincide with possibilities.

How can one be like such a person? How to find inner harmony? Where to begin?

And you need to start with inner work on yourself, on your self-improvement and personal growth. What is behind these words?

To be an internally harmonious person, you need to understand yourself, your nature. Develop your Divine gift and your talents. Do you need to do a thorough analysis, understand what prevents you from being a happy, joyful and healthy person? To do this, you need to know yourself, answer yourself to the question of who I am, what I want, why am I here. These are very important questions that need to be answered. If your goal is to find inner harmony forever (and not for a short period of time), then in this case, you need to prepare for a long and hard work on yourself, on your inner qualities.

Since we live in a society and are constantly in some kind of people around us, inner harmony(like many other personal qualities) are developed in the process of relationships.

Inner harmony appears from love for oneself, from acceptance and understanding, both of oneself and of other people. The ancients called us: Cognosce te ipsum,. They believed that this phrase contained the absolute truth. And in order to know yourself, you need to study all your life.

Many people mistakenly try to achieve harmony through the acquisition of external material goods. But the state of harmony belongs to the spiritual category, it cannot be achieved through the acquisition of various material goods. This path will not lead to the achievement of the desired. Material goods appear as a reflection of spiritual life.

To put it simply, harmony must not be achieved, it must be discovered in oneself. Harmony is our true nature. Discovering your true nature, realizing your values, attitudes, attitude towards yourself and towards people, an understanding appears that leads to inner harmony.

What do you do, for example, when things don't turn out the way you would like? What are you doing, what thoughts and feelings do you have? If you are angry and indignant, feel dissatisfied and irritated, then you need to understand that negative emotions and feelings never solve the conflicts that arise effectively. If you want to achieve inner harmony, learn to calmly respond to problems. Try to resolve conflicts constructively, calmly, and without emotion.

Hello dear readers! Constant vanity, noise, endless information flows. You get so tired of all this. Even your favorite sofa does not give the rest you want to achieve. Accumulated fatigue, which does not allow you to breathe out calmly.

Psychology gives many answers to the question of how to find harmony within oneself, but is it so easy to put all this into practice? Not everyone is able to find inner peace, especially since the advice is so simple that in real life it is difficult to follow them. For the umpteenth time I come to the conclusion that the simpler the solution path, the more difficult it is to achieve it.

Nevertheless, let's try.

The thoughts that weigh us down

First of all, in order to find peace in the soul, one must learn to stop and stop thinking. 99% of the time we are busy thinking about everyday problems: what to eat, it's time to wash, how, is it worth it, and so on.

We think about the past and. We regret the wrong decision, scold ourselves for imperfect actions, strive for something, discipline, control.

We find the only way to drown out all these reflections is to fill our heads with new information streams: turn on the music louder, the program on TV is dumber. We check the news on social networks, just to be busy reading some nonsense and stop talking about important, but already annoying and burdensome things.

This method will not work to find harmony with oneself. On the contrary, psychologists around the world recommend learning how to turn off thoughts through meditation or simply immersion in natural sounds.

Even Jesus went into the wilderness to listen to the voice of the wind and his own breath. In this atmosphere, the easiest way is to learn to hear yourself, bring to the end reflections on the frailty of life and find peace in our crazy world.

Do not hurry

The previous point is just the first attempt to calm down and stop rushing. It is getting harder and harder to do this. We are constantly chasing happiness, although two people, being in exactly the same conditions, can feel differently: one is absolutely, and the other is experiencing. It's all about how you situation.

All the same two people with the same load can feel differently, one - exhausted, living on an inhuman schedule, and the second just does what he likes. To stop feeling sorry for yourself, to accept your destiny and to every moment is also a guarantee of success and finding inner harmony.

Stop periodically and ask yourself if I like what I am doing now. How can I please myself? I am sure that many of your everyday worries will delight you more if you stop thinking about fatigue and begin to feel pleasure from the process.

Not everything in this world is forcing us to do, we do not always have no choice.


The easiest way to escape from the daily hustle and bustle is. This allows you to combine both of the previous rules. It will be a kind of training. Firstly, you drown out the sounds of the world, you are transported into another dimension, full of calm, and, secondly, you can learn to stop chasing fulfillment.

I can offer you a book Tit Nat Hana “Silence. Peace of mind in a world full of noise "... She introduces into some kind of special state of calm. While you are reading, your usual affairs and thoughts stop worrying you. It also contains many Buddhist practices, philosophical reflections that reconfigure consciousness.

And yet this is a book about personal growth, psychology, etc. It allows you to relax and forget that you are working on yourself.

But literature also has such an amazing property - to transfer us to special worlds full of tranquility and harmony. I would include among such books “ Dandelion Wine"Ray Bradbury," Notes at the headboard"Sey Senagon," Dao Winnie the Pooh»Benjamin Hoffa.

Love what you do

In general, try to focus your attention on what exactly you love. Women's happiness lies in love for a man, but we do not particularly think about the fact that in the same way we can love walks in the fresh air or fried potatoes.

Try to do what you love every day. Eat sushi today. Swim tomorrow. On the third day, do it. Purposefully fulfill your desires and let each of them make your life better. Love yourself and do everything to enjoy this life.

We usually talk about harmony when we want to emphasize a situation, a moment in which we like everything.

Where each particle performs its function in such a way that the whole becomes beautiful, consistent.

The very word "harmony" evokes pleasant feelings, doesn't it?

And, of course, I want this very harmony to be more in life.

At different times, in different incarnations, harmony in life signified an internal holistic perception of life.

Harmony is an inner state, in which a person lives, feels his events, regardless of external circumstances and the people around him. Regardless of bright events or their absence.

Is it possible to bring harmony into your life in any way?

At least one reliable method is known to us for sure. This is what we will talk about in our article.

You will get acquainted with the concept of harmony, with the manifestations of harmony in the life of real people, you will learn the very way that we use to feel harmony in ourselves.

You will see what is the difference in understanding of harmony between men and women. We will tell you examples of the most different lives where harmony has been manifested.

What is harmony

HARMONY (Greek harmonia - connection, harmony, proportionality), proportionality of parts, fusion of various components of an object into a single organic whole. In ancient Greek philosophy - the organization of the Cosmos, as opposed to Chaos. In the history of aesthetics, it was considered as an essential characteristic of beauty (Great Encyclopedic Dictionary).

The definition is beautiful. But how is harmony expressed in life?

We are talking about harmony in music and art. It is present in works that have survived centuries and happens in everyday life.

Once I had to witness an ordinary situation. One friend told another about a brand new renovation:

“You know, when I saw the walls, I was even scared, did not understand how it occurred to you to combine these two types of wallpaper? They don't fit together! But now that you put the furniture in, everything fits so well! So harmoniously combined! How did you manage that?"

Interesting, right? While only a part was visible, harmony was not discerned. But, as soon as the whole manifested itself, it caused completely different feelings.

If you look at the artist's painting up close, you may begin to ripple in the eyes from multi-colored strokes. We see particles, but the whole eludes us.

It is worth taking a couple of steps back, and all the splendor of talent will unfold before us: the clear ocean water, a desert landscape, or a picture with fruits filled with the scent of summer.

Moving slightly away, we saw a harmonious whole.

Harmony is difficult to convey in words, but we feel it with our souls. Of course, not every picture, not every melody resonates in the soul. We consider something to be harmonious for ourselves, but something not.

That is, there is an invisible tuning fork in us that responds to a certain vibration of the outside world.

And when the soul responds to what is happening around with positive emotions and feelings, we can talk about the harmony of life.

Where to find your harmony

How to feel your inner harmony? It is easiest to remember yourself in a situation that has been preserved in memory as harmonious. Perhaps a person's whole life was harmonious?

  • What did the person do in that life?
  • What did his soul feel and feel?
  • What is the state of "harmonious life"?

Students went to find answers to these questions in their past lives at one of the classes at the Institute of Reincarnation. Everyone saw one or more harmonious incarnations and managed to understand how the perception of a harmonious life differs depending on:

  • era,
  • gender,
  • social status,
  • lifestyle
  • habits.

What is the difference between male and female perception of harmony

Such research always gives vivid sensations, since one and the same person has the opportunity to remember his harmonious life in both male and female images.

It is possible to compare the perception of harmony between a man and a woman from their own experience.

Vitaly D .:

How similar they are on the one hand, but also these different harmonies. In the male embodiment, it is rather harmony with the world, in the female - harmony within your world. At the level of sensations "in the body" I also felt a certain difference.

Marina Sh .:

I saw my life in a male body. It's a very unusual experience to be in a male body. An understanding of a deeper vision of the male way of thinking, inner state, sensations and feelings comes.

It is very interesting to feel yourself in a different body, with a different perception of the world.

Such memories of various incarnations allow us better understand your partners, do not demand from them what is not inherent in their nature.

Harmony in life and success in society. Compatibility or contradiction?

Can a life associated with power and great success be harmonious?

Or is the manifestation of oneself as a successful person in society preserved in our memory somehow differently?

Let us turn to how students retained their past lives, where they achieved serious social success.

Oksana S .:

I saw the life of a man who lived in Prague and bred Arabian horses. This was the most harmonious male embodiment for me!

Lyudmila N .:

I am a thin young man living in Oakland, USA. I'm on the podium. The meeting is in progress. I see UN stars. I listen to the speakers, I feel satisfaction and a sense of my power.

Svetlana V .:

I managed to see a new incarnation - I'm a man. The captain of his yacht. A very harmonious embodiment in all areas. In the body I felt the hairs on the legs, the muscles of the body, the feet and manhood.

Harmony from the fact that he himself - master of his own destiny, the captain of his ship.

Roman M .:

It was one of the lost villages of Tibet. I realized in the boy's body that important guests came to me - they were monks. Sweets and strange objects of worship and everyday life were laid out in front of the boy. I knew exactly what choice I had to make, since I was the incarnation of the past teacher of these monks a few years ago.

You can see that lives are very different.

In any case, in these stories, personal success comes first - realizing oneself in a leadership role, be it a religious association or a personal yacht.

The memory of our students has preserved these lives as harmonious. Harmonious life gave feeling of fullness of life, self-importance and integrity.

Please note that all of these stories are about male incarnations. This confirms that social success is much more important than male nature.

Will modern women, who are so hard trying to realize themselves in business and career, remember this embodiment as harmonious?

Let's leave this question open for future generations of reincarnation to explore.

How harmony is manifested in love and family

The experience of traveling to past lives shows that life is perceived as harmonious, family is an important component.

Here there are some differences between men and women in how they perceive harmony in the family. Here are some examples from past lives.

Ksenia L .:

Finally, I found that very resource state that I had been waiting for so long - a harmonious embodiment in a woman's body. I characterize it as a "sun" for each and every one, which follows its own path.

Even if she does not create masterpieces, does not turn around with money, but, ideally fulfills the role of mother, wife and mistress. And everything turns out so dashingly, blissfully, that just "ah"!

Until now, at the level of the solar plexus, this is preserved in me feeling - of a whole person.

Larisa G .:

I saw a male incarnation. Mediterranean coast, 15-16th century. The man is the captain on a small fishing ship. He stands on the bridge at the helm. Wind in the face, seagulls fly by.

Feels freedom, confidence, lightness, a sense of connection with the sea and nature. This is his element. In a small house on the shore, he has a beloved wife and 2 children. He loves them very much.

Alexandra N .:

I was a woman in the Middle Ages, next to whom there was a beloved man. I felt a sense of love and deep mutual affection.

What events did not happen, everyday, joyful or bad, we dealt with them. This love, support and gentleness simply harmonized everything around, in the eyes of this woman.

Irina P .:

And I also remember the feelings of an adult 40-year-old man who returned home after a long absence. He was met by his wife and 2 sons.

A feeling of nagging tenderness and pride: "it is worth living for this." Purely masculine in my feelings.

It can be noted that in male and female incarnations there are differences in understanding the harmony of family life:

In male incarnations, external manifestations are more noticeable, for example, it is valuable for a man to be met at home, waited and loved. This gives him strength. For him important is the case, the manifestation of oneself outside the family.

For a woman, happiness is in the house and children, in a reliable man's shoulder. More important here inner happiness, inner state, regardless of social implementation.

Harmony in silence. Rest of the soul or a way of self-knowledge?

There is another very interesting point.

Sometimes it seems to us that life should be filled with significant events, or be important mission, great external success.

But it is not always the case. The harmony of life can manifest itself in the simplest situations. Read some more stories about past incarnations.

Olga L .:

I saw my life in the male body of a Tibetan elder monk. This state of inner harmony and tranquility, with attunement with nature, is very familiar to me lately. Received a strong resource.

Love and.:

I saw myself as a woman in the far north, in the foothills of the Urals. I got an interesting experience of silence (when I was riding in a carriage in a blizzard), when life flows calmly, measuredly, naturally, naturally, without thoughts. Very informative.

It turns out that when nothing happens, when everything goes on as usual, when we are not running ahead of our thoughts - everything is very harmonious.

Svetlana M .:

I was able to trace the life of a woman from England. She sat and did embroidery. I managed to clearly feel her inner state of peace and quiet joy.

It was clear to me that these feelings were based on ACCEPTANCE of everything that happened, without any judgments. I realized how it is right for my current life.

These are examples when it seemed that nothing important was happening in life.

It is interesting that our memory retains such incarnations not at all as empty or incorrect. Vice versa!

By the memory, such lives are preserved as a wonderful, wonderful and wonderful experience of the Soul. This is another an opportunity to feel the taste of the current life.

And here is the conclusion after working on this topic.


I found out for myself that everyone has their own harmonious incarnations - starting with the little things, such as drinking water from a spring or staying in a family circle, enjoying the closeness of relatives or living alone somewhere in a monastery, which can also mean a certain harmony.

Consequently, the experience of a harmonious life is completely different.

But there is one thing in common: it is a state of joy, goodness, unity and unity of inner feelings with the outside world.

For some, harmony depends on external circumstances and situations. It is possible for someone to be in a state of harmony, harmony with oneself and with the world, regardless of what happens from the outside.

Having become acquainted with your inner harmony tuning fork, having once heard its sound, it is no longer possible to forget. The beauty of such an experience is that at any moment you can re-tune in with this inner feeling and be in a state of harmony here and now.

Why do you need to tune in with your inner harmony? Here are the five most obvious reasons:

1. Feeling yourself in harmony is pleasant in itself.

2. This is one way to calm down.

Often a person looks at other people and worries that his life does not have what is in the lives of other people.

For example, there is no high position, there is not enough activity or bright events. But it is likely that one day, having felt his inner harmony, a person will no longer want to compare his life. He will understand that everything is harmonious in his life.

3. And vice versa, this is one of the ways to push yourself towards achievements, if inner harmony consists in greater activity than it has manifested up to now.

4. You can better understand yourself and your partner., to become less dependent on the rules imposed by anyone, attitudes in the sphere of personal relationships.

For example, having seen her harmonious life in a male image, it is easier for a woman to understand the male attitude towards love and family. And vice versa, remembering his life in the image of a loving woman, the woman's understanding of love becomes clearer for a man. This helps to smooth out misunderstandings in relationships and reduce stress levels.

5. Understanding inner harmony can make a person more free. This means that he can more easily afford what is closer to his soul, because he began to feel what actually makes his life harmonious.

We wish you to hear yourself, your inner harmony of life!

  • What is the concept of “harmonious life” for you?
  • Do you feel harmony in your real life?
  • What helps or would help you to feel harmony?

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